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    第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)



    1. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

    A. Father and daughter.  B. Teacher and student.  C. Doctor and patient.

    2. Where is Mike now?

    A. In the classroom.  B. On the playground.  C. In the library.

    3. What does the woman mean?

    A. The man shouldn’t go downtown.

    B. She wants to go with the man.

    C. The man should come back soon.

    4. How much did the mother give to the boy altogether?

    A. $400.     B. $500.     C. $700.

    5. What do we know about the man?

    A. He is a teacher.   B. He is a guest.   C. He is a cook.




    6. What is wrong with the man?

    A. He has a headache.  B. He has got the flu.  C. He has got a fever.

    7. When did the problem begin bothering the man?

    A. Two weeks ago.   B. Two months ago.  C. Three months ago.


    8. Why does the woman call the man?

    A. To change their appointment.

    B. To discuss a business plan.

    C. To arrange an exhibition.

    9. When are the two speakers going to meet?

    A. On Wednesday.   B. On Thursday.   C. On Friday.


    10. How does the woman feel about her recent work?

    A. It’s too boring.   B. It’s worthwhile.   C. It’s difficult to finish.

    11. What makes the woman feel lucky?

    A. She has finished her task.

    B. She will finish her task soon.

    C. Someone will help her with the task.

    12. What caused the woman to give up drinking?

    A. She lost interest in drinking.

    B. She thought it was bad for her health.

    C. Her mother frequently told her to do so.


    13. What does the woman think of America?

    A. Great.     B. Diverse.    C. Big.

    14. When did the man arrive in America?

    A. Two weeks ago.   B. Two months ago.  C. Two years ago.

    15. Where is the man going next?

    A. To his home.   B. To the classroom.  C. To the library.

    16. Which country is the woman from?

    A. China.    B. America.     C. Britain.


    17. What did John enjoy doing in his childhood?

    A. Touring France.  B. Playing outdoors.  C. Painting pictures.

    18. What did John do after he moved to the US?

    A. He did business.  B. He studied biology.  C. He worked on a farm.

    19. Why did John go hunting?

    A. For food.   B. For pleasure.   C. For money.

    20. What is the subject of John’s works?

    A. American birds.  B. Natural scenery.   C. Family life.

    第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)




    Kids are different, and so are their interests, so pick a hobby your child would love. Teaching hobbies for kids is a fun, relaxing, and attractive way to spend one’s time. Children love recreational activities and learning new things. Read on to know tour interesting hobbies that help in the development of kids.


    Astronomy is a branch of science that studies space’s objects, like stars and planets. Children as young as four years can enjoy the pleasure of this science activity as a hobby. Providing them with an age-appropriate telescope and visiting children-specific astronomy workshops are good ideas to motivate them to try it as a hobby.

    Nature watching

    Watching nature and wildlife can be a thrilling learning experience for children across ages. A walk to a nearby park at sunrise and sunset, camping in the jungle, or a wildlife reserve are enjoyable activities to motivate them to enjoy the pleasure of nature watching as a hobby.

    Recycling waste

    Recycling waste is an eco-friendly practice that helps recycle waste material, like paper, cardboard, plastic, steel cans, etc. into new things. This creative activity can be a fun, attractive, and learning hobby for children that also makes them be responsible for nature. You can encourage your child to pursue recycling as a hobby by practicing recycling at home.


    A riddle is a question or statement that requires effective usage of cognitive (认知的) skills, like logical reasoning, to help find the answer. Based on the interest, involve your child in a writing riddle, numerical riddle, year riddle, or riddles of other types. Making up riddles as a hobby encourages brainstorming, critical thinking and logical reasoning skills.

    21. Which hobby can children choose if they are interested in space?

    A. Astronomy.   B. Nature watching. C. Recycling waste.  D. Riddles.

    22. What do nature watching and recycling waste have in common?

    A. They are a branch of science.    B. They require kids to go camping.

    C. They motivate kids’ logical mind.   D. They are related to nature.

    23. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

    A. Science.   B. Business.   C. Parenting.   D. Sports.


    As a child growing up in a suburban town in the Northeast of the United States, the arrival of spring had little meaning for me.

