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    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What is the man ding?
    A. Reading a bk. B. Packing his things. C. Writing a reprt.
    2. Hw many dgs d the speakers wn nw?
    A. Seven. B. Six. C. Five.
    3. What did the speakers d?
    A. They read a scary stry. B. They watched a scary mvie. C. They watched a funny mvie.
    4. When des the bank clse usually?
    A. 4: 00 p. m. B. 4: 30 p. m. C. 5: 00 p. m.
    5. Wh is the girl prbably talking t?
    A. Her father. B. Her brther. C. Her teacher.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What is the wman ding?
    A. Reading a stry. B. Writing the ending f the stry. C. Finishing her hmewrk.
    7. What might the wman d next?
    A. Tell the man the stryline. B. Invite the man t dinner. C. Publish the bk.
    8. Hw many shirts did the wman have washed?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur.
    9. Wh prbably wears the medium-sized shirt?
    A. The wman. B. The wman's sn. C. The wman's husband.
    10. When did the wman have a lng talk with her friends?
    A. In the mrning. B. In the afternn. C. In the evening.
    11. Where did the wman have lunch with Janet?
    A. In a pub arund the crner. B. In a nice restaurant near her cmpany.
    C. In her cmpany's cafeteria.
    12. What did the man think f the wman's afternn?
    A. It wasn't bad. B. It was relaxing. C. It sunded bring.
    13. Why can't the wman stand the man living upstairs?
    A. He ften kncks n her dr.
    B. He plays the pian until midnight.
    C. He always brrws her things.
    14. Wh is Susan?
    A. The wman's frmer classmate.
    B. The wman's neighbr.
    C. Jennifer's frmer rmmate.
    15. What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. Call Susan fr help with her rmmates.
    B. Mve int a new apartment.
    C. Prepare fr her exams.
    16. What des the wman say abut Susan?
    A. She is a great girl. B. She des well n exams. C. She sleeps well every night.
    17. Hw many brthers and sisters did Grandma Mses have?
    A. Five. B. Nine. C. Ten.
    18. What did Grandma Mses spend mst f her life ding?
    A. Husekeeping. B. Farming. C. Wrking at a lcal drugstre.
    19. Why did Grandma Mses paint in her ld age?
    A. T pass the time. B. T make mney. C. T exhibit her artwrks.
    20. When did Grandma Mses have her first exhibitin in New Yrk?
    A. In 1930. B. In 1940. C. In 2000.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Sharing China Pht Cntest(比)2024
    Chinese Spring Festival is the mst imprtant traditinal festival fr Chinese peple. Jyful celebratins take place all ver the wrld during the festive days. N matter wh yu are r where yu are frm, yu are welcme t send us phts f valuable mments frm Chinese New Year celebratins.
    Suggested subjects include:
    ·Traditinal custms(风俗), such as cleaning the huse and New Year's Eve dinner.
    ·Mdern custms, such as the Spring Festival travel rush, giving ut r receiving mbile red envelpes(红包) r travelling.
    ·Natinal activities, such as dragn dances, lin dances, yangk dances, lcal custms.
    ·Freigners experiencing the Spring Festival, such as celebratins arund the wrld r anything that shws the integratin(融合) f the festival and lcal life.
    Awards and Prizes
    The cntest will chse 50 phts (single r grup).
    First prize: 5 phts, with 2, 000 RMB in prize mney fr each winner
    Secnd prize: 15 phts, with 1, 000 RMB in prize mney fr each winner
    Third prize: 30 phts, with 600 RMB in prize
    The delivery date: frm Dec 20, 2023 t Feb 12, 2024
    The result will be published n June 1, 2024
    The rules
    ·All entries(参赛作品) must be real and nt pht edited. The clr f the image may be changed.
    ·Entries can be single phts r a grup f phts. A grup f phts cunts as ne entry and each grup may have fur t ten phts.
    ·Entries shuld have titles and a shrt pht descriptin (such as time, place and peple in the pht).
