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    英 语 试 卷
    第 Ⅰ 卷
    从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1. —I think the amusement park is really a good place for entertainment.
    — . I haven’t had so much fun for a long time.
    A. By no means B. That really matters
    C. Out of the question D. You can say that again
    【详解】考查情景交际。句意:—我认为游乐园是一个娱乐的好地方。—你说得对。我很久没这么开心过了。A. By no means决不;B. That really matters那真的很重要;C. Out of the question不可能;D. You can say that again你说的一点没错。根据后文“I haven’t had so much fun for a long time.”可知,是赞同前文的观点。故选D项。
    2. To fight against global warming, scientists are working on energy-saving measures to reduce fuel ________.
    A. consumption B. collection C. commitment D. distribution
    【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了对抗全球变暖,科学家们正在研究减少燃料消耗的节能措施。A. consumption消耗;B. collection收藏品;C. commitment承诺;D. distribution分配。根据上文“To fight against global warming, scientists are working on energy-saving measures to reduce fuel”可知,指科学家们正在研究减少燃料消耗的节能措施,来对抗全球变暖,应用consumption。故选A。
    3. Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with __ of their parents.
    A. those B. one C. both D. that
    【详解】考查代词。句意:十分之九的父母表示,与父母的教学方法相比,他们在教育孩子的方法上存在显著差异。that特指上文中提到过的their approach to educating their children。故选D。
    4. Despite previous failed attempts, the scientists believed they would make a breakthrough in the ________ experiments.
    A. subsequent B. critical C. primary D. independent
    【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管之前的尝试都失败了,但科学家们相信他们将在随后的实验中取得重大突破。A. subsequent随后的,接着的;B. critical关键的;C. primary主要的;D. independent独立的。根据前文的“previous failed attempts”可推断,此处说的是“科学家们相信他们将在随后的实验中取得重大突破”,空格处意为“随后的,接着的”,是subsequent。故选A。
    5. —Skipping breakfast is a good way to lose weight.
    —______. Actually it has the opposite effect.
    A. I’m glad to know that B. I can’t agree more
    C. That’s not the case D. That’s for sure
    【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——不吃早饭是减肥好方法。——事实并非如此。实际上效果刚好相反。A. I’m glad to know that我很高兴知道; B. I can’t agree more 我非常同意;C. That’s not the case事实并非如此;D. That’s for sure那是肯定的。根据“Actually it has the opposite effect.”可知,第二个说话人并不认为不吃早饭有助于减肥,即事实并非如此。故选C。
    6. Colors like green can ________ a sense of life and quietness to people.
    A. acquire B. remark C. investigate D. convey
    【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:像绿色这样的颜色可以给人一种充满生机和安静的感觉。A. acquire获得;B. remark评论;C. investigate调查;D. convey传达。根据“a sense of life and quietness to people”可推知,这种给人的感觉是绿色一类的颜色传达给人们的,即convey。故选D。
    7. In my opinion, his perseverance may ______his great achievement in his research work
    A. make up for B. account for
    C. stand for D. call for
    【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:在我看来,他的坚持不懈可能是他在研究工作中取得巨大成就的原因。A. make up for弥补;B. account for说明……的原因,对……解释;C. stand for代表;D. call for需要。结合句意可知,他的坚持不懈可能是他成功的原因,account for符合题意。故选B。
    8. (2014·天津卷)Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only _________ it didn’t fit
    A. to find B. found
    C. finding D. having found
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:她焦急地从包里拿出裙子试穿,结果却发现不合身。only +动词不定式,表示意想不到的结果。found是过去分词,常常表示被动和完成的含义;finding是现在分词,常常表示主动和进行;having found 是-ing的完成式,表示动作发生在先。故选A。

    9. Life is like ________ ocean; Only ________strong-willed can reach the other shore.
    A. an; the B. the; a
    C. the ;/ D. / ; a
    10. —What does the notice over there read?
    — “No media ______ cover the event without the permission of the organizing committee.”
    A. will B. may C. shall D. must
    【详解】考查情态动词。句意:——那边的布告上写的是什么?—— “未经组委会许可,任何媒体不得对赛事进行报道。” A. will将;B. may也许;C. shall将;D. must必须。shall用于第二、三称,表示警告、允诺、命令、规定等。根据句意,故选C。
    11. — Can I pay a visit to you this Friday afternoon, manager?
    — Sorry, I ________ some business partners from Huawei Company the whole afternoon.
