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    第 1 卷(共115 分)
    1.答第 1 卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。
    2.选出答案后, 用铅笔把答题卡上对应的题目的答案标号涂黑, 如需改动, 用橡皮擦千净后, 再填涂其它答案。
    第一部分: 听力(共两节, 满分 20 分)
    第一节 (共 5 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 5 分)
    听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 一小题。每段对话仅读 一遍。
    1. What will the man do next?
    A. Stop his car for a drink.
    B. Find a place to take a rest.
    C. Drive directly to the hotel.
    2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Mother and son.
    B. Professor and student.
    C. Saleswoman and customer.
    3. Why did Tom go to a new school?
    A. His family has moved to Milan.
    B. He has done something wrong in his last school.
    C. His teacher asked him to transfer to another school.
    4. Where probably are the speakers?
    A. In an office. B. At home. C. In a hotel.
    5. How many people will watch the film together?
    A. 3.
    B. 4.
    C. 5.
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后 有几个小问题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置, 听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅 读各小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或 独白读两遍。听下面一段对话, 回答第 6 至第 8 小题。
    6. What does the man suggest the woman do?
    A. Go boating alone.
    B. Find a skilled boatman.
    C. Bring some light clothes.
    7. What is the woman going to do next?
    A. Reserve a room.
    B. Do some shopping.
    C. Buy an airline ticket.
    8. What can we learn from the conversation?
    A. The man comes from Pokhara.
    B. The woman plans to leave next month.
    C. It’s the woman’s second visit to Pokhara.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第 9 至第 11 小题。
    9. What mainly makes the exercise books relatively expensive?
    A. The cost of labor.
    B. The cost of machines.
    C. The cost of raw materials.
    10. What is the final price of the order?
    A. About $3,600.
    B. About $3,900.
    C. About $4,500.
    11. What does the woman do in the end?
    A. Place an order.
    B. Lower the price.
    C. Refuse the man’s final offer.
    听下面一段独白, 回答第 12 至第 15 小题。
    12. How fast did Osborne eat grapes?
    A. One every second.
    B. Two every second.
    C. One every two seconds.
    13. What do the twelve chimes of the clock represent?
    A. Twelve animals.
    B. Twelve months.
    C. Twelve hours.
    14. What did Osborne say about those who peeled the grapes before eating them?
    A. He felt ashamed of them.
    B. He respected their choices.
    C. He felt uncomfortable with their behaviors.
    15. When did eating grapes become a tradition?
    A. In 1909. B. In 1919. C. In 1931.
    第二部分 :英语知识运 用(共两节,满分 45 分)
    第一节:单项填空(共15 小题,每小题 1 分 ,满 分 15 分 )
    从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1. In the UK, when having dinner with your friends, you have to wait until everyone else ________ before you start eating.
    A. has served B. is being served C. had been served D. has been served
    【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:在英国,当你和你的朋友共进晚餐时,你必须等到所有人都就坐后才开始吃饭。分析句子可知,空格处缺少谓语动词,句中指你必须等到所有人都就坐后才开始吃饭,强调“所有人都就坐”的动作已经完成,应用现在完成时,“everyone else”意为“所有人”,于“serve”为被动关系,故句子应用现在完成时的被动语态,“everyone else”作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。故选D项。
    2. ________ remains important is that we have an incredible desire to think and create, and that’s the real spirit of invention.
    A. It B. That C. What D. As
    3. Most of us would assume that urban development and climate change are ________ pushing the animals out of their natural habitats.
    A. responsible for B. particular about C. beneficial to D. consistent with
    【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们大多数人会认为城市发展和气候变化是导致动物离开自然栖息地的原因。A. be responsible for对……负责;B.be particular about特别注意;C.be beneficial to对……有益;D. be consistent with保持一致。根据句意可知,此处为动词短语be responsible for“对……负责”,满足句意要求。
    4. With these words ________ in their ears, Allied soldiers prepared for what would become known as D-Day.
    A. fading B. ringing C. swimming D. hanging
    【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着这些话在他们耳边回响,盟军士兵为诺曼底登陆做准备。A. fading褪色; B. ringing回响;响彻; C. swimming游泳; D. hanging悬挂。结合空后“in their ears”,可知此处指话语在耳边回响,故选B。
    5. —Look. Here’s a quiz on events of the twentieth century.
    —Oh, ________. I’m good at history.