    Hst and rganizers
    Hst: China Internatinal Culture Assciatin
    Organizers: Chinadaily. cm. cn, Chinaculture. rg
    T learn mre and deliver yur entries:
    http: //en. chinaculture. rg/special_reprts/sharingchina 2024/
    21. What is the 2024 pht cntest mainly abut?
    A. Chinese New Year celebratins. B. Freigners' experiences in China.
    C. Spring Festival celebrating activities abrad. D. Chinese traditinal and mdern custms.
    22. What is the last day f the delivery date?
    A. December 20, 2023. B. Feburary 12, 2024. C. May 15, 2024. D. June 1, 2024.
    23. What is the requirement f the entries?
    A. Entries can be edited phts. B. Entries must be single phts.
    C. Entries shuld be shared nline. D. Entries shuld have a shrt intrductin.
    When she was a kid, Danielle Belleny “was always utdrs, playing with plants and investigating the wrld n my wn.” “I wanted t be a veterinarian(兽医), at first,” she says. “I always knew I wanted t wrk with animals, and as a kid that was the nly jb I knew where yu culd d that.”
    But when Belleny reached her secnd year f cllege, her dad mentined wildlife bilgy(生物学) a anther chice. She hadn't yet heard f it befre, but that' what she was learning abut. While in cllege, Belleny started wrking n research prjects. She spent a lt f time with animals in their natural envirnment. On ne prject, she studied the plants that animals eat. Anther is abut placing trackers n a bird called the nrthern bbwhite.
    Belleny's current jb is at Plateau Land & Wildlife Management, in Hays Cunty, Texas. “In the mrning, I'm usually ut the dr by sunrise,” she says. She studies birds. She keeps track f different animals. And she searches fr signs f what ther animals in the area are ding. “I lve that there's always a sense f discvery. It allws me t keep learning,”she says.
    Arund lunchtime, she'll return hme and write up a reprt. In the afternn, she leaves fr anther site visit. Landwners can request her services. She advises peple n hw t accmmdate the wildlife that lives n their land. “It's a lt f meeting new peple, a lt f quick intrductins, and then talking fr lng perids f time.” That's all her wrk fr a day.
    Outside f wrk, Belleny has been bird-watching, fr seven years. Her first bk, This Is a Bk fr Peple Wh Lve Birds, was published in May. It allwed her t share her lve f the activity. Nw she's wrking n a children's bk abut bird-watching. It's scheduled t cme ut in fall 2023.
    Belleny has sme advice fr yung peple wh are thinking abut prfessinal gals. “Try everything yu're interested in.” And if yu're interested in wrking with animals, “G t a library and find sme field guides.” There's a lt f infrmatin abut animals ut there. Bks are always a gd place t start.
    24. What is Danielle Belleny at present?
    A. A veterinarian. B. A wildlife bilgist.
    C. A z keeper. D. A full-time writer.
    25. What des Belleny mainly d after wrk?
    A. She keeps birds in her hme. B. She teaches peple t watch birds.
    C. She writes bks abut birds. D. She advises peple t accmmdate birds.
    26. What des Belleny suggest yung peple d?
    A. Find infrmatin abut a library. B. Try t like animals.
    C. Reading is the mst imprtant thing. D. D what yu enjy ding.
    27. What can be the suitable title fr the text?
    A. Study wildlife in the field B. Prtect children's interests
    C. Make researches n plants D. Help farmers with their wrk
    Artificial Intelligence(人工智能) has been arund fr many years. Nw rbts are using AI t help us learn and imprve sme skills in a freign language. This is nt new—sme f the nline language tls we turn t every day are pwered by AI.
    But as new technlgies fld int the market, nw is a great time t make use f the tech. And accrding t experts, these tls are making teachers' lives easier. One f the things that stps sme f us frm practicing speaking in a new language is a lack f self-cnfidence. Al can help, because fr sme peple, when they cmmunicate with a chatbt(聊天机器人), they dn't need t be afraid f failure r shyness.
    The latest chatbts use smething called natural language prcessing that allws them t understand human speech r writing. While chatbts are extremely useful fr learners wrking alne, teachers can als ask an AI system t prduce persnalized textbks fr grups f students. AI can als prvide feedback (反馈) in secnds—the days f waiting a week fr wrk t be graded are gne.
