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    1—Have a good trip! I hope that the sea will be calm and smooth during your voyage.

    —______. I have been sailing boats for three years.

    ADon’t worry BYou bet CI don’t care DTake your time

    2Governments around the world should join the campaign to encourage their citizens to ______ a healthy diet and take up some form of physical activity.

    Aapprove Badopt Cattract Dadmit

    3My first ______ of our English teacher was that she was too strict, but now she is a patient and kind-hearted lady in my mind.

    Aconnection Bmotivation Cpermission Dimpression

    4When Mr. Qi was young, he travelled ______, improving his painting techniques by learning from others.

    Aeffectively Bindependently Cextensively Durgently

    5—Why don’t we go to the beach this afternoon? I’ve heard there are lots of tropical fish in the sea.

    —______. I will bring my new video camera with me.

    AMy pleasure BGood idea CIt doesn’t matter DI’m afraid not

    6Jenny, along with two boys in our school, ______ to London to attend an international meeting the other day.

    Aare invited Bis invited Cwere invited Dwas invited

    7—Ethan is asking whether he must attend the meeting tomorrow.

    — Well, he ______ if he has something else to do.

    Amustn’t Bneedn’t Cshouldn’t Dcan’t

    8______ by the beauty of nature, the girl from the big city decided to stay in the countryside with her parents for another week.

    AAttracted BAttracting CHaving attracted DTo attract

    9The boss finally decided to send Ken to Kunming for a business trip, for he ______ there for five years and is familiar with the city.

    Aworks Bwould work Chad worked Dhas been working

    10It is wise to take more money ______ emergency when you are away from home.

    Ain defense of Bby means of Cin case of Dfor lack of

    11______ he is a boy difficult to get on with sometimes, I quite like him.

    ASince BWhile CUntil DWhen

    12Though the young girl earns less than 2000 dollars a month, she still ______ some money every month for special goals.

    Ahands out Btakes on Csets aside Dwatches over

    13The quality of education in this small school is better than ______ in some larger schools.

    Athat Bone

    Cit Dthis

    14I think _______ impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses.

    Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dwho

    15When I went back to my hometown years later, I saw a beautiful park, ______ had been a wasteland for many years.

    Athat Bwho Cwhen Dwhich



    “Cleverness is a gift while kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy-they’re given after all. Choice can be hard.”

    I got the idea to _______16_______Amazon years ago. I _______17_______the fact that the Internet usage was growing at 2, 300 percent per year. I’d never seen or heard of anything that grew that fast, and the idea of building an _______18_______ bookstore with millions of titles was very _______19_______to me. I had just turned 30, and I’d been married for a year. I told my wife that I wanted to _______20_______my job and go to do this crazy thing that probably wouldn’t_______21_______ since most start-ups don’t and I wasn’t sure what to _______22_______. She told me I should _______23_______ the idea. As a young boy, I’d always wanted to be an inventor, and she wanted me to follow my_______24_______.

    I was working at a financial firm in New York City with a _________25_________boss that I admired very much. I went to my boss and _________26_________ with him that I wanted to start a company selling books on the Internet. He took me on a long walk in Central Park, listened _________27_________to me, and finally said, “That sounds like a really good idea,______28______ it would be an even better idea for someone who didn’t already have a good job.” That logic made some_________29_________to me, and he convinced me to think about it for 48 hours ______30______ making a final decision. Seen in that light, it really was a difficult_________31_________, but finally, I decided I had to give it a shot. I didn’t think I’d regret_________32_________ and failing. And I suspected I would always be haunted by a decision to not try at all.

    After much_________33_________, I took the less_________34_________ path to follow my dream, and I’m_________35_________of that choice. For all of us, in the end, we are our choices.

