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    时量:120分钟 满分:150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C.£9.15.
    1. Hw many students visited the Buckingham Palace?
    A. Twelve. B. Ten. C. Six.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In an airplane. B. In a classrm. C. In a kitchen.
    ★ 3.What is the man’s attitude twards the wman’s advice?
    A. Ambiguus. B. Supprtive. C. Disapprving.
    4. What des the man dislike abut his living place?
    A. The surrundings. B. The nise. C. The neighbrs.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Whales. B. The weather. C. A sail.
    6.What des the wman d?
    A. She des interviews.
    B. She rganizes training.
    C. She psts jb advertisements.
    7. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She wrks in a training schl.
    B. She is ding a stressful jb.
    C. She will receive training.
    8.Why did the wman chse t be a teacher as a prfessin?
    A. Because f the pressure frm her family.
    B. Because f a teacher’s encuragement.
    C. Because f the passin fr the wrk.
    9.What des the wman think is the best part f her jb?
    A. Being with children.
    B. Winning thers’ respect.
    C. Learning different things.
    10. What des the wman want her students t be?
    A. Lifelng learners. B. Creative thinkers. C. Gd cmmunicatrs.
    11. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student.
    12.What des the man think f starting ne’s wn business?
    A. Interesting. B. Helpful. C. Difficult.
    13. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She hasn’t decided what t d.
    B. She will start her wn business.
    C. She prefers living a peaceful life.
    14.Wh prbably is the wman?
    A. A student. B.A parent. C.A receptinist.
    15.When will the part-time curse end?
    A. On July 29th. B. On August 26th. C. On August 29th.
    16.Hw much des it cst t take a full-time curse and live in a drmitry?
    A.$1,000. B.$1,160. C.$1,320.
    17.What des the man think f the price f the drmitry?
    A. High. B. Lw. C. Reasnable.
    18.When did Hemingway prduce his first cllectin f shrt stries?
    A. In 1923. B. In 1929. C. In 1952.
    19. What is his first nvel abut?
    A. His experiences during Wrld War I.
    B. The time when he wrked as a reprter.
    C. Thse gifted but lnely and angry peple.
    20.Why culd Hemingway win the Nbel Prize fr Literature accrding t the speaker?
    A. He wrte many bks and stries.
    B. He wrte it with his wn persnal experiences.
    C. He wrte abut his childhd.
    The STAR Ec Statin is an envirnmental science museum, a wildlife rescue center, and a shelter fr endangered and illegally-traded freign animals cnfiscated (没收) by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It carries ut the missin “Preservatin thrugh Educatin” by educating visitrs abut the preservatin f the envirnment and the inter-dependence f all living things.
    Field trips
    STAR Ec Statin hsts field trips fr schls and camps thrughut Suthern Califrnia. Each field trip lasts tw hurs, cnsisting f a ne-hur gathering and a ne-hur tur f the facility, with lessns assciated with Califrnia State Science Standards.
    Thrughut the field trip, students learn abut the latest develpments in envirnmental prtectin and the ways in which wildlife interacts with varius ecsystems. The students als receive an up-clse and hands-n experience with ur rescued freign wildlife. The tur includes different envirnmental exhibits that shwcase the ways students can help prtect animals in the wild.
    Field trips are ffered n weekdays nly, frm 10 p.m. r 12 p.m. The rate is $6 per visitr, bth child and adult, with a $120 minimum. We ffer ne free adult per 10 children fr grups f 40 r mre. Maximum capacity is 120 peple per field trip.
    Public turs
    Guided turs f the STAR Ec Statin intrduce visitrs t ver tw hundred rescued freign wildlife. Each tur is led by an Ec Statin staff member, and features fun animal facts, hands-n animal encunters, surprising rescue stries, envirnmental exhibits, and riginal appraches t ging green. Visitrs may nly see the animals n a guided tur, fr bth yur safety and the safety f ur animals.
    The guided tur lasts apprximately 45-60 minutes. Public turs are ffered n Saturday and Sunday, frm 10 p.m. (last tur begins at 3 p.m.). Our guided public turs start every hur n the hur. Visitrs are served n a first-cme, first-served basis. N reservatins are required. Hwever, turs may sell ut. We suggest larger grups schedule a private tur.
