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        Class: ________    Name: ________    Full marks: 100    Your marks: ________   



    (Three friends are talking about their summer holiday plans.)

    A. I have no idea.

    B. What about you, John?

    C. Do you have any plans?

    D. I plan to go to a summer camp.

    E. That's a good place to spend a holiday.

    F. What kind of part-time job are you going to take?

    1. ________  2. ________  3. ________  4. ________  5. ________



    4-year-old Jim put his book down, and turned off the light. He was sleepless and changed sides on the bed now and then. Suddenly, he    6    a very loud noise. It was as if something had landed heavily on the floor of his room. He was quite scared and    7    his face with his hands. In the process, he tried hard to get to sleep and    8    it worked well. The next morning as he got out of bed, he saw a gift-wrapped box lying in the corner of the bed with his toy bear.

    Jim carried that    9    to his dad and said excitedly, "Hey, Dad, see what I got!"

    His dad said, "Whoa! Little man, looks like you got a cool gift there."

    "Dad, I think it's from the ghost last night."

    "A ghost? Did you see it keeping the gift?"

    "Yeah, I think so. I wasn't    10    then and so it came to keep a check on me."

    Laughing in his mind, his dad asked, "So, who told you about this? Your mom?"

    Jim replied, "Yeah. she told me about the evil (邪恶的) ghosts. They often come    11    you don't sleep."

    Hearing their conversation, Jim's mom came over and laughed.

       12   , it was her. She had banged () her foot on the door while returning after keeping the gift last night. The    13    turned into fun as her kid thought it was a ghost. His father laughed and hugged them two.

    6. A. created B. heard C. described

    7. A. washed B. touched C. covered

    8. A. recently B. luckily C. probably

    9. A. box B. book C. toy

    10. A. alone B. alive C. asleep

    11. A. if B. till C. though

    12. A. In fact B. So far C. At least

    13. A. danger B. game C. surprise




    Student Cultural Trip to China

    September 5-September 14

    ITINERARY (行程):

    Sept. 5

    We arrive in Beijing and check into our beautiful old Hutong hotel in Beijing's Dongcheng District.

    Sept. 6

    We take a tour of the Great Wall of China. Make sure you pack some comfortable shoes for this part of our trip because we're going to do a lot of hiking (远足) today!

    Sept. 7

    In the morning, we visit the Forbidden City. In the afternoon, we travel to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Sites. In the evening, we enjoy some traditional Chinese opera at the Lao She Tea House.

    Sept. 8

    We experience China's amazing public transportation system (系统) when we take the high-speed train to Shanghai. Later, we check into our hotel in the Pudong area of Shanghai.

    Sept. 9

    We travel by boat down the Huangpu River in the morning. In the afternoon, we visit the Shanghai Museum.

    Sept. 10

    Today is our chance to buy gifts for our families at the Shanghai Historic District-a very popular shopping area for tourists.

    Sept. 11

    We travel by bus to Nanjing. We stay with local families and experience traditional Chinese food and friendship!.

    Sept. 12

    We spend the day at Nanjing No. 1 Junior Middle School and take some classes.

    Sept. 13

    We visit Xuanwu Lake. In the evening, we have a goodbye dinner with students from Nanjing No. 1 Junior Middle School.

    Sept. 14

    The bus to the airport leaves at 7a.m., so we have a very early breakfast. It's time to say goodbye to China and begin our journey home!

        14. What will the tourists do on September 6?

    A. Go shopping. B. Arrive in Beijing. C. Visit the Great Wall.

        15. On which day will the tourists visit the Shanghai Museum?

    A. September 7. B. September 8. C. September 9.

        16. How will the tourists go to Nanjing?

    A. By bus. B. By car. C. By train.

        17. Where will the tourists be most of the time on September 12?

    A. In a hotel. B. In a school. C. In a shopping area.

        18. How long will the trip last?

    A. For one week. B. For about one week and a half. C. For two weeks.



    Though very cold temperatures continue to trouble the US, an act of kindness has warmed everyone. In Chicago a young man provided a homeless old man with the proper footwear-from his own feet. Jessica Bell, a passenger, saw everything and posted the story on Facebook.

    According to her Facebook post, Bell was taking the train home on Friday when she noticed a homeless old man sitting across from her. Bell wrote that the man was wearing tattered (破烂的) shoes, and many pairs of socks to keep his feet warm, but there was blood seeping () through.

    On the same train was another man. According to Bell's description, he was young, was carrying a bag and a suitcase. He was wearing big black snow boots (靴子), which looked new and expensive. They were built for a Chicago winter. Then he did a good thing.

    Bell described that the young man took off his own boots and passed them to the old man. He opened his suitcase and gave him a pair of socks as well. Then the young man put on a different pair of shoes-not as nice as the ones he had given away. He told the old man to try them on and helped him clean his feet and change into the new boots as quickly as he could, and then left the train.

    At the end of her post, Bell wrote, "I love my city. I love that in a time and place where a quiet act of kindness appears without warning."

    The story has received thousands of comments (评论), with many people describing how moving they found the act of kindness. One wrote, "We can all learn from that young man." Others are thanking Bell for sharing the story-there are still good people in the world.