    A. have met
    B. have been meeting
    C. will be meeting
    D. will have met
    【详解】考查时态。句意:——经理,这个星期五下午我可以去拜访您吗?——抱歉,我整个下午都要会见华为公司的一些商业伙伴。根据时间状语this Friday afternoon和the whole afternoon可知,表示将来某一时间段正在做某事,所以用将来进行时。故选C。
    12. Many people believe we are heading for an environmental disaster ________ we basically change the way we live.
    A. but B. though C. unless D. in case
    【详解】考查连词辨析。句意:许多人认为,除非我们从根本上改变我们的生活方式,否则我们正在走向一场环境灾难。A. but但是;B. though虽然,尽管;C. unless除非;D. in case万一,假使。分析句意可知,如果我们不改变生活方式,那么我们会走向环境灾难,前者是避免出现后者这样的结果的条件,因此用unless。故选C。
    13. We believe the time and hard work _______ in completing such an important project are worthwhile.
    A. involved B. involving
    C. to involve D. to be involved
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我们相信完成这样一个重要项目所付出的时间和努力是值得的。短语be involved in sth.表示“涉及到某事”,此处省略be动词,过去分词作定语。故选A。
    14. It is not always easy for the public to see ________ use a new invention can be of to human life.
    A. whose B. what C. which D. that
    【详解】考查宾语从句连接词。句意:对于公众来说看到一项新发明对人类有什么用途并不总是很容易的。what在宾语从句中作定语,意为“什么样的”,A. whose谁的;C. which哪一个;D. that引导名词性从句,没有意义,不作成分,其它三项不合题意。故选B。
    15. --- How are things going, Mr. White?
    --- Well they have set out to deal with the present situation ________ they think deserves their immediate attention.
    A. what B. where
    C. When D. which
    【详解】考查定语从句。句意:——事情进展的怎么样,珍妮?——他们已经开始着手处理目前的现状,他们认为这值得引起他们的注意,下文中先行词the present situation为下文定语从句的逻辑宾语,指物,故引导词用which,故选D。
    My first class in college was philosophy, and it changed my life forever. Our first ____16____was to write a paper on Albert Camus’s essay “The Myth of Sisyphus.” I was instantly ____17____because I didn’t know the right way to do this assignment. Even more ____18____ was that the professor refused to give us any guidelines on what he was looking for; he gave us total ____19____.
    Full of anxiety, I first ____20____ to read Camus’s essay several times. I did my best to take careful ____21____. Yet even after I ____22____ the essay inside out, I still did not find the right answer. Next, when I sat down to ____23____, the words just did not come to me. I ____24____ to try every prewriting strategy I could find. I brainstormed, made idea maps, and even wrote a(n) _____25_____. Eventually, my ideas became more _____26_____ and the words fell on the page. I _____27_____ my paper and turned it in simply hoping for the best.
    Then, a week or two later, the professor gave our papers back with _____28_____ and comments. I remember feeling _____29_____ and eager to get the paper back. It turned out that I had _____30_____to worry about. The professor gave me an A on the paper, and his notes suggested that I wrote a(n) _____31_____essay overall.
    I never expected to _____32_____ a philosophy class. This class and assignment, however, gave me self-confidence, critical-thinking skills, and the courage to try a new career _____33_____. I left engineering to study law and _____34_____ became a lawyer. More importantly, that paper helped me learn to see college as a place to first learn and then _____35_____a career.
    16. A. course B. reaction C. solution D. assignment
    17. A. amused B. confused C. relaxed D. annoyed
    18. A. troubling B. necessary C. interesting D. practical
    19. A. care B. apology C. freedom D. safety
    20. A. set out B. set back C. turned up D. turned aside
    21. A. measurements B. notes C. steps D. examinations
    22. A. revised B. improved C. knew D. recommended
    23. A. write B. sing C. play D. print
    24. A. pretended B. forgot C. promised D. decided
    25. A. drama B. outline C. poem D. announcement
    26. A. extreme B. common C. organized D. dated
    27. A. received B. finished C. discovered D. published
    28. A. grades B. photos C. emails D. questions
    29. A. proud B. lucky C. tired D. afraid
    30. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything
    31. A. scientific B. political C. optional D. effective
    32. A. enjoy B. attend C. teach D. evaluate
    33. A. service B. site C. break D. path
    34. A. similarly B. eventually C. frequently D. generously
    35. A. ruin B. balance C. seek D. support
    【答案】16. D 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. C
