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    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    ( )1.What time is it nw?
    A.Abut 5: 20 pm.B.Abut 5: 40 pm.C.Abut 6: 00 pm.
    ( )2.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.The language t learn.B.The film t watch.C.The curse t attend.
    ( )3.What will the man d tnight?
    A.Attend a meeting.B.G t a club.C.Stay at hme.
    ( )4.Where are the speakers?
    A.In a stre.B.In a restaurant.C.In a bank.
    ( )5.Why did the man leave his previus jb?
    A.T study further.B.T becme famus.C.T find a new jb.
    ( )6.What des the wman prbably d?
    A.A dctr.B.An assistant.C.A prfessr.
    ( )7.When will the man g t see the dctr?
    A.On Wednesday.B.On Thursday.C.On Friday.
    ( )8.What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A.A building.B.A designer.C.A picture.
    ( )9.Which subject des the wman like best?
    ( )10.Hw did Andy feel when he first arrived at the classrm?
    A.Excited and pleased.B.Anxius and afraid.C.Embarrassed and annyed.
    ( )11.What can we knw abut Mr Perry?
    A.He is strict.B.He is energetic.C.He is funny.
    ( )12.Why did the bell ring at 12: 00?
    A.T tell students class is ver.
    B.T tell students t have lunch.
    C.T remind students t attend class.
    ( )13.What des the man think f Lucy’s taking flying lessns?
    ( )14.What des Lucy wrk as?
    A.A pilt.B.A nurse.C.A dctr.
    ( )15.What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A.Teach in a cllege.B.Start her wn restaurant.C.Teach an Italian cking class.
    ( )16.What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Brther and sister.B.Husband and wife.C.Teacher and student.
    ( )17.Where des the speaker cme frm?
    ( )18.What d English peple think f Americans?
    ( )19.What did the speaker like t d in the afternn in England?
    A.Have a cup f tea.B.Watch cmedy shws.C.Play with his friends.
    ( )20.What did the speaker find amazing in England?
    A.The TV prgrams.B.The ld buildings.C.The tea shps.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Mexic has mre than just beaches. Several Mexican cities have been recgnized as frming part f the heritage f humanity and are cnsidered t be f utstanding universal value.
    Oaxaca and the nearby archaelgical site Mnte Alban have bth been recgnized by UNESCO. Oaxaca, the capital city f the state f the same name, was funded in 1529 and ffers a gd example f previus Spanish twn planning. Oaxaca is cnsidered ne f Mexic’s best fdie destinatins. Learn what fds and drinks yu shuld try in Oaxaca.
    As a silver mining twn in the past, Guanajuat seems special. The winding streets and small squares give it a mre friendly feel than sme f the ther cities. This is a student twn with a vibrant culture and an imprtant cultural festival—the Internatinal Cervantin Festival which is held every Octber.
    Puebla is ne f Mexic’s large cities, but its histrical center can easily be explred n ft. It has sme special histrical structures such as the 16th-century cathedral and sme ther fine buildings with walls cvered in tiles.
    Mrelia, the capital f the state f Michacán, was riginally called Valladlid, but its name was changed in hnr f independence her Jsé María Mrels y Pavón. The Muse del Dulce is a stp yu shuldn’t miss in Mrelia. Visits t nearby Patzcuar r the reserves are als recmmended n a trip t Mrelia.
    ( )21.What are visitrs recmmended t d in Oaxaca?
    A.Walk n a beach.B.Enjy lcal cuisine.C.Visit a student twn.D.Jin a cultural festival.
    ( )22.What des Puebla feature?
    A.Architecture.B.Reserves.C.Silver mining.D.Fds and drinks.
    ( )23.Which place’s name is related t a her?
    When my wife and I didn’t wrk lng, ur budget was tight. We tried t save as much mney as pssible s we culd affrd verspend ccasinally. At the same time, we benefited a lt frm the kindness f lcal stre wners.
