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    Cvid-19 has brught a great deal f truble fr all f us since March 2020. During this time, mbile phnes have been the slutin fr the bredm and restlessness caused frm staying indrs. The mst dwnladed apps n play stre 2020 are;
    TikTk was the mst dwnladed app. With ver 111.9 millin dwnlads, TikTk has seen a huge grwth in 2020, twice mre than what it gt in 2019. 20% f its ttal dwnlads were frm India and arund 9. 3% f the ttal dwnlads were in the US.
    Zm was the secnd mst installed app in the verall dwnlads categry. With nearly 94. 6 millin installs, Zm is the mst used app fr nline meetings and virtual classrms. 17% f its dwnlads were in the US and India. Offices and educatinal institutes were shut dwn and t cntinue wrking and studying frm hme, peple relied heavily n Zm fr vide cnferencing and calling.
    WhatsApp ranked third in verall dwnlads with mre than 100 millin dwnlads. It is ne f the mst ppular and widely used chat applicatins; WhatsApp als supprts cmmunicatin between internatinal phne netwrks.
    It ranked furth in the verall dwnladed list. Facebk is the wrld’s mst ppular scial netwrking applicatin. Facebk builds technlgies that give peple the pwer t cnnect with friends and family, find cmmunities and grw businesses.
    1、Which app is the best t turn t fr nline educatin?
    A. TikTk.B. Zm.C. WhatsApp.D. Facebk.
    2、What d we knw abut TikTk?
    A. It is an India-based app.
    B. It has mst users in America.
    C. It is used fr grwing business.
    D. It has dubled its dwnlad than in 2019.
    3、What functin des Facebk prbably serve?
    A. Cmmunicatin.B. Training.C. Teaching.D. Payment
    My First Marathn(马拉松)
    A mnth befre my first marathn, ne f my ankles was injured and this meant nt running fr tw weeks, leaving me nly tw weeks t train. Yet, I was determined t g ahead.
    I remember back t my 7th year in schl. In my first P.E. class, the teacher required us t run laps and then hit a sftball. I didn’t d either well. He later infrmed me that I was “nt athletic”.
    The idea that I was “nt athletic” stuck with me fr years. When I started running in my 30s, I realized running was a battle against myself, nt abut cmpetitin r whether r nt I was athletic. It was all abut the battle against my wn bdy and mind. A test f wills!
    The night befre my marathn, I dreamt that I culdn’t even find the finish line. I wke up sweating and nervus, but ready t prve smething t myself.
    Shrtly after crssing the start line, my she laces(鞋带) became untied. S I stpped t readjust. Nt the start I wanted!
    At mile 3, I passed a sign: “GO FOR IT, RUNNERS!”
    By mile 17, I became ut f breath and the nce injured ankle hurt badly. Despite the pain, I stayed the curse walking a bit and then running again.
    By mile 21, I was starving!
    As I apprached mile 23, I culd see my wife waving a sign. She is my biggest fan. She never minded the alarm clck sunding at 4 a.m. r questined my expenses n running.
    I was ne f the final runners t finish. But I finished! And I gt a medal. In fact, I gt the same medal as the ne that the guy wh came in first place had.
    Determined t be myself, mve frward, free f shame and wrldly labels(世俗标签), I can nw call myself a “marathn winner”.
    4、A mnth befre the marathn, the authr ____________.
    A. was well trainedB. felt scared
    C. made up his mind t runD. lst hpe
    5、Why did the authr mentin the P.E. class in his 7th year?
    A. T acknwledge the supprt f his teacher.
    B. T amuse the readers with a funny stry.
    C. T shw he was nt talented in sprts.
    D. T share a precius memry.
    6、Hw was the authr’s first marathn?
    A. He made it.B. He quit halfway.
    C. He gt the first prize.D. He walked t the end.
    7、What des the stry mainly tell us?