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的第一项作业是写一篇关于阿尔贝·加缪的散文《西西弗斯的神话》的论文。A. course课程;B. reaction反应;C. solution解决方法;D. assignment任务、作业。空处为原词重现,根据下文“because I didn’t know the right way to do this assignment.”可知,作者的第一项作业是写一篇关于阿尔贝·加缪的散文《西西弗斯的神话》的论文。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我一下子就糊涂了,因为我不知道做这个作业的正确方法。A. amused愉快的;B. confused困惑的;C. relaxed放松的;D. annoyed恼怒的。根据下文“because I didn’t know the right way to do this assignment.”可知,作者不知道如何做这个作业,所以作者是感到困惑。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:更令人不安的是,关于他在寻找什么,教授拒绝给我们任何指导方针;他给了我们完全的自由。A. troubling令人不安的;B. necessary必要的;C. interesting有意思的;D. practical实际的。根据上文内容可知,作者因为不知道如何完成作业而感到困惑。再根据下文“that the professor refused to give us any guidelines on what he was looking for”可知,作者的老师也没有给作者任何指导,因此作者觉得这是更令人不安的。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:更令人不安的是,关于他在寻找什么,教授拒绝给我们任何指导方针;他给了我们完全的自由。A. care关爱;B. apology道歉;C. freedom自由;D. safety安全。根据上文“that the professor refused to give us any guidelines on what he was looking for”可知,作者的老师没有提供任何指导,所以说,如何写这篇论文由学生自己决定,因此这是老师给了学生们完全的自由。故选C。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我先是满怀焦虑地把加缪的文章读了好几遍。A. set out出发;B. set back推迟、延缓;C. turned up出现、调高;D. turned aside转变方向。根据下文“to read Camus’s essay several times.”可知,作者是开始阅读加缪的文章。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我尽力做了仔细的笔记。A. measurements测量;B. notes笔记、便条;C. steps步骤;D. examinations考试。根据下文“Yet even after I ____7____ the essay inside out, I still did not find the right answer.”可知,作者已经彻底了解这篇文章,所以作者是做了详细的笔记。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,即使我彻底了解了这篇文章,我仍然没有找到正确答案。A. revised修正;B. improved提高;C. knew知道、了解;D. recommended推荐。根据上文“Full of anxiety, I first ____5____ to read Camus’s essay several times. I did my best to take careful ____6____.”可知,作者已经反复阅读了加缪的文章,所以是彻底了解了这篇文章。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:接下来,当我坐下来写的时候,我就是想不出话来。A. write写;B. sing唱歌;C. play玩耍;D. print印刷。根据下文“the words just did not come to me.”可知,作者是想不出来话,所以作者是开始写论文。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我决定尝试我能找到的每一个写作前的策略。A. pretended假装;B. forgot忘记;C. promised承诺;D. decided决定。根据下文“I brainstormed, made idea maps, and even wrote a(n) ____10____.”可知,作者在努力完成任务。由此判断,作者是决定尝试各种策略。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我进行头脑风暴,制作创意思维图,甚至写了一个大纲。A. drama戏剧;B. outline大纲、轮廓;C. poem诗歌;D. announcement通知。根据上文“I brainstormed, made idea maps”可知,作者进行了头脑风暴,还创作了思维导图。所以,作者是写了文章的大纲。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最终,我的想法变得更有条理了,文字也写在了纸上。A. extreme极端的;B. common普通的;C. organized组织好的、有条理的;D. dated过时的。根据下文“the words fell on the page.”可知,作者写出了文字,因此可以判断,作者的想法变得有条理了。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我写完论文就交了,只是希望一切顺利。A. received接收;B. finished完成;C. discovered发现;D. published印刷。根据下文“turned it in simply hoping for the best.”可知,作者是完成了论文后然后就交了论文。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,一两个星期后,教授把我们的论文发了回来,上面有分数和评价。A. grades分数;B. photos照片;C. emails邮件;D. questions问题。根据下文“The professor gave me an A on the paper”可知,教授给作者打了A,因此,论文发回的时候上面有分数。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我记得我既害怕又急切地想要回那张纸。A. proud自豪的;B. lucky幸运的;C. tired疲倦的;D. afraid害怕的。根据下文“It turned out that I had ____15____to worry about.”可知,作者一开始还有点害怕。故选D。
    考查代词词义辨析。句意:结果证明我没什么好担心的。A. something一些事;B. anything任何事;C. nothing没有什么;D. everything一切事。根据下文“The professor gave me an A on the paper”可知,作者的论文得到了A的分数,所以作者指的是没什么好担心的。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:教授给我的论文打了A,他的笔记表明我写了一篇总体上很有效的文章。A. scientific科学的;B. political政治的;C. optional任选的;D. effective有效的。根据上文“The professor gave me an A on the paper”可知,作者的论文得到了教授A的评分,所以教授应该是认为作者的论文是比较好的,有效的论文。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从没想过会喜欢上哲学课。A. enjoy享受、喜欢;B. attend出席;C. teach教;D. evaluate评估。根据下文“This class and assignment, however, gave me self-confidence, critical-thinking skills, and the courage to try a new career ____18____.”中的“however”可知,这节课所带给作者的自信、批判性思维能力都是作者之前所未想到的。由此判断,作者以前对哲学课并不是很喜欢。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,这堂课和作业给了我自信,批判性思维能力,以及尝试新的职业道路的勇气。A. service服务;B. site位置;C. break休息;D. path道路。根据下文“I left engineering to study law and ____19____ became a lawyer.”可知,作者的哲学课最终促使作者当了律师,所以说,这堂课让作者有了换专业,尝试新职业的勇气。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我离开工程专业去学习法律,最终成为一名律师。A. similarly相似地;B. eventually最后;C. frequently频繁地;D. generously慷慨的。根据上文“I left engineering to study law”可知,先学习法律,然后最终成为律师,这是顺延的过程。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:更重要的是,那篇论文帮助我学会了把大学首先看作是一个学习的地方然后寻找职业的地方。A. ruin毁灭;B. balance取得平衡;C. seek寻求;D. support支持。根据上文内容可知,作者原本学习的是工程专业,后来一节哲学课改变了作者的想法,作者最终改学法律,并成为了律师。所以,在作者看来,进入大学后,我们首先是学习,然后才是尝试适合自己的职业。故选C。
    Set in historic studios (工作室) overlooking the ocean in St Ives, Cornwall, the UK, our art classes attract many visitors and locals alike. Class sizes are small and our teams of tutors are professional artists with a passion for teaching.
