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    专题6.1 Unit 6 Starting out & Understanding ideas 作业 高一英语外研版(2019)选择性必修二
    专题6.1 Unit 6 Starting out & Understanding ideas 作业 高一英语外研版(2019)选择性必修二01
    专题6.1 Unit 6 Starting out & Understanding ideas 作业 高一英语外研版(2019)选择性必修二02
    专题6.1 Unit 6 Starting out & Understanding ideas 作业 高一英语外研版(2019)选择性必修二03
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    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 6 Survival精品复习练习题

    这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 6 Survival精品复习练习题,共16页。

    1.Withut (hesitate),I decided t be a vlunteer in the rganizatin.
    2.The design f the earphnes are mre (appeal) t yung peple.
    3.Dequina studies the area carefully, (figure) ut where the eggs have been buried.
    4.It is wrthwhile t spend great amunt f time n reading.
    5. (adapt) t schl life quickly is imprtant fr freshmen.
    6.The parents expressed their (appreciate) t the plice fr their missing sn.

    thrw away;crash int;pulled ut f;a means f;ut f reach
    1.That’s just the deal.A higher price will be .
    2.The citizens are recycling many things which they in the past.
    3.A car whse driver was drunk went ut f cntrl,and the back f the bus.
    4.The ld man mves furniture as living.
    5.The gvernment the army the truble spt.
    Only when yu practise English a few hurs every day master English.
    Only by wrking hard and eventually achieve great success.
    If ne f the cmputers brke dwn,the whle netwrks wuld .
    It has nt been decided which plan t be adpted;therefre/thus,we .
    Only when we each ther can we gain in authentic and meaningful friendships.
    IV. 阅读理解
    Dgs can smell things at cncentratins f ne part in a trillin—equal t a single drp in a pnd the size f 20 Olympic swimming pls. That ability is put t gd use by human beings. Trained dgs can sniff ut explsives and drugs, even tracking missing peple. They can als detect (发现) illnesses, including cancer, malaria, Parkinsn's disease and COVID-19, befre bvius symptms appear. A study published in 2019,fr example, suggested that trained dgs detect (发现) illnesses, including cancer, malaria, Parkinsn's disease and COVID-19, befre bvius symptms appear. A study published in 2019, fr example, suggested that trained dgs were able, 97% f the time, t identify bld samples taken frm patients with lung cancer.
    Training dgs, hwever, takes time. Trainers must be paid. The animals themselves get tired and bred. Dgs are nt, then, a practical answer t the questin f hw t detect illness quickly. But fruit flies might be. Unlike dgs, they are cheap and dispsable--and their senses are just as gd. Alng with technlgy tailred t their talents, they culd prvide ecnmical and easy ways f detecting cancer, and als ffer an alternative t labratry tests fr COVID that might be welcme in cuntries with limited budgets.
    Givanni Galizia is ne leading researcher f the University f Knstanz, in Germany. Fruit flies smell things using their feelers, and Dr Galizia has genetically mdified (改变) his flies. When the flies get the smell f the cells with illness, a change in their brain activity can be seen under a micrscpe. With the help f machine learning, Dr Galizia can recgnize the patterns t detect illness.
    Whether this idea will cme t fruitin remains t be seen. Medical regulatrs will have t be cnvinced that what may seem wacky at first glance is actually practical. But dctrs have been encuraged t use animals' nses t assist diagnsis (诊断) since ancient times. Having a little assistance frm fruit flies might be n bad thing.
    1.What d dgs and fruit flies have in cmmn?
    A.They d nt cst mney.
    B.They can detect drugs.
    C.They have equally gd senses.
    D.They ffer practical ways t detect illness quickly.
    2.What des the underlined wrd "wacky" in the last paragraph mean?
    3.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A.Animals' special Functins
    B.Easy Ways f Detecting Cancer
    C.Human Beings' Great Helpers
    D.A New Apprach t Detecting Illness
    The "junk DNA" may be useful in develping future cancer treatments, accrding t a new reprt in the jurnal Nature Immunlgy. The discvery was led by Wilmt Cancer Institute investigatrs and University f Rchester bilgists Vera Grbunva, Ph.D., and Andrei Seluanv, Ph.D..
