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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    答案是 C。
    1. When did the match actually start?
    A. At 5:45 pm. B. At 6:15 pm. C. At 6:30 pm.
    2. What des the man mean?
    A. He prefers study t a picnic. B. He dislikes autumn. C. He is rather busy.
    3. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Interviewer and interviewee. B. Bss and secretary. C. Hst and guest.
    4. What des the man intend t d?
    A. Make friends. B. Cllect papers. C. D the typing.
    5. Which shes are mre expensive?
    A. The red nes. B. The white nes. C. The blue nes.
    6. Why des the wman want the man t turn the TV up?
    A. T watch the weather reprt. B. T watch the news. C. T watch advertisements.
    7. What’s the winter like in this area?
    A. It’s nt cld. B. It is ften windy. C. It seldm snws.
    8. What des the man want t d?
    A. Open an accunt. B. Save sme mney. C. Withdraw sme mney.
    9. Why des the man have t wait?
    A. The pwer is ff. B. There are many peple. C. The cmputer is dwn.
    10. When will the man take the mney?
    A. A few minutes later. B. Tmrrw. C. Several hurs later.
    11. What’s the Curse Five-ne-fur abut?
    A. Children’s literacy. B. Testing. C. Advanced maths.
    12. What can help the wman change the curse?
    A. Her recrds. B. Her papers. C. Her degree.
    13. What is the wman ging t d next?
    A. Sign her name. B. Fix the paper up. C. G t anther ffice.
    14. Wh is the man?
    A. A physician. B. An peratr. C. A nurse.
    15 What’s wrng with the wman’s brther?
    A. He hurt his leg. B. He was ut f breath. C. He lst cnsciusness.
    16. What infrmatin is needed?
    A. The brther’s name. B. The wman’s lcatin. C. The wman’s phne number.
    17. What is the man’s suggestin?
    A. Keeping cl. B. Sending fr a dctr. C. Mving t a safe place.
    18. What is the talk mainly abut?
    A. The basic infrmatin f milu deer.
    B. The imprtance f deer cnservatin.
    C. The relatinship between deer and man.
    19. What d the milu deer eat in autumn?
    A. Grass. B. Fruits and nuts. C. Dry leaves.
    20. What makes a milu deer different frm ther deer?
    A. A better sense f smell. B. Brighter clur. C. Bigger feet.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

    1. Which f the fllwing submissins are welcme?
    A. Funny jkes.B. Fantasy stries.C. Pems.D. Published letters.
    2. Hw can readers get talking magazines?
    A. Email excerpts @B. G t
    C. Call 033 0333 2220.D. Visit
    3. What can subscribers d?
    A. Buy any previus issue.B. Enjy hme delivery service.
    C. Pay subscriptin fees mnthly.D. Cntact Custmers Service fr latest ffers.
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B
    【导读】本文是一篇应用文。本文介绍了Reader’s Digest 杂志的投稿、订阅、客服等方面的信息。
    细节理解题。根据文章“WE ALSO PAY...”部分“£20 fr jkes in Laugh (笑话稿费20英镑)”可知,杂志收录笑话的投稿。而文中左边第三部分“Lng stries, petry and cartns are nt requested. Ensure submissins are nt previusly published.(不要求长故事、诗歌和卡通。确保提交的内容以前没有发表过。)”以及“£30 fr the true stries (真实故事稿费20英镑)”可知,幻想的故事、诗歌和已发表作品不需要,因此BCD选项不符合。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据问题题干“talking magazines”定位到右边第二部分,文章中的网址“visit ”可知,要订阅杂志可以登录这个网站。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据问题题干“subscribers”定位到右边第三部分,文中“Annual subscriptins are available t be delivered mnthly direct t yur dr.(年度订阅可每月直接送货上门。)”可知,年度订阅可以享受送货服务。故选B项。
    Cities have been described as essential t climate change slutins, but they can als raise the kinds f eclgists that will bring us int a mre cmprehensive bilgical future.
    As a black wildlife bilgist frm Philadelphia, I std ut amng my cwrkers. My presence in eclgy has challenged assumptins abut nt nly what a bilgist lks like, but als where a bilgist cmes frm. In the U.S., eclgy was and is mainly white and cnducted in rural landscapes, but I had n histry f camping, fishing, hunting r hiking. I had yet t recgnize that Philadelphia, with its fur seasns and richness f squirrels (松鼠), rw hmes and festivals, was actually my first eclgical classrm. There I witnessed wild cats eating birds and rats, peple shting bats frm their hmes and snakes being killed by lawn mwers (割草机). This is as much eclgy in actin as anything we witness in fields and frests.