    Past nline language tls and games were able t tell yu when yu were wrng, but they weren't always able t explain why. Nw, nt nly has that changed, but the explanatins are detailed and immediate. But this is nt t underestimate the rle f the teacher, wh can use the technlgy t help learn mre abut the strengths and weaknesses f their students and persnalize their teaching.
    S, if yu want t impress yur friends with yur perfect speech, dn't be afraid f Al. Just think f it as a useful tl fr bth teachers and language learners, which will give yu mre time and space
    t enjy learning smething new!
    28. Why might smene prefer cmmunicating with chatbts?
    A. Because they can prduce textbks.
    B. Because they are mre knwledgeable.
    C. Because there is n need t wrry t much.
    D. Because they are mre prfessinal than humans.
    29. What can we learn abut the latest chatbts frm paragraph 3?
    A. It can ensure students t get a high grade. B. It meets persnalized students' needs.
    C. It reduces the cst f educatin. D. It can make detailed lessn plans.
    30. What des the wrd “underestimate” mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Undervalue. B. Understand. C. Establish. D. Revive.
    31. What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A. The histry f nline language tls.
    B. The challenges that AI-rbts bring t us.
    C. The advantages f AI in language learning.
    D. The rle f teachers in the mdern classrm.
    A recent study has fund that number-based bard games(棋盘游戏) pssibly can make yung children better at math. The researchers encurage further studies t see hw these types f games can help t prmte ther develpmental skills.
    Frmer studies have shwn that playing these games have a psitive effect n imprving scial, reading and writing skills. Nw, researchers frm Pntificia Universidad Católica, Chile, have investigated hw bard games affect a child's math abilities. The researchers chse bard games, specifically, because they are rules-based, and the mves and changes n the bard influence the whle gameplay. As such, they fall int their wn type f games, different frm ther games.
    The researchers reviewed 19 studies published frm 2000 nwards fr children aged three t nine. All but ne f the studies fcused n the effects f bard games n cunting ability and mathematical knwledge.
    The children were gruped accrding t whether they played a bard game based n numbers(the interventin grup) r ne that did nt (the cntrl grup). Math perfrmance(表现) was tested befre and after the interventin(干预). The researchers gruped the children accrding t their mathematical abilities, frm basic math bility (identifying and naming numbers) t mre advanced skills in mathematics.
    The researchers fund that 32% f children in the interventin grup shwed bvius imprvement in basic and advanced math perfrmance cmpared t thse in the cntrl grup.
    The researchers say that their study's findings shw that bard games can be used t imprve a child's basic math skills. “Future studies shuld be designed t explre the influences that these games culd have n ther develpmental skills,” said Jaime Balladares, lead authr f the study.
    32. What did the researchers find in the frmer study?
    A. Bard games can prmte kids' scial skills.
    B. All games are helpful t children's grwth.
    C. Children like the number-based games best.
    D. Bard games cntribute t a child's study.
    33. What d the children in interventin grup get frm playing bard games?
    A. Reading and writing skills. B. Directing and acting skills.
    C. Cunting and math ability. D. Study and review ability.
    34. Hw des the authr develp paragraph 4?
    A. By listing numbers. B. By giving an example.
    C. By quting a cnversatin. D. By making a cmparisn.
    35. What can be inferred frm Jaime Balladares's wrds?
    A. He is nt satisfied with the study findings.
    B. He encurages further studies f bard games.
    C. He is an expert in kids' develpmental skills.
    D. He wrries abut the effect f playing games.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    A guide t gaining self-cnfidence and feeling yur best
    D yu value yurself as a human being? D yu believe that yu're able t get the things yu want? 36 We'll tell yu exactly hw t gain self-cnfidence s yu can believe in yurself mre. S, let's get started.
    37 . Everyne is gd at smething, s fcus n areas where yu're the best. Make a list f yur strengths, and take pride in yur talents(天赋). When yu're feeling dwn, read yur list s yu can tell yurself hw amazing yu are.
    Exercise. When yu take gd care f yurself, yu feel mre cnfident and psitive. Fr gd health, exercise fr 30 minutes a day mst days a week. D smething fun, like playing tennis, ging fr a walk with a friend, r dancing t yur favrite music. 38 Invite yur friend r partner t exercise with yu t make it mre fun.
