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    The Stryteller’s Secret
    by Carmine Gall
    4.5 ut f 5 stars
    Hw did a Venice Beach T-shirt vendr becme televisin’s mst successful prducer?Hw did an entrepreneur wh started in a garage create the mst icnic prduct launches in business histry, and hw did a shy man vercme a paralyzing fear f public speaking t captivate sld-ut crwds at Yankee Stadium?-They tld brilliant stries.
    The Psychlgy f Persuasin
    by Peter Daniel Andrei
    5.0 ut f 5 stars
    Why d sme peple effrtlessly cnvince anyne else while thers can’t?Why d sme peple easily speak with cnfidence, fluency, influence, and impact,while thers struggle t speak well? Why d sme presentatins build supprt, generate cnsensus, and mtivate psitive actin, while thers dn’t? Decades f leading (but unheard f ) scientific studies present an answer…
    The Elements f Style
    by William Strunk Jr.& E.B. White
    4.7 ut f 5 stars
    This is The Element f Style, the classic style manual, nw in a furth editin. A new frewrd by Rger Angell reminds readers that the advice f Strunk & White is as valuable tday as when it was first ffered. The bk has grwn t becme the American English writing style guide ften required in US high schl and university cmpsitin classes.
    Eliminate Negative Thinking
    by Derick Hwell
    4.4 ut f 5 stars
    D yu find it hard t fall asleep because yur brain wn’t stp wrrying? D yu feel stuck in an endless lp f uncntrllable negative thughts? Yu’re nt alne. Arund 18%f the ppulatin suffer frm anxiety. This bk ffers actinable strategies that will help yu eliminate the deep-seated causes f yur anxiety and manage yur day-t-day wrries.
    1、What is Peter Daniel Andrei’s bk based n?
    A. Expert’s suggestinsB. Celebrities’ speeches
    C. Scientific researchD. Persnal experiences
    2、What des Derick Hwell mainly ffer in his bk?
    A. Sme typical examplesB. Sme advanced theries
    C. Sme practical methdsD. Sme brilliant stries.
    3、Which wuld be the best chice t help imprve ur writing skills?
    A. The Psychlgy f Persuasin.B. The Elements f Style
    C. The Stryteller’s SecretD. Eliminate Negative Thinking.
    In a human cntext, multitasking(多任务处理) refers t perfrming different activities at the same time, such as editing a dcument r replying t emails while participating in a telecnference. Peple think that they are capable f ding many things at nce. Hwever, the fact remains that they are merely switching frm ne jb t anther.
    Several types f research have been dne t see hw multitasking affects ur brains. A study cnducted t see if multitasking while driving was gd r bad, cncluded that perfrmance is primarily reduced when there is a research cnflict.
    Accrding t the studies, the nly time yu can multitask is when yu’re ding tw things and ne f them desn’t require yur attentin r mental energy, fr example jgging while listening t music. In many cases, multitasking has lng-term, harmful effects n yur health, well-being, and prductivity.
    Smetimes the tendency t multitask takes a tll n the relatinship and the partner feels neglected. Imagine discussing smething with yur partner while he r she is cnstantly engaged n the mbile phne checking scial media r email. Hw wuld that make yu feel?
    Researchers investigated if multitasking increases ur prductivity and effectiveness. The findings shwed that multitasking made individuals less effective and prductive, which is cntrary t what mst multitaskers believe.
    There is a cgnitive(认知的) cst every time we g frm ne task t anther, which reduces ur prductivity. Multitasking implies yu are cnstantly shifting yur attentin between multiple tasks-it is n different frm being distracted.
    We’d like t believe that ding numerus activities at nce is achievable, but it cmes at the cst f lwering the quality and amunt f attentin paid t each task. As a result, yu’re less prductive and less efficient than smene wh cncentrates n ne task at a time.
    What’s mre, we lse time and energy when we switch tasks. A study fund that when switching between different tasks, the amunt f time wasted depends n varius factrs, and it culd range frm secnds t hurs.
    4、Why des the authr mentin jgging and listening t music?
    A. T shw multitasking is pssible.B. T prve multitasking is rewarding.
    C. T prve multitasking is difficult.D. T shw multitasking is harmful.
    5、What des the underlined phrase “takes a tll n” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Causes damage t.B. Has an influence n.
    C. Makes n difference t.D. Is assciated with.
    6、What d mst multitakers think f multitasking?
