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    这是一份2023自治区赤峰红山区赤峰二中高二上学期11月月考英语试题含答案,共17页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分30分), 只允许修改10处,多者不计分,说明你的看法,many→much,divided前加were,ther→thers,when→that,去掉but等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第 Ⅰ 卷
    Chinese peple tend t use cartns r animal images as prfile images as a chance _____ (make) a statement which is suppsed t be received by thers.
    ________ (understand) yur wn needs and styles f cmmunicatin is as imprtant as learning t cnvey yur affectin and emtins.
    Saving ur planet, lifting peple ut f pverty, ______(advance) ecnmic are ne and the same fight.
    We were all impressed by the statue f the hrse(date) back t the Qidan Dynasty in Chifeng Museum.
    Despite(apply) fr hundreds f jbs, Wang B is still ut f wrk. S he is determined t g t cllege fr sme jb training.
    While we were hiking in the Gbi, sme supprt cars fllwed us all the way t help keep us ________ (supply).
    Clearly and thughtfully________(write),the bk inspires cnfidence in students wh wish t seek their wn answers.
    In China, the Cmmunist Party f China shws its high efficiency in managing the cuntry, in helping peple, in _____ (bring) the cuntry ut f pverty.
    An Italian astrnaut psted a grup f phts ___ (take) frm space and attached several lines frm a famus ancient Chinese cmpsitin.
    Father’s Day, bserved n March 19 since Middle Age, means ________(hnr) fathers and celebrating fatherhd.
    We all knw eating sme take-away fds that make ur lives easier---such as prepackaged sups, sauces, frzen pizza and ready-t-eat meals ---- ___ (be nt) gd fr ur health
    Traditinal Mnglian wrestling , ___ (call) bkh in the lcal language , is ne f the main sprts at the Nadam Fair, the mst imprtant Inner Mnglian festival.
    Ever since Winstn Churchill used the phrase Black Dg t describe his different perids f depressin fr much f his life, it ____ (becme ) the shrthand fr the disease that millins f peple suffer frm, ften in shame and silence.
    Everyne wants t watch the ceremny in the frnt rw t see the natinal flag _____(raise) as the sun cmes up, which makes Chinese peple feel prud.
    A piece f artwrk may take a few minutes t several days t cmplete, ________ (depend) n the size, but it may take several mnths fr him t transfrm a cncept int reality.
    Famus fr ____(carry) his tennis rackets in a bamb basket Wang Fa, a 14-year-ld dark hrse wh wn the U14 bys’ singles title in the Guangzhu stp f the 2022 Asics Tennis Junir Tur, has becme an internet sensatin.
    Fr 12 years, Hu Liang, ________(mve) t Finland after cllege graduatin , has seen mre and mre Chinese turists visiting the cuntry t enjy watching the winter ple light.
    His visits t many places in China made his ________(lng)fr understanding China even greater and left him interested in the ancient civilizatin.
    ________ (knw) which university t attend, the girl asked her teacher fr advice.
    She seemed unsure f what ________(d) r say, yet I culd see her eyes lnging fr acceptance.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,20小题,满分40分)
    I have a yunger brther. T me, he is a furteen-year-ld kid named Je, with blnd hair and blue eyes. T thers, he is different. Where I see a kid wh just needs a lt mre attentin, thers see a mentally disabled by, a kid wh cannt walk r talk r think fr himself. I see smene wh just makes daily rutine a bit less rutine. Others see an annyance, I a bther.
    This is nt t say that I have never felt resentful tward Je. He is my brther, and with that cmes respnsibility. “Gina, culd yu stay in tnight and watch yur brther?” “Gina, d me a favr and feed him dinner and change his diaper later, please?” “Culd yu cme hme right after schl tday and get Je ff the bus?”