    Discover Painting
    Tutor: Ilker Cinarel
    8 — 10 Jun, £285
    An introduction to using acrylics (丙烯酸颜料), a diverse and lively medium that moves at your pace. Learn to mix color effectively with fun and active approaches on a variety of surfaces. Ideal for total beginners to the medium of acrylics, this course will give you the tips and tools you need to get started. Respond to the local landscape as well as still life set-ups in the studio.
    Elemental Ocean
    Tutor: Amy Albright
    20 — 21 Jun, £215
    Use oils and acrylics to express the ever-changing moods and colors of the Atlantic Ocean, just outside our window. Learn layering techniques that cause depth and emotion in your paintings. Explore how you can convey the nature of the sea with its ever-changing moods and colors.
    Life Drawing
    Tutor: Steve Dove
    1 — 5 Jun, £450
    Drawing from the figure is a classic, traditional skill and these tutored life drawing classes are ideal for those wanting to learn and improve. Don’t worry if you haven’t got your own drawing materials. The studio has a good range of charcoal (木炭笔) and pencils to borrow and a small charge is made for paper in various sizes. Different tutors bring their own style of teaching and we have both male and female models.
    Painting Flowers in Oils
    Tutor: Gary Long
    14 — 17 Jun, £365
    Work from both seasons and flowers to establish a confident approach to working with oils, creating still life paintings that luxuriate in the richness of paints, color and texture. Start with the subject that has attracted artists for centuries: a combination of seasons and flowers.
    36. In the Discover Painting class, participants ________.
    A. must have basic knowledge of painting
    B. can learn how to draw natural views with acrylics
    C. can learn how to create the color they desire in oils
    D. can learn how to use acrylics and many other paints
    37. Who will be your teacher if you are interested in painting water and waves?
    A. Gary Long.
    B. Steve Dove.
    C. Ilker Cinarel.
    D. Amy Albright.
    38. What course will you take if you want to learn to draw a person?
    A. Life Drawing.
    B. Elemental Ocean.
    C. Discover Painting.
    D. Painting Flowers in Oils.
    39. How much will two persons pay for a 4-day-long course?
    A £430.
    B. £570.
    C. £730.
    D. £900.
    40. Where can you probably find this article?
    A. In a market survey.
    B. In a journal about wildlife.
    C. On a website about famous painters.
    D. On a website that introduces art courses.
    【答案】36. B 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. D
    细节理解题。根据Discover Painting部分中的“Ideal for total beginners to the medium of acrylics, this course will give you the tips and tools you need to get started. Respond to the local landscape as well as still life set-ups in the studio.(本课程适合学习丙烯介质的初学者,将给你提供起步需要的建议和工具。你将回应本地的景观以及工作室的静物场景。)”可知,在Discover Painting课上,参与者会学习到如何用丙烯颜料绘画自然风景。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Elemental Ocean部分中的“Use oils and acrylics to express the ever-changing moods and colors of the Atlantic Ocean, just outside our window.(用油画和丙烯颜料来表达我们窗外大西洋瞬息万变的情绪和色彩。)”可知,在Elemental Ocean课上会学绘画大海,即水和波浪的创作,这门课的老师是Amy Albright。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据Life Drawing部分中的“Drawing from the figure is a classic, traditional skill and these tutored life drawing classes are ideal for those wanting to learn and improve.(从人物中绘画是一项经典传统技能,这些辅导的生活绘画课程对于那些想要学习和提高的人来说是理想的。)”可知,Life Drawing课程适合想学习人物绘画的人。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Painting Flowers in Oils部分中的“14 — 17 Jun, £365(6月14日至17日,365英镑)”可知,该课程为期4天,单人需支付365英镑,因此两人需支付730英镑。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Set in historic studios (工作室) overlooking the ocean in St Ives, Cornwall, the UK, our art classes attract many visitors and locals alike. Class sizes are small and our teams of tutors are professional artists with a passion for teaching.(在英国康沃尔郡圣艾夫斯俯瞰大海的历史悠久的工作室里,我们的美术课程吸引了许多游客和当地人。班级规模小,我们的导师团队都是对教学充满热情的专业艺术家。)”,并结合全文可知,文章主要介绍了工作室的四门绘画课程,提供了具体的导师、时间、费用、课程内容信息。由此推知,文章应该是出现在介绍绘画课程的网站上。故选D。
    For the first time in his life, Pete Peeks was able to use both hands to hang Christmas lights outside his house—thanks to the help of a high school robotics team. Peeks, 38, was born without the full use of his right hand, and though many may take hanging holiday lights for granted, Peeks said it was beyond his wildest dreams.
    Peeks was a client of the Sequoyah High School Robotics Team in Canton, Georgia. The team has designed an 3D-printed prostheses (假肢) to send for free to people around the world who need them.
    Daniel McCrobie, the team leader, said that while the clients have said they are benefiting from the products, they are also benefiting by learning about the challenges other people face and how technology can make a difference. “Many of the prosthetics people can get the conventional way are very expensive, and even if you are fortunate enough to get coverage, children grow out of them like they grow out of shoes,” he said.