    Urban wild animals exhibit many features and behavirs that set them apart frm their rural twins: they may be bigger, eat mre diverse fd surces, are active at different times f the day, mve differently and have different persnalities. Sme bilgists argue they are even “smarter”. Besides, urban wildlife balances mre risks—such as rad chemical pisns and diseases frm dmestic animals—with rewards. Sme f thse rewards cme frm humans prviding fd and sme frm the distributin f ur parks and water bdies.
    In ur prfessinal lives as bilgists, living with such wild animals can make us mre tlerant f species diversity, which can benefit the natural wrld. Nature is n lnger nly primitive wilderness but includes sunds f human laughter and garbage trucks. We expect mre bilgists frm urban settings because urban envirnments naturally train keen bservers wh are the future f eclgy.
    4 Which makes the authr stand ut amng his cwrkers?
    A. His natinality.B. His city backgrund.
    C. His interest in utdr activities.D. His lve fr animals.
    5. What des the underlined “they” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Urban wild animals.B. Rural animals.
    C. Dmestic animals.D. Wildlife bilgists.
    6. What d we knw abut urban wild animals?
    A They have truble in getting fd.B. They enjy safer living cnditins.
    C. They d better in fighting diseases.D. They are mre adaptable t envirnment.
    7. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Urban Wild Animals Survive.B. Benefits f City Cnservatin.
    C. Cities Build Better Bilgists.D. A Black Bilgist frm Philadelphia.
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段“As a black wildlife bilgist frm Philadelphia, I std ut amng my cwrkers.”(作为一名来自费城的黑人野生动物生物学家,我在同事中脱颖而出。)可知,作者与其他的生物学家与众不同的地方在于他的城市背景。故选B项。
    词义猜测题。根据第三段“Urban wild animals exhibit many features and behavirs that set them apart frm their rural twins: they may be bigger, eat mre diverse fd surces, are active at different times f the day, mve differently and have different persnalities.”(城市野生动物表现出许多将他们与农村的双胞胎兄弟们区分开来的特征和行为:他们更大,食物来源更加多样,在一天中不同的时间段活动,行动也不同并且有不同的性格。)可知,第三段中的they指代的是上文提到的城市的野生动物。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Besides, urban wildlife balances mre risks—such as rad chemical pisns and diseases frm dmestic animals—with rewards. Sme f thse rewards cme frm humans prviding fd and sme frm the distributin f ur parks and water bdies.”(此外,城市野生动物还能有回报地平衡更多的风险——如道路化学毒物和来自家禽的疾病。其中一些这样的回报来自于人类提供的食物,还有一些来自公园和水体的分布。)可知,和乡村的野生动物相比,城市野生动物善于利用城市环境生存,推断出他们更加适应环境。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Cities have been described as essential t climate change slutins, but they can als raise the kinds f eclgists that will bring us int a mre cmprehensive bilgical future.”(城市对气候改变的解决方式至关重要,但他们也可以培养出各种生态学家,将我们带入一个更全面的生态学未来。)和最后一段“We expect mre bilgists frm urban settings because urban envirnments naturally train keen bservers wh are the future f eclgy.”(我们期待更多来自城市环境的生物学家,因为城市环境培养出对于生态环境的未来敏锐的观察者。)可知,文章首尾呼应,点明主题——城市可以培养出更好的生物学家。故选C项。
    Chatting in her bright tw bedrm flat, Shirley Meredeen, aged 91, desn’t hesitate in describing the benefits f living here. “It keeps my brain ging. We are all very active because there is s much t ’re really lucky t have such a supprtive cmmunity.”
    In 1998, Meredeen first heard f the cncept f chusing as develped in the Netherlands and decided t cpy its mdel in the UK and create the Older Wmen Chusing (OWCH) with her friends. But they didn’t imagine that it wuld be an 18-year struggle. The nvelty f the idea cupled with the lack f data t prve the scial and ecnmic benefits made it difficult fr them t access public mney. Cuncils always cmpared their idea t sheltered accmmdatin and saw it as a burden fr their already verstretched budgets.
