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    这是一份2023-2024学年广东省佛山市顺德区容山中学高三上学期十月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含广东省佛山市顺德区容山中学2023-2024学年高三上学期十月月考英语试题原卷版docx、广东省佛山市顺德区容山中学2023-2024学年高三上学期十月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Wrld Bk Day authr A. M. Dassu shares sme tips
    While helping ut at her children’s swimming lessns, authr A. M. Dassu nticed that ne by always put n his scks t sn afterwards. He inspired her t write a picture bk that she called Sggy Scks.
    Tday, many years later, Dassu has published lts f children’s bks. Every day, after taking her children t schl, Dassu ges t her desk t write. “I leave my phne upstairs s I dn’t get distracted, and try t write 800 wrds every day,” she says. Dassu believes that the key t being a successful writer is nt necessarily talent but “getting yur bttm n the seat”.
    The cyclist with far t g
    After 527 days, Liam Garner has cmpleted an amazing achievement. He has cycled almst 20,000 miles frm Alaska, in the very nrth f the US, t Ushuaia-the wrld’s suthernmst city-in the Suth American cuntry f Argentina. Garner, wh was17 years ld when he set ff, said his trip was inspired by a bk he read abut a similar jurney.
    Garner always wanted t have a “big adventure”. During his trip, Garner travelled thrugh 14 cuntries. He camped utside, stayed in hstels r was hsted by lcal families. He faced sme challenges, including an accident that meant he had t take sme time ff. Hwever, he recvered and finally reached his gal f being the yungest persn ever t cycle frm Alaska t Argentina.
    A plastic-waste warrir
    Licypriya Kangujam wn an internatinal award which celebrates peple wh spark glbal change. Licypriya, wh is 11 and frm India, wn it fr her Plastic Mney Shp, where peple can trade in their single-use plastic waste fr useful items such as statinery, rice r yung trees t plant.
    1. What is the key t being a successful writer accrding t Dassu?
    A. Talent.B. Experience.C. Educatin.D. Effrt.
    2. What made Liam Garner’s bicycle trip unique?
    A. The distance he cvered.B. The challenges he faced.
    C. The age when he cmpleted the trip.D. The means f transprtatin he chse.
    3. Which area des Licypriya’s award prbably belng t?
    A. Business.B. Envirnment.C. Finance.D. Ecnmy.
    【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B
    【导语】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了三个著名人物,分别是A. M. Dassu、Liam Garner以及Licypriya Kangujam。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Dassu believes that the key t being a successful writer is nt necessarily talent but “getting yur bttm n the seat”.( Dassu认为,成为一名成功作家的关键并不一定是天赋,而是“脚踏实地”)”可知,Dassu认为成为一名成功作家的关键是努力。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Garner, wh was17 years ld when he set ff, said his trip was inspired by a bk he read abut a similar jurney.( Garner出发时只有17岁,他说他这次旅行的灵感来自于他读的一本关于类似旅行的书)”可知,Liam Garner的自行车之旅的独特之处是他完成旅行的年龄。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Licypriya, wh is 11 and frm India, wn it fr her Plastic Mney Shp, where peple can trade in their single-use plastic waste fr useful items such as statinery, rice r yung trees t plant.(11岁的Licypriya来自印度,她在她的塑料货币商店赢得了这一奖项,在那里,人们可以用一次性塑料废物交换文具、大米或小树等有用的物品)”可知,Licypriya的奖项可能属于环境领域。故选B。
    Grwing up in the Philippines,cnstructin wrker Jhnny Manlugay cmbs the beaches each night fr the eggs f sea turtles. He knws exactly what t lk fr,as he was trained as a child by his grandfather n hw t lcate the animals and their eggs. Back then,his family traded r ate them. It wasn’t abut getting rich as much as it was just a part f life.
    Manlugay has since turned ver a new leaf. Instead,he uses his tracking skills t prtect the sea turtles that visit the beaches he lives by.
    “I’ve learned t lve this wrk,”Manlugay acknwledged in an interview.“We didn’t knw paching(偷猎)was illegal and that we shuld nt eat turtle eggs and meat.”
    Manlugay delicately transferred each egg int a bucket he brught with him,as well as sme sand frm the turtle nests,t be handed ver t Castal Underwater Resurce Management Actins(CURMA),the grup leading the cnservatin prgram n the beaches.
    Established in 2009,the CURMA cnservatin effrt has gradually transfrmed sea turtle pachers int valuable allies(盟友). They manage this by ffering training t ultimately save thusands f turtles and keep their eggs frm ending up everywhere but their nests.
    “We talked t the pachers,and it turned ut paching was just anther means fr them t earn a living,”explained Carls Tamay,the directr f peratins.“They had n chice.”
    On average,sea turtles lay 100 eggs in a nest. The number f nests in the area ranges between 35and 40 each seasn,which runs frm Octber t February. Tamay nted that the figures had dubled during the first year f the COVID pandemic.“Last seasn alne,fr example,we had 75 nests and we released clse t 9,000 hatching,”he shared.
