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    第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,两部分,共70分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)
    A music festival is a cmmunity event mainly abut live perfrmances f singing and instrument playing that is ften presented with a main idea. On the list are the music festivals fr fans arund the wrld. Find yur favurite nw!
    Field Day
    January 1, 2018, Sydney
    Field Day means New Year’s Day fr yung peple in Sydney. Seen as the city’s riginal (独特的) utdr party, it’s a gathering f friends cming tgether fr a great fun-filled first day f the year. There’s an air f hpe and active energy n a perfect summer’s day.
    Envisin Festival
    February 21-26, 2018, Uvita
    The Envisin Festival is an annual event in Csta Rica that wants t prvide a chance fr different cultures t wrk with ne anther t create a better cmmunity. The festival encurages peple t practise art, music and dance perfrmances. At the same time, ur cnnectin (联系) with nature is expected t be strengthened.
    McDwell Muntain Music Festival
    March 2-4, 2018, Phenix
    The McDwell Muntain Music Festival is Phenix’s musical celebratin f cmmunity culture. Since its funding in2004, it is the nly100% nnprfit (非营利的) music festival designed t supprt, entertain and educate the cmmunity. The festival attracts thusands f visitrs each year frm arund the cuntry, and it is an pprtunity t experience true culture.
    Old Settler’s Music Festival
    April 19-22, 2018, Tilmn
    The Old Settler’s Music Festival is a natinally knwn music festival fr American music. The festival is held in Tilmn, Texas at the height f the wild flwer seasn. The Old Settler’s Music Festival ffers great music and activities fr the whle family.
    1. Which city shuld yu g t if yu intend t participate in a music festival in January?
    A. Sydney.
    B. Uvita.
    C Phenix.
    D. Tilmn.
    2. What is special abut the McDwell Muntain Music Festival?
    A. It encurages peple t receive educatin.
    B. It is nt held t make mney.
    C. It prvides a chance fr friends t meet each ther.
    D. It fcuses n culture spread.
    3. Which festivals are cnnected with nature?
    A. Field Day and Envisin Festival.
    B. Envisin Festival and McDwell Muntain Music Festival
    C. Old Settler’s Music Festival and McDwell Muntain Music Festival.
    D. Envisin Festival and Old Settler’s Music Festival.
    【答案】1. A 2. B 3. D
    细节理解题。根据Field Day部分中的“January 1, 2018, Sydney(2018年1月1日,悉尼)”可知,Field Day在一月份举行,地点是悉尼,所以如果你打算参加一月份的音乐节,你应该去悉尼。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据McDwell Muntain Music Festival部分中的“Since its funding in2004, it is the nly100% nnprfit (非营利的) music festival designed t supprt, entertain and educate the cmmunity.(自2004年成立以来,它是唯一100% 非盈利的音乐节,旨在支持,娱乐和教育社区)”可知,McDwell Muntain Music Festival的特殊之处在于它是非盈利的音乐节,即它不是用来赚钱的。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Envisin Festival部分中的“At the same time, ur cnnectin (联系) with nature is expected t be strengthened.(与此同时,我们与自然的联系也将得到加强)”和Old Settler’s Music Festival部分中的“The festival is held in Tilmn, Texas at the height f the wild flwer seasn.(这个节日是在野花盛开的季节,在德克萨斯州的蒂尔蒙举行的)”可知,Envisin Festival和Old Settler’s Music Festival都与自然有关。故选D。
    The clck struck eleven at night. The whle huse was quiet. Everyne was in bed except me. Under the strng light,I lked sadly befre me at a huge pile f that trublesme stuff they call “bks”.
    I was ging t have my examinatin the next day. “When can I g t bed?”I asked myself. I didn't answer, in fact I dared nt.
    The clck struck twelve. “Oh, dear!”I cried. “Ten mre bks t read befre I can g t bed!”We pupils are the mst wretched creatures in the wrld. Dad des nt agree with me n this. He did nt have t wrk s hard when he was a by.
