人教新目标 (Go for it) 版Section A教学课件ppt
展开初中英语同步教学课件前言——日常学习法1.制定目标,明确每节课的学习任务根据不同学习阶段及自身能力确立一个“跳一跳就能够得着”的长远目标。有了目标就有了学习动力,有了努力方向。另外还要学会根据不同课型确定每节课的认知小目标,这样一开始上课,就会受到目标的激励,使大脑处于兴奋状态,才能定向注意,专心致志地去主动学习,提高学习效率。2.争取课内外各种机会多练习英语语言不是教会的,而是在使用中学会的。交际能力只能在交际中得到最有效的培养。一个优秀的语言学习者应具有强烈的语言交际的欲望,应力争语言训练的各种机会。应该不怕因犯语言错误而被别人讥笑。前言——学习方法指南(一)日常学习篇1.词汇过关。 无单词,不英语!记单词时首先要会读,一般会读就会写,把读音和拼写合二为一,轻松背单词。记得背新单词时先复习一下上次背过的,常反复常巩固才能变成长久记忆。2.课文过关。 朗读课文.背诵课文是培养语感.消化巩固语法和词汇的有效途径!每天坚持8--10分钟朗读背诵.日积月累.坚持不懈!3.语法过关。 语法是规则,按规则出牌,练习分分钟搞定!语法就如数学公式,背--例句--练习!一定要养成多次反复看笔记,记规则的学习习惯。4.操练过关。 练习,作业是检验学习效果的必要手段。学会思考.学会分析.及时纠错.反复练习.逐步提高。5.坚持阅读 课外拓展 锦上添花 平时的练习,阅读中遇到生词.短语.好句要善于积累。课外积累本是你超越对手的好帮手!前言——学习方法指南 (二)应试专题篇1.单项选择 综合考查,知识点语法点覆盖全面。认真审题,前后兼顾,正确选择。2.完形填空 考知识,考推理。瞻前顾后.明确知识.推理有据。3.阅读理解 学会处理生词,学会长句断句,了解作者意图,认真分析题干,做出正确选择。4.词汇 读懂句意,写出单词,正确拼写,适当变形。5.作文 确定人称与时态。列出提纲,分段书写。开头点题,中心明确,条理清晰,首位呼应。恰当运用连词、短语、句型和从句。前言——课堂学习法1.专心上课,有心识记上课是学生学习的主渠道,而学好英语的关键是尽一切努力将所学的东西记住,需要时能运用自如。因此,上课时应高度集中注意力。应培养瞬间记忆能力,强化“有意注意”,争取就在课内有目标、有意识地去识记该课的生词、短语、句型、重点句子。当接触到该记忆的内容时,应通过眼看、耳听、口念,将其迅速输入到记忆中枢,然后再复现出它的形象。在复现时快速用手指在桌上划出这个单词,或一个长句中最难记的或最重要的单饲,强迫自己在课内就能记住这节课最重要的东西。这样,使自己真正有着“这节课确实学到不少东西”的踏实感、成功感,进而激发动机,提高兴趣,更有信心地去继续今后的学习。前言——课堂学习法2.勤记笔记,巩固记忆课内扼要记笔记可以帮助集中注意力,理顺思路,增进记忆,锻炼分析归纳、综合概括以及快速反应能力。俗话说“好记性不如烂笔头”。笔记也为日后复习提供一个复习记忆纲要。要学好英语离不开泛读。进行课外阅读时也应扼要记些笔记,做些索引、摘录等,这对加深理解、巩固、积累知识,培养学习能力大有好处。学习英语,就是学会用英语做事,同学们要想提高自己的口头交际能力,课上就要积极发言,主动进行口头表达,参与对话表演。课堂上对话练习的时间应该充分把握,大声地与同伴练习,不要怕别人笑话。听力是在日积月累地不断听不同的人“说英语”而提高的。上课时,听老师说,听录音材料说,还有就是听其他同学说。这样,不但注意力高度集中了,同时,观察、思维和记忆能力也得到了加强。久而久之,便养成了一种积极主动的听课习惯,效率也随之提高。To learn to discuss preferences using superlatives.To learn the usage of superlative.To learn new words: theater, comfortable, close, ticket, worse, comfortably…Objectives Good , better , best,Never let it rest ,Till good be better ,And better best . GOOD , BETTER, BESTChant Bad , worse ,worst ,Never fight against ,Get better and better,And you’ll be the best.ReviewThis computer is cheap.This computer is cheaper than that one.This one is the cheapest of all.¥6999¥4999¥3999The weather is bad.The weather is worse.The weather is the worst.This car is the best of the three.goodbetterThis apple is the biggest of all.bigbigger10 yuan 20 yuan50 yuanThis pen is the most expensive of the three.expensivemore expensivecinemaWhere do you want to go ?Why? theaterradio stationmovie theater=cinema comfortable seatsbig screenfriendly serviceBlue MoonSuperRed StarMy house300 m400m500mis close to my home.Red Star Cinema Super Cinema is closer to my home.is the closest to my home.Blue Moon Cinema ¥40¥20¥10is cheap.Super Cinema Red star Cinema is cheaper.is the cheapest.Blue Moon Cinema is popular. Blue Moon Cinema Super Cinema is more popular.is the most popular.Red star Cinema has a big screen.Super Cinema Blue Moon Cinema has a bigger screen.has the biggest screen.Red star Cinema has comfortable