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    人教版(2019)英语必修第二册《Unit 2 Wildlife Protection》全单元教案
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around教学设计

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around教学设计,共36页。教案主要包含了教材分析,教学目标,教学重难点,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    The activity tpic f this sectin is “reprt an nging event”, and the structure is the passive vice f present cntinuus tense. Rare wild animals are suffering frm large-scale paching, and species are n the brink f danger. Rescue peratins are underway.
    “Being” and “suffering” are the meanings f the present prgressive passive vice.
    The usage f present prgressive passive vice is f great imprtance in writing a gd discurse and appreciating sme difficult language items, s it is vital t master it and use it flexibly in a cntext.
    1. Mtivate students t deepen the understanding f the usage f present prgressive passive vice in a fixed cntext.
    2. Enable students t master the usage f present prgressive passive vice and use it flexibly in a cntext.
    3. Lead students t cnstruct sentences r appreciate sentences used master it and use it flexibly in a cntext.
    1. Help students t appreciate the functin f the usage f present prgressive passive vice in a sentence.
    2. Instruct students t write essays using the prper usage f present prgressive passive vice.
    Lk at the picture and tell me what wrkers are ding. What is the huse being dne?
    The wrkers are building a huse.
    A huse is being built by the wrkers.
    We’re being killed fr the wl beneath ur stmachs. And ur fur is being used t make sweaters fr peple like yu.
    We are being hunted fr ur ivries.
    Step 1: Read the sentences and sum up the meanings f the Present Cntinuus Passive Vice.
    1. D yu knw any ther endangered wildlife in China that is nt being prtected?
    2. We’re being killed fr the wl beneath ur stmachs.
    3. Is their fur being used t make sweaters fr peple like yu?
    4. What gd things are being dne here t save lcal wildlife?
    肯定式:be being dne
    She is being treated in China nw.
    否定式:be nt being dne
    My cmputer is being repaired nw.我的电脑正在修理中。
    一般疑问式:Am/Is /Are+主语+ being + dne…
    e.g.: Are these bks being sent t Beijing?
    Is the wall being painted?
    特殊疑问式:When Hw Where Why What (Am/Is /Are+主语+ being + dne…)
    Step II: When d we use the Present Prgressive Passive Vice?
    表示说话时正在进行的被动动作。(nw, at the mment)
    Actins are being taken t realize Chinese dream.
    ②示现阶段正在进行的被动动作。 (说话时不一定在进行)
    The prblem f fd safety is being studied by scientists at present.
    ③表示一种习惯的被动行为(always, cnstantly ),带有赞扬、羡慕、讨厌等感情色彩。
    Children f ur neighbrs are always being praised by ur parents.
    As a result f staying up late talking last night, Jimmy may be being sclded by his head teacher.
    Step 2. 难点.
    1.像take care f, lk after, talk abut, think f等动词与介词构成的短语用于现在进行时的被动语态时, 其中的介词不可省略。
    The ways t stp illegally hunting are being talked abut. 阻止非法捕猎的方法正在研讨中。
    2. “be (am/is/are)+under/in+n.” 有时可相当于现在进行时的被动语态。
    Many questins are under discussin.
    =Many questins are being discussed.
    3. 有时表“状态,心理活动,情感”等的动词,常用在一般现在时的被动语态表示“正在进行”。
    The runaway f the traffic accident is wanted by the plice.
    The plan is being discussed at the meeting nw.
    A new law is being made t prevent endangered animals frm extinctin.
    Wrkers are cutting dwn sme trees in the park.
    →Sme trees are being cut dwn by wrkers in the park. (被动语态)
    →Where are sme trees being cut dwn by wrkers? (特殊疑问句)
    肯定结构be(am/is/are)being dne
    否定结构be(am/is/are)+nt+being dne
    一般疑问结构be(am/is/are)+主语+being dne
    特殊疑问结构特殊疑问词+be(am/is/are)+主语+being dne
    They are building a mdern schl in his hmetwn.
    1. A mdern schl ______________ in his hmetwn. (改为被动语态)
    2. A mdern schl ______________ in his hmetwn. (把句①改为否定句)
    3.__________________________ in his hmetwn? (把句①改为一般疑问句)
    4.________________________________ (对句①就in his hmetwn进行提问)
    1. is being built 2.isn’t being built 3.Is a mdern schl being built ?