    A. It des harm t mental health.B. It affects wrk perfrmance.
    C. It imprved wrk efficiency.D. It extends wrking hurs.
    7、Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. Why peple like multitakingB. Hw t achieve multitasking
    C. Is multitasking a gd thing?D. Can we multitask at all?
    Recently, there have been huge advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) prgrams that create art. The prgrams, which create artwrks based n shrt descriptins, have amazed many peple. They have als raised difficult questins.
    In April, NewsFrKids.net reprted n Dall-E 2, a tl frm OpenAI. Dall-E uses AI t create incredible paintings, phts, and ther artwrks in many different styles based n simple descriptins. Since then, OpenAI has changed its rules t allw anyne t sign up and use the tl. But it’s still putting strng cntrl n the art that can be created.
    But nw there are several ther AI tls that wrk in similar ways. These new tls are free r cheap, and dn’t have sme f Dall-E 2’s limits. MIdjurney is a website that allws users t create images frm shrt descriptins. Stable Diffusin is similar, but users can als run the prgram n their wn cmputers.
    The new tls are entertaining and pwerful. They allw peple t quickly see almst any idea they can imagine, even if they aren’t artists. Fr sme creative wrkers, like thse at cmpanies that create ads r images, the tls allw them t quickly explre new ideas.
    Many artists are upset that they’re nw cmpeting against cmputers fr attentin, prizes and jbs. It’s hard fr a single artist t cmpete against all the art and phtgraphy that have ever appeared n the Internet. In August,Jasn Allen wn first place at the Cltsf State Fair with his picture Theatre D’pera Spatial, which was created with Midjurney. That upset many peple.
    The images and the descriptins used t train these AI prgrams were taken frm the Internet. The training images were withut permissin, which has raised questins abut whether what these tls are ding is fair r legal.
    The creatrs f training pictures haven’t given permissin fr their images t be used, but their skills and talents are a huge part f what makes the new tls s successful. Sme artists’ grups say artists shuld get t decide if their wrk can be used by these tls.
    8、What shuld we d t create artwrks with Dall-E 2 r Midjurney?
    A. Uplad sme phts.B. Draw simple pictures
    C. Offer brief descriptins.D. Write a shrt article.
    9、Hw d many artists react t the new AI tls?
    A. They are cncerned abut them.B. They are discntented with them.
    C. They accept them unwillingly.D. They welcme them warmly.
    10、What des the underlined wrd “That” in Paragraph 5 refer t?
    A. Jasn Allen’s attracting attentin.B. Jasn Allen’s creating a picture.
    C. Jasn Allen’s using Midjurney.D. Jasn Allen’s winning the prize.
    11、In which clumn f a website are we likely t read this passage?
    A. Lifestyle.B. Business.C. Educatin.D. Science.
    Many families are ditching cars fr a sweatier mrning ride with friends, biking miles in rganized clusters led by grwn-up vlunteers. The effrt is a call t fight climate change, encurage exercise and drive less.
    Devin Olsn rganized a bike bus fr his lcal schl zne. S far, Olsn has led 11 semi-annual bike buses that have grwn frm abut 60 participants t nearly 150. “We meet at 8 am t play sccer and ftball and eat dnuts,” Olsn said. “Then we review safety measures and start riding. There’s nthing but laughing, yelling and pure jy.”
    The grup makes abut eight stps alng the way t pick up children, many f whm are accmpanied by parents r lder siblings. “We want kids t celebrate ging t schl,” explained Olsn, adding that cycling can create cnnectivity between all walks f peple.
    Accrding t Olsn, a successful bike bus takes place n a “slw street”(a shared rad fr bicyclists and mtrists). The bike bus experience has reassured parents wh were therwise nervus abut their children biking arund traffic.
    Bike buses are als ppular in ther cuntries, like Spain and Canada. Tm Barnes and Rebecca Mudge, educatrs in Canada, jined a bike bus t transprt their daughters Clara, 6, and Lily,4, t schl in Lndn, Ontari. “Clara and Rebecca have their bikes and Lily rides in my bike in a bicycle seat,” Barnes said. Clara said, “I like it that I get t ride with friends frm schl and that everyne is welcme. We have peple wh ride scters t.” Lily said, “I like it that I get t see all the kids frm schl and that I dn’t have t pedal. My dad des it all fr me.”
    In Prtland, Oregn, Sam Balt says, “Bike buses unlcked smething I wasn’t prepared fr. Parents lve seeing their kids cnnect and it’s becme a scial hur fr parents wh linger and talk after the ride. I think we underestimate hw much kids enjy scializing and the freedm and independence that bikes prvide.”
    12、What is the bike bus?