        19. The story happened ________.

    A. on a train B. on a weekend C. in summer

        20. Which of the following is TRUE about the old man?

    A. He carried a suitcase. B. He was sick and weak. C. He wore many pairs of socks.

        21. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

    A. What the young man did to the old man.

    B. Why the young man helped the old man.

    C. How Bell praised the young man.

        22. From the comments, we can know ________.

    A. the young man thanked Bell very much

    B. the young man often helped people in need

    C. people were moved by what Bell wrote in her post

        23. Which is the best title for the passage?

    A. A poor old man B. Warmest boots C. Best passengers



    Surely you have used emoji (表情符号) while talking with friends on your phone or computer.    24    For example, the emoji was introduced in 2019, and the emoji in 2020. The year 2022 is no different, and you may have used new emoji such as and .

    All the emoji come from a company called Unicode Consortium in California, USA.    25    However, it's not the company that comes up with these new characters. "It's important for people to understand that we're not inventing languages, and that it's really the public who create it," Jennifer Daniel from the company says.

    The first emoji was created in Japan in the 1990s by designer Shigetaka Kurita.    26    An emoji takes only one character, but it can express many things. Emoji have since become popular around the world.

    Anyone can make emoji, and if they are creative enough, Unicode will accept them. You might need the help of a parent, a teacher or your classmates to come up with a successful idea.    27    They include whether they are new and different, whether they will be used often and whether they can have multiple usages (多种用法). You can send your ideas to unicode.org/emoji/proposals.html.

       28    You can often see it be used to show how people are feeling. What's more, it carries many meanings. For example, when someone uses it, it doesn't only mean he's sad but could also mean he finds something really funny!

    A. The emoji have to meet certain requirements.

    B. There are many ways to make an emoji creative.

    C. Each year, the company releases (发布) new emoji.

    D. There are lots of emoji and new emoji show up every year.

    E. He made emoji because there was a 250-character limit (限制) in a text message.

    F. The popular emoji "tears of joy ", for example, is special and easy to understand.

    24. ________  25. ________  26. ________  27. ________  28. ________



    What kind of pets do people have in your country? Dogs? Cats? How about a duck, a hippo (河马) or a lion? Here are a few cases of animal owners with unusual pets.

    Barrie Hayman has a pet duck called Star. He takes Star with him everywhere he goes. "I put him in my pocket ()," said Barrie. Now, at five months, Star is too big for Barrie's pocket, but the two are still inseparable (形影不离的). They even share a drink.

    Then there's the case of Tonie and Shirley Joubert of South Africa. They live with their pet hippo, Jessica. Tonie, a game warden (野生动物保护区的管理员), saved Jessica when she was only a day old. Jessica lives outside their riverside house, but she knows how to open the kitchen door, and often goes there for a snack. Jessica is free to leave, but she always returns home at night.

    But people with unusual pets are nothing new. In London in 1969, Anthony and John bought a baby lion. The lion was called Christian. He lived with Anthony and John in their apartment above the furniture (家具) shop they owned. By day, Christian would play in the furniture shop, and at night he'd sit on their knees while they read or watched TV. But Christian quickly grew too large for the shop, and he was starting to frighten (吓唬) the customers. So, Christian was flown to Kenya where a game warden reintroduced him to the wild. A year later, Anthony and John missed Christian very much, so they decided to visit him. The game warden took Anthony and John to where Christian had last been seen. Very soon the lion appeared. He stopped for a while, then broke into a run and jumped into Anthony and John's arms. The three spent two happy days together.

    People usually keep dogs and cats. However, some people don't.

    Barrie Hayman keeps a duck called Star as a pet. He first puts Star in his pocket. Later Star is too big for his pocket. But they still don't want to    29    from each other. They even share a drink.

    Tonie saved a one-day-old hippo, and named it Jessica. Jessica lives outside Tonie and Shirley's house which is    30    the river. She often goes to the    31    to have snacks.

    In 1969, Anthony and John bought a baby lion. The lion, Christian, lived a happy life with them in their apartment above the furniture shop they owned. But quickly Christian became bigger for the shop, and the customers were    32    when seeing him. Anthony and John had to take Christian back to the wild. After one year, Anthony and John missed Christian    33   , so they met him again.

    29. ________  30. ________  31. ________  32. ________  33. ________



    In ancient times, there was the legend of Chang'e flying to the moon". In the Ming Dynasty, the first solid (固体的) rocket was tested. Chinese people have always dreamed of flying into the sky for thousands of years. Here's how things have developed.

    Flying into the space

    On April 24, 1970, China's first man-made satellite (卫星) was sent up into space. In memory of this success, that day was made Space Day of China. Since then, the country has been on a challenging but hopeful space journey.

    The manned spacecraft (载人航天器) took more than 30 years. The Shenzhou-5 spacecraft was launched (发射) in2003. Yang Liwei became China's first astronaut to go into space.

