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    2022年河南省南阳市卧龙区中考一模 英语试题(无答案)
    2022年河南省南阳市卧龙区中考一模 英语试题(无答案)01
    2022年河南省南阳市卧龙区中考一模 英语试题(无答案)02
    2022年河南省南阳市卧龙区中考一模 英语试题(无答案)03
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    2022年河南省南阳市卧龙区中考一模 英语试题(无答案)

    这是一份2022年河南省南阳市卧龙区中考一模 英语试题(无答案),共11页。试卷主要包含了本试卷共8页,六个大题,本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
    1. Which T-shirt des the wman like?
    A. The black ne. B. The blue ne. C. The white ne.
    2. What des the by ask the girl t d?
    A. T take him t hspital. B. T g t a class with him. C. T hand in hmewrk fr him.
    3. What time will the tw speakers meet?
    A. At 6: 30. B. At 7: 00. C. At 7: 30.
    4. Wh will lk after the children?
    A. Jennifer. B. Susan. C. Marie.
    5. Why des the by feel unhappy?
    A. Because his father is strict with him
    B. Because his father desn't lve him
    C. Because his father desn't understand him
    第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. When des this cnversatin happen?
    A. In the mrning. B. In the afternn. C. At night.
    6. When des this cnversatin happen?
    A. In the mrning. B. In the afternn. C. At night.
    7. What wuld the by like t have?
    A. Sme sandwiches. B. Sme eggs. C. Sme cffee.
    8. What des Frank plan t d?
    A. T visit his classmates. B. T wrk n the farm. C. T have a picnic.
    9. Hw is the weather these days?
    A. Rainy. B. Sunny. `C. Cludy.
    10. Wh is the speaker mst prbably?
    A. The by's parent. B. A dctr. C. A teacher.
    11. Hw many pieces f advice des the speaker give?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur.
    12. What is the speaker's suggestin?
    A. Taking sme exercise. B. Eating prper breakfast. C. Getting up earlier.
    13. Where des the wman want t g?
    A. T City Mall. B. T Green Bank. C. T Panda Bank.
    14. Which is the right map?
    A. B. C.
    15. Hw will the wman get there?
    A. On ft. B. By bus. C. By car.
    第三节 听下面一篇短文。根据短文内容,按照你所听到的先后顺序将下面的图片排序。短文读两遍。

    A B C D E
    16. __________ 17. __________ 18. __________ 19. __________ 20. __________
    While COVID-19 may have kept us ff planes, we can stay at hme, sitting in cmfrtable sfa, enjy the best virtual (虚拟的) vacatin travel withut leaving hme.
    *Have a virtual travel at the Grand Canyn
    Yu can view the Grand Canyn thrugh 360-degree phts n an archaelgy (考古学) virtual tur, g n a virtual hike t the famus Phantm Ranch, r flat (漂流) dwn the Clrad River n a bating trip.
    Online: View virtual turs, maps, and phts thrugh the Natinal Park System's website.
    *Smile back at Mna Lisa in Paris
    The Luvre in Paris is the largest art museum in the wrld, hme t mre than 35, 000 art wrks. While the museum is usually crwded, especially n the weekends, yu can visit virtually, frm yur wn cmfrtable hme, and see the museum's mst wnderful wrks.
    Online: See Egyptian antiques, the Luvre's mat and f curse, Mna Lisa's smile. The museum's webset als has a number f vides that yu can watch t get a better understanding f the museum's art.
    *Walk alng the Great Wall f China
    Frtificatin (防御工事) walls, cvering thusands f miles, were built in nrthern China t prtect the cuntry against enemies and t cntrl trade alng the Silk Rad. The Great Wall f China is knwn as ne f the greatest wnders in the wrld.
    Online: Wander thrugh sectins f the Great Wall f China thrugh a virtual tur, prvided by Yu Visit. Yu can enjy sme famus mvies and cartn pictures abut the Great Wall.