    The clck struck ne. I was quite desperate (绝望的) nw. I frgt all I had learned. I was t tired t g n. I did the nly thing I culd. I prayed, “Oh, Gd, please help me pass the exam tmrrw. I d prmise t wrk hard afterwards, Amen.” My eyes were s heavy that I culd hardly pen them. A few minutes later, with my head n the desk, I fell asleep.
    4. When the authr was ging ver his lessns, all the thers in the huse were ________.
    A. asleepB. wrking in bed
    C. utsideD. quietly laughing at him
    5. Reviewing his lessns didn't help him because ________.
    A. it was t late at night
    B. he was very tired
    C. his eyes lids were s heavy that he culdn't keep them pen
    D. he hadn't studied hard befre the examinatin
    6. What d yu suppse happened t the authr?
    A. He went t a church t pray again.
    B. He passed the exam by sheer luck.
    C. He failed in the exam.
    D. He was punished by his teacher.
    7. The best title fr the passage wuld be ________.
    A. The Night Befre the Examinatin
    B. Wrking Far int the Night
    C. A Slw Student
    D. Ging Over My Lessns
    【答案】4. A 5. D 6. C 7. A
    细节理解题。根据文章的第一段的第二句The whle huse was quiet.Everyne was in bed except me,可知,除了作者,家里其他人都睡觉了。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中的ten mre bks t read befre I can g t bed可知,在他上床睡觉之前,还要读十本书,可推断作者平时是没有用功学习,而在考试之前临急抱佛脚。故选D。
    主旨大意题。纵观全文,文章主要记叙了在考试的前一天晚上,由于作者平时不好好学习,家人都睡了只有他一人在那复习一直到深夜,因为太困了看着书就睡着了。所以用The Night Befre the Examinatin(考试前一晚)作为文章标题最为恰当。故选A。
    When I was abut 12, I had an enemy, a girl wh liked t pint ut my shrtcmings (缺点). Week by week her list grew: I was very thin, I wasn’t a gd student, I talked t much, I was t prud, and s n. I tried t hear all this as lng as I culd. At last, I became very angry. I ran t my father with tears in my eyes. He listened t me quietly, then he asked. “Are the things she says true r nt? Janet, didn’t yu ever wnder what yu’re really like ? Well, yu nw have that girl’s pinin. G and make a list f everything she said and mark the pints that are true. Pay n attentin t the ther things she said.”
    I did as he tld me. T my great surprise, I discvered that abut half the things were true. Sme f them I culdn’t change (like being very thin), but a gd number I culd — and suddenly I wanted t change. Fr the first time I g t fairly clear picture f myself.
    I brught the list back t Daddy. He refused t take it. “That’s just fr yu,” he said.“Yu knw better than anyne else the truth abut yurself. But yu have t learn t listen, nt just clse yur ears in anger and feeling hurt. When smething said abut yu is true, yu’ll find it will be f help t yu. Our wrld is full f peple wh think they knw yur duty. Dn’t shut yur ears. Listen t them all, but hear the truth and d what yu knw is the right thing t d.”
    Daddy’s advice has returned t me at many imprtant mments. In my life, I’ve never had a better piece f advice.
