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    Friends (3 persons)
    Hi, guys. Have you heard of International Museum Day?
    1 And I worked as a guide in Shanxi Museum on that day.
    A guide? 2 You put what you have learned into practice.
    @Hua 3
    Because I think working there helps more people get to know about rich culture in Shanxi.
    4 The collections in the museum show us achievements of ancient Chinese people.
    @Mary 5
    Sure! Let’s go there on Sunday.
    I believe you will benefit a lot.
    A.Good Luck!
    B.Yes, I have.
    C.How amazing it was!
    D.When did you go there?
    E.I do agree with you.
    F.Why do you want to do that?
    G.Would you like to go to Shanxi Museum with me?

    One bright morning, I was out for my usual run when I met an elderly lady who was waving her phone at me and speaking in a language I couldn’t understand. It sounded like she was in a hurry to get something. I quickly realized that she was 6 and couldn’t speak Chinese.
    She showed me some map screenshots(屏幕截图)on her phone, but I had no 7 how to read them. So, I quickly downloaded a translation app and we used the app to 8 . She spoke into the microphone(麦克风)in her language and 9 translated her words into Chinese for me to understand. I typed my answer and we were able to communicate 10 !
    I soon 11 that she needed to get home, which was not far from here. So I decided to send her back home. As we walked, we laughed and joked, even though we couldn’t understand each other’s language. It was a pretty 12 experience!
    With the help of the technology, it was lucky that we could help each other out and not be 13 by our different languages. It was technology that brought people closer and made our life easier and brighter.
    6.A.blind B.hurt C.lost
    7.A.choice B.idea C.way
    8.A.play B.communicate C.study
    9.A.she B.I C.it
    10.A.hardly B.quietly C.smoothly
    11.A.found out B.came out C.took out
    12.A.comfortable B.terrible C.enjoyable
    13.A.understood B.stopped C.accepted

    English Study Assessment(评价)
    Grade: 9 Name: Wang Chen
    Assessment Items
    It is easy for me to understand others.

    I can express myself in English fluently.

    I have know about and respect cultures from home and abroad.

    I have developed my own cultural attitude.

    Proper learning methods can be used when learning.

    To improve my interest of learning, I communicate with others actively and overcome difficulties bravely.

    I understand and tell the relationships between sentences and sentences.

    According to different kinds of information, I get into a habit of thinking independently.

    Group assessment
    This student is willing to study with others and his or her excellent team spirit encourages us to move forward.

    Teacher’s assessment
    This student plays an active part in English classes and he or she is an student in all-round development.




    Below 20
    14.Wang Chen assessed himself in ________ aspects(方面)when using English Study Assessment.
    A.3 B.4 C.6
    15.Who have assessed Wang Chen?
    A.Wang Chen, his English teacher and his parents.
    B.Wang Chen, his group members and his English teacher.
    C.His English teacher, his sister and his group members.
    16.The results for Wang Chen could be ________.
    A. B. C.
    17.We can use “English Study Assessment” to ________
    A.tell our parents how much homework we have done.
    B.check how much we have learned and progressed.
    C.explain why we have passed the exam in Grade 9.
    18.According to the assessment, what should Wang Chen do to improve his English?
    A.He is supposed to respect his classmates and develop his teamwork spirit.
    B.He should have an independent mind instead of following others blindly.
    C.He may make some friends with foreigners to know more about their lives.