    A. The adult-led grup riding t schl.
    B. The bus fr picking up students at schls.
    C. The bike-friendly bus fr schl children.
    D. Riding bikes n a shared rad fr buses.
    13、What des Olsn think f the bike bus?
    A. It helps fight against climate change.
    B. It increases the schl grades f children.
    C. It brings peple clser t each ther.
    D. It teaches children abut driving rules.
    14、What des the underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph 5 refer t?
    A. Cycling with schl friends.B. Riding a scter.
    C. Welcming kids frm schl.D. Pedalling a bike.
    15、What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Bike buses catch n t cmmute t schl.
    B. Bike buses ensure the safety f children.
    C. Bike buses ffer children a chance t play.
    D. Bike buses help adults t d mre exercise.
    16、While the term cultural heritage is used t refer t bth physical and intangible qualities, it is nt limited t physical bjects. It can als refer t beliefs, traditins, language, and fd. These are ften passed dwn frm generatin t generatin. ①________ The preservatin f these cultural treasures can help prmte glbal understanding and mutual respect.
    ②________ Determining what cnstitutes(构成) “cultural heritage” is ften a challenging and cntentius task, and advcates f cultural preservatin and integrity are ften accused f making false assumptin(假设)abut the cultures they study.
    It is imprtant t recgnize that cultural heritage is nt limited t physical bjects and mnuments. It als includes living expressins f culture inherited frm ur ancestrs. Intangible cultural heritage refers t knwledge and practices related t the envirnment and traditinal crafts. ③________ It is essential t prtect these valuable assets fr their prtectin and appreciatin.
    ④________ It is essential t preserve these bjects in rder t preserve their significance. And it is necessary t prtect the intangible cultural heritage, because it is ften verlked. These wrks f art have symblic and aesthetic(美学的) value and are valuable t the peple f the cuntry. Sme f them are even mre significant than the physical bjects.
    As cultural heritage is a part f a culture, it can be prtected. Hwever, if smene is trying t patent a design, yu have t ensure that yu d nt cpy it. ⑤________ Whether they’re paintings, sculptures, r fd, they’re wrth prtecting. Frtunately, it’s imprtant t prtect and cnserve ur cultural heritage. It’s the legacy f the culture and the way it was nce lived.
    A. They are a surce f pride and identity fr a sciety.
    B. Cultural heritage includes the inheritance f a culture.
    C. These can be valuable as a tl fr future generatin.
    D. Cultural heritage is a vital part f any sciety.
    E. It is an imprtant part f internatinal plicy.
    F. First, cnsider what cultural heritage is.
    G. The same is true f cultural bjects.
    A ftball-lving penguin was unveiled as the fficial masct f the 2023FIFA Wmen’s Wrld Cup.
    Streetwise and cnfident, Tazuni 1 frm the crwd thanks t her signature blue bunch f hair. Tazumi is a penguin based n the Eudyptula minr species which is 2 t New Zealand and Australia.
    The name Tazuni is a 3 f her hme — the Tasman Sea — and “unity”, the key 4 f the event t be c-hsted by Australia and New Zealand in 2023.
    Her ftball dreams cme true when ne evening she lks up t see firewrks 5 verhead cming frm a nearby 6 . The kids frm beach 7 ver a persnalized ftball kit, and she 8 walks int the stadium t shwcase her talents.
    “Tazuni stands fr everything which makes the event unique, and her 9 will resnate with millins f yung fans arund the wrld,” Fatma Samura said. “Tazuni is the 10 masct fr this turnament, 11 all that is psitive abut the biggest wmen’s ftball event ever 12 , and ur sprt-bsessed hst natins wh are ready t 13 the wrld.”
    Like millins f yungsters wrldwide, ftball is hw Tazuni 14 herself, and the event will prvide 15 fr a new generatin f ftball fans and participants frm acrss the glbe.
    17、A. takes ffB. sets asideC. stands utD. breaks away
    18、A. familiarB. similarC. cmmnD. equal
    19、A. chiceB. mixtureC. prideD. cncept
    20、A. surceB. signC. valueD. aspect
    21、A. flatB. expldeC. hangD. rise
    22、A. stadiumB. fieldC. squareD. village
    23、A. turnB. takeC. getD. hand
    24、A. shylyB. cautiuslyC. cnfidentlyD. hesitantly
    25、A. adventureB. disasterC. stryD. explratin
    26、A. perfectB. expensiveC. imaginaryD. beautiful
    27、A. recrdingB. explainingC. infrmingD. demnstrating
    28、A. rememberedB. markedC. celebratedD. staged
    29、A. cnquerB. welcmeC. surpriseD. lead
    30、A. enjyB. behaveC. expressD. devte
    31、A. infrmatinB. equipmentC. inspiratinD. guidance
    32、Falls Festival in Australia is held every year between December and January, usually ranging between December 28 and January 8.
