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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At hme.B. In a restaurant.C. In a supermarket.
    2. Hw did the wman get the infrmatin?
    A. Frm smebdy.B. Frm Mr. Lee.C. Frm a bird.
    3. What is the wman ding?
    A. Ding mrning exercise.B. Driving a car.
    C. Asking fr directins.
    4. What size des the wman want?
    A. Size 14.B. Size 30.C. Size 40.
    5. Will the wman cme t the party?
    A. Maybe.B. N.C. Certainly.
    6. What is the purpse f the wman’s visit?
    A. Fr study.B. Fr wrk.C. Fr sightseeing.
    7. Where will the wman stay during her trip?
    A. In a htel rm.B. At a friend’s place.C. In a university drmitry.
    8. Hw des the wman feel nw?
    A. Wrried.B. Surprised.C. Cheerful.
    9. What are the speakers ging t d?
    A. Play ftball.B. Watch a game.C. Buy tickets.
    10. Why can the speakers sit in the same seats each time?
    A. Because they have seasn tickets.B. Because they are lucky.
    C. Because they like the lcal ftball team.
    11. What did the man d yesterday?
    A. He started a new jb.B. He registered fr a class.
    C. He did sme shpping nline.
    12. What des the man want t buy?
    A. Psters.B. Paintings.C. Paintbrushes.
    13. What will the wman d next?
    A. G t a stre.B. Ask abut a sale.C. Email the man.
    14. What des the man think f their visit t the z?
    A. Disappinting.B. Satisfying.C. Inspiring.
    15. Why did the man fail t g t the panda huse?
    A. The tickets had been sld ut.B. He didn’t find it.
    C. It was under repair.
    16. What did the man buy in the shp?
    A. A pht album.B. A picture f wildlife.C. Stamps and tys.
    17. Why is the dinner hsted?
    A. Fr a jurney.B. Fr fun.C. Fr a wedding.
    18. What is the relatinship between the speaker and Linda?
    A. Sn and mther-in-law.B. Husband and wife.
    C. Hst and hstess.
    19. What des the speaker thank Carl fr?
    A. Having dinner tgether.B. Marrying him.
    C. Helping his parents.
    20. What is the speech mainly abut?
    A. Thanks t peple at dinner.B. Prmises t the bride.
    C. Greetings t the guests.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Check ut these places and have the vacatin f a lifetime in Greece!
    1. Lvely Ithaca
    Lcated n the Inian Sea, Ithaca is a cmbinatin f the greenest landscapes in Greece, the mst wnderful swimming waters and a lively lcal atmsphere. When ging arund the narrw island, yu will be attracted by the hilltp village Stavrs and the beautiful fishing village Frikes. Fr mtrists, Kaminia beach, hidden in a peaceful cve, is the perfect destinatin fr a day f relaxatin.
    2. Breathtaking Metera
    Althugh when yu g t Greece, yu ften g t the beaches and islands, ne f the must-visit destinatins in Greece is definitely the breathtakingly beautiful Metera, lcated n the mainland next t the village f Kalabaka. It is a natural attractin and the secnd mst imprtant mnastic area in Greece, which is als a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site. Metera’s landscape is made special by the rcks shaped like clumns(柱状物) ver time, n which the Mnasteries(修道院) f the area were built arund the 14th and 16th centuries.
    3. Is-the favrite destinatin f the future
    Is may be left ut f many peple’s plans as it is knwn as a party island, but in fact the party seasn nly lasts frm abut half f June t mid-August. In the ff-seasn, the island is very quiet cmpared t ppular destinatins such as Santrini. Of curse, Is is an abslute destinatin fr party-gers even in midsummer. Is is dtted with a number f small churches. What makes Is interesting is its setting fr an ideal hliday withut crwds and nise. Here is a guaranteed hit f the future, waiting t be discvered!
