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    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What des the ld lady have difficulty in?
    A. Seeing. B. Listening. C. Carrying things.
    2. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Drinking juice. B. Ging shpping. C. Cking dinner.
    3. What will Angie d first?
    A. Play sccer. B. Tidy up her rm. C. Finish her hmewrk.
    4. What is the man?
    A. A writer. B. A student. C. A teacher.
    5. Hw many apples did the wman buy?
    A. Three. B. Five. C. Fifteen.
    第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Hw is the huse usually heated?
    A. By cal. B. By wd. C. By electricity.
    7. What will the wman d next?
    A. Buy a heater. B. Ck dinner. C. Make a phne call.
    8. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. C - wrkers. B. Friends. C. Strangers.
    9. Why des the wman think the dg might be arund?
    A. She saw it walk past. B. She heard it bark nearby. C. She met it at her neighbr's.
    10. What feature des the dg have?
    A. It's large. B. It's yellw. C. It's sptted.
    11. Where did the man's parents g?
    A. T Britain. B. T France. C. T China.
    12. What des the man think f tea?
    A. He desn't like it. B. He thinks it's s - s. C. He is interested in its histry.
    13. Hw des the wman drink her green tea?
    A. With cream. B. With nthing. C. With sugar.
    14. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a studi. B. In a classrm. C. In a library.
    15. Hw many cuntries celebrate Teachers' Day n Octber 5th?
    A. Abut 15. B. Arund 50. C. Over 100.
    16. What des Amanda say abut Teachers' Day in India?
    A. It was suggested by a teacher.
    B. It marks the birthday f its secnd president.
    C. It was started t recgnize teachers' hard wrk.
    17. Which cuntry celebrates Teachers' Day as a natinal hliday?
    A. Singapre. B. America. C. Thailand.
    18. Why is the annuncement being made?
    A. T check the schl unifrm.
    B. T change the schl unifrm.
    C. T intrduce a schl unifrm.
    19. Which parts f the schl unifrm have caused prblems?
    A. Jackets. B. Shirts. C. Skirts.
    20. Where are the parents unable t find the schl unifrm nw?
    A. Frm nline shps. B. Frm shps in twn. C. Frm the schl shp.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题,每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Auckland University Online Educatin — What t Expect
    Mst Auckland University (AU) nline prgrams are 100 percent nline s that students d nt cme t the schl campus. Instead, AU has designed a media - rich, easy - t - use learning envirnment thrugh a Learning Management System (LMS).
    ● Discipline (纪律)
    With disciplined wrk habits, yu are likely t succeed as an nline student. It is up t yu t lg n t yur curse and meet yur wn deadlines.
    ● Time Management
    In rder t earn cmpetitive grades, plan n spending a minimum f 20 - 25 hurs a week n each curse. AU curses perate n a seven - week schedule, with start dates in January, March, May, July, September and Nvember. Students are able t cmplete tw curses per semester by taking ne seven - week curse at a time.
    ● Prfessinal Cnnectins
    Many f the AU faculty (教员) wh teach nline have cnnectins t industry, s the nline learning envirnment ensures access t diverse expertise and practice. It includes an extensive netwrk f prfessinals in a variety f industries.
    “I wrk as an IT manager. And right frm the very beginning, every class I tk was relevant t what I was ding at wrk. The wide range f curses gave me a strng fundatin fr my career develpment.”
    — Jim Heilman, Cmputer Infrmatin Systems graduate
    ● Technlgy
    It ges withut saying that technlgy plays a vital rle in nline learning. Yu will need a high - speed Internet cnnectin and basic cmputer skills. Fr specifics, please click here t visit ur Technlgy page.
    1.Hw lng des it take t cmplete ne curse?
    A.Seven weeks.B.One semester.
    C.Several mnths.D.At least 20 - 25 hurs.
    2.What is the purpse f mentining Jim Heilman?
    A.T recgnize an excellent graduate.
    B.T set a gd example t ther learners.
    C.T prve benefits f prfessinal cnnectins.
    D.T shw effective methds f nline learning.
    3.Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A.A curse brchureB.A cllege website.
    C.An academic magazine.D.A science reprt.
    “Have yu checked the il in the car?” my father used t say t me, his way f “Hell, hpe yu are well.” Smetimes ur phne calls wuld begin with a questin abut the il and end with a questin abut the il, with nt a lt in between.
