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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des the man suggest ding?
    A. Inviting fewer guests.
    B. Opening the back rms.
    C. Changing t a bigger hall.
    2. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. At hme. B. At cllege. C. At the train statin.
    3. What is the mst imprtant thing accrding t the wman?
    A. Being plite t thers. B. Supprting families. C. Ging t university.
    4. Hw des the man prbably feel nw?
    A. Anxius. B. Cnfused. C. Pleased.
    5. Wh usually makes the meals?
    A. The wman’s father. B. The wman’s mther. C. The wman’s brther.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小 题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Wh is the party fr?
    A. The man’s sn. B. The man. C. The wman.
    7. What will the wman d first?更多免费优质滋源请 家 威杏 MXSJ663 A. Use the bathrm. B. Greet the grup. C. Buy a gift.
    8. Why did the man lse the race?
    A. He didn’t try his best. B. He was late fr the race. C. He fell dwn t the grund.
    9. Hw will the wman help the man?
    A. By jining his team.
    B. By practicing with him.
    C. By teaching him sme new skills.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Mther and sn. C. Banker and custmer.
    11. Hw much des the man usually get per week?
    A. $20. B. $30. C. $35.
    12. What des the wman ask the man t d fr her?
    A. Cllect the leaves. B. Wash her car. C. Cut the grass.
    13. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A bk. B. A painting. C. An art exhibitin.
    14. On what day des the man usually have a meeting?
    A. Mnday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday.
    15. What has Linda been drawing?
    A. Friends. B. Family. C. Tys.
    16. Why did the wman write petry?
    A. T recrd her schl life.
    B. T hnr her grandparents.
    C. T learn abut Chinese culture.
    17. In which cuntry was the pian first invented?
    A. France. B. Italy. C. Germany.
    18. When was the wrld’s first pian created?
    A. Arund 1,700. B. Arund 1,500. C. Arund 1,400.
    19. Why will the speaker sn quit his psitin in the family business?
    A. He wants t d a different jb.
    B. His industry isn’t ppular anymre.
    C. He will hand it ver t his grandsn.
    20. What des the speaker d?
    A. A musician. B. A pian maker. C. A music teacher.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
    Trnt is a city f neighbrhds, s wherever yu are in Trnt, yu’re bund t find yurself surrunded by shpping, dining and culture experiences unique t that specific area.
    Trnt’s CN Twer
    It’s ne f the wrld’s tallest structures at 1,815 feet and the glassed-in elevatrs ffer visitrs a sense f just hw high that is. In the twer’s 360 Restaurant, diners sit n a flr that perfrms a full cycle every 72 minutes, guaranteeing different views f the city with each bite f meal. Plus, if yu rder dishes at the restaurant, yur entry t the CN Twer is free.
    The Fairmnt Ryal Yrk Htel
    It is ne f Trnt’s ldest and mst stried htels. Since pening in 1929, it’s std as ne f the largest htels in the British Cmmnwealth with 1,600 rms. It’s als hme t mre than 300,000 bees, wh live n the htel’s rftp and prduce hney fr the Fairmnt Ryal Yrk’s dining facilities.
    The Trnt Islands
    Nrth America’s largest urban car-free cmmunity ffers plenty f green space and beaches fr visitrs f all ages. Thse lking fr exercise can explre the islands by bike while checking ut the breathtaking views f Trnt’s skyline; visit the rental facility near the Centre Island ferry dck.
    St. Lawrence Market
    Vted the wrld’s best fd market in 2012, the St. Lawrence Market cmplex cnsists f tw buildings. The nrth building plays hst t weekly Saturday fanner’s markets, while in the suth building, pen every day except Sunday and Mnday, meat, baked gds, jewelry…are n ffer. One f Trnt’s mst icnic (标志性的) breakfasts —the pea-meal bacn sandwich is cnsidered a signature dish.