    21. Where is Kaminia beach lcated?
    A. In Ithaca.B. In Metera.C. In Is.D. In Santrini.
    22. What can travelers see in Metera?
    A. Beautiful fishing villages.B. Histrical buildings.
    C. Beaches and islands.D. Special lcal fds.
    23. What is special abut Is island?
    A. Peple can swim in wnderful waters.B. There are clumn-shaped rcks.
    C. There are many places f interest.D. It is ppular with party-gers.
    In a pst shared n Twitter last Mnday, the wman, Amy Clukey, explained that her dad, a beekeeper, died f lung cancer abut nine years ag. But, befre passing away, he wrte a nte that he hped ne f his children wuld later find, and finally after s lng, her little brther, wh is nw 16 years ld, fund it in his father’s beekeeping clthes.
    The nte said, “I hpe ne f my children is curius abut beekeeping. Beekeeping is actually pretty easy and yu can learn everything nline. S dn’t be afraid, have curage. Gd luck. Lve Dad.”
    Amy explained that her father bught a farm when he was in his 40s, and it was then that he tk up beekeeping and ther hbbies like raising cattle and hrses. She added, “When he was diagnsed(诊断) with stage 4 lung cancer, the dctrs tld him that he had 18 mnths t live. He was a fighter. He lived 5 years and a week after his diagnsis.”
    The pst has received ver 42, 800 likes, 2,333 cmments, and 749,000 re-shares in less than 24 hurs, and in the cmments, the wman added that while she desn’t d beekeeping herself, tw f her brthers are interested in it.
    One user cmmented, “I lst my dad in 2018. This pst makes me cry.” And anther user said, “My dad is in the last few weeks f his life battling cancer. I’ll cme back t the pst in a cuple f mnths when I need it again.” And ne als shared the stry f her persnal lss, writing, “I lst my husband half a year ag. He used t leave little ntes all ver the huse. I can’t bring myself t mve anything.”
    24. Which f the fllwing is the wish f Amy’s father?
    A. One f his children culd raise cattle and hrses.
    B. His children culd make big mney.
    C. One f his children culd be interested in keeping bees.
    D. His children culd make great cntributins t hney prductin.
    25. What kind f persn was Amy’s father?
    A. Generus and wise.B. Wealthy and healthy.
    C. Hard-wrking and brave.D. Easy-ging and intelligent.
    26. What des the authr want t shw in the last paragraph?
    A. The users were mved by the nte.B. The users intended t win peple’s sympathy.
    C. The users als lst their family members.D. The users were interested in the beekeeper’s death.
    27. What’s the main idea f the text?
    A. A father’s death tuched peple’s hearts.B. Peple made cmments n a father’s death.
    C. Beekeeping is imprtant fr many families.D. A father’s nte psted nline attracted attentin.
    Smetime in 2014, tw famus men, the hip-hp artist Wale and the ppular cmedian Jerry Seinfeld walked int a recrding studi. They were wrking n a rap album, but at this particular mment they were talking abut marriage.
    While recrding a sng called The Matrimny(婚姻), Wale questined Seinfeld abut his thughts n marriage. At first, Seinfeld talked abut what it felt like t get engaged(订婚). He explained the cmbinatin f excitement, nervusness and helplessness made engagement feel like sitting in a rller caster heading t the tp f the hill where the marriage awaits.
    Wale paused fr a mment, lked at Seinfeld, and said, “S, even if yu make plans yu never think yu’re really ready fr marriage?”
    “N,” Seinfeld said. “Marriage is like any grwth. Yu can’t be ready fr it because it’s grwth. It’s ging t be new. Yu’re ging t have a new life. Yu’re ging t be a new persn.”
    I like Seinfeld’s definitin f grwth. Yu’re nt ready fr marriage. Yu’re nt ready t start a business. Yu’re nt ready t mve t a new city. Yu’re nt ready fr grwth... and that’s exactly why it will make yu grw. Start befre yu feel ready.
    By definitin, grwth must be smething that makes yu feel unprepared and uncertain. If it was cmfrtable and easy, it wuldn’t be grwth. It wuld be nrmal. It wuld be standard. It wuld be wh yu already are.