    Fathers have a lt f lve t give, but it’s ften ffered by means f practical advice. In my experience: It’s mstly abut my car. “Hw’s the car running?” “Did yu get it serviced?” My car — an ld green Tyta Crna bught fr $500 — was where my father shwed his lve.
    Why can’t we fathers just say “I lve yu” r “It’s great t see yu”? The pint is: that’s exactly what we are saying. Yu just have t translate frm the language that is Fatherlish. Listen clsely enugh and the phrase “I lve yu” can be heard in the slightly lnger “I culd cme arund Saturday and repair yur chair.” The wrds “Yu made my life better frm the mment yu were brn” may be hardly heard, but the main meaning is there in the mre cmmn “I’ll hld the ladder while yu get the leaves dwn frm the rf.”
    When I was 17, I went n my first rad trip — a friend and I in that ld car. My father std n the crner n a cld mrning t say gdbye. “Highways are dangerus,” he said, “s dn’t try vertaking anything faster than a hrse and buggy. And take a break every tw hurs. And every time yu stp fr gas, yu really shuld check the il.” At the time we thught his speech was pretty funny and wuld sing “hrse-and-buggy” every time I tried t vertake sme ther speeding cars.
    Dad’s lng gne nw. But after all these years, I realize that had I wned a cpy f the Fatherlish-t-English dictinary, I’d have understd that the speech my friend and I s carelessly laughed at was simply Dad’s attempt at lve.
    4.Why did the authr’s father ften ask abut the car?
    A.T shw his lve fr the car.B.T see if there is enugh il.
    C.T express his care t his sn.D.T check the cnditin f the car.
    5.Which f the fllwing sentences is an example f Fatherlish?
    A.I lve yu deeply.B.It’s great t see yu.
    C.Yu made my life better.D.I can check the il fr yu.
    6.What des the underlined wrd “vertaking” in Paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    C.Crashing int.D.Kncking ver.
    7.What can be inferred abut the authr in the last paragraph?
    A.He wanted t wn a dictinary.B.He regrets his childish behavir.
    C.He is sad abut his father’s death.D.He realized his father’s lve then.
    A new reprt cnnects eating eggs t an increased risk f heart disease. The results fllw several earlier studies that fund eating eggs was generally healthy. The study cllects data frm six ther earlier studies. It shws a 6 percent increased risk f heart disease when the number f eggs a persn ate each day increased by half an egg.
    Nrrina Allen, an assciate prfessr at Nrthwestern University said that, in the United States, eggs are generally ne f the tp surces f chlesterl(胆固醇)in a persn’s daily fd. Peple with higher levels f chlesterl in their fd are at increased risk f the develpment f heart disease later in life. Hwever, Allen added that she wuld nt say that eggs are cmpletely unhealthy. “I’m nt saying that peple shuld take them cmpletely ut f their fd,” she said. “I’m just suggesting that peple eat them in a prper amunt.”
    Sme experts believe the new study des nt prve that eggs are causing heart disease. “Chlesterl’s rle in the develpment f heart disease has been discussed fr mre than 30 years,” said Bruemmer, an assciate prfessr f medicine at the University f Pittsburgh Medical Center. “This study des have clear shrtcmings, including self-reprting at a single time pint,” he added.
    Bruemmer said, “Eggs in mderatin(适度)are prbably acceptable frm a nutritinal standpint.” “Mderatin,” he added, “is less than ne egg a day, including eggs in fds such as bread”.
    Hlly Andersen, a dctr at the NewYrk-Presbyterian/Weill Crnell Medical Center, agrees that the study has “real shrtcmings”. One prblem Andersen has with the study is that a lt f the egg-eating peple in the study als appeared t be eating much meat and prcessed meat. “If yu’re taking a lt f prcessed meat, it desn’t matter hw many eggs yu’re eating,” Andersen said.
    Als, Andersen said, “The study can nly shw there is a relatin between eggs eating and heart disease. But it cannt prve eggs are the cause f the disease. It may just be that peple eating a lt f eggs are als taking a lt f bacn.”
    8.What des Nrrina Allen agree with?
    A.Eggs are cmpletely unhealthy.
    B.Eggs cntain the mst chlesterl.
    C.Eggs shuld be eaten in a right amunt.
    D.Eggs have n cnnectin with heart disease.
    9.What is Bruemmer’s attitude twards the study?
