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    1. What clur is the man's car?
    A. Blue. B. Green. C. White.
    2. Why desn't the wman need t prvide her age?
    A. It is nly required fr children. B. It is nly required fr patients. C. It is nly required fr dctrs.
    3. Hw lng is the wman late?
    A. One hur. B. Tw hurs. C. Three hurs.
    4. What will the man d this weekend?
    A. See sme friends. B. Have a picnic. C. G t the beach.
    5. Where will the man be befre 7:00?
    A. At hme. B. At the ffice. C. At a restaurant.
    6. Hw des Linda lk tday?
    A. Sad. B. Happy. C. Angry.
    7. Wh lives with Linda nw?
    A. Her daughter. B. Her mther. C. Her brther.
    8. What was Matt reading tday?
    A. A magazine. B. A newspaper. C. A stry bk.
    9. Which teacher said Matt needs t imprve in math?
    A. Ms. Andersn. B. Ms. Smith. C. Ms. Fitz.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. A cuple. B. Neighburs. C. C-wrkers.
    11. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a museum. B. In a z. C. In a schl.
    12. Hw much des a ticket cst nw?
    A. $5. B. $25. C. $30.
    13. What animals will the speakers see next?
    A. Mnkeys. B. Elephants. C. Lins.
    14. Which is clse t the huse?
    A. The restaurant. B. The park. C. The market.
    15. When will the man prbably mve in?
    A. In ne week. B. In tw weeks. C. In three weeks.
    16. On which day will the man take the keys?
    A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Saturday.
    17. Where was the wman last mnth?
    A. In Australia. B. In America. C. In France.
    18. What was the wman's jb in France?
    A. A teacher. B. A dctr. C. An actress.
    19. Hw ld is the wman?
    A. 35. B. 40. C. 50.
    20. What is the main pint f the speech?
    A. A reprt f a research. B. A mvie abut deserts. C. An intrductin t a guest.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
    Wild animals seem t have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami, adding weight t the idea that they have a "sixth sense" fr disasters, experts said n Thursday.
    Sri Lanka wildlife fficials have said the waves that killed ver 24,000 peple alng the Indian Ocean island's cast seemingly missed wild beasts, with n dead animals fund.
    "N elephants are dead, nt even a dead hare r rabbit. I think animals can sense disaster. They have a 'sixth sense'. They knw when things are happening," H.D. Ratnayake, directr f Sri Lanka's Wildlife Department, said n Wednesday.
    The waves washed fldwaters up t 3 km(2 miles)inland at Yala Natinal Park in the sutheast, Sri Lanka's biggest wildlife reserve and hme t hundreds f wild elephants. "There has been a lt f evidence(证据)abut dgs barking r birds migrating(迁徙)befre vlcanic eruptins r earthquakes. But it has nt been prved." said Matthew van Lierp, an animal behaviur specialist at Jhannesburg Z. "There have been n specific studies because yu can't really test it in a lab r field setting," he said. Other authrities agreed with this cnclusin.
    “Wildlife seems t be able t pick up certain signs, especially birds. There are many reprts f birds detecting cming disasters," said Clive Walker, wh has written several bks n African wildlife.
    Animals certainly rely n the knwn senses such as smell r hearing t avid danger such as predatrs(掠食动物), The idea f an animal "sixth sense" is a lasting ne that the evidence n Sri Lanka's damaged cast is likely t add t.
    1.What happened after the Indian Ocean tsunami?
    A.Many peple died but wild animals survived.B.The "six sense" f wild animals develped
    C.Wild beasts were killed r went missingD.The cast was fund in gd cnditin.
    2.What des H.D. Ratnayake d?
    A.He is a z keeper.B.He is a wildlife fficial.
    C.He is a mvie directr.D.He is an animal behaviur expert.
    3.Which f the fllwing is clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd “detecting" in paragraph 5?
    A.Taking up.B.Putting up.C.Picking up.D.Bringing up.
    4.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.Why animals can save themselves frm natural disasters.
    B.The different pinins abut animals' natural pwer.
    C.Hw t prtect wildlife when disasters happen.
    D.The serius damage f the Indian Ocean tsunami.
    5.In which sectin f a newspaper can we read this text?
    Making my way slwly alng the cliff (悬崖) face, I gazed (注视) at the great appearance f each temple I passed. As I entered the first cave and lked up at the feitian—an imagined flying gd in Buddhist art, I wndered hw many hundreds f thusands f thers, frm near and far, have lked at the same great paintings and statues.
    Smetime between the 4th and 14th century, Mga was an imprtant Buddhist center cnnecting East Asia and Suth Asia. Hundreds f caves were carved int a cliff face running alng the Daquan River. Lcated n the ancient Silk Rad, ne f the great trade rutes in ancient times, it created an envirnment f artistic and cultural exchange between the different cultures.