    8. What did the father d after he had heard his daughter’s cmplaint?
    A. He tld her nt t pay any attentin t what her “enemy” had said.
    B. He criticized (批评) her and tld her t vercme her shrtcmings.
    C. He asked her t write dwn what “enemy” had said and pay attentin t the real nes.
    D. He refused t take the list and have a lk at it.
    9. What des “Week by week her list grew” in Paragraph 1 mean?
    A. She discvered mre shrtcmings f mine and crrected them fr me.
    B. She made a list f my shrtcmings and kept n adding new nes t it.
    C. She fund that I had mre shrtcmings as time went n.
    D. She pinted ut that my shrtcmings grew mre serius.
    10. Why did her father listen t her quietly?
    A. Because he believed that what her daughter’s “enemy” said was mstly true.
    B. Because he had been s angry with his daughter’s shrtcmings that he wanted t shw this by keeping silent fr a while.
    C. Because he knew that his daughter wuld nt listen t him at that mment.
    D. Because he wasn’t quite sure which girl was telling the truth.
    11. Which d yu think wuld be the best title fr this passage?
    A. Nt an Enemy, but the Best Friend
    B. The Best Advice I’ve Ever Had
    C. My Father’s Experience
    D. My Childhd Life and Lessns
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. C 11. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后两句“G and make a list f everything she said and mark the pints that are true. Pay n attentin t the ther things she said.(去把她说的每句话都列出来,把正确的点标记出来。不要理会她说的其他事情)”可知,父亲建议她列出别人所说出她的缺点,并且只注意那些正确的事。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据前一句“When I was abut 12, I had an enemy, a girl wh liked t pint ut my shrtcmings (缺点).(当我大约12岁的时候,我有一个敌人,一个喜欢指出我缺点的女孩)”可知,她很喜欢指出作者的缺点。及“Week by week her list grew: I was very thin, I wasn’t a gd student, I talked t much, I was t prud, and s n.(一周又一周,她的清单越来越长:我很瘦,我不是一个好学生,我话太多,我太骄傲,等等)”可推知,第一段中的“她的名单一周又一周地增长”指的是“她把我的缺点列了一张清单,并不断地在上面加上新的缺点”。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中的“At last, I became very angry. I ran t my father with tears in my eyes. He listened t me quietly, then he asked.(最后,我变得非常生气。我热泪盈眶地跑向父亲。他静静地听我说,然后问道)”及倒数第二段中的“But yu have t learn t listen, nt just clse yur ears in anger and feeling hurt.(但你必须学会倾听,而不是在愤怒和受伤的感觉中闭上耳朵)”可推知,她的父亲静静地听着她的话,因为他知道他的女儿在那一刻不会听他的话。故选C。
    主旨大意题。作者在本文中叙述了自己遇见了一个专门找自己错误的“敌人”,父亲建议她找出对方所说内容中正确的部分,并加以改正。根据文章最后一句“In my life, I’ve never had a better piece f advice.(在我的一生中,我从来没有得到过比这更好的建议)”可知,B项The Best Advice I’ve Ever Had(我曾经得到的最好的建议)与全文中心思想相一致,适合作本文最佳标题。故选B。
    We all knw that it’s gd t be kind t thers. But what des that mean fr us? What acts f kindness will make us happiest and wh will benefit the mst? A new review f kindness research prvides sme answers.
    Researchers analyzed the results frm 126 research articles lking at almst 200, 000 participants frm arund the wrld. The studies they chse all had t meet certain criteria, such as including nly adults and reprting gd statistical data. Sme were experiments while thers just surveyed peple abut hw kind and happy they were. The studies measured well-being in many ways, including bth mental and physical health.
    As expected, peple wh were kind tended t have higher well-being. Althugh the relatinship was nt, strnger than it was, lead researcher Bryant Hui was still encuraged by the result. “Althugh the relatinship is weaker, the effect still has a significant impact,” he says.
    He and his clleagues cnsidered when kindness might have a bigger impact n ur well-being. One thing they fund was that peple wh perfrmed randm, infrmal acts f kindness tended t be happier than peple wh perfrmed mre frmal acts f kindness. It’s pssible that infrmal helping may fill ur mre basic psychlgical needs fr clse relatinships, which is why it culd lead t greater happiness.
    The researchers als fund that peple wh were kind tended t have a higher sense f meaning and purpse in life. Perhaps this makes sense, given that being kind invlves effrt which makes peple feel cnfident abut themselves and their abilities. And that prvides a sense f meaning.
    12. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Act f kindness makes us happiest.B. Being kind makes us healthy and happy.