    When my wife was expecting ur child, she develped a craving fr a lcal Chinese restaurant’s versin f tai dp vy, a mixture f meat, shrimp and vegetables. Even thugh they rarely saw us, the wners remembered us. One evening, I rdered tai dp vy. They enthusiastically treated me and said, “There is sme fried rice fr yur wife. Have a healthy baby.” The bag was bviusly heavier than nrmal. When I gt hme, there was nt nly fried rice but als tw rders f tai dp vy.
    That was many years ag. But thse small kindnesses frm lcals made a difference. Custmers were seen as mre than a surce f prfit. We were members f the cmmunity that lcal businesses served.
    The genersity I experienced years ag hasn’t disappeared. I witnessed it recently at my lcal farmers’ market. A family was debating whether t add anther vegetable t the rder. The farmer served them and said, “Srry, I frgt. I have s many vegetables this year. Buy tw, and yu’ll get anther fr free. Pick ut any ne yu like.” I thught the farmer was being mrally flexible: n prices n the prduce, but everything is fairly priced. Fairness is in the sense that care and kindness are parts f the merchant-client relatinship.
    The kindness f merchants is a sign f smething deeper: We are all making ur shared way tgether. Fr my part, I will cntinue t supprt farmers’ markets and family-run restaurants. I am happy t make a fair ffer.
    ( )24.What des the underlined wrd “craving” in paragraph 2 mean?
    ( )25.Why des the authr mentin the experience f buying tai dp vy?
    A.T praise Chinese meals.B.T prve lve fr his wife.
    C.T shw human gdness.D.T express his thanks t the wners.
    ( )26.What is the authr’s attitude t the farmer in paragraph 4?
    ( )27.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Tight budget, happy lifeB.Lw prices, fair business
    C.Tasty tai dp vy, deep lveD.Small businesses, big kindnesses
    Dandelin (蒲公英) seeds are sme f the best flyers in nature, catching the wind and spreading as far as 100 kilmeters. Each dandelin seed is tied by a thin tube t arund 100 hairs, which frm the parachute-like (类似降落伞的) structure. When seeds break free frm the flwer head, these hairs catch the wind and carry their seeds. This hairy parachute clses when the air is humid (潮湿的), which ften means the wind is weak. In drier and windier cnditins, dandelins widen their parachutes t better catch the wind s the seeds can fly freely.
    Hwever, in the past, nbdy knew hw they sense and respnd t their envirnment s effectively.
    Nw researchers have uncvered the secret “thinking” behind dandelins’ spreading seeds. Their wrk, published in Nature Cmmunicatins, fund the seed-carrying parachutes pen and clse using smething like actuatrs—devices that change signals int mvement—withut using active input f energy. The center f the parachutes senses the humidity f their immediate envirnment by absrbing water mlecules (分子) frm the air. Respnding t these humidity signals, they either pen their parachutes and fly away, r clse their parachutes and stay put.
    Study authr Dr. Nami Nakayama f the Department f Biengineering wh led the wrk said that their findings reveal hw the dandelin ensures the survival f its species by making perhaps the mst imprtant decisin in a plant’s life—t stay r g t seek a better habitat.
    “Understanding hw dandelins wrk is fascinating because the dandelin is the fundatin f ecsystems. It feeds insects and birds,” Nakayama says. “S, the envirnmental sensitivity f their flight is an imprtant tpic fr us t understand hw nature will change in future climates.”
    ( )28.What can be learned frm paragraph 1?
    A.Dandelin seeds have a tube-like design.
    B.A dandelin flwer cnsists f 100 hairs.
    C.Dandelin seeds begin t grw in dry weather.
    D.The dandelin parachute clses n wet mrnings.
    ( )29.What d researchers find abut the dandelin?
    A.Its hairs catch the wind easily.
    B.Its actuatr needs extra energy t functin.
    C.The middle f its parachute measures humidity.
    D.The shape f its actuatr was changed by the wind.
    ( )30.Why d they study hw dandelins wrk accrding t Nakayama?
    A.T feed mre insects and birds.
    B.T better learn abut climate change.
    C.T change dandelins’ living envirnment.
    D.T further explain their rle in ecsystems.
    ( )31.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.Why dandelin seeds “prefer” the wind.
    B.Hw dandelins “tell” us their destinatins.
    C.Hw dandelins “decide” t spread their seeds.