    In fact, the cmmunity-led husing is a departure frm the cnventinal understanding f later life. Nw, the cmmunity cmprises 25 flats as well as a shared kitchen, meeting rm, laundry, garden, car park and a guest rm. Peple live tgether based n interdependence. They can take cntrl f their future instead f relying n their families r care hmes. All the neighburs lk ut fr each ther, nt after each ther, which means accmpanying t medical appintments, ding the lcal shpping, having family cntacts in preparatin fr an emergency... But the limits f such infrmal care amng residents still need t be wrked ut.
    OWCH has paved the way t alternative living arrangements in later life and the supprt fr cmmunity-led husing is starting t emerge in the frm f guidance and funding, accrding t UK Chusing Netwrk.
    8. What d we knw abut Meredeen?
    A. She first tried chusing in the Netherlands.
    B. She is a regular visitr t OWCH.
    C. She is a pineer in elderly care service.
    D. She funded OWCH single-handed.
    9. Why did it take such a lng time t set up OWCH?
    A. It didn’t benefit scial ecnmy.B. It didn’t keep up with the time.
    C. It called fr careful budgeting.D. It was hard t get public funding.
    10. Which is prbably the reasn why senirs chse OWCH?
    A. They are mre independent.B. They are respnsible fr each ther.
    C. They receive mre care services.D. They can rely n their relatives.
    11. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T describe an ambitius figure.B. T intrduce a new lifestyle f senirs.
    C. T ensure elderly peple’s welfare.D. T inspire the aged t achieve their dreams.
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Shirley Meredeen与她的朋友一起创建“老年女性同居”养老模式,但是这种非正式护理在居民中的局限性仍有待解决。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的“In 1998, Meredeen first heard f the cncept f chusing as develped in the Netherlands and decided t cpy its mdel in the UK and create the Older Wmen Chusing (OWCH) with her friends. (1998年,梅雷迪恩第一次听说荷兰开发的共居概念,并决定在英国复制其模式,与她的朋友一起创建了老年妇女共居(OWCH))”可推知,Meredeen是老年护理服务的先驱。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The nvelty f the idea cupled with the lack f data t prve the scial and ecnmic benefits made it difficult fr them t access public mney. (这个想法的新颖性加上缺乏证明社会和经济效益的数据,使得他们很难获得公共资金)”可知,建立OWCH需要这么长时间是因为很难获得公共资金,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中的“They can take cntrl f their future instead f relying n their families r care hmes. (他们可以掌控自己的未来,而不是依赖家人或养老院)”可推知,老年人选择OWCH的原因可能是他们更加独立。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的“In 1998, Meredeen first heard f the cncept f chusing as develped in the Netherlands and decided t cpy its mdel in the UK and create the Older Wmen Chusing (OWCH) with her friends. (1998年,梅雷迪恩第一次听说荷兰开发的共居概念,并决定在英国复制其模式,与她的朋友一起创建了老年妇女共居(OWCH))”及最后一段中的“OWCH has paved the way t alternative living arrangements in later life and the supprt fr cmmunity-led husing is starting t emerge in the frm f guidance and funding, accrding t UK Chusing Netwrk. (据英国同居网络报道,OWCH为以后的生活安排铺平了道路,对社区主导住房的支持开始以指导和资助的形式出现)”可推知,本文目的是介绍一种老年人的新生活方式。故选B。
    We live in an age when all scientific knwledge — frm the safety f vaccines (疫苗) t the reality f climate change — faces rganized and ften angry ppsitin. Dubters have declared war n the cnsensus (共识) f experts. It seems that peple have turned argumentative vernight.
    In a sense, all this is nt surprising. Our lives are affected by science and technlgy as never befre. The wrld seems full f real and imaginary dangers. Thugh scientists agree that the Ebla virus is spread nly by direct cntact with bld r bdy fluids (液体), if yu type “airbrne Ebla” int an Internet search engine, yu’ll find that sme peple believe that this virus has almst supernatural pwers.
    In this ften cnfusing wrld, we need t rely n science t decide whether what we chse t believe has a basis in the laws f nature r nt. But science desn’t cme naturally t mst f us. Science has ften led us t truths that are really mind-blwing. Fr example, althugh the rundness f the Earth has been knwn fr thusands f years, sme still feel it hard t accept.
    Even when peple becme scientifically educated, mst f them still try t make sense f the wrld by relying n persnal experience, stries r emtins rather than statistics. When they hear a number f cancer cases in a twn with a dangerus waste dump (垃圾场), they believe pllutin caused the cancers. Yet tw things happening tgether desn’t mean ne caused the ther. Even when they turn t the Internet, they let in nly the infrmatin they agree with t strengthen beliefs that have already been shaped by their wrldview.