    10.What can we learn frm Hlly Andersen’s wrds?
    A.Eggs and meat cannt be eaten tgether.
    B.Prcessed meat may cause heart disease.
    C.Prcessed meat shuld be avided.
    D.The study is supprted by evidence.
    11.What’s the best title f the text?
    A.D eggs cause heart disease?
    B.Are eggs the tp surce f chlesterl?
    C.What’s the prper amunt f eggs eaten?
    D.Is the chlesterl t blame fr heart disease?
    In ancient Egypt, a shpkeeper discvered that he culd attract custmers t his shp simply by making changes t its envirnment. Mdern businesses have been fllwing his lead, with mre tactics (策略).
    One tactic invlves where t display the gds. Fr example, stres place fruits and vegetables in the first sectin. They knw that custmers wh buy the healthy fd first will feel happy s that they will buy mre junk fd (垃圾食品) later in their trip. In department stres, the wmen’s she sectin is generally next t the wmen’s csmetics (化妆品) sectin: while the shp assistant is ging back t find the right size she, bred custmers are likely t wander ver and find sme csmetics they might want t try later.
    Besides, businesses seek t appeal t custmers’ senses. Stres ntice that the smell f baked gds encurages shpping, s they make their wn bread each mrning and then fan the bread smell int the stre thrughut the day. Music sells gds, t. Researchers in Britain fund that when French music was played, sales f French wines went up.
    When it cmes t the selling f huses, businesses als use highly rewarding tactics. They find that custmers make decisins in the first few secnds upn walking in the dr, and turn it int a business pprtunity. A Califrnia builder designed the structure f its huses smartly. When entering the huse, the custmer wuld see the Pacific Ocean thrugh the windws, and then the pl thrugh an pen stairway leading t the lwer level. The instant view f water n bth levels helped sell these $ 10 millin huses.
    12.Why d stres usually display fruits and vegetables in the first sectin?
    A.T save custmers time.B.T shw they are high quality fds.
    C.T help sell junk fd.D.T sell them at discunt prices.
    13.Accrding t Paragraph 3, which f the fllwing encurages custmers t buy?
    A.Opening the stre early in the mrning.B.Displaying British wines next t French nes.
    C.Inviting custmers t play music.D.Filling the stre with the smell f fresh bread.
    14.What is the Califrnia builder’s stry intended t prve?
    A.The huse structure is a key factr custmers cnsider.
    B.The mre cstly the huse is, the better it sells.
    C.An cean view is much t the custmers’ taste.
    D.A gd first impressin increases sales.
    15.What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A.T explain hw businesses turn peple int their custmers.
    B.T intrduce hw businesses have grwn frm the past.
    C.T reprt researches n custmer behavir.
    D.T shw dishnest business practices.
    第二节 七选五阅读(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满12. 5分)
    Hw d we rid urselves f the negative (消极的) thughts and return t a place f peace and acceptance? Read n fr sme expert-guided tips.
    First, dn’t suppress (抑制) the negative thught. “Research shws that it’s imprtant nt t suppress negative thughts as this nly makes it wrse. 16 Then, select a psitive thught r visual t engage with in place f the negative thught that yu set free,” Dr. Carla Marie Manly, and authr f Jy frm Fear, tells She Knws.
    Dn’t frget t breathe. “Clse yur eyes and breathe in fr a cunt f fur; then breathe ut slwly t the cunt f fur. When wrries and stress begin t rise, be kind t yurself. 17 A wrried mind gets very calm when it’s fcused n breathing rather than wrrying,” says Manly.
    18 “Just because yu have a thught desn’t mean it’s true. When yu ntice yu’re being hard n yurself r thinking very negatively, take a step back and questin the thught yu’re having,” suggests Turni. “ 19 Are yu jumping t cnclusins?”
    Try a psitive message mantra (咒语). When negative thughts get a hld n yu, Manly recmmends fcusing n a psitive message r mantra that feels strng and calming fr yu. “Fr example, yur mantra might be, ‘All will be well. 20 ’ ” Manly suggests keeping a cpy f yur mantra in yur wallet, n yur mirrr, and n yur desk fr a handy reminder during stressful mments.
    A.Things will wrk ut.
    B.Think f a peaceful image instead.
    C.Dn’t believe everything yu think.
    D.And then pause t relax and breathe.
    E.Is there any evidence t supprt this?