    4. What is a mdern schl being built?
    Unit 2 Wildlife Prtectin
    Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking
    1. Guide students t understand the cntent f listening texts in terms f using visuals t predict cntent.
    2. Cultivate students’ ability t guess the meaning f wrds in listening; discuss with their peers hw t save endangered wildlife and help wildlife in their neighbrhd.
    3. Instruct students t use functinal sentences f the dialgue such as “I am cncerned abut…” “What d yu knw abut the endangered animals in…” and s n t talk abut ne f the endangered animals.
    4. Instruct students t use functinal sentences f the dialgue such as “This is used fr…” “I did it t/in rder t/s as t…” and s n t talk abut hw t help wildlife in Ss’ neighbrhd.
    1. Guide Ss t use the predictin strategy f reading pictures accurately t understand the cntent f listening texts;
    2. Guide Ss t express their pinins n hw t participate in wildlife prtectin, and cmmunicate with their peers abut the living cnditins and prtectin measures f wildlife in simple English.
    Part 1: Listening and Speaking
    Step 1: Lead in
    The teacher is advised t have a small talk abut the tpic:
    What messages d these psters share?
    Wrk in pairs and discuss. And then share yur view after discussing.
    Step 2: Predictin
    After their small talk, the teacher can ask students t predict what the listening text is abut by lking at the pictures.
    Sme animals are endangered and why and hw we can prtect them frm being extinct.
    Listening tip: use visuals t predict cntent
    Befre listening, lk at the pictures, vides, charts and ther visuals t help yu predict.
    Step 3: Summary f the main idea
    Play the audi which is abut the dying wildlife n earth. And after finishing listening t the first part f the tape, the students need t slve the fllwing task.
    Fill in the blanks while listening.
    Our planet’s ____________is dying ut at an alarming rate. Between 150 and 200 species are becming ___________ every day. This mass extinctin is caused by hunting, habitat _________and pllutin. We must make peple aware f the prblem and help_______ the endangered wildlife befre it’s t late!
    After finishing the task abve, the teacher plays the secnd part f the tape and after finishing listening, the students need t slve the fllwing task.
    Listen and answer the fllwing questins:
    1. Hw many elephants are killed n average every day?
    2. What did Prince William say abut China?
    3. What des “change begins with yu” mean?
    If yu want things t change, yu must change yurself first and nt wait fr thers t be the first ne t d smething, yu must be the number ne t start t take the first actin. In this way, we can change the wrld fr the better.
    Step 4: Speaking Prject
    In pairs, discuss the questins, rle play the example, and then talk abut ne f the animals in the phts belw.
    1. What d yu knw abut the animals in the phts?
    2. What is being dne t help them?
    A: I’m cncerned abut the blue whales. What d yu knw abut them?
    B: Well, I knw that they’re being hunted and their number is getting dramatically smaller, s they’re in danger f extinctin. Blue whales need large and clear water habitats, s it’s difficult fr them t adapt t the changes.
    A: That’s terrible. What measures are being taken t help them?
    B: The authrities are under pressure t make laws t ban illegal hunting whales and tell peple nt t buy whales prducts.
    Part 2. Listening and Talking
    Step1: Listen t the tape, fr the first time, and then ask the students t slve the fllwing tasks.
    Chse the right ending fr each sentence.
    1. Binculars ___________.
    2. Build bird feeders ___________.
    3. Use a bird field guide ___________.
    4. Put paper cut-uts n windws ___________.
    A.in rder t identify birds
    B. s that birds d nt crash int them
    C. t make sure that birds have enugh fd
    D. are used fr watching birds frm far away
    Listen and answer the questins.
    1. Wh are the teenagers?
    2. Where are they?
    3 What are they ding?
    4. Why are they ding it?
    Step 2: Listen again and use the phrases yu hear t fill in the blanks.
    1. They gt up early _____________search fr wild birds.
    2. I’ve brught a field guide ___________we can lk up the birds we see.
    3. My dad gave me the binculars ______________we can see the birds better.
    4. Bird watching clubs clean up habitats build bird feeders, and put paper cut-uts n windws ________________prtect birds.
