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    技巧17 如何用好副词-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练
    技巧17 如何用好副词-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练01
    技巧17 如何用好副词-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练02
    技巧17 如何用好副词-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练03
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    技巧17 如何用好副词-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练

    这是一份技巧17 如何用好副词-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共19页。

    技巧17 如何用好副词

    第一组 必备副词1
    无怜悯地;残忍地mercilessly /cruelly
    害怕地;恐惧地(run away/scream) fearfully
    感兴趣地 interestedly
    满意地 contentedly
    匆忙地 hurriedly
    疲倦地tiredly/ wearily
    钟爱地;深情地 lovingly
    A vacation with my mother
       I had an interesting childhood: It was filled with surprise and amusements, all because of my mother-loving, sweet, and yet absent-minded and forgetful. One strange family trip we took when I was eleven tells a lot about her.
        My two sets of grandparents lived in Colorado and North Dakota, and my parents decided to spend a few weeks driving to those states and seeing all the sights along the way. As the first day of our trip approached, David, my eight-year-old brother, and I unwillingly said good-bye to all of our friends. Who knew if we’d ever see them again? Finally, the moment of our departure arrived, and we loaded suitcases, books, games, camping equipment, and a tent into the car and bravely drove off. We bravely drove off again two hours later after we’d returned home to get the purse and traveler’s checks Mom had forgotten.
        David and I were always a little nervous when using gas station bathrooms if Mom was driving while Dad slept: “ You stand outside the door and play lookout while I go, and I’ll stand outside the door and play lookout while you go.” I had terrible pictures in my mind: “Honey, where are the kids?” “What?! Oh, Gosh… I thought they were being awfully quiet.” We were never actually left behind in a strange city, but we weren’t about to take any chances.
    On the fourth or fifth night, we had trouble finding a hotel with a vacancy. After driving in vain for some time, Mom suddenly got a great idea: Why didn’t we find a house with a likely-looking backyard and ask if we could set up tent there? David and I became nervous. To our great relief, Dad turned down the idea. Mom never could understand our objections.If a strange family showed up on her front doorsteps, Mom would have been delighted. She thinks everyone in the world as nice as she is. We finally found a vacancy in the next town. 
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好。
    Paragraph 1:
      The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us._____________________________
    Paragraph 1:
    We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way.____________________________
    Paragraph 1:
    The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us. Mom firmly insisted that we must make full use of it since we had brought it. David and I looked at Dad, hoping he could stop her crazy idea. To our great disappointment, he agreed. We spent a whole afternoon seeking a nicecamping place and set upour tent before the night fell. It was the first time that I had thought mom could be wise as I gazed at our stunning tent admiringly. “Oh, I forgot the pillows!” What a misconception! Despite the ache of my neck, we had some great nights.
    Paragraph 2:
    We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. The bright blue sky, the limitless green grass, the group of sheep, the setting sun and the countless stars in the curtain of nights kept me spellbound. Not only did we see the picturesque scenery, we also managed to consider mom’s scandals as a kind of fun.I really love my Mum. To our relief, the four of us safely arrived at grandparents’ place and went back to our home. It was so fortunate to see my friends again.
    第二组 必备副词2
    拼命地;发疯般地 (work/run) crazily=like crazy
    随意地; 漫不经心地;粗心大意地;马虎地carelessly
    随意地; 漫不经心地casually
    狂跳(heart) beat wildly
    欢呼cheer wildly
    急切地四处张望look wildly around
    (态度)冷淡地 coldly
    猛烈地;剧烈地(shake/tremble/shiver) violently
    尴尬地;难为情地awkwardly /embarrassedly;
    不情愿地reluctantly/ unwillingly
    迟钝地; 呆笨地dully
    后悔地;遗憾地 regretfully
    不安地; 紧张地 uneasily/restlessly/nervously
    粗暴地(push/grabbed sb) roughly
    严厉地 (punish/say) severely/ sternly
    固执地 stubbornly
    One weekend in July, Jane and her husband, Tom, had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the forest. Unfortunately, on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel. By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom,“I’m going to find a better spot for us to camp”and walked away.
    With no path to follow, Jane just walked on for quite a long time. After she had climbed to a high place, she turned around, hoping to see the lake. To her surprise, she saw nothing but forest and, far beyond, a snow­capped mountain top. She suddenly realized that she was lost.
    “Tom!”she cried.“Help!”
    No reply. If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom. Jane kept moving, but the farther she walked, the more confused she became. As night was beginning to fall, Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night. Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family. She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him.
    Jane rose at the break of day, hungry and thirsty. She could hear water trickling(滴落) somewhere at a distance. Quickly she followed the sound to a stream. To her great joy,_ she also saw some berry bushes. She drank and ate a few berries. Never in her life had she tasted anything better. Feeling stronger now, Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake.
    As she picked her way carefully along the stream, Jane heard a helicopter. Is that for me? Unfortunately, the trees made it impossible for people to see her from above. A few minutes later, another helicopter flew overhead. Jane took off her yellow blouse,_ thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again.
