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    这是一份2022-2023学年内蒙古自治区赤峰市红山区赤峰实验中学高三上学期11月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含内蒙古自治区赤峰市红山区赤峰实验中学2022-2023学年高三上学期11月月考英语试题原卷版docx、内蒙古自治区赤峰市红山区赤峰实验中学2022-2023学年高三上学期11月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (试卷总分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What will the weather be like tday?
    A. Sunny but cld. B. Rainy and cld. C. Windy but warm.
    2. What will the man d next?
    A. Watch a mvie. B. Study with the wman. C. Turn ff the TV.
    3. Hw much will the bluse cst the man?
    A. 45 dllars. B. 40 dllars. C. 10 dllars.
    4. Where is Luck’s father?
    A. In the kitchen. B. In the garden. C. In the garage.
    5. What kind f music des the man ften listen t?
    A. Jazz music. B. Classical music. C. Rck music.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. When did the library clse tday?
    A. At 1 p. m. B. At 3 p. m. C. At 5 p. m.
    7. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Hw t brrw bks. B. Hw t select bks. C. Hw t return bks.
    8. What is the man ging t d at 7: 00 tnight?
    A. G n a date. B. Play basketball. C. Have his teeth fixed.
    9. Hw sn can the man eat regular fd?
    A. In half an hur. B. In tw hurs. C. In fur hurs.
    10. What’s the big prblem f the wman?
    A. She desn’t want t g t Japan.
    B She isn’t gd at Japanese.
    C. She desn’t knw hw t g t Japan.
    11. Hw can the wman learn Japanese?
    A. By attending a language schl in Japan.
    B. By asking a tur guide in Japan fr help.
    C. By learning frm the Japanese wh can speak English.
    12. What will the speakers d next?
    A. G fr a walk. B. Have a drink. C. Travel tgether.
    13. What des Paul want t d tmrrw at first?
    A G hiking. B. G fishing. C. G hunting.
    14. Hw des Paul feel?
    A. Wrried. B. Embarrassed. C. Excited.
    15. What did Sara ask Paul t bring?
    A. Bts. B. Fd. C. Raincats.
    16. Where will the speakers stay tnight?
    A. In a tent. B. In a htel. C. At hme.
    17. What will take place in the htel this weekend?
    A. A wedding. B. A birthday party. C. A trade fair.
    18. What is the speaker unsure abut?
    A. The number f guests. B. The list f the fd. C. The length f the event.
    19. When will guests prbably start arriving?
    A. At 7: 45. B. At 7: 30. C. At 7: 15.
    20. What will guests see in the event?
    A. A cmedian. B. A band. C. A magician.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    The Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 clsed n February 20. Let’s take a lk at these Chinese elements thrugh the designs and the ingenius ideas behind them.
    The frnt side f the Winter Olympic medals was based n the ancient Chinese jade cncentric circle pendants, with five rings representing “the unity f heaven and earth and the unity f peple’s hearts”. The reverse side f the medals was inspired frm a piece f Chinese jadeware called “Bi”, a duble jade disc with a circular hle in the center. There are 24 dts and arcs engraved n the rings f the back side, which carries the wish that athletes achieve excellence and shine like stars at the Games.
    The Beijing 2022 emblem cmbines traditinal and mdern elements f Chinese culture, and embdies the passin and vitality f winter sprts. Inspired by the Chinese character “Dng (冬)” fr “winter”, the upper part f the emblem resembles a skater and its lwer part a skier. It als indicates that the Games cincide with the celebratins f the Chinese New Year. The blue clr in the emblem represents dreams, the future and the purity f ice and snw, while red and yellw— the clrs f China’s natinal flag-present passin, yuth and vitality.
    Bing Dwen Dwen (冰墩墩) the cute masct f the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, captures attentin with the panda’s full-bdy “shell” made ut f ice. The inspiratin came frm traditinal Chinese snack “ice-sugar gurd” (tanghulu) , while the shell als resembles a space suit— embracing new technlgies fr a future f infinite pssibilities, “Bing” is the Chinese character fr ice, which symblizes purity and tughness, in line with the spirit f the Olympics. Dwen Dwen is a cmmn nickname in China fr children that suggests health and ingenuity.