    Stp cmparing yurself t thers. Yu are ne-f-a-kind, s yu're nt ging t be like everyne else. Instead f using thers as a measuring stick fr success, use yur past self. That way, yu can fcus n creating a life that makes yu happy. Try t remember that what yu see n scial media is just the high pint f smene's life. 39
    Set and pursue(追求) realistic gals. 40 Feeling cnfident can give yu the energy t pursue them. Chse a gal yu want t wrk tward, and then break it up int smaller steps. Start wrking tward yur gal tday s yu can create the life yu want.
    A. Write dwn everything yu d well.
    B. Yur dreams are ttally within reach.
    C. Schedule time t pursue yur hbbies.
    D. Schedule exercise int yur day s yu wn't frget.
    E. Yu usually dn't see the bad days and mments f self-dubt.
    F. A gd supprt system helps yu stay fcused n yur best qualities.
    G. If nt, we're here t help yu g after yur dreams and believe in yurself.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    My wrk culd be dne at hme, s I dn't need t g t 41 . Befre I pick my children up frm schl in the evening, I'm 42 at hme. Fr many years, my nly cmpanin(同伴) was ur dg, Sn, wh always 43 me wherever I g.
    Sn and I didn't agree n everything. Hwever, we bth agreed n 44 because we d nt like t be bred. At least nce a week, we tk a lng walk t the beach. Fr him, there were large areas f tall grass and exciting smells. Fr me, walking 45 the mind as well as the bdy.
    Watching wildlife, explring new paths, seeing ther peple with their 46 , and s n, are gd fr bth yu and yur dg.
    As a dg with shrt legs, Sn needed several 47 alng the way. The ne at the entrance t the beach was his 48 , pssibly because there were beautiful sea view. I am the center f my dg's wrld and he needs my attentin. What better way t spend quality time with the dg than taking a walk?
    When he was ld and dying, ur walks were 49 . In his final days, Sn still 50 walking. It tk twice as lng t take even the shrtest walk, but we 51 every step. I dn't knw if dgs can cry, but if they can, that will make tw f us in 52 at the entrance t the beach.
    After he died, I went fr a lng walk. I felt like part f me was 53 . I kept lking dwn as if he were there beside me and enjyed the sun and fresh air. When I came t the place where we 54 fr the beach, I chse the ther way.
    Later, I may be walking by myself, but I'm never alne. Persnally, I'm 55 t earn the lve f an ld dg.
    41. A. building B. ffice C. cuntry D. schl
    42. A. alne B. curius C. anxius D. frightened
    43. A. cntrls B. supprts C. fllws D. annys
    44. A. jgging B. travelling C. camping D. walking
    45. A. exercised B. cntacted C. unearthed D. injured
    46. A. masters B. audiences C. prpsals D. pets
    47. A. attempts B. attractins C. breaks D. cheats
    48. A. memry B. favrite C. ability D. belief
    49. A. shrter B. farther C. faster D. mre
    50. A. related t B. held back C. stuck t D. made up
    51. A. registered B. valued C. ignred D. tested
    52. A. danger B. truble C. tears D. ruins
    53. A. wrrying B. missing C. bring D. puzzling
    54. A. applied B. searched C. wrked D. headed
    55. A. surprised B. addicted C. cnfused D. appreciated
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    The reasn why singer-sngwriter Zhang Jiasng's music is unique lies 56 his flk tunes(歌曲调)and sng wrds in lcal dialects. Yet fr Zhang 57 (he), they als make him always remember 58 he cmes frm.
    He talked abut his experience and 59 (understand)f the style f his music n Mnday, shrtly befre 60 (take) part in a lawn(草坪) cncert at Beijing's Yuanmingyuan Park, which std ut fr the sngs sung in many 61 (variety) f dialects.
    Brn in the cuntryside f Jingyuan cunty, Baiyin city, Nrthwest China's Gansu Prvince, Zhang, 34, has becme famus fr his sngs that 62 (create) several years ag t praise his hmeland, and he put much effrt int his music
    Sme vide wrks f his singing, dressed in traditinal Chinese clthing and playing traditinal musical instruments, have spread 63 (wide)n scial media ver the past few years.