    Sure, we had a weeklong spring vocation from school, but the key word there was vacation, not spring.

    For the kids in my neighborhood, the arrival of spring was a non-event. There were two important seasons: winter, when we could go skating and sledding or build snow forts, and summer, when we could finally make proper use of the beach about 100 meter east of my family home. Spring and autumn were just technical details, weeks and weeks of waiting for the good times’ return.

    Admittedly, spring later developed its own attractions for me—“In the spring a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of love”, as the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson noted—however, it was not spring itself, but the other stuff bat got my attention.

    In short, I never thought much at all about spring.... and then I arrived in China. I had been in Beijing for about three months when my first Spring Festival rolled around, and it could hardly be ignored. Aside from the random bursts of fireworks at any time day or night, what stood out most for me was that the capital seemed to be empty.

    It was as though the crowds and streams of cars and trucks commonly seen in the capital had all gone into hiding. My puzzlement cleared up when I returned to work. My colleagues explained that Chinese traditionally travel, if necessary, to visit their families during Spring Festival, and that many Beijingers were not natives of the capital.

    I also got my first knowledge of something about Spring Festival that never ceases to amaze me. Regardless of when the holiday is set to begin, there is an almost immediate and sudden change for the better in the weather. Spring really does arrive.

    I can’t begin to figure out how the ancient Chinese could create a system for the millennia (一千年) that would almost always accurately predict when the season would shift year after year after year. But they did.

    24. What did the author think of spring as a child?

    A. Eventful.   B. Hopeful.   C. Dull.    D. Thrilling.

    25. What can we learn from the passage?

    A. The author never had a spring vacation before he came to China.

    B. Spring to the author is a season when he could do nothing.

    C. Empty streets and random bursts of fireworks upset the author.

    D. Spring Festival tends to indicate the coming of Spring.

    26. What’ the author’s attitude towards China’s traditional culture?

    A. Doubtful.   B. Admirable.   C. Objective.   D. Confused.

    27. Which of the following can be the best title?

    A. Springtime—a season of waiting   B. Springtime—a season of senses awakening

    C. Spring Festival—a time of celebrating  D. Spring Festival—a time of loneliness


    Recently, researchers at Yale did a groundbreaking study (独创性研究) that found that parents had enormous power to reduce their child’s anxiety, even if the child didn’t do anything different.

    The study involved 124 parents and their children, aged 7 to 14, who had been diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Half the children received 12 weekly sessions of cognitive e(认知的) behaviour therapy (治疗). The other half received no therapy at all, but their parents received 12 weekly sessions to guide them on how to respond to anxiety in their children.

    Parent therapy focused on helping parents reduce their accommodation behaviour (迁就行为), which are the behaviour that make anxiety more possible. These behaviour included parents supporting avoidance, over-comforting, changing the environment to avoid anything that might fuel anxiety, accommodating (包容) obsessive-compulsive (强迫症) behaviour (either by joining in or making way for them). For example, if a parent received loads of text messages a day from an anxious child, that parent gradually reduced the number of text messages he or she sent back to two or three. Parents of children who were refusing or avoiding school because of anxiety-driven stomachaches were taught to respond with something like, “I know you are feeling upset right now, and I know you will be okay,” before sending the child to school.

    The results were remarkable. Children in both groups showed the same reduction in anxiety, regardless of whether they or their parents received suggestions. On top of this, the relationship between the parent and child was better in the group where only the parents received therapy. If you have stood with a child during anxiety, you would probably be way too aware of the sense of helplessness that can swamp them. When anxiety lays a heavy hand, it can understandably be tough for our children to open up to doing something different. What this research is telling us is that we don’t need them to. Even without involving their children, parents have enormous power to reduce anxiety in their children by changing the way they respond to anxiety.