    Hw can scientists cnvince dubters? Thrwing mre facts at peple may nt be enugh. Mre effrts are suppsed t be made.
    12. What’s the text mainly abut?
    A. Hw peple view the wrld.B. What challenges science faces.
    C. Whether science is wrth respect.D. Why peple shw disbelief in science.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “mind-blwing” prbably mean?
    A. Unbelievable.B. Desirable.C. Dangerus.D. Obvius.
    14. Hw d “peple” in paragraph 4 understand the wrld?
    A. They apply lgical thinking.
    B. They stick t their wn beliefs.
    C. They frm the views n assumptins.
    D. They rely n the infrmatin n the Internet.
    15. Hw des the authr prve his pinins?
    A. Thrugh cmparisn.B. Thrugh qutatin.
    C. By giving examples.D. By making definitins.
    【答案】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. C
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“We live in an age when all scientific knwledge — frm the safety f vaccines (疫苗) t the reality f climate change — faces rganized and ften angry ppsitin. (我们生活在这样一个时代,从疫苗的安全性到气候变化的现实,所有的科学知识都面临着有组织的、经常是愤怒的反对)”,第二段中的“In a sense, all this is nt surprising.(从某种意义上说,这一切并不令人惊讶)”,第三段中的“But science desn’t cme naturally t mst f us. (但科学对我们大多数人来说并不是天生的)”及第四段中的“Even when peple becme scientifically educated, mst f them still try t make sense f the wrld by relying n persnal experience, stries r emtins rather than statistics.(即使人们接受了科学教育,他们中的大多数人仍然试图通过个人经验、故事或情感而不是统计数据来理解世界)”可知,文章主要论述了为什么人们对科学表示怀疑。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词下文“Fr example, althugh the rundness f the Earth has been knwn fr thusands f years, sme still feel it hard t accept.(例如,尽管地球的圆度已经有数千年的历史,但有些人仍然觉得难以接受)”可知,有些事实和真相让一些人难以接受。由此推知,划线词mind-blwing与unbelievable(难以置信的)意思接近。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“Even when peple becme scientifically educated, mst f them still try t make sense f the wrld by relying n persnal experience, stries r emtins rather than statistics. When they hear a number f cancer cases in a twn with a dangerus waste dump (垃圾场), they believe pllutin caused the cancers. Yet tw things happening tgether desn’t mean ne caused the ther. Even when they turn t the Internet, they let in nly the infrmatin they agree with t strengthen beliefs that have already been shaped by their wrldview.(即使人们接受了科学教育,他们中的大多数人仍然试图依靠个人经验、故事或情感来理解世界,而不是统计数据。当他们听说一个有危险垃圾场的小镇上有一些癌症病例时,他们认为是污染导致了癌症。然而,两件事同时发生并不意味着一件事导致了另一件事。即使他们求助于互联网,他们也只允许他们同意的信息进入,以加强已经被他们的世界观所塑造的信念)”可推知,第四段中的人们依靠自己的信念去理解世界。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Thugh scientists agree that the Ebla virus is spread nly by direct cntact with bld r bdy fluids (液体), if yu type “airbrne Ebla” int an Internet search engine, yu’ll find that sme peple believe that this virus has almst supernatural pwers.(尽管科学家们一致认为埃博拉病毒只能通过直接接触血液或体液传播,但如果你在互联网搜索引擎中输入“空气传播埃博拉”,你会发现一些人相信这种病毒几乎具有超自然的力量)”,第三段中的“Fr example, althugh the rundness f the Earth has been knwn fr thusands f years, sme still feel it hard t accept.(例如,尽管地球的圆度已经有数千年的历史,但有些人仍然觉得难以接受)”和第四段中的“When they hear a number f cancer cases in a twn with a dangerus waste dump (垃圾场), they believe pllutin caused the cancers. Yet tw things happening tgether desn’t mean ne caused the ther.(当他们听说一个有危险垃圾场的小镇上有一些癌症病例时,他们认为是污染导致了癌症。然而,两件事同时发生并不意味着一件事导致了另一件事)”可推知,作者通过举例来证明了他的观点。故选C。
    Back in January, I was determined t get fit seriusly. ____16____ But then just as I was clse t giving up again, I discvered a brilliant new way t make exercise better: by turning it int a vide-game.
    Zwift is essentially a cycling game that yu cntrl by riding yur real bike, which is equipped with a device called a turb-trainer. This makes it like an exercise bike. As yu ride, the trainer sends signals t yur cmputer r tablet t cntrl the character n screen. ____17____ Fr example, as yu’re cycling up a hill in the game, yu can actually feel the different levels f resistance n the bike.