    1. Where can yu have a bird’s eye-view f Trnt while dining?
    A. The Trnt Islands.B. Trnt’s CN Twer.
    C. The Fairmnt Ryal Yrk Htel.D. St. Lawrence Market.
    2. What d the fur attractins share in cmmn?
    A. Fantastic dishes.B. Unique things.
    C. Breathtaking scenery.D. Diverse cultures.
    3. Frm which is the text prbably taken?
    A. A news reprt.B. A ppular nvel.
    C. A travel guide.D. An advertisement.
    【答案】1. B 2. B 3. C
    细节理解题。根据Trnt’s CN Twer中“In the twer’s 360 Restaurant, diners sit n a flr that perfrms a full cycle every 72 minutes, guaranteeing different views f the city with each bite f meal.”(在摩天大楼的360餐厅(360 Restaurant)里,食客们坐在每72分钟进行一次完整的循环,保证每吃一口饭都能看到不同的城市景观。)可知,在多伦多的CN塔用餐可以鸟瞰多伦多。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Trnt is a city f neighbrhds, s wherever yu are in Trnt, yu’re bund t find yurself surrunded by shpping, dining and culture experiences unique t that specific area.”(多伦多是一个充满社区的城市,所以无论你在多伦多的哪个地方,你一定会发现自己被那个特定区域特有的购物、餐饮和文化体验包围着。)可知,这四个景点都有其独特的东西是它们的共同之处。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据文章大意以及第一段“Trnt is a city f neighbrhds, s wherever yu are in Trnt, yu’re bund t find yurself surrunded by shpping, dining and culture experiences unique t that specific area.”(多伦多是一个充满社区的城市,所以无论你在多伦多的哪个地方,你一定会发现自己被那个特定区域特有的购物、餐饮和文化体验包围着。)和下文分别介绍的四个景点。可知,这篇文章可能取自一个旅游指南。故选C项。
    Six weeks befre his birthday, Giuseppe Paternò achieved the dream f a lifetime: He gt a university degree.
    Mr. Paternò's graduatin has inspired news cverage arund the wrld, partly because f his age. But he has mainly drawn attentin because his life stry speaks f cmmitment, a theme that has encuraged as millins f schlchildren in Italy and elsewhere faces extrardinary uncertainty during the crnavirus pandemic.
    Brn in Palerm in 1923, the first f seven children in a “very pr family,” Mr. Paternò began wrking sn after finishing elementary schl. “The family was large, there was nly ne paycheck, we were under fascism, and times were tugh,” he said.
    Eventually, he ended up at a publishing huse where an enlightened bss persuaded his father t send him back t schl fr a three-year vcatinal degree. Mr. Paternò then wrked fr an insurance agency while he tk private classes t becme a telegraph peratr. He used skills frm the peratr jb when he was drafted int the navy in Wrld War II. The jb als pened drs t the State Railways Cmpany, where he wrked fr mre than fur decades.
    It was nly after he retired, in the mid-1980s, that he returned t his bks, taking thelgy curses thrugh the Archdicese f Palerm after a chance meeting with a philsphy prfessr wh urged him t fllw his lve.
    Mr. Patern's sn Ninni Paternò, said that the family had nt expected all the attentin. “It's unbelievable!” the vunger Paternò said f his father. “He achieved his gal, but he didn't mean t be famus in newspapers arund the wrld.”
    University fficials are hping that Mr. Paternò will cntinue his studies n waster's curse. But he isn't s sure. “I have t admit that in this mment, I dn't knw whether I wuld d it with the same spirit,” he said n Wednesday. Still, Mr. Paternò said he wuld prbably cntinue anyway.
    4. What's the main reasn fr the wrld t reprt Mr. Paternò's graduatin?
    A. His experience shws the spirit f cmmitment.
    B. Mr. Paternò achieved his dream at an ld age.
    C. His graduatin ceremny was during the crnavirus pandemic.
    D. His achievement is extrardinary.
    5 What des the underline wrd “this jb” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. Wrking fr an insurance cmpany.
    B. Severing in the navy in Wrld War II.
    C. A telegraph peratr.
    D. The jb in the State Railway Cmpany.
    6. What can we learn abut Mr. Paternò's sn's wrds?
    A. The family had nt agreed Mr. Paternò's decisin.
    B. Mr. Paternò didn't want t gain the wrld's attentin.
    C. Mr. Paternò suffered a lt t achieve his gal.
    D. Mr. Paternò's achievement is nt wrth mentining.
    7. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. It's never t late t achieve a dream.B. N pains, n gains.
    C. Yung at heart.D. Practice makes perfect.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“But he has mainly drawn attentin because his life stry speaks f cmmitment(但他之所以受到关注,主要是因为他的人生故事讲述了承诺)”可知,他的事迹被全世界报道的主要原因是他的人生故事体现了承诺精神,故选A项。
    词义猜测题。根据原文第四段中“Mr. Paternò then wrked fr an insurance agency while he tk private classes t becme a telegraph peratr. He used skills frm the peratr jb when he was drafted int the navy in Wrld War II.(先生。帕特诺随后在一家保险公司工作,同时参加私人课程,成为一名电报员。第二次世界大战时,他应征加入海军时,运用了操作员的技能。)”可知,this jb指代的是the peratr jb(电报员工作)。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据原文“He achieved his gal, but he didn't mean t be famus in newspapers arund the wrld(他实现了自己的目标,但他并不想在世界各地的报纸上出名)”可知,他并不想受到全世界的关注,故选B项。
    The Pacific island f Tnga was struck by huge vlcanic explsin n January 15, 2022, which was fllwed by a tsunami (海啸) that flded the regins f the capital, Nuku’alfa. Witnesses reprted ash was falling ver the capital, and scial media images shwed water flding int a church and many residences. Lcal residents had t flee t higher grund when the tsunami warning was issued.
    The capital f Tnga is arund 65 kilmeters nrth f the vlcan. The vlcan’s plumes f gas, smke, and ash extended 20 kilmeters int the sky, accrding t Tnga Gelgical Services. Accrding t authrities in Suva, the eight-minute eruptin was s pwerful that it culd be heard as “lud thunder sunds” mre than 500 miles away. Strm waves have been predicted in New Zealand, which is mre than 2,300 kilmeters away frm Tnga.