    Step 3: Speaking Prject
    Wrk in grups. Ask Ss t think f the wildlife in neighbrhd and their needs. What can they d t care fr them? Find ut the slutins. Rle play a dialgue with their partners.
    A: I ften see wild cats and dgs in ur neighbrhd. Maybe we shuld d smething t care fr them.
    B: Shuld we put ut bwls f fd fr them?
    C: Sure, and I think we culd als put ut bxes r ther things fr them, s that they can find shelter when it’s cld r wet utside.
    D: What else can we d fr them?
    A: Why nt raise mney and frm a pet’s hmeless shelter where hmeless pets can find a hme and may be adpted by thers.
    C: Sunds great. Let’s make a plan and try it.
    Unit 2 Wildlife Prtectin
    Reading and Thinking
    The theme f this unit is human and nature, fcusing n the theme f wildlife prtectin. Nature is a cmplex ecsystem, in which there are delicate balance between animals and plants. Because f the rle f the fd chain, the extinctin f ne species will prduce influence, causing a series f chain reactin. Large scale extinctin f species will have a serius and even irreversible impact n the ecsystem, resulting in immeasurable lsses. Therefre, it is f great significance t prtect wild species. T prtect wild species is t prtect human beings themselves.
    The mtt f this unit is “when the buying stps, the killing can t,” which is a public service advertising slgan t prtect wildlife. It tells peple that every rhincers hrn, every fur, every bwl f shark fin sup, every ivry prduct, and every tiger bne prduct, etc. cnsumed by human beings, are inncent wild animals slaughtered behind them.
    The missin f wild aid is t ban illegal trade in endangered wildlife and mitigate climate change. It aims t educate the public t reduce the cnsumptin demand fr endangered wildlife prducts thrugh public publicity and imprve the awareness f envirnmental prtectin.
    1. Imprve the awareness f wildlife prtectin by acquiring the knwledge f wildlife prtectin.
    2. Fcus n envirnmental prtectin and prtectin f all lives.
    3. Analyse the living envirnment f wild animals with apprpriate thinking mde.
    4. Skillfully use the vcabulary and grammar knwledge f this unit t cultivate self-study ability accrding t the unit cntent
    5. Develp cperative learning ability thrugh discussin and ther ways
    1. Enable the students t talk abut the current situatin f wild animals.
    2. Guide the students t summarize the main idea f each paragraph as well as the main idea f the text.
    3. Help students learn what effrt has been made t change the serius situatin and what else shuld be dne.
    Step 1: Warming up and predictin
    1. Let’s lk at sme animals, and discuss what they have in cmmn.
    They are endangered animals.
    They are being hunted by sme illegal hunters fr mney.
    They shuld be well prtected nw.
    They are cute and beautiful…
    2. Guessing game: what kind f animal is it?
    It is gd at running and jumping.
    It is ne f the Beijing Olympic mascts.
    Its name is clsely cnnected with Changtang Nature Reserve.
    It mainly lives in Qinghai and Tibet.
    It is an antelpe.
    3. Watch a vide abut antelpes and talk abut the feelings abut the vide.
    Feel srry and sad. They shuldn’t be hunted and instead shuld be well prtected.
    Step2: Fast reading tasks
    Read the passage quickly t slve the fllwing questins.
    (1)Why did the authr cme t Tibet?
    The authr cmes t Tibet in rder t bserve Tibetan antelpes.
    (2)Why did the ppulatin f antelpes drp s badly in the 1980s and 1990s?
    The ppulatin f antelpes drps s badly because f being hunted and the lss f their habitats.
    (3)What was dne t prtect the Tibetan antelpes?
    Humans prtect the Tibetan antelpes by watching ver them and adding sme bridges and gates.
    (4)Why shuld we cntinue the prtectin prgrams f the antelpes?
    The threat t them has still existed.
    (5)What can we d t save the planet accrding t the authr?
    We ught t live in harmny with nature.
    Step3: Scanning reading tasks
    Read the passage and fill in the blanks.
    Paragraph 1 We cme here t bserve Tibetan (1) _________.
    Paragraph 2 I’m (2) ______by their beauty and als reminded f the danger they are in.
    Paragraph 3 My guide wrks at a nature reserve, which is a (3) ______fr animals and plants.