    There will never be a perfect time t d smething that stretches yu. At sme pint yu have t embrace the uncertainty because it is the nly path frward.
    Yu can’t be ready fr true grwth. That’s why it’s grwth. Just step int it with everything yu’ve gt.
    28. Why did Wale and Seinfeld talk abut marriage?
    A. Because Seinfeld didn’t want t get married.
    B. Because Wale needed advice fr his marriage.
    C. Because they were wrking n music abut marriage.
    D. Because they bth were cnfused abut marriage.
    29. Which statement wuld Seinfeld agree with?
    A. Getting married is like hiking a hill.B. Yu can’t be ready fr marriage.
    C. Yu can’t get engaged unless fully prepared.D. Engagement makes peple relaxed.
    30. What des the authr prbably think f grwth?
    A. It is uncertain.B. It is cmfrtable.C. It is reliable.D. It is standard.
    31. Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. Start Befre Yu Feel Ready in GrwthB. N One Can Get Ready Befre Marriage
    C. Everybdy Can Be Ready fr GrwthD. Face Uncertainty in Yur Marriage
    What d we mean when we talk abut repair? The mst cmmnly repaired items at hme are wden furniture and table lamps and ther small lights, but many peple express a level f discmfrt fr lack f knwledge abut the skills required t repair them. Hwever, we live in a time when many f the bjects we buy cme with limited lifespans(寿命)—especially technlgical and electrical gds.
    Althugh sme bjects may require specialist aid, plenty f wrn things arund the hme can be repaired there, if yu knw what yu’re ding. “One hundred years ag, everyne needed t repair things themselves,” an expert says. “S many peple had the skills, and they were passed dwn frm generatin t generatin. And nt nly the skills, but als the tls. The tls almst became the memries f that repair and carried their wn stries.”
    Repair ften feels pleasant because it is a mment f fixing. The hles can be filled. The gaps will be smthed ver. The language f repair has great significance in describing things: mending, fixing, restring, rebuilding, piecing tgether. All are wrds we use fr the bjects arund us, but als nes we apply t urselves. We feel a little happy in the idea that few things are truly beynd salvage.
    Repair is attractive fr many reasns. It helps us think abut hw t care fr the things we wn. It makes us mindful f what we waste, and what we shuld hld n t. It reminds us t bend in clser and see the changes, the pints where the needle went thrugh the surface and pulled tgether smething new.
    32. Hw d many peple feel when it cmes t repairing things?
    A. Very cnfident.B. A little scared.
    C. Particularly interested.D. Slightly uneasy.
    33. Which f the fllwing is true accrding t paragraph 2?
    A. Mst wrn things need t be repaired by specialists.
    B. The repairing tls were nce passed dwn fr generatins.
    C. Wrds abut repairing can nt be used fr peple.
    D. The prcess f repairing is ften disappinting.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “salvage” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Reach.B. Descriptin.C. Repair.D. Reasn.
    35. What is the authr’s attitude twards repair?
    A. Indifferent.B. Psitive.C. Dubtful.D. Curius.
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项 。
    We lve ur dgs and always try t take gd care f them, but there are sme simple things that can be harmful t ur pets. 36
    Playing fetch with sticks
    Mst dgs lve playing fetch with sticks. It may be fun t thrw ne fr yur dg when yu dn’t have a ball r rubber ty handy, but they can be extremely dangerus. Sticks can easily break. 37 A stick can als g thrugh a dg’s thrat and get stuck there, which can be life threatening.
    Feeding cked bnes
    Dgs lve eating bnes and human leftvers, but cked bnes shuld never be fed t dgs. They can break int small, sharp pieces. They have the ptential t cause chking r cuts t the muth, thrat r gut.
    If yu chse t feed yur dg bnes, nly feed raw bnes and always under cntrl. 38
    Nt all dgs can swim
    Dg wners ften take it fr granted that all dgs can swim, but in fact sme dgs may nt be able t swim at all. Pugs, French bulldgs, dachshunds and similar are ften pr swimmers. 39 In rder fr these dgs t keep their nses and muths abve water they must stick their heads ut frm under water, which pints their back end dwnwards, making them almst vertical in the water and likely t sink.
