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    Things t d in Miyakjima
    Unique beaches
    Ynaha Maehama Beach is the mst famus beach in Miyakjima, where white sand stretches fr seven kilmeters. The cean is clred in blue, appealing t visitrs with its beauty. Cmpact Sunayama Beach, knwn fr its arch-shaped rck, is accessed by walking thrugh a narrw tunnel f trees.
    Varius and clrful fish
    Snrkeling is a must-try in Miyakjima. Lts f cral reefs, schls f trpical fish, sea turtles and plenty f space t free dive t depths f 8 t 15 meters clse t the shre are typical features. Fr beginners, Aragusuku and Shigira are a gd chice but advanced divers may see Imgy Marine Garden, Waiwai Beach and Shimjishima as their final spts.
    Scuba diving
    Miyak Island is a diving ht spt, with a wealth f dive sites t explre, including many underwater caves. Even thse withut a diving license need nt be held back. Dive shps and tur peratrs als ffer turs fr beginners t explre Miyak Island’s underwater envirnment.
    The bridges
    Irabu Bridge is the lngest bridge fr free in Japan. It cnnects Miyakjima and Irabujima, stretching fr 3540m, drawing a gentle curve, On Shimji Island, there is a small rad arund Triike, tw dramatic marine pnds cnnected t each ther and the sea by an underwater cave system.
    Fresh island fd
    Delight yur senses with melt-in-yur-muth Miyak beef, delicius Miyak sba (ndles served in brth), r fresh fruit. Miyak Island’s warm climate is gd fr grwing fresh, juicy manges. Ice cream with salt knwn as “yuki shi (snw salt)” des mre than simply keep yu cl.
    1、If yu are expert in diving, where will yu g?
    A. Aragusuku.B. Waiwai Beach.C. Shimji islands.D. Irabu.
    2、What can yu d n Miyak Island?
    A. Relax n the white sand beach.B. Explre underwater caves.
    C. Learn diving t get a license.D. Enjy beautiful trpical fish.
    3、Which f the fllwing statements is true?
    A. Ynaha Maehama Beach is knwn fr its arch-shaped rck.
    B. Irabu Bridge is the lngest bridge in Japan, stretching fr 3540m.
    C. Fr thse withut a diving license, Shimji island is a gd chice.
    D. Cmpact Sunayama Beach can be reached thrugh a tunnel f trees.
    There is a saying abut the suth-western Chinese prvince f Guizhu: “Nt three feet f flat land, nt three days withut rain, nt a family with three silver cins.” But,with the help f a spicy sauce, Ta Huabi, als knwn as “China’s httest wman”, has well and truly ppsed this rule.
    Brn in 1947, the eighth daughter f a pr family in a village f muntainus Guizhu, Ta did nt g t schl and did nt learn t read r write. She spent her childhd hungry,and survived the Great Chinese Famine by eating plant rts,accrding t a bigraphy n Weib. When her husband died, she mved t the city f Guiyang and started selling ndles with a sauce that she made herself, She eventually pened the charmingly named Ecnmical Restaurant in the 1990s. When a new highway brught truck drivers t Guiyang, she gave them free jars f the sauce and they spread the wrd.In 1996, she set a factry up in a huse in Guiyang, and a year later La Gan Ma Special Flavur Fdstuffs Cmpany was brn.
    Miranda Brwn, prfessr f Chinese studies at the University f Michigan, wh is writing a bk n the histry f Chinese fd, says that in China, La Gan Ma’s ppularity is mainly because her prducts are natural. Chinese cnsumers tend t want fds that perfectly mix reginal flavrs and use ingredients grwn frm the sil f thse regins. And tday La Gan Ma is als increasingly ppular verseas, especially in the US.
    Accrding t its website, the cmpany prduces 1.3 millin bttles daily, helping the histrically pr Guizhu achieve 10. 5% grwth—the secnd fastest f every Chinese prvince that year, and ahead f the natinal rate f 6.7%.
    As fr the gdmther herself, an article in Yicai Glbal describes her as the Queen f a “red kingdm” f chili fields.
    4、Why is the saying mentined in paragraph 1?
    A. T intrduce the tpic f the passage.
    B. T serve as backgrund infrmatin.
    C. T attract the interest f the readers.
    D. T describe the present Guizhu.
    5、What des the secnd paragraph fcus n?
    A. Ta’s grwth prcess.B. Ta’s living cnditins.
    C. The hardships faced by Ta.D. The develpment f the cmpany.
    6、Accrding t Miranda Brwn, what is the reasn fr La Gan Ma’s ppularity?
    A. Lw price.B. Spicy taste.
    C. Lcal ingredients.D. Psitive cmments.
    7、What can we learn frm Ta’s stry?
    A. Gd helps thse wh help themselves.
    B. Failure is the mther f success.
    C. Well begun, half dne.
    D. Many hands make light wrk.
    The CEO and funder f huse-builder Prject Etpia, Jseph Daniel, had unstable start in life. “My father was always drunk and my mther had mental disrder when I was 15. I’ve lived n the street and I need t d this,” says the 27-year-ld yung man. He left schl withut any qualificatins.