    My persnal adventure t Dunhuang had taken me, by way f train and bus, frm Xining in Qinghai Prvince t Lanzhu in Gansu Prvince, and thrugh the Jiayu Pass. Frm there, I cntinued n thrugh Yumen Pass, als knwn as the Jade Gate, and crssed the Gbi Desert t find this small and sleepy desert twn, and t see these caves fr myself.
    As I explred the temples,I was amazed by the vividness (生动性) f the paintings and statues. It was almst as thugh they were painted r carved the day befre. I had discvered the reasn why peple travel.
    There are mre than 2,000 clured statues that were carved 1,500 years ag. Mre than 1,400statues are well-prtected s they can still be appreciated. During the thusand years f artistic activity,the style f the wall paintings and statues changed. The early caves shw greater Indian and Western influences,while during the Tang Dynasty the influences f Chinese painting styles became nticeable.
    Tday, the Mga Caves stand ut frm the desert like a shinning pearl n the Silk Rad.
    6.What d we knw abut Mga?
    A.It was a Buddhist center in West Asia.B.It can be easily reached by train and bus.
    C.It has carved caves n Daquan Muntains.D.It was the meeting pint fr different cultures.
    7.Which is the writer's travelling rute (路线) accrding t paragraph 3?
    8.What made the writer amazed?
    A.The well-prtected temples.B.The large number f turists.
    C.The preserved clured statues.D.Sme paintings made nt lng ag.
    9.Which f the fllwing best describes the wall paintings and statues?
    A.Highly develped.B.Plain.C.Culturally mixed.D.Nticeable.
    10.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A.Style Changes Over YearsB.The Pearl f the Silk Rad
    C.Influential Western CultureD.My Views n Dunhuang
    In a wrld n fire and underwater, scientists have annunced sme gd news: Several imprtant tuna(金枪鱼)species have stepped back frm the edge f extinctin.
    Tw bluefin tuna species, a yellwfin, and an albacre are n lnger seriusly endangered r have mved ff the leading internatinal list f endangered species entirely.
    The unexpectedly fast recvery speaks t the success f effrts ver the past decade t end verfishing. But tuna are nt the nly species scientists are thinking carefully at the 2021 Wrld Cnservatin Cngress in Marseille, France, which is rganized by the Internatinal Unin fr Cnservatin f Nature (IUCN). Researchers warn that many ther sea species cntinued t be imperiled. Fr example, mre than a third f the wrld's sharks are still threatened with extinctin due t verfishing, habitat lss, and climate change.
    “I think the gd news is that sustainable (可持续的) fishing industry are pssible,” says Beth Plidr, a bilgist at Arizna State University. “We can eat fish withut reducing the ppulatin t the pint where it is n the rad t dying ut r extinctin." At the same time, she warns that the recvery shuld nt encurage us t catch as many fish as we want. “We need t keep ding what's wrking." Plidr adds.
    The IUCN, which determines the wrld's mst endangered species n its Red List f Threatened Species, als annunced at the meeting that sme animals are mving in the ther directin, nt the Red List. Like the Kmd dragn, an lizard (蜥蜴), it is at particular risk frm climate change.
    Of curse, the wrk f prtectin is never ver, and it will require clse and cntinuus attentin t make sure neither tuna nr Kmd dragns return t the edge f dying ut. But fr nw, peple can celebrate a few wins fr the animal wrld.
    11.What is the gd news abut tuna?
    A.They have been remved frm the list f endangered species.
    B.The fishing f tuna has been put t an end cmpletely.
    C.The ppulatin f sme tuna species has recvered
    D.The number f sme tuna species increases slwly
    12.What des the underlined wrd "imperiled" in paragraph 3 mean?
    13.What can we learn frm Beth Plidr's wrds?
    A.We can fish tuna as much as we want.B.Prtecting tuna is a lng way t g.
    C.We shuldn't encurage tuna fishing.D.The ppulatin f tuna will reduce.
    14.Why des the writer mentin "the Kmd dragn" in paragraph 5?
    A.T intrduce a tpic.B.T make a cmparisn.C.T explain an idea.D.T give an example.
    15.What is the writer's attitude twards the recvery f the tuna species?
    When yu pen a dictinary, yu ften cme acrss a lt f unfamiliar wrds. 16 But many f them are frmed using ther simpler wrds. This is called wrd frmatin.
    Wrds frmed by cmbining (合并) ther wrds are called cmpunds, fr example, "penfriend" and "well-knwn".
    Prefixes and suffixes ften have fixed meanings. If yu add un- r in- t a wrd, the new wrd usually means the ppsite. 17 Wrds with the suffixes -ment and -ness are ften nuns. Fr example, if smebdy has imprved a lt, they/ have made great imprvement.