    Our regular public turs times are subject t change withut ntice. Please call in advance fr the mst up-t-date infrmatin.
    1. The STAR Ec Statin aims t ________ .
    A. help research wildlife abradB. raise awareness f wildlife prtectin
    C. cllect mney fr animal sheltersD. prvide a knwledge f unusual animals
    2. What can students d during a field trip?
    A. Make a speech n the envirnment.B. Take part in freign wildlife rescue.
    C Get t knw why species get endangered.D. Learn hw living things affect each ther.
    3. Fr a guided tur, visitrs shuld knw that________.
    A. large grups are served firstB. it is available n weekdays
    C. its time culd changeD. bking is needed
    “Meet me in the cnference rm with the cntracts and a cup f cffee,” my bss barked at me. “Ten minutes. ”
    I didn’t respnd. I std still as if my shes had been glued t the flr. I had n intentin f taking a cup f anything t anyne, supervisr r nt.
    I had seen with my wn eyes what such behavir did t a wman. It happened t Mrs. Wilsn next dr. Old Mr. Wilsn culdn’t put in his wn false teeth withut his wife’s assistance, let alne make himself lunch. It was a miserable unin. I vwed by age eight that I wuld never live like her. I adpted the mtt: Dn’t help thse wh wn’t help themselves.
    I rushed t the file rm and pulled my phne. I explained t my father what had happened and asked his advice n what t d, nly t be asked back. He must have frgtten the unwritten rule between us abut nt answering a questin with a questin. Frtunately, I came up with an idea that wuld have the best f bth wrlds.
    I tk up the files and headed fr the cffee pt. I tk tw cups and made tw cups f cffee. Then I walked int the bss’ ffice with a cup f cffee in each hand. I handed my bss a cup f cffee and drank at the same time as him.
    “Let’s take a break,” partway thrugh the meeting, my bss std, saying. “I need mre cffee.” I picked up my empty cup. “I d, t,” I said, and handed it t him acrss the table. “Thanks,” I added, lking at him expectantly. The bss was staggered fr a mment, and then tk the cup frm me.
    When I finally left my bss’ ffice, I hid in the bathrm and called my dad. My father’s laughter n the phne made me feel even pruder.
    4. Why des the authr mentin the Wilsns?
    A. T shw hw the cuple grew ld tgether.
    B. T picture what she will be like when she ages.
    C. T stress her ppsitin t inequality in sciety.
    D. T explain her unwillingness t serve the cffee.
    5 What did the authr mean by bringing tw cups f cffee t meet the bss?
    A. She meant t share instead f serving.
    B. She planned t have the bss serve her later.
    C. She intended t play a trick n her mean bss.
    D. She wanted t save the truble f ding it again.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “staggered” mean in the sixth paragraph?
    A. Annyed.B. Shcked.C. Cnfused.D. Excited.
    7. What can we learn abut the authr frm the text?
    A. She figured ut hw t shw respect fr her superir.
    B. She fund it practical t seek slutins frm her father.
    C. She tk a sensible apprach t standing up fr herself.
    D. She cnsidered it significant t fight against men bravely.
    Plastic-Eating Wrms
    Humans prduce mre than 300 millin tns f plastic every year. Almst half f that winds up in landfills(垃圾填埋场), and up t 12 millin tns pllute the ceans. S far there is n effective way t get rid f it, but a new study suggests an answer may lie in the stmachs f sme hungry wrms.
    Researchers in Spain and England recently fund that the wrms f the greater wax mth can break dwn plyethylene, which accunts fr 40% f plastics. The team left 100 wax wrms n a cmmercial plyethylene shpping bag fr 12 hurs, and the wrms cnsumed and brke dwn abut 92 milligrams, r almst 3% f it. T cnfirm that the wrms’ chewing alne was nt respnsible fr the plyethylene breakdwn, the researchers made sme wrms int paste(糊状物) and applied it t plastic films. 14 hurs later the films had lst 13% f their mass — apparently brken dwn by enzymes (酶) frm the wrms’ stmachs. Their findings were published in Current Bilgy in 2017.
