第2课时 Unit 4~Unit 6 第3讲 Unit 6food hamburger milk bread chicken egg rice icecream salad vegetable carrot tomato fruit banana pear apple strawberry breakfast lunch dinner birthday star habit question want sure wrong health unhealthy healthier healthiest fatter fattest real ate eaten eating weekend weekday better best think about next week eating habits one last question after dinner healthy food sports star for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner want would like healthy in good health really truly think about for breakfast what for dinner Let's think about the food What do you like to eat I don't want to be fat Do you like vegetables and bread They're good for our health want to move to leave confident
第2课时 Unit 4~Unit 6 第3讲 Unit 6food hamburger milk bread chicken egg rice icecream salad vegetable carrot tomato fruit banana pear apple strawberry breakfast lunch dinner birthday star habit question want sure wrong health unhealthy healthier healthiest fatter fattest real ate eaten eating weekend weekday better best think about next week eating habits one last question after dinner healthy food sports star for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner want would like healthy in good health really truly think about for breakfast what for dinner Let's think about the food What do you like to eat I don't want to be fat Do you like vegetables and bread They're good for our health want to move to leave confident