    One f such vides is 64 (shw) his respect(尊重) t his aunt, a dctr wh headed fr Wuhan during the Spring Festival hliday f 2020. The simple sng 65 his deep feelings shwn in the wrds f the sng are tuching.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 书面表达(满分15分)
    1. 中国景点介绍;
    2. 你的体验感受;
    3. 邀请他来游玩。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Puppies fr Sale
    A little by lived in a small twn f Nrthern Califrnia called Oxnard. He was a lvely by but he lst his left leg in a car accident and had t walk by a false leg(假肢). He culdn't fllw ther kids. He felt lnely and decided t keep a pet dg as his friend.
    One day, he walked past a pet shp and saw a sign abve the dr that said: “Puppies fr Sale”. The little by asked the shp wner, “I want t buy ne f yur puppies. Can I please lk at the puppies?”
    The pet shp wner gt impressed with the hnesty f the by. “Sure,” said the shp wner. He smiled and whistled ludly. Five puppies ran dwn the walkway f the pet shp.
    The little by's eyes danced with pleasure. As the puppies made their way twards the fence, the little by nticed that ne puppy was falling behind. This puppy was limping(跛行) and trying its best t catch up the thers.
    Immediately the little by pinted ut twards the limping puppy and asked, “What's wrng with that little puppy?” The shp wner explained that when the puppy was brn the pet hspital had examined the little puppy and had discvered there was smething wrng with its back leg. It wuld limp fr the rest f his life.
    The little by gt really excited and said “That is the puppy that I want t buy.” The shp wner replied, “N, that puppy is nt fr sale. Nbdy will buy that puppy due t his disabled leg. If yu really want him, I'll just give him t yu fr free.”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The little by gt quite upset with the reply f the shp wner. _________________________________________
    Hwever, the by decided t buy the little puppy and thught that he shuld pay fr it. _____________________
    1-5 CCACA 6-10 BACBA 11-15 ACBCB 16-20 ABBAB
    A篇 本文为应用文,介绍2024年中国新年摄影大赛的情况。
    21-23 ABD
    21. A 细节理解题。根据第一段 yu are welcme t send us phts f valuable mments frm Chinese New Year celebratins. 可知,2024年春节摄影大赛的主题是中国新年庆祝。
    22. B 细节理解题。根据原 The delivery date: frm Dee 20, 2023 t Feb 12, 2024可知,投稿最后期限2024年2月12日。
    23. D 细节理解题。根据 The rules 第三条 Entries shuld have titles and a shrt pht descriptin 可知,稿件要求要有简单的照片介绍。
    B篇 本文是记叙文,讲述了丹妮尔·贝莱尼从小就对动物感兴趣,后来成为一位野生动物生物学家的故事。
    24-27 BCDA
    24. B 推理判断题。由第二段和下文贝莱尼的工作内容可知,贝莱尼上大学的时候接受了爸爸的建议学习了野生动物生物学,后来又从事了野生动物生物学工作,所以是一个野生动物生物学家。
    25. C 细节理解题。由第二段第二句 “Her first bk, This Is a Bk fr Peple Wh Lve Birds, was published in May.” 和第四句 “Nw she's wrking n a children's bk abut bird-watching.” 可知,贝莱尼工作之余主要写关于鸟的书。
    26. D 推理判断题。由最后一段第二句 “Try everything yu're interested in.” 可推断出,贝莱尼建议年轻人去做自己喜欢的事情。