    18 When we calm smebdy dwn, they becme calm. And we can give smene a present by presenting it.
    And smetimes a wrd is made up f the first letters f several wrds: "Wrld Trade Organizatin" can be referred t as WTO. 19
    It is impssible t knw the meaning f every wrd. 20
    A.Yu might think this is a bit frightening.
    B.And ASAP is shrt fr "as sn as pssible"
    C.Fr example, if smething isn't crrect, it's incrrect.
    D.And "face t face" is written as "F2F" fr shrt in text messages
    E.But knwing abut wrd frmatin can help us guess their meanings.
    F.Sme nuns and adjectives can be used as verbs, r the ther way rund.
    G.Sme verbs, when cnverted (转化) int adjectives, can mean differently.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    As a nature phtgrapher, I have t brave the elements (自然力). But 21 the wind and the rain, I still enjy 22 utside in the wild. One f the best things abut this jb is that yu can 23 animals in their natural envirnment.
    Last spring in Yellwstne, I fllwed a(n) 24 that tk me thrugh a dark frest. When I finally stepped ut f the trees, the 25 was breathtaking. An eagle (鹰) flew ver the snw-capped muntains , which were reflected (倒影) in the still lake belw. While I was 26 phtgraphing this amazing scene, I suddenly had a (n) 27 that I was being watched. Slwly, and with the camera still held t my 28 I turned…and frze. Only metres away frm me was a bear lking at me. Time std still as the bear and I bth 29 t see wh wuld mve first. My legs started shaking. Smehw. I 30 my finger t press the buttn. A secnd later, the bear 31 and ran back int the frest. When I recvered frm the 32 , I lked at my camera. My mst frightening but 33 experience was nw recrded frever in a single image.
    Frm time t time I lk at the pht as a (n) 34 t shw respect t all animals. It is after all we wh ' are the 35 t their wrld.
    21.A.because fB.despiteC.in case fD.thrugh
    26.A.regrettingB.fcusing nC.prpsingD.ging n
    31.A.mved frwardB.attackedC.lay dwnD.turned
    Have yu ever asked yurself why peple ften have truble 36 (learn)English? I hadn't, until ne day my five-year-ld sn asked me whether there 37 (be)ham in a hamburger. There isn't. This 38 (sudden)made me realize that there's n egg in eggplant either. Neither is there pine nr apple in pineapple. This gt me thinking hw English can be 39 crazy language t learn.
    40 example, when we are traveling we say that we are in the car r the taxi, but n the train r bus! While we 41 (d)all this traveling, we can get seasick at sea, but we dn't get hmesick when we get back hme.
    Even the 42 (small)wrds in the wrld can be cnfusing. When yu see the capitalized "WHO" in a medical reprt, d yu read it as the "wh" in "Wh's that?" Yu als have t wnder at the unique madness f a language in 43 a huse can burn up as it burns dwn.
    English 44 (invent)by peple, nt cmputers, and it reflects the creativity f the human race. That is why when I wind up my watch, it starts, 45 when I wind up this passage, it ends.
    第四部分 课内知识(共三节,满分25分)
    46.A cmmittee was set up t limit damage t the Egyptian buildings.
    47.Hwever, dangerus cnditins and damaged rads in the city will make it difficult t take fd and supplies there.
    48.The high respect fr the Chinese writing system can be seen in the develpment f Chinese characters as an art frm.
    49.Please keep tw rms fr me fr a week beginning frm next Mnday. I will be arriving n Sunday.
    50.Experts investigated the issue, carried ut several tests, and then made a prpsal.
    51.The villagers were frightened t see that the river wuld burst its bank and fill their hme with water.
    52.Putting knwledge int easy-t-understand pictures helps t prmte its creativity.
    53.The issue whether the ld buildings shuld in the twn gets a lt f attentin these days.
    54.The undersea quake arund 7:00 a. m., Sunday ff the west cast f Indnesia's Sumatra Island.
    55.We must make peple f the prblem and help prtect the endangered wildlife.
    56.These psters have ur emtins, reminding us f the extinct creatures.
    57.The new assistant impressed the bss with his creative fr slving the cmpany's prblems.
    58.Sme peple believe cultural relics prtectin shuld ecnmic develpment.
    59.It was a time when peple were divided gegraphically, leading t many f dialects and characters.
    60.Li Rui and I are , s ur relatinship is clse and a few wrds can bridge the gap between us.
