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    这是一份四川省德阳市高中2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷,共11页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分22,  B, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。








    Here are some winter break camps for kids.

    Wonderland Camp 

    Let your daughter dance her heart out in this camp. It's a full week of dancing, and each week ends in a performance for family and friends. Healthy lunches and snacks are provided daily by Comer Bakery Cafe, so your little dancer has health food to eat.

    Ages: 4-8

    Cost: $ 245 per week

    When: Session 1 starting on December 29, Session 2 starting on January 5


    Zoo Camp

    Who hasn't wanted to live at the zoo at one time or another? If you've got a kid who loves all animals great and small, send them to Zoo Camp. There they will meet the Zoo's hundreds of animals behind the scenes.


    Cost: $ 128 per day

    When: December 29 to January 2 from 9: 00 am to 3: 00 pm

    Online: lazoo. Org

    Tumbleweed Camp

    Set against the Santa Monica Mountains, Tumbleweed Camp offers campers horseback riding, rope courses, and other activities in nature. Tumbleweed Camp offers transportation to and from the site, at 'meeting places conveniently located throughout Los-Angeles.

    Ages: Pre-K through Grade 8

    Cost: $55/day for non---members and. $40/day for members

    When: December 22 to January 2 (hours change)

    Online: tumbleweedcamp.com

    School of Rock

    Tiny rock stars will love this week-long camp. Your kids will take part in drum,guitar and other workshops, with a performance at the end of the week. It's all about learning music and playing music.

    Ages: 7& up

    Cost: $ 525 per week 

    When: Dates have not been announced. Check website.

    Online: schoolofrock. com

    21. Who would most probably be interested in Wonderland Camp?

    A.Parents who are interested in music.    B. Little kids who want to taste snacks. 

    C. Little kids who want to live outdoors.   D. Parents whose daughters like dancing.

    22. How much should a group of five Tumbleweed Camp members pay for a one-day visit?

    A. $ 200.     B. $215.     C.$230.      D.$275.

    23. Which camp hasn't decided its date to start?

    A. Wonderland Camp.       B. Zoo Camp. 

    C. Tumbleweed Camp.      D. School of Rock.


    Stand in front of a mirror and look at it. How much do you really know about the person in it?

    It's not an easy job to know ourselves. To help students do this important task, schools across China are providing more classes and activities on self---knowledge.

    Liu Yue;a teacher from a Middle School,has recently given her students a useful tool.“It's called the Johari Window, developed by two US psychologists," said Liu. “It has four areas about one's self: open area , hidden area, blind spot and unknown area. Using this tool, students did a good job seeing themselves through a new lens(透镜)."

     "I really want to know more about my blind spot," said Yang Manfei. "So I did a survey with my friends." The results showed that she easily gets anxious and impatient because of procrastination(拖延). “ That's a bad habit I've never realized!" Yang said.

    "I find the unknown area most amazing," said Sun Boyin. “It means everyone has lots of potential . " When Sun entered middle school, he was not good at math. “But I set a goal and did lots of math exercises.Now I'm much better at math.The unknown part of my math ability is getting clearer!" Sun said.

     When it came to the hidden area, most students kept silent. “I'm scared to show my secrets deep down," said Li Yixuan. “Then one classmate stood up and said his favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry. I thought: Am I brave enough to show my childish hobby?Perhaps not. I want my classmates to see me as a mature(成熟的) person, not a silly kid.But then I realized that I don't find that classmate silly. I think he has the courage to be himself.'

    24. What is the area that both you and people around you know about? 

    A. Open area.    B. Blind spot.     C. Unknown area.   D. Hidden area.

    25. How did Yang Manfei feel before knowing the result of her survey?

    A. Amazed.     B. Worried.      C. Curious.      D. Impatient.

    26. What did Sun Boyin do about his unknown area?

    A. He made his efforts to find out his potential.

    B. He became impatient to deal with it quickly.

    C. He considered it too disappointing to face.

    D. He collected advice about it from others.

    26.What does Li Yixuan say about the hidden area?

    A. Students should keep silent.  

    B. Students should be themselves.

    C. Students should hide secrets. 

    D. Students should be mature.


    Do you have full confidence in your memory? There has been a discussion about whether it is shi or si in the sentence “Thus when Heaven is about to confer a great office on any man..." (“故天将降大任于是/斯人也"). Most people chose si as what they learned at school. However, People's Education Press, a leading publisher of Chinese textbooks,claimed on Oct 26 that all its textbooks say shi. 

    Supporters of si feel shocked and say they've experienced the “Mandela Effect" - the situation in which a large number of people believe that an event occurred when it didn't.Many people believed that former South African president Nelson Mandel died in the1980s in prison. However, Mandela was alive and well, eventually passing away in 2013.US researcher Fiona Broome set up a website to explain her observation of this phenomenon first, coining the term.