    Once cllected,the eggs are then transferred t CURMA’s hatchery(孵化场)t be reburied in prtected areas. Anther frmer pacher,Jessie Cabagbag,grew up eating turtle meat and eggs like many peple there.“I stpped paching when we underwent training and were taught that what we have been ding was illegal and that these species f turtles are endangered,”he explained. Nw,he admits,“I am truly prud. I am happy that I get t cntribute t the cnservatin f the turtles.”
    4. Why did Jhnny Manlugay hunt turtles as a child?
    A. T make a living.B. T make a frtune.C. T prtect them.D. T lcate them.
    5. Hw des Jhnny Manlugayc deal with the turtle eggs nwadays?
    A. T sell them.
    B. T hatch them.
    C. T hand them ver t a cnservatin rganizatin.
    D. T bury them under sme sand near the turtle nests.
    6. On average,hw many sea turtle eggs are laid in the area seasnally?
    A. Abut 7500.B. Clse t 9.000.
    C. Frm 3500 t 4000.D. Between 3500 and 10000.
    7. What’s the best title fr this passage?
    A. Sea Turtles are Well Prtected in the Philippines.
    B. Lcal Peple in the Philippines Search the Beaches fr Sea Turtle Eggs.
    C. The Cnservatin Prgram Aims t Save Endangered Turtles.
    D. Frmer Turtle Egg Pachers in the Philippines Turn Prtectrs.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. C 7. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Back then,his family traded r ate them. It wasn’t abut getting rich as much as it was just a part f life.”(当时,他的家人用它们来交易或食用。这不是为了发财,而是生活的一部分。)可知,约翰尼·曼卢盖小时候猎杀海龟的原因是谋生。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Manlugay delicately transferred each egg int a bucket he brught with him,as well as sme sand frm the turtle nests,t be handed ver t Castal Underwater Resurce Management Actins(CURMA),the grup leading the cnservatin prgram n the beaches.”(曼卢盖小心翼翼地把每颗蛋都放进随身携带的桶里,还从海龟窝里取出一些沙子,交给海岸水下资源管理行动组织(CURMA),该组织负责海滩的保护项目。)可知,曼卢盖现在把海龟蛋交给一个保护组织。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第七段“On average,sea turtles lay 100 eggs in a nest. The number f nests in the area ranges between 35and 40 each seasn,which runs frm Octber t February.”(海龟平均每窝产100个蛋。该地区每个季节的巢穴数量在35到40个之间,从10月持续到2月。)可知,平均来说,一个季节在这个地区会产下3500 到 4000海龟蛋。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Grwing up in the Philippines,cnstructin wrker Jhnny Manlugay cmbs the beaches each night fr the eggs f sea turtles. He knws exactly what t lk fr,as he was trained as a child by his grandfather n hw t lcate the animals and their eggs. Back then,his family traded r ate them. It wasn’t abut getting rich as much as it was just a part f life.”(在菲律宾长大的建筑工人约翰尼·曼卢盖每天晚上都会在海滩上搜寻海龟的蛋。他很清楚该找什么,因为他小时候就被祖父训练如何定位动物和它们的蛋。当时,他的家人要么交易,要么吃掉它们。这与其说是致富,不如说是生活的一部分。)根据第二段“Manlugay has since turned ver a new leaf. Instead,he uses his tracking skills t prtect the sea turtles that visit the beaches he lives by.”(自那以后,曼鲁盖开始了新的一页。相反,他利用自己的追踪技能来保护那些造访他生活的海滩的海龟。)可知,短文报道了菲律宾前海龟蛋偷猎者成为保护者的故事。故选D项。
    D yu ften cmpare yurself t ther peple? Cmparisns can help t make decisins and mtivate yu but they can als pull yu int a cmparisn trap.
    Whether it’s the number f gals yu’ve scred at ftball r hw many bks yu’ve read, it’s easy t cmpare yurself t smene else. Scientists say it’s a natural behaviur that helps humans learn frm each ther, live happily tgether and achieve mre. Althugh cmparing can be gd fr yu, it’s nt always helpful and yu can find yurself stuck in a cmparisn trap. This is when yu always measure yurself against thers and base yur feelings n hw well they seem t be ding.
    Becky Gddard-Hill is a child therapist (smene wh helps children understand their feelings) and authr f Create Yur Own Cnfidence. She says that cmparisns can make us feel gd and bad abut urselves. “Cmparing up” means seeing smene ding better than yu and using that t inspire yurself t aim higher and try harder. Hwever, Gddard-Hill says, “Smetimes it can make yu feel rubbish abut yurself and knck yur cnfidence.” “Cmparing dwn” is when yu see smene wh seems like they’re nt ding as well as yu. This might make yu feel yu’re ding well, says Gddard-Hill,but it can als stp yu wanting t imprve.
    If yur feelings depend n what ther peple are ding, “Surrund yurself with cheerleaders,” suggests Gddard-Hill. Ntice hw peple make yu feel and spend time with friends wh celebrate yur strengths rather than cmpare themselves t yu. If yu fllw scial media accunts that make yu feel yu are failing in any way, unfllw them. “Find nes that make yu laugh r shw yu lvely places instead,” she says. Finally, fcus n yur wn achievements and hw yu can imprve. “The best persn yu can cmpete with is yurself,” says Gddard-Hill.