    Exploring (探索) the moon

    In 2007, Chang'e-1, which travelled around the moon, was launched. It took photos of the moon. Information collected by Chang'e-I was used to create a 3D map of the moon's surface. In January 2019, Chang'e-4 lander (着陆器) successfully put its Yutu 2 rover (月球车) on the far side of the moon, which is very different from the near side that we can see from the earth. In November 2020, China launched the Chang'e-5 spacecraft. It carried a special rover onto the moon to collect samples (样本) from the surface of the moon.

    Setting up the space lab

    In 2011, the first space lab Tiangong-I was sent into orbit (轨道). And Liu Yang became the first Chinese woman in space in 2012. In 2016, China launched its second space lab, Tiangong-2 into orbit. In June 2021, the Shenzhou-12 spaceship lifted off at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, which was the first time that Chinese people had entered our own space station.

    The history of Chinese space exploration

    No pains, no gains. These achievements were hard-won. Over the years, Chinese scientists have created a tradition of non-stopping hard work under very difficult conditions to solve very important problems and achieve success. That is also called the China Space Spirit. So many people agree that if dreams have color, it must be space blue.

    34. Why does the writer mention "Chang'e flying to the moon" and the first solid rocket?


    35. When is Space Day of China?


    36. What's the task of the Chang'e-5 spacecraft?


    37. Complete the facts in the chart.

    ________  ________  ________  ________

    38. Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


    39. How do you understand the China Space Spirit?



    A. 请根据语篇内容,在空白处填入恰当的单词,使短文通顺、连贯。每空一词。

    In a small house outside London lives an old man. People often see him look after his flowers in his garden all 40. ________ time.

    One day, a young painter passed by the old man's house. He looked at the nice garden and the small house, imagining 41. ________ happy he would be if he lived in such a beautiful place. Suddenly 42. ________ found the old gardener blind. Shocked, he walked to the old man and asked, "Why are you taking 43. ________ of the flowers every day? 44. ________ fact, you can't see them." The old man smiled and said, "I can tell you four 45. ________. First, I was a gardener when I was young and I really love this job. Second, 46. ________ I can't see these flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness (芬芳) of them using my 47. _________. As to the last, it's you."

    "Me? But you don't know me," said the painter, puzzled (困惑的).

    "Yeah, it's true that I don't 48. ________ you but I know flowers are gifts and everyone loves them. And the beauty of my garden will make many people happy," answered the old man.

    The old man is alone but not 49. ________ because all of his flowers are his friends and neighbors. They are grown in his heart. I believe that he can hear the voice of them.

    B. 请根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。

    sound, baby, they, that, because, hold, with, many, even, choose, hope, make

    In China, lucky numbers have pronunciations that are similar to words with lucky meanings. For example, the number 8 is the most favored number 50. ________ in Chinese it is pronounced ba and 51. ________ similar to fa, meaning "getting rich". Thus 8 is said to invite great wealth.

    Maybe the best example 52. ________ shows how Chinese people love the number 8 is the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The opening ceremony (开幕式) 53. ________ at 8 minutes and 8 seconds past 8:00 p.m. on the 8th August. This was in expectation of winning the 54. ________ medals out of this big competition.

    Chinese couples also hope that the number 8 will bring luck to 55. ________ children. In 2008, there were about 17 million newborns, 56. ________ a record since the early 1990s. And many of the 57. ________ were born around August.

    Chinese people's love for the number 8 can be seen even in small things such as number plates (牌照). Number plates 58. ________"8888" can be sold at very high prices. When the Chinese decide 59. ________ floor numbers, phone numbers, or dates of events such as weddings (婚礼), they prefer numbers with 8 in them, too.



    要求:1. 仔细观察图片内容,展开合理想象叙述故事;

    2. 词数不少于80词,故事的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。


    At three last Sunday a group of boys were playing football happily. ____________________________________
















    1-5 CEDBF

    二、6-9 BCBA    10-13 CAAC

    三、14-18 CCABB    19-23 ACACB    24-28 DCEAF

    29. separate    30. by/beside/near    31. kitchen    32. afraid/scared    33. badly

    34. To tell us that Chinese people have always dreamed of flying into the sky for thousands ofyears.

    35. It's on April 24.

    36. It carried a special rover onto the moon to collect samples from the surface of the moon.

    37.2003; Chang'e-1; The second space lab/ Tiangong-2; far from

    38. 因此很多人都同意,如果梦想有颜色,那一定是太空蓝。

    39. It means "to work really hard no matter how difficult the condition is". /

    四、40. the    41. how    42. he    43. care    44. In    45. reasons

    46. although/though    47. nose    48. know    49. lonely    50. because

    51. sounds    52. that    53. was held    54. most    55. their

    56. making    57. babies    58. with    59. to choose

    五、One possible version:

    At three last Sunday a group of boys were playing football happily. When it was Jim's turn, he kicked the ball so hard that it landed in a bush. He had to go get it. To his surprise, he found a suitcase as well as the ball. He looked at the suitcase carefully, and thought it must be valuable. He called the police at once. Very soon, a policeman came over and took the suitcase away. Several days later, Jim received a call. He said he was the owner of the suitcase. He thanked Jim again and again. Thanks to Jim, he found the money that he was going to use to save his sick son. How happy Jim felt!



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