    These are phrases that I have heard since I was twelve. And sure, they have made me resent my brther t a certain extent. I wuld think: that’s nt fair! Everyne else can stay after and be a member f this club, r get extra help frm that teacher. Or, all my friends are ging ut tnight, why can’t I? And, hw cme I have t feed him? He is nt my sn!
    Hwever, the small amunt f resentment I feel tward my brther is erased a thusand times ver by what I have learned frm him. Besides making me respnsible frm a yung age, and helping me be mre accepting f all kinds f peple, he has taught me t be thankful fr what I have.
    I knw that there are mments in my life that I shuld cherish and that Je will never experience. He will never laugh s hard that he cries. He will never feel the glry f a straight-A reprt card. He will never cmfrt a best friend crying n his shulder. And he will never knw hw much his family lve him.
    Because he will never knw, it is up t me t knw, every secnd, hw lucky I am. It is up t me t realize that life shuld be lived t its fullest, and that yu shuld always, always be grateful that Gd, r whever are the pwers that be, gave yu the ability t live yur life the way yu were meant t live it.
    21.We knw frm the first paragraph that Gina’s brther __________.
    A.causes truble t neighbrsB.lives with mental disability
    C.pays mre attentin t thersD.cnsiders daily rutine a bther
    22.If Mther asks Gina t lk after her brther nw, what will she prbably answer?
    A.I'm afraid nt.B.It’s nt fair!
    C.It depends.D.N prblem!
    23.The passage intends t tell us that we shuld _____________.
    A.value the glry f successB.appreciate what life gives us
    C.cmfrt unfrtunate pepleD.treasure meaningful mments
    Yu may think yu culdn’t live thrugh summer withut air cnditining. But in ancient China, hand fans were almst the nly way t drive the heat away.
    Chinese peple started t use hand fans ver 2, 000 years ag. The fans came in different shapes and were made frm all kinds f materials. Palm leaf fans were cheap and easy t make. Feather fans marked the wner’s high status. Sandalwd fans culd send ut a sweet smell. Later, hand fans became far mre than just smething that culd cl yu dwn. They develped int wrks f art, in which Tuanshan-rund fans, and Zheshan-flded fans, were the mst cmmn. In the shape f a fullmn, Tuanshan were usually made f silk. They had beautiful embridery featuring birds and flwers n them. Wmen, especially thse in the ryal palace, liked t use them. Pets in ancient China ften cmpared an abandned wman t Tuanshan. A pet in the Qing Dynasty, Nalan Xingde was a typical example. He wrte, “If nly life were as beautiful as when we first met, why shuld the autumn wind bther t pity deserted painted fans?”
    Meanwhile, men, especially the literati, used Zheshan. The literati liked them because Zheshan were usually made f paper and they culd paint and write pems n them. It was a way fr them t shw ff their skills in literature, painting and calligraphy. Many things were painted n Zheshan, but the mst ppular chice was usually beautiful scenery.
    Tday, Chinese peple still use these fans, thugh nt many peple write r paint n them any mre. This summer, why nt paint ne f yur wn?
    24.Which fans culd shw a persn’s scial psitin?
    A.Feather fans.B.Palm leaf fans.C.Hand fans.D.Sandalwd fans.
    25.Wh did Nalan Xingde refer t by mentining fans?
    A.A wman in the ryal palace.B.A wman with a Tuanshan.
    C.A wman with a Zheshan.D.A wman that was abandned.
    26.Why did the literati like Zheshan?
    A.They were flded fans.
    B.They came in different shapes.
    C.They gave them chances t shw the talent.
    D.They had birds and flwers painted n them.
    27.Where is the text mst likely frm?
    A.A diary.B.A magazine.C.An instructin.D.A manual.
    Each year, thusands f peple are attracted t the Ysemite Natinal Park in Califrnia fr a chance f seeing —and phtgraphing ——the unique “firefall”. The amazing “firefall” cmes t life nly when there is enugh water frm the melting snw t keep the Hrsetail Fall flwing and when the light f the setting sun hits the waterfall at the right angle. It can nly be seen fr a shrt time in February n clear sunny days.