    16Astart Bkeep Cfund Dset

    17Agot through Bset aside Ccame across Dturned down

    18Aonline Bavailable Cintelligent Dexpensive

    19Apractical Bexciting Cflexible Dproductive

    20Atake Bland Cexchange Dquit

    21Amatter Bwork Cfail Dexist

    22Ado Bachieve Cplan Dexpect

    23Agive up Bset up Cstick to Dput off

    24Apassion Bpace Chobby Dexample

    25Acruel Bbrilliant Cgreedy Dmodest

    26Ashared Btold Creasoned Denquired

    27Agradually Beventually Ccarefully Dgenerously

    28Aso Band Cotherwise Dbut

    29Asense Bdifference Cbet Dbargain

    30Awhile Bbefore Conce Dsince

    31Apuzzle Bsuggestion Cchoice Dreport

    32Amanaging Brequesting Cchanging Dtrying

    33Aconsideration Bdetermination Cconversation Dapplication

    34Astable Bsecure Camusing Dinteresting

    35Aconfident Bregretful Chopeful Dproud




    Choosing a major is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make while you’re in college. It’s important that you make your choice confidently and after some consideration.

    There’s Nothing Wrong With Being “Undecided”.

    Between 20% and 50% of college freshmen enter school without a declared major. Keep in mind that there’s nothing wrong with remaining “undecided” or “undeclared” for the first few years of your college career. You can use this time to decide what you’re interested in. Also, keep in mind that even if you do declare a major your freshman year, you can always change your mind. About one-third of first-time college students change their major within three years. Even more, over 60% of college graduates say they would go back and change their major if they could, primarily to pursue their passion areas and expand their job opportunities.

    Explore Your Passions and Abilities.

    Set aside some time to really explore your passions and take stock of your unique abilities. With an undeclared major to start, you can take time to really develop into what interests you. Join clubs around campus to connect with fellow students who share your interests. Take electives in areas that you might not otherwise have an opportunity to experience. For example, when else might you be able to take a poetry course or an art history seminar? College is the perfect time to step out of your box and expand your horizons. As a student with an undeclared major, you’re uniquely positioned to do just that.

    Consider Employment Opportunities.

    While it’s important to choose a major that interests you, it’s also critical to choose a college major that will provide you with future employment opportunities. Statistically, the college majors that tend to have the most earning power are in STEM. These majors might include health sciences or computer engineering. Business majors can also expect a higher than average earning potential. That being said, employers frequently recognize that graduates who majored in the liberal arts have valuable soft skills, too, including strong communication, written and verbal skills, and leadership abilities. The key is to pick a major that will be marketable for the career you’re interested in pursuing.

    Talk to an Academic Advisor.

    If you need a little guidance, set up an appointment with an academic advisor or career counselors. Career development counselors and academic advisors can help you narrow down your options. If you have an idea of what classes you’ve most enjoyed and what career paths are most appealing to you, working with one of these professionals might be the final push you need to pick a major.

    Still have some doubts now? You can submit your questions Here.

    36What can we learn from the second paragraph?

    AMost graduates went back to college and changed their majors for a brighter future.

    BMost students frequently change their majors throughout their college years.

    CIt is all right to remain undecided on majors for only the freshman year.

    DYou don’t necessarily need to declare your majors upon entering college.

    37You are advised to take electives as described in the third paragraph because ______.

    Athe courses and seminars are popular with college students

    Bit helps you fully explore where your interest lies

    Cyou can share your common interest with your fellow students

    Dyour major lies in the areas, you can’t miss them

    38An example of having good soft skills is that ______.

    Ayou express yourself well in a controversial business discussion

    Byou fix the technical problems of computers in your office easily

    Cyou quickly figure out why the communication equipment doesn’t work

    Dyou never delegate but shoulder more of the workload at work

    39Which of the following statements is Not True?

    AYour major should be a reflection of your interests and career goals.

    BChoose a major that will give you future employment opportunities.

    CAn academic advisor or career counselors will decide the major for you.

    DYou should choose your major carefully and confidently.

    40Which of the following is the passage probably taken from?

    AA travel commentary. BA website page.

    CA university guide. DA popular magazine.


    Pandas are not only a national treasure, but are loved around the world.

    Recently, a giant panda cub born in April at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, US, was given the name Xiao Qi Ji, which is translated into English as “little miracle”. The choice was the result of a five-day online vote that drew nearly 135,000 voters in the US. Interestingly, National Public Radio said that in a nod to Chinese tradition, the name was not chosen until 100 days after the birth.