    Internet and phne lines went dwn after the vilent vlcanic eruptin, leaving the 105,000 residents n the islands almst uncntactable. All cmmunicatin t the utside wrld in Tnga was affected due t damage t the undersea cable (电缆). Digicel, a Jamaican phne cmpany that partly wns the Tnga Cable System, said that it might take 24 hurs t restre the imprtant cmmunicatins link befre it culd prvide an update n wrk. The cmpany said it was wrking urgently with lcal authrities t “reslve the damage”, adding that its dmestic (国内的) mbile phne twers were perating acrss the main island f Tngatapu.
    New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that the New Zealand gvernment has made an initial sum f 340,000 dllars available t prvide assistance t Tnga. An Australian Air Frce P8 Pseidn aircraft als reached Tnga n January 17. Meanwhile, Chinese Freign Ministry spkespersn said that China is clsely watching the vlcanic eruptins and the disasters including tsunami and vlcanic ash in Tnga, and stands ready t prvide every pssible supprt and assistance at Tnga’s request.
    8. What was the influence f the tsunami?
    A. The huge vlcanic explsin struck Tnga.
    B. Lcal residents were frced t mve away.
    C. The capital f Tnga was cmpletely flded.
    D. Many churches and residents were flded away.
    9. What’s paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. The reasn fr the vlcanic explsin.
    B. The enrmus lsses caused by the fld.
    C. The serius air pllutin due t vlcanic ash.
    D. The widespread effect f the vlcanic eruptin.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “uncntactable” in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. In ttal cnfusin.B. In great danger.
    C. Out f sight.D. Out f tuch.
    11. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Supprt frm different cuntries is arund the crner.
    B. The way f predicting natural disasters needs imprving.
    C. Pst-disaster recnstructin faces many difficulties.
    D. Vlcanic eruptins have a great effect n glbal climate.
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. D 11. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Lcal residents had t flee t higher grund when the tsunami warning was issued. (海啸警报发布后,当地居民不得不转移到地势较高的地方)”可知,海啸迫使当地居民不得不转移,故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第二段“Accrding t the authrities in Suva, the 8-minute eruptin was s pwerful that it culd be heard as ‘lud thunder sunds’ mre than 500 miles away. Strm surges have been predicted in New Zealand, which is mre than 2 300 kilmetres away frm Tnga.(据苏瓦当局称,这场8分钟的喷发威力巨大,在500多英里外可以听到“巨大的雷声”。据预测,距离汤加2300多公里的新西兰将出现风暴潮)”可知,本段主要介绍了火山喷发的广泛影响,故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据第三段的“Internet and phne lines went dwn after the vilent vlcanic eruptin(猛烈的火山爆发后,互联网和电话线中断)”可知,互联网和电话线的中断会导致岛上的居民与外界失联。由此猜测划线词意为“无法联系的,失去联系的”,与ut f tuch同义。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern said that the New Zealand gvernment has made an initial sum f $340,000. available t prvide assistance t Tnga. An Australia Air Frce P8 Pseidn aircraft als reached Tnga n January 17. Meanwhile, Chinese freign ministry spkespersn said that China is clsely watching the vlcanic eruptins and the disasters, including tsunami and vlcanic ash, in Tnga and stands ready t prvide every pssible supprt and assistance at Tnga’s request. (新西兰总理雅辛达·阿登表示,新西兰政府已初步拨款34万美元向汤加提供援助。澳大利亚空军的一架P8海神号飞机也于1月17日抵达汤加。与此同时,中国外交部发言人表示,中国正在密切关注汤加火山喷发和海啸、火山灰等灾害,并随时准备应汤加的要求提供一切可能的支持和援助)”推知,国际社会对汤加的援助即将到来,故选A。
    Using a 5G-pwered rbt, dctrs at a hspital in east China’s Zhejiang Prvince cnducted an ultrasund (超声波) scan fr a patient 700 km away in Wuhan, capital f Hubei Prvince in central China, the center f the nvel crna virus (冠状病毒) utbreak, accrding t the Science and Technlgy Daily.
    In line with the patient’s ultrasnic images transmitted back in real-time, tw dctrs, Peng Chengzhng and Ye Ruizhng f Zhejiang Prvincial Peple’s Hspital, perated a rbtic arm via a 5G netwrk that perfrmed the ultrasund scan fr the patient in a makeshift hspital in Wuhan.
    It was nt the first time 5G remte ultrasund technlgy had been used t treat nvel crna virus patients in China The cuntry’s first remte ultrasnic medical certificate (证书) was issued when Peng cnducted an ultrasund scan fr a suspected patient in a small city f Zhejiang n February 2.
    The 5G smart medical innvatin labratry jintly established by Zhejiang Prvincial Peple’s Hspital, telecmmunicatin giant China Telecm and tech giant Huawei, has prvided technical supprt fr the tw cases.