    Federica Bertcchini, c-authr f the study, says the wrms’ ability t break dwn their everyday fd — beeswax — als allws them t break dwn plastic. "Wax is a cmplex mixture, but the basic bnd in plyethylene, the carbn-carbn bnd, is there as well, "she explains, "The wax wrm evlved a methd r system t break this bnd. "
    Jennifer DeBruyn, a micrbilgist at the University f Tennessee, wh was nt invlved in the study, says it is nt surprising that such wrms can break dwn plyethylene. But cmpared with previus studies, she finds the speed f breaking dwn in this ne exciting. The next step, DeBruyn says, will be t identify the cause f the breakdwn. Is it an enzyme prduced by the wrm itself r by its gut micrbes(肠道微生物)?
    Bertcchini agrees and hpes her team’s findings might ne day help emply the enzyme t break dwn plastics in landfills. But she expects using the chemical in sme kind f industrial prcess — nt simply "millins f wrms thrwn n tp f the plastic."
    8. What can we learn abut the wrms in the study?
    A. They take plastics as their everyday fd.
    B. They are newly evlved creatures.
    C. They can cnsume plastics.
    D. They wind up in landfills.
    9. Accrding t Jennifer DeBruyn, the next step f the study is t .
    A. identify ther means f the breakdwn
    B. find ut the surce f the enzyme
    C. cnfirm the research findings
    D increase the breakdwn speed
    10. It can be inferred frm the last paragraph that the chemical might .
    A. help t raise wrms
    B. help make plastic bags
    C. be used t clean the ceans
    D. be prduced in factries in future
    11. What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A. T explain a study methd n wrms.
    B. T intrduce the diet f a special wrm.
    C. T present a way t break dwn plastics.
    D. T prpse new means t keep ec-balance.
    Catherine Garland, a physics prfessr, started seeing “the prblem” in 2019. She’d laid ut the assignment clearly during an engineering curse, but student after student was calling her ver fr help. They were all getting the same errr message: The prgram culdn’t find their files.
    Garland thught it wuld be an easy fix. She asked each student where they had saved their prject. “Culd they be n the desktp? Perhaps in the Dcuments flder?” But ver and ver, she was met with cnfusin. “What are yu talking abut?” multiple students inquired. Gradually, Garland came t the realizatin: the cncept f file flders and directries, essential t previus generatins, understanding f cmputers, is gibberish t many mdern students.
    Garland’s mental mdel is cmmnly knwn as “directry structure”, the hierarchical system (层级体系) f flders used t arrange files. What have caused the mental mdel t change? It is pssible that many students spent their high schl years string dcuments in the clud strage like OneDrive and Drpbx rather than in physical spaces. It culd als have t d with the ther apps they’re accustmed t. “When I want t scrll (滚屏) ver t Snapchat, Twitter, they’re nt in any particular rder, but I knw exactly where they are,” says Vgel, wh is a devted iPhne user. Sme f it bils dwn t muscle memry.
    It may als be that in an age where every user interface includes a search functin, yung peple have never needed flders r directries. The first internet search engines were used arund 1990, but features like Windws Search are prducts f the early 2000s. While many f tday’s prfessrs grew up withut search functins, tday’s students increasingly dn’t remember a wrld withut them.
    Sme may blame the generatinal incmpetence. An internatinal study claimed that nly 2 percent f Generatin Z (brn frm 1997 nwards) had achieved the “digital native” level f cmputer literacy. But the issue is likely nt that mdern students are learning fewer digital skills, but rather that they’re learning different nes. Garland, fr all her knwledge f directry structure, desn’t understand Instagram nearly as well as her students d. “They use cmputers ne way, and we use cmputers anther way,” Garland emphasizes. “That’s where the prblem lies.”