    8. Hw des a cmparisn trap affect us?
    A. It makes us fcus n ur wn behaviur.
    B. It stps us frm learning frm each ther.
    C. It prevents us frm living happily tgether.
    D. It bases ur feelings n thers’ achievements.
    9. What’s true abut “Cmparing up” and “Cmparing dwn”?
    A. Bth f them usually enhance ur cnfidence.
    B. Bth f them have advantages and disadvantages.
    C. The frmer is psitive while the latter is negative.
    D. The frmer makes us feel gd while the latter makes us feel bad.
    10. What des Gddard-Hill suggest?
    A. Aiming t be ur best.B. Trying t be the best.
    C. Trying t be a cheerleader.D. Valuing smene else’s achievements.
    11. In which sectin f the magazine can yu find the passage?
    A. Achievement.B. Entertainment.C. Health.D. Plitics.
    【答案】8. D 9. B 10. A 11. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Althugh cmparing can be gd fr yu, it’s nt always helpful and yu can find yurself stuck in a cmparisn trap. This is when yu always measure yurself against thers and base yur feelings n hw well they seem t be ding.(虽然比较对你有好处,但并不总是有帮助的,你会发现自己陷入了比较的陷阱。这是指你总是拿自己和别人比较,把自己的感受建立在他们似乎做得有多好上。)”可知,比较陷阱会让我们总是把自己的感受建立在别人的成就上。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“She says that cmparisns can make us feel gd and bad abut urselves. “Cmparing up” means seeing smene ding better than yu and using that t inspire yurself t aim higher and try harder. Hwever, Gddard-Hill says, “Smetimes it can make yu feel rubbish abut yurself and knck yur cnfidence.” “Cmparing dwn” is when yu see smene wh seems like they’re nt ding as well as yu. This might make yu feel yu’re ding well, says Gddard-Hill, but it can als stp yu wanting t imprve.(她说,比较会让我们自我感觉良好或糟糕。“攀比”是指看到别人做得比你好,并以此激励自己设定更高的目标,更加努力。然而,Gddard-Hill说:“有时它会让你对自己感觉很糟糕,打击你的信心。”“比差”是指你看到某人做得好像没有你好。Gddard-Hill说,这可能会让你觉得自己做得很好,但也会让你不想提高。)”可知,攀比和比差都既有优点又有缺点。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Finally, fcus n yur wn achievements and hw yu can imprve. “The best persn yu can cmpete with is yurself,” says Gddard-Hill.(最后,关注你自己的成就以及如何提高。“你能与之竞争的最好的人就是你自己,”Gddard-Hill说。)”可知,Becky Gddard-Hill建议我们与自己竞争,力争做最好的自己就好。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“Becky Gddard-Hill is a child therapist (smene wh helps children understand their feelings) and authr f Create Yur Own Cnfidence. She says that cmparisns can make us feel gd and bad abut urselves. (Becky Gddard-Hill是一名儿童治疗师(帮助孩子理解自己感受的人),也是《创造你自己的自信》一书的作者。她说,比较会让我们自我感觉良好或糟糕。)”可知,文章主要讲述的是比较会让我们的心理不健康,所以这篇文章选自健康专栏。故选C。
    Hlding the large and heavy “brick” cellphne he’s credited with inventing 50 years ag,Martin Cper talks abut the future.
    Little did he knw when he made the first call n a New Yrk City street frm a heavy Mtrla prttype(原型)that ur wrld wuld cme t be encapsulated n a sleek glass sheath where we search,cnnect,like and buy.
    Cper says he is an ptimist. He believes that advances in mbile technlgy will cntinue t transfrm lives but he is wrried abut risks smartphnes pse t privacy and yung peple.
    “My mst negative pinin is we dn’t have any privacy anymre because everything abut us is nw recrded smeplace and accessible t smebdy wh has enugh intense desire t get it,” the 94-year-ld said in an interview in Barcelna at MWC, the Mbile Wrld Cngress, the wrld’s biggest wireless trade shw, where he was getting a lifetime award.
    Cper sees a dark side t the advances, including the risk t children. One idea, he said, is t have“varius Internets intended fr different audiences.”
    Cper made the first public call frm a handheld prtable telephne n a Manhattan street n April 3,1973,using a prttype device his team at Mtrla had started designing just five mnths earlier.
    Cper used the Dyna-TAC phne t famusly call his ppnent at Bell Labs, wned by AT&T. It was literally the wrld’s first brick phne,weighing 2.5 punds and measuring 11 inches.
    Cper spent the best part f the next decade wrking t bring a cmmercial versin f the device t market.
    The call helped kick-start the cellphne revlutin (革命).
    Cper said he’s “nt crazy” abut the shape f mdern smartphnes. He thinks they will develp s that they’ll be “distributed n yur bdy,” pssibly as sensrs“measuring yur health at all times.”