    C. Randm acts f kindness are better than frmal nes.D. Ding act f kindness t thers imprves ur abilities.
    13. Hw did the researchers get the finding?
    A. By ding surveys.B. By carrying ut experiments.
    C. By cmparing research data.D. By analyzing results f articles.
    14. Why des being kind give peple a sense f meaning and purpse in life?
    A. Because it makes peple healthier.B. Because it bsts clse relatinships.
    C. Because it imprves peple’s cnfidence.D. Because it prmtes awareness f respnsibility.
    15. Where is the text mst likely frm?
    A. A diary.B. A guide bk.C. A nvel.D. A magazine.
    【答案】12. B 13. D 14. C 15. D
    主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“The studies measured well-being in many ways, including bth mental and physical health.”(这些研究从很多方面衡量了幸福感,包括心理和身体健康。)及第三段“As expected, peple wh were kind tended t have higher well-being.”(正如预期的那样,善良的人往往有更高的幸福感。)及最后一段“The researchers als fund that peple wh were kind tended t have a higher sense f meaning and purpse in life.”(研究人员还发现,善良的人往往对生活有更高的意义和目标。)及全文内容可知,本文通过实验研究发现,对别人友善让人更健康,更快乐。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Researchers analyzed the results frm 126 research articles lking at almst 200, 000 participants frm arund the wrld.”(研究人员分析了126篇研究文章的结果,研究对象是来自世界各地的近20万名参与者。)可知,实验者通过分析之前研究文章的结果而得出结论。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“The researchers als fund that peple wh were kind tended t have a higher sense f meaning and purpse in life. Perhaps this makes sense, given that being kind invlves effrt which makes peple feel cnfident abut themselves and their abilities.”(研究人员还发现,善良的人往往对生活有更高的意义和目标。也许这是有道理的,因为善良需要努力,这会让人们对自己和自己的能力感到自信。)可知,善良能提升人们的自信,从而给人们一种生活中的意义和目的感。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“What acts f kindness will make us happiest and wh will benefit the mst? A new review f kindness research prvides sme answers.”(什么样的善举会使我们最快乐,谁会受益最多? 一项关于善良研究的新综述提供了一些答案。)并通读全文可知,本文为一篇说明文,文章说明了通过实验研究发现,对别人友善让人更健康,更快乐,因此,本文最有可能出现在杂志上。故选D项。
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)
    Every persn has a great deal f lve t give.____16____ Here is a general guide t lving.
    Say it. When yu say the wrds “I Lve Yu”, make sure yu really mean it, and are willing t d anything fr that special persn.
    ____17____ If yu lve smene, yu shuld understand hw they feel, where they cme frm, and wh they are. Realize hw they culd als lve yu back just as well.
    Lve uncnditinally. Giving uncnditinal lve requires yu t lve withut any expectatins._____18_____It seems difficult t nly lve and nt demand anything in return in tday’s wrld where everyne is selfish. But even in this wrld we see many examples f uncnditinal lve, fr example the lve a mther gives t her child and the lve between tw life partners. T lve uncnditinally, yu will have t learn t sacrifice (牺牲) yurself and yur desires and als realize that smene may have a different way f shwing his r her lve fr yu.____19____Realize it can be lst. If yu realize that yu can lse the ne yu lve, then yu have a greater appreciatin (感激) f what yu have.____20____ Dn’t make an idl (偶像) f the persn yu lve. This will place them under unnecessary pressure and will likely result in yu lsing them.
    Never stp lving. Even if yu have been hurt befre, yu shuld nt stp giving lve.