    Far frm seeing it as a shrtcming, the hardship he himself experienced is what drives him t take n the challenge f slving the UK’s husing crisis and dealing with climate change at the same time by building high-tech ec-hmes that rdinary peple cannt nly affrd, but will als really want t live in.
    The hmes that Daniel wants t build are nt traditinal husings. They are made up f several parts and each part is made in Daniel’s wn factry in Cheshire. Traditinal huses take mnths t cmplete, while his hmes can be put tgether easily n site due t being partially pre-built in the factry. The firm’s plan in Crby, Nrthamptnshire, is a village that will cnsist f 47 hmes, the first fur f which were each built in nine days.
    Huses are nt nly faster t build, but will als have smart technlgy built in and be much mre energy efficient than the average hme. With slar panels, Daniel says he can build huses that will generate mre pwer than they use, ptentially making up fr sme f the six tns f carbn emitted annually by the “typical” huse as a result f the heat and pwer required.
    “I want t slw climate change thrugh husing,” he says. “It’s ur respnsibility as humans. That’s what ur prject is abut. If yu can get the ecnmics and the envirnment right, yu can make things better.”
    8、What can we knw abut Daniel frm the passage?
    A. He was qualified as an engineer after graduatin.
    B. He was abandned by his parents when he was a child.
    C. He was inspired by his wn experience t deal with husing crisis.
    D. He was frced t take the task f husing prblem by his parents.
    9、What can we infer frm paragraph 3?
    A. Daniel’s huses are similar t traditinal nes.
    B. Daniel’s huses are partially built in advance.
    C. Daniel’s firm prduces the huses as a whle.
    D. Daniel’s firm has built 47 hmes in a village.
    10、Which f the fllwing best describes Daniel’s huses?
    A. Traditinal but cmfrtable.B. Expensive but cnvenient.
    C. Green and advanced.D. Fashinable and mdern.
    11、What’s the passage mainly abut?
    A. It intrduces a talented huse builder and his achievements.
    B. It’s abut Daniel’s unique way f slving husing and climate prblems.
    C. It tells us hw t build huses faster and make them mre affrdable.
    D. It stresses the imprtance f smart technlgy in huse building.
    The US tech giant Micrsft Crp and the leadership cnsulting firm DDI wrked tgether n a new prject n Thursday, with the gal f helping mre than 1 millin wmen in China imprve their digital skills and embrace the digital future.
    The Wmen Digital Future prject came as reprts shw that wmen have been mre negatively impacted by the COVID-19 than men, and an imprvement in digital skills is expected t help them better deal with the bad results frm it.
    Micrsft said it will partner with a number f cmpanies and rganizatins t help wmen in multiple ways, as COVID-19 has accelerated digital transfrmatin wrldwide and wmen are faced with mre challenges in bth life and wrk.
    Alain Crzier, chairman and CEO f Micrsft Greater China, said, “Micrsft has always placed a high value n the develpment f ur female emplyees and strngly prmting the pwer f wmen t drive the wrld frward.”
    Mindy Yeh, managing directr f Greater China, said the cmpany’s glbal survey shws that there are nearly duble the number f female leaders at the tp 20 percent f well-perfrming cmpanies than in the bttm 20 percent. Mrever, they have clear advantages in terms f teamwrk and interactin.
    Cecilia Qi, general manager f GSK China, said, “Digital transfrmatin is bth an pprtunity and a challenge fr wmen. This is especially the case in the new era, which requires cmpanies t prvide wmen with mre supprt t help them achieve better wrk-life balance and cntinue t gain success as they cntinue frward in their career. Success belngs t everyne, and I believe that, in the future, sciety will be mre supprtive f wmen and prvide them with mre equal career pprtunities.”
    12、What is the main purpse f the new prject?
    A. T help wmen fight against COVID-19.
    B. T reduce the bad impacts frm COVID-19 n wmen.
    C. T help wmen better prepare fr the digital future.
    D. T prmte the prducts f Micrsft Crp.
    13、What des the underlined wrd “accelerated” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. speeded upB. lived up tC. influencedD. prevented
    14、What d the figures in paragraph 5 shw?
    A. Wmen are mre ppular in gd cmpanies.
    B. Wmen receive mre supprt frm sciety.
    C. Wmen leaders have mre advantages ver men.
    D. Wmen leaders perfrm better in sme fields.
    15、Accrding t Cecilia Qi, what is a majr challenge fr wmen?
    A. Wmen have n chance t succeed in the digital age.
    B. Wmen are treated unfairly in pursuing a successful career.
    C. Wmen need supprt t achieve a balance between wrk and life.
    D. The wrld is t cmplex fr wmen t achieve their dreams.
    16、What’s the first thing yu d in the mrning? Brush yur teeth, wash yur face, take a shwer, r eat yur breakfast? ①________ When yu arrive at the ffice, d yu first check yur email r make small talk with yur clleagues? D yu eat a healthy salad r a hearty steak fr lunch? After yu get hme in the evening, d yu exercise r make yur dinner first?
    ②________ Hwever, they are nt. Mst f thse actins are the byprduct f yur habitual patterns, Accrding t a research published by Duke University, 40% f peples’ daily activities are brn frm habits,nt decisins made after careful cnsideratin.