    Batteries, he said, might be replaced by human energy.The bdy makes energy frm fd,he argues, s it culd pssibly als pwer a phne.Instead f hlding the phne in the hand, fr example, the device culd be placed under the skin.
    12. What des the underlined part “a sleek glass sheath” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. A smartphne.B. A Mtrla prttype.
    C. A “brick” cellphne.D. An riginal cellphne.
    13. What is Cper’s attitude abut the future f the mbile phne?
    A. Mst negative.B. Very subjective.
    C. Dubtful and Disapprving.D. Optimistic but als cncerned.
    14. What can be inferred abut children frm paragraph 5?
    A. They shuld be prvided with a different Internet frm adults.
    B. They shuld have easy access t varius Internets.
    C. They shuld be intrduced t different audiences.
    D. They shuld use varius Internets fr learning materials.
    15. Accrding t Cper, hw might smartphnes be pwered in the future?
    A. By bdy sensrs.B. By human bdy.
    C. By slar energy.D. By advanced batteries.
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. A 15. B
    词义猜测题。根据划线单词后的定语从句“where we search,cnnect, like and buy.(我们可以在那里搜索、连接、点赞和购买。)”可知,划线单词能同时让人们搜索、连接网络、点赞以及上网购物,因此划线单词指的是“智能手机”。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Cper says he is an ptimist. He believes that advances in mbile technlgy will cntinue t transfrm lives but he is wrried abut risks smartphnes pse t privacy and yung peple.(库珀说他是个乐观主义者。他认为,移动技术的进步将继续改变人们的生活,但他担心智能手机会给隐私和年轻人带来风险。)”可知,库珀对智能手机的未来持有乐观的态度,但是不乏抱有担忧。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章第五段“Cper sees a dark side t the advances, including the risk t children. One idea, he said, is t have “varius Internets intended fr different audiences.”(库珀看到了这些进步的阴暗面,包括对儿童的风险。他说,其中一个想法是“为不同的受众提供不同的互联网”。)”可知,马丁·库珀认为不同的受众应该被提供不同的互联网,也就是说应该给孩子提供不同的互联网。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Batteries, he said, might be replaced by human energy. The bdy makes energy frm fd, he argues, s it culd pssibly als pwer a phne. Instead f hlding the phne in the hand, fr example, the device culd be placed under the skin.(他说,电池可能会被人的能量所取代。他认为,人体从食物中获取能量,所以它也可能为手机提供能量。例如,该设备可以放在皮肤下,而不是拿在手里。)”可知,他认为未来的手机有可能从人体获得能量。故选B。
    Fr generatins, the lngest distance that many villagers in Zhadng, Suth China’s Guangxi Zhuang autnmus regin, culd understand was that f the jurney between their village and Nanning, the reginal capital.
    “The first time I came t Zhadng village, I was impressed by its natural beauty. The adbe(土砖)hmes fit perfectly with the green envirnment.” recalls Hansen Nic Rene, a 63-year-ld retired pliceman. “___17___.There was a fireplace, a table, and sme chairs. The bathrm, if there was ne, was in the pigsty. There was very little t suggest that they were living in the 21st Century.”
    The village Hansen visited is in a remte muntainus area in Guangxi’s Hechi city.In 2015, f sme 600 residents in the village, ver half lived under the natinal pverty(贫困)line. At the time f Hansen’s first visit, there were still sme parts f the village that were nt accessible by rad.___18___ “Peple surrunded him ut f curisity. They tk pictures f him with their phnes, as it was the first time we had seen a freigner in ur village.”
    During that visit, Hansen met Xie Wanju, then the first Party secretary f Zhadng.“We will never frget the first mment we met because this changed my whle life. I met the first Party secretary, and he was wrking fr the gvernment fr pverty relief. That was amazing. I said if yu need help, I have time,” Hansen said.___19___
    Under Hansen’s assistance, Xie, with the village’s fficials and ther pverty relief wrkers, develped featured industries, including cattle and sheep raising and fruit planting. ___20___ By Nvember 2020, the whle f Zhadng village had successfully wiped ut pverty. Nw lcal authrities are leading the villagers n a new jurney t rural vitalizatin(振兴).