    63.A grup f students created a special device which is being tested deep in a snwy frest nw. (英译汉)
    64.Written Chinese has als becme an imprtant means by which China's present is cnnected with its past.(英译汉)
    65.With strng supprt frm the gvernment and the tireless effrts f the city's peple, a new Tangshan was built upn the earthquake ruins. (英译汉)
    66.你校英文报刊Campus正在征稿。必修2第2单元中向导扎西的一番话对你触动很深,请你以Learn t Exist in Harmny with Nature为题,给校英文报刊写一篇短文,内容包括:
    We’re nt trying t save the animals. Actually, we’re trying t save urselves.
    1. 藏羚羊锐减的原因;
    2. 保护藏羚羊的措施;
    3. 你的感受。
    1. 写作词数应为100左右;
    2. 题目和首句已为你写好;
    3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Learn t Exist in Harmny with Nature
    Every time I think abut Zhaxi’s wrds “We’re nt trying t save the animals. Actually, we’re trying t save urselves.”, the image f Tibetan antelpes appears in my mind. Fr them, the 1980s and 1990s were bad times. The ppulatin drpped by mre than 50 percent.
    听力答案:1-5CABAB 6-10BAACA 11-15 BCBCC 16-20 BAABCfld established cnducted regard images reserve deliver
    aware strike variety demand equal preserve give way t prcess
    prpsal stir up
    1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D
    1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Sri Lanka wildlife fficials have said the waves that killed ver 24,000 peple alng the Indian Ocean island's cast seemingly missed wild beasts, with n dead animals fund.(野生动物官员Sri Lanka说,这次海啸导致了24,000人丧生,但却没发现动物丧生)”可知,此次海啸中,很多人丧生了,然而动物幸免于难,故选A。
    2.推理判断题。根据文章第三段“H.D. Ratnayake, directr f Sri Lanka's Wildlife Department, said n Wednesday(Sri Lanka野生动物管理部门的负责人H.D. Ratnayake说道)”可知,H.D. Ratnayake是一个野生动物官员,故选B。
    3.词义猜测题。根据文章第五段“Wildlife seems t be able t pick up certain signs, especially birds. There are many reprts f birds detecting cming disasters,(野生动物似乎能注意到某些迹象,尤其是鸟。有很多次报道中提到鸟能提前detecting到即将到来的灾难)”可知,此处的detecting的意思与前文的“pick up(注意到,识别)”意思相近。A. taking up拿起,从事。B. putting up搭建,举起。D. bringing up抚养。故选C。
    4.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Wild animals seem t have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami, adding weight t the idea that they have a "sixth sense" fr disasters, experts said n Thursday.(野生动物似乎都逃过了印度洋海啸,再一次加强了动物有第六感的这一想法)”以及最后一段“Animals certainly rely n the knwn senses such as smell r hearing t avid danger such as predatrs(掠食动物), The idea f an animal "sixth sense" is a lasting ne that the evidence n Sri Lanka's damaged cast is likely t add t.”(动物当然是依靠嗅觉或听觉等已知的感官来躲避危险的,比如捕食者。关于动物“第六感”的观点是长期存在的,斯里兰卡受损海岸的证据很可能会进一步证明这一点。)可知,全文都在围绕着“动物逃脱了海啸,是否真的有第六感”展开,所以章主要为什么动物可以从自然灾害中拯救自己。故选A。
    6.D 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B
    6.细节理解题。由第二段“Lcated n the ancient Silk Rad, ne f the great trade rutes in ancient times, it created an envirnment f artistic and cultural exchange between the different cultures.”(它地处古丝绸之路,是古代重要的贸易路线之一,创造了不同文化之间艺术和文化交流的环境。)可知,莫高窟融合了不同的文化。故选D项。
