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    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection单元复习(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)
    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection单元复习(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)01
    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection单元复习(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)02
    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection单元复习(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)03
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection练习题

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection练习题,共16页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    On a day in Arkansas, sme fishermen saw a bear cub(幼兽)in a tree. As hurs went by, its mther didn’t return. S they called wildlife bilgist(生物学家) Eastridge.
    The bear cub was sick and hungry, weighing nly 5 punds and with his eyes nt cmpletely pen. Eastridge called Lisa Stewart, wh wrks at Appalachian Bear Rescue in Tennessee. Stewart always makes rm fr a new cub.
    She named the bear Miracle because she thught it was a miracle that he had survived! As sn as she culd, she stpped having cntact with the cub s he wuld nt becme t used t humans. When the cub arrived, Stewart cleaned his eyes and put him in a huse alne. Since Miracle was already 5 mnths ld. Stewart gave him bwls f fd and anther bwl f a special frmula(配方奶粉), similar t a bear mther’s milk. Smetimes, Miracle wuld reach his head ut f his huse and take sme frmula r fd. But he wasn’t eating t much.
    Miracle was t weak t be with ther bears. S Stewart gave him a ty bear named Buddy. He tk it int his huse and cvered it with straw(稻草). He fed Buddy, t. Stewart ften fund the ty cvered in frmula and berries and its ears full f apple chunks. Nw that Miracle had Buddy, he came ut f his huse mre ften and wanted t eat.
    After tw mnths, Stewart intrduced Miracle t ther bears s they culd learn frm ne anther. She avided any direct cntact with Miracle and the ther bears. Stewart wanted t make sure they stayed afraid f humans s they culd g back int the wild again. She always hid behind a fence(栅栏) and threw fd ver the tp secretly. The bears hunted fr this fd as they wuld sn d in the wild.
    Five mnths later, Rick Eastridge returned t pick up a healthy 90-pund Miracle and anther bear frm Arkansas named Rcky. Eastridge laded the bears int bxes n his truck and transprted them back t the wild. As sn as the bear bxes were pened, the tw cubs ran fr the wds─where they belnged.
    1、What did Stewart d shrtly after the cub arrived?______
    A.She helped him eat fd.B.She cntacted with him.
    C.She settled him dwn.D.She named him Miracle.
    2、A ty bear was given t Miracle in rder t______.
    A.remind him nt t waste his fd
    B.kill his lnely time in his huse.
    C.develp his skills f making friends
    D.rid Miracle f its fear f humans
    3、Why did Stewart always give fd t Miracle in secret?______
    A.Because he culd learn hw t find fd in the wild.
    B.Because he was t weak t be frightened by humans.
    C.Because a gd relatinship culd be develped.
    D.Because she didn’t want t disturb his peaceful life.
    Gerge was a game warden(猎物繁殖和保护区的管理员) in Kenya. One day, he fund three tiny lins beside a dead liness. They were s little that their eyes had nt yet pened. Sadly, he tk the three little lins and drve back hme.
    When Gerge gt ut f the car with the baby lins, his wife Jy Adamsn immediately tk ver. Jy had cared fr many yung animals ver the years, but she had never tried t raise baby lins! Hwever, she was determined t save these babies.
    The lins grew rapidly. But as the lin grew bigger and strnger, Jy and Gerge realized they culd nt keep three large lins. They decided t present tw f the lins t a z; they wuld keep the smallest lin, which they named Elsa.
    Jy and Gerge taught Elsa t hunt and t prtect herself. Elsa liked t play with her human friends, but as Elsa grew t her adult size, this play became dangerus. Mre than nce, Elsa kncked Jy t the grund, scratching(抓伤) her. Jy and Gerge bth realized that it was time t find Elsa a new hme. They knew she needed a wild hme where she culd live the life she was brn t lead. Finally, Jy and Gerge decided t set Elsa free in Meru Park at the ft f Mt. Kenya.
    Elsa never frgt Jy and Gerge. Whenever they camped nearby, Elsa wuld cme t visit, rubbing her head against their legs in greeting.
    Jy missed Elsa, but was happy that she had made a successful life as a wild lin. Jy wrte a bk abut Elsa, Brn Free, which became an internatinal bestseller. Jy traveled all ver the wrld, talking abut the imprtance f saving the wild animals f the wrld.