    27. A 主旨大意题。全文讲述了丹妮尔·贝莱尼从小就对动物感兴趣,长大后成为一位野生动物生物学家,她的日常工作就是在自然环境中研究各种动物。
    C篇 本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是人工智能在语言学习中带给人们的好处。
    28-31 CBAC
    28. C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段的 “AI can help, because fr sme peple, when they cmmunicate with a chatbt (聊天机器人), they dn't need t be afraid f failure r shyness. ” 可知,有人更喜欢和机器人交流是因为他们不需要害怕失败和害羞由此推出他们不需要担心大多。
    29. B 推理判断题。根据文章第三段 “ ... teachers can als ask an Al system t prduce persnalized textbks fr grups f students.” 可知,人工智能系统可以满足学生的个性化需求。
    30. A 词句猜测题。根据倒数第二段 “ ... the rle f the teacher, wh can use the technlgy t help learn mre abut the strengths and weaknesses f their students and persnalize their teaching.” 可知,老师的角色是不能被低估的,划线词underestimate的意思是“低估”,和undervalue意思相近。
    31. C 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段可知,本文主要讲述人工智能在语言学习中带给人们的好处,因此选项C(人工智能在语言学习中的好处)符合本文的主题。
    D篇 本文是一篇议论文,介绍一项研究发现:以数字为基础的棋盘游戏可以提高孩子的数学能力。
    32-35 ACDB
    32. A 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,以前的研究已经证明,在提高社交和读写能力方面,棋盘游戏对孩子们有好处。因此棋盘游戏可以提升社交技能。
    33. C 细节理解题。根据第五段实验结果的叙述可知,干预组中32%的儿童的基础和高级数学能力明显提高。由此推断,通过玩棋盘游戏,干预组儿童的数学能力可以得到提高。
    34. D 推理判断题。根据第四段实验过程的叙述可知,研究人员将孩子分成两组进行对比研究。并且根据孩子的数学能力对他们进行了分类。所以作者展开第四段是通过对比的方式。
    35. B 推理判断题。最后一段中 Jaime Balladares 叙述 “Future studies shuld be designed t explre the effects that these games culd have n ther develpmental skills. ” 未来的研究应该旨在探索这些游戏对其他认知和发展技能的影响。由此推断,Jaime Balladares鼓励对棋盘游戏的进一步研究。
    七选五 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了如何获得自信的一些方法,从而使我们能更加相信自己。
    36-40 GADEB
    36. G 根据上下文可知,设空处应该对前文的问题进行回答,即是否感觉到自信,如果没有自信,后文承接的内容是对你进行帮助。C选项承上启下,符合语境。
    37. A 根据第二段内容“ Make a list f yur strengths, and take pride in yur talents. "可知,本段主要讲列出你的长处,为自己的才能感到自豪。A选项概括本段主旨,符合语境。
    38. D 根据本段的小标题 “Exercise ” 以本段中 “Fr gd health, exercise fr 30 minutes a day mst days a week. D smething fun, like playing tennis, ging fr a walk with a friend, r dancing t yur favrite music. ” 可知,本段讲述的是要多做锻炼,以保持健康。D选项承接前文,符合语境。
    39. E 根据上文 “Try t remember that what yu see n scial media is just the high pint f smene's life. ” 可知,你在社交媒体上看到的只是某人生活中最精彩的部分。E项承接上文,强调你在社交媒体上看到的只是某人生活中的精彩部分,因此看不到他人糟糕的状况和自我怀疑的时刻。
    40. B 根据本段的小标题 “Set and pursue(追求) realistic gals. ” 以及下文 “Feeling cnfident can give yu the energy t pursue them. ” 可知,本段讲述的是要设定并追求现实的目标,自信可以帮助你去实现目标。B选项承接前文,指出你追求的梦想应该是触手可及,即要切实可行。同时下文中的them指代B项中的yur dreams。
    完形填空 这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者和一只名叫雪诺的狗之间充满爱的感人故事。
    41-45 BACDA 46-50 DCBAC 51-55 BCBDD
    41. 考查名词词义辨析。我的工作可以在家完成,所以我不需要去办公室。
    42. 考查形容词词义辨析。在傍晚从学校接到孩子之前我都是一个人在家。
    43. 考查动词词义辨析。我唯一的伙伴是我们的狗,雪诺。我去任何地方它总是跟着我。
    44. 考查动名词词义辨析。然而,我们都同意散步。根据下文 “At least nce a week, we tk a lng walk t the beach. ” 提到去海滩散步,可知,此处应表示作者和狗一起去散步。
    45. 考查动词词义辨析。散步既锻炼身体,也锻炼心灵。