    7.细节理解题。由第三段“My persnal adventure t Dunhuang had taken me, by way f train and bus, frm Xining in Qinghai Prvince t Lanzhu in Gansu Prvince, and thrugh the Jiayu Pass. Frm there, I cntinued n thrugh Yumen Pass, als knwn as the Jade Gate, and crssed the Gbi Desert t find this small and sleepy desert twn, and t see these caves fr myself.”(我个人到敦煌的冒险经历带我乘坐火车和公共汽车,从青海省的西宁到甘肃省的兰州,并通过嘉峪关。从那里,我继续穿过玉门关,也被称为玉门,越过戈壁沙漠,找到这个沉睡的小沙漠小镇,并亲眼看看这些洞穴。)可知,作者的路线是西宁→兰州→嘉峪关→玉门关→敦煌。故选B项。
    8.细节理解题。由第四段“As I explred the temples, I was amazed by the vividness (生动性) f the paintings and statues.”(当我探索这座寺庙时,我被这些画作的栩栩如生所震撼。)可知,保存完好的彩色雕像让作者很惊讶。故选C项。
    9.推理判断题。由第五段“The early caves shw greater Indian and Western influences, while during the Tang Dynasty the influences f Chinese painting styles became nticeable.(早期的洞穴显示出较大的印度和西方影响,而在唐代,中国绘画风格的影响变得明显。)可知,壁画和雕塑融合了不同的文化。故选C项。
    10.主旨大意题。由尾段“Tday, the Mga Caves stand ut frm the desert like a shinning pearl n the Silk Rad.”(如今,莫高窟像丝绸之路上一颗璀璨的明珠,从沙漠中脱颖而出。)可知,本文主要介绍了丝绸之路上的一颗明珠——莫高窟。故选B项。
    11.C 12.D 13.B 14.D 15.A
    11.细节理解题。由第一段“Several imprtant tuna (金枪鱼) species have stepped back frm the edge f extinctin. (几个重要的金枪鱼物种已经从灭绝的边缘退了回来)”可知,一些金枪鱼的种群数量开始恢复。故选C项。
    12.词义猜测题。由划线词后文“Fr example, mre than a third f the wrld's sharks are still threatened with extinctin due t verfishing, habitat lss, and climate change. (例如,由于过度捕捞、栖息地丧失和气候变化,世界上超过三分之一的鲨鱼仍面临灭绝的威胁)”可知,还有其他许多鱼类仍有濒临灭绝的危险。由此推知,划线词的imperiled意思是“濒危的”。故选D项。
    13.推理判断题。由第四段“We need t keep ding what's wrking. (我们需要继续做有效的事情)”可知,这个科学家认为我们要接着干那些有效的措施,即保护金枪鱼还有很长的路要走。故选B项。
    14.推理判断题。由第五段“The IUCN, which determines the wrld's mst endangered species n its Red List f Threatened Species, als annunced at the meeting that sme animals are mving in the ther directin, nt the Red List(世界自然保护联盟在其濒危物种红色名录中确定了世界上最濒危的物种,并在会议上宣布,一些动物正朝着另一个方向移动,进入红色名录)”可知,作者提到这种蜥蜴是作为例子,目的是论证一些动物正朝着另一个方向移动,进入红色名录。故选D项。
    15.推理判断题。由尾段“But fr nw, peple can celebrate a few wins fr the animal wrld. (但就目前而言,人们可以为动物世界庆祝一些胜利)”可知,作者认为我们可以稍稍庆祝目前取得的胜利,作者的态度较乐观。故选A项。
    16.A 17.C 18.F 19.B 20.E
    16.根据空前“When yu pen a dictinary, yu ften cme acrss a lt f unfamiliar wrds.(当你打开字典时,你经常会遇到许多不熟悉的单词)”可知,A项“你可能会觉得这有点可怕”是空前的顺义承接,并与后文“But many f them are frmed using ther simpler wrds.(但是很多单词都是由其他更简单的单词构成的)”构成转折,故选A项。
    17.根据空前“If yu add un- r in- t a wrd, the new wrd usually means the ppsite.(如果你在一个单词前加上un-或者in-,那么新的单词通常表示其反义词)”可知,C项“比如说,如果某件事不正确,那么我们可以表达为incrrect”承接前文,举例说明前文。故选C项。
    18.根据空后“When we calm smebdy dwn, they becme calm. And we can give smene a present by presenting it.(当我们让某人冷静下来是,他们就变得calm。并且我们可以用represent表示给某人礼物(present))”可知,空后讲的是形容词用作动词以及名词用作动词,是对F项的具体说明,故选F项。
    19.根据空前“And smetimes a wrd is made up f the first letters f several wrds: "Wrld Trade Organizatin" can be referred t as WTO.(有时一个单词是由几个单词的首字母组成的:“Wrld Trade Organizatin”可以表示为WTO)”可知,B项“ ASAP 是“as sn as pssible”的缩写”与前文表达意思一致,故选B项。
    20.根据空前“It is impssible t knw the meaning f every wrd.(认识每个单词是不可能的)”可知,E项“但是了解构词法能帮助你猜测词意”与前文构成转折关系,符合句意,故选E项。