    The Chinese delegatin wre a set f lng cashmere cats with beige fr the male team and the traditinal red fr the female team, with wlen hats that matched their cats. Sme athletes als wre red caps with beige cats. They all wre white bts. Their scarves’ were in the clr f China’s natinal flag, with the Chinese character fr “China” wven in yellw n the red backgrund. The clr red highlights the warm and festive atmsphere and shws the hspitality f the Chinese peple.
    1. Where was the inspiratin f the reverse side f the medals frm?
    A. Frm traditinal Chinese snacks.B. Frm a piece f Chinese jadeware.
    C. Frm a brnze lamp.D. Frm Chinese characters.
    2. What des the blue clr in the emblem represent?
    A. It represents health and ingenuity.
    B. It represents passin, yuth and vitality.
    C. It represents dreams the future and the purity f ice and snw.
    D. It represents the unity f heaven and earth and the unity f peple’s hearts
    3. Which f the fllwing elements was designed fr the infinite pssibilities f the future?
    A. Medals.B. Emblem.C. Mascts.D. Unifrms
    As a by, I was a little ashamed f my hmetwn. Visitrs almst always made unfriendly: remarks abut the distinct smell as they apprached the twn. Hwever, since I am nw wrking in the turism industry, I have realized the significance f that smell t the twn and even t the wrld. This is where the Canadian il industry riginated, grwing frm il springs t a lcal miracle in Petrlia.
    The “black gld” thse first pineer drillers pumped (用泵输送) ut f the grund in the 1860s was the fundatin n which ur little twn was built. In the 1880s, with a ppulatin f 5, 000, Petrlia was ne f the richest twns in Canada, all because f the ful-smelling substance extracted (提取) frm the grund.
    Many amazing stries abut these great peple have been written. Thse adventurus individuals brught their hard-earned industry skills t the far crners f the glbe, and assisted in the develpment f majr il fields arund the wrld. Past richness can be seen thrugh ut the twn There is a stry hidden behind each street.
    A few histrical industrial buildings als remain cmplete, as they’ve been preserved fr a century. Fairbank Heavy Hardware and the Oil Well Supply Cmpany cntinue t prvide the tls and materials required t serve many il wells in the area that are still pumping and prducing the: precius gds. These are just a few f the amazing structures built in a time f wealth and glry.
    The present atmsphere f the twn is inviting and enthusiastic. Walking turs, a variety f restaurants, unique stres and prfessinal summer theatres and special events thrughut the year make it a ppular destinatin fr many peple.
    N lnger ashamed, I nw smile with pride when I think f my hmetwn. As ur new slgan states, “Yu’ll Be Surprised!”
    4. What des the authr prbably d?
    A. A teacher.B. A guide.C. An engineerD. A pliceman.
    5. What can we knw abut the authr’s hmetwn?
    A. There are il fields in it.B. There is a famus spring in it.
    C. Its smell attracts visitrs.D. It is hated by many peple.
    6. Why des the authr mentin the tw cmpanies in Paragraph 4?
    A. T prve the tw cmpanies’ richness.
    B. T shw the cntributin f the ilmen.
    C. T tell us the adventurus stries f the drillers.
    D. T intrduce the histrical evlutin f the twn.
    7. What makes the authr feel prud f his hmetwn?
    A. His lve fr wrk.B. Lcal peple’s help.
    C. The twn’s develpment.D. The wrld’s change.
    A case highlights a little-knwn fact abut a pr diet. In additin t being tied t besity, heart disease and cancer, they can als permanently damage the nervus system, particularly visin accrding t a reprt published in the jurnal Annals f Internal Medicine.
    A teen wh ate nthing but fries, chips and ther junk fd fr years slwly went blind. The teen’s prblems began at the age f 14, when he went t the dctr’s ffice cmplaining f tiredness. The teen was reprtedly a picky eater, and bld tests shwed he had anemia and lw levels f vitamin B12. He was treated with injectins f vitamin B12 alng with advice n hw t imprve his diet.