    Paragraph 4 In 1980s and 1990s, the ppulatin (4) ________because f peple’s activity.
    Paragraphs 5&6 The gvernment placed it under natinal (5) _________and its ppulatin recvered.
    The prtectin prgrams will cntinue.
    Paragraph 7 We must change ur way f (6) ___. Only when we learn t (7) ____in harmny with nature can we stp being a (8) ______t wildlife and t ur planet.
    1. antelpes 2. struck 3.shelter 4. drpped
    5.prtectin 6.life 7.exsit 8.threat
    Step4: Cnslidatin
    1. Read quickly and figure ut the main idea f each paragraph.
    Paragraph 1: The writer visited Changtang in rder t bserve Tibetan antelpe.
    Paragraph 2: Tibetan antelpes are in danger.
    Paragraph 3: His guide thinks that the land is sacred and prtecting the wildlife is a way f life.
    Paragraph 4: Bad times fr the Tibetan antelpe.
    Paragraph 5: The Chinese gvernment and vlunteers tk effective measures t prtect the Tibetan antelpe.
    Paragraph 6: The effective measures have helped the ppulatin f Tibetan antelpe recver.
    Paragraph 7: Human beings must change the way f life in rder t save the planet.
    2. What des the authr experience in the cluds?
    Things the authr sees:
    Snw-cvered muntains disappearing int cluds
    The antelpes mving slwly acrss the green grass
    Things the authr hears:
    Changtang Natinal Nature Reserve
    Bad times fr the Tibetan antelpe
    Measures t prtect the Tibetan antelpe
    Effects achieved after years f prtectin
    Things the authr feels r thinks:
    Struck by their beauty
    Changing ur way f life.
    Existing in harmny with nature.
    Step 5: Critical thinking:
    What’s the purpse f this article?
    The authr intends t tell us that althugh the Tibetan antelpe has been remved frm the endangered species list, the threats t them have nt yet disappeared. We must change ur way f life and learn t exist in harmny with nature.
    Step 6: Summary
    Intrduce the tpic—why—hw—results
    Step7 Hmewrk:
    Review what we have learned and find ut the key language pints in the text.
    Unit 2 Wildlife Prtectin
    Reading fr Writing
    The activity theme is “making effective pster”. The prtectin f wildlife needs the participatin f the whle sciety. It is imperative t educate the public n wildlife prtectin and aruse the public’s awareness and enthusiasm fr wildlife prtectin. Teenagers are nt nly the main bdy f educatin, but als the “ambassadr” f publicity and prmtin. T make psters, students need t understand and study the situatin f endangered animals and think abut prtectin measures. In the prcess f reading and understanding the cntent f psters and making psters, students shuld be trained t master and use the style f psters, and their scial respnsibility and sense f respnsibility shuld be cultivated.
    The reading text is tw psters. The first pster, “give ugly a chance!” calls n peple t prtect all kinds f wild animals and nt treat them differently because f persnal likes and dislikes. N matter hw beautiful r ugly animals are, they have the meaning and value f existence. The wrld is beautiful because f the diversity f bilgy. The article uses the tne f statement t make peple uncnsciusly accept the authr’s pint f view. The secnd POSTER “dn’t make paper with my hme!” adpts anthrpmrphic rhetric and takes kala’s heart cry as the title, criticizing thse behavirs f defrestatin and destructin f animal hmes. The text is a prgressive explanatin f the title. Exclamatry sentences and rhetrical sentences are used in this paper, which express the authr’s attitude and pint f view. In additin, the title f these tw psters uses exclamatin sentences with strng appeal and emtinal clr, cupled with vivid pictures, making the psters mre pwerful.
    1. Cultivate students t acquire sme features abut an English pster by reading the text.
    2. Help students t write an English pster abut animal prtectin prperly using sme newly acquired writing skills in this perid.
    3. Develp students’ writing and cperating abilities.
    4. Strengthen students’ great interest in writing discurses.
    1. Stimulate students t have a gd understanding f hw t write an English pster prperly.
    2. Cultivate students t write an English pster prperly and cncisely.
    Step 1: Lead in
    D yu want t be a vlunteer f a pet’s shelter? Why?
    Yes, I want t be a vlunteer f it, because I want t help the pets, which are lvely and cute. I like them very much.