    46. 考查名词词义辨析。此处应该是指,散步时看到其他人带着他们的宠物。
    47. 考查名词词义辨析。作为一条腿很短的狗,雪诺一路上需要休息几次。
    48. 考查名词词义辨析。海滩入口处的那次休息是他最喜欢的,可能是因为那里有美丽的海景。
    49. 考查形容词词义辨析。当他老了,快要死了,我们散步的时间变短了。
    50. 考查动词短语辨析。在他最后的日子里,雪诺仍然坚持散步。
    51. 考查动词词义辨析。即使走最短的路也要花两倍的时间,但我们珍惜每一步。
    52. 考查名词词义辨析。我不知道狗会不会哭,但如果它们会哭,我们两个在海滩人口处就哭了。
    53. 考查形容词词义辨析。根据上文 “After he died, I went fr a lng walk. ” 提到狗死后,作者去散了很长时间的步,以及下文 “I kept lking dwn as if he were there beside me and enjyed the sun and fresh air. ” 提到狗好像就在我身边,由此可推知,此处应表示作者觉得自己的一部分消失了。
    54. 考查动词词义辨析。当我来到要去向海滩的地方时,我选择了另一条路。
    55. 考查形容词词义辨析。就我个人而言,我很感激能得到一只年老狗的爱。
    语法填空 本文是一篇说明文。文章谈论了创作型歌手张嘉松的音乐。
    56. in。考查介词。句意:创作型歌手张家松的音乐之所以独树一帜,在于他的民歌曲调和地方方言歌词。lie in是固定短语,意思是“存在于”。
    57. himself。考查反身代词。句意:然而,对于张自己来说,它们也让他使终记得他来自哪里。设空处为Zhang的同位语,应用反身代词himself,表示强调。
    58. where。考查连词。句意见上题解析。设空处引导宾语从句,从句缺少地点状语,应用where。
    59. understanding。考查名词。句意:周一,在参加北京圆明园草坪音乐会前不久,他谈到了他对自己音乐风格的经验和理解。设空处应用名词的形式。
    60. taking。考查非谓语动词。句意同上。
    61. varieties。考查名词。根据 “many ________ f dialects” 可知,设空处应为名词的复数形式。
    62. were created。考查被动语态。设空处在that引导的定语从句中作谓语,先行词为sngs,叙述过去发生的事,应用一般过去时,主语和谓语之间是被动关系,故设空处应用一般过去时的被动语态。
    63. widely。考查副词。设空处应为副词的形式作状语修饰动词。
    64. t shw。考查不定式。句意:其中一个视频是关于他的阿姨的,她是一名医生,在2020年春节假期期间前往武汉。
    65. and。考查连词。句意:通过这个视频,他表达了对阿姨的尊重。这首简单的歌和他在歌词中所表现出的深厚感情令人感动。设空处连接两个并列的主语成分,应用and。
    Dear Peter,
    During the Natinal Day Hliday, I went t Beijing and visited the Great Wall.
    The Great Wall is ne f the greatest wnders in the wrld, which attracts thusands f turists every day. It is running acrss the muntains like a dragn. I really enjyed the beauty f it and tk a lt f phts. As the saying ges, “ne wh has never been t the Great Wall is nt a true man.” I climbed t the highest pint, which is called “Gd Man Slp”. As a Chinese, I am prud f ur great cuntry.
    I sincerely hpe that yu can cme t China t take a lk at the Great Wall when yu have time.
    Li Hua
    The little by gt quite upset with the reply f the shp wner. He lked straight int the shp wner's eyes and said, “I dn't want yu t give him t me. That little dg is wrth every bit as much as all the ther dgs, and I'll pay full price.” The shp wner tried t persuade the by t stp buying the puppy and said “Yu really want t buy this little dg? He is never ging t be able t run and jump and play with yu like the ther puppies.”
    Hwever, the by decided t buy the little puppy and thught that he shuld pay fr it. The shp wner asked, “Why d yu want this dg?” T the shp wner's surprise, the little by reached dwn and pulled up his pant leg t shw his false left leg supprted by a big metal brace. He lked up at the shp wner and sftly replied, “Well, I dn't run s well myself, and the little puppy will need smene wh understands!” The pet wner was mved by his wrds. Finally they reached an agreement that the by paid fr the little puppy and brught it hme happily.