    This year, the weather isn’t stpping the “firefall” frm happening, but it is making the jurney t see it mre difficult.
    “What wuld have been a 10-minute walk turned int a tw-hur hike thrugh deep snw,” phtgrapher Ryan Fitzsimns said abut his recent trip t see the phenmenn. “Our clthes were all wet by the time we gt t a viewing site. But the heavy snw made the sight much mre beautiful since the waterfall is much bigger this year.”
    Anther phtgrapher Andy Heitz was making his first trip t see the “firefall”. He had t wait five hurs in the extreme cld fr his turn t take a picture.
    “I gt t the site at abut 12:00 at nn. The place was already filled with hundreds f peple waiting t see and phtgraph the ‘firefall’. I was s lucky that I sht a really wnderful burner! I was cmpletely amazed with what I saw,” he said. “Yu knw, nly n a cuple days f the year in February and when the sun sets dwn at the perfect angle t shine n Ysemite’s Hrsetail Fall can we see the ‘Fire Fall’. I’ll never frget what I have seen.’’
    The “firefall” shuld cntinue t be there frm 20 t 24 February. But park fficials said that there’s n guarantee that visitrs will see it n any given day.
    28.When might be the best time t take pictures f the “firefall”?
    A.At nn. B.At dawn. C.At night. D.At dusk.
    29.Why might the “firefall” disappear between 20 t 24 February this year?
    A.There wuldn’t be enugh snw.B.The waterfall might nt freeze.
    C.It might be t cludy.D.The snw might melt t fast.
    30.What des the underlined wrd “burner” in paragraph 5 refer t?
    A.A wrker in the kitchen.
    B.The fire in the Ysemite Natinal Park.
    C.The unique Hrsetail Fall in the setting sun.
    D.A part f a cker r stve.
    31.What is the main purpse f this text?
    A.T intrduce an attractin.B.T give suggestins fr a trip.
    C.T advertise a park in the US.D.T explain what is a “firefall”.
    As the wrld’s ppulatin grws, farmers will need t prduce mre and mre fd. And large farms are increasingly using precisin farming t increase yields, reduce waste, and reduce the ecnmic and security risks that inevitably accmpany agricultural uncertainty.
    Traditinal farming relies n managing entire fields—making decisins related t planting, harvesting, irrigating, and applying pesticides and fertilizer—based n reginal cnditins and histrical data. Precisin farming, by cntrast, cmbines sensrs, rbts, GPS, mapping tls and data-analytics sftware t custmize the care that plants receive withut increasing labr. Rbt-munted sensrs and camera-equipped drnes wirelessly send images and data n individual plants t a cmputer, which lks fr signs f health and stress. Farmers receive the feedback in real time and then deliver water, pesticide r fertilizer in adjusted dses t nly the areas that need it. The technlgy can als help farmers decide when t plant and harvest crps.
    As a result, precisin farming can imprve time management, reduce water and chemical use, and prduce healthier crps and higher yields—all f which benefit farmers’ bttm lines and cnserve resurces while reducing chemical runff.
    Many small businesses are develping new sftware, sensrs, and ther tls fr precisin farming, as are large cmpanies such as Mnsant, Jhn Deere, Bayer, Dw and DuPnt. The U.S. Department f Agriculture, NASA and the Natinal Oceanic and Atmspheric Administratin all supprt precisin farming, and many clleges nw ffer curse wrk n the tpic.
    In a related develpment, seed prducers are applying technlgy t imprve plant characteristics. By fllwing individual plants ver time and analyzing which nes flurish in different cnditins, cmpanies can relate the plants’ respnse t their envirnments with their genmics. That infrmatin, in turn, allws the cmpanies t prduce seed varieties that will grw well in specific sil and weather cnditins. This advanced technlgy may als help t imprve crp nutritin.