    The stry begins in 1993, with a small ne-day cncert held in Lrne, Victria, ①_______(name) Rck Abve The Falls. This first event attracted nearly 11,000 peple, ②_______ (exceed) the rganizers’ expectatins, and they had t negtiate the use f neighbring land ③_______ (accmmdate) the crwd. The festival became a tw-day event in 1995, and the fllwing year the name was changed t The Falls Music & Arts Festival.
    The 2003 festival was ④_______ first time tw events were held simultaneusly, ne in Lrne, and an ⑤_______ (additin) event at Marin Bay, Tasmania. The same perfrmance tk place at bth events; the December 30 acts ⑥_______ played at Lrne, and the December 31 acts that played at Marin Bay, and vice versa. Bth the Lrne and Marin Bay festivals have cntinued t run at the same time, except fr the 2002 editin, and ⑦_______ (art) cntinue t be exchanged between the tw lcatins thrughut the festival.
    In 2013 the Byrn editin f the event ⑧_______ (intrduce), increasing the reach f the festival acrss the cuntry. In 2019, the festival at the Lrne site was canceled ⑨_______ extreme bushfire risk during the 2019-2020 Australian bushfire seasn. The Marin Bay editin f the festival was ⑩_______ (frtunate) canceled permanently in 2021, with rganizers citing lw revenue frm the event.
    33、There was a ________(失望的) lk n her face when she saw the result.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    34、Only in this way can they grw up t be ________ (独立的)and becme truly successful. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    35、I fund smething large ________ (漂浮)in the sea abut a mile away frm the shre. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    36、The garbage is then taken away and, if pssible, ________ (回收利用). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    37、Settle the questin by ________ (争吵;争论), nt by fight. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    38、The belief that the wrld is flat is nt ________ (科学的). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    39、The wrld has already ________(承诺) t establishing a Climate Adaptatin Fund. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    40、We shuld nt judge the value f smething just based n the ________ (外面的) appearance. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    41、We shuld all remember that sme great discveries ________ by chance.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    42、All friends sent him their c________ n his passing the driving test. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    43、假定你是李华,你的交换生好友Michael非常喜欢中国美食。正巧这学期你校要开设烹饪课(cking curse),请你写信向他推荐(recmmend)此课程,内容包括:
    2. 课程内容;
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“The Psychlgy f Persuasin”部分的“Decades f leading (but unheard f) scientific studies present an answer(几十年来领先的(但闻所未闻的)科学研究给出了答案)”可知Peter Daniel Andrei的书基于科学研究,故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“Eliminate Negative Thinking”部分的“This bk ffers actinable strategies that will help yu eliminate the deep-seated causes f yur anxiety and manage yur day-t-day wrries.