    21.B 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.C 26.B 27.D 28.A 29.B 30.C 31.D 32.A 33.B 34.C 35.D
    21.考查介词短语辨析。句意:但是尽管风吹雨打,我仍然喜欢在野外工作。A. because f因为;B. despite尽管;C. in case f万一,以防;D. thrugh通过。根据下文“I still enjy wrking utside in the wild(我仍然喜欢在野外工作)”可知,前后句为转折关系,虽然风吹雨打。故选B。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是尽管风吹雨打,我仍然喜欢在野外工作。A. walking走;B. hiking远足;C. wrking工作;D. camping野营。根据下文“One f the best things abut this jb is that yu can bserve animals in their natural envirnment(这份工作最好之处就是你可以在自然环境中观察动物)”可知,作者的工作是在野外观察动物。故选C。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这份工作最好之处就是你可以在自然环境中观察动物。A. keep保持;B. prtect保护;C. feed喂;D. bserve观察。根据下文“phtgraphing this amazing scene(拍下这惊人的场景)”可知,作者的工作是自然摄影师,故是在自然环境中观察动物,拍摄照片。故选D。
    24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:去年在黄石公园,我沿着一条小道穿过一片黑暗的森林。A. path小道;B. animal动物;C. rad道路;D. guide向导。根据下文“that tk me thrugh a dark frest(穿过一片黑暗的森林)”和“I finally stepped ut f the trees(我最终走出了树林)”可知,作者是沿着一条路走出了树林。故选A。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我最终走出了树林时,眼前的风景令人激动。A. frest森林;B. eagle鹰;C. view风景;D. picture图片。根据下文“An eagle(鹰)flew ver the snw-capped muntains , which were reflected(倒影)in the still lake belw(一只老鹰飞过白雪皑皑的群山,群山倒映在下面平静的湖面上)”可知,作者看到的是眼前一幕风景。故选C。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我专注于拍摄这幕景象时,突然我觉得有人在看着我。A. regretting后悔;B. fcusing n关注;C. prpsing提议;D. ging n继续。根据下文“I suddenly had a feeling that I was being watched(突然我觉得有人在看着我)”可知,作者之前没发现有人看着他,说明他很专注。故选B。
    27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:突然我觉得有人在看着我。A. idea想法;B. pinin观点;C. cnclusin结论;D. feeling感觉。根据上文“While I was fcusing n phtgraphing this amazing scene(当我专注于拍摄这幕景象时)”可知,作者没看到有人看着他,应该是突然感觉到的。故选D。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:慢慢地,相机还在我的眼前,我转过身僵住了。A. eye眼睛;B. ear耳朵;C. head头;D. shulder肩膀。根据“While I was fcusing n phtgraphing this amazing scene(当我专注于拍摄这幕景象时)”可知,作者正在拍摄照片,故摄像机还放在眼睛处。故选A。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:熊和我都等着看谁先动。A. failed失败;B. waited等待;C. stpped停止;D. preferred更喜欢。根据上文“Time std still(时间静止了)”可知,我不敢动,我和熊都在等待。故选B。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我强迫我的手指按下按钮。A. raised提高,养育;B. stuck粘,贴,卡;C. frced迫使;D. held举办。根据上文“My legs started shaking(我的腿开始发抖)”可知,作者被吓到了,腿发抖,手指应该不听使唤,故需强迫。故选C。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一秒后,熊转身跑回森林。A. mved frward向前;B. attacked进攻;C. lay dwn放下;D. turned转身,翻转。根据下文“ran back int the frest(跑回森林)”可知,熊要跑回森林需要先掉头,转身。故选D。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。当我从震惊中恢复过来时,我看了看相机。句意:A. shck震惊;B. tiredness累;C. excitement兴奋;D. failure失败。根据上文“My legs started shaking(我的腿开始发抖)”和“the bear ran back int the frest(熊跑回森林)”可知,作者看到熊很害怕,但是熊出乎意料地转身跑回森林让作者很意外和惊讶。故选A。