    Text 1
    W: May I have a wrd with yu?
    M: Yu've caught me at a bad time. I am writing a reprt and have t finish it within an hur.
    W: Yu really like leaving things t the last minute.
    Text 2
    W: I knw we already have a lt f dgs, but this ne is s cute! Can we please just get ne mre?
    M: If we get ne mre, we'll have six dgs! That's way t many.
    Text 3
    M: That stry we just read was really scary, and nw I can't sleep!
    W: Dn't wrry. It wasn't real. Just clse yur eyes, and yu'll fall asleep sn. I can put n a funny mvie fr us t watch.
    Text 4
    W: Excuse me. What time des this bank clse?
    M: The bank itself clses at 4: 00 p. m. , but the ATM is pen 24 hurs a day.
    W: That's strange. Isn't 4: 00 p. m. a little early t clse?
    M: Well. There aren't t many custmers n Saturday, s we clse an hur earlier than usual.
    Text 5
    W: Will yu tell Sam t give me back my pencil? I'm trying t d hmewrk.
    M: Sam, please give yur sister back her pencil. Yu can get ne in yur mm's ffice.
    Text 6
    W: I've had enugh f this bk!
    M: What's wrng, Katie? Aren't yu almst finished?
    W: I am, but I've been wrking n the last chapter fr hurs. I just can't seem t get the ending right. The publisher will kill me if I dn't finish this bk by the deadline.
    M: D yu want t tell me abut the stryline? Maybe I can help yu think f a gd ending.
    W: That wuld be great!
    Text 7
    W: Hld n, sir. I think there's been a mistake.
    M: What's the prblem, madam?
    W: This shirt isn't mine. My husband's shirts are all XXL, but this is a medium.
    M: Let me take a lk. . . The laundry list says three XXLs and ne medium. It's all crrect.
    W: Well, I guess I had ne f my sn's shirts with me that day.
    Text 8
    M: Hell, darling. Did yu have a gd day?
    W: Nt had. The usual srt f things: meeting. Phne calls, letters. . . yu knw, that srt f thing.
    M: Did yu see anybdy interesting?
    W: Well, my friends Chris and Carla came int the ffice this mrning. We had a lng talk.
    M: Oh, really? What did yu talk abut?
    W: Oh, this and that, yu knw.
    M: I see.
    W: And then Janet turned up as usual, just when I was trying t finish sme wrk.
    M: S, what did yu d?
    W: I had lunch with her.
    M: Sunds relaxing. Where did yu g? Smewhere nice?
    W: N, just the pub arund the crner. Then in the afternn, there was a meeting that went n fr hurs.
    M: Sunds like a bring afternn!
    Text 9
    M: Ivy, hw d yu like yur new apartment?
    W: Well, I wish I hadn't mved in. The man wh lives upstairs ften plays the pian until midnight. I really can't stand it.
    M: Why dn't yu ask him t stp?
    W: I've tried, but it desn't wrk. What's wrse, he isn't the nly ne that I cannt stand. The wman wh lives next dr ften cmes ver t brrw things, but she never returns anything.
    M: Then dn't lend her anything!
    W: Nw I dn't even pen the dr when she kncks. I'm afraid I'll have t mve again.
    M: Yu can mve in with my sister Susan. The girl wh was sharing her apartment, Jennifer, has mved ut, s she has an extra rm nw.
    W: That's great. Yur sister is such a great girl. I'll call her and mve in with her as sn as pssible. After all, I need t sleep well every night in rder t d well n the cming exams.
    Text 10
    M: Grandma Mses is amng the mst well-knwn 20th century painters f the United States, yet she had hardly started painting befre she was in her late seventies She was brn n a farm in New Yrk, ne f five bys and five girls. At 12, she left hme and wrked as a husekeeper until she married Thmas Mses at 27. They farmed mst f their lives, first in Virginia and then in New Yrk. Grandma Mses began t paint using ils in her ld age because she wanted t keep busy and pass the time. Her pictures were first sld at the lcal drugstre and at a market, and were sn nticed by a businessman wh bught everything she painted. Three f thse pictures were exhibited in the

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