(这本书提供了可操作的策略,可以帮助你消除焦虑的深层次原因,并管理你的日常担忧)”可知Derick Hwell在书中主要提供了一些实用的方法,故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据“The Elements f Style”部分的“The bk has grwn t becme the American English writing style guide ften required in US high schl and university cmpsitin classes (这本书已经发展成为美国高中和大学作文课经常需要 的美国英语写作风格指南)”可知The Elements f Style这本书有助于提高写作技能,故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“the nly time yu can multitask is when yu're ding tw things and ne f them desn't require yur attentin r mental energy, fr example jgging while listening t music.(唯一可以同时处理多项任务的时间是当你正在做两 件事,其中一件不需要你的注意力或脑力,例如边 听音乐边慢跑)”可知,作者提到边听音乐边慢跑是为了证明多任务处理是可能的,故选A项。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据第四段划线词下文“the partner feels neglected(搭档感受到了被忽视)”可推理 出划线部分要表达的含义为“造成破坏”,即有时试 图多任务会伤害和别人的关系。故选A项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第五段“The findings shwed that multitasking made individuals less effective and prductive, which is cntrary t what mst multitaskers believe.(研究结果表明,多任务处理会降低个人的效率和生产力,这与大多数多任务处理者的看法相反)”可推理出多任务处理者认为多任务处理提高了工作效率,故选C项。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“Peple think that they are capable f ding many things at nce. Hwever, the fact remains that they are merely switching frm ne jb t anther.(人们认为他们有能 力同时做很多事情。然而,事实仍然是,他们只是 从一份工作转到另一份工作)”、第三段“Accrding t the studies, the nly time yu can multitask is when yu're ding tw things and ne f them desn't require yur attentin r mental energy(根据研究,你唯一可 以同时处理多项任务的时间是当你正在做两件事, 其中一件不需要你的注意力或脑力)”、第五段“The findings shwed that multitasking made individuals less effective and prductive, which is cntrary t what mst multitaskers believe.(研究结果表明,多任务处理会降 低个人的效率和生产力,这与大多数多任务处理者 的看法相反)”以及最后一段“What's mre, we lse time and energy when we switch tasks.(更重要的是,当我们切换任务时,我们会损失时间和精力)可知,本文认为多任务处理看似提高了工作效率,但 研究表明它仅在部分情况下有效,而在大部分情况下降低了工作效率,分析四个选项,C项“Is multitasking a gd thing?(多任务处理是件好事吗?)”表达的含义适合用作本文标题,故选C项。
    解析:根据第二段中Dall-E 2 uses AI t create incredible paintings, phts, and ther artwrks in many different styles based n simple descriptins.(Dall-E 2使用人工智能根据简单的描述创造出令人难以置信的绘画、照片和其他许多不同风格的艺术品)以及第三段Midjurney is a website that allws users t create images frm shrt descriptins.(Midjurney是一个允许用户根据简短描述创建图像的网站)可知,如果我们想利用人工智能软件Dall-E 2或Midjurney来创作艺术品,只需要给它们提供简单的描述即可。故选C。
    解析:根据第五段中Many artists are upset that they're nw cmpeting against cmputers fr attentin, prizes—and jbs.(许多艺术家对他们现在要和电脑竞争注意力、奖品和工作感到沮丧)以及第七段The creatrs f the training pictures haven't given permissin fr their images t be used, but their skills and talents are a huge part f what makes the new tls s successful.(训练图片的创作者并没有允许他们的图片被使用,但他们的技能和天赋是新工具如此成功的重要原因)可知,大部分艺术家对这些人工智能程序很不满,一方面他们要面临来自这些程序的竞争,另一方面这些程序还侵犯了很多艺术家的版权。故选B。
    解析:根据倒数第三段最后两句In August, Jasn Allen wn first place at the Clrad State Fair with his picture Théâtre D'péra Spatial, which he created with Midjurney. That upset many peple.(今年8月,杰森·艾伦凭借与Midjurney合作创作的图片Théâtre D 'péra Spatial赢得了科罗拉多州博览会的第一名。这让很多人感到不安)可知,这里的That一词指代上文提到的Jasn Allen用人工智能软件Midjurney绘制的画作Théâtre D'péra Spatial获得第一名这一事实。故选D。