    F.Can yu trace back t where this all started?
    G.Instead, ntice the negative thught and then let it flat away.
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    When Leah was 10, she saw a need fr change in the wrld. “Peple are suppsed t shw 21 and sympathy,” she says. “But that wasn't happening.”
    Leah decided t 22 her hand-made bracelets at a lcal event and asked each persn wh gt ne t d a kind deed fr smene else. A nte 23 t each bracelet said, “Let's just shw ther peple they are 24 .”
    As Leah gave ut bracelets, 25 spread. She began t receive bracelet requests wrldwide, and t hear frm peple wh'd delivered kind deeds. One persn 26 a tired stre clerk with sandwiches. Anther paid fr a stranger's cffee. “A stry that 27 tuched my heart was that smene established a hmeless camp!” she says.
    When Leah culdn't 28 requests fr the bracelets, she began selling wristbands with "Kindness Travels" n the utside and "kind" n the inside in 29 languages.
    S far, she has sent ut 10,000 wristbands. She has 30 a party fr kids at a hmeless shelter, paid rent fr hurricane 31 and mre, using the mney frm wristbands 32 and dnatins.
    Leah hpes t 33 ther kids wh want t help thers. “Just cme up with ideas! Never be 34 ,” she says. “Age is just a 35 . Yu always have the pwer t d smething.”
    22.A.pick upB.put awayC.shw ffD.hand ut
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    What is culture? Culture is the shared characteristics and knwledge f a grup f peple, 36 (include) their language, religin, fd, scial habits. music and arts. The wrd “culture” has 37 (it) rt frm the Latin “culture”, which is related t the meaning f “grwth”.
    A number f histrical events 38 (help) shape Western culture in the past 2, 500 years. The fall f Rme cleared the way fr the establishment f a series f states in Eurpe. The Black Death f the 1300 cut the ppulatin f Eurpe by ne-third, 39 remade the sciety. Gradually, Christianity became the strength f all religins in Eurpe. Then the trade between East and West allwed Eurpeans 40 (explre) Nrth and Suth America.
    Eastern culture generally refers t the traditins in Asian 41 (cuntry). Like the West, Eastern culture was heavily influenced by religin during its early develpment, but later it 42 (influence) by the agricultural develpment significantly.
    43 culture differs frm area t area, ne thing is fr certain: Cultures change. “Culture plays 44 imprtant rle in ur intercnnected wrld,” De Rssi said. “But it is n lnger fixed. Culture is 45 (cnstant) mving and essentially fluid.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Amy,
    I’m glad t hear frm yu.
    Li hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    When I was little, I lived in a huse with a beautiful garden full f all kinds f flwers, and rses were the mst beautiful f them. There was nthing I enjyed mre than sitting in the garden with my mther as she read stries t me. When I was in primary schl and ld enugh t read, I enjyed reading stries alud t her.
    I will never frget ne day when I was in the third grade. I had been picked t be the princess in the schl play, and fr weeks my mther had rehearsed my lines s hard with me. But n matter hw easily I acted at hme, as sn as I stepped nstage, every wrd disappeared frm my head. Finally, my teacher tk me aside. She explained that she had written a narratr’s part t the play, and asked me t change rles. Her wrd, kindly expressed, still hurt, especially when I saw my part g t anther girl.
    I didn’t tell my mther what had happened when I went hme after schl that day. But she sensed my pain. Instead f suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted t take a walk in the garden.
    It was May and rses were blssming and, under the trees, we culd als see yellw dandelins in the grass, as if a painter had painted ur garden with red, yellw and green. I watched my mther casually bend dwn by ne dandelin. “I think I’m ging t dig up all these weeds,” she said, pulling it up by its rts. “Frm nw n, we’ll have nly rses in this garden.”
    “But I like dandelins,” I prtested. “All flwers are beautiful — even dandelins.”
    My mther lked at me seriusly. “Yes, every flwer is beautiful in its wn way, isn’t it?” She asked thughtfully. I ndded, pleased that I had wn her ver. “And that is true f peple t,” she added. “Nt everyne can be a princess, but there is n shame in that.” Relieved that she had guessed my pain, I started t cry as I tld her what had happened. She listened and smiled reassuringly.
    “But yu will be a beautiful narratr,” she said,
    After the play, I tk hme the flwer.