    The inexpensive production through 3D printing opens up access to more people who need prostheses, and also means that they can be more customized to the clients’ unique bodies and specific needs. Peeks said the team was able to make educated recommendations for his prosthesis when he met with them. “They went beyond expectations in terms of really assessing the situation and learning what my specific needs were,” he said. “They were able to make some measurements to make sure everything was fitted correctly.” And within a couple of weeks, he said, he had a prototype (原型) ready to try on. “Their eagerness to want to help and use technology to really transform people’s lives has been a great example of humans helping humans,” Peeks said.
    That practice of giving is something McCrobie hopes will continue when he graduates. The team is currently working on documenting their processes to pass them on to future classes.
    41. Why does the author mention Peeks’ experience in the first paragraph?
    A. To support an argument.
    B. To introduce the topic.
    C. To describe the main character.
    D. To add some background information.
    42. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
    A. Shoes.
    B. Challenges.
    C. Conventions.
    D. Prostheses.
    43. What can we say about the team’s products?
    A. They are tailor-made.
    B. They are mass-produced.
    C. They cost a lot to make.
    D. They take a long time to make.
    44. What is Peeks’ attitude to his 3D-printed prostheses?
    A. Doubtful.
    B. Concerned.
    C. Satisfied.
    D. Worried.
    45. Which of the following can best describe McCrobie’s team?
    A. Generous and honest.
    B. Responsible and caring.
    C. Productive and sensitive.
    D. Cooperative and proud.
    【答案】41 B 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段“For the first time in his life, Pete Peeks was able to use both hands to hang Christmas lights outside his house—thanks to the help of a high school robotics team. Peeks, 38, was born without the full use of his right hand, and though many may take hanging holiday lights for granted, Peeks said it was beyond his wildest dreams.(多亏了一个高中机器人团队的帮助,Pete Peeks有生以来第一次能够用双手在屋外悬挂圣诞彩灯。38岁的Peeks生来右手就不能完全使用,虽然很多人可能认为挂节日彩灯是理所当然的,但Peeks表示这超出了他最疯狂的梦想)”可知,Peeks右手不能完全使用,但因为机器人团队的帮助得以能够悬挂圣诞彩灯,这一奇妙的经历引出了下文对3D打印假肢技术的详细介绍。由此推知,第一段提到Peeks的经历是为了引出话题。故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据第三段中Daniel McCrobie所说的话“Many of the prosthetics people can get the conventional way are very expensive, and even if you are fortunate enough to get coverage, children grow out of them like they grow out of shoes(人们通过传统方式获得的义肢很多都很昂贵,即使你很幸运地得到了假肢,孩子们长大后不再需要它们,就像他们长大后不再需要鞋子一样)”可知,传统的义肢价格昂贵且不容易获得,而且会因为孩子长大后身体的变化而无法使用,所以画线的them指代的是上文提到的prosthetics(义肢)。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“The inexpensive production through 3D printing opens up access to more people who need prostheses, and also means that they can be more customized to the clients’ unique bodies and specific needs.(通过3D打印实现的廉价生产为更多需要义肢的人提供了机会,也意味着它们可以根据客户独特的身体和特定需求进行更多的定制)”可知,该团队的产品可以根据客户的特性和要求进行定制。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中Peeks所说的话“They went beyond expectations in terms of really assessing the situation and learning what my specific needs were(他们在评估情况和了解我的具体需求方面超出了我的预期)”和“They were able to make some measurements to make sure everything was fitted correctly.(他们能够做一些测量,以确保一切都是正确的)”可知,该团队提供的3D打印的义肢是根据Peeks的具体情况进行定制的,确保了一切数据的准确,超出了Peeks的预期。由此推知,Peeks是满意的。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“they can be more customized to the clients’ unique bodies and specific needs(它们可以根据客户独特的身体和特定需求进行更多的定制)”可知,团队设计产品时以客户的需求为导向,非常负责。根据最后一段中“That practice of giving is something McCrobie hopes will continue when he graduates.(McCrobie希望这种给予的做法能在他毕业后继续下去)”可知,团队创始人会坚持这种用科技真正造福有需要的人的做法,是充满关怀的。故选B。
    Reading is a complex and crucial skill that impacts the youth’s ability to perform as students. Therefore, it’s important to develop reading skills during childhood. A team of researchers focused on the effect of whole-body learning in instruction, known as embodied learning.
    The research included 149 children, aged 5 to 6, who had just started school. They were divided into three groups: one that stood up and used their whole bodies to shape letter sounds; a seated group that shaped letter sounds with their hands and arms; and a control group that received traditional, seated instruction during which they wrote letters by hand.
    “Our research showed that children who used their whole bodies to shape the sounds of letters became twice as proficient (熟练的) at letter sounds that are more difficult to learn as those who received traditional instruction,” says PhD student Linn Damsgaard of UCPH’s Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports.
    With regard to difficult letter sounds, she adds, “There are many difficult letter sounds in Danish. These sounds are particularly important because once children become proficient at them, they will be better readers.”