    21. Hw can yu view the Grand Canyn nline?
    A. Thrugh 360-degree phts. B. Thrugh vides.
    C. Thrugh famus mvies. D. Thrugh cartn pictures.
    22. What d we knw frm “Smile back at Mna Lisa in Paris”?
    A. There are mre visitrs in the weekdays in the Luvre.
    B. The envirnment in the Luvre is very cmfrtable.
    C. The Luvre in Paris is ne f the largest museums in the wrld.
    D. Viewers can get a better understanding f museum's art thrugh vides.
    23. Which website will yu g t if yu are interested in China?
    A. Yu Visit website. B. Phantm Ranch's website.
    C. The Luvre museum's website. D. The Natinal Park System's website.
    24. What's the purpse f the passage?
    A. T teach peple hw t have a virtual travel. B. T intrduce sme virtual travel infrmatin.
    C. T ffer sme free tur tickets. D. T explain the reasns fr virtual travel.
    25. In which sectin f a newspaper wuld yu prbably read the text?
    A. Sprts News. B. Jb Wanted. C. Science Study. D. Tur Time.
    In a small village, there used t be tw friends whse age were 5 and 10, they bth lived n the same street. The name f the 5-year-ld by was Jnny and the 10-year-ld by was Jack. Jack was much bigger and strnger than Jnny.
    One day they ran int the frest and played hide-and-seek there. Suddenly Jack fell int a pit (深坑). Jack started t shut fr help. Jnny ran t Jack at nce. Withut wasting a minute he gt a rpe and gave ne end t Jack and asked him t hld n t it. Jnny tried very hard and finally pulled Jack ut frm the pit. Bth f them cried, smiled and then walked twards hme.
    Since Jnny and Jack were away fr a lng time, their parents gt wrried. All the villagers started t help search fr the children. When Jnny and Jack finally arrived back in the village, their parents hugged them and asked where they had gne.
    Jnny and Jack tld everyne what had happened in the frest. Hwever, everyne was ________, almst n ne believed them. One persn asked Jnny, ‘Hw can yu help a persn wh is duble yur size and weight?’ Then Jnny replied, ‘I used a rpe’ Everyne laughed, and Jnny's father said, ‘Dn't tell stries t us.’
    Amng the peple was a wise ld man. He said that everything that the by said was true. A wman asked, ‘Jnny is nly 5 years ld. Hw was he able t d that?’
    The ld man replied, “That's because there was n ne there t tell Jnny ‘yu can't d it’”.
    26. What terrible happened t Jack when he was in the frest?
    A. He lst his way. B. He was caught in a strm.
    C. He fell int a deep hle. D. He fell ff the tree.
    27. What did Jnny use t help Jack get ut f danger?

    A B C D
    28. Which f the fllwing can be put in the ____________?
    A. excitedB. angryC. surprisedD. nervus
    29. What des the underlined wrds “tell stries” mean?
    A. explain in detailB. tell a lieC. make a prmiseD. keep the secret
    30. What's the best title fr the text?
    A. Tw gd friendsB. Face the difficultyC. Be brave, keep calmD. T achieve, believe
    On February 4th, 2022, the pening day f 24th Beijing Winter Olympic Games, slar terms appear in pening ceremny. It was this year's “Lichun,” r the beginning f spring, the first f the 24 slar terms f the traditinal lunar Chinese calendar.
    The slar terms which were brn in China several thusand years ag represent the 24 perids in the Chinese lunar calendar that shw the changes in nature and climate. The ancient Chinese develped the 24 slar terms t guide agricultural (农业) prductin. They shw Chinese peple’s hpe t achieve harmny (和谐) with nature.
    In 2006, the 24 slar terms were listed as a natinal-level intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) in China, and they were added t the UNESCO’s (联合国教科文组织) intangible cultural heritage list ten years later. After the 24 slar terms achieved recgnitin frm UNESCO, a new rganizatin which spreads the cultural heritage f the 24 sla terms was set up.
    “We want t spread and prtect traditinal culture as well as develp it in a creative way, thrugh ur effrts tgether,” said the leader f the rganizatin. Sme experts did mre research, gave speech and wrte bks. Sme grups in the rganizatin rganized sme shws and cmpetitins. Wei Wei, the winner f the secnd prize f a cmpetitin, prduced a lng painting describing sme custms related t each term.
    “When creating this painting, I realized that 24 slar terms affected peple's lives. Fr example, in many places, peple have the custm f celebrating the beginning f winter. When winter cmes, agricultural activities end, s peple wear new clthes t greet each ther. It means many flk custms are clsely related t agricultural activities,” says Wei.