    A. Their effrts paid ff.
    B. That, in my view, is als a cre spirit f the Party.
    C. But when I entered the huses, I fund peple were pr.
    D. Villager Bi Ynghng, 41, remembers the first time he saw Hansen.
    E. Hansen returned t the city in May2021 after finishing his vluntary wrk.
    F. In 2018,the arrival f a man frm Luxemburg expanded their hrizns acrss cntinents.
    G. Since then, he became knwn by a new identity-the village’s first Party secretary’s assistant.
    【答案】16. F 17. C 18. D 19. G 20. A
    【导语】本文为一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位63岁的退休警察Hansen Nic Rene帮助中国南部广西壮族自治区扎东村脱贫的故事。
    根据下文““The first time I came t Zhadng village, I was impressed by its natural beauty. The adbe(土砖)hmes fit perfectly with the green envirnment.” recalls Hansen Nic Rene, a 63-year-ld retired pliceman. (“我第一次来到扎东村,就被它的自然美景所打动。土砖房与绿色环境完美契合,”一位63岁的退休警察Hansen Nic Rene回忆道。)”可知,下文提到了Hansen Nic Rene,因此空处应该先介绍他的出现。选项F“In 2018,the arrival f a man frm Luxemburg expanded their hrizns acrss cntinents.(2018年,一个来自卢森堡的男人的到来将他们的视野扩展到了各大洲。)”介绍了下文退休警察的出现,与下文内容一致。故选F。
    根据下文“There was a fireplace, a table, and sme chairs. The bathrm, if there was ne, was in the pigsty. There was very little t suggest that they were living in the 21st Century.(房间里有一个壁炉、一张桌子和几把椅子。浴室,如果有话,在猪圈里。几乎没有迹象表明他们生活在21世纪。)”可知,下文描述了屋子里面的布置。选项C“But when I entered the huses, I fund peple were pr.(但是当我进入这些房子时,我发现人们很穷。)”引出下文屋内布置,与下文内容一致。故选C。
    根据下文““Peple surrunded him ut f curisity. They tk pictures f him with their phnes, as it was the first time we had seen a freigner in ur village.”(“人们出于好奇把他团团围住。他们用手机给他拍照,因为这是我们村里第一次见到外国人。”)”可知,下文是一个村民对Hansen Nic Rene第一次到村里时的场景的回忆。选项D“Villager Bi Ynghng,41,remembers the first time he saw Hansen.(41岁的村民Bi Ynghng还记得他第一次见到Hansen的情景。)”引出下文,与下文内容一致。故选D。
    根据上文内容“During that visit, Hansen met Xie Wanju, then the first Party secretary f Zhadng.“We will never frget the first mment we met because this changed my whle life. I met the first Party secretary, and he was wrking fr the gvernment fr pverty relief. That was amazing. I said if yu need help, I have time,” Hansen said.(在那次访问中,Hansen会见了时任扎东市委第一书记谢万菊。“我们永远不会忘记我们相遇的第一刻,因为它改变了我的一生。我见过第一任党委书记,他在政府扶贫工作。太神奇了。我说如果你需要帮助,我有时间。” Hansen说。)”可知,Hansen第一次和书记见面时就提出可以提供帮助。而下一段“Under Hansen’s assistance, Xie, with the village’s fficials and ther pverty relief wrkers, develped featured industries, including cattle and sheep raising and fruit planting.(在Hansen的帮助下,谢与村里的官员和其他扶贫工作者一起,发展了牛羊养殖和水果种植等特色产业。)”可知,Hansen确实帮助了扎东地区人民脱贫。选项G“Since then, he became knwn by a new identity-the village’s first Party secretary’s assistant.(从那以后,他以一个新的身份为人所知——村里的第一书记助理。)”与上文Hansen主动提出帮助相一致,同时也引出下文他确实帮助扎东地区的人民脱贫。故选G。
    根据空前“Under Hansen’s assistance, Xie, with the village’s fficials and ther pverty relief wrkers, develped featured industries, including cattle and sheep raising and fruit planting.(在Hansen的帮助下,谢与村里的官员和其他扶贫工作者一起,发展了牛羊养殖和水果种植等特色产业。)”可知,他们付出了很多努力;而空后“By Nvember 2020, the whle f Zhadng village had successfully wiped ut pverty. Nw lcal authrities are leading the villagers n a new jurney t rural vitalizatin(振兴).(到2020年11月,扎东村实现了全村脱贫。现在,当地政府正带领村民踏上振兴乡村的新征程。)”可知,扎东村已经实现了全村脱贫。由此判断,他们的努力并没有白费。选项A“Their effrts paid ff.(他们的努力得到了回报。)”符合上下文内容。故选A。
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A 3-year-ld girl is back hme after a man fund her wandering n the city’s suthwest side early Sunday mrning.
    Btell, wh wrks fr Villa Pizza and has seven children, said he was in the middle f a ___21___arund 3a.m. when he saw a yung girl___22___arund the McCnnell parking lt.
    “I ran t the dr and gave peple their fd,” said Btell. “I went back lking fr her but failed, s I drve arund fr a minute. Withut finding her, I started pulling int the parking lts.” He finally___23___the girl wh was curled (蜷缩) up between tw blcks, ___24___nthing but a T-shirt, diaper (尿裤), and scks. Btell wrapped her in a hdie (连帽衫), then called the plice. “I had sme___25___in my car, s she was drinking sme water and I rubbed her back, letting her knw she was kay and she started falling asleep,” said Btell. “She was s___26___and cld.” When fficers arrived, they managed t make___27___ with the little girl’s mther, wh didn’t ___28___she was missing and thught she was asleep. It’s unclear hw the girl gt ut r fr hw lng, but the plice believed it was an accident.