    Habits play an essential rle in ur lives. They prfundly impact ur health,prductivity, financial security, and happiness. ③________ Nevertheless, mst f us fail t d s and easily revert t ur regular patterns. Hwever, nce we understand the science behind habit frmatin, we can break habits int segments and restructure them t develp gd nes that fit ur needs and higher prductivity.
    Actually, many peple are eager t cultivate gd habits and drp bad nes. ④________ The answer is t start with keystne habits. Keystne habits are the mst influential habits fr transfrming lifestyles. Studies shw that peple wh rutinely exercise als are mre prductive at wrk. Families that habitually eat dinner tgether are fund t raise children with better grades and imprved emtinal cntrl. These are examples f keystne habits initiating a chain reactin in ne’s life. ⑤________.
    A. Where shuld we begin?
    B. What shuld yu d next?
    C. Which rute d yu take t wrk?
    D. As a result, we all want t develp gd habits r break bad nes.
    E. We can redesign many f ur habits by changing ur keystne habits.
    F. Yu may think that all f these chices are the result f careful thinking.
    G. They help create the basis fr gd practices and greatly imprve peple’s lives.
    As the freign English teacher at my schl in Japan, I had a weekly English music bradcast f different English sngs. I tried t get the students t 1 sngs t me fr the bradcast. At the bradcast, I usually annunced wh recmmended the sng and then 2 it fr everyne t hear during lunch time. I gave everyne an pprtunity t share themselves thrugh their music, including ne 3 student f mine. This student cnstantly gt int fights with the ther students and 4 the energy f the class. But I knew that he just needed a 5 , r at least smene he culd cnnect with.
    I culd 6 he was warming up t me ver the last year. I tld him t think f a sng he liked and that I wuld play it n the bradcast fr him. He 7 intrduced a sng, which I really liked s I put it n the bradcast and made sure t annunce his 8 , s everyne knew that he cntributed such a great sng.
    Needless t say, the by was 9 , and he’s been much happier and mre fcused in English class ever since. While everyne else 10 him and pushed him away, I saw right thrugh his behaviur and knew that he just needed smene wh acknwledged him and gave him a chance. There’s still a language 11 between us, but wrds aren’t needed, we can always sense when we’re at ne with smene. He recently walked by me and gave me the mst sincere 12 that I’ve ever seen. My 13 turned t me and said “I’ve never seen him smile like that befre. Hw did yu 14 it?” “I gave him a 15 ,” I said, “thrugh just ne sng.”
    17、A. singB. recmmendC. recrdD. create
    18、A. playedB. perfrmedC. intrducedD. practiced
    19、A. cleverB. tughC. hnestD. active
    20、A. cut dwnB. brke dwnC. turned dwnD. brught dwn
    21、A. parentB. classmateC. friendD. teacher
    22、A. tellB. admitC. rememberD. predict
    23、A. bviuslyB. abslutelyC. regularlyD. eventually
    24、A. classB. nameC. familyD. hbby
    25、A. scaredB. pwerfulC. thrilledD. disappinted
    26、A. acceptedB. inspired
    C. attackedD. misunderstd
    27、A. barrierB. trainingC. curseD. cnnectin
    28、A. thanksB. behavirC. cnfidenceD. smile
    29、A. teacherB. relativeC. rmmateD. cwrker
    30、A. getB. makeC. bserveD. recver
    31、A. chiceB. cmmentC. cmfrtD. chance
    32、The Sanfu days, als knwn as the “Chinese dg days f summer”, mark summer’s httest perid f the year. During these days, many Chinese are keen n ①_______ treatment called Sanfutie, r Sanfu medicinal patch, ②_______ is a bandage made f traditinal Chinese herbal medicine. Practitiners f traditinal Chinese medicine (TCM) believe that ③_______ (receive) Sanfutie during the httest summer days is ④_______ (effect) fr cughs, asthma and arthritis. In a wrd, it is a patchwrk slutin fr winter ⑤_______ (disease) in summer.
    The treatment ⑥_______ (base) n the TCM principle f yin and yang, which believes the balance f bth elements in the bdy is ⑦_______ great imprtance fr gd health.Sanfutie cntains a paste f herbs that are “ht” in nature, and when ⑧_______ (apply) t specific acupuncture pints, usually n the back and neck, they refill the yang elements.
    These patches ⑨_______ (use) in TCM since earliest recrded times, accrding t Huangdi Neijing (The Inner Cann f the Yellw Emperr), mre than 2,000 years ag,the time-tested textbk fr TCM practitiners. Sanfu patch treatment became ⑩_______ (extreme) ppular in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and has enjyed a revival in recent years as mre patients turn t TCM treatment.
    Dear Tm,
    Li Hua
    Mil is a rescue dg, adpted by twenty-year-ld Mary Swift. But the dg is als a rescuer.
    One mrning in Nvember 2021, Swift was ready t g jgging as usual, with Mil fllwing her happily. T her surprise, as sn as she pened the frnt dr, Mil tk ff running twards the gate quickly. It was very unusual. He always ran after his master.