    40 T d this, get in the water with them and supprt them under the bdy until they get the hang f using all fur legs t push themselves frward. Dn’t frce yur dg if they are nt cmfrtable, and always start by paddling in a shallw area. Many dgs will learn t swim by fllwing ther dgs int the water.
    A. S keep yur dg frm playing fetch with sticks.
    B. That’s because they have heavy bdies, shrt legs r shrt nses.
    C. Swimming in a pl is just a piece f cake fr these dgs.
    D. Mst dgs need t be taught hw t swim.
    E. They can even kill the pets while many pet wners aren’t aware f them.
    F. Chat t yur vet abut the right type f bnes fr yur dg.
    G. And the pieces can cut the muth r thrat.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I grew up in libraries, r at least it feels that way. I was 41 in small twn f Cleveland, just a few 42 frm the public library. I went there several times a week with my mther. She and I wuld walk in tgether, but 43 we passed thrugh the dr, we each headed t ur 44 sectin. The library might have been the first place I was ever given 45 .
    Even when I was maybe fur r five years ld, I was 46 t head ff n my wn. Then, after a while, my mther and I wuld reunite at the checkut cunter with ur 47 . Tgether we’d 48 as the librarian pulled ut the date card and stamped it with the checkut machine.
    When I was lder, I usually walked t the library by myself, 49 back as many bks as I culd. Smetimes, I did g with my mther, and the trip wuld be as happy as it had been when I was 50 . When I 51 my mther these days, since she died tw years ag, I like t 52 us in the car tgether, ging fr ne mre impressive trip t ur library.
    My parents valued bks. They believed that yu read a bk fr the 53 f reading it. Yu didn’t read it in rder t have a(n) 54 that had t be hused and lked after frever. The reading f the bk was a jurney. There was n need fr 55 .
    41. A. handledB. raisedC. passedD. mved
    42. A. blcksB. areasC. cuntriesD. fields
    43. A. as sn asB. as much asC. as far asD. as well as
    44. A. limitedB. favriteC. appintedD. energetic
    45. A. justiceB. prideC. freedmD. hnesty
    46. A. frbiddenB. tleratedC. expectedD. allwed
    47. A. presentsB. thughtsC. findsD. stries
    48. A. waitB. walkC. wnderD. wave
    49. A. payingB. earningC. givingD. carrying
    50. A. smallB. weakC. usefulD. delighted
    51. A. fllwB. missC. cureD. guard
    52. A. nteB. hldC. pictureD. invite
    53. A. pininB. educatinC. experimentD. experience
    54. A. candleB. instrumentC. bjectD. paper
    55. A. vehiclesB. suvenirsC. satisfactinD. pleasure
    A Lifelng Jurney, a TV series 56 (adapt) frm writer Liang Xiasheng’s nvel has been a huge hit n TV and nline. Sme famus actrs, such as Lei Jiayin, Sng Jia, and Yin Ta, jin in the shw, which 57 (fcus) n the ups and dwns f Zhu’s family ver five decades. It is set in the 1970s s it’s nt 58 (surprise) that the family has t deal with lts f scial changes. The shw explres themes f family, friendship and rmance. Many viewers describe the shw 59 a time machine reflecting hw we get here.
    Painting a picture f rdinary Chinese peple living in the changing times, the nvel wn the writer Liang, the 10th Ma Dun Literary Award, ne f China’s tp literary 60 (award). Millins f peple have been tuched by the family’s stry, 61 makes readers find ut what lies deep in their hearts.