    It’s a feeling you’ve experienced before. You worry about whether you’ve prepared well, and about the possible failure. The scientists Ramirez and Beilock have found that students can do better in exams if they spend ten minutes writing about their worries before the exams.
    In order to make people believe their idea, the two scientists did the experiment(实验)in the lab at first. They asked 20 college students to take a math test. Before the test, half of the students sat quietly and the other half wrote about their feelings on the coming test. They found that the writing group did much better than the students who sat quietly. Their marks were 12% higher.
    But did writing really do the trick in our real life?To answer it, the two scientists ran the experiment again before a real exam. This time, they worked with 51 ninth-grade students. The students were required to have a 10-minute writing exercise before the exam. Half of them had to write about their thoughts on the coming exam, while the other half had to write about an unrelated(不相干的)topic. Their final scores showed that if the students wrote about unrelated topics, their scores were lower. If they wrote about their worries, their bad feelings had no influence on their marks.
    But what if students do not have a chance to write about their fears immediately before an exam?Mr. Beilock says students can try it themselves at home or in the library and still improve their performance.
    This study has obvious practical effect. The scientists found a simple way of helping the anxious students to perform at their true level. They’ve also shown that the key to controlling our worries is not to push them away, but to face them.
    19.According to Paragraph 1, what kind of feeling do students have before exams? ________
    A.Worry. B.Happiness. C.Excitement.
    20.What can we know about the test in the lab? ________
    A.The teacher invited some students to take a writing test.
    B.The writing group got higher scores in the test.
    C.The students wrote down their feelings after the test.
    21.The underlined phrase “do the trick” probably means “________”.
    A.work well B.tell a lie C.lower the scores
    22.We can infer from Paragraph 4 that ________ .
    A.we can only write about cheerful things before an exam
    B.the best place to write about our worries is in the text room
    C.it doesn’t matter where we write about our worries before an exam
    23.What is the text? ________
    A.A novel. B.An advertisement. C.A report.

    Have you heard of ChatGPT nowadays? 24 When asked a question, ChatGPT uses this training to produce detailed answers that often seem like they were written by a human. You can ask it anything and it will give you an answer. You can also ask it to write a text, such as short stories or plays.
    Because ChatGPT is free and easy to use, learning with it seems to be easier. 25 However, with the development of ChatGPT, we know that we are getting information supported by thousands of other web pages. And the information given to us is simple and easy to understand. ChatGPT can help people who have problems in language expressions. People who don’t speak the same language can use it to exchange their thoughts and feelings. 26
    But there are also some different voices. For thousands of years, students have been required to find information by using books. With ChatGPT, finding information becomes much easier than using a book. 27 Besides, it could make some people lose their jobs, as their skills are no longer needed.
    28 And it’s too soon to say what kind of influence ChatGPT will have on our lives. Let’s hope that, if ChatGPT does become bigger and more popular, its effects can be mostly positive.
    A.Will it be good or bad for humankind?
    B.In this way, it could be a great tool for bringing the world closer together.
    C.It’s a type of AI that has been “trained” by looking at over 8 million web pages.
    D.ChatGPT is a great example of a modern technology that is causing mixed feelings.
    E.It could make cheating much easier, and make students feel their hard work is useless.
    F.When we use search engines such as Baidu, we have to look at web pages one by one.

    Tao Yuanming and Henry David Thoreau were both poets, but one lived in Ancient China and the other in 19th century America. Although living in different times, they were well-known for their love for nature.
    As an official in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Tao felt down over life at court (朝廷). In 405, he gave up serving the court. He spent his rest life landing in a poor area. From his poetry, we can learn that although his life was difficult, he chose to find pleasure from the nature. The peaceful life he wrote about is different from the court life.
    Unlike, Tao’s return to nature, Thoreau’s was a personal decision that changed the way he lived in. He was born in a rich family, but he wanted to live a simple life. For two years, he lived in a cottage (村舍) in the forest by Walden Lake, focusing on himself and his writing. Thoreau’s descriptions of nature wanted to show the beauty and purity (纯净) of the wild areas around him. His writing aimed to tell us that we should enjoy nature’s gifts.
    Both of them made a change to their lives in order to live closer to nature. They gave up easy and rich lives, but their choices led them to discover an easy relationship with nature in the quietness of their lives. In today’s modern world, their ideas about living and getting on well with nature may take us a closer step to achieve dreams and satisfaction.
    Living in different ages and nations, Tao Yuanming and Henry David Thoreau were poets. Besides, both of them showed their great 29 for nature that made them famous of their time.
    Tired of the court life, Tao decided to return to nature instead of serving as an official. Life was not easy, but Tao could 30 pleasure from nature. Different from Tao, Thoreau lived in the forest just because he wished to live 31 . It was their choices that led them to create so many popular poems. In their works, Tao wrote about his peaceful life while Thoreau stressed to describe the 32 scenery in wild areas.
    33 refusing the easy and rich life is difficult, both of them did it and lived quietly. Even in the modern world, their ideas may lead us to achieve dreams and happiness.