    Paragraph 1:
    But the helicopter didn’t come back again, and the day became darker. _______________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    Jane woke up at the daybreak. ________________________________________________________________
    Paragraph 1:
    But the helicopter didn’t come back again, and the day became darker. Jane was so tired, hungry, and extremely frightened. Regretfully, she thought to herself,“If only I had not quarreled with Tom. Where is Tom? He must have made the emergency call. What indeed is enough courage. If I continue my spirits tomorrow, I will be likely to guide the helicopter.”Lying beside the stream, she fell asleep very soon. Suddenly, she heard the shouts of tigers, which made her scared to death. After she held her breath for a few minutes, everything was quiet again. In the terrible darkness, she slept again.
    Paragraph 2:
    Jane woke up at the daybreak. She caught sight of a fisherman at_a_distance, with whose help she climbed to an open area. To_her_great_joy, a helicopter flew overhead just at that moment. The fisherman helped flag her yellow_blouse wildly. This did catch the rescuers’ attention! Jane was rescued. Seeing Tom, she excitedly told him how much she missed him. Never would they be away from each other. Tom gave her the warmest and longest hug she had ever received. People around smiled with satisfaction.
    第三组 必备副词3
    伤心地 sadly
    偷偷地(meet/leave) secretly
    紧紧地 tightly
    Though born into a rich family, by twenty, Hilary had spent all the money. He then had some trouble with the bank and was put in prison. He escaped and ran to Australia, where he could either die or work, which gave him no pleasure. Then he remembered that he had an aunt.
    She was his father’s only sister, but his father used to say she brought no glory to the family. It seemed that his aunt had failed to marry a nobleman. Instead, she had chosen a businessman as her husband. So her brother considered her dead. Later on, her husband died and left her a lot of money; but that did not bring her back to life in her brother’s opinion.
    Hilary discovered his aunt’s address. Fortunately she remained faithful and honest to him. So Hilary soon moved into her house and lived comfortably.
    Soon his aunt was deadly ill. Hilary was very worried. Fate had found a home for him, and was now going to throw him out of it. There was only one thing that could save him: her will.
    “Will?”she said,“Yes, I have made one. That was when I was a girl and had not much money. I left all my money to some religious people.”
    “Didn’t you make another will when you were married.” Hilary asked.
    “No,”she said in a low voice, “There was no need. When I finally had a lot of money I found I had no relations.”
    On the next day he went to the public library and examined a book of law. It told him what he already believed. When a woman is married, an earlier will loses its value. A new will must be made. If no new will is made, the money goes to the nearest relation. Hilary knew that he was his aunt’s only relation. His future was safe.
    After a few months, Hilary’s problems became serious. He badly needed money. He had expensive tastes, and owed a lot of money to shopkeepers. They trusted him because his aunt was rich; but the debt was terrible.
    Paragraph 1:
    Unfortunately his aunt did not want to discuss money matters at all.__________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    One night, his aunt asked him to prepare the medicine for her.______________________________________
    Paragraph 1:
    Unfortunately his aunt did not want to discuss money matters at all. Hilary began to wonder about a new problem. Should it be better for his aunt to die now so that he could get the money to pay off his debts? Just then, his aunt told him that she was going to send for her lawyer. Worried that his aunt might leave all her money to someone else in her new will, he made a quick decision to put her life to an end.
    Paragraph 2:
    One night, his aunt asked him to prepare the medicine for her. Realizing it was a good chance to carry out his plan, Hilary secretly doubled the amount of the medicine, which would surely put his aunt to sleep forever. Actually his aunt was so well aware of his intention that she seriously explained that if she could live until tomorrow, she would make a new will in his favor and that if she died that night, he would get nothing. Hearing this, Hilary attempted to stop her drinking the medicine, but it was too late.
    第四组 必备副词4
    轻轻地;悄悄地(walk/close the door) quietly
    轻轻地softly(rain/wind) /gently(not violently)
    温柔地;和蔼地mildly/ gently
    沉默地speechlessly /dumbly
    快乐地;愉快地(smile) /brightly / cheerfully
    大声地 loudly
    阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。
    On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his home to Alaska with his friends. One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled(骑行) along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday.
    Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him.“Man, that’s a big dog!”he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that it wasn’t a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him.
    Mac’s heart jumped. He found out his can of bear spray. With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wolf. A bright red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Mac’s relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Mac’s bike, tearing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase(追赶).
    Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down. He saw a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, he’d be easily caught up and the wolf’s teeth would be tearing into his flesh.
    At this moment, Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They didn’t think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now.
    Paragraph 1:
    The car abruptly stopped in front of him.________________________________________________________

    Paragraph 2:
    A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived.