    This cub’s birth proved to be quite inspiring, and at a time when inspiration was truly needed. “Xiao Qi Ji’s birth is a true miracle that has been so uplifting to all of us during the pandemic,” Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai said in a video congratulatory message. “We are connected again in the growth of our little ambassador, and in our shared joy and friendship.”

    The furry black-and-white animals have played an important role in the country’s diplomacy, known as “panda diplomacy”.

    According to the Japanese Royal Annual, the practice dates back to the Tang Dynasty, when Empress Wu Zetian sent a pair of pandas to the Japanese emperor.

    China revived panda diplomacy in the 1950s when China sent two pandas to the Moscow Zoo. By 1982, China had given 23 pandas to nine different countries. However, most of them have died. China stopped giving away pandas in the early 1980s. Instead, the animals are loaned to other countries. In general, they are to be returned to China after 10 years.

    But why do these cute “diplomats” find it hard to survive in other countries? According to Xinhua, their dietary habit is one significant reason. Their nutrition mostly comes from bamboo shoots. Adult giant pandas consume about 40 kilograms of bamboo daily. Pandas can also be quite picky. They refuse to eat bamboo shoots after they have blossomed.

    It takes ten years for a new crop of bamboo to mature, and many countries do not have an environment suitable for bamboo growth. This means that food has to be imported. In March, Calgary Zoo in Canada announced that due to pandemic-related changes in its import laws and quarantine methods, they couldn’t provide enough fresh bamboo for pandas. This meant that they had to send two giant pandas back to China. But countries are still trying their best to facilitate this special type of diplomacy, “We don’t own the pandas, but the whole world wants to help save the panda, and we do that through our knowledge exchange.” Steven Monfort, director of the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, told China Daily.

    41The expression “in a nod to” in Para.2 is closest in meaning to ______.

    Ain praise for Bin response to

    Cin favor of Din order to observe

    42Why did China decide that pandas are only loaned to other countries?

    ABecause the pandas’ dietary habit was significantly changed abroad.

    BBecause the pandas couldn’t have bamboo to cat in other countries.

    CBecause most of the pandas could not be adapted to the climate abroad.

    DBecause most of the pandas sent to other countries couldn’t survive.

    43What can we learn from the text?

    AIt was the first time that China had sent a panda to Japan.

    BThe practice “panda diplomacy” dates from the Tang Dynasty.

    CChina began panda diplomacy, sending two pandas to Moscow Zoo.

    DTwo giant pandas had to be returned because they were sick in Canada.

    44What Steven Monfort’s attitude towards the special type of diplomacy?

    AFavorable. BUncaring. CDisapproving. DDoubtful.

    45Which is right according to the text?

    AIt usually takes about fifteen years for a crop of bamboo to mature.

    BThe whole world is trying their best to help save the giant panda.

    CPeople ignore the panda diplomacy on purpose.

    DThe name Little Miracle was finally chosen after a heated discussion in China.

    46What is the purpose of the passage?

    ATo tell us how to feed pandas properly.

    BTo call on people to donate to protect pandas in the world.

    CTo introduce the furry black and white ambassador.

    DTo explain why “panda diplomacy” is stopped.


    One person’s happiness causes a chain reaction that benefits not only their friends, but their friends’ friends, and their friends’ friends’ friends. The effect lasts for up to one year. The opposite, interestingly, is not the case: Sadness does not spread through social networks as strongly as happiness. Happiness appears to love company more so than misery.

    Focusing on 4,739 individuals, Christakis and Fowler, who co-authored this study, observed more than 50,000 social and family ties and analyzed the spread of happiness throughout this group. The researchers found that when an individual becomes happy, a friend living within a mile experiences a 25 percent increased chance of becoming happy. A co-resident spouse (配偶) experiences an 8 percent increased chance, siblings (兄弟姐妹) living within one mile have a 14 percent increased chance, and for next-door neighbors, 34 percent. But the real surprise came with indirect relationships. Again, while an individual becoming happy increases his friend’s chances, a friend of that friend experiences a nearly 10 percent chance of increased happiness, and a friend of that friend has a 5.6 percent increased chance.