    Jy lived ut her life in Africa, wrking with wild animals. She wrte mre bks abut her experiences. Her heart felt interest in animals and her great lve fr Elsa helped inspire(激发) a wrldwide mvement t prtect wildlife. Fr Jy Adamsn, there was n greater gift than the beauty and spirit f wild animals, living free.
    4、When Gerge tk the three lins hme, his wife ________.
    A. advised him t give them t a zB. was frightened by their appearances
    C. was unwilling t care fr themD. had a great lve fr them
    5、Jy and Gerge set Elsa free because ________.
    A. Elsa scratched JyB. there wasn’t enugh fd fr Elsa
    C. Elsa was big and strngD. Elsa was a danger t their neighbrs
    6、What d we knw abut the bk Brn Free frm the text?
    A. It became very ppular.
    B. It is mainly abut Jy’s experiences in Meru Park.
    C. It fcuses n wild animals in Kenya.
    D. It helped change peple’s attitudes twards wildlife.
    7、What’s the best title fr the text?
    A. Jy Adamsn: living with linsB. Elsa: lin raised by a human
    C. Brn Free: a wnderful bkD. Gerge: a game warden
    Hw des an ecsystem(生态系统) wrk? What makes the ppulatins f different species the way they are? Why are there s many flies and s few wlves? T find an answer, scientists have built mathematical mdels f fd webs, nting wh eats whm and hw much each ne eats.
    With such mdels, scientists have fund ut sme key principles perating in fd webs. Mst fd webs, fr instance, cnsist f many weak links rather than a few strng nes. When a predatr(掠食动物) always eats huge numbers f a single prey(猎物), the tw species are strngly linked; when a predatr lives n varius species, they are weakly linked. Fd webs may be dminated by many weak links because that arrangement is mre stable ver the lng term. If a predatr can eat several species, it can survive the extinctin f ne f them. And if a predatr can mve n t anther species that is easier t find when a prey species becmes rare, the switch allws the riginal prey t recver. The weak links may thus keep species frm driving ne anther t extinctin.
    Mathematical mdels have als revealed that fd webs may be unstable, where small changes f tp predatrs can lead t big effects thrughut entire ecsystems. In the 1960s, scientists prpsed that predatrs at the tp f a fd web had a surprising amunt f cntrl ver the size f ppulatins f ther species—including species they did nt directly attack.
    And unplanned human activities have prved the idea f tp-dwn cntrl by tp predatrs t be true. In the cean, we fished fr tp predatrs such as cd n an industrial scale, while n land, we killed ff large predatrs such as wlves. These actins have greatly affected the eclgical balance.
    Scientists have built an early-warning system based n mathematical mdels. Ideally, the system wuld tell us when t adapt human activities that are pushing an ecsystem tward a breakdwn r wuld even allw us t pull an ecsystem back frm the brderline. Preventin is key, scientists say because nce ecsystems pass their tipping pint(临界点), it is remarkably difficult fr them t return.
    8、What have scientists discvered with the help f mathematical mdels f fd webs?
    A. The living habits f species in fd webs.
    B. The rules gverning fd webs f the ecsystems.
    C. The appraches t studying the species in the ecsystems.
    D. The differences between weak and strng links in fd webs.
    9、A strng link is fund between tw species when a predatr ________.
    A. has a wide fd chiceB. can easily find new prey
    C. sticks t ne prey speciesD. can quickly mve t anther place
    10、What will happen if the ppulatins f tp predatrs in a fd web greatly decline?
    A. The prey species they directly attack will die ut.
    B. The species they indirectly attack will turn int tp predatrs.
    C. The living envirnment f ther species will remain unchanged.
    D. The ppulatins f ther species will experience unexpected changes.
    11、Hw des an early-warning system help us maintain the eclgical balance?
    A. By getting illegal practices under cntrl.
    B. By stpping us frm killing large predatrs.
    C. By signaling the urgent need fr taking preventive actin.
    D. By bringing the brken-dwn ecsystems back t nrmal.
    Mre and mre birds are flying t settle in Qinghai Lake, ne f the highest inland lakes in China, thanks t the prtectin effrts f the lcal gvernment. Cvering an area f ver 4,000 square kilmeters, Qinghai Lake is als the cuntry's biggest salt lake.