    Farmers d nt universally welcme precisin agriculture fr varius reasns, such as high equipment csts and lack f access t the Internet. The technlgy may bring great challenges t experienced farmers wh are nt gd at cmputers. And large systems will als be beynd the reach f many small farming peratins in develping natins. But less expensive, simpler systems culd ptentially be applied. Fr thers, thugh, cst savings in the lng run may reduce the financial cncerns. And hwever reticent sme farmers may be t adpt new technlgy; the next generatin f farmers are likely t warm t the apprach.
    32.Precisin farming differs frm traditinal farming partly because it ________.
    A.guarantees high yields with mre labr
    B.relies n reginal cnditins and histrical data
    C.prvides real time infrmatin abut target crps
    D.ffers plenty f water, pesticides, and fertilizer
    33.Abut precisin farming, we can learn that________.
    A.the gvernment hlds a cautius attitude
    B.large systems will sn be built in develping natins
    C.seed prducers have already made huge prfits
    D.it draws psitive respnses frm businesses
    34.The underlined wrd “reticent” in the last paragraph prbably means ________.
    A.Disappinted B.reluctant C.Cnfused D.stunned
    35.What is the best title fr the passage?
    A.Develpment f Farming Systems in the U.S.
    B.Mre Challenges Faced by Mdern Farmers
    C.Precisin Farming Increases Crp Yields
    D.Traditinal Farming is Gradually Disappearing
    第二节 (共5小题, 每小题2分,满分10分)
    Healthy See, Healthy D
    Visit the grcery stre n an empty stmach, and yu will prbably cme hme with a few things yu did nt plan t buy. But hunger is nt the nly cause f additinal purchases. The lcatin f stre displays als influences ur shpping chices.___36___
    The checkut area is a particular htspt fr junk fd. Studies have fund that the prducts mst cmmnly fund there are sugary and salty snacks.___37___ A 2012 study in the Netherlands fund that hspital wrkers were mre likely t give up junk fd fr healthy snacks when the latter were mre readily available n canteen shelves, fr example. In 2014 Nrwegian and Icelandic researchers als fund that replacing unhealthy fds with healthy nes in the checkut area significantly increased last-minute sales f healthier fds.
    ___38___ It has been wrking with mre than 1,000 stre wners t encurage them t rder and prmte nutritius fds. “We knw that the stres are full f cues meant t encurage cnsumptin,” says Tamar Adjian, a research scientist at the department, “Making healthy fds mre cnvenient r appealing can lead t increased sales f thse prducts.”
    Adjian and her clleagues wndered if such findings wuld apply t their city’s crwded urban checkut areas, s they selected three Brnx supermarkets fr their wn study. ___39___ Then they recrded purchases ver six three-hur perids in each stre fr tw weeks.
    Of the mre than 2,100 shppers they bserved, just 4 percent bught anything frm the checkut area. Amng thse wh did, hwever, custmers in the healthy lines purchased nutritius fds mre than twice as ften as thse in the standard lines.___40___ The findings were reprted in September in the Jurnal f Nutritin Educatin and Behavir.
    The ptential influence may seem small, but Adjian believes that changing mre checkut lines wuld pen custmers’ eyes t nutritius, lwer-calrie fds. Health department fficials are nw explring ways t expand healthy ptins at checkut cunters thrughut New Yrk City.
    A.These fds give peple mre energy.
    B.They bught unhealthy fds 40 percent less ften.
    C.And a few studies have suggested that simply swapping in healthier ptins can change custmer behavir.
    D.The supermarkets began t ffer nutritius, lwer-calrie fds.
    E.They replaced candies and ckies with fruits and nuts near the checkut cunter.
    F.These findings caught the attentin f New Yrk City Department f Health.
    G.And it may make r break sme healthy eating habits.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完型填空(共20小题, 每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    The Internet is an amazing mdern tl, creating new ways t shp, entertain, and amazing mdern cmmunicatin. But ne f the mst amazing things the Internet is ding right nw is helping peple t ___41___ their family histries.