    Hwever, by age 15, he develped hearing lss and visin prblems, but dctrs culdn’t seem t find the cause— results frm an MRI and eye exam were nrmal. Over the next tw years, the teen’s visin gt prgressively wrse. When the by was 17, an eye test shwed that his visin was 20/200 in bth eyes, the threshld (起始点) fr being “legally blind” in the United States.
    Further tests shwed the teen a develped damage t the ptic nerve (视神经). In additin, the ten still had lw levels f vitamin B1, alng with lw levels f selenium (硒) and vitamin D. These deficiencies caused dctrs t ask the teen abut the fds he ate. “The patient admitted that since elementary schl, the nly things he ate had been fries, chips, white bread, prcessed ham slices and sausage,” the authrs frm the University f Bristl in the United Kingdm wrte in the reprt.
    “This kind f visin lss is ptentially reversible (可逆的) if caught early. Hwever, by the time the teen was diagnsed, his visin lss was permanent. What’s mre, wearing glasses wuld nt help the teen’s visin, because damage t the ptic nerve cannt be crrected with lenses,” said the study lead authr Dr. Denize Atan.
    8. Why did the teen’s cnditin get wrse?
    A. Because his illness culdn’t be treated.B. Because he kept having a pr diet.
    C. Because vitamin B12 didn’t wrk n him.D. Because he develped damage t his nerves.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “deficiencies” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Barriers.B. Materials.C. Reasns.D. Shrtages.
    10. What can be inferred abut the teen?
    A. His ptic nerve will nt be recvered.B. His prblems will be slved well.
    C. He is advised t take in mre vitamins.D. Wearing glasses can imprve his visin.
    11. What’s the best title f the text?
    A. A Pr Diet Can Cause Pr VisinB. Vitamin B12 Is Imprtant t Visin
    C. Unhealthy Fd Causes CancerD. Dctrs’ Advice Is Helpful t Peple
    Paching (偷猎) and habitat lss have threatened Africa’s tw species f elephants, taking them clser tward the edge f disappearance, accrding t a new reprt released by the Internatinal Unin fr Cnservatin f Nature (IUCN) .
    Befre this update, Africa’s elephants were gruped tgether and were evaluated as vulnerable (易受伤害的) by the IUCN. This is the first time the tw species have been srted separately. In the past, elephants were mstly cnsidered as either Asian elephants r African elephants. Frest and savanna elephants (稀树草原象) were typically classified as subspecies f African elephants.
    The African frest elephant is nw listed as critically endangered and the African savanna elephant as endangered. The number f African frest elephants fell by mre than 86% ver a 31-year assessment perid. The ppulatin f African savanna elephants drpped by at least 60% ver the last 50 years, accrding t the IUCN, which tracks the assessment risk f the wrld’s animals. Africa currently has an estimated 415, 000 elephants, cunting the tw species tgether.
    Bth elephant species experienced significant ppulatin decreases because f paching Althugh it peaked in 2011, illegal hunting still happens and cntinues t threaten elephant ppulatins. African elephants als face cntinued habitat lss as their land is transfrmed fr agriculture r ther uses.
    There is sme gd cnservatin news, the IUCN pints ut. Anti-paching measures, cmbined with better land use planning t supprt better human-wildlife relatinships, have helped cnservatin effrts. Sme frest elephant ppulatin figures have stabilized in well-managed areas in Gabn and the Republic f Cng and savanna ppulatin figures have remained stable r have been grwing, particularly in the Kavang-Zambezi Transfrntier Cnservatin Area in suthern Africa.
    But with cnstant demand fr ivry and increasing human pressures n Africa’s wild lands cncern fr Africa’s elephants is high, and the need t creatively cnserve and wisely manage these animals and their habitats is mre severe than ever.