    1.A 2.C 3.B
    1.细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Students are able t cmplete tw curses per semester by taking ne seven - week curse at a time. (学生每学期能完成两门课程,每次修一门七周的课程。)”可知,一门课程需要七个星期来完成,学生每学期可以上完两门课程,即完成一门课程需要七个星期。故选A项。
    2.推理判断题。根据第四段中吉姆·海尔曼(Jim Heilman)所说的话“I wrk as an IT manager.(我作为IT经理)”以及后文“The wide range f curses gave me a strng fundatin fr my career develpment.(广泛的课程为我的职业发展奠定了坚实的基础。)”可知,在学习过程中,奥克兰大学有许多专业人士会给他们上课,为其职业发展打下了基础。因此,文章提到吉姆的目的是证明与专业人士建立联系的好处。故选C项。
    3.推理判断题。通读全文都在介绍奥克兰大学的在线课程,尤其是根据最后一段最后一句“Fr specifics, please click here t visit ur Technlgy page.(有关详细信息,请单击此处访问我们的技术学院的页面。)”可推测出,该文最可能来自一个大学网站。故选B项。
    4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B
    4.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Fathers have a lt f lve t give, but it’s ften ffered by means f practical advice. In my experience: It’s mstly abut my car. (父亲有很多爱可以给予,但通常是通过实用的建议来给予的。根据我的经验:主要是关于我的车)”可知,作者的父亲经常询问有关汽车的情况,以表达他对儿子的关心。故选C项。
    5.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Fathers have a lt f lve t give, but it’s ften ffered by means f practical advice. (父亲有很多爱可以给予,但通常是通过实用的建议来给予的)”及第三段“Why can’t we fathers just say “I lve yu” r “It’s great t see yu”? The pint is: that’s exactly what we are saying. Yu just have t translate frm the language that is Fatherlish. Listen clsely enugh and the phrase “I lve yu” can be heard in the slightly lnger “I culd cme arund Saturday and repair yur chair.””(为什么我们做父亲的就不能说“我爱你”或者“很高兴见到你”呢?重点是:这正是我们所说的。你只需要从父亲式的语言中进行翻译。仔细听,“我爱你”可以在稍微长一点的短语“我可以在星期六过来修理你的椅子”中听到)”可知,父亲表达自己的爱,不会直接说“我爱你,想你”之类的话,而是问关于作者轿车的油相关问题,这才是一种父语的表达。故选D项。
    6.词句猜测题。文章第四段作者父亲所说的话“ Highways are dangerus(高速公路很危险)”和“anything faster than a hrse and buggy(比马和马车更快的东西)”可推知,作者第一次公路旅行时,他的父亲劝告作者在马路上不要开太快,不要试图超越。由此可知,划线词vertaking 与utrunning(超过,跑得比……快)意思接近。故选A项。
    7.推理判断题。根据第五段中“I realize that had I wned a cpy f the Fatherlish-t-English dictinary, I’d have understd that the speech my friend and I s carelessly laughed at was simply Dad’s attempt at lve.( 我意识到,如果我有一本“父亲对英语”的字典,我就会明白,我和朋友如此漫不经心地嘲笑的那些话只不过是爸爸的爱的尝试)”可知,作者当时没有理解父亲的爱,感到遗憾。故选B项。
    8.C 9.B 10.B 11.A
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Allen added that she wuld nt say that eggs are cmpletely unhealthy. “I’m nt saying that peple shuld take them cmpletely ut f their fd,” she said. “I’m just suggesting that peple eat them in a prper amunt.” (Allen补充说,她不是说鸡蛋完全不健康。‘我并不是说人们应该把它们从食物中完全剔除,’她说。‘我只是建议人们适量食用它们。’)”可知,Nrrina Allen 并不认为人们不应该吃鸡蛋,而是应该适量吃,故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中的“‘This study des have clear shrtcmings, including self-reprting at a single time pint, he added’”可知,Bruemmer认为这项研究有不足之处,对这个研究持怀疑态度。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第五段中的Andersen 所说的话“If yu’re taking a lt f prcessed meat, it desn’t matter hw many eggs yu’re eating(如果你吃了大量的加工肉类,那么你吃多少个鸡蛋并不重要。)”以及最后一段中“But it cannt prve eggs are the cause f the disease. It may just be that peple eating a lt f eggs are als taking a lt f bacn.(但它不能证明鸡蛋是该病的病因。这可能只是因为吃了很多鸡蛋的人也吃了很多培根。)”可以推断,Andersen认为吃鸡蛋并不是心脏病的病因。如果吃了大量加工过的肉类也有可能引起心脏病。故选B。