    The DNA elements under research are knwn as retrtranspsns (逆转录转座子). The bad side f them is that if left t run amk, they can give rise t tumrs (肿瘤). Researchers, hwever, discvered that if they are kept in the crrect balance and cntrlled prperly, retrtranspsns can cause the immune system t destry cancer.
    Much f the Grbunva and Seluanv lab's wrk invlves the blind mle rat (鼹鼠), which lives undergrund and seems unaffected by cancer. In the latest scientific paper, researchers fund that the anti-cancer appraches behind retrtranspsns are present in human cells, and planned t use the infrmatin t find new ways t stp cancer cell grwth.
    They fcus n rats because they are genetically similar t humans and have a diverse range f lifespans (寿命). Grbunva and Seluanv previusly discvered that blind mle rats prevent cancer by activating "cncerted cell death," but the appraches at play were a mystery. Nw, the researchers believe retrtranspsns may be ne key piece t the puzzle. Why? Because they discvered that blind mle rats have evlved t retrtranspsns t their advantage t kill cancer cells.
    At first the researchers believed the appraches behind retrtranspsns were unique t blind mle rats. Hwever, they fund the same appraches at wrk in human tissue cells. The researchers still need t figure ut exactly hw blind mle rats have achieved the balance between activating and cntrlling retrtranspsns. Fr nw, thugh, they will fcus n the pwer f selfish genetic elements t be, well, nt s selfish.
    4.What is ne f reasns fr rats t be chsen as study tpic?
    A.They are unaffected by cancer.
    B.They have verlng lifespans.
    C.Their genes are alike t humans.
    D.Their retrtranspsns are unique.
    5.What des the underlined "amk" in paragraph 2 mean?
    6.What can we knw abut the lab's research?
    A.It develped pssible treatments fr cancer.
    B.It transplanted retrtranspsns int human.
    C.It succeeded in balancing retrtranspsns.
    D.It remved junk genes frm rats effectively.
    7.Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A.Blind Mle Rats Fight against Cancer
    B."Junk DNA" is a Duble-Edged Swrd
    C.Blind Mle Rats: Clse Friends f Humanity
    D.Selfish Genetic Elements Have Great Pwer
    A new study published this week in the jurnal Nature Cmmunicatins has cncluded that a 100 percent change t rganic fd prductin in England and Wales wuld actually lead t a great increase in greenhuse gas emissins (排放). In turn, this wuld cntribute t further climate change.
    Althugh rganic farming directly purs ut fewer emissins than cnventinal farming—arund 20 percent lwer fr crps and 4 percent fr farm animals—it prduces ntably less fd. As t this study's findings, ttal rganic agriculture in England and Wales wuld prduce 40 percent less fd. With less fd in the market, the cuntries wuld need t increase fd imprts, which wuld prduce mre glbal greenhuse gas emissins.
    Organic farming als increases the amunt f absrbing carbn, a prcess where carbn dixide (CO2) is "absrbed" ut f the atmsphere and captured by plants and stred in the sil. Hwever, even a ttal change t rganic farming wuld nly be equal t a tiny part f the higher emissins frm verseas land use.
    "We predict a drp in ttal fd prductin f 40 percent under a fully rganic farming prcess, cmpared t cnventinal farming, if we keep t the same natinal diet," Dr Adrian Williams, lead authr and reader in Agri-Envirnmental Systems at Cranfield University, said in a statement. "This results frm lwer crp quantity, because utput is limited by a lwer supply f nitrgen, which is mainly frm ther crps r slid waste frm cattle n the grassland."
    Nevertheless, it is imprtant t nte that rganic farming still hlds sme useful benefits fr the envirnment, such as reducing expsure t chemicals and imprving the varieties f creatures. In cnclusin, the study suggests that rganic farming will cntinue t play a key rle in reslving the wrld's envirnmental prblems. Hwever, it's just ne part f a much wider slutin.
    8.What will ttal rganic agriculture bring t England?
    A.Mre main fd.
    B.Mre species crp.
    C.Mre fd imprts.
    D.Mre fresh xygen.
    9.Hw des rganic farming increase the amunt f absrbing carbn?
    A.By taking in CO2
    B.By changing CO2
    C.By giving ff CO2
    D.By prducing CO2
    10.What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The ways t reduce rganic farming.
    B.The results caused by rganic farming.
    C.The slutin t the envirnment prblems.
    D.The advantages f rganic farming.
    11.Which f the fllwing is the best title f the text?