      Some often joke that our memories have been changed by a strange force. In fact,psychologists have looked into the reasons for the Mandela Effect, as reported on the US-based website Verywell Mind. For example, your mind may fill in gaps missing in your memory to make more sense of it, which is called confabulation(虚构症). However, try not to feel bad - this is not lying, but rather remembering details that never happened.

    The Internet may be another reason why we have Mandela Effect events, as the news we read can be false from the beginning. In 2018, Science journal published a study of over100,000 news stories discussed across Twitter. It showed that false news can spread faster and reach more people than the truth. As a powerful way to spread information, the Internet might be the main reason for falsehoods to enter our minds.

    1. What's the author's purpose of telling the saying "Thus when Heaven is …"?

    A. To show our memories can be wrong.

    B. To provide solutions to the discussion.

    C. To raise readers' interest in the discussion.

    D. To introduce the topic of the Mandela Effect

    1. Which can replace the underlined word coining in Paragraph 3?
    1. Creating     B.Misunderstanding.    C. Forgetting.     D. Changing.

    30. What is the “Mandela Effect" about?

    A. Attitudes to a particular event.

    B. A kind of psychological effect.

    C. The benefit of good memory. 

    D. The effect of Mandela's death.

    31.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

    A. False news travels much faster than true stories.

    B. The Internet can also cause Mandela Effect events.

    C. It is harder than ever to read false news at present.

    D. The Internet can make false information avoidable.


    In English it's common to say, “I know this town like the back of my hand!" While we may know our towns really well, how well do we actually know our hands? Maybe not quite as well as we think, said a scientific study.

    Matthew Longo and his team from University College London studied the left hands of100 people. With their hands placed palms down under a board, Longo's team gave the instruction to point to their knuckles(关节) and fingertips with a marker. How did they do?Not that well.

    "People think their hand is wider than it actually is," said Longo. He said they also seemed to think their fingers were shorter than their true lengths. People were most accurate(准确的) when finding their thumbs, but became less accurate with each finger, up to their pinkies(小指).

    It is connected to our sense of position," explained Longo. Humans know where different parts of our bodies are, even if we can't see them. “It tells us whether a joint(关节) is straight or not," said Longo. “We also need to know the distances between our joints," he went on. Our brains know the sizes and shapes of our bodies from the maps they make for themselves. “This experiment tried to find those maps," he said.

    Maybe maps don't need to be perfect. But why aren't our brains more accurate? Longo said our brains “see" areas based on our sense of touch, with the stronger the sense of touch in a specific body part, the bigger that body part seems. An example is our lips. As they have more nerves(神经) than our noses, our brain's map shows our lips are bigger. The same thing can happen with body parts that have a lot of nerves. If you've ever had something stuck in your teeth, it probably felt huge! That's because our tongues also have lots of nerves.

    1. What did Matthew Longo and his team find from their study?
    1. Their left hands are much wider than their right hands.

    B. The length of all fingers can be marked accurately.

    C. People don't know their hands as well as they think.

    D. People did best pointing at the position of knuckles.

    1. Why do our lips seem bigger than our noses?
    1. Our lips have a more important function than our noses.

    B. There are more nerves in our noses than in our lips.

    C. Our mental map must prefer the lip to the nose.

    D. Our sense of touch in our lips is much stronger.

    1. What conclusion can we draw about the experiment?
    1. People don't care about something around us at all.

    B. Our hometown is to us what hands are to our body.

    C. Our bodies can be different from how we imagine them.

    D.People lose their sense of position if they can't see.

    35.Which is the best title for the text?

    A. Protect Our Bodies      B. Explore Our Bodies

    C. The Back of Our Hand     D. Perfect Parts of Our Bodies



    Music is considered a great creation. It can be seen as creativity in the pure form. In society, for some people, music is a “pastime(消遣)" while for others, it is a “lifestyle".36._______

    Music is a great source of entertainment(娱乐). Though people are different in culture and language, they enjoy music and get entertainment from it. It may be part of advertisements on TV or ring tones on mobiles.37.___

    Music helps communicate thoughts and feelings.38._______In this situation, music is a good way to express them. This is also the reason why some songs get more popular among the public as compared to others. It is so because people connect with some songs more.

    Music sends messages to listeners. We all have observed on television many times thatd N certain background music is played in the scenes(情景) that describe sorrow.39.______ In this way, music actually communicates with listeners without the help of words. It is interesting to know that music itself is so powerful that it does not need words.

    40._________Music has deep effects on the mind and spirit of people. It.directly affects the hormones(荷尔蒙)which creates a feeling of pleasure in the listener. It is because of this reason that listening to peaceful music makes us less worried or nervous.

    A. Music calms and relaxes the mind.

    B. Music varies greatly from place to place.

    C. So music is everywhere in one form or another.

    D. But why is music so important in people's lives?

    E. Sometimes words fail to express anger, excitement or love.

    F. All these points stress the importance of music in our lives.

    G. Similarly, for scenes expressing happiness, there is different music.


    第一节 完型填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


    It's 5:15 pm. Traffic comes to a full stop. I'm 41._________ before getting on the bridge.Looking at the rows of cars and trucks in the sun, I start to 42._________ ——1, 2, 3,…299, 300,301——and. I give up.