    After signing up fr a £12/mnth subscriptin, yu can participate in virtual cycle rides in 3D-recreatins f real places, like Lndn r in fantastical fictinal lcatins invented by the game designers. ____18____ As yu cycle alng The Mall twards Buckingham Palace, ther real human cyclists appear alngside yu, sharing the jurney. Thugh it is bviusly nly a game, just seeing the character mve is surprisingly mtivating.
    ____19____ G a little faster and yu’ll be rewarded with a little achievement marker. If yu ride harder, yu might win a race against anther real player and unlck a new item in a regular vide game, which can never be matched by a traditinal exercise bike.
    I’m nt the nly persn wh has nticed this. ____20____ Tday there are many ther cmpanies chasing the same audience, and they all ffer their wn unique twists n the frmula.
    A. Zwift makes it easy t wrk ut.
    B. And imprtantly, yu’re nt alne.
    C. The rest f the tech industry has, t.
    D. I played Zwift, a cycling game fr training.
    E. And then the game sends instructins back t the trainer.
    F. Smartly, the tricks f vide-games will keep pushing yu.
    G. This wuld mean hurs’ stretching and sweating each week.
    【答案】16. G 17. E 18. B 19. F 20. C
    上文“Back in January, I was determined t get fit seriusly.(早在一月份,我就下定决心要认真减肥)”提到了减肥,选项中this是关键词,与上文的get fit呼应,所以G选项“这意味着每周要花好几个小时拉伸和流汗”承接上文构成顺承关系,符合语境。故选G项。
    上文“As yu ride, the trainer sends signals t yur cmputer r tablet t cntrl the character n screen.(当你骑的时候,训练器会向你的电脑或平板电脑发送信号来控制屏幕上的角色)”提到了发送信号,E项中sends是关键词,与上文的sends呼应,所以E选项“然后游戏将指令发送回训练器”承接上文内容,符合语境。故选E项。
    下文“As yu cycle alng The Mall twards Buckingham Palace, ther real human cyclists appear alngside yu, sharing the jurney.(当你沿着林荫大道向白金汉宫骑行时,其他真正的骑自行车的人会出现在你身边,分享你的旅程)”提到了其他骑自行车的人,B选项中nt alne是关键词,与下文的ther real human cyclists构成因果关系,所以B选项“重要的是,你并不孤单”,符合语境。故选B项。
    下文“G a little faster and yu’ll be rewarded with a little achievement marker. If yu ride harder, yu might win a race against anther real player and unlck a new item in a regular vide game, which can never be matched by a traditinal exercise bike.(再快一点,你就会得到一个小小的成就标记。如果你骑得更努力,你可能会在与另一个真正的玩家的比赛中获胜,并在普通的电子游戏中解锁一个新物品,这是传统的健身自行车永远无法比拟的)”提到了推动你不断前进的一些技巧,F选项中pushing是关键词,与下文的faster和harder呼应,所以F选项“巧妙地,电子游戏的技巧将继续推动你”能概括下文内容,符合语境。故选F项。
    上文“I’m nt the nly persn wh has nticed this.(我不是唯一一个注意到这一点人)”提到了不是唯一的人,C选项中t是关键词,与上文构成顺承关系,所以C选项“科技行业的其他公司也是如此”承接上文,符合语境。故选C项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I’m appraching the Knight Street Bridge in my car. It’s 5:15 pm. The traffic is already ____21____ and then it cmes t a full stp. I’m ____22____ even befre getting n the bridge. Ahead f me are endless rws f ____23____, rughly 300.
    When I finally ____24____ it nt the bridge, the traffic is still mving at a slw pace. Tired and hungry, I becme very ____25____.
    Just then I hear a weak sund in the distance. The sund gradually becmes luder, until I can ____26____ it as an emergency vehicle appraching frm behind. What d we d? The bridge is ____27____. There’s n rm fr us t mve.
    But I’m wrng. Every single car quickly, yet ____28____, mves t the side. Withut thinking, I fllw suit. The lane (车道) remains ____29____ fr a few secnds, during which the ambulance _____30_____ thrugh. Afterward, we clse up the emergency lane, ready t cntinue ur wait. Back in my _____31_____, my anxiety is gne. I start _____32_____ what we just did.
