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    DE. F.

    1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________  4. ________5. ________




    AThe ending. BThe songs. CThe actors.


    ABy subway. BBy car. CBy bus.


    AMake a cake. BDo the housework. CBuy a handbag.


    AA school music festival. BA tennis game. CA volunteering activity.


    ATeacher and student. BHusband and wife. CDoctor and patient.




    7The camp was in a beautiful mountain.

    8It was sunny and hot in the daytime but the nights were windy and a little cool.

    9There were some lessons for us to improve our English.

    10In the evening, we performed English programs.

    11The summer camp lasted for 16 days.





    12What is Nick going to do this weekend?

    He is going to pick grapes with his _______ on Green Farn.

    13Where is Green Farm?    It is to the _______ of the zoo.

    14When did Nick go to Green Farm before?   He picked strawberries there last _______.

    15How was Peace Park yesterday?  Nick’s cousin went there yesterday and it was really _______.

    16Why do the two speakers return to the classroom quickly? It’s time for their _______ lesson.




    Dear Mary from 2023,

    I’m in 2035 now. Great changes have taken place in China. When I was 7 years old, I got a serious illness. Since then, I have dreamed of becoming a doctor when I grow up. Now my dream has come true. I work in a hospital every day to save people’s lives. There are more cutting-edge(前沿的) medical services. Doctors can do operations(手术) even when they’re far away from the sick people. This is because the Internet is faster now. We have 8G and robots that are smart enough.

    China now is one of the most developed countries in the world. Every car on the streets is a self-driving car. It uses electricity and won’t pollute the air. Robots are also widely used in every home. They can do all of the housework. When you return home, your house is clean and tidy. We’re living a comfortable life.

    Travelling to the moon has become popular. I know it’s hard for you to imagine, but it’s true. People between the ages of 18 and 60 are able to travel to the moon. I just bought a ticket and I’m going to travel to the moon soon. How exciting!

    In 2035, everything is fantastic. But this is because people back in 2023 were working hard. Dear Mary, work hand and create your own bright future!


    Mary from 2035


    17What great changes have taken place according to Mary from 2035?

    AWe have robots that aren’t smart enough.

    BPeople don’t need to do any housework.

    CCars using electricity still cause pollution.

    18What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

    ACutting-edge medical services. BThe way to protect the air.              CTraveling to the moon.

    19Why does Mary write this letter?

    ATo encourage herself to work hard now.

    BTo advise herself to be a doctor in 2035.

    CTo show herself the great changes in 2035.


    I’m ready to do my first jump 10 months after a skydiving(特技跳伞)accident. I can’t wait! That accident almost killed me and it made me stay in hospital for half a year. During the boring long days, I didn’t feel good. “How could I live without my favorite sport?” I thought. It all started one evening after a nine-to-five day. I was sitting at home when an ad came on the television. “Try skydiving.” it said. The next day, I went to the skydiving school in my town. At the end of the day’s lessons, I knew I found the right sport for me.

    I will never forget my first jump. Five of us walked to the runway and got into a plane. I was afraid, but the others were talking and smiling, and I started to feel a little relaxed. It was a beautiful, cloudless day and the sun was just going down. Soon it was time to jump. As I jumped from the plane, I shouted. But then everything became quiet. It was the most wonderful four minutes of my life.

    From the first jump, I was hooked. I started spending all my free time skydiving. It became my reason for living. Things were going really well. Then an accident happened on my 104th jump. I broke my both legs, right arm and nose. I stayed in hospital for six months, but I still couldn’t forget skydiving.

    My mother couldn’t understand why the only reason I wanted to get better was to go skydiving again. But for me, skydiving is life, and life is skydiving.


    20When the writer was in hospital, he _______.

    Athought of his work Bwas worried about his parents Cwondered how to live without skydiving

    21The writer first knew skydiving from _______.

    Aa friend Ba magazine Ca TV ad

    22The underlined word “hooked” in Paragraph 4 means “_______”.

    Athankful Bfascinated Cdisappointed

    23Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    AThe writer had an accident on his 104th jump.

    BThe writer’s mother thinks skydiving is interesting.

    CThe writer’s mother planned to try skydiving with him.


    Good environment is important for us. There are many things doing harm to the environment. We should fully realize the importance of protecting the environment.

    Overpopulation: There are too many people in many parts of our planet. Overpopulation means more goods or services and less supply(供应). This creates an imbalance, and it also causes lots of problems.

    Pollution: Increased population leads to increased waste. The level of this waste leads to air and water pollution. The condition of pollution is so bad that many people do not have clean, drinkable water. Not only is there air, water and soil pollution, there is also noise and light pollution and so on.

    Global Warming: The major cause for this is the increased level of CO2 and that is because of burning of fossil fuels(化石燃料). And this has lead to an increase in the earth’s temperature.

