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    1What’s the cup made of?

    AGold. BSilver. CGlass.

    2How often does Mark go swimming?

    AEvery day. BTwice a day. COnce a week.

    3How will the weather probably be?

    ASunny. BRainy. CWindy.

    4Whose English book is it?

    AMike’s. BAmy’s. CKatie’s.

    5What are the two speakers talking about?

    AA new car. BA kind of tree. CThe future life.




    6When did James study for the test?

    ALast night. BThis morning. CThis afternoon.

    7How does Helen study for a test?

    ABy reviewing notes.

    BBy making mind maps.

    CBy studying with a group.



    8How did the girl go to her grandparents’ home?

    ABy car. BBy bus. CBy train.

    9How long did the girl stay there?

    AFor two days. BFor two weeks. CFor two months.

    10Where are the two speakers now?

    AAt the bus station. BIn the classroom. COn the farm





    11Where was Frida from?

    AGermany. BMexico. CAmerica.

    12What happened when Frida was 18 years old?

    AShe learned to take photos.

    BShe got hurt in a bus accident.

    CShe got into a good university.

    13Who taught Frida to paint?

    AHer father. BHer teacher. CShe taught herself.

    14What are Frida’s paintings mainly about?

    AHer life or her family.

    BHer life or her old house.

    CHer life or herself with animals.

    15What did people think of Frida?

    ABrave. BHard-working. CLucky.





    I used to sit at the back of the classroom and hardly listened to the teacher in class. Talking with the boys around me was so much better. I wanted to be heard rather than   16  .

    “Are you listening, Sam? Could you repeat what I said just now?” Mrs. Jackson asked, looking at me with   17   dark staring eyes. I shook my head. No, of course not. I was talking to Mike and paid no attention to her. “If you listen, you’ll learn something.” Mrs. Jackson always tried to make me listen, but I   18   stopped talking.

    That evening, my   19   started to hurt after I had three cups of ice cream. The next morning, when I opened my mouth to say good morning,   20   came out but a croak (沙哑的声音). My mother looked at me, “Honey, you’ve lost your   21  .” “Can I stay home?” I tried to ask, but words didn’t come out.

    My mother   22   me. Then she decided it was OK to go to school, even if I   23   talk. How awful!

    When I got to school, Mrs. Jackson said “Hello” to me, and I   24   nodded. By the time the bell rang for class, almost everyone was   25   me as if I’d grown a third eye.

    I sat in class, bored. I watched some of my classmates talk to each other as if the teacher wasn’t there, but that wasn’t   26  . Mrs. Jackson was teaching how to solve a math problem that day and I   27   to pay attention.

    You know what? It wasn’t that bad. I could do my homework that night. It gave me extra (额外的) TV time   28   my work was all done. All I had to do was to listen.

    The next day, even though my voice was coming back, I stayed   29   again. The third day, I could talk fine,   30   I still listened. I even raised my hand to answer questions.

    What a difference that one day made!

    16Atalk Bread Cask Dlisten

    17Aher Bhis Cyour Dmy

    18Anever Bsometimes Coften Dalways

    19Aneck Bthroat Chead Dhands

    20Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything

    21Amind Bvoice Cway Dweight

    22Aasked Bwarned Cchecked Dallowed

    23Ashouldn't Bwouldn't Cmustn't Dcouldn't

    24Aeven Bstill Calso Djust

    25Alooking at Blooking for Clooking after Dlooking through

    26Aboring Bpossible Cfun Dfair

    27Adecided Bcontinued Coffered Dagreed

    28Aunless Balthough Cbecause Dbefore

    29Aactive Bquiet Cbored Dnervous

    30Aas Bbut Cso Dor




    On August 4th, two men and two women were hit by lightning while visiting Washington’s Lafayette Square, just north of the White House. All four people were taken to the hospital quickly. Three of them later died.

    Take lightning storms seriously. If you’re outdoors, it is important to know how to keep away from lightning.

    When thunder roars, go indoors. Quickly go into a room such as a shopping center, home, or office.

    Are you in an open area? Make sure that you’re not at the highest point, especially when you’re in an open area. Getting low to the ground can reduce your chances of being hit.

    Are you in a car? If you’re in your car during a lightning storm, close your windows and keep an eye out. Stop the car when you can’t see the road.

    Are you around water? Keep away from water and don’t swim or row a boat if a storm is nearby. If you’re on the water, leave it quickly.