    A few minutes f cardipulmnary ultrasund examinatin will prduce up t 2GB f ultrasnic image data, with a high transmissin (传播) speed and lw delay.
    It was als nt the first time 5G-pwered rbts had played a full rle in China’s epidemic preventin and cntrl.
    The 5G clud intelligent rbts develped by anther telecmmunicatin giant China Mbile and rbt maker CludMinds have been wrking in Hubei Prvince and ther places, prviding medical services such as remte care, bdy temperature tests, cleaning and drug delivery.
    The Ministry f Industry and Infrmatin Technlgy said in a ntice that it wuld supprt the applicatin f the Internet, big data, clud cmputing and artificial intelligence in areas such as epidemic mnitring, virus surcing, epidemic preventin and treatment.
    12. Where did the dctr treat the patient with the 5G methd?
    A. In Wuhan.B. In Zhejiang.C. In Shanghai.D. In Beijing.
    13. Accrding t the text, the 5G remte ultrasund technlgy ________.
    A. is nw used in many cuntries
    B was invented by a dctr in Wuhan
    C. was cmpletely supprted by Huawei
    D. was first used t treat a patient n Feb. 2
    14. What can a 5G clud intelligent rbt d?
    A. Treat the patients.
    B. Ck fr dctrs.
    C. Clean the hspital.
    D. Prvide medical services.
    15. Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. 5G- pwered Rbts Offer Medicines in Wuhan.
    B. 5G- pwered Rbts Have Further Develpment.
    C. Dctrs Use 5G- pwered Rbts t Treat Patients.
    D. China Takes a Lead in Making 5G- pwered Rbts.
    【答案】12. B 13. D 14. D 15. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段“In line with the patient’s ultrasnic images transmitted back in real-time, tw dctrs, Peng Chengzhng and Ye Ruizhng f Zhejiang Prvincial Peple’s Hspital, perated a rbtic arm via a 5G netwrk that perfrmed the ultrasund scan fr the patient in a makeshift hspital in Wuhan(根据实时传回的患者超声波图像,浙江省人民医院的彭成忠(音译)和叶瑞忠(音译)两名医生通过在武汉的一家方舱医院为患者进行超声波扫描5G网络操作机械臂)”可知,两位医生在浙江通过5G技术来治疗远在湖北武汉的病人。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“It was nt the first time 5G remte ultrasund technlgy had been used t treat nvel crna virus patients in China. The cuntry’s first remte ultrasnic medical certificate (证书) was issued when Peng cnducted an ultrasund scan fr a suspected patient in a small city f Zhejiang n February 2.(这并不是中国第一次使用5G远程超声技术治疗新型冠状病毒患者。2月2日,彭在浙江一个小城市为一名疑似患者进行超声波扫描,签发了中国首份远程超声波医疗证书)”可知,5G技术在2月2日首次运用于治疗病人。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“The 5G clud intelligent rbts develped by anther telecmmunicatin giant China Mbile and rbt maker CludMinds have been wrking in Hubei Prvince and ther places, prviding medical services such as remte care, bdy temperature tests, cleaning and drug delivery.(另一家电信巨头中国移动和机器人制造商CludMinds开发的5G云智能机器人已经在湖北省和其他地方工作,提供远程护理、体温检测、清洁和药品配送等医疗服务)”可知,5G云智能机器人能够提供基本的医疗服务。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Using a 5G-pwered rbt, dctrs at a hspital in east China’s Zhejiang Prvince cnducted an ultrasund (超声波) scan fr a patient 700 km away in Wuhan, capital f Hubei Prvince in central China, the center f the nvel crna virus (冠状病毒) utbreak, accrding t the Science and Technlgy Daily.(据《科技日报》报道,中国东部浙江省一家医院的医生使用5g动力机器人,对700公里外的中国中部湖北省省会武汉的一名患者进行了超声波扫描,武汉是新型冠状病毒爆发的中心)”以及倒数第三段“It was als nt the first time 5G-pwered rbts had played a full rle in China’s epidemic preventin and cntrl.(这也不是5g机器人第一次在中国的疫情防控中发挥全面作用)”并结合下文对这次手术的具体介绍以及2月2日首次运用5G驱动机器人治疗患者可知,文章主要介绍了医生利用5G驱动的机器人来治疗患者。因此C项“医生使用5G驱动的机器人治疗病人”可以作为本文的最佳标题。故选C。
    24 Slar Terms: 8 things yu may nt knw abut Frst’s Descent
    The traditinal Chinese lunar calendar divides the year int 24 slar terms. Frst’s Descent (霜降), the 18th slar term f the year, begins this year n Oct 23 and ends n Nv 6. ____16____, during which time the weather becmes much clder than befre and frst begins t appear. Here are fur things yu shuld knw abut Frst’s Descent.
    Frsty autumn
    ____17____. During Frst’s Descent, frst begins t appear. But in the lwer reaches f the Yellw River regin, frst first appears in late Octber r early Nvember. As Frst’s Descent cmes, the wrld is filled with the atmsphere f late autumn.