    Associate professor Jacob Wienecke, who led the study, explains, “The primary goal is to learn more about which methods can be used to give beginner readers a good start. The idea is that if, through play and movement, we can learn where their strengths truly lie, we’ll create a form of learning that combines reading with play, and that’s truly positive.”
    Previously, the researchers showed that the children felt more motivated by teaching methods which included physical movement. Jacob Wienecke hopes this will provide an opportunity to inspire teachers and school managers to prioritize movement across subjects.
    The study also investigated whether a direct effect of embodied learning could be found on children’s reading of individual words. This was not possible, which might be due to the fact that the children were at such an early stage of their literacy development that they could not yet use their knowledge of letter sounds to read words.
    46. What were the participants required to do in the study?
    A. To pick out difficult letter sounds in Danish.
    B. To learn new letters through repeated writing.
    C. To learn letter sounds using different approaches.
    D. To memorize some letter sounds as soon as possible.
    47. How can embodied learning get children actively involved?
    A. By combining learning with games. B. By offering them chances to cooperate.
    C. By inspiring them to overcome difficulties. D. By explaining instructions to them patiently.
    48. What does Jacob expect of the research finding?
    A. Promoting harmonious teacher-student relationships.
    B. Urging schools to pay attention to physical exercise.
    C. Enabling researchers to carry out further studies.
    D. Encouraging educators to apply it to teaching.
    49. What does the last paragraph intend to tell us?
    A. Children prefer learning step by step.
    B. Children are too little to use their knowledge smartly
    C. Children lack enough practice to get fully improved.
    D. Children’s learning still relies on adults’ instruction.
    50. What could be the best title for the text?
    A. Whole-body learning — a good start to children’s reading
    B. Embodied learning — a booster for children’s reading speed
    C. Children’s reading skills matter a lot in their literacy development
    D. Children’s literacy development depends on the flexibility of their bodies
    【答案】46. C 47. A 48. D 49. B 50. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段“The research included 149 children, aged 5 to 6, who had just started school. They were divided into three groups: one that stood up and used their whole bodies to shape letter sounds; a seated group that shaped letter sounds with their hands and arms; and a control group that received traditional, seated instruction during which they wrote letters by hand.(这项研究包括149名5到6岁的孩子,他们刚刚开始上学。他们被分成三组:一组站起来,用他们的整个身体来塑造字母的发音;一群坐着的人,用手和手臂发出字母的声音;而对照组则接受传统的坐式教学,在此期间他们用手写字母)”可知,参与者在研究中被要求用不同的方法学习字母的读音。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第五段“The idea is that if, through play and movement, we can learn where their strengths truly lie, we’ll create a form of learning that combines reading with play, and that’s truly positive.(我们的想法是,如果通过游戏和运动,我们可以了解他们真正的优势所在,我们将创造一种将阅读与游戏结合起来的学习形式,这是真正积极的)”可知,体验式学习通过将学习与游戏相结合让孩子积极参与。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Jacob Wienecke hopes this will provide an opportunity to inspire teachers and school managers to prioritize movement across subjects.(雅各布·维内克希望这将提供一个机会,激励教师和学校管理者优先考虑跨学科教学)”可知,雅各布期望研究发现可以鼓励教育工作者将其应用于教学。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段“The study also investigated whether a direct effect of embodied learning could be found on children’s reading of individual words. This was not possible, which might be due to the fact that the children were at such an early stage of their literacy development that they could not yet use their knowledge of letter sounds to read words.(本研究还探讨了体验式学习是否会对儿童的单字阅读产生直接影响。这是不可能的,这可能是因为孩子们还处于读写能力发展的早期阶段,他们还不能使用他们的字母发音知识来阅读单词)”可知,最后一段想告诉我们孩子太小了,还不能聪明地运用他们的知识。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Reading is a complex and crucial skill that impacts the youth’s ability to perform as students. Therefore, it’s important to develop reading skills during childhood. A team of researchers focused on the effect of whole-body learning in instruction, known as embodied learning.(阅读是一项复杂而关键的技能,它会影响青少年作为学生的表现能力。因此,在儿童时期培养阅读技能是很重要的。一组研究人员专注于教学中全身学习的效果,被称为体验式学习)”结合文章主要说明了全身学习,又称为体验式学习可以有助于培养孩子阅读技能。文章介绍了与之相关的研究过程和发现。可知,A选项“全身学习——儿童阅读的良好开端”最符合文章标题。故选A。
    People are being lured onto Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service, and don’t realize that they’re paying for it by giving up loads of personal information. Facebook then attempts to make money by selling their data to advertisers that want to send targeted messages. Most Facebook users don’t realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what they’re paying for Facebook, because people don’t really know what their personal details are worth.
    The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules. Early on, you could keep everything private. That was the great thing about Facebook — you could create your own little private network. Last year, the company changed its privacy rules so that many things — your city, your photo, your friends’ names — were set, by default, to be shared with everyone on the Internet.
    According to Facebook’s vice president Elliot Schrage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people don’t share information, they have a “less satisfying experience.”