    Are you in a forest? Don’t take shelter (遮蔽) under a tree that is isolated (孤立的) or the tallest nearby. If you are in a forest, shelter near lower trees.

    Keep away from flash floods. Lightning storms can be followed by heavy rain that could lead to flash floods. Move to higher ground before floodwater reaches you.

    Don’t touch metal items and other special things. These things, such as bikes, power lines, and golf clubs, can conduct electricity (导电).

    31The writer starts the passage by _________.

    Agiving reasons

    Basking questions

    Ctelling news

    Dlisting numbers

    32When a lightning storm comes, we should ________.

    Ago to the highest point

    Bstay away from water

    Ctake shelter under the tallest tree

    Dride bikes instead of driving cars

    33What is the passage mainly about?

    AA piece of news about a lightning storm.

    BSome serious results caused by lightning.

    CHow a lightning storm forms.

    DHow to stay safe in a lightning storm.


    There once was a very honest shopkeeper whose business was to provide goods to the local people. He would open his shop at 8:00 a.m. after having his breakfast, and at 1:00 p.m. he would go for lunch. In the evening at 8:30 p.m. he closed his shop to complete his daily routine.

    However, to get time for lunch was really difficult because he didn’t have anybody to help him at that time. Therefore, it was his daily practice that whichever customer was shopping at 1:00 p.m. would be asked to keep watch on the shop until the shopkeeper returned from lunch.

    One day, a group of four thieves planned to steal from his shop while he was gone for lunch. One of the thieves would go at 1:00 p.m. to be the customer that would be asked to keep watch on the shop.

    The thief, pretending (假装) to be a customer, went into the shop at 1:00 p.m. and started buying several things. As usual, the shopkeeper asked this “customer” to sit on his chair for thirty minutes until he returned from lunch.

    Then, the other three thieves quickly came and told the pretended customer to help, but something had changed within him and he knew deeply in his heart that if he was given responsibility for the shop, he should not perform any dishonest acts during that time. His friends did not agree. As the now honest man tried to stop them, they started to fight. And at the same time, the shopkeeper returned and asked why there was a fight. The now honest man explained the whole plan.

    The shopkeeper had been searching for an honest man who could take ownership of the shop and run it. Now he felt that he had found the right man.

    34The problem for the shopkeeper was that _________ every day.

    Anobody cooked lunch for him

    Bhe was too busy to go out to have lunch

    Che was too old to protect the shop only by himself

    Dhe had nobody to keep watch on the shop at lunch

    35What did the thief really want to do as soon as he went into the shop at 1:00 p.m.?

    ATo buy cheaper things at the shop.

    BTo have lunch with the shopkeeper.

    CTo steal from the shop with the other three.

    DTo help the shopkeeper keep watch on the shop.

    36Why did the thief have a fight with the other three?

    AIt was one of their plans.

    BTo be trusted made him change his idea.

    CHe found he had known the shopkeeper before.

    DThe shopkeeper had promised to give him a lot of money.

    37We can infer (推断) from the passage that _________ later.

    Athe thief might become the owner of the shop

    Bthe four thieves became the shopkeeper’s friends

    Cthe shopkeeper still had to search for an honest man

    Dthe shopkeeper would take the thief to the police office


    Flat-screen (平板显示器) television sets are normal now and we cannot even remember the last time we saw the old one with a larger back. Even those of us who do not consider ourselves to be rich might have several flat screens in our homes. That just leaves us with one problem that needs to be taken care of:_____▲_____?

    Luckily, we are here to provide you with the answers that you need. The old television set can actually be turned into a beautiful bed for your cat. There are a number of creative thinkers who are trying their best. The cat bed is lovely and retro (复古的)! From the look of it, this creative cat owner decided to take away all of the innards (内部结构) from the television set before adding a new background.

    You’ll want to make sure that all of the glass and cords (电线) are taken out before you allow your cat to sleep inside. After all, you do not want any harm to come to your four-legged friend. Once you have placed a nice, soft bed or pillow inside, your cat will have no trouble getting comfortable.

    Little Red Book accounts (账号) that have been showing their handwork make us feel jealous. These cat beds are beyond fashionable. It’s the type of idea that makes so much sense; you’ll be wondering why you did not think of it first. You can add your own decorations as needed so that your cat bed is fit for your pet’s personality.