    A.Organic farming, green fd
    B.Organic farming, ur hpe in future
    C.Organic farming, a mistake we made
    D.Organic farming, a duble-edged swrd
    V. 任务型阅读
    We've nticed ur kids put n sme extra weight during this pandemic(疫情). Here are what dctrs and specialists say abut what t d t get the family back n track.
    In the mess f the pandemic, sleep and wakeup times slid later and later fr lts f kids, says Dr. Nazrat Mirza, medical directr f the pediatric (小儿科)weight management clinic in Washingtn, D. C. Research has linked regular, adequate sleep t imprved mental and physical health in kids. If sleep rutines have becme a prblem in yur family, try t mve kids' bedtimes back by 15 minutes every tw r three nights. 37.
    Create mre structure arund meal times.
    38. It was als the case with sme trained experts. "It was srt f this buffet-style experience where they were eating thrughut the day," says Stacey Rsenfeld, a specialist in eating disrders, whse kid ended up gaining 20 punds. 39. While putting kids n a restricted diet can lead t unintended cnsequences, creating and sticking t set meal and snack. times can help kids cntrl their appetites and develp sensible eating habits, experts say.
    Have sympathy fr yurself, and mdel it fr yur kids.
    We've all been thrugh an incredibly stressful and tiring year and a half, and it's nt ver. And sme families have been especially hard hit by this pandemic. "We have t shw urselves little pity and it's nt ging t happen with a snap f the fingers," says Has sink. 40. Even if yur kids didn't gain weight, teach them nt t tease thers. Eventually, "We want t be building ur kids up. We want t be fcusing n wh they are utside f their bdies," says Rsenfeld.
    A. Get bedtimes back n track.
    B. D the same thing with wake-up times, she says.
    C. Have sympathy fr yur kids and yur life will be easy.
    D. As things calmed dwn, she decided it was time fr a reset.
    E. Bedtimes play a vital rle in imprving the quality f sleep.
    F. That sympathy is smething we shuld als fster in ur children.
    G. All-day-lng, unmnitred eating became a habit in many families f the pandemic.
    VI. 完形填空
    Jane Gdall, the well-knwn scientist, is starting Trees fr Jane n Tuesday, jining a glbal campaign t fight 51 change by planting a trillin trees by 2030.
    Gdall made it 52 that planting is just ne part f Trees fr Jane. "The key is 53 existing frest because thse big trees 54 have stred CO2,"she said in a Natinal Gegraphic interview. 55 t Trees fr Jane will supprt lcal grups wrking t stp destrying trees. And thse wh plant are asked t agree t 56 the trees and mnitr them 57 they're mature.
    Of curse, tree planting is nt a 58 fr reducing emissins(排放), said Susan Ck-Pattn, senir frest restratin scientist fr The Nature Cnservancy. " The mst imprtant actin is t reduce fssil fuel emissins. 59 ,even if we rapidly reduce emissins, we're still ging t need t 60 carbn frm the atmsphere t prevent catastrphic warming. That's 61 carbn remval appraches like re-grwing trees remain imprtant. "
    Sme tree-planting 62 have cme under fire frm sme scientists as being 63 ,since many prgrams dn't plant native species, essentially creating tree farms, nt helping frests. And Ck-Pattn's 64 is clear: "Plant the right trees, in the right places, in the right way. " This means planting native trees where they 65 lived.
    Gdall said this 66 with the gal f Trees fr Jane. She, nting that Trees fr Jane 67 peple t plant trees themselves r dnate t supprt glbal effrts, said her lve fr 68 dates back t her childhd. Nearly eight decades later, she is 69 tirelessly and selflessly t share the 70 f trees with the entire wrld, fr the gd f the planet.
    VII. 语法填空
    Earthquake can nt be prevented r even predicted. 101. ur chances f survival are much better if we make full 102. (prepare) in advance and we knw 103. t d in case an earthquake strikes. Befre an earthquake we shuld be aware f the exits 104. the safe places. When 105. is an earthquake, we shuld find ur shelters by sme hard walls r under sme strng stable 106. (furniture), such as beds and desks. At the same time, d remember t prtect ur heads and never be panic 107. (jump) ut f the windw r take the lift. After the earthquake, we shuld be patient and hpeful. Usually, sme 108. (small) earthquakes may fllw and it may be a lng time 109. help cmes. During this time, keeping ur 110. (strng) by calling fr help with a whistle and being brave is the right thing t d.