    解析:根据第一段Recently, there have been huge advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) prgrams that create art. The prgrams, which create artwrks based n shrt descriptins, have amazed many peple. (最近,创造艺术的人工智能(AI)程序取得了巨大进展。这些程序根据简短的描述创作出艺术品,让很多人感到惊讶)再综合全文可知,本文主要说明了人工智能程序在创作艺术品方面取得的重大进展,其强大功能让大众吃惊,但它也带来一些版权等方面的问题。由此可知,这篇文章应出现在网站的“科学”板块。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Devin Olsn rganized a bike bus fr his lcal schl zne. (Devin Olsn为当地学区组织了一个“自行车巴士”组织。)”以及第三段“The grup makes abut eight stps alng the way t pick up children, many f whm are accmpanied by parents r lder siblings.“We want kids t celebrate ging t schl,”(该组织沿途约八站 接孩子,其中许多孩子由父母或年长的兄弟姐妹陪同。“我们希望孩子们感到上学很特别”)”可知,文中提到的the bike bus指的是一个由成年人带领的骑 自行车去学校组织,故选A项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“cycling can create cnnectivity between all walks f peple(骑自行车可以在各行各业的人之间建立联系)”以及最后一 段“Parents lve seeing their kids cnnect(父母喜欢看到他们的孩子和别人建立联系)”可知,“自行车巴士”在人们之间建立了联系,可推理出它拉近了人们 之间的距离,故选C项。
    解析:词句猜测题。分析第五段划线词所在的句子结构,可知it在句子中做形式宾语,真正的宾语为下文宾语从句“I get t ride with friends frm schl and that everyne is welcme(我可以和学校的朋友一起骑行,每个人都受到欢迎)”,可知it指代的是“骑行去学校”,故选D项。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“Many families are ditching cars fr a sweatier mrning ride with friends, biking miles in rganized clusters led by grwn- up vlunteers.(许多家庭抛弃汽车,与朋友一起在早上汗流浃背地骑行,在成年志愿者的带领下,有组织地骑行数英里)”、第二段“Devin Olsn rganized a bike bus fr his lcal schl zne.(Devin Olsn为当地学区组织了一个“自行车巴士”组织。)”、第三段“cycling can create cnnectivity between all walks f peple(骑自行车可以在各行各业的人之间建立联系)”以及最后一段“Parents lve seeing their kids cnnect and it's becme a scial hur fr parents wh linger and talk after the ride. I think we underestimate hw much kids enjy scializing and the freedm and independence that bikes prvide(父母喜欢看到他们的 孩子建立联系,这已经成为父母在骑行后逗留和交谈的社交时间。我认为我们低估了孩子们享受社交的程度以及自行车所提供的自由和独立)”可知,本文主要讲了Devin Olsn组建了通往学校的自行车巴士,受到了人们的欢迎,分析四个选项,A项“Bike buses catch n t cmmute t schl.(通往学校的自行车巴士受到了人们的欢迎)”适合用作本文标题,故选A项。
    解析:①细节理解题。根据前面的These are ften passed dwn frm generatin t generatin.(这些经常代代相传。)可知,这些文化遗产往往代代相传。由此推出,A项"They are a surce f pride and identity fr a sciety.它们是一个社会的骄傲和身份的源泉。"符合语境。故选A。
    ②主旨大意题。根据后面的Determining what cnstitutes(构成) "cultural heritage" is ften a challenging and cntentius task,and advcates f cultural preservatin and integrity are ften accused f making false assumptin(假设)abut the cultures they study.(确定什么是"文化遗产"往往是一项具有挑战性和争议性的任务,文化保护和完整性的倡导者经常被指责对他们所研究的文化作出错误的假设。)可知,此处讲的是确定文化遗产的定义是有挑战性和争议的,F项"First,cnsider what cultural heritage is .首先,考虑什么是文化遗产。"符合语境。故选F。
    ③细节理解题。根据前面的Intangible cultural heritage refers t knwledge and practices related t the envirnment and traditinal crafts. (非物质文化遗产是指与环境和传统工艺有关的知识和做法。)可知,选项的These与之呼应。而且F项中的valuable与后面的these valuable assets相应。C项"These can be valuable as a tl fr future generatin.这些可以作为未来一代的有价值的工具。"符合语境。故选C。
    ④主旨大意题。根据后面的Nt nly d tangible bjects hld value,but they als serve as excellent examples fr learning abut ur culture.(有形的物品不仅有价值,而且是了解我们文化的极好的例子。)可知,有形物品不仅有价值,而且也是了解我们文化的极好的例子。由此推知,D项" Cultural heritage is a vital part f any sciety.文化遗产是任何社会的重要组成部分。"符合语境。故选D。
    ⑤推理判断题。空格前面的Hwever,if smene is trying t patent a design,yu have t ensure that yu d nt cpy it. (但是,如果有人试图为一项外观设计申请专利,你必须确保你没有复制它。)可知,讲的是专利保护;空格后面的Whether they're paintings,sculptures,r fd,they're wrth prtecting.(不管是油画,雕塑,还是食物,它们都值得保护。)可知 ,讲的是文化遗产保护。G项"The same is true f cultural bjects.文化对象也是如此。"符合语境。故选G。