    This is your chance to make all of your retro dreams come true. Now, if you will excuse us, we need to look for an old television set.

    38Which might be the missing sentence in “____▲_____” in Paragraph 1?

    AWhy should we reuse the old television sets

    BWhat can we do with our old television sets

    CWhere should we put the flat-screen television sets

    DHow can we use the flat-screen television sets correctly

    39How can we make a cat bed out of an old television?

    a. add new backgrounds

    b. reuse old glass and cords

    c. put a soft bed or pillow inside

    d. take out innards out of the old one

    Aa, b, c Ba, b, d Cb,c,d Da, c, d

    40What do the underlined words “your four-legged friend” refer to (指代) in the text?

    AAn old television. BA soft bed. CA lovely cat. DA kind friend.

    41From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4, we can infer that the writer thinks _________.

    Ait’s a waste of time to make such a cat bed

    Bturning an old TV into a cat bed is a simple job

    Cit’s a creative idea to make a cat bed out of an old TV

    Dliving in a cat bed made out of an old TV is harmful to a cat


    Scientists have discovered what they believe is the world’s largest plant, an underwater field of sea grass that spreads for 180 kilometers in Shark Bay, off the west coast of Australia.

    Sea grasses are flowering plants that grow in shallow (浅的) waters near coasts. They grow together in thick fields, known as meadows (草地), helping clean the ocean’s water. They also provide food and shelter for many sea lives. The huge sea grass meadow in Shark Bay is a kind of sea grass called Posidonia australis and it has spread widely all through Shark Bay.

    Scientists wanted to study the sea grass, so they took samples (样本) from 10 different parts of this huge meadow.

    Many plants create new plants by growing flowers and spreading seeds (种子). The DNA of the plants that grow from these seeds is a little different from the DNA of the plants that the seeds came from. By comparing the DNA from their samples, the scientists hoped to get an idea of how many different sea grass plants there were in the meadow.

    What they learned made them astonished—all of the grass samples had almost exactly the same DNAThat meant that they were all just one plant. One big sea grass plant spreads out over 200 square kilometers. This makes it the largest known plant in the world, by far.

    So how has the Shark Bay sea grass grown so large? Instead of spreading with flowers and seeds, it spreads by copying or cloning (克隆) itself. It generally grows and spreads about 35 centimeters a year. Because of the history of Shark Bay and the speed of growth, the scientists believe that the plant is about 4,500 years old.

    The sea grass in Shark Bay is also unusual in another way. It’s a “polyploid” (多倍体). Usually, an organism (有机体) has two parents, and gets half of its DNA from each. But polyploid organisms have all of the DNA from both parents, meaning they have twice as much DNAThe researchers believe this may play a part in the success of the sea grass.

    42The huge sea grass meadow in Shark Bay ________.

    Agrows in deep waters Bpollutes the sea water

    Cis helpful to many sea lives Dspreads out 180 kilometers every year

    43The underlined word “astonished” in Paragraph 5 means “_________”.

    Ashocked Bhappy Cworried Ddisappointed

    44Researchers guess the sea grass in Shark Bay can live so long because of ________.

    Aits large size Bits special DNA

    Cthe conditions in Shark Bay Dthe protection provided by humans

    45What’s the writing purpose of the article?

    ATo introduce the largest sea grass.

    BTo praise the spirit of the scientists.

    CTo list the ways of studying sea lives.

    DTo advise people to protect sea grasses.





    Clerk: Pizza Express. Mark speaking.      46    

    Customer: I’d like to order a pizza, please.

    Clerk: Sure. I’ll just take your delivery details. What’s your name?

    Customer: Susie Ellis.

    Clerk: Right.      47    

    Customer: It’s 13 Beach Street, Westfield. My house is on the corner of Beach Street and Brown Avenue.

    Clerk: OK.      48    

    Customer: I’d like a large supreme pizza please. And can I have extra cheese on it, please?

    Clerk: Sure. Would you like anything to drink with that?

    Customer: Oh, yes.      49    

    Clerk: Great. Do you want some dessert, too? We have a special deal on desserts at the moment. If you buy three desserts, you get one free.

    Customer:      50      In that case, I’ll have three pieces of chocolate cake, please.

    Clerk: No problem! We’ll give you an extra piece of cake for free. Your order comes to fifteen dollars. It should be delivered in around twenty minutes. Thank you for calling Pizza Express.

    AThat sounds good.