    51. A. climate
    B. plicy
    C. weather
    D. culture
    52. A. imprtant
    B. cautius
    C. clear
    D. necessary
    53. A. ruining
    B. prtecting
    C. mving
    D. develping
    54. A. even
    B. mstly
    C. already
    D. just
    55. A. Intrductins
    B. Changes
    C. Adjustments
    D. Dnatins
    56. A. care fr
    B. speak fr
    C. make fr
    D. stand fr
    57. A. because
    B. until
    C. while
    D. nce
    58. A. chice
    B. schedule
    C. chance
    D. substitute
    59. A. Thus
    B. Besides
    C. Hwever
    D. Smehw
    60. A. regain
    B. remve
    C. make
    D. save
    61. A. why
    B. hw
    C. when
    D. where
    62. A. prfits
    B. difficulties
    C. effrts
    D. tls
    63. A. artificial
    B. ineffective
    C. fruitful
    D. meaningful
    64. A. message
    B. rder
    C. news
    D. lessn
    65. A. rarely
    B. finally
    C. basically
    D. histrically
    66. A. begins
    B. agrees
    C. cmpetes
    D. cnflicts
    67. A. frces
    B. appints
    C. encurages
    D. cmmands
    68. A. children
    B. animals
    C. bks
    D. trees
    69. A. wrking
    B. cmplaining
    C. thinking
    D. studying
    70. A. gift
    B. rt
    C. name
    D. hnr
    ut f reach
    wuld have thrwn away
    crashed int
    a means f
    pulled;ut f
    will yu be able t
    can a persn vercme difficulties
    be pwerless t wrk
    have n chice but t wait
    get a better understanding f
    【答案】 1.C
    1.考查细节理解。根据“ Trained dgs can sniff ut explsives and drugs, even tracking missing peple. ”训练有素的狗可以嗅出爆炸物和毒品,甚至可以追踪失踪人员;以及第三段中的“Fruit flies smell things using their feelers, and Dr Galizia has genetically mdified (改变) his flies. When the flies get the smell f the cells with illness, a change in their brain activity can be seen under a micrscpe. With the help f machine learning, Dr Galizia can recgnize the patterns t detect illness.”果蝇用它们的触角嗅到东西,Galizia 博士对他的果蝇进行了基因改造(改变)。当苍蝇闻到患病细胞的气味时,可以在显微镜下看到它们大脑活动的变化。在机器学习的帮助下,Galizia 博士可以识别疾病检测模式。可知它们的感官同样敏锐。故选C。
    2.考查词义猜测。根据最后一段中的“Medical regulatrs will have t be cnvinced that what may seem wacky at first glance is actually practical. ”医疗监管机构必须确信,乍一看似乎古怪的东西实际上是实用的。可推知 wacky是“古怪的,奇怪的”之意,故选A。
    B【答案】 4.C
    【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了“junk DNA”对于潜在的癌症治疗的积极意义和消极影响,指出“junk DNA”是一把双刃剑,需谨慎对待,取得平衡。
    4.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“They fcus n rats because they are genetically similar t humans and have a diverse range f lifespans (寿命).”他们研究鼹鼠因为他们的基因与人类相似,并且寿命不一。可知,研究选择鼹鼠是出于基因相似的考虑。故选C。
    5.考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的“they can give rise t tumrs (肿瘤).”它们会导致肿瘤,可知,这是逆转录转座子不好的一面。由此推知,“The bad side f them is that if left t run amk, they can give rise t tumrs (肿瘤).”意为“它们不好的一面是,如果它们转录不合理的话,会导致肿瘤。”unreasnably“不合理地”为完全的否定词,否定某种做法的合理性,因为其会导致不良后果。故选B。