    A. Try lving just fr the sake f (由于……缘故) lve.
    B. Put yurself in smene else’s shes.
    C. There are many different ways t explain lve.
    D. Think hw lucky yu are t have smene t lve.
    E. D nt expect t be lved back in exactly the same way.
    F. It des nt make yu a bad persn t desire smene else’s lve.
    G. There are many different ways t lve smene (r even yurself).
    【答案】16. G 17. B 18. A 19. E 20. D
    根据下文“Here is a general guide t lving.(这里有一个关于爱的一般指南)”可知,下文是关于爱的表达的具体方法的指导。由此可知,G. There are many different ways t lve smene (r even yurself).(爱一个人(甚至爱自己)有很多种不同的方式)能够开启下文,符合语境。故选G。
    根据下文“If yu lve smene, yu shuld understand hw they feel, where they cme frm, and wh they are.(如果你爱一个人,你应该了解他们的感受,他们来自哪里,他们是谁)”可知,我们要知道对方的感受,也就是要换位思考,从对方的角度来考虑问题。由此可知,B. Put yurself in smene else’s shes.(设身处地为别人着想)适合作本段主题句,符合语境。故选B。
    根据上文“Lve uncnditinally. Giving uncnditinal lve requires yu t lve withut any expectatins.(无条件地去爱。给予无条件的爱需要你不带任何期望地去爱)”可知,无条件地奉献自己的爱。由此可知,A. Try lving just fr the sake f (由于……缘故) lve.(试着为爱而爱吧)能够衔接上文,语义一致,符合语境。故选A。
    根据上文“T lve uncnditinally, yu will have t learn t sacrifice (牺牲) yurself and yur desires and als realize that smene may have a different way f shwing his r her lve fr yu.(要无条件地爱,你必须学会牺牲自己和自己的欲望,也要意识到别人可能有不同的方式来表达他或她对你的爱)”可知,每个人都有自己爱别人的不同的方法,所以不要指望别人用同样的方法来对待你。由此可知,E. D nt expect t be lved back in exactly the same way.(不要指望得到同样的爱)能够衔接上文,语义一致,符合语境。故选E。
    根据上文“If yu realize that yu can lse the ne yu lve, then yu have a greater appreciatin (感激) f what yu have.(如果你意识到你可能会失去你所爱的人,那么你就会更加感激你所拥有的)”可知,我们要感激我们所拥有的这一切。由此可知,D. Think hw lucky yu are t have smene t lve.(想想你有一个人来爱是多么幸运)能够衔接上文,语义一致,符合语境。故选D。
    第一节 完形填空(共20 小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    In a remte village, selling chestnuts was the main surce f livelihd fr lcal villagers. In late autumn, the hills were cvered by the trees and chestnuts were ___21___frm the branches f the trees,which___22___with the wind attracting lcal villagers t___23___them at this time f year.
    The villagers tk the chestnuts, carried them hme and ___24___them ut. The whle family sifted (筛) and srted them accrding t their___25___, and then transprted them t the city fr whlesale r retail. Every villager knew that if they wanted t sell fr a gd price, what really___26___was t send the selected chestnuts t the market first. Many families, which were shrt f___27___, wuld g t the nearby villages t hire wrkers with high___28___.
    Still, t many peple's ___29___ , there was a yung man in the village wh culd never need help,____30____ he had limited hands. He lived with his blind and ld mther. He always arrived at the market ne step ahead f the ther nes ____31____ he culd sell ut f all the chestnuts and then happily drve back with his truck____32____.
    The secret f the yung man was: after picking chestnuts, he put them ____33____int a sack (麻袋) and carried them t the truck. When he set ut,he chse the rad, ____34____and bumpy (不平的) t g, ____35____the small nes wuld jump t the ____36____f the bag and the larger nes wuld stay n the tp f the bag. It wuld save time fr classificatin and selectin. When inquired hw he fund the way, the yung man____37____: “If yu put yur heart int it, yu will find the right way. This is nt an accident but a(n) ____38____result.”
    There will always be peple wh get ____39____r cmplain when they hear bad news. As a matter f fact, if yu use yur head,yu will be ____40____ t the peple and things in the envirnment. When yu turn yur mind int actin t mve frward step by step, yu can als create a new wrld fr yurself.