    BI’ll have a large bottle of lemonade, please.

    CNow what would you like to order?

    DHow much are they?

    EHow may I help you?

    FAnd what’s your address?





    might    either    he    four    travel

    51More and more Chinese people will go abroad to ____________ this year.

    52I was lucky because I had friends sitting on ____________ side of me on the plane.

    53On his ____________ birthday, Tom received a special gift from his parents.

    54I brought him some sandwiches because I thought he ____________ be hungry.

    55Since Ben has grown so quickly, his shoes are not big enough for ____________ now.





    China is famous for its delicious food. Chinese people think of food as the most important thing in their lives. They do not    56    (……打招呼) each other with “How are you?” but they ask, “Have you    57    ()?”

    Since table manners are part of Chinese cooking    58    (文化), Chinese people still follow their table manners today. There is a seat for the “guest of honor” or the oldest person in the family. The “seat of honor” is usually the one that    59    (面对) the front door of the room. The “seat of honor” can also be the one in the center facing    60    (东方) of the room, if there is no seat facing the door.

    As for the host, he may take the least important seat. It is usually the one nearest the    61    (厨房) or service door. It is    62    (有礼貌的) to sit after the elder or the “guest of honor” sits down. Guests should wait    63    (直到…….) they are invited to get seated.

    Chinese people like sharing food    64    (在一起). And they usually put all the dishes in the center of a     65     (圆形的) table. There is usually a rotating disc in the center of the dining table. It makes sure that all the diners can enjoy the meal and feel respected.





    A Football Star with Bright Future

    Spain is where some of the world’s best footballers are and it looks like a new star from the country is shining in the world of football. The great footballer is Pablo Martin Páez Gavira, who is popularly    66    (know) as Gavi.

    Gavi was born into a football-loving family in 2004. He started    67    (play) at a very young age. He played so well    68    he received an offer to play for the Real Betis youth team in 2013. Later, Gavi joined the Barcelona team, and during that time, he was just    69    11-year-old child!    70    October, 2021, Gavi played his first Spain game at 17 years, 62 days. It made him become    71    (young) player in history to play for the national team of Spain. Last year, Gavi    72    (catch) the world’s attention for his wonderful performances at 2022 World Cup.

    How great is Gavi’s playing skills? One of his    73    (fan) said, “He can set the pace of a game, knows when to speed it up and slow it down.” Another fan said, “   74    he moves, the ball always finds its way through his football boots.”

    Gavi, 18 now, is giving his best and playing football    75    (active). A brighter future awaits him and Spain. Just as Spain’s head coach Luis Enrique said, “He’s the present and future of the national team.”




    76.在某英语论坛上,你看到一个关于“How will you make a five-minute video to remember your school life?”的帖子,请根据帖子内容用英语回帖(至少包含三方面内容)。词数:80~100(帖子开头已给出,不计入总词数)

    Topic: How will you make a five-minute video to remember your school life?

    Hi, guys! We will graduate from our junior high school soon. To remember our school life, I suggest making a five-minute video. In the video, we could share some pictures of our school buildings, school environment, school activities, teachers, classmates and so on. What is your plan?

    It’s really a fantastic idea to make a five-minute video to remember our school life. Here is my plan!








    6A    7A


    8C    9B    10A


    11B    12B    13C    14C    15A



    16D    17A    18A    19B    20C    21B    22C    23D    24D    25A    26C    27A    28C    29B    30B


    31C    32B    33D


    34D    35C    36B    37A


    38B    39D    40C    41C


    42C    43A    44B    45A


    46E    47F    48C    49B    50A


    51travel    52either    53fourth    54might    55him



    56greet    57eaten    58culture    59faces    60east    61kitchen    62polite    63till/until    64together    65round



    66known    67playing/to play    68that    69an    70In    71the youngest    72caught    73fans    74When/Whenever    75actively



    It’s really a fantastic idea to make a five-minute video to remember our school life. Here is my plan!

    Firstly, I’ll take some pictures of our classrooms, dining hall, library and playground, which have left us many unforgettable memories. To make the pictures more lively and touching, the classic song “Auld Lang Syne” will be played at the same time. Then, the photos of some school activities will appear, as these activities have brought us so much fun. Next scene is an interview with some teachers and classmates. They’ll recall the school life and express their wishes.

    The end of the video should be exciting, so I decide to record a scene of the classmates separating from each other.



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