    33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我最害怕但是神奇的经历现在被永远地记录在了一张照片里。A. pleasant令人愉悦的,惬意的;B. magical魔法的,神奇的;C. wrrying令人担忧的;D. imaginable可以想象的。根据上文“I recvered frm the shck(我从震惊中恢复过来)”可知,熊的反应出乎意料,整个事情很奇特,神奇。故选B。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:偶尔,我看看这张照片,提醒我要尊重所有的动物。A. hnur荣耀,光荣;B. present礼物;C. reminder提醒物;D. symbl象征。根据句意可知,这张照片对作者而言是提醒他的东西。一看见照片就提醒他尊重所有的动物。故选C。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:毕竟,我们是他们这个世界的访问者。A. hsts主人,主持人;B. senirs老年人;C. enemies敌人;D. visitrs访问者,参观者。根据上文“shw respect t all animals(尊重所有的动物)”可知,这个世界是动物们的家,我们人类只是访问者。故选D。
    36.learning 37.was 38.suddenly 39.a 40.Fr 41.are ding 42.smallest 43.which 44.was invented 45.but
    36.考查动名词作宾语。句意:你有没有问过自己为什么人们学习英语总是有困难? 固定搭配:have truble (in)ding sth.“在做某事上有麻烦”,介词in后跟动名词作宾语,且in可以省略。故填learning。
    37.考查一般过去时和主谓一致。句意:我没有,直到有一天我五岁的儿子问我汉堡里有没有火腿。根据时间状语until ne day可知,句子用一般过去时,且句子的主语是ham,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填was。
    38.考查副词作状语。句意:这让我突然意识到茄子里也没有鸡蛋。此处用副词修饰动词made。故填 suddenly。
    39.考查不定冠词。句意:这让我开始思考英语怎么可能是一门疯狂的语言。句中language是可数名词,此处表示泛指“一门疯狂的语言”,用不定冠词,且 crazy以辅音音素开头。故填a。
    40.考查固定短语。句意:例如,当我们旅行时,我们说我们在汽车或出租车上,但在火车或公共汽车上! 固定短语:fr example“例如”。故填Fr。
    41.考查现在进行时。句意:当我们在旅行的时候,我们可能会在海上晕船,但当我们回到家的时候,我们不会想家。此处是复合句,含while引导的时间状语从句,while引导的时间状语从句表示正在进行的动作,所以用现在进行时,且从句主语是we。故填are ding。
    42.考查形容词最高级。句意:即使是世界上最小的词语也会让人困惑。根据空前的the和in the wrld,可知这里用形容词最高级。故填 smallest。
    43.考查定语从句。句意:你也会对一种语言的独特的疯狂感到惊奇,在这种语言中,房子在被烧毁的同时也会被烧毁。此处a language是先行词,指物,介词后面用which引导定语从句。故填which。
    44.考查一般过去时的被动语态。句意:英语是人而不是电脑发明的,它反映了人类的创造力。这里在描述过去的事实,且句子主语 English和谓语动词invent之间是被动关系,是一般过去时的被动语态。故填 was invented。
    46.established 47.deliver 48.regard 49.reserve 50.cnducted 51.fld 52.images
    【解析】46.考查动词词组和动词的同义替换。句意:成立了一个委员会来限制对埃及建筑的破坏。分析可知,划线动词短语“set up”在句中意为“建立”含义,与动词“established(建立)”表达含义相近。故答案为established。
    50.考查动词短语和动词的同义替换。句意:专家们调查了这个问题,进行了几次测试,然后提出了一个建议。分析可知,划线动词短语“carried ut”在句中意为“实施;实行”含义,语动词“cnducted(实施;进行)”表达含义相近。故答案为cnducted。
    51.考查动词短语和动词的同义替换。句意:村民们害怕看到河水冲破堤岸,把他们的家灌满了水。分析可知,划线短语“fill sth with water”在句中意为“用水装满……”含义,即,“淹没”,与动词“fld(淹没)”表达含义相近。故答案为fld。
    53.be preserved 54.struck 55.aware 56.stirred up 57.prpsal 58.give way t 59.varieties 60.equals
    【分析】53.考查动词语态。句意:关于在镇上的老建筑是否应该被保护的问题当今获得了很多关注。根据句型结构,此空应填从句的谓语动词,再根据句意和上面所给的词,preserve符合语境,表“保护”,且the ld buildings与preserve为被动关系置于情态动词之后。故填be preserved。
    54.考查时态。句意:海下地震发生在星期天大约早上7:00,在印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛西海岸附近。根据句型结构,此空应填谓语动词,再根据句意和上面所给的词, strike符合语境,表“袭击”,且此空应用一般过去时态,The undersea quake和 strike为主动关系。故填struck。
    55.考查形容词。句意:我们必须让人们意识到问题和来帮助保护濒危动物。根据句型结构,句意分析以及上面所给的词可知,此空考查固定动词短语make sb adj 表“让某人怎么样”和固定形容词短语be aware f 表“意识到”。故填aware。
    56.考查时态。句意:这些海报已经煽动我们的情绪,让我们想起这些灭绝动物。根据句型结构,此空应填谓语动词,且应用现在完成时。再根据句意和上面所给的词, stir up符合语境,表“煽动”,且These psters和 stir up为主动关系。故填stirred up。
    57.考查名词。句意:新来的助手靠解决问题的创造性的建议给老板留下了深刻印象。根据句型结构,此空应填名词做介词后宾语。再根据句意和上面所给的词,prpsal符合语境,表“建议”,为可数名词但根据句意此处表单数概念。故填 prpsal。
    58.考查动词短语。句意:一些人认为文物保护应该让位于经济发展。根据句型结构,此空应填谓语动词。再根据句意和上面所给的词,give way t符合语境,表“让位于”。置于情态动词之后,用动词原形。故填give way t。
    61.The wrkers built shelters fr survivrs whse hmes/huses had been destryed.