    Lcated in Qinghai Prvince f Nrthwest China, the lake is famus fr the tw islands at its nrthwest pint—Crmrant Island and Egg Island. The tw islands have plenty f flating grass and varius fish, ffering rich fd surces t birds. The islands have becme a paradise fr different kinds f grups f birds and have been called "Bird Islands".
    Each March and April, when ice and snw cvering the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(高原) start t melt, ver 20 kinds f birds fly t the Bird Islands t lay eggs. During the mnths, flcks f birds cver the whle sky ver the islands and bird eggs can be fund everywhere. Visitrs can hear the singing f birds frm miles away. These have becme a wrld-famus symbl f the lake.
    T prtect this paradise fr birds and supprt calls fr eclgical prtectin, China set up the Qinghai Lake Natinal Natural Reserve at the end f 1997. Meanwhile, the State has pinted ut that the Bird Islands and Spring Bay f Qinghai Lake were central reserves.
    Inspectrs and cnservatrs ften patrl(巡逻) the lake, enriching lcal residents' knwledge f related laws and spreading knwledge abut animal prtectin t visitrs. They are making great effrts t call n peple t lve and prtect the birds. At the same time, they have built special fences arund the island area t prevent wlves, fxes and ther carnivrus animals, as well as illegal hunters frm breaking up the birds' building nests, laying eggs and breeding(繁殖). As a result, mre and mre birds are cming t the islands fr sheltering and breeding.
    12、Why are mre and mre birds cining t the biggest salt lake in Nrthwest China?
    A.Because it is getting warmer and warmer.
    B.Because it is being refrmed.
    C.Because the envirnment is getting mre agreeable t them t live in.
    D.Because the peple there are becming richer and richer.
    13、What d the birds feed n?
    A.Flating fish and varius grass.
    B.Grass grwing in the water and different kinds f fish.
    C.Salt water and plenty f grains.
    D.Crn frm the lcal farmers.
    14、Accrding t the passage, we can infer that _____.
    A.ver 20 kinds f birds cme t the Bird Islands befre March
    B.flcks f birds fly up t the whle sky ver the islands t lay eggs
    C.visitrs can see the birds frm miles away
    D.the gvernment has taken many measures t prtect the district
    15、This passage is mst prbably taken frm _____.
    A.a newspaperB.a dcumentC.a strybkD.a science bk
    16、Where D Msquites(蚊子)G in Winter?
    Why d msquites, everywhere in warmer mnths, disappear cmpletely in winter?① Msquites are cld­blded insects, meaning that they dn't like the cld and prefer temperatures that are 80 degrees Fahrenheit (华氏温度) r mre. When the temperature drps, they actually lse their ability t fly and becme mtinless.
    ②______ They wuld never be able t fly far enugh. The actual answer t the questin is different fr male and female msquites. Male msquites? They die. But that's nt just because f the cld. Male msquites have far shrter lifespans(寿命) than females, and they die in autumn.
    Female msquites, thugh, can live thrugh the winter. They hibernate (冬眠). In autumn, the females will g int hllw lgs r cracks in the grund and enter this still state.③______They put ff their develpment, typically fr mnths.
    When it warms up again, the females will cme ut frm hibernatin. At this pint, they're getting ready t lay their eggs and they need as much bld as pssible t help the eggs develp. The females must find a bld meal t prvide the prtein needed by their eggs t develp, just in the time, when humans are utdrs in shrt sleeves enjying the warming weather.④______
    It actually desn't have t be what we humans wuld cnsider “cld” t put a msquit in danger. While these pests live actively when it's arund 80 degrees F, mst species can start heading int hibernatin when it drps t arund 50.⑤______This is when female msquites start lking fr a place fr sleep.
    A. The bvius answer is that it's cld.
    B. Nw it's time fr male msquites t wake up.
    C. It's nly the female msquites that are biting yu.
    D. Unlike birds, msquites dn't fly suth fr the winter.
    E. Anything belw 50 degrees is already t cld fr mst msquites.
    F. They carry n with life nly when there is enugh water fr their needs.
    G. They can hibernate fr up t six mnths in freezing r waterless cnditins.
    Grwing up in the USA, I always wanted t experience anther culture. The ___1__ came when I was 15. After a few mnths f planning and ___2__, I was ready t spend the secnd semester f my first high schl year ___3__ an exchange student in Australia.