    Neixiang Cunty, Henan Prvince, has a histry f giving a perfrmance f beating the spring cws t celebrate the beginning f spring. Farmers d their wrk by accrding t the 24 slar terms.
    31. Accrding t the first three paragraphs, we can knw that ___________.
    A. The 24 slar terms have a histry f abut a thusand year.
    B. The 24 slar terms have smething t d with time.
    C. The ancient Chinese peple set up an rganizatin t spread the 24 slar terms.
    D. The 24 slar terms appeared the UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage list befre 2016.
    32. What d Chinese experts d t spread and develp the 24 slar terms?
    a. They write bks. b. They give speeches.
    c. They d research. d. They rganize shws.
    e. They rganize cmpetitin.
    A. a, b, cB. a, c, dC. b, d, eD. c, d, e
    33. What can we learn abut the 24 slar terms frm the passage?
    A. It might be used t guide peple's lives. B. It might be used t celebrate different festivals.
    C. It might influence agricultural prductin. `D. It shws harmny between peple and nature.
    34. Accrding t the article, wh prbably pay the mst attentin t the 24 slar terms?
    A. Students. B. Teachers. C. Athletes. D. Farmers.
    35.What’s the theme (主题) f the text?
    A. Sprts. B. Culture. C. Technlgy. D. Histry.
    On Hawking's 80th birthday, he tells us quietly...
    On his schling
    At schl, I never studied better than half f my classmates. All f my classmates were very clever. My classwrk was very untidy, and my handwriting was terrible. But my classmates gave me the nickname Einstein. 36 When I was twelve, ne f my friends bet (打赌) anther friend a bag f sweets that I wuld never cme t anything. I dn't knw what was the result f the bet and wh gt the bag f sweets.
    On disabilities
    If yu are disabled, it is prbably nt yur fault. 37 One must make the best f the situatin that ne finds neself in. If ne is physically disabled, ne cannt affrd t be psychlgically (心理上的) disabled as well.
    On imperfectin
    Next time smene cmplains that yu have made a mistake, tell him that may be a gd thing. 38
    On the advice he gave his children
    39 Never give up wrk. Wrk gives yu meaning and purpse and life is empty withut it. If yu are lucky enugh t find lve, remember it is there and dn't thrw it away.
    On time travel
    I wuld g back t 1967, and the birth f my first child, Rbert. 40
    根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺, 内容完整。
    A. N ne is perfect in the wrld, bth yu and I.
    B. Remember t lk up at the stars and nt dwn at yur feet.
    C. Prbably they saw signs f smething better.
    D. My three kids have brught me great jy.
    E. But it is n gd cmplaining abut the wrld r expecting it t take pity n yu.
    Maya High Schl is in Phenix, Rrizna, USA. Recently, the schl made the news 41 it pened a laundry rm (洗衣房) called “The Missing Sck,” It prvides students with a washing machine, a dryer, and 42 detergent (洗涤剂) fr free.
    The laundry rm is the idea f principal Jhn Andersn. He 43 the idea after realizing that many f the schl's students—mre than 30 percent f whm are hmeless. They didn't want t cme t schl 44 because they didn't have clean clthes t wear. After talking t ne student wh explained that his family wasn't prviding him with the 45 resurces he needed at schl, Andersn decided it was time fr the 46 t step in.
    S, with the help f several rganizatins, the schl gt enugh mney t turn ne f 47 large clsets (储藏室) int a laundry rm. Students 48 the change. It has really made a 49 t many f their lives.
    Andreya, a wrker at Maya High Schl, says she cmes frm a hmeless 50 and knws hw hard it is t cme t schl when yur 51 smell. “When yu cme t schl smelling, kids dn't want t be 52 yu. They are talking abut yu. Yu will find it hard t give yur 53 attentin t schl learning.” Accrding t Andreya, The Missing Sck is als a symbl f Maya High Schl's prmise t prvide students with 54 than just knwledge. “We ffer them life 55 t teach them things that smene is prbably nt teaching them utside f schl and t shw them lve.”