    March 22 is World Water Day. The theme last year was “groundwater”. We can’t see groundwater. It’s under our feet. But it plays an important role in our lives. About 98 percent of Earth’s fresh water is groundwater. It is 60 times as plentiful as the fresh water in lakes and rivers. On the 31st World Water Day this year, let’s keep focusing on the water resource.
    The world’s water moves between lakes, rivers, oceans, the air and the land in a cycle. It is a continuous process, with no beginning or end. The sun heats the water. This changes water into vapor(蒸气). It is called evaporation, which makes the first step of the Water Cycle. When the water vapor reaches up in the sky, it turns into tiny drops of water. These water drops come together to form clouds. This process is called condensation. When the cloud becomes too heavy and it can’t hold any more water inside, it will give out rain or snow. This is known as precipitation.

    Now, more and more countries are facing the problem of water shortage. There are some reasons for this. Firstly, with the population increasing fast, more water is needed. Secondly, climate change makes things worse. There are other reasons for water shortages. For example, water pollution makes it harder to get clean drinking water. Factories and farms don’t use water efficiently.
    “Dear customer, our city has been facing a serious drought(干旱). Please try your best to save water. Thanks for your understanding and support.”
    In December, 2021, people in Shenzhen, China got this message on their phones. At the same time, water ran more slowly from their taps.
    In the face of serious water shortage, we should raise awareness(意识) of protecting water. Meanwhile, we need to take action to save water. Let’s take a look at how Timmy saves water every week. (L=Litre)

    34.Why is groundwater important in our lives?
    35.In Picture I, the Water Cycle is the movement of water by ①evaporation, ② and ③ .
    36.What causes the water shortage?(One reason is OK. )
    37.Why is the news mentioned here?
    38.In Picture II, how much water can Timmy save at most if he finishes all the activities every week?
    39.What else can you do to save water in your daily life?


    World Book Day falls on April 23rd every year. What kinds of books are you more likely to read? I would like to suggest that you read novels, 40 there are many advantages of reading them.
    Reading novels can provide fun and relaxation. It is good 41 both your physical and mental health. People 42 read novels have lower stress levels. And novel readers have lower rates of mental illness.
    Different novelists have different ways of speaking. When you read their 43 , you can learn new words and expressions. This can help you improve your language skills, such as reading and writing.
    Reading novels helps you to become more empathetic(有同理心的). As you read, you learn about 44 happens to the characters and how it makes them feel. At the same time, certain areas of your brain become more active. You will feel as if you are experiencing the story yourself.

    clear, see, create, move, real, child, unique, give, she, educate, relax, work
    As the beautiful music played in the air, He Sudan picked up a handful of sand and threw it onto a drawing board. While her fingers 45 , the sand quickly turned into a reading girl behind a window of a farmhouse.
    He Sudan 46 sand paintings about the 24 solar terms(节气) last year. Her recent work on lichun had more than 1 million “likes” and many people online said that they had a 47 understanding of lichun than before.
    He started to show 48 talent in painting as a child. When studying in Wuhan University, a teacher asked the class to use different materials to make an animation(动画). She wanted to try something 49 different, then the idea of sand paintings came to her mind. After He graduated, she travelled around the country 50 performances.
    She has also paid much attention to 51 and set up a sand painting center for kids with special needs in Hainan. She wants to help more 52 through the art of sand painting because the special touch of sand is 53 . She says, “Sand art has brought out the best in me. I hope my sand paintings 54 by more people in the world. Nothing can stop me from pursuing the footsteps of art.”

    55.我国的传统文化源远流长, 博大精深。我们随时都能感受到传统文化的气息, 它跳动在民族乐器回音袅袅的琴弦上, 闪烁在国粹京剧色彩斑斓的脸谱上, 绽放在异彩纷呈的民俗节日中, 传扬在脍炙人口的中华诗词里, 描绘在历史悠久的名胜古迹中…… 请根据以下提示, 写一篇短文。