    While sme Americans are ___42___ enugh t knw their family tree ging back hundreds f years, mst peple nly knw f a generatin ___43___ things get clear. Hwever, new nline services are ___44___ that fr many peple. The largest and mst ___45___ f these services is called Ancestry. cm.
    Ancestry. cm gives yu access t all f the data yu need n ne site. With mre than ne billin searchable recrds and thusands f new nes added daily, it's a ___46___ resurce fr yur family histry search. It ___47___ yu where t start yur search, hw t ___48___ yur family tree, and hw t get past seemingly dead ends in yur hunt fr infrmatin.
    The service als ___49___ an easy family-tree part s yu can build and share yur family tree with thers. Yu can als ____50____ cpies f many riginal recrds, ____51____ birth certificates and newspaper clippings. There are ther interesting ____52____ recrds abut yur family. These can be dwnladed and printed fr scrapbks, r even as ____53____ f riginal dcuments that yu may have lst.
    Anther fun thing yu can d using Ancestry. cm is ____54____ ld newspaper clippings frm ne r even ten years ag that ____55____ yur family members. It gives yu access t expert genealgists, wh study the histry f families and can ____56____ yu if needed. It als cntains a wealth f articles n special ____57____ such as researching African-American histries, military research, and mre.
    Ancestry. cm ffers subscriptin plans that are cnsiderably lwer than ther ____58____ services ffering this type f service. Best f all, Ancestry. cm is nw ffering new custmers a ____59____ ne-day trial. Yu can begin searching yur family tree right away and see the amazing amunt f____60____ available thrugh the service——all fr free.
    This is a primary schl in Finland. The students at the schl are having a math class with their rbt teacher. The “teacher” is ____61____ small, blue machine abut 25cm high, Reuters reprted. Whenever students have prblems, it helps them very ____62____ (patient) and never gets bred.
    “The rbt can make students ____63____ (active) in class than usual. I see Elias as ne f the ____64____ (tl) t get different kinds f practice and activities int the classrm,” a teacher tld Reuters. S far the schl ____65____ (intrduce) fur rbt teachers, ne f whm is a language teacher that can speak 23 languages and dance t music. “____66____ is necessary t encurage kids t cme up ____67____ new ways t make use f technlgy in schl life,” the head f the schl ____68____ (add) in the interview. The rbt teachers are used ____69____ (help) imprve learning. This desn’t mean that human teachers will lse their jbs. The rbts can teach well, _____70_____ they are nt able t keep class in rder. The schl still needs human teachers.
    第 Ⅱ 卷
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    In the past three years, many activities had been rganized by ur schl. What impressed me mstly was an activity called “Learning t Farm”. In an autumn afternn, we went t a farm, where we learned knwledge and had many fun. Having been in the city fr such a lng time, we were mre than happy t g t a cuntryside. After we arrived, we divided int three grups. Sme students learned hw t raise chicken, sme wrked in the garden, and the ther helped the farmers with the wrk in the fishpnd. It was nt until it was ttally dark when we stpped wrking. Thugh tired ut, but we felt pleased n ur way back hme.
    笫二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    China Daily正在开展一项过国民运动调查,报告显示,健走已成为中国人最常见的运动。请根据图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容要点:
    Mst Ppular Types f Exercise Amng Chinese

    21 B 22D 23B
    24A 25 D 26 C 27 B
    28 D 29C 30 C 31 A
    32 C 33 D 34 B 35 C
    35-40 GCFEB
    41.A 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.B
    46.A 47.B 48.C 49.C 50.D
    51.B 52.A 53.B 54.C 55.A
    56.B 57.D 58.C 59.D 60.D
    61.a 62.patiently 63.mre active 64.tls 65.has intrduced 66.It 67.with 68.added 69.t help 70.But
    5.a cuntryside→the cuntryside
    Chinese peple tend t use cartns r animal images as prfile images as a chance __t make___ (make) a statement which is suppsed t be received by thers.