    Outside the gate, Mil was lking arund the neighbrhd, lking a little alert. Suddenly, he ran straightly t the huse acrss the street, barking ludly and sniffing arund. He seemed unsatisfied with this huse. He quickly ran t the ne next dr. He stpped there and turned t Swift, barking mre ludly, with his tail swinging crazily. Swift fllwed him, shuting sharply “Stp, Mil!” Sme passing neighbrs were lking disapprvingly (不满地) at them.
    Swift was kind f embarrassed. Nt everyne wanted a strange dg n their prperty and liked hearing a dg’s barks in the quiet mrning. She tried t get Mil t g back, but Mil seemed nt t fllw the master’s rder. He started t scratch n the frnt dr. Swift wndered, “Why is he trying t break int the huse?” She lked at the huse, which belnged t Sherry Starr, wh was 85 years ld and seldm walked ut f her huse. It was the time fr her t trim her bushes in the garden. Smehw, she wasn’t there that day.
    Althugh Swift was a little dubtful, she still tried t drag Mil away. But at this time she culd hear a sund cming thrugh an pen upstairs windw.
    It was a vice yelling “Help”.
    35、_______(创造力) is mre imprtant than technical skills. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    36、Mike is _______(负责) fr designing the entire prject. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    37、The device is used t _______(测量) the level f radiatin in the atmsphere. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    38、I’ve had the _______(益处,好处) f a gd educatin. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    39、I knw we shuld eat mre fresh fruit and vegetables, but ready meals are s _______(方便). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    40、What first _______ (吸引) me t her was her sense f humr. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    41、He was presented with the watch n the _______(场合)f his retirement. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    42、Curius but _______(略微)disappinted, he pened the bx. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    43、I’m always inspired by things f beauty and _______(和谐). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    44、Gng Ba Chicken was _______(原先) a family dish f Ding Bazhen. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中Fr beginners,Aragusuku and Shigira are a gd chice but advanced divers may see Imgy Marine Garden,Waiwai Beach and Shimjishima as their final spts.(对于初学者来说,Aragusuku和Shigira是不错的选择,但高级潜水员可能会把Imgy海洋花园、Waiwai海滩和下之岛作为最后的目的地)可知,如果你是潜水专家,你会去Waiwai海滩。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段 Miyak Island is a diving ht spt,with a wealth f dive sites t explre,including many underwater caves.( Miyak Island是一个潜水热门地点,有许多潜水地点可供探索,包括许多水下洞穴)可知,在Miyak Island可以探索水下洞穴。A.Relax n the white sand beach.在白色沙滩上放松;B.Explre underwater caves.探索水下洞穴;C.Learn diving t get a license.学潜水拿执照;D.Enjy beautiful trpical fish.观赏美丽的热带鱼。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中Cmpact Sunayama Beach,knwn fr its arch-shaped rck,is accessed by walking thrugh a narrw tunnel f trees.( Cmpact Sunayama Beach以其拱形的岩石而闻名,通过一条狭窄的树木隧道即可进入)可知,D选项"Cmpact Sunayama Beach可以通过树木隧道到达"正确。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“There is a saying abut the suth-western Chinese prvince f Guizhu: “Nt three feet f flat land, nt three days withut rain, nt a family with three silver cins.” But with the help f a spicy sauce, Ta Huabi, als knwn as “China’s httest wman”, has well and truly ppsed this rule.(关于中国西南省份贵州有一种说法:“天无三日晴,地无三尺平,人无三分银。”不过,有中国“最火辣的女人”之称的陶华碧,凭借一种辣味调料完全打破了这条规律。)”可知,第一段对于中国贵州的这么一个说法,是为了介绍陶华碧的成长环境,属于人物背景知识介绍。故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第二段内容“Brn in 1947, the eighth daughter f a pr family in a village f muntainus Guizhu, Ta did nt g t schl and did nt learn t read r write. She spent her childhd hungry, and survived the Great Chinese Famine by eating plant rts, accrding t a bigraphy n Weib. When her husband died, she mved t the city f Guiyang and started selling ndles with a sauce that she made herself, She eventually pened the charmingly named Ecnmical Restaurant in the 1990s. When a new highway brught truck drivers t Guiyang, she gave them free jars f the sauce and they spread the wrd. In 1996, she set a factry up in a huse in Guiyang, and a year later La Gan Ma Special Flavur Fdstuffs Cmpany was brn.