    D.Why dandelin seeds “create” parachute-like structures.
    “The new nrmal” is ne f thse phrases that can accurately apply t a wide variety f life situatins, including a medical diagnsis, death r change in life and wrk. The phrase implies bth the newness f each f thse circumstances, as well as the necessity that they will need t be nrmalized, integrated int the reality f ur daily lives. Once we’ve settled int new rutines and emtinal patterns, ur “nrmal” wn’t be quite s new anymre, will it? The questin is a subject f debate.
    There is a large middle grund between the event that increases the need fr “the new nrmal” and its final acceptance. Sme peple think it can’t handle tragedies. But the phrase keeps cming up in cnversatin, and it has made me realize that“nrmal”is the last wrd I wuld use t describe the fragile place I currently ccupy. I find myself there as I murn the lss f my grandfather, wh died in September. Fr example, the new nrmal is t have Thanksgiving withut Grandfather, then t remember him n what wuld have been his 75th birthday just a few days later. In ther wrds, during this year f firsts, the new nrmal is a time f transitin, nt f arrival.
    It strikes me that this is smething t be celebrated, nt wrried ver. Part f living psitively is meeting urselves wherever we are. And as I cntinue t navigate this in-between time, this perid f slwly accepting my father’s absence frm the Earth, I recgnize that each step alng the way is a wrthwhile part f a healthy grieving prcess.
    The same idea wuld apply t mre psitive changes, like a new hme r jb, as well as the challenges f the end f a relatinship r a difficult medical reality. The new nrmal isn’t smething any f us step int all at nce. It’s smething we becme, mve tward, and, eventually, accept. Let’s nt be in a rush t reach that destinatin. The jurney has much t teach us.
    ( )32.Which ccasin shuld “the new nrmal” be applied t?
    A.A persn’s illness utbreak.B.A persn’s rutine wrking.
    C.A persn’s cnstantly nrmal life.D.A persn’s annual birthday celebratin.
    ( )33.What des the authr discuss abut the new nrmal in paragraph 2?
    A.The fear f it.B.The attitude t it.
    C.The reasn fr accepting it.D.The difficulty in describing it.
    ( )34.What has the authr learned t d frm Thanksgiving withut Grandfather?
    A.Frget the dead.B.Live ptimistically.
    C.Treasure the prcess ver the result.D.Murn ver a family member’s absence.
    ( )35.What is the authr’s main purpse in writing the text?
    A.T tell us t value ur past challenges.B.T tell us sme meaningful life stries.
    C.T teach us hw t handle ur tragedies.D.T teach us hw t cpe with life changes.
    Back pain can make it difficult fr yu t functin in daily life. T be exact, it can affect hw yu mve, feel and think, leaving yu n chice but t take sme kind f actin. 36
    Mve mre
    Regular mvement helps keep yur bdy flexible and pain-free, especially fr yur back muscles. 37 , set a time r t remind yu t get up and mve every hur. Adding abut 10 minutes f activity t yur day imprves yur verall health and increases yur length f life.
    Switch sides
    Using yur dminant side t much can lead t muscle imbalances and mre back pain and injuries. 38 , like pening drs r carrying bags, which can cause yu t lean t ne side. Remember t switch sides when carrying things, try using yur nn-dminant hand and change where yu sit n the cuch t prevent this.
    Crrect imbalances
    39 , yu shuld als be aware f and crrect imbalances in mvements meant t be symmetrical (对称的). These include walking, running, cycling, swimming and the like. Yur bdy is designed t perfrm these activities in a balanced and alternating pattern.
    Mst mental stress is caused by fcusing n the past r future, and actively being mindful f the present mment reduces stress. Stay active, and stp thinking abut the past r wrrying abut the future. Ding mindfulness practices and having breathing breaks int yur rutine can be effective in reducing back pain.