    A. A man wes his success t his family supprt.
    B. A winner is ne with a great effrt f will.
    C. Failure is the mther f success.
    D. One is never t ld t learn.
    If ur kids dn’t fall, they dn’t learn t get up. I still remember the day in high schl that my mm frgt t pick me up frm schl. I’m the ldest f fur children, and n dubt she’d had a lng day with the ther kids and it’d slipped her mind. After waiting at schl fr an hur, I walked the three miles hme, and when I gt t my huse, I shut ur frnt dr with anger, strmed int the kitchen and screamed in my mm’s face that she’d frgtten me.
    Later that night, my dad tld me I n lnger had a ride t schl the next day. I figured my mm wuld still take me, but when the mrning came, she refused. It was midterm, and as a straight-A student ready t start cllege applicatins, being late wasn’t an ptin (选择). In my mind, missing these tests wuld have been the end f my academic career. I begged my mm. I tld her she was ruining my future and everything I’d wrked fr. But she held her grund, and that day, I walked t schl. And I missed my tests.
    My mm didn’t rescue me frm failure. She let me suffer frm it. She let me figure it ut. She let me learn. Nw, as a mm myself, I’ve realized that I want my kids t experience failure because failure is hw we grw, learn and think utside f urselves. It’s hw we self-educate t learn what’s right and respectable, and what’s nt. It’s hw we becme respnsible and enthusiastic. Falling dwn makes us better because we learn hw t get up.
    8、What is ne f the reasns that the authr gt angry that day?
    A. She was tired.B. She failed in a test.
    C. She was late fr schl.D. She had t walk hme by herself.
    9、Hw des the authr feel abut her childhd experience?
    A. Terrible.B. Meaningful.C. Embarrassing.D. Clrful.
    10、The underlined phrase “held her grund” in Paragraph 2 prbably means “________”.
    A. gave in t meB. said yes t me
    C. stayed in the placeD. kept t her idea
    11、What is the best title fr the text?
    A. My Way f GrwingB. The Value f Failure
    C. My Lve fr MtherD. Failure in My Life
    One f the mst inspiring qutes I ever heard was by Brian Tracy. He said: “The difference between successful peple and unsuccessful peple is that successful peple fail many mre times than unsuccessful peple.” I persnally experienced the wisdm f that understanding right after my first bk was published. Like many authrs,I expected hundreds f bkstre custmers lining up fr me t sign cpies fr them. I’m afraid t say, it didn’t quite happen like that.
    My first signing was arranged at the largest bkstre in the city. Filled with anticipatin,I was put int a private signing rm in the beautiful stre. Despite a nice sign placed utside the rm exhibiting images f bth me and my bk, nt a single custmer entered the rm. As each minute passed, I became increasingly anxius.
    D they nt like the title? I wndered. D they nt like the bk cver?
    After 90 minutes f this trture, I was abslutely distraught.
    Fr the fur years writing the bk, I had felt a sense f missin and purpse like never befre in my life. Wrking a full 8-hur day in my clinic, I had t get int bed by 9:30 pm every day, s I culd wake up at 5:30 in the mrning and have tw hurs f writing befre heading int my clinic. Befre I ever began each writing sessin, I wuld clse my eyes fr 10 minutes and then whisper, “Please grant me the wrds t tuch just ne persn’s life”
    Nw, sitting there alne at my first bk signing,I wndered if my entire life wasn’t just a big jke. At that mment, just when I culdn’t feel any wrse, a middle-aged cuple walked int the rm. I managed t hide my emtins and intrduced myself and my bk. There was smething different abut the way they were lking at me that I culdn’t quite identify. But I didn’t knw what else t say. The cuple turned t each ther, and the husband ndded t his wife. She then tld me, “I think we’ll get the bk.” My heart began t pund. But I realized the wman was trying t say smething else.
    “The reasn we’re buying it,” she said hesitantly, “is because ur sn cmmitted suicide tw years ag. Maybe yur stry will help us get ver it.”
    At that mment, I knew if I never sld anther cpy f the bk, my fur years f writing it had served its purpse. Althugh I wuld have many mre challenging years until my bk caught n and sld well, this cuple’s stry was all the mtivatin I needed at that pint t keep me mving ahead. Thanks t them, I wuld cme t the realizatin that the greatest f lives are made all in the same way: One challenge... ne hurdle... ne step... and ne small victry at a time.