(陶华碧1947年出生于贵州山区一个农村贫困家庭,她在家排行老八,她没有上过学,也不识字。根据微博上的一篇传记,她的童年是在饥饿中度过的,在大饥荒中靠吃植物的根活了下来。丈夫去世后,她搬到了贵阳,开始卖她自己做的酱面。最后,她在20世纪90年代开了一家名叫“实惠饭店”的餐馆。当地新修了一条公路后,许多卡车司机途经贵阳,她给他们免费赠送了几罐辣酱,因此声名远扬。1996年,她在贵阳的一所房子里开了一家工厂,一年后,老干妈风味食品有限公司诞生了。)”可知,第二段主要介绍了陶华碧的成长经历。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Miranda Brwn, prfessr f Chinese studies at the University f Michigan, wh is writing a bk n the histry f Chinese fd, says that in China, La Gan Ma’s ppularity is mainly because her prducts are natural. Chinese cnsumers tend t want fds that perfectly mix reginal flavrs and use ingredients grwn frm the sil f thse regins.(密歇根大学从事中国研究的教授米Miranda Brwn正在写一本关于中国美食历史的书。她说,在中国,老干妈受欢迎主要是因为她的产品是纯天然的。中国消费者倾向于选择能完美代表地方美食并使用本地自产配料的食物。)”可知,老干妈受欢迎的主要原因是其产自当地自产的配料。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容“Brn in 1947, the eighth daughter f a pr family in a village f muntainus Guizhu, Ta did nt g t schl and did nt learn t read r write. She spent her childhd hungry, and survived the Great Chinese Famine by eating plant rts, accrding t a bigraphy n Weib. When her husband died, she mved t the city f Guiyang and started selling ndles with a sauce that she made herself, She eventually pened the charmingly named Ecnmical Restaurant in the 1990s. When a new highway brught truck drivers t Guiyang, she gave them free jars f the sauce and they spread the wrd. In 1996, she set a factry up in a huse in Guiyang, and a year later La Gan Ma Special Flavur Fdstuffs Cmpany was brn.(陶华碧1947年出生于贵州山区一个农村贫困家庭,她在家排行老八,她没有上过学,也不识字。根据微博上的一篇传记,她的童年是在饥饿中度过的,在大饥荒中靠吃植物的根活了下来。丈夫去世后,她搬到了贵阳,开始卖她自己做的酱面。最后,她在20世纪90年代开了一家名叫“实惠饭店”的餐馆。当地新修了一条公路后,许多卡车司机途经贵阳,她给他们免费赠送了几罐辣酱,因此声名远扬。1996年,她在贵阳的一所房子里开了一家工厂,一年后,老干妈风味食品有限公司诞生了。)”可知,陶华碧的成功是源自于她自身的努力,即便遭遇人生低谷,她也在不断努力,奋斗,最终取得了成功。选项A“Gd helps thse wh help themselves. (天助自助者。)”;选项B“Failure is the mther f success. (失败是成功之母。)”;选项C“Well begun, half dne. (好的开始是成功的一半。)”;选项D“Many hands make light wrk. (人多好办事。)”。选项A最符合文意,故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段Far frm seeing it as a shrtcming,the hardship he himself experienced is what drives him t take n the challenge f slving the UK's husing crisis and dealing with climate change at the same time by building high-tech ec-hmes that rdinary peple cannt nly affrd,but will als really want t live in.(他本人所经历的困难,不仅没有被视为缺点,反而促使他接受挑战,通过建造普通民众不仅负担得起,而且真正愿意居住的高科技生态住宅,解决英国住房危机和应对气候变化的问题。)可知,Daniel受到自己处理住房危机的经历的启发。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段They are made up f several parts and each part is made in Daniel's wn factry in Cheshire.Traditinal huses take mnths t cmplete,while his hmes can be put tgether easily n site due t being partially pre-built in the factry.(它们由几个部分组成,每个部分都是在丹尼尔在柴郡自己的工厂里制造的。传统的房子需要几个月才能完成,而他的房子可以很容易地在现场组装起来,因为部分是在工厂里预先建造的。)可知,Daniel的房子部分是提前建造的。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段Huses are nt nly faster t build,but will als have smart technlgy built in and be much mre energy efficient than the average hme.With slar panels,Daniel says he can build huses that will generate mre pwer than they use,ptentially making up fr sme f the six tns f carbn emitted annually by the "typical" huse as a result f the heat and pwer required.(房屋不仅建造速度更快,而且还内置了智能技术,比普通家庭节能得多。Daniel说,有了太阳能电池板,他可以建造产生比使用更多电力的房屋,有可能弥补"典型"房屋每年因所需的热量和电力而排放的6吨碳中的一部分。)可知,Daniel的房子环保且先进。A.Traditinal but cmfrtable传统但舒适的;B.Expensive but cnvenient昂贵但方便的;C.Green and advanced环保且先进的;D.Fashinable and mdern时尚且现代的。故选C。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第二段Far frm seeing it as a shrtcming,the hardship he himself experienced is what drives him t take n the challenge f slving the UK's husing crisis and dealing with climate change at the same time by building high-tech ec-hmes that rdinary peple cannt nly affrd,but will als really want t live in.