    41. A. sB. ifC. becauseD. thugh
    42. A. everB. evenC. justD. right
    43. A. gt alng withB. caught up withC. put up withD. came up with
    44. A. especiallyB. speciallyC. simplyD. finally
    45. A. basicB. richC. prperD. useful
    46. A. parentsB. teacherC. schlD. gvernment
    47. A. hisB. herC. itsD. my
    48. A. acceptedB. receivedC. welcmedD. refused
    49. A. suggestinB. wishC. cnversatinD. differece
    50. A. infrmatin`B. backgrundC. stituatinD. envirnment
    51. A. nseB. faceC. fdD. clthes
    52. A. frB. byC. frmD. like
    53. A. specialB. activeC. strngD. full
    54. A. mreB. betterC. wrseD. less
    55. A. chiceB. skillsC. cstD. interest
    第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
    D yu knw abut Traditinal Chinese Medicine? Traditinal Chinese Medicine is a medical system 56 has been used t treat illnesses and help peple stay healthy fr mre than 2, 000years. It 57 an imprtant rle in Chinese peple's life. TCM says the human 58 are always changing and have relatinship with the envirnment.
    Peple checked ut the living envirnment arund in ancient time in rder t fight 59 illnesses. They gt a lt f experience. During the Warring State Perid, dctrs 60 learned abut medicine frm different places and wrte a large number f bks 61 illnesses. Hwever, many medical bks were 62 in the wars in Qing and Han Dynasties. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, TCM develped quickly and well. And there were a lt f excellent dctrs. In the Ming Dynasty, a dctr named Li Shizhen, wrte sme 63 medical bks. Nwadays, the dctrs and experts rganize the bks f TCM again and set up classes f medicine.
    In many medical schls in 64 cuntries, students must learn TCM. With the develpment f medical science, I believe human beings will be 65 and live lnger in the future.
    第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
    Life is a race. It's nrmal t lse and win. Success can make yu mre cnfident, 66 yu can’t always succeed. Each time yu fall, yu learn t live. Having a psitve (积极地) attitude in life is very imprtant. The psitive feeling pushes yu twards success.
    Develping psitive attitude wuld make yu 67 happier persn. Happiness des nt depend n wealth (财富). It cmes 68 inside yu.
    Yur attitude and the way yu think have much t d with 69 yu feel abut yurself. Chse t lk at yurself in a psitive way. See what is psitive and gd in yu. It will make yu believe yu will get what yu want. It will als help yu t achieve mre than yu ever expected.
    Life is a rllercaster (过山车) ride. Nt everyne can have the first psitin. Smetimes it desn't matter what psitin yu are in, all matters what yu 70 learned during the race. Value and be thankful fr what yu have.
    A: Hi, Steve! I haven't seen yu fr a while. 71. ________________?
    B: Pretty gd. I have been busy n the Internet.
    A: Really? 72. ________________?
    B: Neither. I'm starting a website with my friends. It makes me really tired but excited.
    A: Cl! 73. ________________?
    B: It's mainly fr yung peple t share phts and ther infrmatin. Yu knw yung peple like sharing things n the Internet.
    A: Great. 74. ________________?
    B: It's ailngmia.cm.
    A: Thank yu. I'll check ut yur website ften. By the way, they are having sme activities in the schl clubs. 75. ________________. And then I'll share them n yur website.
    B: Sunds gd. We d need phts f clrful schl life. I'll g with yu.
    A: OK. Let's g.
    单丝不成线,独木不成林。团结协作好,百事能成功。请以“One thing I did with my classmates”为题,并按照以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文。
    2)词数100左右。lse Eurpe bdy against play famus health treat wide that

    2022年河南省南阳市唐河县中考一模英语试题(word版,无答案): 这是一份2022年河南省南阳市唐河县中考一模英语试题(word版,无答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了听力理解,阅读理解,完形填空,语篇填空,补全对话,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023年河南省南阳市卧龙区第二十一学校中考三模英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2023年河南省南阳市卧龙区第二十一学校中考三模英语试题(含解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了阅读单选,阅读还原5选5,完形填空,短文选词填空,短文语境提示填空,填写适当的句子补全对话,材料作文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023年河南省南阳市卧龙区中考二模英语试题: 这是一份2023年河南省南阳市卧龙区中考二模英语试题,共8页。







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