    1.B 2.C 3.F 4.E 5.G

    1.根据上文“Have you ever heard of International Day?”(你听说过国际博物馆日吗)及下文“And I worked as a guide in Shanxi Museum on that day.”(那天我在山西博物馆当导游。)结合选项可知,B项“是的,我听说过。”符合语境。故选B。
    2.根据上文“A guide?”(一名导游?)及下文“You put what you have learned into practice.”可知把所学用到实践中,所以横线上是评价。结合选项可知,C项“这真是太棒了!”符合语境。故选C。
    3.根据下文“Because I think working there helps more people get to know about rich culture in Shanxi.”(因为我认为在那里工作可以帮助更多的人了解山西富有的文化。)所以横线上应是问为什么,结合选项可知,F项“你为什么要那样做?”符合语境。故选F。
    4.根据上文“Because I think working there helps more people get to know about rich culture in Shanxi.”(因为我认为在那里工作可以帮助更多的人了解山西富有的文化。)及下文“The collections in the museum show us achievements of ancient Chinese people.”(博物馆的藏品向我们展示了中国古代人民的成就。横线后是对表示同意对方说的观点的具体阐述,结合选项可知,E项“我同意你的看法。”符合语境。故选E。
    5.根据下文“Sure! Let’s go there on Sunday. ”(当然!我们星期天去吧。)可知,横线上是表示邀请。结合选项可知G项“你愿意和我一起去山西博物馆吗”符合语境。故选G。
    6.C 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.B

    blind失明的;hurt受伤的;lost迷路的。根据下文“So I decided to send her back home”可知,作者决定送她回家,推测老妇人迷路了。故选C。
    choice选择;idea主意;way方法。根据“I quickly downloaded a translation app”可知,作者很快下载了一个翻译软件,推测作者看不懂她手机上的截图,用have no idea表示“不知道”。故选B。
    play玩;communicate交流;study研究。根据上文“couldn’t speak Chinese”和“I had no idea how to read them”可知,她不会说汉语,作者不知道怎么看,由此可知,作者和老妇人语言不通,无法交流,所以用翻译软件交流。故选B。
    she她;I我;it它。根据“translated her words into Chinese for me to understand”可知是指这个翻译软件把她的话翻译成汉语,代词应是it。故选C。
    hardly几乎不;quietly静静地;smoothly流畅地。根据“She spoke into the microphone(麦克风)in her language and…it translated her words into Chinese for me to understand. I typed my answer”可知,她用她的语言对着麦克风说话,它把她的话翻译成汉语让作者理解。作者打出回答,说明他们可以用翻译软件流畅地交流。故选C。
    found out弄清楚;came out出来;took out拿出。根据“she needed to get home”可知,作者通过翻译软件弄清楚了她要回家。故选A。
    comfortable舒服的;terrible可怕的;enjoyable愉快的。根据“As we walked, we laughed and joked”可知这是一次愉快的经历。故选C。
    understood理解;stopped阻止;accepted接受。根据“With the help of the technology”可知,在科技的帮助下,他们没有被不同的语言阻止,而是能互相帮助。故选B。
    14.B 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.B

    14.细节理解题。根据“Language Competence”、“Cultural Awareness”、“Learning Ability”和“Thinking Quality”可知王晨在四个方面自己评估了自己。故选B。

    15.细节理解题。根据“Self assessment”、“Group assessment”和“Teacher’s assessment”可知王晨自己、他的小组成员和老师评价了他。故选B。
    16.推理判断题。根据Scores一栏可知, 5+4+4+4+5+4+3+2+4+5=40,故总分为40分, 并由Results一栏可知应得到三个大拇指。故选A。
    17.推理判断题。根据“Language Competence”、“Cultural Awareness”、“Learning Ability”和“Thinking Quality”及“Results”可知英语学习评估可以用来检查我们学习的质量,即学到了多少、进步了多少。故选B。
    19.A 20.B 21.A 22.C 23.C

    19.细节理解题。根据“You worry about whether you’ve prepared well, and about the possible failure”可知考试之前会感到担心。故选A。
    20.细节理解题。根据“They found that the writing group did much better than the students who sat quietly. Their marks were 12% higher.”可知他们发现,写的小组比安静地坐着的学生做得好得多,他们的分数高出12%。故选B。
    21.词义猜测题。根据“They found that the writing group did much better than the students who sat quietly. Their marks were 12% higher.”可知写下自己的感觉的学生得分更高,在生活中写下来是否也起作用。故选A。
    22.推理判断题。根据“Mr. Beilock says students can try it themselves at home or in the library and still improve their performance”可知学生们可以在家里或图书馆自己尝试,仍然可以提高他们的成绩,所以考试前我们在哪里写我们的担忧并不重要。故选C。
    24.C 25.F 26.B 27.E 28.A