    Eating fruit
    Eating persimmns during Frst’s Descent can help peple resist the cld and prtect their bnes. In the cuntryside, peple believe that their lips will crack if they dn’t eat persimmns during this perid. The apple is ne kind f recmmended fruit during Frst’s Descent. Apples can misten the lungs, quench ne’s thirst and help ne’s digestin.____18____. It can prmte the secretin f bdy liquids, clear away heat and reduce sputum.
    Eating duck
    It’s a custm t eat duck n the first day f Frst’s Descent in suth Fujian prvince. There is a saying in Fujian which ges, “Even nurishing all year is nt as gd as nurishing the human bdy n the first day f Frst’s Descent.”____19____.
    Peple in areas such as Daxin cunty in Guangxi Zhuang autnmus regin celebrate the first day f Frst’s Descent. In the Frst’s Descent Festival, the Zhuang peple ffer sacrifices, dance and sing flk sngs. With a histry f mre than 360 years, the festival is t cmmemrate Cen Yuyin, a herine in battles against freign aggressin.
    A. Eating chestnuts
    B. Frst’s Descent Festival
    C. But eating t many culd be harmful
    D. Frst’s Descent is the last slar term f autumn
    E. Eating duck is a way fr peple there t gain weight
    F. The pear is anther recmmended fruit during Frst’s Descent
    G. Frst cnsists f white ice crystals f frzen water vapr near the grund
    【答案】16. D 17. G 18. F 19. C 20. B
    根据前文“The traditinal Chinese lunar calendar divides the year int 24 slar terms. Frst’s Descent (霜降), the 18th slar term f the year, begins this year n Oct 23 and ends n Nv 6. (中国传统的农历把一年分为24个节气。霜降,一年中的第18个节气,从今年10月23日开始,到11月6日结束) ”以及后半句“during which time the weather becmes much clder than befre and frst begins t appear (在此期间天气变得比以前冷得多,开始出现霜冻)”可知,D项:Frst’s Descent is the last slar term f autumn(霜降是秋天的最后一个节气)承接前文霜冻的话题,引出后句介绍霜降时天气的变化。故选D。
    根据后文“During Frst’s Descent, frst begins t appear. (在霜降期间,霜冻开始出现)”可知,G项:Frst cnsists f white ice crystals f frzen water vapr near the grund(霜是由靠近地面的水汽凝结而成的白色冰晶)符合语境,介绍霜冻的成因,故选G。
    根据前文“The apple is ne kind f recmmended fruit during Frst’s Descent. Apples can misten the lungs, quench ne’s thirst and help ne’s digestin. (苹果是霜降期间推荐的水果之一。苹果可以润肺、止渴、助消化)”可知,F项:The pear is anther recmmended fruit during Frst’s Descent(霜降期间,梨是另一种推荐的水果)承接前文,介绍霜降期间推荐的另一种水果。故选F。
    根据前文“It’s a custm t eat duck n the first day f Frst’s Descent in suth Fujian prvince. There is a saying in Fujian which ges, “Even nurishing all year is nt as gd as nurishing the human bdy n the first day f Frst’s Descent.”(在福建省南部,霜降第一天吃鸭子是一种习俗。福建有句谚语说:“即使是一年的滋养,也不如霜降第一天的滋养人体。”)”可知,C项:But eating t many culd be harmful(但是吃太多可能是有害的)承接前文,与上文形成转折关系,说明不要吃太多的鸭肉,故选C。
    设空处概括本段内容,为本段小标题,根据后文“Peple in areas such as Daxin cunty in Guangxi Zhuang autnmus regin celebrate the first day f Frst’s Descent. In the Frst’s Descent Festival, the Zhuang peple ffer sacrifices, dance and sing flk sngs. (广西壮族自治区大新县等地的人们庆祝霜降的第一天。在霜降节,壮族人祭祀,跳舞,唱民歌。)”介绍霜降节里的活动可知,B项:Frst’s Descent Festival(霜降节)概括本段的主题。故选B。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    In the sprt f track and field, athletes cmpete nt nly with ne anther but against themselves, and with each race they try t ___21___ a new persnal best.
    As a student in Omaha Burke High Schl, Blake Cerveny was running in a race. Aiming t ___22___ his wn persnal recrd, after a fast start, he cntinued t ___23___ himself hard. With less than 400 meters t g, Cerveny's legs cramped(抽筋)up and ___24___ him. Determined t finish, Cerveny rse frm the grund and cntinued n, nly t ___25___ again after anther 150 meters.
    ___26___ , his cach asked him if he wanted t stp. He didn’t. With great ___27___ Cerveny pulled himself up and with a(n) ___28___ pace, mved frward fr ne final push. ___29___ , it wasn’t enugh. Less than 100 meters frm the finish line, he lay curled n the grund. His legs had simply ___30___ .
    Befre Cerveny's cach culd ___31___ him, Brandn Schutt was at his side t ffer a helping hand. His first ___32___ t get Cerveny up failed, but like Cerveny, he ___33___ t quit, t. With a secnd pull, Cerveny was ___34___ .