    Some critics think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money. Its original business model, which involved selling ads and putting them at the side of the page, totally failed. Who wants to look at ads when they’re online connecting with their friends?
    The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington. In April, Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy. He also urged the Commission to set guidelines for social-networking sites. “I think the senators rightly communicated that we had not been clear about what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them,” Schrage admits.
    I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy, it’s only the beginning, which is why I’m considering deactivating my account. Facebook is a handy site, but I’m upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don’t trust. That is too high a price to pay.
    51. What do we learn about Facebook from the first paragraph?
    A. It is a website that sends messages to targeted users.
    B. It makes money by putting on advertisements.
    C. It earns money by selling its user’s personal data
    D. It provides a lot of information to its users
    52. What does the author say about most Facebook users?
    A. They don’t know their personal data enriches Facebook
    B. They are unwilling to give up their personal information
    C. They don’t identify themselves when using website
    D. They care very little about their personal information
    53. Why does Facebook make changes to its rules according to Elliot Schrage?
    A. To help its users make more friends B. To obey the Federal guidelines
    C. To make money by attracting more users D. To offer better service to its users
    54. What does Senator Charles Schumer argue for?
    A. Setting guidelines for advertising on websites
    B. Setting rules for social-networking sites
    C. Stopping sharing user’s personal information
    D. Removing ads from all social-networking sites
    55. Why does the author plan to stop using his Facebook account?
    A. He is dissatisfied with its service. B. He finds many of its users untrustworthy.
    C. He doesn’t want his personal data abused. D. He is upset by its frequent rule changes.
    【答案】51. C 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Facebook then attempts to make money by selling their data to advertisers that want to send targeted messages.(然后,Facebook试图通过将他们的数据出售给想要发送目标信息的广告商来赚钱)”可知,Facebook通过卖用户的信息来挣钱,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Facebook then attempts to make money by selling their data to advertisers that want to send targeted messages. Most Facebook users don’t realize this is happening.(然后,Facebook试图通过将他们的数据出售给想要发送目标信息的广告商来赚钱。大多数Facebook用户都没有意识到这一点)”可知,大多数Facebook用户不知道他们的个人数据丰富了Facebook。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“According to Facebook’s vice president Elliot Schrage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people don’t share information, they have a “less satisfying experience.”(Facebook副总裁Elliot Schrage表示,该公司只是在做出改变,以改善其服务,如果人们不分享信息,他们的体验就会“不那么令人满意”)”可知,Facebook修改其规则是为了提高服务质量就是更好的服务于用户。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“He also urged the Commission to set guidelines for social-networking sites.(他还敦促委员会为社交网站制定指导方针)”可知,参议员查尔斯·舒默主张为社交网站制定规则。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy, it’s only the beginning, which is why I’m considering deactivating my account. Facebook is a handy site, but I’m upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don’t trust. That is too high a price to pay.(我怀疑,不管Facebook到目前为止做了什么侵犯我们隐私的事情,这只是一个开始,这就是我考虑停用我的账户的原因。Facebook是一个方便的网站,但我很难过,因为我的信息掌握在我不信任的人手中。这个代价太高了)”可知,作者打算停止使用他的Facebook账户因为他不希望自己的个人数据被滥用。故选C。
    第II卷(非选择题 共35分)
    At the age of 15, Roxanne Black-Weisheit was told that she got lupus, a systemic autoimmune (自身免疫) disease that occurs when one’s body’s immune system attacks the healthy tissues and organs. Shortly after, Black-Weisheit desperately sought emotional support. She wanted a friend who could truly understand her situation, and she figured there were others who needed this, too.
    So, during her first year of college, she created Friends’ Health Connection (FHC), a non-profit organization that helped people with similar health conditions.
    As she was starting FHC, lupus was destroying her kidney function. During her senior year of college, she had her first kidney transplant and 13 years later, she had her second one. Through it all, she didn’t forgo FHC. She’d even transformed her hospital room into an “office” and worked in her hospital bed.
    After graduation, she secured enough funding to continue growing her organization, and it became her full-time job. But, unfortunately, lupus and kidney transplants weren’t the end of Black-Weisheit’s health issues. Five years ago, at 42, she had lymphoma.
    Black-Weisheit’s new disease left her extremely weak and tired, and she knew she had to make a choice about FHC. “Since my time and energy were limited and my future was uncertain, the board and I decided to close our office. I wanted to devote all my energy to keeping my family life as normal as possible,” she explained.
    Her career didn’t end there, though. When she started feeling better, she felt the urge to start working again. Using her experience from FHC, she started a new company — Schedule Authors.com, which helps other companies schedule different types of speakers for their events. This is now Black-Weisheit’s current job. But she missed running her own non-profit organization, so she started trying to figure out how to bring back FHC.
    And, recently, she received some great news: A past FHC donor would provide her with a grant to get the organization running again.
    56. What did Black-Weisheit realize shortly after being told that she got lupus? (no more than 8 words)
    57. Why did Black-Weisheit create the non-profit organization FHC? (no more than 10 words)
    58. How do you understand the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3? (no more than 10 words)
    59. What made Black-Weisheit decide to close the office in the end? (no more than 5 words)
    60. What do you think of Black-Weisheit? Why? (no more than 20 words)
    【答案】56. The importance of seeking emotional support.