    A.Live fr tday
    B.Remember the past
    C.If yu sit fr a lng time
    D.Think abut yur everyday activities
    E.Just as yu switch sides t balance yur bdy
    F.Because it is time t let such imbalances cntinue
    G.Read n fr the fllwing everyday fixes t relieve the pain
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    A hmeless man hung ut in frnt f my barbershp. He 41 peple nw and then, “Hell, my friend!” Hwever, he didn’t ask fr 42 thugh he desperately needed it t purchase gds. My shp assistant shwed much 43 t the hmeless man, t. The next day, she called me fr a 44 —$2 and prmised t repay it the next mnth. I saw her 45 it t him. I walked ver and _46_ him in fr a rest. He lked much 47 after we washed his dirty face and cut his messy hair. We 48 him warmly, s he left with his stmach full.
    He 49 my assistant back when he gt his scial security check. That’s when we knew his name was Jack. “I smetimes lse it when I have mney n me,” he said. S eventually I became his “bank” fr his check and 50 it as needed. In the 51 f items, we became friends.
    One 52 evening, I fund Jack lying n the ice utside. He had a fever. I quickly sent him t the hspital. His dctr thught f me as his relative and tk my number. 53 , I became his emergency cntact. He 54 under the care f my assistant and me. 55 my kindness, he ffered t help me with the chres in the shp. Meanwhile, I taught him hw t cut hair. He was a (n) 56 learner. As was expected, he became my cmpetent assistant sn.
    Business in my barbershp was s bming that we were 57 in wrking every day. A few years later, we had 58 , and we each had t manage a shp. Nw we have the 59 pwer t d charity wrk. We believe with gd thughts, 60 things will cme.
    ( )41.A.avidedB.askedC.greetedD.guided
    ( )42.A.fdB.mneyC.kindnessD.advice
    ( )43.A.sympathyB.benefitC.annyanceD.defence
    ( )44.A.riseB.jbC.livingD.lan
    ( )45.A.handingB.admittingC.recmmendingD.wing
    ( )46.A.trappedB.frcedC.invitedD.fund
    ( )47.A.luckierB.neaterC.darkerD.wiser
    ( )48.A.entertainedB.cmfrtedC.applaudedD.educated
    ( )49.A.calledB.paidC.keptD.held
    ( )50.A.transfrmedB.brrwedC.identifiedD.cashed
    ( )51.A.exchangeB.directinC.divisinD.categry
    ( )52.A.harmniusB.pleasantC.frstyD.mild
    ( )53.A.InsteadB.HweverC.OtherwiseD.Therefre
    ( )54.A.aplgizedB.recveredC.expldedD.backed
    ( )55.A.Far frmB.Apart frmC.In return frD.In favr f
    ( )56.A.efficientB.awkwardC.sensryD.passive
    ( )57.A.vagueB.generusC.cnfusedD.engaged
    ( )58.A.apartmentsB.branchesC.custmersD.neighbrs
    ( )59.A.administrativeB.pliticalC.financialD.psychlgical
    ( )60.A.cmplexB.rughC.humbleD.awesme
    Internatinal students in China are 61 (deep) fascinated by the cuntry’s rich histry, diverse traditins and prfund philsphical teachings. In the meantime, They are 62 (amaze) t find that learning abut Chinese culture has bradened their hrizns and deepened their appreciatin f the beauty and wisdm it cntains.
    Ren Valeryia is the first-year freign pstgraduate student at the Renmin University f China in Beijing. Her jurney f knwing abut Chinese language and culture 63 (begin) in 2019 when she arrived at Tsinghua University fr a language-learning prgram. “The mre time I spent in China, the mre I fell in lve with it. I felt it was 64 same as being at hme, safe and calm,” she said. Realizing that she wanted t keep 65 (live) in China, Ren decided t pursue a master’s degree in financial technlgy at the Chinese university.