    28. What are the two therapies intended for?

    A. One for children and one for parents.

    B. Both for children’s cognitive behaviour.

    C. Both for parents’ anxiety and behaviour.

    D. Both for children with anxiety and bad deeds.

    29. Why should parents reduce sent-back messages when receiving so many?

    A. To let experts give some advice.   B. To show their ignorance to them.

    C. To reduce the children’s anxiety.   D. To give children too much comfort.

    30. What does the result of the research show to us?

    A. Children’s ways to deal with anxiety are vital.

    B. Parents’ proper behaviors are more important.

    C. Children’s cognitive behaviors should be guided.

    D. Children are short of experience in treating anxiety.

    31. What should a parent do in treating children’s anxiety?

    A. Change himself.       B. Give advice quickly.

    C. Take them to doctors.      D. Get into their behaviors.


    Soil creates life from death. The production of more than 95%of the food we eat relies on soil. But this precious resource is eroding (侵蚀) at a global average of 13.5 tons per hectare per year. Instead of nourishing crops (滋养作物), fertile (肥沃的) topsoil is washed and blown away, ending up in inconvenient places such as ditches and oceans.

    Jo Handelsman and Kayla Cohen try to make readers care about soil in A World Without Soil. Their prologue (前言) takes the form of a letter to the government. With the letter, they hope to make soil management a federal priority (联邦优先事项). The following chapters cover the basic science of soil as well as the causes and consequences of its erosion (侵蚀). In the last part of the book, the authors turn to possible solutions—many of them simple, and some centuries old. They describe about traditional soil management techniques, including planting diverse crops in rotation (轮种), increasing organic content, ploughing as little as possible, etc. With these techniques, farmers are able to produce rich agricultural production while maintaining deep banks of fertile soil.

    Why, then, is fertile soil being allowed to be washed and blown away? The answer, not surprisingly, rests in global capitalism. Farmers’ profit is thin, forcing farmers to plant the highest-profit crop from field to field every season. To ensure food security, Handelsman and Cohen urge the world to demand a real top-down change in how agricultural production is managed. “The burden of protecting soil cannot be shifted to farmers and environmental activists,” they note. Governments must begin to move towards a model in which farmers are less independent business people growing and selling food, and more government-supported land workers managing both food production and soil protection. This should be the core of agriculture.

    Our land and soil are too precious to be destroyed by the market price of crops. We must invest deeply and thoughtfully in our farmers so that they can invest deeply and thoughtfully in the land. This is the future of farming.

    32. What is paragraph 1 mainly about?

    A. The gradual process of losing soil.   B. The worrying situation of soil erosion.

    C. The alarming decrease of food output.  D. The great significance of soil protection.

    33. What do we know about the book A World Without Soil?

    A. It targets federal officials as its main readers.

    B. It puts forward some practical solutions to soil loss.

    C. It advocates changing traditional farming techniques.

    D. It blames governments for not taking care of farmlands.

    34. What do Handelsman and Cohen suggest farmers do?

    A. Invest in the most profitable crops.   B. Grow and sell food all by themselves.

    C. Shoulder the burden of protecting soil.  D. Work the land with government support.

    35. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

    A. A Call to Save Soil      B. Tips to Reshape Agriculture

    C. Ways to Enrich Farmland     D. An Appeal to Guarantee Food Supply



    How Important Is Alone Time for Mental Health?

    People tend to be social creatures, and research has shown that social connections are vital for both emotional and physical well- being.    36    The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated both the challenges of loneliness and a lack of alone time. Having time for yourself gives you the chance to break free from social pressures and tap into your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Why is it important to be alone?


       37    Research actually suggests that being alone can lead to changes in the brain that help fuel the creative process. In a 2020 study published in the journal Nature Communications, researchers found that perceived social isolation (loneliness) led to increased activity in the neural circuits related to imagination. When left with a lack of social stimulation, the brain increases its creative networks to help fill the blank.

    Social Energy

       38    However, researchers have found that people who live alone may actually have richer social lives and more social energy than people who don’t. Sociologist Eric Klineberg notes that one in seven U. S. adults lives alone. Klineberg found that not only were these adults not lonely, many actually had richer social lives.