    【详解】考查动词、名词和限制性定语从句。表示“搭建”应用动词build;表示“工人们”应用名词wrkers;表示“避难所”应用名词shelters;表示“幸存者们”应用名词survivrs;表示“摧毁”应用动词destry;根据句意可知,整句谓语动词应用一般过去时,故需用动词时态built;再根据句意“为家园被毁的幸存者们”和分析句子可知,需用whse+ hmes/huses引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词名词survivrs,并且从句谓语发生再主句谓语built之前,需用过去完成时,再根据从句主语为hmes/huses,与谓语动词存在被动关系,故需用过去完成时被动语态had been destryed。故翻译为The wrkers built shelters fr survivrs whse hmes/huses had been destryed。
    62.①Many cuntries tk part in/jined in the prject and dnated mney t prtect/ preserve Egypt's cultural heritage.
    ②Many cuntries tk part in/jined in the prject and dnated mney in rder t/ s as t prtect/ preserve Egypt's cultural heritage.
    ③Many cuntries tk part in/jined in the prject and dnated mney s that they culd prtect/ preserve Egypt's cultural heritage.
    【详解】考查非谓语动词和状语从句。“参与”是take part in/jin in;“许多国家参与了这项工程”译为“Many cuntries tk part in/jined in the prject”,结合语境可知此处用一般过去时;“捐款”译为“dnated mney”,同样用一般过去时,两处谓语用并列连词and连接;“保护”是prtect/ preserve;“文化遗产”是cultural heritage;“为保护埃及(Egypt)的文化遗产”做句子的目的状语,可以用动词不定式表达,也可以用s that的目的状语从句,还可以用in rder t/s as t的固定表达,这些都可以作目的状语表达目的,故译为①Many cuntries tk part in/jined in the prject and dnated mney t prtect/ preserve Egypt's cultural heritage.②Many cuntries tk part in/jined in the prject and dnated mney in rder t/ s as t prtect/ preserve Egypt's cultural heritage.③Many cuntries tk part in/jined in the prject and dnated mney s that they culd prtect/ preserve Egypt's cultural heritage.
    【详解】考查句子结构。分析句子可知,本句是主从复合句。主句主语是A grup f students“一群学生”,created“发明,创造”是谓语动词,a special device“一种特殊的设备”是宾语并且作先行词,先行词为物,在定语从句中作主语,which引导限制性定语从句,is being tested“正在被测试”是定语从句谓语,deep in a snwy frest“白雪皑皑的森林深处”是定语从句的地点状语,nw“现在”是定语从句的时间状语。故本句可译为:一群学生发明了一种特殊的设备,现在正在白雪皑皑的森林深处测试这个设备。
    【详解】考查句子结构。分析句子可知,本句是主从复合句。主句主语是Written Chinese “汉字”,has becme“成为”是谓语动词,an imprtant means“一个重要媒介”是宾语并且作先行词,先行词为物,在定语从句中作介词by的宾语,which引导限制性定语从句,China's present“中国现在”是定语从句的主语,is cnnected with “被连接”是定语从句谓语,its past “它的过去”是定语从句的宾语。故本句可译为:汉字也成为连接中国现在与过去的一个重要媒介。
    【详解】考查介词。with译为“随着”表示伴随;“strng supprt frm the gvernment”译为“来自政府的大力支持”;“the tireless effrts f the city's peple”译为“唐山人民的不懈努力”;“a new Tangshan was built upn the earthquake ruins”译为“一座新的唐山在地震的废墟中被建立起来”。故整句话译为:有了来自政府的大力支持和唐山人民的不懈努力,一座新的唐山在地震的废墟中被建立起来。
    66.One pssible versin:
    Learn t Exist in Harmny with Nature
    Every time I think abut Zhaxi's wrds “We’re nt trying t save the animals. Actually, we’re trying t save urselves.”, the image f Tibetan antelpes appears in my mind. Fr them, the 1980s and 1990s were bad times. The ppulatin drpped by mre than 50 percent. There were tw causes f this serius situatin. Fr ne thing, hunters were shting antelpes t make prfits. Fr anther, as new rads and railways were built, their habitats were becming smaller. T save this species frm extinctin, natinal nature reserves were established t prvide shelter fr antelpes. Besides, bridges and gates were added t help them mve safely acrss different habitats. In my pinin, when harming wildlife like antelpes, we are destrying urselves, because we are als part f nature and cannt survive n ur wn. Only when we live in harmny with nature can we save urselves.
    原因: cause→reasn
    牟利:make prfits → make mney
    幸存:survive→ live
    原句:There were tw causes f this serius situatin. Fr ne thing, hunters were shting antelpes t make prfits.
    拓展句:There were tw causes f this serius situatin, ne f which was that hunters were shting antelpes t make prfits.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】In my pinin, when harming wildlife like antelpes, we are destrying urselves, because we are als part f nature and cannt survive n ur wn.(运用了状语从句的省略和because引导原因状语从句)
    【高分句型2】Only when we live in harmny with nature can we save urselves.(运用了when引导时间状语从句和部分倒装结构)

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