    Deforestation(砍伐森林): Deforestation is required for creating land space for making roads and homes for humans. This makes wild animals and birds lose their homes. Since there are no trees to absorb(吸收)CO2it also leads to the increase in the level of this gas.

    So, we know how humans should be responsible for the environment. It’s time for us to understand the importance of protecting our environment and work in that direction. Let’s take action.


    24What leads to more goods or services and less supply?

    AThe human population is too big.

    BThere are too many cars burning fossil fuels.

    CWe wear shoes made from the skin of animals.

    25We can infer(推断)that deforestation can cause ________.

    Aless human population Bglobal warming Cthe number of wild animals to increase

    26Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?P1=Paragraph 1

    A B C

    27What’s the best title for the passage?

    AWorld’s Population Problems

    BHow Humans Influence the Earth

    CImportance of Protecting the Environment




    The Silk Road went from China to Eastern Europe. It went along the north of China, India, and Persia and ended up in Eastern Europe near today’s Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea.

    It was called the Silk Road because one of the major products traded was silk cloth from China. The Chinese sold silk for thousands of years. Chinese silk was soft and of high quality. ____28____ Even the Romans called China the “land of silk”.

    Besides silk, the Chinese also sold tea, salt, sugar, porcelain(陶瓷) and spices(香料). Most of the goods was expensive. ____29____ Traders traveled in large caravans(大篷车). They would have many guards with them. Most of the road was through dry land. So camels were popular animals for transport.

    Although there was some trade between China and the rest of the world for some time, the silk trade developed quickly during the Han Dynasty which ruled(统治) from 206 BC to 220 AD____30____ During this time the Mongols(蒙古族) controlled most of the trade road, and Chinese traders travel safely. Also, traders had a higher social position during the Mongol rule.

    ____31____ It not only helped to develop trade between different countries, but also helped for ideas, culture and inventions to spread across the world.


    AThe Silk Road was important.

    BSo people all over Asia and Europe loved it very much

    CThis was because it was a long trip and traders didn’t have a lot of room for goods.

    DThe Silk Road was full of wealth as well as danger.

    ELater, under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, trade from China along the Silk Road was fully developed.





    Apopularity  Bstranger  Cdiscovered  Ddifferent from  E. similar to  F.northern

    The Chinese pancake or jianbing, is one of the most common breakfast foods in ___32___ China. On August 9, a video of a Frenchman creating his own pancake won ___33___ on the Internet. It has been watched about 250,000 times so far. His pancake is ___34___ the Chinese pancake. It is packed with cheese, ham, pickle and black truffle mayonnaise(松露蛋黄酱). They are usually found in French dishes. The Frenchman is Corentin Delcroix. He is not a ___35___ to many Chinese dishes. When he was studying in Beijing in 2002, he was interested in Chinese dishes. Then he spent much time learning some of the popular local dishes and ___36___ many differences between Chinese and French dishes.


    Aforeigners  Bspread  Clike  DBut  E. bridge   F. Although

    ___37___ he has learned much about Chinese dishes for years, he is still thirsty for more knowledge. He wants to learn to stir fry using a big wok(用大锅翻炒), just ___38___ a Chinese cook. Looking ahead, he wants to do more to  ___39___ Chinese food culture all over the world. “I sense that there might be cultural barriers(障碍) when Chinese people introduce their local dishes to ___40___. It might be much harder for a foreigner to explain,”he said. “I want to be that ___41___. ”





    Zhan Jiayi was born in Jilin Province in 2000. Her world has been ___42___ (silence) since she was only 2 years old, because of her serious hearing problem.

    When she was a little older, Zhan went to a standard (标准的) primary school. “Unable to hear the teachers ___43___ (complete). I had to record the teachers’words with a recording pen, she said. “After school, Mom helped me review the leasons.”

    ___44___ 2018, Zhan entered Changchun University of Science and Technology with her great college entrance examination results. At university, her teachers and classmates were glad ___45___ (help) her. They encouraged her to join in volunteering ___46___ (activity) and shared learning materials with her.

    Zhan didn’t let anyone down. She ___47___ (win) several awards for her excellent performance. It’s worth mentioning that at the end of 2021, she got the Self-Improvement Star Award. Usually the award ___48___ (give) by several important organizations including the All-China Students Federation (联合会). Zhan really took pride in  ___49___ (her) when getting the award.

    ___50___ I can’t hear anything, my parents, teachers and friends never give me much special attention. They make me ___51___ (realize) that I am not different from anyone else. I’m very thankful for the respect I receive from them,” Zhan said.




    Screen-Free Days

    I remember the first time I suggested screen-free days in our school to some of our student leaders. I played a joke on my group and said,“What do you think if we go a week without using our computers or smartphones?”