    At a measured jg, with Cerveny hlding Schutt fr ___35___ , the tw cmpleted the final 75 meters f the ___36___ tgether. Schutt even made sure the injured runner crssed the finish line first, ___37___ his ppnent a faster time.
    In tday’s ___38___ wrld in which the emphasis in athletics is s ften put n breaking recrds, it was ___39___ t see that fr an athlete like Schutt, the value f true ___40___ still had legs.
    21. A. maintainB. achieveC. keepD. sweep
    22. A. playB. checkC. beatD. measure
    23. A. fightB. pullC. dashD. push
    24. A. failedB. warnedC. draggedD. raised
    25. A. quitB. stpC. lseD. fall
    26. A. RelievedB. ExhaustedC. CncernedD. Disappinted
    27. A. luckB. effrtC. shameD. passin
    28. A. rapidB. relaxedC. unsteadyD. impatient
    29. A. UnfrtunatelyB. NrmallyC. EventuallyD. Unbelievably
    30. A. brken upB. given utC. fallen dwnD. slwed dwn
    31. A. guideB. blameC. reachD. serve
    32. A. trialB. attemptC. cnversatinD. cntributin
    33. A. hesitatedB. regrettedC. pretendedD. refused
    34. A. n his feetB. in his handsC. ut f breathD. ut f danger
    35. A. directinB. curageC. supprtD. cmfrt
    36. A. apprachB. radC. tripD. curse
    37. A. securingB. helpingC. rewardingD. annuncing
    38. A. diverseB. well-develpedC. ever-changingD. cmpetitive
    39. A. urgentB. cmmnC. cnfusingD. inspiring
    40. A. sprtsmanshipB. kindnessC. cperatinD. success
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C 36. D 37. A 38. D 39. D 40. A
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在田径运动中,运动员不仅相互竞争,而且与自己竞争,在每一场比赛中,他们都试图取得新的个人最佳成绩。A. maintain保持;B. achieve取得;C. keep保持;D. sweep打扫。根据后文“a new persnal best”可知,新的成绩是需要取得的。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在一个快速的启动后,为了打破自己的记录,他继续努力逼迫自己。A. play播放;B. check检查;C. beat赛过,战胜;D. measure措施。根据前一句“In the sprt f track and field, athletes cmpete nt nly with ne anther but against themselves t 1 a new persnal best.”可知,Cerveny对自己要求很高,要与自己竞争以达到最高水平,beat a recrd,意为“打破纪录”,此处指Cerveny打破自己过去创下的记录。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在一个快速的启动后,为了打破自己的记录,他继续努力逼迫自己。A. fight战斗;B. pull拉;C. dash猛冲;D. push逼迫。根据前一句“Aiming t 2 his wn persnal recrd, after a fast start”可知,为了打破纪录需要逼迫自己。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:距离终点还有不到400米,Cerveny的腿抽筋了,并让他摔倒了。A. failed失败;B. warned警告;C. dragged拖;D. raised举起。根据后文“Determined t finish, Cerveny rse frm the grund and cntinued n(Cerveny决心完成比赛,从地上站起来继续前进)”可知,因为腿抽筋所以摔倒了,才需要站起来。动词短语fail sb.意为“某人无能为力”,此处引申为“摔倒”的意思。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Cerveny决心完成比赛,他从地上爬起来继续前进,但在又跑了150米后再次摔倒。A. quit退出;B. stp停止;C. lse失去;D. fall摔倒。根据前文“With less than 400 meters t g, Cerveny's legs cramped up and 4 him”可知,前面已经摔倒了一次,此处表达是再一次摔倒的意思。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他的教练很担心地问他是否想停下来。A. Relieved解脱;B. Exhausted筋疲力尽;C. Cncerned关心; D. Disappinted失望。根据前文,自己队的参赛选手身体出了状况,教练肯定会担心。Cncerned符合语境,故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Cerveny吃力地使自己站起来,然后步履不稳,向前做最后的冲刺。A. luck运气;B. effrt努力;C. shame羞耻;D.passin激情。根据前文Cerveny的腿抽筋,摔打了,以及后文“Cerveny pulled himself up”可知,是表达努力使自己站起来的意思,短语with great effrt意为“吃力地,经过巨大的努力”。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Cerveny吃力地使自己站起来,然后步履不稳,向前做最后的冲刺。A. rapid快速的;B. relaxed放松的;C. unsteady不稳定的;D. impatient急躁的。上文“With great 7 Cerveny pulled himself up”可知,Cerveny的腿抽筋了,站起来都很费力,冲刺的话,脚步肯定不稳定,踉踉跄跄的。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,这还不够。A. Unfrtunately不幸地;B. Nrmally通常地;C. Eventually最终地;D. Unbelievably令人难以置信地。根据下文“Less than 100 meters frm the finish line, he lay curled n the grund.”可知,Cerveny尽管努力了,但是离终点线还有一段距离,Unfrtunately符合语境。