(他本人所经历的困难,不仅没有被视为缺点,反而促使他接受挑战,通过建造普通民众不仅负担得起,而且真正愿意居住的高科技生态住宅,解决英国住房危机和应对气候变化的问题)"以及最后一段""I want t slw climate change thrugh husing," he says. "It's ur respnsibility as humans.That's what ur prject is abut.If yu can get the ecnmics and the envirnment right,yu can make things better."("我想通过住房来减缓气候变化,"他说。"这是我们作为人类的责任。这就是我们项目的内容。如果你能让经济和环境变得正确,你就能让事情变得更好。")可知,文章主要说明了房屋建造商Prject Etpia的首席执行官兼创始人Jseph Daniel建造了高科技生态住宅,介绍了背后的原因以及这种住宅的特点和优势。即这篇文章的主要内容是关于Daniel解决住房和气候问题的独特方式。B.It's abut Daniel's unique way f slving husing and climate prblems.(这是关于丹尼尔解决住房和气候问题的独特方式。)符合文意,故选B。
    解析:目的意图题。根据第一段The US tech giant Micrsft Crp and the leadership cnsulting firm DDI wrked tgether n a new prject n Thursday,with the gal f helping mre than 1 millin wmen in China imprve their digital skills and embrace the digital future.(周四,美国科技巨头微软公司和领导力咨询公司DDI合作了一个新项目,目标是帮助中国100多万女性提高数字技能,拥抱数字未来。)可知这个新项目的主要目的是帮助女性更好地为数字未来做好准备。故选C。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据划线词所在的句子Micrsft said it will partner with a number f cmpanies and rganizatins t help wmen in multiple ways,as COVID-19 has accelerated digital transfrmatin wrldwide and wmen are faced with mre challenges in bth life and wrk.(微软表示,由于新冠肺炎加速了全球数字转型,女性在生活和工作中面临更多挑战,微软将与多家公司和组织合作,以多种方式帮助女性。)可知划线词意思是"加速"。A.speeded up加速;B.lived up t不辜负;C.influenced影响;D.prevented阻止。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据划线词所在的句子Mindy Yeh,managing directr f Greater China,said the cmpany's glbal survey shws that there are nearly duble the number f female leaders at the tp 20 percent f well-perfrming cmpanies than in the bttm 20 percent.Mrever,they have clear advantages in terms f teamwrk and interactin.(大中华区董事总经理Mindy Yeh表示,该公司的全球调查显示,在业绩最好的20%公司中,女性领导者的数量几乎是业绩最差的20%公司的两倍。此外,她们在团队合作和互动方面具有明显优势。)可知第5段中的数字显示了女性领导者在某些领域表现更好。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段 Cecilia Qi,general manager f GSK China,said, "Digital transfrmatin is bth an pprtunity and a challenge fr wmen.This is especially the case in the new era,which requires cmpanies t prvide wmen with mre supprt t help them achieve better wrk-life balance and cntinue t gain success as they cntinue frward in their career.Success belngs t everyne,and I believe that,in the future,sciety will be mre supprtive f wmen and prvide them with mre equal career pprtunities."(葛兰素史克中国区总经理Cecilia Qi表示"数字化转型对女性来说既是机遇,也是挑战。新时代尤其如此,这需要公司为女性提供更多支持,帮助她们实现更好的工作与生活平衡,并在职业生涯中不断取得成功。成功属于每个人,我相信,在未来,社会将更加支持女性男性,并为他们提供更平等的职业机会。")可知根据Cecilia Qi的说法,女性面临的主要挑战是妇女需要支持,以实现工作和生活之间的平衡。故选C。
    ①根据上文“What’s the first thing yu d in the mrning?Brush yur teeth, wash yur face, take a shwer, r eat yur breakfast? (你早上做的第一件事是什么?刷牙,洗脸,洗澡,还是吃早餐?)”以及下文“When yu arrive at the ffice, d yu first check yur email r make small talk with yur clleagues? (当你到达办公室时,你是先查看电子邮件还是先和同事闲聊一下?)”可知,作者在问这些问题的时候是按照时间发展顺序。选项C“Which rute d yu take t wrk?(你上班走哪条路?)”发生在上文起床之后,下文到达办公室之前,符合上下文顺序。故选C。
    ②根据下文“Hwever, they are nt. Mst f thse actins are the byprduct f yur habitual patterns, Accrding t a research published by Duke University, 40% f peples’ daily activities are brn frm habits, nt decisins made after careful cnsideratin.(然而,他们不是。根据杜克大学发表的一项研究,人们40%的日常活动是天生的习惯,而不是经过仔细考虑后做出的决定。)”可知,下文否定了空处的说法,告诉读者,人们的日常生活不是仔细考虑后做出的决定而是习惯。选项F“Yu may think that all f these chices are the result f careful thinking.(你可能认为所有这些选择都是仔细思考的结果。)”与下文内容保持一致。故选F。
    ③根据下文“Nevertheless, mst f us fail t d s and easily revert t ur regular patterns.Hwever, nce we understand the science behind habit frmatin, we can break habits int segments and restructure them t develp gd nes that fit ur needs and higher prductivity.(然而,我们大多数人都没有做到这一点,很容易恢复到我们的常规模式。然而,一旦我们理解了习惯形成背后的科学原理,我们就可以把习惯分解成不同的部分,重新构建它们,培养出适合我们需要和更高效率的好习惯。)”可知,作者分析了我们之所以无法养成好习惯的原因,因此可以推断出,作者所谓的“我们大多数人都没有做到这一点”指的是,大多数人没有能养成好习惯。选项D“As a result, we all want t develp gd habits r break bad nes. (因此,我们都想养成好习惯或改掉坏习惯。)”与下文内容保持一致。故选D。