    “I cannt___29___hw her parents feel, but want them t g easy. I dn’t think it was anything ___30___, nbdy lets a little kid ut.” said Btell. “I just did what I culd. I assume smebdy wuld d the same fr my kids.” Btell added that rather than cast___31___, he hped this incident pushed peple t ffer___32___in smene’s time f need. “Smetimes yu want t turn a___33___ eye but, yu never knw wh yu’re saving,” said Btell. “Anybdy culd have___34___that little girl, there’s lts f ft traffic ver there, s I’m glad she___35___ made it hme safe.”
    21. A. deliveryB. trainingC. dreamD. meal
    22. A. dancingB. runningC. drawingD. riding
    23 A. hitB. missedC. calledD. sptted
    24. A. wearingB. purchasingC. carryingD. begging
    25. A. mneyB. waterC. clthesD. pizzas
    26. A. exhaustedB. excitedC. carelessD. cautius
    27. A. cmparisnB. trubleC. cntactD. peace
    28. A. admitB. realizeC. regretD. cver
    29. A. bearB. cmplainC. imagineD. dubt
    30. A. hpefulB. thankfulC. srrwfulD. purpseful
    31. A. vtesB. smilesC. lightD. judgment
    32. A. adviceB. wrkC. praiseD. help
    33 A. criticalB. sharpC. blindD. green
    34. A. picked upB. turned dwnC. laughed atD. lked after
    35. A. prudlyB. secretlyC. eventuallyD. hardly
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. D 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. C
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Btell在Villa Pizza工作,有七个孩子,他说,凌晨3点左右,他正在送外卖时,看到一个小女孩在McCnnell的停车场跑来跑去。A. delivery递送,投递;B. training训练;C. dream梦想;D. meal一餐。根据空前“wh wrks fr Villa Pizza(在Villa披萨店工作)”及下一段首句“‘I ran t the dr and gave peple their fd,’ said Btell.(‘我跑到门口把食物送给别人,’Btell说)”可知,Btell应是在送披萨的途中看到一个小女孩,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. dancing跳舞;B. running跑;C. drawing画画;D. riding骑,搭乘。根据第一段中“wandering n the city’s suthwest side(在城市的西南侧游荡)”及下文Btell到处寻找小女孩可知,小女孩在停车场跑来跑去,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他终于发现了那个蜷缩在两个街区之间的女孩,只穿了一件t恤、尿裤和袜子。A. hit撞,击;B. missed错过,思念;C. called打电话;D. sptted看到,发现。根据上文“I went back lking fr her”可知,Btell到处寻找小女孩,此处指他终于发现了那个蜷缩在两个街区之间的女孩,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. wearing穿着,戴着;B. purchasing购买;C. carrying携带;D. begging恳求,乞讨。根据“nthing but a T-shirt, diaper (尿裤), and scks”可知,此处是描述小女孩的衣着,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我车里有水,所以她喝了点水,我轻抚她的背,让她知道她没事,然后她就开始睡着了。”A. mney钱;B. water水;C. clthes衣服;D. pizzas披萨。根据“s she was drinking sme water”可知,Btell车里有水,所以给小女孩喝了点水,故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她又累又冷。A. exhausted筋疲力尽的,疲惫不堪的;B. excited兴奋的,激动的;C. careless粗心的;D. cautius谨慎的。结合语境可知,小女孩衣着单薄,到处跑,应是又累又冷,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当警察到达时,他们设法与小女孩的母亲取得了联系,她没有意识到她失踪了,以为她睡着了。A. cmparisn比较;B. truble麻烦;C. cntact联系;D. peace和平,平静。根据“When fficers arrived”及语境可知,警察赶到后应是联系小女孩家人,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. admit承认;B. realize意识到;C. regret后悔,遗憾;D. cver覆盖。根据下一句“It’s unclear hw the girl gt ut r fr hw lng(目前还不清楚女孩是如何跑出来的,也不清楚她出来了多久)”可知,父母没有意识到原本在睡觉的小女孩不见了,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我无法想象她父母的感受,但希望他们能放轻松。我不认为这是故意的,没人会让一个小孩出去。”Btell说。A. bear忍受;B. cmplain抱怨;C. imagine想象;D. dubt怀疑。根据“hw her parents feel”可知,此处指无法想象小女孩父母的感受,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. hpeful有希望的;B. thankful感激的;C. srrwful悲伤的;D. purpseful故意的,有目的的。根据“nbdy lets a little kid ut”可知,没人会让一个小孩出去,所以此处指她父母不是故意的,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Btell补充说,他希望这件事能促使人们在有人需要的时候提供帮助,而不是做出评判。A. vtes选票;B. smiles微笑;C. light光,光线;D. judgment评价。结合上文内容可知,小女孩跑出去只是意外,Btell希望人们不要评价父母是否有错,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. advice建议;B. wrk工作;C. praise表扬;D. help帮助。根据上文Btell帮助了小女孩及空后“in smene’s time f need”可知,Btell希望这件事能促使人们在有人需要的时候提供帮助,故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“有时你想视而不见,但你永远不知道你救的是谁。” Btell说。A. critical关键的,极重要的;B. sharp锋利的,敏锐的;C. blind盲目的;D. green绿色的。根据语境及下文的转折“but, yu never knw wh yu’re saving”可知,此处指“有时你想视而不见,但你永远不知道你救的是谁”,turn a blind eye视而不见,固定短语,故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:“任何人都可以把那个小女孩接走,那里人流很多,所以我很高兴她最终安全回家了。”A. picked up(开车)接人,搭载;B. turned dwn拒绝,调低;C. laughed at嘲笑;D. lked after照顾。根据“there’s lts f ft traffic ver there”可知,任何人都可以开车把那个小女孩带走,故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. prudly骄傲地;B. secretly秘密地;C. eventually最后;D. hardly几乎不。根据语境及“made it hme safe”可知,小女孩最终安全回家了,故选C。
    Dutch artist Jhannes Vermeer nly created 37 knwn wrks during his lifetime. Nw, art histry___36___ (lver) have the pprtunity t see 28 f these pieces in the___37___(large) exhibitin f Vermeer paintings ever.___38___(hst) at the Rijks Museum in Amsterdam, the exhibitin features a series f well-knwn pieces frm the artist’s wrks that prve why he___39___ (knw) as the “Master f Light.”