    ___4___ in Perth was ne f the mst exciting mments f my life. I realized then that there was n turning back. The family I wuld live with was waiting fr me, and it wuld nly be five days ___5___ the new schl year. The schl I attended was ___6__ my schl back in the States. I was quite __7___ at first, especially never having been t a new schl — even in the US. Everything went withut ___8__, thugh. The teachers were welcming and the students were friendly.
    The mst ___9___ time was travelling with ther exchange students arund Australia during ur semester break. The few weeks we ___10__ tgether were full f amazing activities.
    At the end f ur ___11___ in Australia, we had three weeks t share ur stries and help each ther deal with leaving. It was __12___ that ur last day tgether was filled with tears. We packed ur camp, ___13___ e-mail addresses and gathered tgether fr a final gd-bye.
    Upn cming hme, an pen mind was again imprtant. Resettling hme tk time and ___14__, but at last I made it. All the while, I was thughtful t letting my family and friends knw hw happy I was t be hme and hw much I had missed them — thugh the experience is still ___15__ with me. S, if yu have the pprtunity t study abrad yu mst certainly shuld.
    17、A. taskB. dreamC. chanceD. vacatin
    18、A. packingB. cnvincingC. perfrmingD. preparing
    19、A. asB. nC. frD. with
    20、A. FlyingB. LandingC. WrkingD. Studying
    21、A. sinceB. untilC. afterD. befre
    22、A. similar tB. different frmC. as gd asD. the same as
    23、A. excitedB. annyedC. wrriedD. cnfused
    24、A. hpeB. dubtC. difficultiesD. argument
    25、A. valuableB. acceptableC. cmfrtable D. unfrgettable
    26、A. spentB. livedC. studiedD. wrked
    27、A. stayB. visitC. tripD. hlidays
    28、A. funnyB. naturalC. strangeD. simple
    29、A. madeB. wrteC. sharedD. exchanged
    30、A. effrtB. mneyC. abilityD. wisdm
    31、A. sadlyB. clearlyC. livelyD. amazingly
    Huang Shunjie might have the best jb in the wrld. The 24-year-ld is ①________ panda phtgrapher and zkeeper. Huang spends each day ②________ (lk) after 18 baby pandas at the Giant Panda Prtectin and Research Center in China. He prepares their meals, checks n their health and ③________ (carry) them between their sleeping pens and their public enclsure (围场).
    “I can get very clse t the baby pandas, ④________ makes many peple jealus (忌妒的),” Huang says.
    Any jb ⑤________ (certain) has dwnsides. In Huang’s case, it’s the regular scratches (抓伤) he gets frm the 45 - t 55-pund bears. But it’s a small price t pay t spend each day with the cute pandas.
    “I’m a full-time daddy fr these baby pandas,” says Huang. “If I take sme ⑥________ (day) ff t g hme, I feel empty inside.”
    Fr many years, giant pandas were ne f the wrld’s mst endangered creatures as cnstructin destryed their ⑦________ (nature) habitat in bamb frests.
    But ppulatins have recvered in recent years due ⑧________ prgrams t help pandas breed (繁殖). Tday, there ⑨________ (be) 1,864 pandas in the wild, up frm nly 1, 114 in the 1970s, accrding t China’s Natinal Frestry and Grassland Administratin. Tw-thirds f ⑩_______ (they) live acrss 67 nature reserves.
    33、假定你是李华,请你写一篇号召人们保护珍稀鸟类 (rare birds) 的校报文章,内容包括:
    1. 保护珍稀鸟类的重要性;2.人类活动对珍稀鸟类的伤害;3.保护珍稀鸟类的方法。
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    My dear fellw students,
    Li Hua
    34、阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。
    It was dark, cld and raining n December 24. James left his ffice and walked slwly acrss the street t the parking place. He was very tired. He tk ut his car key and put dwn his umbrella. He put the key int the lck and turned it. Nthing happened. The dr wuld nt pen. Then James realised that it was the wrng car. His car was red, but this ne was dark blue. “Oh dear! I must have parked in a different place this mrning,” he thught. Putting up his umbrella, he set ff t lk fr his car. The rain pured dwn and the evening gt clder and clder.