    24.根据“Have you heard of ChatGPT nowadays?”可知此处在介绍ChatGPT,选项C“这是一种通过查看800多万个网页而被‘训练’的人工智能。”符合语境,故选C。
    25.根据“However, with the development of ChatGPT, we know that we are getting information supported by thousands of other web pages.”可知说的是网页。选项F“当我们使用百度等搜索引擎时,我们必须一个一个地查看网页。”符合语境,故选F。
    26.根据“People who don’t speak the same language can use it to exchange their thoughts and feelings. ”可知说的是加强交流。选项B“通过这种方式,它可以成为使世界更紧密地联系在一起的伟大工具。”符合语境,故选B。
    27.根据“Besides, it could make some people lose their jobs, as their skills are no longer needed.”可知此处说的是弊端。选项E“这可能会让作弊变得更容易,让学生们觉得他们的努力是徒劳的。”符合语境,故选E。
    28.根据“And it’s too soon to say what kind of influence ChatGPT will have on our lives.”可知说的是造成的影响。选项A“这对人类是好是坏?”符合语境,故选A。
    29.love 30.find 31.simply 32.natural 33.Although

    29.根据“Although living in different times, they were well-known for their love for nature.”可知他们都表现出了对自然的热爱。故填love。
    30.根据“From his poetry, we can learn that although his life was difficult, he chose to find pleasure from the nature.”可知生活并不容易,但陶可以从自然中找到快乐。故填find。
    31.根据“He was born in a rich family, but he wanted to live a simple life.”可知梭罗住在森林里只是因为他希望过简单的生活,修饰动词live用副词simply“简单地”。故填simply。
    32.根据“Thoreau’s descriptions of nature wanted to show the beauty and purity of the wild areas around him.”可知梭罗强调描述野外的自然风光,修饰名词用形容词natural“自然的”。故填natural。
    33.根据“They gave up easy and rich lives, but their choices led them to discover an easy relationship with nature in the quietness of their lives.”可知尽管拒绝安逸和富足的生活很困难,但他们都做到了,并安静地生活着。故填Although。
    34.Because about 98% of Earth’s fresh water is groundwater. 35. condensation precipitation 36.Climate change. 37.To tell us saving water is necessary. 38.73 L. 39.Reuse water.

    34.根据“About 98 percent of Earth’s fresh water is groundwater”可知地下水重要的原因是地球上的淡水大约98%都是地下水。故填Because about 98% of Earth’s fresh water is groundwater.
    35.根据图片以及“It is called evaporation, which makes the first step of the Water Cycle...This process is called condensation...This is known as precipitation”可知水循环的过程是蒸发—冷凝—降水。故填condensation;precipitation。
    36.根据“climate change makes things worse.”可知天气变化导致了水资源短缺。故填Climate change.
    37.根据新闻内容可知这则新闻的目的是提高人们节水意识,并采取措施节水。选择其中一点回答即可。故填To tell us saving water is necessary.
    38.根据图片II可知,左边三幅图的用水量为40+12+70=122,右边三幅图的用水量为15+4+30=49,因此Timmy完成所有活动最多可以节约用水122-49=73。故填73 L.
    39.开放性试题,答案合理即可。参考答案为Reuse water.
    40.because 41.for 42.who/that 43.works 44.what

    40.句意:我建议你读小说,因为读小说有很多好处。空格后“there are many advantages of reading them”是解释前半句的原因,用because引导原因状语从句,故填because。
    41.句意:它对你的身心健康都有好处。根据“It is good… both your physical and mental health”可知,此处表示对身心健康都有好处,be good for“对……有好处”,故填for。
    43.句意:当你阅读他们的作品时,你可以学习新的单词和表达方式。根据“Different novelists have different ways of speaking. When you read their …, you can learn new words and expressions.”可知,此处指阅读小说家的作品,work“作品”,根据their可知,此空应填复数形式,故填works。

    45.were moving 46.created 47.clearer 48.her 49.really 50.to give 51.education 52.children 53.relaxing 54.will be seen