    Paragraph 1:
    The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Paul and Becky got out of the car immediately to give help. But with the bare hands, they didn’t dare to fight with the wolf. However, they still approached the wolf bravely. At the same time, the wolf also noticed them and fiercely turned its head back, shouting loudly at Paul and Becky. Mac then jumped off the bicycle and was ready to fight against the wolf. That reached deadlock.
    Paragraph 2:
    A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. They found the dangerous situation, where three men circled the wolf. Mac’s friends also jumped off their bicycles and joined the fight with the wolf. More and more cars stopped. Some drivers took out the sticks from the cars, and some took out the knives, even the guns towards the wolf. Just at that time, the wolf might feel the threats from the people, starting to withdraw. Soon, it ran away off the road and swiftly disappeared in the distance.

    On Father’s Day, many of us try to find the perfect gift for our fathers or father figures. Our fathers take up so much space in our hearts that they will remain in our memory forever.
    My father, Joseph Kane, is truly the leader of the band. He has a gift for music and sings like Eddie Arnold. Dad can pick up any instrument and play it and he has perfect pitch. He can’t read a note of music, but he can understand music by ear.
    When we were children, he could sing a list of cowboy songs to put my brother, sister and me to sleep most nights. As we grew older, my father would organize a jam session on Sunday nights. My sister played the flute, I played the violin, and my brother banged on something that could play like drums. It was one of my most precious childhood memories.
    Dad worked at the Brooklyn Navy Yard until its closing. Then, he got a job with Grumman and worked on the first lunar module that landed on the moon. In his spare time, he would do income taxes for all my aunts and uncles. Although he had no formal training, he was talented in math so he helped us through tough homework assignments, and I could guarantee he never cheated on his taxes or anyone else’s.
    On Sundays in the early 1960s, we would take a ride out to the countryside to see horse farms. That was the days when we got to eat out. Whenever I smelled delicious food, it brought me back to those Sundays.
    My dad loved Halloween. I thought it was because he loved candies. As the years went by, I got married and had children. When I saw him hand out candies at my front door, I suddenly realized that he did not love candies but he did love all children, especially his grandchildren. He spent time coloring with them, singing to them and just enjoying their innocence. He had few friends. His family was his world.
    Father’s Day was coming up, and I wanted to give him a surprise.
    Back home, everyone was in a state of joy.
    For the most part, Hank, a two-year-old tan-and-white rescue cat, is a homebody - and for good reason. The one time he got out his yard in Washington. DC, he managed to get stuck in a 12-metre-tall tree for two days with no food or water.
    Hank’s big adventure started last November 6. Delores Bushong his 75-year-old owner, had just returned from a farmers market when she realized Hank hadn’t come in for his midday snack. She called his name in alleys and streets around her home. As it got dark, she began to worry. Then she heard mewling, looked up and spotted Hank, seated on a branch near the top of a neighbor’s tree.
    Bushong believes Hank got under a fence and then became scared by some dogs. The more scared he got, the higher he climbed.
    “Cats have an amazing ability to climb up trees, but actually they aren’t that good at climbing down,” said Dan Eramo, director of field services for the Humane Rescue Alliance (HRA).
    Bushong, now worried about getting Hank down, asked the HRA to take the lead, but it was no easy task. HRA called the fire department, but it refused to help, citing safety concerns. Then Bushong called a construction company to ask about renting scaffolding(脚手架) but was told she would have to book the equipment 48 days in advance.
    Next she reached out of a local tree company, Casey Trees, where volunteers helping with planting and trimming. But the crew that came out analyzed Hank’s predicament(困境)and said it wasn’t safe for a person to go up into the tree because the branches weren’t strong.
    Bushong was quite upset. “To realize something you love is in trouble and you personally can’t do anything about it is very frustrating,” she said.
    Paragraph1. Seeing this, the neighbors came to Hank’s rescue.
    Paragraph2. Once on the ground, Bushong picked Hank into her arms holding him close.
    Jonathan had been wandering on the streets for almost a whole day after angrily running away from his home in the morning. Thinking of his quarrel with his mother for his study, he still felt depressed and hopeless.