    12. The wrd “gibberish” in paragraph 2 is clsest in meaning t________.
    A. cmmnB. accessibleC. nnsenseD. fundamental
    13. What can be cncluded frm paragraph 3 and 4?
    A. There is n search functin in the directry structure.
    B. Cllege prfessrs have weaker muscles than students d.
    C. Mdern students like t stre dcuments in physical drives.
    D. The change in mental mdels reflects the prgress in technlgy.
    14. By mentining Garland’s and Vgel’s stries, the authr________.
    A. highlights the different mindsets f tw generatins
    B. criticizes mdern students’ veruse f nline apps
    C. shws the difficulty f teaching tday’s students
    D. calls n a change in the educatin f physics
    15. Accrding t the passage, what can best address “the prblem” mentined at the beginning and the ending?
    A. Teaching students directry structure.
    B. Imprving generatinal understanding.
    C. Enhancing Generatin Z’s digital skills.
    D. Urging teachers t learn search functins.
    Die clicks a buttn and watches as her neighbrhd is flded. The shrelines are first t g. ___16___ . By the time seawater reaches the senir center, it has flded streets and ver a dzen brick hmes. Die mves her head up and dwn, side t side, taking in the simulated(仿真的)view. This is what culd happen t Turner Statin, a histric African American cmmunity sutheast f Baltimre, as sea levels rise.
    Climate change presents many challenges t castal cmmunities and t thse trying t prepare fr its impacts, but ne f the mst basic is als ne f the mst bthersme: ___17___ Cmmunicating the realness and immediacy(紧迫)f the climate threat is hugely imprtant t climate researchers and thse aiming t cut dwn what it causes. But it's als the mst imprtant t cmmunities faced with cming changes that are already unavidable. ___18___ That's why Die and ther residents are being directed t sit in metal chairs, put n virtual(模拟)reality headsets and watch their hmes be flded.
    ___19___ . It has partnered(合作)with the Prt f Baltimre, a few nnprfits and a lcal landscape architecture firm t adpt(采用)a range f tls and ways t cmmunicate climate change t the public, because every persn is different and every place is different.
    The virtual reality prgram is nly the mst recent, and perhaps the mst effective step. ___20___ . But tricking peple is nt the gal f the sea level rise simulatin(模拟)being used at Turner Statin, says James, ne f the prgram's develpers. "The gal," he says, "is t start a cnversatin and help flks visualize(想象)the impacts f climate change and the slutins, and als discuss the trade-ffs between them."
    A. Then, the baseball fields at Fleming Park.
    B. Virtual reality is the prduct f the rapid develpment f it.
    C. These prjects need public supprt and input
    D. Des the cmmunity depend n the shipping industry fr its survival?
    E. Hw d yu shw peple and cnvince them f a pssible future?
    F. Virtual reality is an immersive experience(身临其境的体验)that can trick the human brain int thinking it's real.
    G. Turner Statin, a cmmunity which gets flded easily, is trying t prepare.
    There was an ak tree in my yard, clse t where neighbrs parked their cars. One day I saw a big bird surrunding a baby squirrel(松鼠), as if____21____it. S I picked up a rck, and being____22____t aim, I threw the rck at the the stne bunced ff a____23____breaking the windshield(挡风玻璃)f a new white Prius car. My bld ran cld.
    In____24____yet calmly, I put my persnal infrmatin under the windshield, went back inside and watched t____25____which neighbr’s car windw I destryed. Later a yung man came t the Prius and I ran ut t____26____the accident and prmised t____27____. He was a mild and gentle man. He called his relatives—my neighbrs, wh were als very ____28____. After sme____29____, I knew that they planned t attend a wedding nw they had n car! I quietly cried_____30_____but that made this family even kinder-they_____31_____me and decided t take a taxi.
    The very next day I received a_____32_____frm an agent f the man’s insurance ffice. In a(n)_____33_____vice f further kindness, she accepted my explanatin f hw this accidental damage ccurred and agreed t_____34_____all.
    I was impressed by the example set by everyne cncerned and what_____35_____lked like.