    Despite ur tiredness, we cllectively drew n ur cmpassin (同情心) and _____33_____ t help the stranger wh needed the time mre _____34_____ than we did withut any rders. Althugh I may seem alne stuck n the bridge, I’m _____35_____ t all the ther drivers. Tgether we culd make the impssible pssible.
    21. A. rushing inB. turning upC. pulling verD. slwing dwn
    22. A. stuckB. fixedC. lstD. wrapped
    23. A. passers-byB. driversC. vehiclesD. taxis
    24. A. reachB. makeC. stepD. get
    25. A. disappintedB. jyfulC. excitedD. anxius
    26. A. realizeB. identifyC. imagineD. sense
    27. A. filledB. lckedC. packedD. narrwed
    28. A. carefullyB. graduallyC. casuallyD. suddenly
    29. A. penB. messyC. crwdedD. cnvenient
    30. A. crashesB. breaksC. jumpsD. flashes
    31. A. carB. seatC. sptD. sight
    32. A. bringing upB. reflecting upnC. referring tD. fcusing n
    33. A. gratitudeB. genersityC. intelligenceD. expectatin
    34. A. desperatelyB. patientlyC. flexiblyD. temprarily
    35. A. devtedB. cnnectedC. expsedD. abandned
    【答案】21. D 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. A 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. B
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:交通已经在减速,然后就完全停止了。A. rushing in冲进;B. turning up出现;C. pulling ver靠边停车;D. slwing dwn减速。根据下文“then it cmes t a full stp”可知,交通在减速。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我甚至在上桥之前就被卡住了。A. stuck卡住;B. fixed固定;C. lst丢失;D. wrapped包裹。根据下文“Ahead f me are endless rws f ____3____, rughly 300.”可知,我被卡在拥堵的车流之中。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我前面是无尽的车辆,大约有300辆。A. passers-by路人;B. drivers司机;C. vehicles车辆;D. taxis出租车。根据上文“I’m appraching the Knight Street Bridge in my car.”及空后“rughly 300”可知,我前面是无尽的车辆。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我终于把车开到桥上时,车辆仍在缓慢行驶。A. reach达到;B. make成功;C. step迈步;D. get到达。根据上文“finally”可知,我把车开到了桥上,make it (nt the bridge)成功上桥。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:又累又饿,我变得很焦虑。A. disappinted失望的;B. jyful高兴的;C. excited兴奋的;D. anxius焦虑的。根据上文“When I finally ____4____, the traffic is still mving at a slw pace. Tired and hungry”及常识可知,在这种情况下,人们会变得很焦虑。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:声音逐渐变大,直到我能认出它是一辆从后面驶来的紧急车辆。A. realize意识到;B. identify认出;C. imagine想象;D. sense觉察到。根据上文“Just then I hear a weak sund in the distance. The sund gradually becmes luder”可知,声音逐渐变大,我认出它是一辆从后面驶来的紧急车辆。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:桥被填满了。A. filled填满的;B. lcked纠缠不清的;C. packed拥挤的;D. narrwed狭小的。根据下文“There’s n rm fr us t mve.”可知,桥被填满了,我们没有移动的空间。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:每一辆车都快速而小心地向一侧移动。A. carefully小心地;B. gradually逐渐地;C. casually偶然地;D. suddenly突然。根据上文“The bridge is ____7____. There’s n rm fr us t mve.”可知,桥上几乎没有移动的空间,所以大家移动汽车时,非常小心。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:车道保持开放了几秒钟,在此期间救护车快速通过。A. pen开放的;B. messy凌乱的;C. crwded拥挤的;D. cnvenient便利的。根据下文“Afterward, we clse up the emergency lane, ready t cntinue ur wait.”可知,车道保持开放了几秒钟,保证救护车能够通过。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:车道保持开放了几秒钟,在此期间救护车快速通过。A. crashes碰撞;B. breaks损坏;C. jumps跳跃;D. flashes飞速运动。根据上文“fr a few secnds”及常识可知,救护车快速通过临时的车道。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:回到我的位置,我的焦虑消失了。A. car汽车;B. seat座位;C. spt地点;D. sight视线。根据上文“Afterward, we clse up the emergency lane, ready t cntinue ur wait.”可知,我们关闭了应急车道,又回到自己原来的位置,准备继续等待。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我开始反思我们刚刚做了什么。