    6.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“The ‘junk DNA’ may be useful in develping future cancer treatments.”“junk DNA”在未来癌症治疗中是有帮助的;以及第四段中的“Because they discvered that blind mle rats have evlved t retrtranspsns t their advantage t kill cancer cells.”因为他们发现失明的鼹鼠进化至逆转录转座子实现杀死癌细胞的优势。可知,实验室的研究为治疗癌症提供了可能性。故选A。
    7.考查主旨大意。纵观全文可知,“junk DNA”有积极意义也有负面影响。根据最后一段中的“The researchers still need t figure ut exactly hw blind mle rats have achieved the balance between activating and cntrlling retrtranspsns.”研究者们仍然需要得出失明的鼹鼠是如何实现促进和控制转录的平衡的。可知“junk DNA”是一把双刃剑,需要谨慎对待,文章主要在讨论这个问题。故选B。
    【答案】 8.C
    8.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“As t this study's findings, ttal rganic agriculture in England and Wales wuld prduce 40 percent less fd. With less fd in the market, the cuntries wuld need t increase fd imprts, which wuld prduce mre glbal greenhuse gas emissins.”根据这项研究的结果,英格兰和威尔士的有机农业总产量将减少40%。随着市场上粮食的减少,这些国家将需要增加粮食进口,这将产生更多的全球温室气体排放。可知全有机农业将给英国带来更多的食品进口。故选C。
    9.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“ Organic farming als increases the amunt f absrbing carbn, a prcess where carbn dixide (CO2) is ‘absrbed’ ut f the atmsphere and captured by plants and stred in the sil.”有机农业也增加了碳的吸收量,这个过程中二氧化碳从大气中"吸收"出来,被植物吸收并储存在土壤中。可知有机农业通过吸收二氧化碳增加吸收碳的量。故选A。
    10.考查段落大意。根据最后一段"Nevertheless, it is imprtant t nte that rganic farming still hlds sme useful benefits fr the envirnment, such as reducing expsure t chemicals and imprving the varieties f creatures. In cnclusin, the study suggests that rganic farming will cntinue t play a key rle in reslving the wrld's envirnmental prblems. Hwever, it's just ne part f a much wider slutin.”然而,有机农业仍然对环境有一些有益的好处,例如减少接触化学物质和改善生物品种。总之,这项研究表明,有机农业将继续在解决世界环境问题方面发挥关键作用。然而,这只是更广泛解决方案的一部分。可知最后一段主要讲述了有机农业的优势。故选D。
    11.考查主旨大意。根据第一段"A new study published this week in the jurnal Nature Cmmunicatins has cncluded that a 100 percent change t rganic (有机的) fd prductin in England and Wales wuld actually lead t a great increase in greenhuse gas emissins (排放). In turn, this wuld cntribute t further climate change.”本周发表在《自然通讯》杂志上的一项新研究得出结论:英格兰和威尔士的有机食品生产百分之百的改变实际上会导致温室气体排放量的大幅增加。反过来,这将有助于进一步的气候变化。可知本文主要讲述了有机农业的好处以及其带来的问题,“有机农业,一把双刃剑。"作为题目最合适。故选D。
    【答案】 A;B;G;D;F
    A. 让就寝时间回到正轨。
    B. 她说,对起床时间做同样的事情。
    C. 同情你的孩子,你的生活会很轻松。
    D. 随着事情平静下来,她决定是时候重新开始了。
    E. 就寝时间在提高睡眠质量方面起着至关重要的作用。
    F. 这种同情心也是我们应该在孩子身上培养的。
    G. 在大流行的许多家庭中,全天不受监控的饮食已成为一种习惯。
    36.根据空后“In the mess f the pandemic, sleep and wakeup times slid later and later fr lts f kids, says Dr. Nazrat Mirza, medical directr f the pediatric (小儿科)weight management clinic in Washingtn, D. C. Research has linked regular, adequate sleep t imprved mental and physical health in kids.”华盛顿特区儿科体重管理诊所的医学主任 Nazrat Mirza 博士说,在大流行的混乱中,许多孩子的睡眠和起床时间越来越晚,研究将规律、充足的睡眠与改善孩子的心理和身体健康联系起来。可知本段指让睡眠时间回到正轨,A. Get bedtimes back n track.“让睡觉时间回到正轨。”符合语境,故选A。