    It was freezing and snowing at dusk on such a winter day. And the sky was dark. He was walking down an empty set where there were no passers-by, because people must have locked themselves at home for warmth. Jonathan was walking to a crossroad when suddenly he encountered a little boy stuck in the middle of the road alone like him.
    Jonathan had meant to turn a blind eye to him at first. But the boy’s sad crying and the worry that he might be hit by cars made Jonathan just not walk away. He approached, saying, “Hey! What are you doing alone here? Where is your mother?”
    “I want to go to mama and papa. Please take me home,” the boy replied, bursting into tears. Jonathan led him away from the crossroad. Then, he asked worriedly, “How did you come here? What’s your name?”
    “I’m Leo. I was playing with my cat. He ran away, and I ran after him for a long distance. But when I turned back home, I lost my way,” cried the boy. Feeling pity for the boy, Jonathan decided that he couldn’t leave the little boy alone here. With no cellphone and considering the police station was far from here, Jonathan decided to help him first.
    He took him to different neighborhoods, aiming to look for his home. But things didn’t go that smoothly as he had expected. It was getting darker, and Jonathan thought he had to find Leo’s home. He knocked on every door, noneffective. Exhausted and starving, he realized Leo must be as hungry as him. He offered him the chocolate he had bought with his rest money. It was snowing more heavily, and he removed his coat and put it around Leo.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Suddenly, a police car was drawing, and Jonathan waved with excitement to it.
    Seeing Leo and his parents off, Jonathan was lost in thought.  
    It was the worst day ever and I'll never forget it. The day began as usual. My husband, Alan, entered his office in our home and participated in conference calls. In the kitchen, I could hear him speaking on the phone to his boss. Suddenly, I heard some words that were absolutely alarming.
    When he exited his office moments later, my fears were confirmed- Alan had been laid off. I hugged him as my heart sank, and my mind raced: What were we going to do with his unemployment? Would we lose our house if we couldn't afford to pay for it?
    “We'll be fine,” he said.
    “I know," I responded.
    But, frankly, neither of us was very convincing. I wanted to be in bed with covers over my head, but I had to make my way to work. It was an hour into my shift before I received a call from the doctor. I had noticed some strange lumps in my neck, and he'd been performing tests to determine the cause
    “You have cancer,” he stated. I distinctly remember my response: “What?” I must have misheard. It sounded like he said I had cancer, but that was completely ridiculous. I had always been healthy and cancer was out of the question. The doctor repeated those terrible words. It was true: Cancer was in my body. He went on discussing future treatment plans and appointments, I think. I really wasn't listening anymore.
    As I drove home, I thought about how wonderful things had been up until this day. Now it's time to pay back for all those amazing years. I prepared myself for a hopeless future, or no future at all.
    Alan hugged me when I arrived home, and I cried as he held me tight. “Someday in the future, we're going to write about today,” he whispered in my ear, “and we'll call it Worst Day Ever. ”
    We cheered ourselves up and stopped feeling sorry.
    All the efforts eventually paid off.
    That cold January night, I was growing sick of my life in San Francisco. There I was, walking home at one in the morning after a tiring practice at the theater. With opening night only a week away, I was still learning my lines. I was having trouble dealing with my part-time job at the bank and my acting at night at the same time. As I walked, I thought seriously about giving up both acting and San Francisco. City life had become too much for me.
    As I walked down empty streets under tall buildings, I felt very small and cold. I began running, both to keep warm and to keep away any possible robbers (抢劫犯). Very few people were still out except a few sad-looking homeless people under blankets.
    About a block from my apartment, I heard a sound behind me. I turned quickly, half expecting to see someone with a knife or a gun. The street was empty. All I saw was a shining streetlight. Still, the noise had made me nervous, so I started to run faster. Not until I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door did I realize what the noise had been. It had been my wallet falling to the sidewalk.
    Suddenly I wasn’t cold or tired anymore. I ran out of the door and back to where I’d heard the noise. Although I searched the sidewalk anxiously for fifteen minutes, my wallet was nowhere to be found.
    Just as I was about to give up the search, I heard the garbage truck (垃圾车) pull up to the sidewalk next to me.
    It was nearly 3 a.m. by the time I got to bed.