    12. What can be inferred frm the new reprt abut African elephants?
    A. They are dying ut.B. They are divided int three kinds.
    C. Their threat is nly frm paching.D. Their ppulatin has grwn in Africa.
    13. What des the authr mainly tell us in Paragraph 3?
    A. The detailed number f African elephants.B. The similarities f African elephants.
    C. The different types f African elephants.D. The present situatin f African elephants.
    14. What’s the authr’s attitude t the present situatin f African elephants?
    A. Hpeless.B. Optimistic.C. Wrried.D. Uncertain.
    15. This text is prbably taken frm ________.
    A. a general nature textB. a chemistry textbk
    C. a travel jurnalD. a bk review
    Have yu ever nticed that smetimes yu may be ill suited r perfect fr the same thing? ___16___ Here are ways weather can affect yur md that yu never nticed.
    Yu’re mre helpful n sunny days. Sun makes yu happy! ___17___ Therefre, n sunny days, yu’re mre likely t help thse in need than n days filled with cluds and glm. Next time yu want t vlunteer, try t pick a sunny day— yu’ll be mre helpful t the peple.
    ___18___ Summer sales, here we cme! Get ready t pen yur wallet if yu g ut t a mall during a nice, sunny day. Research shws that yu are mre likely t spend mney when it’s sunny. My thery is that the sun makes us feel happier and less stressed abut ur life (including ur financial life) -therefre we spend mre mney! Thus, try nt t g shpping n shiny days if yu want t save mney.
    Cld temperatures impact cmplex physical tasks. ___19___ It’s like yu dn’t want t mve. Have yu ever tried untying (解开) a knt while yur hands were cld? Be careful when trying t perfrm cmplex physical tasks in the cld weather— t much time in lw temperatures can cause hypthermia (体温过低) !
    Lack f sunlight makes yu eat mre. Bears hibernate (冬眠) while humans just start swallwing everything in sight. Well, bears eat much t, befre they g t sleep. ___20___ Yur bdy needs extra fuel t fight ff the cld. Unfrtunately, ften yu dn’t actually need the extra fd because a lack f sun desn’t necessarily mean yu’re cld.
    A. Sunlight makes yu spend mre mney.
    B. Sunny days make yu feel mre tired.
    C. The secret lies in distinct weather cnditins.
    D. Being less stressed leads t a pr life.
    E. Happy peple tend t be mre willing t help thers.
    F. The cld, dark winter mnths make it much easier t vereat.
    G. When yu’re cld, yur muscles feel slw and dull.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共20小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Shakespeare said, “All the wrld’s a stage and all the men and wmen merely players.” ____21____, nw it is surprising that dgs are determined t get int that act as well—r at least that was the ____22____ fr ne hmeless dg in the Turkish city f Izmit.
    When the dg made his ____23____ during an utdr perfrmance being given by a lcal theatrical trupe (剧团), he wasn’t ____24____ applause. It seems that Numan Ertugrul Uzunsy’s acting f an injured man was s ____25____ that the dg believed the actr was actually hurt and in need f ____26____.
    As Uzunsy lay n the grund feigning (假装) a ____27____ frm a hrse, the dg came up t him and ____28____ began t lick (舔) his face and neck. It tk a few secnds fr Uzunsy t ____29____ what was happening. “I felt warmth n my face. At first, I thught my cstar was _____30_____ me,” Uzunsy said. “I was very _____31_____ when I felt the dg’s kisses... I was very glad. He wanted t _____32_____ me. It was a very emtinal and surprising mment fr me. I was nt _____33_____ it.”
    While the audience and cast members were bviusly amused by the dg and didn’t mind the _____34_____, the dg was led ffstage later. Uzunsy cntinued his character and the _____35_____ went n. The dg did nt _____36_____ arund t take his curtain call. Hwever, since the gd dg was knwn t frequent the area where the perfrmance tk place, Uzunsy was _____37_____ that he wuld see his unintentinal cstar again.
    Dg-lving Uzunsy is determined t _____38_____ the sweet-natured dg, s he plans t _____39_____ cming back until he meets his scene-stealing fur-legged friend again. Once he des, Uzunsy prmises t make sure this gd by lands a(n) _____40_____ n stage—t be his real cstar.