    How to spend time alone?

    Pick a time: Figure out when you’d like to spend some time alone. Plan that time into your schedule and make sure that other people know that they shouldn’t interrupt you during that time.

       39   : Work on removing distractions, particularly ones that invite social comparisons. Your focus should be on your own thoughts and interests and not on what other people are doing.

    Plan something: Not everyone is comfortable spending time alone, so you might find it helpful to plan out what you want to do.    40  

    There’s no correct amount of solo time that works for everyone. Think about things that you might like to do by yourself, then start practicing doing them alone.

    A. Turn off social media.

    B. Focus on others’ behavior.

    C. Living alone tends to be seen in a negative light.

    D. Solo time is an opportunity to strengthen your creativity.

    E. However, alone time also plays a crucial role in mental health.

    F. Therefore, there are things you can do to boost social connections.

    G. This might involve relaxation time, exploring favorite hobbies, or reading books.

    第三部分  语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

    第一节  完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


    Six- year- old Ryan Coutinho wasn’t used to smiling. He felt    41    after losing almost all his teeth at the age of three.

    Now he does. And he is always    42    to Amanda Mattos.

    The boy lives in a    43    family. He had his teeth pulled out because of cavities (蛀牙). Only a few on his lower part remained. Ms Mattos, 25, met Ryan at the boy’s school for the first time two years ago, where Ryan’s teacher told Mattos he    44    smiled and communicated little. Ms Mattos would like to    45    the boy after contacting his mother, but his mother    46    the offer “They couldn’t afford the    47   ,” the dentist said. “They were still shaken by the    48    that took his teeth out.”

    Ryan’s story could have    49    here. But two years later, by accident, his mother got a job as a cleaner at the    50   , which Ms Mattos owns. The boy had a pain in one of his remaining teeth. He went to the clinic for a (an)    51    and met Ms Mattos again. “I asked him what he wanted. He replied: ‘a smile like my friends’,” the dentist said.

    Ms Mattos agreed to do it for free. The mother happily    52    the kindness.

    Then, two days after Brazil’s Children’s Day, Ryan finally got a new denture (假牙).

    “We all cried. It was very moving,” Ryan’s mother said.

    “All this is    53   ,” Ms Mattos says. “Isn’t it pleasant if someone    54    smile because of your    55   ?”

    41. A. happy   B. upset    C. thankful   D. confident

    42. A. grateful   B. sensitive   C. sympathetic   D. hateful

    43. A. poor   B. rich    C. happy    D. big

    44. A. all the time  B. from time to time C. hardly    D. always

    45. A. meet   B. treat    C. save    D. research

    46. A. turned down  B. agreed to   C. showed off   D. hesitated about

    47. A. activity   B. performance  C. service    D. operation

    48. A. strategy   B. game    C. visit    D. experience

    49. A. spread   B. ended    C. changed   D. started

    50. A. factory   B. bank    C. clinic    D. school

    51. A. discussion  B. decoration   C. improvement  D. examination

    52. A. ignored   B. accepted   C. considered   D. abandoned

    53. A. worth   B. efficient   C. unnecessary  D. random

    54. A. loses   B. sees    C. shares    D. regains

    55. A. bravery   B. honesty   C. generosity   D. fairness



    We always hear adults learning languages complain    56    not learning the language as a child. This is because it is easier to learn a language when one is a kid rather than when he or she is a teen or adult.

    But why do kids become bilingual (双语) so    57    (easy)? Actually, for young children,    58    (learn) language is a part of their brain chemistry. Children are built to absorb information and they do this in    59    unconscious state of mind. Adults and older children, on the other hand, have to consciously learn the information. This makes it    60    (hard) because when we learn consciously, information sometimes gets lost or disassociated. According to NBC News, young children can learn two languages as fast as one. Studies show that the best time to learn a new language is between birth and age 7,    61    is referred as “the window of opportunity”. While we can all learn a new language, research    62    (show) it is easier for young children to learn a second language.