    ___Understanding____ (understand) yur wn needs and styles f cmmunicatin is as imprtant as learning t cnvey yur affectin and emtins.
    Saving ur planet, lifting peple ut f pverty, ___advancing__(advance) ecnmic are ne and the same fight.
    We were all impressed by the statue f the hrsedating (date) back t the Qidan Dynasty in Chifeng Museum.
    Despite having applied fr (apply) fr hundreds f jbs, Wang B is still ut f wrk. S he is determined t g t cllege fr sme jb training.
    While we were hiking in the Gbi, sme supprt cars fllwed us all the way t help keep us __supplied______ (supply).
    Clearly and thughtfully____written____(write),the bk inspires cnfidence in students wh wish t seek their wn answers.
    In China, the Cmmunist Party f China shws its high efficiency in managing the cuntry, in helping peple, in __bringing___ (bring) the cuntry ut f pverty.
    An Italian astrnaut psted a grup f phts _taken__ (take ) frm space and attached several lines frm a famus ancient Chinese cmpsitin.
    Father’s Day, bserved n March 19 since Middle Age, means __hnring______(hnr) fathers and celebrating fatherhd.
    We all knw eating sme take-away fds that make ur lives easier---such as prepackaged sups, sauces, frzen pizza and ready-t-eat meals ---- _isn’t __ (be nt) gd fr ur health
    Traditinal Mnglian wrestling , __called _ (call) bkh in the lcal language , is ne f the main sprts at the Nadam Fair, the mst imprtant Inner Mnglian festival.
    Ever since Winstn Churchill used the phrase Black Dg t describe his different perids f depressin fr much f his life, it has becme____ (becme ) the shrthand fr the disease that millins f peple suffer frm, ften in shame and silence.
    Everyne wants t watch the ceremny in the frnt rw t see the natinal flat __being raised ___(raise) as the sun cmes up, which makes Chinese peple feel prud.
    A piece f artwrk may take a few minutes t several days t cmplete, ___depending _____ (depend) n the size, but it may take several mnths fr him t transfrm a cncept int reality.
    Famus fr ___carrying _(carry) his tennis rackets in a bamb basket Wang Fa, a 14-year-d dark hrse wh wn the U14 bys’ singles title in the Guangzhu stp f the 2022 Asics Tennis Junir Tur, has becme an internet sensatin.
    Fr 12 years, Hu Liang, ___having mved _____(mve) t Finland after cllege graduatin , has seen mre and mre Chinese turists visiting the cuntry t enjy watching the winter ple light.
    His visits t many places in China made his ___lnging _____(lng) fr understanding China even greater and left him interested in the ancient civilizatin.
    _Nt knwing__ (knw) which university t attend, the girl asked her teacher fr advice.
    She seemed unsure f what __t d______(d) r say, yet I culd see her eyes lnging fr acceptance.
    China Daily正在开展一项过国民运动调查,报告显示,健走已成为中国人最常见的运动。请根据图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容要点:
    Accrding t the survey, nearly 37 percent f the peple chse fast walking as their favrite exercise while mre than 23 percent selected running and mre than 14 percent picked cycling. The rest preferred bdybuilding, dancing and ther types f exercise.
    One reasn why fast walking tps ppular exercise list is that fast walking is an easily accessible way with lw cst. Besides, the health-cnscius Chinese tend t d exercise utdrs in nature rather than being stuck in gyms r fitness facilities.
    As fr me, I als have a preference fr this exercise, which makes me feel relaxed and energetic. Hwever, it turns ut that n matter which type we enjy, the mre active we are, the mre benefits we will get.
    C. cnventinal
    51.A.in particular
    B.such as
    C.in additin t
    D.as well as
    54.A.giving back
    B.asking fr
    C.lking up
    D.writing dwn

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