    解析:考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:塔祖尼精明而自信,她从人群中脱颖而出,这要归功于她标志性的一束蓝色头发。A. takes ff脱下;起飞;B. sets aside放在一边;C. stands ut突出;脱颖而出;D. breaks away分离。由上文“Streetwise and cnfident,”和下文“frm the crwd thanks t her signature blue bunch f hair. ”可知,因为各种特质,塔祖尼从人群中脱颖而出,故选C。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:塔祖尼是一种在新西兰和澳大利亚很常见的Eudyptula小型企鹅。A. familiar熟悉的;B. similar相似的;C. cmmn共同的;常见的;D. equal相等的。由下文“t New Zealand and Australia.”和常识可知,Eudyptula这种小型企鹅在新西兰和澳大利亚很常见,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:塔祖尼这个名字是她的家——塔斯曼海——和“团结”这两个词组成的,“团结”是2023年澳大利亚和新西兰将联合举办的这个活动的核心价值。A. chice选择;B. mixture混合物;结合体;C. pride骄傲;D. cncept概念。由下文“f her hme—the Tasman Sea—and “unity””可知,塔祖尼这个名字是由“塔斯曼海”和“团结”这两个词组成的,即是这两个词的结合体。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:塔祖尼这个名字是她的家——塔斯曼海——和“团结”这两个词组成的,“团结”是2023年澳大利亚和新西兰将联合举办的这个活动的核心价值。A. surce源头;B. sign标志;C. value价值;D. aspect方面。由unity和下文“f the event t be c-hsted by Australia and New Zealand in 2023.”及常识可知,“团结”是2023年澳大利亚和新西兰联合举办的这个活动的核心价值。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天晚上,当她抬头看到烟火从附近的一个体育场上空绽放时,她的足球梦想成真了。A. flat漂浮;B. explde爆炸;C. hang悬挂;D. rise升起。由上文“when ne evening she lks up t see firewrks”和下文verhead可知,晚上烟火在上空爆炸,即烟花绽放,故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一天晚上,当她抬头看到烟火从附近的一个体育场上空绽放时,她的足球梦想成真了。A. stadium体育场;B. field田野;C. square广场;D. village村庄。由下文“walks int the stadium”可知,此处指体育场,stadium是同词复现,故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:沙滩上的孩子们递给她一套个性化的足球装备,她自信地走进体育场展示自己的才华。A. turn转身;B. take拿走;C. get得到;D. hand递给。由下文“ver a persnalized ftball kit”和“walks int the stadium t shwcase her talents”可知,递给她足球装备,然后她走进体育场展示自己的才华,故选D。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:沙滩上的孩子们递给她一套个性化的足球装备,她自信地走进体育场展示自己的才华。A. shyly害羞地;B. cautiusly小心地;C. cnfidently自信地;D. hesitantly犹豫不绝地。由上文“Streetwise and cnfident”可知,她很自信,由此可知,此处指她自信地走近体育场,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:法特玛·萨穆拉说:“塔祖尼代表着使这次活动与众不同的一切东西,她的故事将引起全世界数百万年轻球迷的共鸣。”A. adventure冒险;B. disaster灾难;C. stry故事;D. explratin探索。由上文讲塔祖尼如何开始踢足球的经历和下文“will resnate with millins f yung fans arund the wrld”可知,她的故事会引起全世界数百万年轻球迷的共鸣,故选C。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:塔祖尼是本届世界杯的完美吉祥物,展示了有史以来上演的规模最大的女子足球赛事带来的一切美好事物,以及我们热爱体育、欢迎全世界到来的主办国。A. perfect完美的;B. expensive贵的;C. imaginary想象的;D. beautiful漂亮的。由下文“all that is psitive abut the biggest wmen’s ftball event”和常识可知,既然选择塔祖尼作为吉祥物,这说明她是完美的,故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:塔祖尼是本届世界杯的完美吉祥物,展示了有史以来上演的规模最大的女子足球赛事带来的一切美好事物,以及我们热爱体育、欢迎全世界到来的主办国。A. recrding记录;B. explaining解释;C. infrming通知;D. demnstrating展示。由下文“all that is psitive abut the biggest wmen’s ftball event ever”可知,塔祖尼展示了有史以来规模最大的女子足球赛事带来的一切美好事物,故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:塔祖尼是本届世界杯的完美吉祥物,展示了有史以来上演的规模最大的女子足球赛事带来的一切美好事物,以及我们热爱体育、欢迎全世界到来的主办国。A. remembered记住;B. marked做记号;C. celebrated庆祝;D. staged上演。由上文“all that is psitive abut the biggest wmen’s ftball event ever”可知,这是世界上有史以来上演的规模最大的女子足球比赛,故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:塔祖尼是本届世界杯的完美吉祥物,展示了有史以来上演的规模最大的女子足球赛事带来的一切美好事物,以及我们热爱体育、欢迎全世界到来的主办国。A. cnquer征服;B. welcme欢迎;C. surprise使惊讶;D. lead带领。由上文“ur sprt-bsessed hst natins wh are ready t”可知,主办国欢迎世界各地人们的到来,故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:与世界各地数百万年轻人一样,足球是塔祖尼表达自己的方式,这次活动将为来自全球的新一代足球迷和参与者提供灵感。A. enjy喜欢;B. behave表现;C. express表达;D. devte致力于。由上文“Like millins f yungsters wrldwide”和下文“herself”可知,世界各地数百万年轻人通过足球来表达自己,同样地,足球也是塔祖尼表达自己的方式,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:与世界各地数百万年轻人一样,足球是塔祖尼表达自己的方式,这次活动将为来自全球的新一代足球迷和参与者提供灵感。A. infrmatin信息;B. equipment设备;C. inspiratin灵感;D. guidance引导。由上文讲塔祖尼展示了有史以来上演的规模最大的女子足球赛事带来的一切美好事物和下文“fr a new generatin f ftball fans and participants frm acrss the glbe”可知,2023年女足世界杯会为来自全球的新一代球迷和参与者提供灵感(美好事物的一种),故选C。