    21. A. BesidesB. HweverC. TherefreD. Otherwise
    22. A. caseB. habitC. dreamD. purpse
    23. A. dealB. prmiseC. entranceD. wish
    24. A. cutting dwnB. taking nC. mixing upD. lking fr
    25. A. realisticB. amusingC. clumsyD. strange
    26. A. guidanceB. applauseC. cmfrtD. medicine
    27. A. skillB. fallC. turnD. jump
    28. A. unwillinglyB. vilentlyC. casuallyD. gently
    29. A. explainB. admitC. predictD. realize
    30. A. freezingB. btheringC. apprachingD. beating
    31. A. annyedB. tuchedC. embarrassedD. ashamed
    32. A. helpB. punishC. biteD. jin
    33. A. appreciatingB. expectingC. clarifyingD. accepting
    34. A. praiseB. attentinC. restD. interruptin
    35. A. shwB. jkeC. rescueD. visit
    36. A. eatB. waitC. sleepD. perfrm
    37. A. astnishedB. afraidC. sureD. wrried
    38. A. findB. payC. awardD. fllw
    39. A. delayB. avidC. keepD. imagine
    40 A. giftB. accidentC. excuseD. rle
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Several mnths ag, a Chinese vlunteer Chen Mengying and her husemate Stacey Klinge frm the United States had been making psters in their cmmunity in Shanghai. Psters ___41___ (feature) a character that lks like the Disney rbt Baymax have been ppular n the Internet, and gt much praise frm citizens fr lightening the md during the epidemic.
    Chen Mengying, 32, and her American husemate Stacey Klinge, 33, ___42___ live in Difang Tianyuan husing cmmunity f Putu district in Shanghai, ___43___ (cme) up with the psters after realizing hw tense the md in their cmmunity had becme because ___44___ the lckdwn challenge. Accrding t Chen and Klinge, their cmmunity, which ___45___ (be) under clsed-lp (闭环) management since April 1, 2022, had prblems shpping fr daily necessities, and this led t several ___46___ (disagree) between residents and cmmunity management.
    Eager ___47___ (help) lighten the md, the tw tried t spread sme jy with their artistic skills.
    Klinge said she was ___48___ (ttal) cnfused with her husemate’s suggestin t create a character based n dabai. Chen said she was thinking abut Baymax frm the animated film Big Her 6. Seeing Baymax and Chinese pandemic wrkers bth play the rle f prtectrs in their wrlds, the tw decided t use ___49___ character fr their psters. Their psters, which cntained the ___50___ (late) pandemic measures and annuncements fr residents, have helped their weChat grup full f a sense f ptimism.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    My grandmther and mther are bth well-knwn pian players. When I was 3 years ld, I develped t an interest in musical instruments, especial in pian. The hme envirnment has always inspired me t keeping practicing. Since I culd remember, I’ve been playing pian even fr abut eight hurs a day. I am a shy and quiet girl, because the instrument is a unique means fr me t express me feelings. I have participated in varius musical event at hme and abrad. Cmbine erhu with cntemprary music, I hpe t make mre peple knw this traditin instrument. It is encuraging that what I have dne cntribute t their better understanding f Chinese culture.
    第二节 书面表达(满分29分)
    52. 假如你是李华,上个月,在美国深造的英语老师Charlie给你邮寄了一些英文原著书籍。作为校英语阅读协会的社长,请你给Charlie老师写封信致谢。内容包括:
    1. 表达感谢;
    2. 阅读原著的意义;
    3. 邀请他参加线上读书分享会。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。
    Dear Charlie,
    I’m Li Hua, president f the English-reading Assciatin.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua

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    内蒙古自治区赤峰市红山区赤峰第四中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学英语试题: 这是一份内蒙古自治区赤峰市红山区赤峰第四中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学英语试题,共14页。试卷主要包含了 请将各题答案填写在答题卡上,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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