    21. A. hldingB. fillingC. plantingD. hanging
    22. A. fellB. shkC. jumpedD. flded
    23. A. enjyB. viewC. seekD. pick
    24. A. puredB. tkC. thughtD. figured
    25. A. shapeB. sizeC. tasteD. clr
    26. A. matteredB. caredC. interestedD. minded
    27. A. handsB. pwerC. experienceD. ways
    28. A. qualityB. quantityC. mneyD. salary
    29. A. puzzlementB. reliefC. astnishmentD. delight
    30. A. nly ifB. as ifC. even ifD. if nly
    31. A. whichB. whereC. whmD. wh
    32. A. fullB. filledC. emptyD. laded
    33. A. suddenlyB. shrtlyC. directlyD. hurriedly
    34. A. tughB. rughC. regularD. smth
    35 A. evenB. rC. butD. s
    36. A. hleB. tipC. middleD. bttm
    37. A. sighedB. excitedC. smiledD. sneezed
    38. A. unexpectedB. necessaryC. accidentalD. deliberate
    39. A. strickenB. satisfiedC. upsetD. surprised
    40. A. sensitiveB. accessibleC. relativeD. flexible
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. A 28. D 29. A 30. C 31. B 32. C 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. A
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:深秋时节,山峦被树木覆盖,栗子挂在树枝上,树梢随风摇曳,吸引着当地村民在每年的这个时候采摘。A. hlding拿着;B. filling填满;C. planting种植;D. hanging悬挂。由语境可知,山丘上遍布树木,栗子从树枝上垂下来(hang)。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:深秋时节,山峦被树木覆盖,栗子挂在树枝上,树梢随风摇曳,吸引着当地村民在每年的这个时候采摘。A. fell落下;B. shk摇摆;C. jumped跳;D. flded折叠。根据空后的with the wind可推知,栗子随风摇动(shake),吸引当地的村民们在一年中的这个时候来采摘(pick)。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:深秋时节,山峦被树木覆盖,栗子挂在树枝上,树梢随风摇曳,吸引着当地村民在每年的这个时候采摘。A. enjy喜欢;B. view观看;C. seek寻找;D. pick挑选。根据空后的with the wind可推知,栗子随风摇动(shake),吸引当地的村民们在一年中的这个时候来采摘(pick)。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:村民们把栗子拿回家,倒了出来。A. pured倒;B. tk带走;C. thught想;D. figured认定。根据下文中的The whle family sifted (筛) and srted them可推知,村民们把采摘的栗子带回家,倒(pur)出来,然后才能进行筛选和分类。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:全家人筛选并按大小分类,然后运到城里批发或零售。A. shape形状;B. size尺寸;C. taste味道;D. clr颜色。根据下文中the small nes wuld jump t the f the bag and the larger nes wuld stay n the tp f the bag可推知,整个家庭根据栗子的大小(size)进行筛选和分类。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:每个村民都知道,如果他们想卖个好价钱,真正重要的是先把挑选出来的栗子送到市场上去。A. mattered事关紧要;B. cared关心;C. interested感兴趣;D. minded介意。根据语境可推知,事关要紧(matter)的是要把挑选好的栗子先送到市场上去卖。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:很多缺人手的家庭会到附近的村子里高薪雇工人。A. hands手;B. pwer力量;C. experience经验;D. ways方法。根据下文中的he had limited hands可推知,许多家庭在这个时候就会缺少人手(hands),会去附近的村子里以高薪(salary)雇人干活。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:很多缺人手的家庭会到附近的村子里高薪雇工人。A. quality质量;B. quantity数量;C. mney金钱;D. salary薪水。根据下文中的he had limited hands可推知,许多家庭在这个时候就会缺少人手(hands),会去附近的村子里以高薪(salary)雇人干活。