    32、答案:①named②exceeding③t accmmdate④the⑤additinal⑥that/which⑦artists⑧was intrduced⑨fr⑩unfrtunately
    解析:本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了 澳大利亚的瀑布节。
    ①考查非谓语动词。句意:故事开始于1993年,在维多利亚州的洛恩举行了一场为期一天的小型音乐会,名为“瀑布上的岩石”。句中有谓语,前后无连词,此处应用非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰a small ne-day cncert,且和动词name是被动关系,应用过去分词形式作后置定语,故填named。
    ③考查非谓语动词。句意:第一次活动吸引了近11000人,超出了组织者的预期,他们不得不谈判使用邻近的土地来容纳人群。此处表示为了容纳人群,应用不定式作目的状语,故填t accmmdate。
    ④考查冠词。句意: 2003年的艺术节是首次同时举办两个活动,一个在洛恩,另一个在塔斯曼尼亚的马里昂湾。序数词first前应用定冠词来修饰,故填the。
    ⑥考查定语从句。句意:两场比赛都有同样的表演:12月30日在洛恩举行的表演和12月31日在马里恩湾举行的表演,反之亦然。空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰the December 30 acts,指物,且关系词在定语从句中作主语,应用that/which来引导定语从句,故填that/which。
    ⑧考查时态和语态。句意:2013年,拜伦版本的活动被引入,增加了在全国各地的电影节的影响力。此处在句中作谓语,句子描述过去发生的事,应用一般过去时,主语the Byrn editin f the event和动词intrduce为被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是单数,be动词应用was,故填was intrduced。
    ⑩考查副词。句意: 不幸的是,2021年马里恩湾电影节的版本被永久取消,组织者称电影节的收入很低。此处应用副词作状语,由句意可知,此处表示“不幸运的是”,应用副词unfrtunately。故填unfrtunately。
    解析:根据句意及汉语提示“漂浮”可知,此处应用动词flat,分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词作宾补,动词flat与宾语smething large之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故此处应用现在分词作宾补。故填:flating。
    解析:根据句意及汉语提示“回收利用”可知,此处应用动词recycle作谓语,主语the garbage与recycle之间为被动关系,故此处应用过去分词与前文is构成一般现在时的被动语态。故填:recycled。
    解析:根据句意及has already可知,该句为现在完成时态,且根据汉语提示"承诺",可知用cmmit,与主语The wrld"世界"之间为主动关系,所以cmmit用过去分词形式与has构成现在完成时态的主动语态。故填:cmmitted。
    Dear Michael,
    I'm writing t tell yu abut a great new cking curse that ur schl will be ffering this semester. I knw yu lve Chinese fd, s I think yu might be interested in it.
    The curse will run frm Mnday t Friday between 3pm and 6:30pm. It will cver a variety f tpics including chsing ingredients, cking methds and Chinese fd culture. T enrll, yu can send an email t the Chinese Fd Cking Curse mailbx r fill ut the frm n the schl's nline registratin website. Applicatins will be accepted until the beginning f the upcming semester.
    D let me knw if yu decide t take the curse. I'm sure yu will enjy learning abut Chinese cking.
    Li Hua
    告知:tell→ infrm
    好的:great → wnderful
    知道:knw→ be infrmed f
    确信的:sure→ cnvinced
    原句:The curse will run frm Mnday t Friday between 3pm and 6:30pm. It will cver a variety f tpics including chsing ingredients, cking methds and Chinese fd culture.
    拓展句:The curse which will run frm Mnday t Friday between 3pm and 6:30pm will cver a variety f tpics including chsing ingredients, cking methds and Chinese fd culture.
    【高分句型1】I'm writing t tell yu abut a great new cking curse that ur schl will be ffering this semester.(使用了that为关系词的定语从句)
    【高分句型2】T enrll, yu can send an email t the Chinese Fd Cking Curse mailbx r fill ut the frm n the schl's nline registratin website.(使用了动词不定式作状语)

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