    Translating such a series f stries t the small screen had been 62 challenge fr scriptwriter Wang Hailing. “ 63 (frank) speaking, it is very difficult,” Wang said. “The lives f the three siblings(兄弟姊妹) are telling the stry f a small family. But when we cnsider the bigger picture, the cuntry 64 (it) is made up f millins f such small families.” Accrding t Cheng Wu, prducer f A Lifelng Jurney, a deep sense f respnsibility inspired him 65 (prduce) the best adaptatin f the wrk.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    疫情期间很多学校开展线上教学,请你就网课期间出现的问题写一篇短文,向校英文网 站投稿,内容包括:
    1. 常见的问题;
    2. 你的建议。
    1. 写作词数应80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I used t be very active in sprts and games when I was in primary schl. I wn the lng jump and was a fairly gd runner. As a result, I was chsen t represent the schl in the lng jump and relay events at the District Sprts Meet.
    The meeting lasted tw days. I had n events scheduled fr the first day. S I kept myself busy by watching the thers cmpete.
    The next day, I was getting ready fr my events. The lng jump was scheduled fr the early afternn, fllwed by the 4×100 meters relay race later in the afternn. I thught I was a pretty gd jumper, but as the cmpetitin began, I realized I was wrng. I was nt the best at all. 3.65 meters was nt bad. Then there was Typhn, wh jumped ver 4 meters! That was quite an achievement fr a ten-year-ld by. I thught maybe getting a secnd place was als acceptable. Hwever, when we finished ur jumps, I came in furth place, just missing ut n a medal.
    That was disappinting, but I reminded myself that we still had a chance in the 4×100 meters relay, fr which I was t run the third leg. The race time arrived. We stepped t ur places and prepared fr the race. After a minute r s, I heard the starter’s gun g ff. My heart beat s fast. When the first runners tk ff, I watched with held breath as my team runners kept up with the thers. They were great! As they gt clser, I realized we were almst in first place. I felt my bld began t bil when my teammate passed the batn(接力棒) n t my hand.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第一部分 听力
    1-5 B A C C A6-10 B B C B A11-15 B C C B C16-20 A C A B A
    第二部分 阅读
    21-25 A B D C C26-30 A D C B A31-35 A D B C B
    36-40 E G F B D
    第三部分 语言运用
    41-45 B A A B C46-50 D C A D A51-55 B C D C B
    56. adapted57. fcuses58. surprising59. as60. awards
    61. which62. a63. Frankly64. itself65. t prduce
    第四部分 写作

    ne pssible versin:
    I tk the batn and began my run. The air rushed past me as I mved clser t the next runner. Then disaster struck! A by run acrss the track int my path suddenly. I culdn’t get away frm him. I kncked int him and we bth fell. Because I was yung, I was able t quickly pick myself up and cntinue the race. Hwever, the incident cst us valuable time. I handed the batn t the next runner. He ran with all his might, but it was t late. We’d blwn ur chance at a medal.
    We just accepted it was bad luck. We were yung at the time and didn’t knw what t say. We didn’t even knw we culd tell the judge abut the accident, fr which we culd at least get sme encuragement. I just felt terrible fr letting the team dwn, but what was dne was dne, and we had n chice but t accept it. Finally, I left the sprts meet empty-handed. Anyway, I learned abut failure and hw t deal with it, and I am grateful fr the lessns.
    Text 1
    W: Gd evening, sir. Our special tday is barbecued chicken leg. Wuld yu like t try it?
    M: Yeah, that sunds great. And a glass f lemnade, please.
    Text 2
    M: Yu dn’t say. Hw did yu learn Mr. Lee, ur prfessr, is getting married?
    W: A little bird tld me. I have my surces.
    Text 3
    W: S I turn left at the traffic lights, right?
    M: Yeah. Then keep walking until yu reach the pst ffice. Yu can’t miss it.
    Text 4
    M: Hell, can I help yu?
    W: Yes, please! I like this kind f trusers very much. D yu have it in size 40?
    M: I’m srry. Size 30 is the largest we have.
    Text 5
    M: We are having a little party at the weekend. Can yu and Steve cme?
    W: That sunds nice. Thank yu. But I’ll have t check with Steve.
    Text 6
    M: Next. Yur passprt, please!
    W: Here yu are.
    M: What is the purpse f yur visit?