    12、The writer qutes Brian Tracy t emphasize the imprtance f _________.
    A. cnscienceB. successC. cnfidenceD. perseverance
    13、The wrd “distraught” (paragraph 4) prbably means ________.
    A. bred and impatientB. cheerful and prud
    C. upset and disappintedD. miserable and ashamed
    14、What can be inferred frm paragraph 5?
    A. The writer had t quit his jb t make time fr his writing.
    B. The writer was nt sure abut the purpse f his writing at first.
    C. The writing was cmpleted with great self-discipline and effrts.
    D. The prcess f writing the bk was full f pains and frustratin.
    15、By saying “my fur years f writing it had served its purpse”, the authr prbably means that _________.
    A. he had succeeded in selling his first bk t the cuple
    B. he had managed t tuch smene’s life with his bk
    C. he was quite satisfied with the feedback f his readers
    D. he had fund smene wh appreciated his writing
    16、 ①______ The legendary vlleyball cach Lang Ping gave the answer in the recent dcumentary(纪录片) The Irn Hammer.
    The dcumentary displays Lang's inspiring jurney frm her gld medal victry as a vlleyball player in the 1984 Olympics t her amazing career as a successful cach fr bth Team USA frm 2005 t 2008 and China since 2013. She was the first persn t win Olympic vlleyball gld as a player and cach. Lang Ping revealed the secret t such remarkable achievements in the dcumentary. As she said, "②______"
    ③______ Trubled by severe injuries t her cervical vertebra, back, waist and knees, caused by intense exercise and hard wrk, the 60-year-ld has undergne mre than 10 surgeries. "N parts f my bdy functin well," she jked.
    But illness is certainly nt the nly difficulty Lang has faced. In 2005, she struggled with balancing raising her daughter Lydia Bai Lang, wh lived in the US, and her caching career. She eventually decided t wrk fr USA Vlleyball that year. ④______ "I'm prud f being Chinese." Lang respnded in an interview. Later she returned t head the Chinese wmen's vlleyball team in 2013, leading the team successfully defending its Wrld Cup crwn with a perfect recrd f 11 straight wins last year.
    There is n dubt that Lang is ne f the greatest players and caches in histry. As an American athlete cmmented in the dcumentary. ⑤______
    A.Wh is Lang Ping?
    B.Lang is the hardest t defeat.
    C.I believe vlleyball was my life.
    D.What makes ne a great persn?
    E.Glry and challenges g hand in hand.
    F.Lang Ping is like Michael Jrdan in ur minds.
    G.This decisin arused a lt f negative cmments in China.
    Owura Kwadw Httish teaches cmputer science in a schl. It is a nrmal schl except fr the fact that it didn’t have 1 .
    Owura became famus after he psted phts f him n the Internet. In the picture, peple culd see he was teaching his students by 2 an entire cmputer n the blackbard. The phts shwed the 3 level f educatin fr children in Ghana. Peple were 4 that Owura made sure each buttn was drawn crrectly.
    He wuld cme t schl half an hur ahead f 5 every day. He drew the cmputer n the blackbard, but at the end f his class, it was 6 ff t start the next class, s he had t 7 it the next day!
    Owura’s effrts 8 when Micrsft (微软公司) tk 9 f his act. They first tk him t an internatinal educatrs’ meeting in Singapre. He made a 10 abut his teaching methds at the meeting and 11 a standing vatin (致敬) after the speech.
    12 , Owura gt the thing he always wanted fr his students—sme cmpanies 13 cmputers t the schl. Nt a single child in the schl had seen a real cmputer in their lives. Thanks t their teacher’s 14 , the wrld tk ntice and respnded with 15 t them.