    11.标题判断题。文章在第一段提出观点“A new reprt cnnects eating eggs t an increased risk f heart disease.”,新的研究结果表明,吃鸡蛋与心脏病风险的增加有联系;接下来文章列举了一些科学家的观点:第二段中Nrrina Allen提出观点“I’m just suggesting that peple eat them in a prper amunt.” Nrrina Allen认为应该适量吃鸡蛋;第三段中提到“Sme experts believe the new study des nt prve that eggs are causing heart disease.”,有些专家认为,这项新研究并不能证明鸡蛋会导致心脏病;第五段中Hlly Andersen提出观点“a lt f the egg-eating peple in the study als appeared t be eating much meat and prcessed meat.” 很多吃鸡蛋的人似乎也吃了很多肉和加工肉类,这也会引起心脏病。因此文章是关于“鸡蛋会导致心脏病吗?”这个问题的不同观点。故选A。
    12.C 13.D 14.D 15.A
    12.细节理解题。根据第二段They knw that custmers wh buy the healthy fd first will feel happy s that they will buy mre junk fd(垃圾食品) later in their trip.可知,他们知道,首先购买健康食品的顾客会感到高兴,因此他们会在以后的旅行中购买更多的垃圾食品。所以把水果放在显眼的位置是为了吸引消费者,然后在不知不觉中购买稍后要看到的那些垃圾食品。故选C。
    13.推理判断题。根据第三段内容Stres ntice that the smell f baked gds encurages shpping可知,商店注意到烘焙食品的味道鼓励购物。由此判断出烤面包的味道能够起到刺激消费者购买的目的。故选D。
    14.推理判断题。文章末段提出They find that custmers make decisins in the first few secnds upn walking in the dr, and turn it int a business pprtunity.可知,他们发现顾客在进门的最初几秒钟就做出决定,这就是一个商机。然后讲述加利福尼亚卖房者的故事,由此判断加州建筑商的故事想要证明良好的第一印象会增加销售额。故选D。
    16.G 17.D 18.C 19.E 20.A
    16.根据本段标题“First, dn’t suppress (抑制) the negative thught.(第一,不要压抑消极的想法。)”和上文“Research shws that it’s imprtant nt t suppress negative thughts as this nly makes it wrse.(研究表明,不要压抑消极的想法很重要,因为这只会让事情变得更糟。)”可知,我们需要做的是要去注意消极的想法。G项:Instead, ntice the negative thught and then let it flat away.(相反,注意消极的想法,然后让它飘走。)符合语境。故选G。
    17.根据本段小标题“Dn’t frget t breathe.(别忘了呼吸。)”可知,本段内容与用呼吸来放松有关,D项中的“breathe”与标题呼应。D项:And then pause t relax and breathe.(然后停下来放松和呼吸。)符合语境。故选D。
    18.空处为段落小标题。根据下文““Just because yu have a thught desn’t mean it’s true. When yu ntice yu’re being hard n yurself r thinking very negatively, take a step back and questin the thught yu’re having,” suggests Turni.(“仅仅因为你有一个想法并不意味着它是真实的。当你注意到自己对自己太苛刻或想法很消极时,退后一步,质疑自己的想法,”托罗尼建议。)”可知,本段主要讲述要质疑自己的一些想法。C项:Dn’t believe everything yu think.(不要相信你所想的一切。)符合语境。故选C。
    19.根据上文中的“take a step back and questin the thught yu’re having(退后一步,质疑自己提出的想法。)”和下文“Are yu jumping t cnclusins?(你草率下结论了吗?)可知,空处提出是否有支撑的证据。 E项:Is there any evidence t supprt this?(有证据支持这一想法吗?)承接上文,符合语境。故选E。
    20.根据上文“When negative thughts get a hld n yu, Manly recmmends fcusing n a psitive message r mantra that feels strng and calming fr yu.(当消极的想法控制你时,Manly建议专注于积极的信息或能让你感到强大和平静的咒语。)和“All will be well(一切都会好起来的)”可知,空处说明所有的问题都将得到解决。A项:Things will wrk ut.(事情将会解决的)承接上文,符合语境。故选A。
    21.C 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.B 31.A 32.A 33.D 34.B 35.C
    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“人们应该表现出爱和同情,”她说。A. pleasure快乐;B. patience耐心;C. lve爱;D. curisity好奇。根据后文“and sympathy”以及Leah通过分发手镯来呼吁人们重视他人,可推测她认为人们应该表现出爱和同情。故选C。