    Having walked rund all the side streets, James didn't find his car. He was exhausted and angry. “Smene must have stlen my car,” he thught. “Nw I shall have t g t the plice statin and reprt it.” The pliceman there was very helpful. He wrte dwn a descriptin f James' car and then tk his address and telephne number. As James was leaving, the pliceman wished him a merry Christmas.
    “Christmas!” thught James. “Oh n! I've frgtten all abut Christmas. I haven't bught my wife a present and nw all the shps are shut. What shall I d?” When waiting fr the bus, he gt wetter and mre miserable (难受的). He had n umbrella and the rain flwed dwn int his cllar. He felt like bursting int tears.
    When James gt hme, he fund his wife standing n a chair and lking fr smething in a very high cupbard. “What are yu ding, Jessica?” he asked. “The big gld star fr the Christmas tree,” Jessica replied. “Just a mment. I'll g int the garage (车库) and fetch the stepladder (梯子) fr yu,” said James. When James saw the well­decrated Christmas tree and lts f presents under it, he felt even mre unhappy. “What a lvely tree!” he thught as he went dwnstairs, “I haven't even gt ne present fr Jessica. I've lst my car and I'm cmpletely wet. I must have lst my umbrella, t.”
    2. 续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好。
    As James pened the garage dr, he sptted smething, frzen in amazement.
    Pleased t knw his car was there, James entered the rm with the present.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Eastridge called Lisa Stewart, wh wrks at Appalachian Bear Rescue in Tennessee. Stewart always makes rm fr a new cub.(伊斯特里奇打电话给丽莎·斯图尔特,她在田纳西州的阿巴拉契亚熊救援中心工作。斯图尔特总是给新来的幼崽腾出地方来。)”可知,在幼崽到达后不久斯图尔特让它安定下来。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“Miracle was t weak t be with ther bears. S Stewart gave him a ty bear named Buddy.(奇迹太虚弱了,无法和其他熊在一起。所以斯图尔特给了它一个叫巴迪的玩具熊。)”可推断,给奇迹一个玩具熊,是为了打发它在家里的寂寞时光。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。倒数第二段“Stewart wanted t make sure they stayed afraid f humans s they culd g back int the wild again. She always hid behind a fence(栅栏)and threw fd ver the tp secretly. The bears hunted fr this fd as they wuld sn d in the wild.(她避免与奇迹和其他熊直接接触。斯图尔特想确保它们对人类保持恐惧,这样它们就可以再次回到野外。她总是躲在篱笆后面,偷偷地把食物从上面扔过去。熊们像在野外一样寻找食物。)”可知,斯图尔特总是秘密地给奇迹食物是因为确保它可以学会如何在野外找到食物。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Jy Adamsn immediately tk ver”以及下文描述Jy多年来一直照料其他小动物可知,Jy第一眼看到三只狮子幼崽时就对它们爱不释手。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“as Elsa grew t her adult size”以及“They knew she needed... t lead.”可知,随着Elsa长大,Jy和Gerge的家已经限制了Elsa的成长,不再适合她继续待下去。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“which became an internatinal bestseller”可知这本书很受欢迎。
    解析:标题归纳题。文章主要讲述了Jy Adamsn和三只被领养的狮子幼崽之一Elsa的故事,以及她为保护野生动物所作的贡献,由此可知A项作为标题最贴切、全面。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的"Mre and mre birds are flying t settle in Qinghai Lake, ne f the highest inland lakes in China, thanks t the prtectin effrts f the lcal gvernment." 以及下文可知, 越来越多的鸟飞到青海湖栖息一方面是由于当地政府对环境保护所做出的努力, 另一方面是因为那里有充足的食物来源, 也就是说那里的环境越来越适合鸟类生存。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的"The tw islands have plenty f flating grass and varius fish, ffering rich fd surces t birds." 可知, 两个岛上有丰富的水草与各种鱼类, 为鸟类提供了丰富的食物。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四、五段及第一段中的"thanks t the prtectin effrts f the lcal gvernment" 可知, 政府已经采取了很多措施保护这片区域。