    17、A. classrmsB. cmputersC. playgrundsD. tls
    18、A. peratingB. repairingC. describingD. drawing
    19、A. prB. clearC. ancientD. lucky
    20、A. wrriedB. disappintedC. afraidD. surprised
    21、A. lineB. cultureC. scheduleD. schl
    22、A. rubbedB. calledC. cutD. shwn
    23、A. stressB. imprveC. ruinD. repeat
    24、A. brke utB. paid ffC. came backD. held back
    25、A. careB. chargeC. placeD. ntice
    26、A. planB. speechC. decisinD. medal
    27、A. madeB. waitedC. receivedD. carried
    28、A. SuddenlyB. ImprtantlyC. HpelesslyD. Strangely
    29、A. lentB. sldC. dnatedD. applied
    30、A. effrtsB. painsC. humrD. dubt
    31、A. wisdmB. hnestyC. kindnessD. pride
    32、D yu want t learn a freign language? Chse ne f the mst ①________(use) languages suggested belw t learn.
    In mst cuntries all ver the wrld, English is ②________ mst widely used secnd language. Whether a persn is traveling t a freign cuntry r cmmunicating ③________ peple frm ther ④________ (cuntry) fr business purpses, English is ne language which will cme in handy at every step.
    Spanish is the language f business in abut twenty cuntries. There are many jbs in the United States as well as in many ther cuntries, which specially ask fr peple ⑤________ knw hw t speak and write Spanish.
    The Chinese ecnmy is bming! In the future, China ⑥________ (becme) the ecnmic wrld leader, which makes it the perfect time t learn Mandarin Chinese, a language ⑦________ (speak) by millins f peple.
    French ⑧________ (recgnize) as ne f the tp languages t learn, ⑨________ (simple) because it is a chief language in nrthern and western Africa. Anyne trying t understand Eurpean histry can benefit a lt frm ⑩________ (learn) this language.
    33、Once _______ in the frest, we shuld remain ________ we are and wait fr help.
    A. lsing; thereB. lsing; whereC. lst; thereD. lst; where
    34、________ that the small village ________ him. He knws almst everything abut it.
    A. There is n dubt; is familiar withB. There is n dubt; is familiar t
    C. It is n dubt; is familiar withD. It is n dubt; is familiar t
    35、The number f teenagers wh cmmit crimes _________ 20% ver the past years.
    A. have been reduced byB. has been reduced by
    C. have been reduced tD. has been reduced t
    36、Withut access t the Internet, they fund themselves ______ frm the utside wrld.
    A. cut ffB. cutting ffC. cut upD. cutting up
    37、—D yu knw where Tny is?
    —He _________ in the living rm. I saw him there just nw.
    A. shall beB. shuld have beenC. might have beenD. must be
    38、This is the last factry ________ he used t wrk at, many wrkers f _______ still have a gd relatinship with him.
    A. /; itB. which; whmC. /; whichD. which; that
    39、The cmpanies are wrking tgether t create _________ they hpe will be the best means f transprt in the 21st century.
    A. whichB. thatC. neD. what
    40、The reasn ________ he didn’t cme t schl n time is ________ he had t take care f his sick brther at hme.
    A. that; becauseB. that; thatC. why; becauseD. why; that
    41、Life is like a lng race _______ we cmpete with each ther t g beynd urselves.
    A. whereB. whichC. thatD. what
    42、We shuld cnsider students’ suggestin _________ the schl library prvide mre bks n ppular science.
    A. thatB. whenC. whetherD. why
    43、Only when he left his hme _________ t knw hw imprtant the family was fr him.
    A. he beganB. did he beginC. had he begunD. he had begun
    44、The man __________ n the beach is my brther.
    A. layB. liedC. layingD. lying
    45、It rained heavily in the suth, _________ serius flding in several prvinces.
    A. causedB. causingC. having causedD. t cause
    46、________ and ut f breath, we reached the tp f the muntains and stpped ________ the beautiful scenery.
    A. Tiring; t admireB. Tiring; admiring
    C. Tired; admiringD. Tired;t admire
    47、I fund it n use _______ t persuade him t give up smking.
    A. tryB. t tryC. tryingD. having tried
    48、—I can drive yu hme.
    —________, but are yu sure it’s nt t much truble?
    A. That wuld be greatB. Dn’t bther
    C. I’m afraid ntD. Cngratulatins
    49、I’ll never frget the persns and places _______ I visited yesterday.
    A. thatB. whichC. whereD. as
    50、She brught her three friends t the party, nne f ________ I had ever met befre.