    Suddenly I 43.________ I'm one of the helpless drivers because of heavy traffic. But I stay 44.______. When the cars do move, I move carefully, making sure not to hit other vehicles.Finally, I 45.______it onto the bridge. The traffic is still moving at a snail's pace. Tired and hungry, I become very 46._________.

    Just then, I hear a faint() sound in the distance. The sound 47._________ becomes louder, until I can see an emergency vehicle 48.________ from behind. What do we do? The bridge is packed. There's no 49._________ for us to move.

    But I'm wrong. Every single car quickly, yet carefully, 50.________ to the side. Without thinking, I follow suit. The lane(车道) remains. 51 for a few seconds during which the ambulance flashes through.

    How did we do that? Despite our exhaustion, we collectively decided to help the 52.________who needed the time more desperately than we did. We drew on our compassion(同情心)and intelligence, 53.____ no directives(指令) 54._________ I may seem alone stuck on the bridge,I'm connected to all the other 55._________. Together we could make the impossible possible.

    41.A.frightened     B.lost      C. caught    D. hidden

    42.A. count      B.add      C.write      D. read

    43.A. believe     B. remember     C.hope      D.dream

    44.A.speechless     B.awake     C. confused     D.focused

    45.A.make      B.help      C.have      D.find

    46A.nervous      B.satisfied     C.anxious     D. disappointed

    1. A. suddenly     B.quickly     C. immediately    D.gradually

    48. A.disappearing   B.approaching    C.leaving     D.rising

    49. A. time      B. bridge     C.room    D. directive

    50.A. moves     B.walks     C.looks      D.falls

    51.A.crowded     B.open      C.busy      D. noisy

    52.A.man      B.nurse      C. stranger     D. doctor

    53. A. remembering  B. avoiding     C. following     D. requiring

    54.A.Although     B.If      C. When     D. After

    55.A.cars      B. vehicles     C. passengers    D. drivers





    Listed as a national-level intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) in 2006,Qinqiang Opera has gradually seen a return 56._________ popularity in recent years. The revival (复兴)of Qinqiang Opera 57.________(attract) more young audience since then.

    “Ten years ago, our audience 58._________ (be)mostly old people. We were afraid we would lose them one day. Now we have lots of young audience members 59._________ our performances are 60._________ (warm) welcomed,” said Hou Yanto China Daily.

    The number of young 61.___________ (performer)increased as well. The average age of Hou’s opera team is 30. “As we become more confident about our culture, more young people will like 62._________(tradition) culture as a fashionable trend and become promoters(推广者) of 63._________ (they) own culture,” Hou said to China Daily.

    The revival of Qinqiang Opera in the past decades has reflected the country’s cultural development, 64.______ surprises the public.Hou’s attitude to her career has also changed. “As an opera actor, I’m very confident in our culture. I couldn’t imagine it decades ago. So I consider it our duty 65._________ (make)it well received.”


    第一节  书面表达(满分10分)


    1. 有同样感觉;
    2. 分享自己的做法




    第二节  读后续写(满分15分)


    Matt is ten years old and always nervous about something. "At night, he lies in bed with the blanket tightly up around his chin. That's why his mother left the light on in the hallway. He is also very unhappy. He notices adults on their way to work. He even worries about how hard they have to work. He sees ladies holding umbrellas. He thinks a hurricane or a terrible rainstorm might come.

    Matt always thinks the worst. He even walks behind other children on their way to school. Some play friendly tricks on each other. Not Matt. He has very few friends. So he's pretty much alone.

    That day was very special for Matt. He didn't realize that his grandfather was watching him. He watched Matt eat by himself on one of the benches in the schoolyard.

    It was right near one of Matt's favorite squirrels(松鼠). He watched as Matt talked to the squirrel which raced toward him and then jumped upon the bench to take the peanut treat. Grandfather saw this and was glad.

    Over the next few days Grandfather was able to observe the kindness not only for experience animals but for people as well. When Sally fell off her bike and cut herself, Matt stayed with her until she was fixed up by her mother.

    Most of the neighborhood children took part in a Saturday baseball game with their parents. Matt was watching a few children play ball at Victoria Park. They all hit the ball and ran to first base successfully. 

    Paragraph 1:(建议内容:怕犯错,无法击中球;怕即使击中球,但跑得慢;别人的态度)

    Matt never played because he thought he was not good enough.____________________________________

    Paragraph 2:(建议内容:外公出现对 Matt的影响;外公说了什么;结果Matt成功了)

    Grandfather knew this and wanted to help Matt.________________________


    21-25 DADAC   26-30 ABDAB    31-35 BCDCB    36-40 DCEGA

    41-45 CABDA   46-50 CDBCA    51-55 BCDAD   

    1. to   57.is   58.were   59.and   60.warmly

    61.performs 62.traditional 63.their   64.which   65.to make





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