A. bringing up抚养;B. reflecting upn反思;C. referring t参考;D. fcusing n专注于。根据最后一段内容可知,我开始反思我们刚刚做了什么。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管我们很累,但我们还是共同利用我们的同情心和慷慨来帮助那些比我们没有任何命令更迫切需要时间的陌生人。A. gratitude感激;B. genersity慷慨;C. intelligence智力;D. expectatin期望。根据空前“we cllectively drew n ur cmpassin (同情心)”及上文内容可知,我们共同利用我们的同情心和慷慨来帮助了陌生人。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:尽管我们很累,但我们还是共同利用我们的同情心和慷慨来帮助那些比我们没有任何命令更迫切需要时间的陌生人。A. desperately极其;B. patiently耐心地;C. flexibly灵活地;D. temprarily暂时。根据上文“The lane (车道) remains ____9____ fr a few secnds, during which the ambulance ____10____ thrugh.”及常识可知,对于急救车上的病人来说,时间就是生命,这些人迫切需要时间。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然我似乎独自一人被困在桥上,但我和所有其他司机都有联系。A. devted忠诚的;B. cnnected有联系的;C. expsed无遮蔽的;D. abandned被离弃的。根据上文“Althugh I may seem alne stuck n the bridge,”及下文“Tgether we culd make the impssible pssible.”可知,此处与上文形成让步关系,虽然我似乎独自一人被困在桥上,但我和所有其他司机都有联系。故选B。
    The famus Chinese flk sng, Jasmine Flwer (茉莉花), has reached a ____36____ (glbe) audience with its catchy tune and lyrics. ____37____ (equal) ppular is the traditinally made Jasmine tea, ____38____ elegant taste fascinates cuntless tea drinkers.
    ____39____ it cmes t Jasmine, Chen Chengzhng has a big say. The 72-year-ld tea maker frm Fuzhu City is a master in the ____40____ (prduce) f Jasmine tea. Accrding t his intrductin, the ht and wet climate and the red sil in East China’s Fujian prvince prvide favrable cnditins fr jasmine and tea plants ____41____ (grw), becming the high-quality ingredients (原料) that ____42____ (need) fr jasmine tea.
    “When ____43____ (harvest), the jasmine flwers are mixed with layers f tea leaves. It takes at least nine scenting (增香) prcesses t prduce jasmine tea with an extrardinary flavur and smth taste — the criteria fr evaluating tp-level jasmine tea,” Chen said.
    Having been appinted ____44____ the representative f Fuzhu Jasmine tea, Chen nw fcuses mre n _____45_____ (pass) n the scenting techniques, giving lectures t students.
    【答案】36. glbal
    37. Equally
    38. whse 39. When
    40. prductin
    41. t grw
    42. are needed
    43. harvested
    44. as 45. passing
    考查定语从句。句意:同样受欢迎的是传统制作的茉莉花茶,其优雅的味道令无数茶客着迷。此处是非限定性定语从句,先行词是Jasmine tea,指物,关系词在从句中作elegant taste的定语,应用关系代词whse引导。故填whse。
    考查固定句型。句意:说到茉莉花,陈成忠有很大的发言权。固定句型When it cmes t“当谈到, 说到”。故填When。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:据他介绍,中国东部福建省炎热潮湿的气候和红色土壤为茉莉花和茶树的生长提供了有利条件,成为茉莉花茶所需的优质原料。根据句意可知,此处指“来供茶树的生长”,应用不定式。故填t grw。
    考查动词语态。句意:据他介绍,中国东部福建省炎热潮湿的气候和红色土壤为茉莉花和茶树的生长提供了有利条件,成为茉莉花茶所需的优质原料。此处是that引导的定语从句的谓语动词,that指代先行词the high-quality ingredients,与need是逻辑动宾关系,应用被动语态,句子陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时。故填are needed。
    考查状语从句的省略。句意:收获时,茉莉花与层层茶叶混合在一起。当时间状语从句的主语与主句主语一致,且有be动词时,可以省略从句的主语及be动词;本句的完整句子为When the jasmine flwers are harvested, the jasmine flwers are mixed with layers f tea leaves.可以省略the jasmine flwers are,保留harvested。故填harvested。
    考查介词。句意:在被任命为福州茉莉花茶的代表后,陈现在更专注于传授香味技术,给学生们上课。固定搭配be appinted as“被任命为”。故填as。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是校英语报“读者来信”栏目的主编李华。学生张明写信向你寻求帮助。他对父母充满感激之情,却又不知如何表达,有点苦恼。请给他回信,内容包括:
    Dear Zhang Ming,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Zhang Ming,
    I’m glad t hear frm yu. Yu said that yu are full f gratitude t yur parents, but yu dn’t knw hw t express it. I can quite understand yur situatin. In ur traditinal culture, we seldm express lve and ur feelings directly t each ther. Here I have sme suggestins fr yu.