    37.根据空前“ If sleep rutines have becme a prblem in yur family, try t mve kids' bedtimes back by 15 minutes every tw r three nights.”如果睡眠习惯已成为您家庭的一个问题,请尝试每两到三晚将孩子的就寝时间推迟 15 分钟。B. D the same thing with wake-up times, she says.“她说起床时间也是这样。”承接上文,与睡眠有关,符合语境,故选B。
    38.根据本段小标题“Create mre structure arund meal times.”围绕用餐时间创建更多结构;以及空后“It was als the case with sme trained experts. "It was srt f this buffet-style experience where they were eating thrughut the day”一些训练有素的专家也是如此。可知G. All-day-lng, unmnitred eating became a habit in many families f the pandemic.“一整天不受控制的饮食成为了许多疫情家庭的习惯。”与饮食有关,承接下文,呼应标题,符合语境,故选G。
    39.根据空前“‘It was srt f this buffet-style experience where they were eating thrughut the day,’ says Stacey Rsenfeld, a specialist in eating disrders, whse kid ended up gaining 20 punds. ”“这是一种自助式的体验,他们全天都在吃东西,”饮食失调专家斯泰西罗森菲尔德说,他的孩子最终增加了 20 磅;以及空后“ While putting kids n a restricted diet can lead t unintended cnsequences, creating and sticking t set meal and snack. ”虽然限制孩子的饮食会导致意想不到的后果,但创造并坚持套餐和零食。可知D. As things calmed dwn, she decided it was time fr a reset.“随着事情平静下来,她决定是时候重新设置了。”承上启下,符合语境,故选D。
    40.根据本段小标题“Have sympathy fr yurself, and mdel it fr yur kids.”同情你自己,并为你的孩子树立榜样;空前“ ‘We have t shw urselves little pity and it's nt ging t happen with a snap f the fingers,’ says Has sink.”“我们必须表现出一点同情心,这不会发生在弹指之间,”Has sink 说;以及空后“ Even if yur kids didn't gain weight, teach them nt t tease thers. ”即使您的孩子体重没有增加,也要教导他们不要取笑他人。可知F. That sympathy is smething we shuld als fster in ur children.“我们也应该在孩子身上培养这种同情心。”符合语境,故选F。
    【答案】 51.A;52.C;53.B;54.C;55.D;56.A;57.B;58.D;59.C;60.B;61.A;62.C;63.B;64.A;65.D;66.B;67.C;68.D;69.A;70.A;
    【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了著名科学家Jane Gdall启动Trees fr Jane 活动,以应对气候变暖。
    51.句意:著名科学家Jane Gdall将于周二启动Trees fr Jane 活动,加入到 2030 年种植 1 万亿棵树以应对气候变化的全球运动的活动。A:climate“气候”;B:plicy“政策”;C:weather“天气”;D:culture“文化”。根据下文“The mst imprtant actin is t reduce fssil fuel emissins. 9 ,even if we rapidly reduce emissins, we're still ging t need t 10 carbn frm the atmsphere t prevent catastrphic warming. ”最重要的行动是减少化石燃料的排放。然而,即使我们迅速减少排放,我们仍然需要从大气中去除碳以防止灾难性变暖。可知是为了应对气候变化,故选A。
    52.句意:Gdall明确表示,种植只是Trees fr Jane 的一部分。A:imprtant“重要的”;B:cautius“小心的,谨慎的”;C:clear“清楚的”;D:necessary“必要的”。根据下文“The key is 3 existing frest because thse big trees 4 have stred CO2”关键是保护现有的森林,因为那些大树已经储存了二氧化碳,可知她阐明种植只是活动的一部分,故选C。
    53.句意:关键是保护现有的森林,因为那些大树已经储存了二氧化碳。A:ruining“毁坏”;B:prtecting“保护”;C:mving“移动”;D:develping“发展”。根据下文“ 5 t Trees fr Jane will supprt lcal grups wrking t stp destrying trees. ”为 Trees fr Jane捐赠的树木将支持当地团体工作以停止破坏树木。可知植树是为了保护森林,故选B。