    W: I’m here t attend an internatinal cnference. I’m n behalf f my cmpany t lk fr pprtunities fr cperatin with famus universities.
    M: I see. Yu have been t America befre, haven’t yu?
    W: Yes. My parents and I went t New Yrk fr sightseeing a few years ag.
    M: Will yu be staying at a htel this time?
    W: N. A friend f mine is studying law here, and she has invited me t live with her in the apartment which she rented near her campus.
    M: Okay. Yu can g nw. Enjy yur trip.
    W: Thanks.
    Text 7
    M: Hi, hw are yu?Ready t g?
    W: Yes, ready t g and really excited.
    M: It shuld be a gd match and great atmsphere.
    W: Yes. It’s always gd when the lcal ftball team plays at hme.
    M: I lve being able t walk t the stadium with all the ther supprters.
    W: Everyne is excited and hping that the team will win.
    M: It’s gd t see peple arund us wearing scarves and ftball shirts.
    W: And when we get here t the entrance and get int the grund with ur tickets, I just want the match t start nw.
    M: It is als gd t be able t sit in the same seats each time as we have ur seasn tickets.
    W: Yes, we are lucky. We have a great view frm here.
    Text 8
    M: Emily, thank yu fr telling me abut the painting class at the cmmunity center. I signed up fr it yesterday.
    W: Yu are welcme. S when will yu take the class?
    M: On weekends. Nw I need t buy sme paintbrushes. Can yu recmmend a gd stre near here?
    W: I ften g shpping at the ne n Nelsn Street next t the art museum.
    M: I think I’ve seen the psters abut the stre befre. But Nelsn Street is kind f far frm me.
    W: It’s definitely wrth the trip t the stre if the prices are favrable.
    M: I hpe s. My class starts frm next week. I need t buy the supplies this week.
    W: In fact, I just gt an email abut Labr Day Special frm the stre n Friday. I’ll send it t yu right away. Maybe yu can find what yu need in it.
    M: That’s gd. Thank yu.
    Text 9
    W: Did yu have fun in San Dieg Z tday, Jenkins?
    M: Yu can say that again. I have t say it was a fantastic day. Me and my family saw sea lins, flamings, giraffes, mnarch butterflies, and als lts f beautiful flwers. I just can’t name them all. Yu knw, the z is hme t mre than 3,500 rare and endangered animals and it als has a huge cllectin with mre than 700,000 plants. It was s big that we culd hardly visit every part f it. But it is a pity I missed my favrite pandas.
    W: Why? Did yu fail t get the ticket t the panda huse? I knw it’s very ppular.
    M: N. It was clsed. The wrkers were fixing sme facilities there.
    W: What else did yu d? I knw there are several shps in the z where visitrs can buy wnderful suvenirs like stamps and tys.
    M: Actually I did buy a beautiful pht album with many pictures f wildlife in it. D yu want t have a lk?
    W: Sure!
    Text 10
    M: Hell everyne. On behalf f Carl and myself, I want t thank yu all fr attending the dinner this evening. I want t thank my parents, as well, nt just fr hsting the dinner, but fr everything they’ve dne t supprt Carl and I n this jurney. I als want t thank Carl’s parents, Michael and Linda, wh’ve been behind us all the way. When yu see the beautiful wedding they helped us put tgether, yu’ll knw what Carl and I already knw: they are awesme. T my beautiful fiancée, sn t be my lvely wife, I want t thank yu in frnt f all the wnderful peple gathered here tnight fr agreeing t jin yur life with mine. I knw we have a fantastic future ahead f us. The path may nt always be smth, but that’s just part f life. I knw that we can handle all the difficulties alng the way as lng as we always have each ther. S, thank yu everyne. Eat, drink, and enjy yurselves.I tk the batn and began my run.
    We just accepted it was bad luck.

    山东省聊城市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题: 这是一份山东省聊城市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题,共12页。

    山东省聊城市2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份山东省聊城市2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案),共19页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    山东省聊城市2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份山东省聊城市2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案),共18页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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