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,令许多人困惑的是,村里有一个年轻人,即使缺人手,也永远不需要帮助。A. puzzlement困惑;B. relief放松;C. astnishment惊讶;D. delight开心。根据上文可知,在栗子收获的季节许多家庭往往缺少人手,并结合下文可知,这个年轻人从不需要帮忙,由此可推知,这点让很多人困惑(puzzlement)。故选A项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:然而,令许多人困惑的是,村里有一个年轻人,即使缺人手,也永远不需要帮助。A. nly if只有当;B. as if好像;C. even if即使;D. if nly要是……多好。根据语境可知,即使(even if)这个年轻人人手有限,但他从不需要帮助。故选C项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:他总是比其他人早一步到达市场,在那里他可以卖完所有的栗子,然后愉快地开着空卡车回来。A. which哪个;B. where哪里;C. whm谁;D. wh谁。分析句子结构可知,本句是一个定语从句,先行词是the market,在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where。故选B项。
    考查语境理解。句意:他总是比其他人早一步到达市场,在那里他可以卖完所有的栗子,然后愉快地开着空卡车回来。A. full满的;B. filled使充满;C. empty空的;D. laded装载的。根据空前的he culd sell ut f all the chestnuts可知,他能够卖光自己所有的栗子,然后开心地开着空(empty)卡车回家。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:这个年轻人的秘密是:摘完栗子后,他把栗子直接放进一个麻袋里,抬到卡车上。A. suddenly突然地;B. shrtly不久;C. directly直接地;D. hurriedly匆匆忙忙地。根据上文可知,人们把采摘的栗子带回家,倒出来,然后进行筛选和分类,最后才运到市场上卖掉,而这个年轻人直接(directly)把采摘的栗子装进麻袋里,将它们搬上卡车。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:出发时,他选择了一条高低不平的路走,所以小的栗子会跳到袋子的底部,大的栗子会留在袋子的顶部。A. tugh艰难的;B. rugh高低不平的;C. regular有规律的;D. smth光滑的。由与空后的bumpy为并列结构可推知,他选择的路是高低不平的(rugh)。故选B项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:出发时,他选择了一条高低不平的路走,所以小的栗子会跳到袋子的底部,大的栗子会留在袋子的顶部。A. even甚至;B. r或者;C. but但是;D. s所以。根据语境可知,空处前后表示逻辑上的因果关系,前因后果。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:出发时,他选择了一条高低不平的路走,所以小的栗子会跳到袋子的底部,大的栗子会留在袋子的顶部。A. hle洞;B. tip实用的提示;C. middle中间;D. bttm底部。根据下文中的and the larger nes wuld stay n the tp推知,小些的栗子会快速移动到袋子的底部(bttm),而大些的栗子会留在上面。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当被问到他是怎么找到路的时候,年轻人笑了。A. sighed叹气;B. excited使……兴奋;C. smiled微笑;D. sneezed打喷嚏。根据空后的内容可推知,这个年轻人当时是微笑(smile)着(说)的。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这不是意外,而是必然的结果。A. unexpected出乎意料的;B. necessary必然的;C. accidental偶然的;D. deliberate故意的。根据该句中的This is nt an accident but可推知,这并非是意外,而是必然的(necessary)结果。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:总会有人在听到坏消息时不高兴或抱怨。A. stricken遭受挫折的;B. satisfied满意的;C. upset不高兴的;D. surprised惊讶的。根据空后的r cmplain when they hear bad news可知,此处与cmplain并列,指不高兴。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事实上,如果你动动脑筋,你会对环境中的人和事很敏感。A. sensitive敏感的;B. accessible容易理解的;C. relative相对的;D. flexible灵活的。根据上文年轻人的回答和本句中的if yu use yur head可推知,多动脑,就对环境中的人和事很敏感,继而想到方法。故选A项。
    第 II卷(非选择题,共计50分)
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    A prverb says, “Time is mney”. But in my pinin, time is even ___41___ (much) precius than mney. Why?___42___when mney is spent, we can earn it back. Hwever, when time is ___43___ (g), it will never return.