    They laughed, and one of them said,“No way, Mr. White. That’s impossible for us!” I could feel their worry, and told them that I was only considering the days without “screens”. Even that idea left them feeling upset.

    According to a survey we did, most students in our school spend about six hours a day on screens. Many of my students start their day by checking their smartphones. I often see them looking at their phones when getting off the bus or at parents’ drop-off because they can’t use their own “screens” at school. They usually work on computers at school for at least two hours during the day.

    It’s clear that our students spend a lot of time on screens. There’s no doubt that we can see the advantages of technology. However, we teachers also want to make sure that students have balanced leaning and social experiences away from their screens. That’s why we have come up with the idea of screen-free days.

    During the course of the year, we have built in several screen-free days that require us to make different plans for our students about how they will communicate with one another and the world around them without “screens”.

    Fun activities, for example, card games and room escape(密室逃脱) games, are organized at school. In these activities, students make social communications without smartphones and have face-to-face communication without checking on“likes”(点赞) they’ve got online. These fun activities also make it possible for the whole grade to enjoy the company of their friends with no smartphones.

    After our first screen-free day, students mentioned that they were surprised they enjoyed it. It is important to find ways to help our students connect with one another. While technology is already part of our world, it shouldn’t play such an important role in a learner’s life.

    52How many hours do most students in the school spend on screens every day?


    53Why have the teachers come up with the idea of screen-free days?


    54What fun activities can the students have at school?


    55How did the students feel after the first screen-free day?


    56What do you think of the idea of screen-free days? Why do you think so?






    Mr. Smith is giving a class. Suddenly some bottles drop out of Nancy’s desk.

    Mr. Smith: ____57____?

    Nancy: Sorry, Mr. Smith. Some of my bottles dropped onto the floor.

    Mr. Smith: (Walking over to take a look.) Wow, so many bottles!

    Nancy: I’m collecting waste bottles.

    Mr. Smith: ____58____?

    Nancy: Because I want to make some vases(花瓶)for our class out of them.

    Mr. Smith: That’s an interesting idea. You can put a big paper box at the back of our classroom. Then we can help you collect the bottles.

    Nancy: Thanks for your advice.

    Mr. Smith: ____59____?

    Nancy: Yes, I’ve made two vases. But I haven’t finished painting them yet.

    Mr. Smith: Can you show them to us?

    Nancy: ____60____. I think I can finish them tonight and I’ll bring them here tomorrow.




    61.时光荏苒,初中生活即将接近尾声,相信你的初中生活中或有开心、或有悲伤、更或有激励人的故事。请以“My Story”为题,根据以下提示与要求,用英语写一篇短文,分享你的一次体验与感悟。

    提示:1. What’s your story?

    2. How did it make you feel? Why?

    3. What have you leaned from the story?

    My Story



    1     D     E     B     A     C






    7B    8A    9A    10B    11B


    12family    13east    14March    15crowded    16chemistry


    17B    18C    19A


    20C    21C    22B    23A


    24A    25B    26A    27C


    28B    29C    30E    31A


    32F    33A    34D    35B    36C


    37F    38C    39B    40A    41E



    42silent    43completely    44In    45to help    46activities    47won    48is given    49herself    50Although    51realize


    52They spend about six hours on screens every day.    53Because they want to make sure that students have balanced learning and social experiences away from their screens.    54They can have fun activities like card games and room escape games.    55They were surprised they enjoyed it.    56I think the “Screen Free Day” is very important, because the main task of students is to study, and in reality many students are ruined by mobile phones./

    I think the “Screen Free Day” is very important, because the main task of students is to study, and it brings students back to the real life./

    I think it’s a good idea,because it is not only good for our health and but also helps us keep a good relationship with our friends and parents .(言之有理即可)


    57What’s the noise there/What happened/What’s wrong/What’s the matter    58Why do you collect them/ waste bottles/Why    59Have you (already) made any vases    60No problem/Sure/Certainly/Of course



    My Story

    My mind would not stop thinking about what happened to me on that day. I didn’t answer the exam questions very well. As you can imagine, the exam result was terrible. This made me not only sad but also down. Besides, I let my teacher who is both friendly and knowledgeable down. I ran out of the classroom after school quickly to avoid meeting him. However, life is full of the unexpected. I ran into him. I followed my teacher to his office. And we talked a lot. It made a big difference to me. I realized that my teacher knew me well and he wanted only the best.

    I have learned a lot from this story. I am supposed to face the exam result and deal with my problems with courage and confidence. I am expected to work harder than before. Whenever I have difficulties, I should ask my teacher for help. And communicating with my teacher helps a lot. He is the person that knows me well and is willing to help me, no matter what happens. My teacher knows best.



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