    Museums frm arund the wrld lent their Vermeer paintings fr the exhibitin that pened n February 10,2023. Jhannes Vermeer is famus arund the wrld ___40___ his paintings f calm scenes in dmestic settings, and fr his___41___(impress) use f light, accrding t the museum.
    Additinally, Vermeer’s mst famus painting, Girl with a Pearl Earring,___42___ (nrmal) held at the Maritshu is museum in The Hague, is n display at the Rijks Museum fr___43___ limited time, while the rest f the exhibitin cntinues until June.
    The Rijks Museum is als ffering a digital Vermeer experience fr thse wh are___44___ (able) t see these pieces in persn. Titled Clser, this nline gallery features the vices f Stephen Fry (in English) and Jy Delima(in Dutch), ____45____ give an verview f Vermeer’s life and art.
    【答案】36. lvers
    37. largest
    38. Hsted 39. is knwn
    40. fr 41. impressive
    42. nrmally
    43. a 44. unable
    45 wh
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆举行的展览展出了艺术家的一系列著名作品,这些作品证明了他为什么被称为“光之大师”。分析句子结构可知hst与逻辑主语the exhibitin构成被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。句首单词首字母要大写。故填Hsted。
    考查固定短语。句意:在阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆举行的展览展出了艺术家的一系列著名作品,这些作品证明了他为什么被称为“光之大师”。表示“被称为”短语为be knwn as,陈述客观事实用一般现在时,主语为he,谓语用单数。故填is knwn。
    考查介词。句意:据博物馆介绍,约翰内斯·维米尔以其在家庭环境中描绘平静场景的画作和对光线的深刻运用而闻名于世。表示“以……闻名”短语为be famus fr。故填fr。
    考查副词。句意:此外,维米尔最著名的画作《戴珍珠耳环的少女》通常在海牙的Maritshu is博物馆展出,现在在Rijks博物馆进行限时展出,展览的其他部分将持续到6月。修饰动词hld应用副词nrmally,作状语。故填nrmally。
    考查冠词。句意:此外,维米尔最著名的画作《戴珍珠耳环的少女》通常在海牙的Maritshu is博物馆展出,现在在Rijks博物馆进行限时展出,展览的其他部分将持续到6月。此处表示“限时”短语为a limited time。故填a。
    考查定语从句。句意:这个名为《Clser》的在线画廊展示了斯蒂芬·弗莱(用英语)和乔伊·德丽玛(用荷兰语)的声音,他们概述了维米尔的生活和艺术。非限制性定语从句修饰先行词Stephen Fry (in English) and Jy Delima( in Dutch),在从句作主语,指人。故填wh。
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 你校上周六组织高三学生参观了新北机器人制造公司(Xinbei Rbts)。请你写一篇观后感,给校英文报投稿,内容包括:
    【答案】A Visit t Xinbei Rbts
    Last Saturday witnessed a memrable visit t Xinbei Rbts amng students frm senir three, the purpse f which was t relieve ur stress frm the heavy academic burden.
    Upn arrival, we were welcmed by a senir manager wh shwed us arund the wrkshps, intrducing different types f rbts and the prcedure f making rbts. What fllwed was an instructive and infrmative lecture cncerning rbts’ develpment with sme cutting-edge techniques. The mst exciting mment came when we were blessed with a chance t interact with thse multifunctinal rbts.
    S rewarding was this experience that nt nly did we harvest a glimpse f rbt technlgy but als it arused ur passin fr this field.
    原句:What fllwed was an instructive and infrmative lecture cncerning rbts’ develpment with sme cutting-edge techniques.