    She has been warmly welcmed by the passinate teachers and 66 (enthusiasm) classmates. Thrugh lively cnversatins, cultural activities and language exchanges, Ren has nt nly imprved her language skills but als develped a deeper understanding 67 a cmpletely different set f Chinese traditins, 68 (value) and custms. It is wrth mentining these interactins thrugh 69 lifelng friendships have been frmed, ging beynd language barriers and creating a sense f unity amng diverse cultures. Mrever, being in China has given her a whle new perspective, and this first-hand experience has enabled her 70 (appreciate) the cuntry’s multifaceted nature.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    I bught a bk abut mtivatin the few weeks ag. My mther asked me that I wuld like t share it with thers when she finished reading the bk. Of curse, I was willingly t give it t thse wh wanted it. It ccurs t me that I shuld send it t my friend, Pam. She supprted me thrugh my learning jurney but I value d her friendship greatly. Frtunately, she was being admitted int a key university last year. I tld her pass it n t smene else if it wasn’t fit t her. I hped that it wuld be reading instead f sitting n my bkshelf.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    假定你是李华,你校英文报正在举办题为“An Unfrgettable Festival”的征文活动。请你就此写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    M: Hell. Internatinal Friends Club. Can I help yu?
    W: Oh, hell. I read abut yur club in the paper tday and I thught I’d phne t find ut a bit mre.
    M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a srt f scial club fr peple frm different cuntries. It’s quite a new club—we have abut 50 members at the mment, but we are grwing all the time.
    W: That sunds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came t Washingtn abut three mnths ag. I’m lking fr ways t meet peple. Er, what kinds f events d yu rganize?
    M: Well, we have scial get-tgethers, and sprts events, and we als have language evenings.
    W: Culd yu tell me smething abut the language evenings?
    M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. Peple can cme and practice their languages—yu knw, ver a drink r smething. We have different languages n different evenings. Mnday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant fr anyne wh wants t cme.
    W: Well, that sunds great. I really need t practice my French.
    M: OK. Well, if yu can just give me yur name and address, I’ll send yu the frm and sme mre infrmatin. If yu jin nw, yu can have the first mnth free.
    M: Excuse me. Can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.
    (Text 1)
    M: I’m in truble. I have t get these letters t the pst ffice befre it clses at 6 pm, and it’s almst 6 pm already.
    W: Take it easy. This clck is twenty minutes fast.
    (Text 2)
    W: Sam, which ptinal curse will yu take this semester?
    M: Film studies, I guess. But I’ll cnsider French as an alternative.
    (Text 3)
    W: Wuld yu like t g t the club tnight?
    M: I’d rather stay at hme and watch TV. I have t get up early t attend a meeting tmrrw. (Text 4)
    M: These tw ties lk very nice. Hw much are they?
    W: It was riginally 60 punds fr each, but if yu buy tw, yu will get anther ne free.
    M: OK. I will take three.
    (Text 5)
    W: Welcme t ur cmpany. We’d like yu t tell us abut yur wrk experience.
    M: I wrked at a famus cmpany fr tw years.
    W: Can yu tell us why yu left?
    M: I left because I went back t study and get my master’s degree.
    (Text 6)
    W: Gd mrning. This is Dctr White’s ffice. May I help yu?
    M: I’d like t make an appintment t see the dctr this week.
    W: Well, I’m afraid he is fully bked n Mnday and Tuesday. Hw abut Wednesday?
    M: I have classes at the university n Wednesday. Will Thursday be OK?
    W: Srry. I’m afraid he is fully bked n Thursday t.
    M: Friday?
    W: Yes! He will be free n Friday this week. Hw abut Friday mrning?
    M: I prefer sme time in the afternn if it’s pssible. Thank yu!
    (Text 7)
    W: Yu knw, I’ve never seen the pictures yu tk f New Yrk.
    M: Didn’t I shw them t yu after I gt back? Well, I have them with me. Lk at this ne.
    W: Fantastic. Where was this taken?
    M: Frm the tp f the Wrld Trade Center. D yu knw the Statue f Liberty was designed by a Frenchman?
    W: Uh-huh. Barthldi. It was given t the United States by France n the 100th birthday f the US independence.
    M: Yu knw a lt abut histry.
    W: Histry is my favrite subject!
    M: Oh, I thught yu like math best! Well, let’s lk at anther ne.
    (Text 8)
    W: Hw was yur first day in the new schl, Andy?
    M: Tday isn’t bad, thugh I arrived at the classrm with anxiety and fear.
    W: That’s great. What abut yur teacher?
    M: Oh, d yu mean Mr Perry? He said t me with a sft vice, which cmfrted me.
    W: What is the difference between the new schl and the ld ne?