故选A项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:他的双腿已经无力支撑。A. brke up分手;B. given ut精疲力竭;C. fell dwn倒下;D. slwed dwn减速。根据上文“Less than 100 meters frm the finish line, he lay curled n the grund.”可知,Cerveny在还剩不到100米处的地方在此摔倒在地,可推知,此时此刻,他的双腿已精疲力竭。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的教练还没来得及赶到,Brandn Schutt已经在他身边帮忙了。A. guide引导;B. blame责怪;C. reach到达;D. serve服务。根据后半句的“at his side t help”可知,教练没有Brandn跑得快,没能第一时间到达倒下的Cerveny身边。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他第一次把Cerveny拉起来的尝试失败了,但他也拒绝放弃。A. trial审判;B. attempt尝试;C. cnversatin会话;D. cntributin捐款。根据后一句“With a secnd pull, Cerveny was 14 .”可知,第二次去拉他,成功了,故可推知,第一次尝试去拉他起来。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他第一次把Cerveny拉起来的尝试失败了,但他也拒绝放弃。A. hesitated犹豫;B. regretted后悔;C. pretended假装;D. refused拒绝。根据后一句“With a secnd pull, Cerveny was 14 .”可知,尽管第一次没有把Cerveny从地上拉起来,第二次成功了,故可推知,Brandn拒绝放弃。故选D项。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:又拉了一下,Cerveny站了起来。A. n his feet站起来;B. in his hands在他手里;C. ut f breath喘不过气来;D. ut f danger脱离危险。根据前文,第一次没有把Cerveny拉起来,以及“With a secnd pull”,可知,Brandn拉起了倒下的Cerveny,使他站起来。n his feet符合语境,故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在Cerveny扶着Brandn作支撑,两人一起完成了最后75米的比赛。A. directin方向;B. curage勇气;C. supprt支持;D. cmfrt安慰。根据前文,Cerveny摔倒,Brandn拉他起来,以及后文“ the tw cmpleted the final 75 meters f the 17 tgether”可知,Brandn支持着Cerveny。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在Cerveny扶着Brandn作支撑,两人一起完成了最后75米的比赛。A. apprach方法;B. rad道路;C. trip旅行;D. curse比赛场地。根据前文“Less than 100 meters frm the finish line, he lay curled n the grund”以及“At a measured jg, with Cerveny hlding Schutt fr 15 ”可知,他们一起完成了比赛。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Schutt甚至确保这位受伤的跑步者第一个冲过终点线,保护他的对手有更快的时间。A. securing保护;B. helping帮助;;C. rewarding奖励;D. annuncing宣布。根据上文“Schutt even made sure the injured runner crssed the finish line first”可知,Schutt让Cerveny先跑过终点线,所以保护对手更快一些符合句意。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在当今这个竞争激烈的世界里,体育运动的重点经常放在打破纪录上,看到像Schutt这样的运动员,真正的体育精神的价值仍然存在,这令人鼓舞。A. diverse多样的;B. well-develped发展良好的;C. ever-changing不断变化;D. cmpetitive竞争激烈的。根据第一段的第一句“In the sprt f track and field, athletes cmpete nt nly with ne anther but against themselves t 1 a new persnal best.”可知,运动中,竞争很激烈,可推知,整个世界也是竞争激烈的,故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在当今这个竞争激烈的世界里,体育运动的重点经常放在打破纪录上,看到像Schutt这样的运动员,真正的体育精神的价值仍然存在,这令人鼓舞。A. urgent紧急的;B. cmmn常见的;C. cnfusing困惑的;D. inspiring鼓舞人心的。根据前文Brandn帮助Cerveny一起冲刺跑完最后75米可知,他们两人体现出了真正的体育精神所在,令人鼓舞。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在当今这个竞争激烈的世界里,体育运动的重点经常放在打破纪录上,看到像Schutt这样的运动员,真正的体育精神的价值仍然存在,这令人鼓舞。A. sprtsmanship体育精神;B. kindness善良;C. cperatin合作;D. success成功。根据前文Brandn帮助Cerveny一起冲刺跑完最后75米可知,他们两人体现出了真正的体育精神所在,令人鼓舞。故选A项。
    Su Mingjuan, the frmer pster girl fr China’s mst influential educatin charity, has recently cme back in the ____41____ (natin) sptlight as a delegate (代表) t the 20th Natinal Cngress f the Cmmunity Party f China.
    In 1991, a phtgraph f the then 8-year-ld Su, with a pair f large, crystal-clear eyes ____42____ (cry) fr knwledge, tuched the heartstrings f numerus peple.
    Su was brn t a pr fanning family in Jinzhai, East China’s Anhui prvince. The image f her, then a first-grader,____43____ (sht) by a phtgrapher wh went int the remte muntainus areas t see ____44____ the Prject Hpe had helped rural drp-uts (退学者). Prject Hpe,____45____ was launched by the China Yuth Develpment Fundatin in 1989, aims t helping pr children get ____46____ educatin. Over the past three ____47____ (decade), it has made a difference in the lives f 6 millin students frm pr families natinwide, amng which is Su.