    A. themB. whC. whmD. which
    51、It was the middle f the night________ my father wke me up and tld me t watch the ftball game
    A. thatB. asC. whichD. when
    52、The White Hrse Temple, ________ back t the Eastern Han Dynasty, has a histry f mre than 1,900 years.
    A. datesB. datedC. datingD. t date
    Recently, ur class had a heated discussin n the advantages and disadvantages using cell phnes amng middle schl students.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Zm中“With nearly 94. 6 millin installs, Zm is the mst used app fr nline meetings and virtual classrms. (Zm的安装量接近9460万,是在线会议和虚拟教室中使用最多的应用程序。)”可知,Zm应用软件最适合在线教育。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据TikTk中“With ver 111.9 millin dwnlads, TikTk has seen a huge grwth in 2020, twice mre than what it gt in 2019. (2020年,TikTk的下载量超过1.119亿次,大幅增长,是2019年的两倍。)”可知,TikTk的下载量比2019年翻了一番。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据Facebk中“Facebk is the wrld’s mst ppular scial netwrking applicatin. Facebk builds technlgies that give peple the pwer t cnnect with friends and family, find cmmunities and grw businesses. (Facebk是世界上最流行的社交网络应用程序。Facebk开发的技术让人们能够与朋友和家人联系,找到社区和发展业务。)”可知,Facebk可以提供沟通功能。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段A mnth befre my first marathn, ne f my ankles was injured and this meant nt running fr tw weeks, leaving me nly tw weeks t train. Yet, I was determined t g ahead.可知,作者在参加马拉松前一个月脚踝受伤,但是仍然下定决心继续跑步。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句I didn't d either well. He later infrmed me that I was "nt athletic".(我做得也不好,他后来告诉我,我"不是运动型的人"。)可以推断出作者没有运动天赋。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中的I was ne f the final runners t finish. But I finished!(我是最后跑完的选手之一,但我完成了!)可知作者最终跑完了马拉松。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据最后一段Determined t be myself, mve frward, free f shame and wrldly labels(世俗标签)...(决心做我自己,前进,摆脱羞耻和世俗标签……)以及通读全文可知本文主要讲了作者在参加马拉松之前脚踝受伤,但仍然下定决心继续训练,作者认为跑步是与自己的一种较量,而与竞争或者是否是运动型的人无关,这是对自己的身体和思想的一场考验,最终作者跑完了马拉松并得到了一枚奖牌,这告诉我们胜利者是一个意志坚强的人。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“After waiting at schl fr an hur, she'd frgtten me.”可知,作者那天生气的原因之一是她不得不自己走回家。故选D项。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据“ that day, I walked t schl. And I missed mytests.”可知,那天作者自己步行去了学校,作者的妈妈坚持自己不去送作者去学校的立场,因此猜测画线短语held her grund意为“坚持她自己的看法/立场”。故选D项。
    解析:主旨大意题。由第一段第一句“If ur kids dn't fall, they dn't learn t get up.”和第三段最后四句“Nw, as a mm myself, up.”可知,作者通过自己青少年时期的亲身经历讲述了让孩子经历失败具有重大的价值,因此本文的最佳标题是选项B“失败的价值”。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题. 根据The difference between successful peple and unsuccessful peple is that successful peple fail many mre times than unsuccessful peple可知, 成功者和失败者的区别是, 成功者比失败者要经历更多的失败, 此句话表达出了坚持的重要性. 故选D.
    解析:词义猜测题. 根据上下文内容可知, After 90 minutes f this trture, I was abslutely distraught. 句意为经过九十分钟的折磨后, 我感到心烦意乱. 故distraught意为烦恼的, 故选C.
    解析:推理判断题. 根据第五段内容, 尤其是Wrking a full 8-hur day in my clinic, I had t get int bed by 9: 30pm every day, s I culd wake up at 5: 30 in the mrning and have tw hurs f writing befre heading int my clinic可知, 作品的完成需要很大的自律和努力. 故选C.
    解析:细节理解题. 根据"The reasn we're buying it, "she said hesitantly," is because ur sn cmmitted suicide tw years ag. Maybe yur stry will help us get ver it."可知, 通过说"我的四年写作达到了目的", 作者表达了他对他的读者的反馈非常满意. 故选B.