    It    63    (prove) that the brain is more plastic (有塑性的) and ready    64    (create) new circuits before than after puberty (青春期). Besides,    65    (baby) and young children learn foreign languages best by interacting with people rather than passively through a video, DVD or audio recording.

    第四部分  写作(共两节;满分40分)


    你校正在举办题为“The Road to Success”的英文演讲比赛,请你写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:






    The Road to Success






    Alex was very excited because the New Year Eve’s party was coming and as usual it was going to be held in his Uncle Peter’s home. Suddenly, he saw his grandfather sitting alone looking very unhappy.

    Alex went to him and asked, “Grandpa, why are you sitting alone? Is there anything wrong with you?”

    His grandfather replied, “No, I am fine. I just feel like sitting alone.”

    “Grandpa, you know the New Year party is near, so are you preparing for it?” asked Alex excitedly.

    “No dear, I am not. With the passage of time, the world has completely changed and I don’t see any point (意义) in celebrating the world I see today,” answered his grandpa disappointedly.

    “I know something is wrong with you and you are not telling me. Please tell me what the problem is.” Alex said.

    “I feel I am a stranger in the world I am living in. It is not the same as I have known. Now everyone is busy with their own work. Your father is busy with business, your brother is busy on the computer, your sisters are busy watching dramas and your mum is busy with housework. I don’t know how to pass my days,” said his grandfather sadly.

    “Grandpa, you have me!” said Alex.

    His grandfather smiled and said, “Yeah, you are here, but what about others? In our days, we had a fixed (固定的) time each day when the whole family sat together and talked, shared problems and laughed together.”

    That night Alex thought about what his grandfather had said and an idea flashed his mind. He decided to have a surprise. New Year party at his own home and make everyone come together that day. As New Year’s Eve got nearer, Alex got busy preparing for the party. He kept it a secret from his grandfather and asked everyone not to let him know about it in order to surprise him.




    It was December 31 and everyone was busy with their own work.




    Alex saw his grandfather looking very happy while talking with the family members.






    第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)


    1~5: BCACB    6~10: ACACC    11~15: AABBC    16~20: BCABA

    第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)


    21. A   22. D   23. C   24. C   25. D   26. B   27. B   28. A   29. C   30. B

    31. A   32. B   33. B   34. D   35. A


    36. E   37. D   38. C   39. A   40. G

    第三部分  语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

    第一节  完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

    41. B   42. A   43. A   44. C   45. B   46. A   47. D   48. D   49. B   50. C

    51. D   52. B   53. A   54. D   55. C


    56. about/of  57. easily   58. learning/to learn  59. an   60. harder

    61. which   62. shows  63. is proved/ has been proved  64. to create               65. babies

    第四部分  写作(共两节;满分40分)


    The Road to Success

    Ladies and gentlemen! It’s my great honor to deliver my speech here. I believe success is never easy. On the way to success, we’ll come across lots of trouble and setbacks, even failure, such as failing in exams.

    In order to succeed, we must build up bodies, because it is health that is the basis of success, which is of great importance on the way to success. What’s more, study makes people progress so it is also a great road to success.

    To sum up, if we work hard, we’ll make it sooner or later.

    Thank you!


    One possible version:

    It was December 31 and everyone was busy with their own work. Alex’s grandfather was sitting in his room, reading a book. When the clock struck 8 p. m. everyone started gathering in the living room and Alex went to call his grandfather. When his grandfather arrived in the living room, he was surprised to see everyone was there. “Today we are not going anywhere and today’s party is especially for you, Grandpa!” Alex said. The whole family apologized to him for being busy with their own lives. Then they had a wonderful dinner, telling stories and jokes.

    Alex saw his grandfather looking very happy while talking with the family members. He came to Alex and said, “My dear child, I am really thankful to you. Because of you I feel excited and alive again today. I thought that with each passing day and year, things would only get worse and worse but I know that this New Year is going to be a good one. Now I wish to live longer and enjoy life with everyone.” Alex was excited too at seeing his grandfather happy and he truly knew that families do matter.


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