    21. A. parentingB. huntingC. defendingD. caching
    22. A. certainB. freeC. likelyD. willing
    23. A. carB. relativeC. branchD. neighbr
    24. A. delightB. anxietyC. despairD. curisity
    25. A. imagineB. judgeC. recrdD. see
    26. A. explainB. preventC. witnessD. investigate
    27. A. take respnsibilityB. make changesC. turn verD. back up
    28. A. cnfusedB. kindC. activeD. scared
    29. A. cnflictsB. examinatinC. exchangesD. reflectin
    30. A. in reliefB. with fearC. in regretD. with anger
    31. A. surprisedB. inspiredC. guidedD. cmfrted
    32 A. ticketB. letterC. receiptD. call
    33. A. mixedB. thrilledC. displeasedD. unexpected
    34. A. spnsrB. cverC. admitD. release
    35. A. justiceB. ptimismC. frgivenessD. sympathy
    The Internet has nw becme the first place that the majrity f peple turn____36____fr infrmatin. It has als made ur lives____37____(unbelievable) cnvenient with all srts f gds and services prvided by electrnic cmmerce, mre cmmnly ____38____(knw) as e-cmmerce. Yu can have fd delivered t yu using fd____39____ (deliver) apps and sites. Gne ____40____ (be) the days f searching shp after shp fr the perfect pair f bts yu can cmpare styles and prices quickly and easily in the cmfrt f yur living rm. Why wait hpelessly fr____41____taxi in the cld rain? It is nw simple and fast t rder ne with a taxi app. Sit back and relax indrs fr a few warm minutes____42____the driver arrives. When yu wish t g n hliday, yu can make all yur travel____43____(arrangement) just in frnt f the cmputer. Frgt____44____(carry) cash? It is nt_____45_____(necessity)t wrry-yu can pay fr almst everything n yur smartphne.
    46. Fr anther thing, due t the Amazn’s ht climate, it is difficult fr the sil t____________________enugh nutrients.(根据句意填空)
    47. At the same time, Miss Brwn quickly pened the classrm dr,____________________ it became damaged during the shaking and culd nt pen. (根据句意填空)
    48. ____________________,Miss Brwn sensed it was the best time fr the class t make their escape. (根据句意填空)
    49. It____________________a huge tree: the trunk, blackness, the branches, fire! (根据句意填空)
    50. The cries f wmen____________________; the men lked at each ther, but were silent. (根据句意填空)
    51. 学校英文报正在开展以“Ppular Bks Amng Students”为题的讨论。请依据图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    Ppular Bks Amng Students
    52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was a Sunday mrning. Betty wke up earlier than usual. She culdn’t sleep any lnger because she was s excited that her uncle Mark was taking her t the beach. She had always lved ging surfing with her uncle. She put her swimming suit n and tk her bag quickly that she had prepared the night befre and went utside t wait. She jumped up and dwn with jy when she saw her uncle’s red jeep turn the crner dwn her street.
    Uncle Mark gt ut f the car and helped Betty get in. “Are yu ready?” he asked. “Yes!” replied Betty. Uncle Mark culd see the excitement in her face. Suddenly he said seriusly, “well, befre we g, I have t let yu knw that a shark appeared recently where we’re ging t surf tday.” Scared and shcked, Betty culdn’t say a wrd. “Haha! I’m kidding yu, “Uncle Mark burst ut laughing. Betty laughed t. She knew Uncle Mark liked teasing thers. “Let’s g and have sme breakfast, I knw just the place,” Uncle Mark said. They went t a breakfast shp and ate sme tacs (炸玉米饼).
    After breakfast the tw f them went dwn t Pacific Beach and gt their surfbards ready. “First yu have t wax (打蜡) the bttm,” explained Uncle Mark. “I knw. I’ve watched yu d it befre!” Betty said as she tk the wax frm Uncle Mark’s hand. It tk abut 15 minutes t wax the bttm f their bards. When Betty finished, Uncle Mark lked it ver t make sure it was dne well. “Nice jb, Betty, yu wax yur bard like a true surfer.”
    Finally, they were ready t get int the water. They carried their bards dwn t the beach and went ut int the water. Betty was verly excited and tried t rush t catch a wave. Predictably, she crashed and had t start ver. Next was her uncle’s turn. He std up n his first try and smthly surfed the wave befre jumping int the water. Betty cheered fr her uncle’s perfect run.
    All f a sudden, Betty felt smething tuching the bttm f her ft.
    “Help! Help!” Betty screamed in hrrr.

    2023-2024学年湖南省长沙市长郡中学高一入学考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年湖南省长沙市长郡中学高一入学考试英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高一入学考试英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高一入学考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年湖南省长沙市长郡中学高一上学期期中考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年湖南省长沙市长郡中学高一上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,文件包含湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024年高一上学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024年高一上学期期中考试英语试题答案版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共49页, 欢迎下载使用。

    湖南省长郡中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份湖南省长郡中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(含答案),共22页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,完成句子,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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