    解析:①推理判断题。根据后句The legendary vlleyball cach Lang Ping gave the answer in the recent dcumentary(纪录片) The Irn Hammer表示"传奇排球教练郎平在最近的纪录片《铁榔头》中给出了答案",可知表示"是什么造就了一个伟大的人"的选项D符合前后的逻辑关系,gave the answer和what的问句构成了问答的形式,故选D。
    ②推理判断题。根据前句The dcumentary displays Lang's inspiring jurney frm her gld medal victry as a vlleyball player in the 1984 Olympics t her amazing career as a successful cach fr bth Team USA frm 2005 t 2008 and China since 2013. She was the first persn t win Olympic vlleyball gld as a player and cach. Lang Ping revealed the secret t such remarkable achievements in the dcumentary表示"这部纪录片展示了郎平从1984年奥运会排球金牌到2005年至2008年美国队和2013年中国队成功教练的令人振奋的历程。她是第一个作为运动员和教练都赢得奥运会排球金牌的人。郎平在纪录片中揭示了取得如此显著成就的秘诀",可知表示"我相信排球是我的生命"的选项C符合前后的逻辑关系,vlleyball是原词复现,故选C。
    ③主旨判断题。根据后句Trubled by severe injuries t her cervical vertebra, back, waist and knees, caused by intense exercise and hard wrk, the 60-year-ld has undergne mre than 10 surgeries表示"由于剧烈运动和艰苦工作,她的颈椎、背部、腰部和膝盖严重受伤,这位60岁的老人已经接受了10多次手术",可知表示"荣耀与困难相伴而生"的选项E符合前后的逻辑关系,上段叙述她的成就,本段说明她的伤痛,故选E。
    ④细节理解题。根据前句She eventually decided t wrk fr USA Vlleyball that year表示"她最终决定在那年为美国排球队工作",可知表示"这个决定在中国引起了很多负面评论"的选项G符合前后的逻辑关系,decided是原词复现,故选G。
    ⑤推理判断题。根据前句There is n dubt that Lang is ne f the greatest players and caches in histry. As an American athlete cmmented in the dcumentary表示"毫无疑问,郎平是历史上最伟大的球员和教练之一。正如一位美国运动员在纪录片中评论的那样",可知表示"郎平在我们心目中就像迈克尔•乔丹"的选项F符合前后的逻辑关系,an American athlete和Michael Jrdan是关联词,故选F。
    解析:根据第三段中的He drew the cmputer n the blackbard可推知,这所学校没有电脑。cmputer意为“电脑”,符合题意。classrm意为“教室”;playgrund意为“操场”;tl意为“工具”。
    解析:根据第三段中的He drew the cmputer n the blackbard可知,此处指他在黑板上画了一台电脑来教学生。draw是原词复现,故选D。项。perate意为“操作”;repair意为“修理”;describe意为“描述”。
    解析:根据空后Owura made sure each buttn was drawn crrectly可知,奥武拉老师确保每个按钮都画对了,而电脑和键盘上有很多按钮和按键,因此人们对此会感到惊讶。surprised意为“感到惊讶的”,符合题意。wrried意为“担心的”;disappinted意为“失望的”;afraid意为“害怕的”。
    解析:句意:他每天都会提前半小时来学校。schedule意为“时间表,日程安排”,ahead f schedule意为“提前”,因此C项符合题意。line意为“路线”;culture意为“文化”;schl意为“学校”。
    解析:根据空前的but和空后的t start the next class可推知,为了开始下一堂课,他画的电脑必须被擦掉。rub ff意为“擦掉”,因此A项符合题意。call ff意为“取消”;cut ff意为“切掉;隔离”;shw ff意为“炫耀”。
    解析:根据下文的They first tk him t an internatinal educatrs' meeting in Singapre和Owura gt the thing he always wanted fr his students可知,微软公司邀请他去参加了一个国际教育工作者会议,并且他还得到了他一直想给学生的东西,所以说他的努力得到了回报。pay ff意为“取得成功,得到好结果”,符合题意。break ut意为“爆发”;cme back意为“回来”;hld back意为“抑制”。