    Su’s schl, which was ____48____ (riginal) seated at a traditinal temple with the classrms nly having paper-cvered windws full f hles, was renvated int a newly-built classrms equipped with cmputers and ther multimedia instruments.
    The ____49____ (assist) frm kind-hearted peple has helped the girl walk ut f her muntainus hmetwn and embrace a ____50____ (bright) life.
    【答案】41. natinal
    42. crying 43. was sht
    44. hw 45. which 46. an
    47. decades
    48. riginally
    49. assistance
    50. brighter
    考查形容词。句意:苏明娟,这位中国最具影响力的教育慈善机构的前海报女郎,最近作为中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会的代表,重新回到了全国的聚光灯下。根据空后名词 sptlight可知本空应该填形容词,故填natinal。
    考查现在分词作定语。句意:1991年,一张8岁的苏长着一双清澈见底的大眼睛渴求知识的照片触动了无数人的心弦。设空处为“with+宾语+宾补”的复合结构,设空处和其逻辑主语a pair f large, crystal-clear eyes构成主动关系,因此用现在分词作宾语补足语,故填crying。
    考查谓语动词。句意:这张照片是一位摄影师拍摄的,当时她还是一名一年级的学生,这位摄影师到偏远的山区去观察希望工程是如何帮助农村辍学儿童的。设空处在句中作谓语,和句子的逻辑主语之间是被动关系,叙述过去发生的事,应用一般过去时,主语为The image,be动词用was。故填was sht。
    考查定语从句。句意:中国青少年发展基金会于1989年发起的希望工程旨在帮助贫困儿童接受教育。which代替先行词Priect Hpe在非限制性定语从句中作主语,故填which。
    考查名词。句意:好心人的帮助已经帮助这个女孩走出了她多山的家乡,拥抱了一个更加光明的生活。根据空前The可知,本空应该填名词,根据空后谓语动词has helped,可知本空应该填单数名词,故填assistance。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Our class rganized the utdr activity last Sunday. Frty students participated in them. At 8:00 am, we gathered at the ft f Fu Muntain and set ut fr the tp in high spirit. Alng the way, we were chatting, singing and laughing, enjy the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. When smene fell behind, and a few students wuld walk back t ffering help. Abut tw hurs late, we all reached the tp. Bathed in the sunshine, we jumped and cheered with greatly jy.
    We benefited a lt f the activity. Nt nly it get us clse t nature and reduce ur stress, but it als prmted the friendship amng us.
    8. greatly→great
    9.f →frm
    2.考查代词。句意:我们四十个学生参加了这次活动。指代上句的activity,用单数代词,故them改为it 。
    3.考查名词。句意:上午8点,我们聚集在大青山脚下,兴致勃勃地前往山顶。in high spirits表示情绪高涨,故spirit改为spirits。
    6.考查非谓语动词。句意:当一些人落后了,其他人会来帮助那些需要帮助的人。动词不定式表示目的“为了”,t后用动词原形。故ffering改为ffer 。
    7.考查副词。句意:大约两个小时后,我们都到达了山顶。late表示迟到,“之后”用later,“两小时后”用tw hurs later,故late改为later 。
    8. 考查形容词。句意:沐浴在阳光下,我们高兴地跳着欢呼。形容词修饰名词,“开心”great jy。故greatly改为great。
    9.考查介词。句意:这个活动给我们带来了很多的益处。benefit frm表示从中受益。故f 改为frm 。
    10.考查倒装句。句意:它不仅让我们接近自然,让我们从繁重的学业中得到放松,也促进了我们之间的友谊。nt nly位于句首,后面用部分倒装,根据prmted可知,是一般过去时,故nly后加did。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假定你是李华,你校交换生Eric发邮件向你询问即将举办的秋季运动会情况。请你回复邮件,内容包括:
    【答案】Dear Eric,
    Our schl will hld the autumn sprts meet. Knwing that yu’re interested in it, I’m writing t tell yu smething abut it.
    As scheduled, it will be held in ur schl playgrund frm Friday t Saturday. There will be varius sprts events fr us t chse frm, ranging frm running and high jump t basketball. As fr me, I’m enthusiastic abut basketball since it has been giving me strength t face the challenges in my life.
    What’s mre, every student has access t the meet as lng as yu are in gd cnditin. Yu are welcme t participate in the sprts meet. I d believe this is a gd pprtunity fr yu t shw yurself.
    Lking frward t yur cming.
    Li Hua
    对……感兴趣:be interested in→be keen n
    各种各样的:varius → a variety f
    此外:What’s mre →Mrever
    机会:pprtunity → chance
    原句:Knwing that yu’re interested in it, I’m writing t tell yu smething abut it.
    拓展句:Because I knw that yu’re interested in it, I’m writing t tell yu smething abut it.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】There will be varius sprts events fr us t chse frm, ranging frm running and high jump t basketball.(运用了现在分词作状语)
    【高分句型2】I d believe this is a gd pprtunity fr yu t shw yurself.(运用了省略that的宾语从句)

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