    拓展句:What fllwed was an instructive and infrmative lecture which cncerned rbts’ develpment with sme cutting-edge techniques.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Last Saturday witnessed a memrable visit t Xinbei Rbts amng students frm senir three, the purpse f which was t relieve ur stress frm the heavy academic burden.(运用了“介词+which”引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】S rewarding was this experience that nt nly did we harvest a glimpse f rbt technlgy but als it arused ur passin fr this field.(运用了s…that引导的结果状语从句和倒装结构)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    A Farewell Party
    We learned that ur class teacher, Mr. Read, was abut t be transferred t anther schl in a week. All the pupils adred Mr. Read as he was a very gd and dedicated teacher. He never shuted at us and was very patient with the slwer pupils.
    Our class decided t hld a farewell (告别) party fr this mdel teacher. But we needed t have the permissin f the schl’s headmaster first. Judy was given the task f writing t the headmaster fr permissin t hld the party as her handwriting was the neatest and her language skills were excellent. After the letter was written, all the pupils in the class signed the letter and six pupils, myself included, went t the headmaster’s ffice n behalf f the whle class.
    The headmaster was mildly curius when he saw the six f us in his ffice. We gave him the letter f request and after reading it in silence, he frwned. He said that the request was very irregular but after the six f us begged him genuinely, he finally changed his mind and gave us the permissin. He allwed us t hld the party during the last perid f the fllwing Friday, which wuld be Mr. Read’s last day f teaching in ur schl.
    The whle class was excited after getting the permissin. We gathered tgether after schl and planned fr the party. After sme debate and discussin we finally agreed n the things we needed t d.
    On the fllwing Friday, after we came int the classrm, we hid the drinks, fd, and the farewell gift—the “Cmplete Sherlck Hlmes”—in a crner s that Mr. Read wuld nt see them as we wanted t surprise him. On the last perid f schl, ur class mnitr, Aarn, apprached Mr. Read just as he was abut t begin the next lessn.
    “Sir, we have btained permissin frm the headmaster t treat yu t a simple farewell party.”
    1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Immediately the pupils brught ut the drinks and fd.
    After Mr. Read’s speech, I was given the hnur f presenting ur farewell gift t him.
    Immediately the pupils brught ut the drinks and fd. Mr. Read was stunned bewildered by the little farewell party. He received a freshly baked batch f chclate ckies, which was made by ur hands. “Have a taste!” We chrused expectantly. After the first muthful, there was a very pleasant lk n his face. “Thank yu…all f yu!” Tears welling up in his eyes, he said in a strangled vice. Then he delivered an impassined speech, which was laden with emtin, and persnal revelatins. We fllwed Mr. Read’s speech attentively, ndding and applauding cnstantly.
    After Mr. Read's speech, I was given the hnur f presenting ur farewell gift t him. He was such a devted fan f detective stries that he almst spent all his spare time indulging in deducing and slving puzzles. S he gave me a grateful hug after he gingerly unwrapped the gift, eyes glinting with appreciatin. When the party was ver and all f us were suppsed t g hme, he hesitated fr a while, his eyes grwing tender. “I wn’t say ‘farewell’, fr this wrd smetimes indicates we never seeing each ther again. I will say ‘gdbye’ as usual.” He bwed deeply and departed in the last rays f the setting sun, with tears streaming dwn his face.
    Immediately the pupils brught ut the drinks and fd. Fr an instant, Mr. Read was speechless and his eyes tk n a misty lk. Then, he was back t his nrmal self again. As he tk his first bite f a cake, everyne cheered and clapped. After the meal, Mr. Read gave a farewell speech. He spke fr fifteen minutes, thanking the class fr taking the truble t hld the party and fr being such caring pupils. His speech was als peppered with sund advice fr us.
    After Mr. Read’s speech, I was given the hnur f presenting ur farewell gift t him. We knew him t be a great fan f mystery and detective nvels, s we had bught fr him the “Cmplete Sherlck Hlmes”. When he unwrapped the gift, we saw tw large beads f tears rlling dwn his cheeks. He was very deeply mved. Just at that time, the schl bell rang. It was time t say gdbye, and each pupil hugged Mr. Read fr ne last time befre heading fr hme.
    【导语】本文以人物为线索,讲述了作者和同学们得知优秀敬业的Mr. Read将要调到另一所学校后,征得校长的同意,为老师举办了一场告别的聚会,老师很感动,并且发表了生动的演讲。之后我们送给老师了精心准备的礼物《福尔摩斯全集》,老师对同学们表示感激并且告别的故事。
    ①由第一段首句内容“学生们立即拿出饮料和食物。”可知,第一段可描写Mr. Read在看到同学们精心准备的饮料和食物时的反应。
    ①发表演说:deliver a speech/make a speech
    ②沉溺于:indulge in/be addicted t
    ③拥抱某人:give sb. a hug/embrace sb.
    ①震惊:be stunned/be shcked/be astnished
    ②感动:Tears welling up in his eyes/tears filled his eyes
    【点睛】【高分句型1】 He received a freshly baked batch f chclate ckies, which was made by ur hands. (运用了which引导的定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Tears welling up in his eyes, he said in a strangled vice. (运用了独立主格结构)
    【高分句型3】He was such a devted fan f detective stries that he almst spent all his spare time indulging in deducing and slving puzzles. (运用了句型)

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