    The researchers also found that, contrary to what your parents taught you, popularity does lead to happiness. People in the center of their network groups are the most likely people to become happy, and then there are chances that increase to the extent that the people surrounding them also have lots of friends. However, becoming happy does not help migrate a person from the network fringe (外围) to the center. Happiness spreads through the network without changing its structure.

    “Imagine a bird’s eye view of a backyard party,” Fowler explains. “You’ll see people in groups at the center, and others on the fringe. The happiest people tend to be the ones in the center. But someone on the fringe who suddenly becomes happy, say through a particular exchange, doesn’t suddenly move into the center of the group. He simply stays where he is—only now he has a far more satisfying sense of well-being.”

    Next time, if you’re happy and you know it, thank your friends—and their friends. And while you’re at it, their friends’ friends. But if you’re sad, hold the blame.

    47Who will be more likely to become happy as a man is happy according to the research?

    AHis wife. BHis next-door neighbors.

    CHis brothers and sisters. DA friend of his friend.

    48Why does Fowler mention a backyard party in Paragraph 4?

    ATo explain a rule. BTo clarify a concept.

    CTo describe a fact. DTo make a prediction.

    49What does the research aim to tell us?

    AHappiness changes social structures.

    BA social network is a double-edged sword.

    CHappiness goes hand in hand with sadness.

    DHappiness spreads through social networks.

    50What do we know from the last two paragraphs?

    AFriends’ friends may bring you happiness.

    BYour friends are to blame for your sadness.

    CYour friends decide whether you are happy.

    DThe happiest friends at party are on the fringe.


    Human beings have always had an ability to attend to several things at once. Nor is electronic multitasking entirely new! We’ve been driving while listening to car radios since they became popular in the 1930s. But there is no doubt that multitasking has reached a kind of warp speed in the era of Web-enabled computers, when it has become routine to conduct several IM (即时通讯) conversations, watch TV and use the computer all at once.

    But what’s the impact of this media consumption? And how are these multitasking devices changing how kids learn, reason and communicate with one another? Social scientists and educators are just beginning to deal with these questions, but the researchers already have some strong opinions.

    Although multitasking kids may be better prepared in some ways for today’s fast-paced work placed, many scientists are positively alarmed by the trend. Kids that are instant messaging while doing homework, playing games online and watching TV, aren’t going to do well in the long run. On the positive side, multitasking students tend to be extraordinarily good at finding and using information. And probably because modern childhood centers around visual (视觉的) rather than print media, they are especially skilled at analyzing visual data and images.

    Many educators and psychologists say parents need to actively insure that their teenagers break free of uncontrollable engagement with screens and spend time in the physical company of human beings — a growing challenge not just because technology offers such a handy option but because many teenagers and college students say over-committed (任务过量的) schedules drives much of their multitasking.

    Just as important is for parents and educator to teach kids that it’s valuable, even essential, to occasionally slow down, unplugs and take time to enjoy life beyond the screen.

    51What is the main idea of this passage?

    AHow is multitasking defined in the information age?

    BHow do people see new technology and the social change it brings about?

    CHow does technology change modern family life?

    DWhat’s the impact of multitasking on young people?

    52The expression “warp speed” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

    Alow speed Bhigh speed

    Csteady speed Dtoo much time alone

    53According to some teenagers and college students, what causes their multitasking?

    AToo much tasks and arrangements. BToo much time alone.

    CInability to focus. DFear of being neglected.

    54According to the passage, which of the following statement is TRUE?

    AHumans have begun to engage in the multitasking behaviors since the information age.

    BMultitasking is a critical skill that students are required to learn at school.

    COnly parents can help their kids to get rid of the multitasking habits.

    DMultitasking may prepare students for the reality of today’s fast-paced work environment.

    55What do educators and psychologist advise parents to do about their multitasking kids?