    57. To help other people suffering similar diseases.
    58. She didn’t give up FHC during her treatment.
    59. Her poor health conditions.
    60. I think she’s a role model for many people because she tried to help others even though she suffered greatly.
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了Roxanne Black-Weisheit因为患了狼疮,非常渴望情感支持,于是创建了非营利组织FHC,帮助有类似健康状况的人。文章介绍了她治病的过程以及组织的运转情况。
    考查细节理解。根据第一段“Shortly after, Black-Weisheit desperately sought emotional support. She wanted a friend who could truly understand her situation, and she figured there were others who needed this, too.(不久之后,Black-Weisheit拼命寻求情感支持。她想要一个能真正理解她处境的朋友,她觉得其他人也需要这样的朋友)”可知,Black-Weisheit在被告知她得了狼疮后不久意识到了寻求情感支持的重要性。故答案为The importance of seeking emotional support.
    考查细节理解。根据第二段“So, during her first year of college, she created Friends’ Health Connection (FHC), a non-profit organization that helped people with similar health conditions.(因此,在她大学的第一年,她创建了朋友健康联系(FHC),这是一个非营利组织,帮助有类似健康状况的人)”可知,Black-Weisheit创建了非营利组织FHC是为了帮助其他患有类似疾病的人。故答案为To help other people suffering similar diseases.
    考查句意猜测。根据画线句后文“She’d even transformed her hospital room into an “office” and worked in her hospital bed.(她甚至把自己的病房变成了“办公室”,在病床上工作)”可知,她在治疗期间没有放弃FHC,她甚至把自己的病房变成了“办公室”,在病床上工作。故画线句意思是“她在治疗期间没有放弃FHC”。故答案为She didn’t give up FHC during her treatment.
    考查细节理解。根据倒数第三段“Black-Weisheit’s new disease left her extremely weak and tired, and she knew she had to make a choice about FHC. “Since my time and energy were limited and my future was uncertain, the board and I decided to close our office. I wanted to devote all my energy to keeping my family life as normal as possible,” she explained.(Black-Weisheit的新疾病使她极度虚弱和疲惫,她知道她必须对FHC做出选择。“由于我的时间和精力有限,我的未来也不确定,董事会和我决定关闭我们的办公室。我想把我所有的精力都投入到让我的家庭生活尽可能正常,”她解释道)”可知,Black-Weisheit最终决定关闭办公室是因为她的健康状况不佳。故答案为Her poor health conditions.
    开放性试题,题干:你觉得Black-Weisheit怎么样?为什么?(不超过20字)可回答:我认为她是许多人的榜样,因为她尽管遭受了很大的痛苦,但还是努力帮助别人。故答案为I think she’s a role model for many people because she tried to help others even though she suffered greatly.
    61. 假如你是晨光中学高三学生李津。为了丰富学校生活,上周日你校举办了一场师生篮球友谊赛,由高三学生代表队对战教师代表队。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容要点如下:
    1. 活动目的;
    2. 活动过程;
    3. 活动意义。
    A Teacher-Student Basketball Friendly
    【答案】A Teacher-Student Basketball Friendly

    Last Sunday, our school organised a friendly basketball match between students and teachers, in an effort to enrich students’ school life.
    Bathed in sunshine, players from Grade 3 competed against their teachers in the field, with all the rest students watching excitedly in the bleachers. Both teams were playing at their best in high spirits. Although the teachers dominated the game at first, the students did not give up and tried to intercept every pass from their opponents. The match was filled with great dynamics and interesting plays, ending in a draw of 2: 2.
    The exciting game not only helped relieve the students’ intense pressure caused by heavy workload, but also strengthened their relationship with the teachers.
    组织:organise →hold
    最初:at first → in the beginning
    充满了:be filled with →be full of
    加强:strengthen →build up
    原句:Last Sunday, our school organised a friendly football match between students and teachers, in an effort to enrich students’ school life.
    拓展句:Last Sunday, our school organised a friendly football match between students and teachers, which was aimed to enrich students’ school life.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Bathed in sunshine, players from Grade 3 competed against their teachers in the field, with all the rest students watching excitedly in the bleachers.(运用了分词作状语和with的复合结构)
    【高分句型2】The exciting game not only helped relieve the students’ intense pressure caused by heavy workload, but also strengthened their relationship with the teachers.(运用了not only…but also…连接并列结构和分词作定语)


    天津市河西区2023届高三英语下学期总复习质量调查试卷(三)(Word版附解析): 这是一份天津市河西区2023届高三英语下学期总复习质量调查试卷(三)(Word版附解析),共24页。

    天津市部分区2023届高三英语质量调查(二)试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份天津市部分区2023届高三英语质量调查(二)试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了 本卷共55小题,共95分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023届天津市河西区高三下学期总复习质量调查(二) 英语试题Word版含解析: 这是一份2023届天津市河西区高三下学期总复习质量调查(二) 英语试题Word版含解析,共24页。






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