    解析:根据下一句They first tk him t an internatinal educatrs' meeting in Singapre可知,微软公司邀请他去参加了一个国际教育工作者会议,由此推知该公司注意到了他的行为。take ntice f意为“注意到”,因此D项符合题意。take care f意为“关心,照顾”;take charge f意为“接管,负责”;take place f意为“发生;替代”。
    解析:根据下文的after the speech可知,他在会议上做了演讲。speech意为“发言,演讲,讲话”,符合题意。plan意为“计划”;decisin意为“决定”;medal意为“奖牌”。
    解析:根据空后的Owura gt the thing he always wanted fr his students可知,对他来说,比起发言受到大家的肯定,更重要的是他得到了他一直想给学生的东西。imprtantly意为“重要的是”,符合题意。suddenly意为“突然”;hpelessly意为“绝望地”;strangely意为“奇怪地”。
    32、答案:①useful②the③with④cuntries⑤wh/that⑥will becme⑦spken⑧is recgnized⑨simply⑩learning
    ②考查冠词。句意:在世界上大多数国家,英语是使用最广泛的第二语言。根据语境和mst widely可知,此处意为"最广泛的",使用副词最高级需用定冠词the修饰。故填the。
    ③考查介词。句意:无论一个人是去国外旅行,还是为了商业目的与来自其他国家的人交流,英语都是一种每一步都能派上用场的语言。cmmunicate with sb.为固定短语,意为"与某人交流"。故填with。
    ⑥考查动词时态。句意:在未来,中国将成为世界经济的领导者,这是学习普通话的最佳时机,这种语言有数百万人使用。分析句子可知,此处为主句谓语动词,根据时间状语In the future可知,是发生在将来的事情,用一般将来时。故填will becme。
    ⑦考查非谓语动词。句意:在未来,中国将成为世界经济的领导者,这是学习普通话的最佳时机,这种语言有数百万人使用。分析句子结构,句子已有谓语动词will becme,空处需填非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰名词language,speak和language为逻辑上的动宾关系,需填过去分词形式。故填spken。
    ⑧考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:法语被认为是最值得学习的语言之一,仅仅因为它是北非和西非的主要语言。分析句子结构,空处缺少谓语动词,此处陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,French和realize为被动关系,需用一般现在时的被动语态。主语French为不可数名词,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填is realized。
    解析:There is n dubt毫无疑问,dubt前否定词n,用that引导,没有否定词用whether引导,be familiar t意思是:为..所熟悉;被某人熟悉,be familiar with(某人)对某事熟悉.根据句意:毫无疑问,这个小村庄对他很熟悉,他几乎什么都知道.故选:B.
    解析:根据句子中的状语ver the past years(在过去的几年里)可知句子要用现在完成时(has/have dne),由于句子的主语The number f teenagers(青少年的人数)与reduce(动词,减少)之间是动宾关系,所以要用现在完成时的被动语态(has/have been dne),又因为The number f teenagers 做主语,谓语动词要用单数,所以用has been dne.故选:B.
    解析:A. cut ff隔绝;B. cutting ff割掉;C. cut up 切碎;D. cutting up切碎;find + n+ dne,宾语themselves与cut ff之间表被动,用过去分词,根据句意:由于无法上网,他们发现自己与外界隔绝了.故选:A.
    解析:考查情态动词。句意:你知道Tny在哪里?他一定在客厅。我刚才看到他在那里。shall用于第二、第三人称,常表示说话人给对方命令、警告、允诺或威胁;shuld have been 意思为“本应该做……,但实际上没有做”;might have dne 意思为“可能已经……”,表示对过去发生事情可能性的推测。根据语境“I saw him there just nw.”可知,说话人是对现在情况作出肯定的猜测;must+动词原形可表示对现在情况肯定的猜测,意思为“一定,肯定”。故选D项。
    解析:本题考查非限制性定语从句.第一空为限制性定语从句,先行词是the last factry,在从句中作wrk at 的宾语,故省略关系代词that;第二空是非限制性定语从句,先行词是the last factry,在从句中作介词f的宾语,故用which来引导该定语从句.故选:C.