    ④根据下文“The answer is t start with keystne habits. (答案是从关键的习惯开始。)”可知,空处问的是我们应该从什么方面开始。选项A“Where shuld we begin?(我们应该从哪里开始?)”引出下文内容,与下文内容一致。故选A。
    ⑤根据上文内容“Studies shw that peple wh rutinely exercise als are mre prductive at wrk. Families that habitually eat dinner tgether are fund t raise children with better grades and imprved emtinal cntrl. These are examples f keystne habits initiating a chain reactin in ne’s life.(研究表明,经常锻炼的人工作效率也更高。研究发现,经常一起吃晚餐的家庭培养出的孩子成绩更好,情绪控制能力也更好。这些都是在生活中引发连锁反应的关键习惯的例子。)”可知,上文主要讲述的是好的习惯带来的好处。选项G“They help create the basis fr gd practices and greatly imprve peple’s lives.(它们有助于为良好做法奠定基础,并极大地改善人们的生活。)”延续上文内容,继续陈述好的习惯的好处。故选G。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我试着让学生们为我的广播推荐歌曲。A. sing唱歌;B. recmmend推荐;C. recrd记录;D. create创造。根据下文“At the bradcast, I usually annunce wh recmmended the sng”中提到recmmended可知,此处为作者试着让学生们为广播推荐歌曲。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在广播中,我通常会宣布谁推荐了这首歌,然后在午餐时间播放给大家听。A. played播放;B. perfrmed执行;C. intrduced介绍;D. practiced练习。根据上文“At the bradcast, I usually annunced wh recmmended the sng”可知,在午餐时间播放歌曲让学生们听。故选A项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我让每个人都有机会通过音乐来分享自己,包括我的一个棘手的学生。A. clever聪明的;B. tugh棘手的,困难的;C. hnest诚实的;D. active积极的。根据下文“This student cnstantly gt int fights with the ther students”可推知,这个学生是一个棘手的学生。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个学生经常和其他同学打架,降低了课堂的活力。A. cut dwn削减;B. brke dwn分解;C. turned dwn拒绝;D. brught dwn降低。根据该句中的“This student cnstantly gt int fights with the ther students”可推知,这个学生经常和其他同学打架,降低了课堂的活力。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我知道他只是需要一个朋友,或者至少是一个能让他联系上的人。A. parent父母; B. classmate同学;C. friend朋友;D. teacher 教师。根据“at least smene he can cnnect with.”可知,作者认为他只是需要一个朋友,或者至少是一个能让他联系上的人。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我看得出来,过去的一年他对我越来越有好感了。A. tell告诉、知道;B. admit承认;C. remember记住;D. predict预测。根据后文“Needless t say, the by was very 9 , and he’s been much happier and mre fcused in English class ever since.”可知,因为作者让他推荐了歌曲,他变得快乐和专注,所以作者看得出来,他对作者越来越有好感了。故选A项。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:他最终推荐了一首歌,我真的很喜欢这首歌,所以我加入了广播,并确保宣布了他的名字,这样每个人都知道他贡献了这么一首很棒的歌。A. bviusly显而易见地;B. abslutely绝对地;C. regularly定期地;D. eventually最终。根据下文“I really liked s I put it n the bradcast”可推知,此处为这个学生最终推荐了一首歌。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他最终推荐了一首歌,我真的很喜欢这首歌,所以我加入了广播,并确保宣布了他的名字,这样每个人都知道他贡献了这么一首很棒的歌。A. class班级;B. name名字;C. family家庭;D. hbby爱好。根据下文“s everyne knew that he cntributed such a great sng.”可推知,作者真的很喜欢这首歌,所以加入了广播,并确保宣布了他的名字,每个人都知道他贡献了这么一首很棒的歌。故选B项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不用说,这个男孩非常兴奋,从那以后,他在英语课上变得更加快乐和专注。A. scared害怕的;B. pwerful强有力的;C. thrilled非常兴奋的;D. disappinted失望的。根据该句中的“and he’s been much happier”可知,这个男孩非常兴奋,从那以后,在英语课上变得更加快乐和专注。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然其他人都误解了他,把他推开,但我看穿了他的行为,知道他只是需要一个认可他、给他机会的人。A. accepted接受的;B. inspired鼓舞;C. attacked攻击;D. misunderstd误解。根据下文“pushed him away”可知,别人都远离他,所以是误解了他。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们之间仍然有语言障碍,但言语是不需要的,你总能感觉到你和某人在一起。A. barrier障碍;B. training训练;C. curse课程;D. cnnectin联系。根据下文“but wrds aren’t needed, we can always sense when we’re at ne with smene.”可知,我们之间有语言障碍。故选A项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他最近从我身边走过,给了我一个我所见过的最真诚的微笑。A. thanks感谢;B. behavir行为;C. cnfidence信心;D. smile 微笑。根据下文“I’ve never seen him smile like that befre”可知,他最近从作者身边走过,给了作者一个作者从未见过的微笑。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的同事转向我说:“我以前从未见过他这样笑。你是如何做到的?”。A. teacher教师;B. relative亲戚;C. rmmate室友;D. cwrker同事。根据下文“I’ve never seen him smile like that befre.”可知,说话人和作者在一起,应是同事。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的同事转向我说:“我以前从未见过他这样笑。你是如何做到的?”A. get得到;B. make成为;C. bserve观察;D. recver恢复。根据下文“I said, “thrugh just ne sng.””可知,同事问作者如何成功做到让这个孩子有这种微笑的。make it成功做到,故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我给了他一个机会。”我说“通过一首歌”。A. chice选择;B. cmment评论;C. cmfrt安慰;D. chance 机会。根据上文的“I gave everyne an pprtunity t share themselves thrugh their music”以及上文讲述的内容可知,作者给了这个学生一个机会,通过一首歌曲,让这个孩子改变了。故选D项。