    22.考查动词短语辨析。句意:Leah决定在当地的一次活动上分发她手工制作的手镯,并请每个得到手镯的人为别人做一件好事。A. pick up捡起;B. put away放好;C. shw ff炫耀;D. hand ut分发。呼应后文“As Leah gave ut bracelets”指Leah分发她制作的手镯。故选D。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每个手镯上都附着一张纸条,上面写着:“让我们向其他人展示他们被重视。”A. cmpared比较;B. attached附属;C. pened打开;D. cnnected连接。根据前后文语境“A nte … t each bracelet”可知,指手镯上附有Leah的纸条,应用attach。故选B。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每个手镯上都附着一张纸条,上面写着:“让我们向其他人展示他们被重视。”A. ignred忽视;B. infected传染;C. valued重视;D. engaged参与。结合上文“asked each persn wh gt ne t d a kind deed fr smene else”可知Leah要求每个得到手镯的人为别人做一件好事,说明她希望人们向其他人展示他们被重视,故选C。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当Leah分发手镯时,消息传开了。A. wrd话语,消息;B. passin激情;C. anxiety焦虑;D. happiness幸福。根据后文“She began t receive bracelet requests wrldwide”可知Leah分发手镯的消息传开了,wrd spread“消息散布得很快”符合语境。故选A。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个人用三明治给一个疲惫的店员带来了惊喜。A. bthered烦恼;B. surprised使惊讶;C. upset使心烦;D. embarrassed使尴尬。结合上文“t hear frm peple wh'd delivered kind deeds”可知此处列举的都是他人为别人做的善举,故推测是一个人用三明治给一个疲惫的店员带来了惊喜。故选B。
    27.考查副词词义辨析。句意:有一个故事真正触动了我的心,那就是有人建立了一个无家可归者的营地!A. genuinely真诚地,真正地;B. hardly几乎不;C. slightly些微地;D. relatively相当地。根据后文“tuched my heart was that smene established a hmeless camp”可知,此处是指这件事情真正触动了Leah内心的故事,故选A。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Leah无法满足人们对手镯的需求时,她开始用不同的语言销售外面写着“友善之旅”,里面写着“善良”的腕带。A. deny否认;B. advance提前;C. meet满足,遇见;D. delay延期。根据后文“she began selling wristbands”可知指,Leah的手镯无法满足人们的需求,所以开始售卖腕带。故选C。
    29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当Leah无法满足人们对手镯的需求时,她开始用不同的语言销售外面写着“友善之旅”,里面写着“善良”的腕带。A. native本地的;B. cmplex复杂的;C. natural自然的;D. different不同的。根据第三段中“She began t receive bracelet requests wrldwide”可知,Leah收到的是来自世界各地的手镯需求,所以推测她用不同的语言写的。故选D。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她在一个无家可归的收容所为孩子们组织了一个聚会,为飓风受害者付了房租,甚至更多,用的是来自腕带销售和捐赠的钱。A. attended参加;B. rganized组织;C. canceled取消;D. pstpned延期。根据后文“a party fr kids at a hmeless shelter”指为孩子们组织了一个聚会。故选B。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她在一个无家可归的收容所为孩子们组织了一个聚会,为飓风受害者付了房租,甚至更多,用的是来自腕带销售和捐赠的钱。A. victims受害者;B. researchers研究人员;C. reprters记者;D. bservers观察者。结合上文“paid rent fr hurricane”可知指为遭受了飓风的受害者付了房租,故选A。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她在一个无家可归的收容所为孩子们组织了一个聚会,为飓风受害者付了房租,甚至更多,用的是来自腕带销售和捐赠的钱。A. sales销售;B. funds资金;C. designs设计;D. advertisements广告。呼应上文“she began selling wristbands”Leah用的是腕带销售和捐赠的钱来帮助他人。故选A。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Leah希望鼓励其他想帮助别人的孩子。A. respect尊重;B. cntact联系;C. recmmend推荐;D. encurage鼓励。根据前后文“Leah hpes t …ther kids wh want t help thers”可知,Leah希望通过自己的行为来鼓励其他想帮助别人的孩子。故选D。
    34.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“多想点点子!永远不要害怕,”她说。A. mean吝啬的;B. scared害怕的;C. cntent满意的;D. prud自豪的。根据后文“Yu always have the pwer t d smething.”可知Leah鼓励他人总是有能力去做一些事情,所以是说让别人不要害怕,多有一些想法。故选B。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:年龄只是个数字。A. gap间隙;B. prblem问题;C. number数字;D. barrier障碍。根据下文“Yu always have the pwer t d smehing.””可知年龄在Leah看来只是个数字,无论处于哪个年龄段都可以为别人提供帮助。故选C。
    36.including 37.its 38.have helped 39.which 40.t explre 41.cuntries 42.was influenced 43.Althugh##Thugh 44.an 45.cnstantly
    38.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:在过去的2500年里,许多历史事件帮助塑造了西方文化。根据时间状语“in the past 2, 500 years”可知,句子用现在完成时,主语events是名词复数,助动词用have。故填have helped。