    解析:此题考查名词性从句中连接词的选择。连接词that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,也没有任何意义,连接代词what指代物,在名词性从句中作主语、宾语和表语,意思是“什么”,没有选择范围,连接代词which一般指代物,在名词性从句中作主语、宾语和表语,意思是“哪一个”,有选择范围,连接代词wh指代人,在名词性从句中作主语、宾语和表语,意思是"谁"。"__ they hpe will be the best means f transprt in the 21st century"是create后面所跟的宾语从句,在宾语从句中,they hpe是插入语,此空在宾语从句中作主语,指代物,没有选择范围,根据前面分析,故选D。
    解析:考查定语从句。根据题干可知定语从句不缺成分,先行词是a lng race,表示地点,故用where。故该题答案为A。
    解析:分析可知,"the schl library prvide mre bks n ppular science"应是之前名词“students' suggestin”的同位语从句,解释说明其具体内容。
    解析:分析句子结构可知,句子谓语动词是be动词is,空格处是非谓语动词作后置定语,lie和the man是主动关系,所以用现在分词.故选:D.
    解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:南方下了大雨,在几个省份造成了严重的洪水。这里用现在分词的一般式作结果状语,表示由因rain heavily 造成果causing serius flding,动作同时发生。故选B。
    解析:本题考查非谓语动词.tired(人)感到疲倦的;tiring(物)令人疲倦的,令人厌烦的;第一空需要过去分词说明我们"感到疲倦的";stp t d sth.停下来去做……,动词不定式表示目的;stp ding sth.停止正在做的事;语境中指"停下来去欣赏",第二空需要不定式.故选:D.
    解析:It's n use ding sth.为固定用法,表示“做某事没用/只是白费力气”,本句中也符合该句型结构,it是形式宾语,后面用动名词做真正的宾语.所以后面用trying.故选:C.
    解析:A.That wuld be great 太好了;B.Dn't bther.别打扰;C.I'm afraid nt我恐怕不是这样;D.Take care.保重.根据are yu sure it's nt t much truble?可知表示同意,故选A项
    解析: A选项那个;B选项哪一个;C选项哪里;D选项作为,分析句子可知,此处是定语从句关系词,先行词the persns and places在从句中充当宾语,应用关系代词,又因先行词有人又有物,应用关系代词that,故选A.
    解析:由句意可知,______ my father wke me up and tld me t watch the ftball game作定语修饰the middle f the night,所填词引导定语从句,该定语从句中缺少时间状语,用in which/when来连接,因此选D。
    解析:分析句子可知,date在句子中不作谓语,且与其逻辑主语The White Hrse Temple是主动关系,所以用现在分词形式作状语,date back t追溯到;从……开始。故选:C。
    Recently, ur class had a heated discussin n the advantages and disadvantages f using cell phnes amng middle schl students. Their pinins are divided.
    Sme f my classmates hld the view that with the develpment f infrmatin technlgy, we are enjying the cnvenience that cell phnes have brught us. First f all, with cell phnes, we can surf the Internet whenever we like s as t lk up whatever we want. Mrever, it is mre cnvenient fr us t keep in tuch with ur friends and families.
    Hwever, ther classmates think that cell phnes will affect ur learning severely because they find their friends addicted t playing nline games. What’s wrse, sme students even bring their cell phnes t class secretly, definitely distracting their attentin.
    As far as I am cncerned, schls shuld make it a rule that students shuld hand in their cell phnes at schl since study is ur pririty.
    解析:高分句型一Sme f my classmates hld the view that with the develpment f infrmatin technlgy, we are enjying the cnvenience that cell phnes have brught us.
    分析:句子里,说明名词the view的内容, that引导同位语从句with the develpment f infrmatin technlgy, we are enjying the cnvenience that cell phnes have brught us;其中that引导定语从句cell phnes have brught us.
    高分句型二Hwever, ther classmates think that cell phnes will affect ur learning severely because they find their friends addicted t playing nline games.
    分析:句子里,because 引导原因状语从句They find their friends addicted t playing nline games.

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