    45.句意:当她的手指在移动时,沙子很快变成了一个在农舍窗户后面读书的女孩。根据上文“He Sudan picked up a handful of sand and threw it onto a drawing board”(何素丹抓起一把沙子, 撒到一块画板上)以及下文“the sand quickly turned into a reading girl behind a window of a farmhouse”(沙子很快变成了一个在农舍窗户后面读书的女孩)可知空白处应填表示“移动”含义的动词,所以选择move,因从句表示的是一个在过去的某个时间正在发生的动作,谓语动词使用过去进行时。故填were moving。
    46.句意:何素丹去年创作了关于二十四节气的沙画作品。根据下文“sand paintings about the 24 solar terms”(关于二十四节气的沙画作品)可知空白处应填表示“创造”含义的动词,根据时间状语“last year”可知句子表示的是一个发生在过去的动作,谓语动词使用一般过去时。故填created。
    47.句意:她最近关于立春的作品获得了超过100万个赞,许多网友表示他们对立春的理解比以前更清楚了。根据下文“understanding of lichun (对立春的理解)”可知空白处应填表示“清楚”含义的形容词,再根据下文“than before(比以前)”可知空白处应填形容词的比较级。故填clearer。
    48.句意:何从小就开始展示她的绘画天赋。根据下文“as a child(她从小)”可知此处上下文说的是何素丹的天赋,因空白处在句子中作定语,所以选择she并变为形容词性物主代词。 故填her。
    49.句意:她想尝试一些真正不同的东西,然后她想到了沙画的想法。根据上文“use different materials (使用不同的材料)”以及下文“the idea of sand paintings came to her mind”(她想到了沙画的想法)可知何素丹的想法确实与众不同,因空白处在句子中做状语使用副词,所以选择real并变为副词。故填really。
    50.句意:何毕业后,她到全国各地演出。分析句子结构,give performance为固定短语,含义为“演出”,符合句意,因空白处在句子中作状语表示目的,使用动词不定式,故填to give。
    51.句意:她还非常重视教育,在海南为有特殊需要的孩子们建立了一个沙画中心。根据下文“set up a sand painting center for kids with special needs in Hainan(在海南为有特殊需要的孩子们建立了一个沙画中心)”可知此处上下文说的是有关教育的话题,所以选择动词educate,根据空白处前面的介词to可知空白处应填名词。故填education。
    52.句意:她想通过沙画艺术帮助更多的孩子,因为沙子的特殊触感是令人放松的。根据上文“set up a sand painting center for kids with special needs in Hainan”(在海南为有特殊需要的孩子们建立了一个沙画中心)可推理出何素丹想要帮助孩子们,所以将child变为复数children。故填children。
    53.句意:她想通过沙画艺术帮助更多的孩子,因为沙子的特殊触感是独令人放松的。根据上文“set up a sand painting center for kids with special needs in Hainan”(创建沙画中心给那些有特殊需要的孩子)可推理出作者认为沙子的触感是很令人放松的,relaxing放松的。故填relaxing。
    54.句意:我希望我的沙画能被世界上更多的人看到。根据下文“by more people in the world”(被世界上更多的人)可知此处上下文说的是何素丹希望世界上更多的人看到她的作品,所以选择see。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中做宾补且与逻辑主语sand paintings 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,希望的是未来的事,所以时态为将来时,所以是将来时态的被动语态。故填will be seen。
    Nowadays, with the popularity of Chinese style, more people show great interest in traditional Chinese culture. My favorite traditional Chinese culture is calligraphy, which has a long history and has influenced many people.
    I started learning calligraphy at eight. At first, it was challenging for me to use the brush to write Chinese characters. My wrist would ache after holding the brush for a long time. Fortunately, with the help of my teacher, I gradually improved. Now, I can write spring couplets for my family every year. It makes me proud.
    Learning calligraphy has a great influence on me. I become more patient and careful thanks to years of practice. I also feel honored to be able to pass down this traditional Chinese culture.
    ① show great interest in 表现出极大的兴趣

    ② with the help of 在……帮助下

    ③ has a great influence on me 对我有很大的影响

    ④ pass down 传承下去

    ① My favorite traditional Chinese culture is calligraphy, which has a long history and has influenced many people. (which引导的定语从句)
    ② At first, it was challenging for me to use the brush to write Chinese characters. (it is+形容词+for sb. to do句式)


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