    54.句意:关键是保护现有的森林,因为那些大树已经储存了二氧化碳。A:even“甚至”;B:mstly“大部分地”;C:already“已经”;D:just“刚才,仅仅”。根据下文“we're still ging t need t 10 carbn frm the atmsphere t prevent catastrphic warming. ”我们仍然需要从大气中去除碳以防止灾难性变暖。可知大树已经储存了二氧化碳,故选C。
    句意:为 Trees fr Jane捐赠的树木将支持当地团体工作以停止破坏树木。A:Intrductins“介绍”;B:Changes“变化”;C:Adjustments“调整”;D:Dnatins“捐赠”。根据下文“nting that Trees fr Janepeple t plant trees themselves r dnate t supprt
    glbal effrts ”指出Trees fr Jane鼓励人们自己植树或捐赠以支持全球努力,故选D。
    56.句意:种植者被要求同意照顾树木并监控它们直到它们成熟。A:care fr“关心,照顾”;B:speak fr“为代言”;C:make fr“走向,前往”;D:stand fr“代表”。根据空后“and mnitr them 7 they're mature.”监控它们直到它们成熟,可知此处指照顾这些树木,故选A。
    58.句意:当然,植树不能替代减少排放,大自然保护协会的高级森林恢复科学家Susan Ck-Pattn说。A:chice“选择”;B:schedule“日程”;C:chance“机会”;D:substitute“替代品”。根据下文“even if we rapidly reduce emissins, we're still ging t need t 10 carbn frm the atmsphere t prevent catastrphic warming. ”即使我们迅速减少排放,我们仍然需要从大气中去除碳以防止灾难性变暖。可知植树不能替代减少排放,故选D。
    60.句意:然而,即使我们迅速减少排放,我们仍然需要从大气中去除碳以防止灾难性变暖。A:regain“重新获得”;B:remve“移除,除掉”;C:make“制造,使”;D:save“挽救,节省”。根据下文“That's 11 carbn remval appraches like re-grwing trees remain imprtant. ”这就是为什么重新种植树木等碳去除方法仍然存在的原因重要的。 可知选B。
    62.句意:一些植树努力因无效而受到一些科学家的抨击,因为许多计划不种植本地物种,基本上是创建林场,而不是帮助森林。A:prfits“利润”;B:difficulties“困难”;C:effrts“努力”;D:tls“工具”。根据空后“since many prgrams dn't plant native species, essentially creating tree farms, nt helping frests. ”因为许多计划不种植本地物种,基本上是创建林场,而不是帮助森林。可知植树付出的努力是没有效果的,故选C。
    63.句意:一些植树努力因无效而受到一些科学家的抨击,因为许多计划不种植本地物种,基本上是创建林场,而不是帮助森林。A:artificial“人造的”;B:ineffective“无效的”;C:fruitful“硕果累累的”;D:meaningful“有意义的”。根据空前“ under fire frm sme scientists ”遭到一些科学家的攻击,说明种树没有效果,故选B。
    64.句意:Ck-Pattn的信息很明确:“在正确的地方、以正确的方式种植正确的树木。”A:message“信息”;B:rder“命令,订单”;C:news“新闻”;D:lessn“课,教训”。根据空后“Plant the right trees, in the right places, in the right way.”在正确的地方、以正确的方式种植正确的树木。是信息的内容,故选A。
    66.句意:Gdall 说这与Trees fr Jane的目标一致。A:begins“开始”;B:agrees“同意”;C:cmpetes“比赛”;D:cnflicts“冲突”。agree with固定短语,“与一致”,故选B。
    67.句意:她,指出Trees fr Jane鼓励人们自己植树或捐赠以支持全球努力,说她对树木的热爱可以追溯到她的童年。A:frces“强迫”;B:appints“任命,委派”;C:encurages“鼓励”;D:cmmands“命令,指挥”。根据上文“ 5 t Trees fr Jane will supprt lcal grups wrking t stp destrying trees. ”为 Trees fr Jane捐赠的树木将支持当地团体努力停止破坏树木,可知Trees fr Jane鼓励人们自己植树或捐赠,encurage sb.t d固定短语,“鼓励某人做”,故选C。
    68.句意:她,指出Trees fr Jane鼓励人们自己植树或捐赠以支持全球努力,说她对树木的热爱可以追溯到她的童年。A:children“孩子”;B:animals“动物”;C:bks“书”;D:trees“树”。根据上文可知她爱树,故选D。
    69.句意:将近八十年之后,为了地球的利益,她不知疲倦地无私地工作,与全世界分享树木的礼物。A:wrking“工作”;B:cmplaining“抱怨”;C:thinking“认为”;D:studying“研究,学习”。根据上文“Jane Gdall, the well-knwn scientist, is starting Trees fr Jane n Tuesday, jining a glbal campaign t fight 1 change by planting a trillin trees by 2030.”著名科学家Jane Gdall将于周二启动Trees fr Jane 活动,加入到 2030 年种植 1 万亿棵树以应对气候变化的全球运动的活动。可知此处指她不知疲倦地无私地工作,故选A。
    VII【答案】 But;preparatins;what;t;there;furniture;t jump;smaller;befre;strength

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