    32、答案:①a②which③receiving④effective⑤diseases⑥is based⑦f⑧applied⑨have been used⑩extremely
    ②考查定语从句关系词。句意:近来,许多中国人热衷于一种叫做"三伏贴"的治疗方法,它是一种用传统中草药制成的绷带。分析可知,此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为Sanfu medicinal patch,指物,关系词在从句中作主语,故应用关系代词which引导。故填which。
    ⑥考查时态、语态及主谓一致。句意:这种疗法基于中医的阴阳原理,认为体内两种元素的平衡对身体健康非常重要。分析可知,所填词为句子谓语动词,根据上下文可知,句子是在陈述事实,应用一般现在时,主语the treatment和动词base之间为被动关系,所以应用一般现在时的被动语态,主语the treatment为单数,be动词应用is。故填is based。
    ⑦考查介词。句意:这种疗法基于中医的阴阳原理,认为体内两种元素的平衡对身体健康非常重要。分析可知,此处为"be+f+抽象名词"这一固定结构,be f imprtance"重要的"。故填f。
    ⑧考查省略句。句意:三伏贴含有一种天然"热"的草药膏,当贴于特定的穴位时,通常是在背部和颈部,它们可以补充阳气。分析可知,此处是一个由when引导的省略句,原句为when Sanfutie is applied t specific acupuncture pints,此处省略了与主句主语一致的从句主语Sanfutie及be动词is。故填applied。
    ⑨考查时态、语态及主谓一致。句意:根据2000多年前的《黄帝内经》记载,这些贴片在最早有记载的时候就开始使用了。《黄帝内经》是经过时间考验的中医教科书。分析可知,所填词为句子谓语动词,根据时间状语since earliest recrded times可知,句子应用现在完成时,主语these patches和动词use之间为被动关系,所以应用现在完成时的被动语态,主语these patches为复数,助动词应用have。故填have been used。
    Dear Tm,
    I’m writing t infrm yu f an uting t the suburbs. Our classmates hpe that I can invite yu t jin us.
    We are t meet at the schl gate at eight n Saturday mrning, where a bus will be waiting t pick us up. We will be drpped near the Minghu Reservir utside the city. Because we have t walk a lng way, yu must wear a pair f strng and cmfrtable shes. In additin, remember t bring sme water and snacks in case yu feel thirsty r hungry. Pay attentin t safety n the way.
    If yu can accept ur invitatin, we will all be very delighted.
    Li Hua
    告知,通知:infrm→ tell
    此外:In additin → what’s mre
    以防:in case→ fr fear
    高兴的:delighted→ pleased
    原句:I’m writing t infrm yu f an uting t the suburbs. Our classmates hpe that I can invite yu t jin us.
    拓展句:I’m writing t infrm yu f an uting t the suburbs, because ur classmates hpe that I can invite yu t jin us.
    【高分句型1】We are t meet at the schl gate at eight n Saturday mrning, where a bus will be waiting t pick us up.(运用了where引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Because we have t walk a lng way, yu must wear a pair f strng and cmfrtable shes.(运用了Because引导的原因状语从句)
    It was a vice yelling “Help”. Immediately Swift recgnized it was Starr’s. Mil was still barking, with his tail swinging mre crazily. Swift decided t break int the huse, but Mil rushed befre her. When she came in, what she saw shcked her. Starr was lying n the flr, lking scared. “I slipped, culdn’t mve.” she said faintly. Swift realized Mil apparently heard Starr as she pened her dr just nw. She called 911 at nce. Starr was rushed t the hspital and gt timely treatment. Later, she shwed her gratitude t Swift and Mil, saying “Only Mil culd hear my cries fr help. He was a blessing.”
    解析:考查名词.根据所给的汉语提示"利益,好处"和空前的冠词the可知,此处应用名词形式,"利益,好处"的英语是benefit,例如:Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit f its labr.各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果.故填benefit.
    解析:考查动词时态。句意: 首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。分析句子可知,"What first _____(吸引) me t her"是主语从句,提示词"吸引"是句中谓语动词,用动词attract表示,与其主语What之间是主动关系,根据主句时态可知从句也应使用一般过去时态。故填attracted。
    解析:根据括号内词义,"场合"可译为ccasin,根据f his retirement可知横线处表示单数概念。故填:ccasin。

    山东省威海市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份山东省威海市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案),共22页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,短文填空,书面表达,单词拼写,选词填空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    山东省菏泽市单县2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份山东省菏泽市单县2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案),共19页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,语法填空,短文填空,书面表达,单词拼写,完成句子等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    山东省烟台市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份山东省烟台市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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