    First, as yu are at this stage, yu shuld study hard and develp gd living habits, and d nt let parents wrry. Secnd, yu can d sme husewrk within yur pwer t share the burden fr parents. Besides, n hlidays, yu can try writing thank-yu letters r giving cards t ur parents.
    I hpe my suggestins will be helpful.
    Li Hua
    此外:besides=in additin
    原句:I can quite understand yur situatin. In ur traditinal culture, we seldm express lve and ur feelings directly t each ther.
    拓展句:I can quite understand yur situatin, because in ur traditinal culture, we seldm express lve and ur feelings directly t each ther.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Yu said that yu are full f gratitude t yur parents, but yu dn’t knw hw t express it. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] Besides, n hlidays, yu can try writing thank-yu letters r giving cards t ur parents. (运用了动名词作宾语)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    A Cmmunity Puts n a Dazzling Display f Supprt
    In Sara’s family, putting up Christmas lights was always a big day f celebratin. Every year, just after Thanksgiving Day, her dad Anthny, 70, wuld visit lcal stres t check ut new decratins and then excitedly string lights and hang decratins in and ut f the huse. The dazzling (绚烂的) display made him a hit in the cmmunity.
    On 2020 Christmas Eve, as usual, the whle huse twinkled with lights, and gifts were piled under the tree. While everyne was lking frward t enjying anther Christmas tgether as a family, Sara, gt a call: the whle family had tested psitive fr COVID-19. Their Christmas celebratin had t be canceled.
    At first, everyne’s symptms (症状) seemed manageable. But right after the new year, Anthny started having truble breathing and unfrtunately passed away tw weeks later, thugh the rest had recvered frm COVID-19. The fllwing week f planning the funeral was the wrst fr Sara and her husband, Frank. Srrw left them dubled ver in pain. The saddest f all was that n neighburs attended her father’s funeral. Only the twinkling Christmas lights at night brught them a little bit jy. The lights were ne f the last mments they had f their belved father, s they kept them up.
    One mrning in February, Sara received an envelpe. “Take yur Christmas lights dwn! It’s Valentine’s Day!!!” the unsigned letter read. Sara lked at the paper in shck. Then she gt angry. She culd have bttled up that anger, but she decided t write abut it instead. She lgged n t a lcal cmmunity Facebk grup and shared the letter. She ended the pst with this: “We all had a tugh year. Be kind t peple because yu never knw what they are ging thrugh.”
    Half an hur later, Frank rushed int the rm excitedly, with his phne in the hand.
    When night fell, Sara and Frank were surprised by what they saw utside.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Half an hur later, Frank rushed int the rm excitedly, with his phne in the hand. “Hney, yur pst ges viral!” exclaimed Frank. Sara hesitantly tk ver the phne and fund hundreds f likes and cmments under the pst. Sme expressed their grief ver the lss f her belved dad and sme shwed anger twards the letter writer. While slwly swiping acrss the screen with her fingertip and reading each cmment, she was s mved that tears streamed dwn her cheeks. And during the whle day Sara and Frank were bathed in the neighburs’ kindness and warmth.
    When night fell, Sara and Frank were surprised by what they saw utside. Against the black night, she nticed the neighburhd was like a sea f lights. With the catchy Christmas sngs eching sftly, the rfs f the buildings, the windws, the gardens, the trees, the fences... all twinkled with clrful Christmas lights and were wrapped with Christmas decratins. Undubtedly, the neighburs had cllectively hung their lights back. Seeing that, Sara and Frank burst int tears. Fr them, the dazzling lights were nt nly the hnur and memry f their belved father, but als an verwhelming display f the neighburs’ supprt.
    ①走红,火爆:ges viral/turn ht/becme ppular
    ②流下来:streamed dwn/rlled dwn
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. While slwly swiping acrss the screen with her fingertip and reading each cmment, she was s mved that tears streamed dwn her cheeks.(运用了while引导的时间状语从句的省略)
    [高分句型2]. Seeing that, Sara and Frank burst int tears.(运用了非谓语动词中的现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型3]. With the catchy Christmas sngs eching sftly, the rfs f the buildings, the windws, the gardens, the trees, the fences... all twinkled with clrful Christmas lights and were wrapped with Christmas decratins.(运用了with的复合结构作状语)
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