seats.Super Cinema Blue Moon Cinemahas more comfortable seats.has the most comfortable seats.Red Star Cinema How do you choose a cinema to go to? Which is important? Which is not important?comfortable seatsbig screenfriendly servicenew moviesdistance from home in a fun partpopularcheap ticketsHow do you choose what movie theater to go to? Write the things in the box under“Important” or “Not important”.comfortable seats big screens best sound cheap new movies close to home buy tickets quickly popularbig screenscomfortable seatsbest soundpopularclose to homecheapnew moviesbuy tickets quickly1a What is the most important for you in a movie theater? A: I think comfortable seats are the most important for me. B: For me, … and … are the most important in a movie theater. C: But I think …is the most important. D: In my opinion, I think … is the most important. Group work Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters. Movie World Screen CityTown CinemaScreen City Movie World1b Can you show the answers like this:Movie World has the biggest screens. Screen City is...... A: What’s the best movie theater?B: Sun Cinema. It’s the cheapest.C: But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. D: For me, …E: In my opinion, …Practice the conversation. Then talk about the movie theatres you know.1c Showtime Cinema. It’s the cheapest.But I think Gold Theater has the most comfortable seats.What’s the best movie theater?Talk about the theaters in your townIt has the biggest screens.It’s the most popular.It’s the closest to home.It’s the cheapest.It has the friendliest service.It has the most comfortable seats.I. 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级。1. good2. comfortable3. big4. happy5. cheap6. many7. difficult8. little better bestmore comfortable most comfortablebigger biggesthappier happiestcheaper cheapestmore mostmore difficult most difficult less leastExercises 1. Lily gets up ______ (early) than Lucy. 2. Which goes __________ (slowly), Tom or Jim? 3.This book is _______________ (interesting) than that one.earliermore slowly more interestingII. 根据所给词的适当形式填空。 4. She works ________________ (careful) in her school. 5. Who goes to bed_________ (late) Jim, Tom or Jack? 6. I think turkey is ________________ (delicious) of all. the most carefully the latestthe most deliciousIII. 翻译句子。1. 电影世界(Movie World)有最舒服的座位。2. 最好的电影院是哪个?What’s the best movie theater?Movie World has the most comfortable seats.3. Screen City是离家最近的电影院。4. 我喜欢Town Cinema,因为它有最大的屏幕。I like Town Cinema, because it has the biggest screen.Screen City is the closest to home.中考链接— This T-shirt is a bit expensive for me.— But this is ______one in our shop, sir.A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest句意为“—这件T恤对我来说有点贵。—但是先生这是我们店里最便宜的。”选择最高级。C播放完毕
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