    Father’s Day was coming up, and I wanted to give him a surprise. I contacted my sister and brother as well as my uncle and aunt and told them my idea—to organize a perfect family concert. So that day, we rented space at a horse farm we used to go to, set up a venue and arranged delicious food. The surprise came when Dad was taken to sit there. Just like in childhood, my sister played the flute, I played the violin, my brother played the drums, and our children sang the songs that our father would always sing to us when we were kids. Dad was so surprised and moved that he finally couldn’t help but come on stage and perform with us.
    Back home, everyone was in a state of joy. Dad said it was the best Father’s Day present he had ever received. We decided that every month, we would organize a family concert to keep this “best Father’s Day gift” going.
    Paragraph 1: Seeing this, the neighbors came to Hank’s rescue. One neighbor donated a can of sardines, hoping it might attracted the hungry cat to come down. Another neighbor brought a tall ladder, which unfortunately proved still too short. With Hank stuck in the tree for a prolonged time, Bushong’s worries mounted. When Lydia whose tree Hank had climbed, talked about how her sister got her cat down from a tree, Bushong decided to try it at once. Together they produced a system of pulleys(滑轮)and lifted a basket with some of Hank’s favorite things up to him. To their excitement Hank jumped into it.
    Paragraph 2: Once on the ground Bushong picked Hank into her arms holding him close. Hank was still trembling with fear. The kind neighbor offered the can of sardines. The starving cat licked the can clean and then settled comfortably in his owner’s arms purring enthusiastically. Seeing this, all the neighbors present smiled with relief. Bushong said, with gratitude welling up in her heart, “I feel good living in such a friendly neighborhood. It gave me hope when Hank was in trouble.” Hanks adventure taught us a lesson about neighbors helping neighbors.
    Suddenly, a police car was drawing, and Jonathan waved with excitement to it. To his relief, the police car pulled up and two policemen got off. Jonathan couldn’t wait to explain what had happened to Leo. Then, the policemen checked for any missing person’s report without any delay, but found none. Having no choice, they drove the two of them around the nearby to continue searching for Leo’s home. Finally, they made it to contact the boy’s parents. Jonathan was more than glad to witness Leo’s reunion with his parents.
    Seeing Leo and his parents off, Jonathan was lost in thought. Recalling how anxious Leo’s parents were and how joyful the boy was to see his parents again just now, Jonathan was deeply touched. He thought his parents must be as worried as Leo’s. Or maybe they were anxiously searching the world for their son right now. He grew guilty for ignoring his parents’ love for him and for what he had done today. All his anger dying away in an instant, he rushed in the direction of his home.
    We cheered ourselves up and stopped feeling sorry. Alan began calling everyone he could think of with possible connections in his industry. He tirelessly applied and interviewed for dozens of positions. At the same time, we managed to find a brilliant physician who immediately began to perform thorough scans and other tests to determine the stage and severity of my cancer. Time dragging on, our anxiety was high, but we kept our heads up and always looked forward.
    All the efforts eventually paid off. Within several months, Alan landed a position at an emerging restaurant chain, with excellent pay and terrific benefits. Better still, my physician completed her tests, and the results were more than encouraging. She concluded that my cancer was manageable and not as aggressive as other forms, and I would most likely survive it. As the first anniversary of Worst Day Ever, Alan and I decided to celebrate it every year as a reminder of the optimism and determination it took for our survival. It is true that hope makes sense of our past and creates a vision for tomorrow.
    Just as I was about to give up the search, I heard the garbage truck (垃圾车) pull up to the sidewalk next to me. I heard a man call my name from the truck. It was surprising! When the voice called me from the inside of the truck, I thought I was dreaming. How could this man know my name? The door opened, and a small red-haired man jumped out. He had an amused look in his eyes, “Is this what you are looking for?” he asked, holding up my wallet. I really couldn’t believe my eyes at the moment. Yes, sir! It was my wallet. Joy welled up inside me when the man handed my wallet to me.
    It was nearly 3 a.m. by the time I got to bed. But I couldn’t fall asleep right away. While I wouldn’t get much sleep that night, I had got my wallet back. I also got something valuable—I realized that the city couldn’t be a bad place as long as people were willing to help each other.


    技巧17 如何用好副词-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练: 这是一份技巧17 如何用好副词-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共19页。

    技巧16 如何使用修辞-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练: 这是一份技巧16 如何使用修辞-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共16页。试卷主要包含了simile明喻,metaphr暗喻,hyperble 夸张等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    技巧06 如何用好分词-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练: 这是一份技巧06 如何用好分词-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共19页。试卷主要包含了一般型结构,独立主格结构,垂悬分词,特征类分词升华人物/场景描述,独立主格结构增添叙事活力,垂悬分词让表达更紧凑等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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