    ___44___ is knwn t all that the time we can use is limited. Therefre we shuld make full use f ur time ___45___ (study) hard s as t serve ur cuntry in ___46___ future.
    But it is a pity that there are a lt f peple ___47___ d nt realize the value f time. They spend their precius time ___48___ (smke), drinking and playing.
    In a wrd, we shuld frm the gd habit f ___49___ (save) time. D nt put ff what can be dne tday ____50____ tmrrw.
    【答案】41. mre
    42. Because
    43. gne 44. It
    45. t study
    46. the 47. wh##that
    48. smking
    49. saving 50. until##till
    考查非谓语动词。句意:因此,我们应该充分利用我们的时间努力学习,以便将来为我们的国家服务。此处表示目的,应用动词不定式,作状语。故填t study。
    考查冠词。句意:因此,我们应该充分利用我们的时间努力学习,以便将来为我们的国家服务。固定搭配in the future“将来”。故填the。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:他们把宝贵的时间花在抽烟、喝酒和玩耍上。固定搭配spend time ding sth.“花时间做某事”。故填smking。
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Once upn a time there was a rich man. He had a lt f mney, but he felt unhappy all the times. Finally, the rich man left hme t lk happiness. He visited many places and met many rich men. All f them said they were nt happy, t. On his way t hme, the rich man saw a farmer wrk in the field. He went up t the farmer and asked, “Culd yu tell me if yu feel happy?” “Yes, I’m quite happier. I always feel satisfying abut everything in my life,” the farmer answered. “Please tell me hw yu find happiness,” asked the rich man. The farmer answered with a smile n his face. “It’s very easy f me t answer the questin. If yu wrk hardly, have three meals a day and g t bed early with wrries, yu’ll be the happiest man in the wrld.”
    【答案】1. times→time
    2. lk后加fr
    3 t→either
    6. happier→happy
    7. satisfying→satisfied
    8. f→fr
    9. hardly→hard
    10. with→withut
    【详解】1.考查名词。句意:他有很多钱,但他一直感到不快乐。固定搭配all the time“一直”,time表时间时,是不可数名词。故times改为time。
    2.考查介词。句意:最后,富人离开家去寻找幸福。根据语境可知,此处表示“寻找”,应用动词短语lk fr。故lk后加fr。
    5.考查非谓语动词。句意:在回家的路上,富人看到一个农民在地里干活。固定搭配aee sb. ding sth.“看见某人正在做某事”。故wrk改为wrking。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假如你是李华,你所在的班级正举行英语演讲比赛,请你写一篇主题My advice n English learning的文章参加这个英语演讲比赛,参考要点如下:
    1. 尽量多练习说英语;
    2. 努力用英语来思考;
    3. 多读英语文章;
    4. 学习和了解更多关于语言背后的文化知识。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    【答案】One Pssible Versin:
    My advice n English learning
    Ladies and gentlemen, my tpic f speech is my advice n English learning.
    Learning English as a secnd language is nt easy. It takes a lt f effrt and time.T imprve English, first, yu shuld practice speaking English as ften as pssible. Secnd, try t think in English whenever pssible. It’s very imprtant. Third, keep reading English stries r newspapers every day. Finally, learn abut the Western culture. When yu understand the cultural backgrund f English, yu can use it better.
    Learning English is nt as difficult as yu think. Wrk harder and yu will make great prgress.
    Thank yu.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,假如你是李华,你所在的班级正举行英语演讲比赛,请你写一篇主题My advice n English learning的文章参加这个英语演讲比赛。
    取得进步:make prgress = make advances
    原句:Learning English as a secnd language is nt easy. It takes a lt f effrt and time.
    拓展句:Learning English as a secnd language is nt easy, which takes a lt f effrt and time.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] T imprve English, first, yu shuld practice speaking English as ften as pssible.(运用了不定式作目的状语)
    [高分句型2] When yu understand the cultural backgrund f English, yu can use it better.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句)

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