    40.考查动词不定式。句意:然后,东西方之间的贸易允许欧洲人探索北美和南美。allw sb/sth t d sth允许……做某事,固定短语,故填t explre。
    42.考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:与西方文化一样,东方文化在早期的发展中深受宗教的影响,但后来又深受农业发展的影响。结合前一个分句时态可知,此处是讲述过去发生的事情,主语it指代Eastern culture,和动词influence之间是被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,be动词用was。故填was influenced。
    44.考查不定冠词。句意:“文化在我们这个相互联系的世界中扮演着重要的角色。” De Rssi说。play a rle in...是固定短语,意为“在……中扮演重角色”,形容词imprtant是以元音音素开头的词,需要填不定冠词an,故填an。
    46.Dear Amy,
    I’m glad t hear frm yu. I am writing t tell yu sme f my views n slving varius anxiety symptms. In fact, mst f us feel nervus when taking an imprtant exam.
    First f all, I think it’s imprtant fr us t have a psitive attitude twards exams. We needn’t wrry t much abut them. Secndly, we shuld study hard every day, make practical study gals and arrange yur time reasnably. Besides, enugh sleep can make us perfrm well in exams. Therefre, during the examinatin perid, we shuld nt stay up t late. We can als listen t light music befre ging t bed, which may help us have a gd sleep.
    I wish yu the best!
    Li Hua
    紧张的:tense →nervus
    此外:in additin→besides
    原句:I am writing t tell yu sme f my views n slving varius anxiety symptms.
    拓展句:I am writing t tell yu sme f my views n slving varius anxiety symptms, which I hpe will help yu.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】In fact, mst f us feel nervus when taking an imprtant exam. (运用了时间状语从句的省略)
    【高分句型2】We can als listen t light music befre ging t bed, which may help us have a gd sleep. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    47.One pssible versin:
    “But yu will be a beautiful narratr,” she said, reminding me hw much I lved t read stries alud t her. “The narratr’s part is just as imprtant as the part f a princess.” Her wise wrds inspired me with curage and cnfidence. But n the evening f the perfrmance, I suddenly felt nervus backstage again. My teacher came ver t me. “Yur mther asked me t give yu this,” she said, handing me a dandelin. Lking at it, I knew my mther was ut there fr me, which calmed me dwn.
    After the play, I tk hme the flwer. My mther made it int a dried flwer and put it int a glass bttle. Every time I see it, I am reminded f this unfrgettable experience. I have taken part in many schl plays, tried different rles and made many speeches ever since. Gradually, I’ve becme really gd at perfrming and public speaking, seldm feeling nervus nstage nw. Fr this, I am frever grateful t my mther, wh have made me what I am tday.
    ①鼓舞:inspire/ encurage
    ②镇静:calm dwn/cl/keep calm
    ①难忘的:unfrgettable / memrable/leave a lasting impressin n
    ②感谢:shwing his appreciatin/shw his gratitude/be grateful t
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Lking at it, I knew my mther was ut there fr me, which calmed me dwn.(运用了现在分词作状语。省略了that的宾语从句和which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] Fr this, I am frever grateful t my mther, wh has made me what I am tday. (运用了wh引导的非限制性定语从句和what引导的宾语从句)

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