    Step 2: Read t discver details cncerning the main details f the news reprt.
    I. Read the news reprt and then slve the questins belw.
    1. Wh started the rescue centre called the Small Friends Pet Shelter?
    A grup f high schl students and parents.
    2. What did the yung peple d in the shelter?
    Take care f animals.
    3. Hw d the yung peple think f their wrk?
    4. What help des the centre need?
    Vlunteers’ time and lve.
    II. Read the text again and then chse the best answer.
    1. What shuld we d when we prtect the wildlife animals?
    A. Treat all the wild animals equally.
    B. Only pay attentin t less cute animals.
    C. Pay attentin t cute animals.
    D. Care abut endangered wildlife animals.
    2. What’s the bad effect f cutting dwn billins f trees t make paper fr humans?
    A. Make a lt f animals hmeless.
    B. Make a number f wildlife animals dying ut.
    C. The animals’ habitat is being destryed.
    D. All f them.
    Step 3: Study the rganizatin and language features.
    1. Read the passage mre carefully and write dwn the utline f the text.
    2. Appreciate the cmplex sentences:
    1. The Small Friends Pet Shelter was started by a grup f high schl students and their parents when they started t see many pets (that were left behind after their families mved away).
    2. The yung peple (wh run the shelter) wrk hard t keep the place clean, take care f the animals, and advertise the animals s that they can be adpted.
    3.When it cmes t...当涉及……:___________________________
    (当涉及野生动物保护时), all species—the gd, the bad, and the ugly—shuld be treated equally.
    【答案】wildlife prtectin
    4. s that 引导目的状语从句:Is it right t make animals hmeless ____________ (以至于人类就可以有更多的纸)?
    【答案】s that humans can have mre paper
    5.强调句型:_____________________________ (正是因为这个原因) the WWF cnstantly put up infrmatin t stir up public interest in the welfare f the planet.
    【答案】It is fr this reasn that
    6.That is 引导表语从句:That is _____________________ (动物们最需要的).
    【答案】what the animals really want mst
    Step 4: Analyse the characteristics f an English pster.
    首先根据海报的特点、格式写明标题.海报中往往把内容作为大标题.例如: Save the earth, save the birds.
    1. It is a treasure f ur cuntry. 它是我国的国宝。
    2. Believe it r nt, at present nly several thusand pandas exist in the wrld.
    3. It’s because f human activities that tigers are endangered.
    4. Many wild animals are in danger f dying ut. 很多野生动物面临着灭绝的危险。
    5. The gvernment has taken effective measures t prtect them.
    6. Peple shuld raise the awareness f the prtectin f wild animals.
    7. It’s amazing that there are merely less than 1, 000 finless prpises living in China.
    非常令人吃惊,目前中国仅有不足1 000只江豚。
    Step 5: Use what yu have learnt t write an English pster:
    Save Cute Pandas
    Nt nly is the giant panda a rare animal in China but als ne f the rarest animals n the earth. As mre and mre habitats are being destryed and mst f the bamb has been cut dwn, it is becming mre and mre difficult fr giant pandas t find fd fr themselves. S they are becming extinct. T save giant pandas, ur gvernment has set up sme nature reserves. But mre funds and attentin are needed t carry ut this imprtant rescue prject.
    Expressing purpses
    This is used as t…/in rder t/He has dne it s that… /in rder that…
    Small Friends Pet Shelter
    The funder f the Small Friends Pet Shelter
    It was 1. started by a grup f high schl students and their parents.
    The situatin f the shelter
    There are many animals living at the 2. shelter.
    The yung peple keep it clean and take care f the animals.
    The achievements
    They have already helped t find hmes fr nearly 200 animals. They think it is 3. wrth it.
    When find a lst pet, 4. call the shelter. If yu want t help ut, g and 5. vlunteer yur time and lve.
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀教案设计: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀教案设计,共5页。教案主要包含了教材分析,教学目标,教学重难点,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)Unit 2 Wildlife protection优质教学设计: 这是一份人教版 (2019)Unit 2 Wildlife protection优质教学设计,共4页。教案主要包含了教材分析,教学目标,教学重难点,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优质教学设计: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优质教学设计,共4页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重难点,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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