    ATo cut off home internet connection.

    BTo seek medical treatment.

    CTo encourage their kids to have some social life.

    DTo help their kids to set personal goals.





    Meet Mahdi Gilbert, the 25-year-old Canadian magician making waves in the world of magic. He practices card manipulation (握牌手法) and sleight of hand (敏捷手法), a common skill set for a magician, but what makes him different is his lack of hands.

    Standing at four feet and six inches, Gilbert’s left arm stops at the elbow, and he has an appendage (附肢) on his right arm. Gilbert was forced to reinvent magic for himself, individually recreating all of the techniques used in his mind. Despite his lack of access to information about magic, having never visited any magic stores, or read any magic books, Gilbert confidently told his high school guidance teacher. “I’m going to be a magician.” She asked, “Do you do magic now?” to which he replied “Not yet. But I will.”

    Mahdi began seeking out magicians online and on television as a teenager, and soon became a follower of David Blaine. When he was sixteen, Gilbert decided to move away from mental based magic toward more magical tricks. He bought a deck of cards and a book on card manipulation, but he didn’t tell anyone what he was doing. Eventually, he mastered shuffling (洗牌) and then began to master different magical tricks in more complex ways.

    He began to make connections with other magicians through magic shops and his reputation began to mount. In March, Gilbert attended Magic-Con, a magic conference in San Diego, where many famous magicians were in attendance, including David Blaine. Gilbert quickly became the talk of the conference, and his reputation took off. In the seven years since that Magic-Con. Gilbert has gone on to appear on television shows and has traveled to and performed in 18 countries.

    56As a magician, what makes Gilbert different from others? (no more than 5 words)


    57How did Gilbert learn magical skills? (no more than 5 words)


    58As a teenager, how did Gilbert feel about his dream? (no more than 10 words)


    59What does the underlined word in the fourth paragraph mean? (1 word)


    60What can you learn from Gilbert’s story? Put it in your own words. (no more than 20 words)





    61.假设你是晨光中学高三学生李津,下周你校将与英国姊妹校线上交流校园生活。高中三年即将结束,回顾丰富多彩的校园生活,哪一次校园活动给你留下了美好而深刻的印象呢?请你以“The Most Impressive School Activity”为题写一篇发言稿。























    16A    17C    18A    19B    20D    21B    22D    23C    24A    25B    26A    27C    28D    29A    30B    31C    32D    33A    34B    35D


    36D    37B    38A    39C    40B


    41D    42D    43B    44A    45B    46C


    47B    48B    49D    50A


    51D    52B    53A    54D    55C


    56His lack of hands. /He has no hands.    57He taught himself.    58He confidently thought he would realize his dream.    59Grow.    60We should have dreams, and hold fast to our dreams, no matter how big or small they are.


    61Hello, everyone!

    I’m Li Jin, a senior three student from Chenguang high school. I’m more than delighted to communicate with the classmates from the sister school in Britain online about campus life. Looking back, I find the past days have witnessed plenty of memorable activities. And the one that impressed me most is the coming-of-age ceremony.

    The meaningful event was held on May 4th to honor the students who had turned 18. We gathered at the stadium, wearing traditional dresses. First, our principal sincerely extended his congratulations on us becoming grown-ups. And we reviewed our high school life together, which was full of happiness. Then followed the Confucian-style coming-of-age ceremonies —Ji Li (for girls) and Guan Li (for boys). Finally, we made a solemn vow to shoulder the responsibilities of an adult.

    Personally, this activity not only exposed us to traditional Chinese culture, but also motivated us to embrace the new identity and live up to our promise. We, 18-year-olds, should cherish our youth.

    That’s all. Thank you.



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    天津市河西区2023届高三英语下学期总复习质量调查(二)试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份天津市河西区2023届高三英语下学期总复习质量调查(二)试题(Word版附解析),共24页。

    2023届天津市河西区高三下学期总复习质量调查(二) 英语试题Word版含解析: 这是一份2023届天津市河西区高三下学期总复习质量调查(二) 英语试题Word版含解析,共24页。






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