    解析:推理判断题。通读全文可知, 本文主要讲的是由于当地政府对环境的保护, 越来越多的鸟来到青海湖。这篇文章很有可能出现在报纸上, 是一篇新闻报道。
    16、答案:①-⑤ ADGCE
    解析:①根据上文"Why d msquites, everywhere in warmer mnths. disappear cmpletely in winter? "询问为什么冬天蚊子消失,而温暖的月份蚊子到处都是?,而A项"显然是因为寒冷"则是前句的答案,前后句一问一答,故选A项。
    ②根据下文"They wuld never be able t fly far enugh."它们永远飞不了那么远,而D项"不像小鸟,蚊子不会冬天飞到南方去。"承接下文。故选D项。
    ③根据上文"They hibernate(冬眠),"蚊子是冬眠的,而G项"它们可以在冰冻或无水的条件下冬眠长达6个月"与其前后照应,句中hibernate为关键词。故选G项。
    ④根据上文"The females must find a bld meal t prvide the prtein(蛋白质)needed by their eggs t develp. just in the time. when humans are utdrs in shrt sleeves enjying the warming weather."可知母蚊子必须找血液提供蛋白质以便繁殖,这个季节,人们开始穿半袖。而C项"这个时候只有母蚊子叮咬你。"与前句构成因果关系。故选C项。
    ⑤根据上文"While these pests live actively when it's arund 80 degrees F, mst species can start heading int hibernatin when it drps t arund 50."和后文"This is when female msquites start lking fr a place fr sleep."可知大部分的生物在温度低于50度时,开始冬眠,这时候母蚊子也开始寻找冬眠的地方,而E项"任何于50度的地方对于蚊子来说已经太冷了"在该句中为过渡句。故选E项。
    解析:根据上文“I always wanted t experience anther culture.”和后文的“an exchange student in Australia.”可知,作者一直想要体验另一种文化,后来去澳大利亚做交换生,由此可知,作者的机会(chance)来了。
    解析:根据下文“an exchange student in Australia.”可知,作者经过几个月的计划和准备(preparing)成了交换生。
    解析:根据下文“I realized then that there was n turning back.”可知,作者坐飞机降落在(landing)澳洲的珀斯,这是作者一生中最激动的时刻。
    解析:作者在澳大利亚新学校,结合常识可知,澳大利亚学校和美国学校不一样(different frm)。
    解析:根据下文“especially never having been t a new schl”可知,因为作者从未去过新学校,所以一开始作者很担心(wrried).
    解析:根据空后制词thugh和"The teachers were welcming and the students were friendly. "可知,一切进展顺利,没有困难(difficulty).
    解析:根掘下文" full f amazing activities."可知.因为和其他交换生一起环游澳大利亚有很多令人惊讶的活动,所以这段时刻让作者难忘(unfrgetable)。
    解析:根据下文“help each ther deal with leaving”可知,因为作者他们要离开澳大利亚了,所以空处指他们在澳大利亚停留(stay)的最后阶段。
    ②考查动词-ing形式。spend time ding sth. 花时间做某事。
    ⑥考查可数名词的复数。设空处作宾语,表示“天”,day是可数名词,由空前的sme可知,此处应填days。take sme days ff 休几天假。
    ⑧考查固定搭配。由语境可知,此处表示“由于”,故填介词t。due t 由于。
    ⑩考查代词。设空处作宾语,指代上文中的1,864 pandas,故填them。
    My dear fellw students,
    I’m writing t appeal t yu t prtect rare birds. It’s well-knwn that rare birds make ur wrld mre beautiful and lively, playing a significant rle in maintaining the balance f ur ecsystem.
    Hwever, human activities like hunting directly cause ppulatins f rare birds t fall. Building farms r factries and the destructin f the frests have led t the lss f their habitats.
    T prtect rare birds, firstly we shuld raise ur awareness abut the imprtance f rare birds. In additin, creating prtected areas is an effective way t prtect their habits. Let’s wrk tgether fr rare birds.
    Li Hua

    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection习题: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002234_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 2 Wildlife protection习题</a>,共10页。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection课后复习题: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002234_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 2 Wildlife protection课后复习题</a>,共7页。试卷主要包含了vt, hunt vt, mass adj, reserve n,  2,make ut 11等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection同步训练题: 这是一份英语必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection同步训练题,共16页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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