    M: Mr Perry gave each f us a piece f paper which was abut “curse requirements”. I had never gt this befre. Then he asked us t chse the seat we liked.
    W: Yu said it. Mr Perry is always kind and strict.
    M: I think that’s the reasn why my parents asked me t travel a lng distance t be a student f Mr Perry.
    W: It wuld be gd fr yur future. And any funny stries tday?
    M: Yes. I went back t the classrm when the bell rang at 12: 00.But my teacher tld me it was the lunch bell. I felt embarrassed, yu knw.
    (Text 9)
    M: Gina, Gina... Gina? What are yu ding?
    W: Oh, I was just thinking abut ur cnversatin with Lucy the ther night. I hpe Lucy can find smeplace t take flying lessns.
    M: I am surprised. I have n idea that Lucy is interested in learning hw t fly.
    W: And d yu knw she wants t leave her jb and g back t schl? She says she desn’t have enugh respnsibility as a nurse. She wants t be a dctr. I hpe her dream cmes true.
    M: Me t. By the way, are yu still thinking abut pening an Italian restaurant?
    W: I wish I culd. But I can’t d that unless I have a lt f mney.
    M: I knw. Smetimes I wish we’d win a lt f mney. But we need t be mre realistic. Why dn’t yu cnsider teaching an Italian cking class? Yu’re a great ck and yu culd d it at hme.
    W: Frank, that’s nt a bad idea. I culd get mre experience and build a reputatin. And then, eventually, I might be able t teach an evening class at ne f the cmmunity clleges.
    M: See? Aren’t yu glad yu married me? I have gd ideas smetimes.
    听下面一段独白,回答第17 至第20四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。
    (Text 10)
    M: The mst unfrgettable experience I’ve ever had? Well, that was three years ag when I was in cllege, I spent a term studying in Lndn. Even thugh we speak the same language, English peple and Americans are very different. They think that we Americans are friendly and that we have a strng desire t be successful and rich. And I think the British are quiet and gentle. I lve the lifestyle there. Ging ut fr afternn tea was fun, and I always did that with my friends. And I really lve the ld buildings. We dn’t have anything that ld in the United States, s it is pretty amazing! By the way, I als went t Australia nce. The buildings there aren’t s attractive either. The British als have a different sense f humr. Their cmedy shws n TV are really funny. I’d like t say my experience was a psitive ne. In fact, I’m saving up mney s I can g back there again.
    1~5 BCCAA 6~10 BCCAB 11~15 ABABC 16~20 BACAB
    21~23 BAD 24~27 ACAD 28~31 DCBC 32~35 ABBD 36~40 GCDEA
    41~45 CBADA 46~50 CBABD 51~55 ACDBC 56~60 ADBCD
    61.deeply 62.amazed 63.began 64.the 65.living
    66.enthusiastic 67.f 68.values 69.which 70.t appreciate
    I bught a bk abut mtivatin the few weeks ag. My mther asked me that I wuld like t share it with
    a if/whether
    thers when she finished reading the bk. Of curse, I was willingly t give it t thse wh wanted it.
    I willing
    It ccurs t me that I shuld send it t my friend, Pam. She supprted me thrugh my learning jurney but I valued
    ccurred s/and
    her friendship greatly. Frtunately, she was being admitted int a key university last year. I tld her∧pass it n t
    smene else if it wasn’t fit t her. I hped that it wuld be reading instead f sitting n my bkshelf.
    One pssible versin:
    An Unfrgettable Festival
    On August 15th f the lunar calendar this year, I went back t the cuntryside with my parents and spent the Mid-Autumn Festival with my grandparents.
    At night, we had a family re unin dinner with varius lcal cuisines first. When a glrius full mn hung in the clear sky, we began t taste mn cakes and fruits. I elegantly recited ancient pems abut the Mid-Autumn Festival, pushing the harmnius atmsphere t a climax. Finally, we lit a lantern, n which we wrte ur wishes, and watched it fly away.
    The festival is the mst unfrgettable ne fr me. I think everyne can feel the warmth and happiness in these activities, s I decide t celebrate the traditinal festival tgether

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