    A. you’ve got me there
    B. I appreciate that
    C. let me give it a try
    D. it’s right under my nose
    【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——看。这里有一个关于二十世纪事件小测验。——哦,让我试试。我擅长历史。根据下文语境“I’m good at history.”可知,擅长历史的一方想试试这个关于历史的小测验,此处为句子let me give it a try“让我试一试”,满足句意要求。故选C项。
    6. Computer graphics technology has now reached the point, ________ special effects can be used to do just about anything.
    A. which B. whose C. where D. when
    7. Hundreds of delighted students________ to welcome him who had raised money to build a well for them near their school.
    A. worked out B. dropped out C. given out D. turned out
    【详解】考查动词短语辨析。 句意:数百名高兴的学生出来欢迎他,他们已经筹集到了资金,为他们在学校附近建造了一口井。A. worked out锻炼;B. dropped out辍学;C. given out分发;D. turned out走出来。根据空后“to welcome him”可知,此出处指学生高兴地出来欢迎他。故选D。
    8. ________25 years ago next month, the club is holding a party for past and present members.
    A. To be formed B. Having formed C. Formed D. Forming
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:下个月,25年前成立的俱乐部将为过去和现在的会员举行聚会。逗号前的内容在句中为状语,句子主语the club和动词form为动宾关系,所以此处用过去分词,故选C。
    9. You can often impress your boss by dressing in a businesslike way ________ others dress casually.
    A. as long as B. even if C. before D. since
    【详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:即使别人穿得很随意,你也可以通过穿得有条不紊来给老板留下深刻印象。A. as long as只要; B. even if 即使;C. before在……之前; D. since自从。分析句子可知,空处及之后的内容在句中为让步状语从句,意义上为“尽管,纵然”,故选B。
    10. In some cases, local produce uses more energy and produces more greenhouse gases than produce grown a long way away, even ________ its transport.
    A. taking into consideration B. keeping in order
    C. bringing under control D. leaving out of service
    【详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:在某些情况下,即使考虑到其运输,当地的农产品使用的能源和产生的温室气体也比远地种植的农产品多。A. taking into consideration考虑到;B. keeping in order维持秩序;C. bringing under control治理,把……控制住;D. leaving out of service停用,停止服务。根据句意可知,句中指考虑到运输成本,把当地的农产品和远地种植的农产品进行对比,“taking into consideration”意为“考虑到”,符合语境。故选A项。
    11. People who lack adequate housing are found in every country of the world and, ________, in almost every community.
    A. indeed B. otherwise C. however D. therefore
    【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:世界上每个国家,实际上几乎每个社区都有缺乏适足住房的人。A. indeed实际上; B. otherwise否则; C. however然而; D. therefore因此。结合空后的内容可知,此处表示对前文“in every country of the world”来补充,表示“实际上”。故选A。
    12. ---There’s a factory outside town that’s pumping chemicals into the river.
    ---How can they do that? Isn’t it________ the law?
    A. under B. beyond C. over D. against
    【详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:——城外有一家工厂正在向河里排放化学药品。——他们怎么能那样做呢?这不是违法的吗?A. under在……之下;B. beyond超过;C. over在……上面;D. against对抗,违反。根据句意可知,此处为介词against“违背,对抗”,agaist the law“违法”满足句意要求。故选D项。
    13. —Would you mind if I borrow your underwater camera for a diving trip to Florida?
    —________ But please be careful with it.
    A. You’re kidding me. B. Sure, that’s fine.
    C. It’s a piece of cake. D. Actually, I care.
    【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——你介意我借你的水下摄影机去佛罗里达潜水吗?——行,没问题。但请小心点。A. You’re kidding me.你在开玩笑;B. Sure, that’s fine.行,没问题;C. It’s a piece of cake.小菜一碟;D. Actually, I care.事实上,我在意。结合空后的回答可以看出,回答者对请求是同意的。故选B。
    14. In college, Spring Break is usually associated with the beach, parties and sleepless nights, bring about ________, free time and friends.
    A. examination B. investigation C. relaxation D. promotion
    【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在大学里,寒假通常与海滩、派对和不眠之夜联系在一起,带来放松、自由时间和朋友。A. examination考试; B. investigation调查;C. relaxation放松; D. promotion促进;提升。结合句中“Spring Break”可知,休假往往会带给人们放松,故选C。
    15. —It’s nearly a quarter to eight. Beth hasn’t turned up yet.
    —She________ the time. Why don’t I call and see what happened?
    A. shouldn’t have forgotten B. might have forgotten
    C. needn’t have forgotten D. must have forgotten
    【详解】考查情态动词+have done用法。句意:——现在快八点一刻了。贝丝还没出现。——她也许忘记了时间。我为什么不打电话看看发生了什么?根据句意可知,贝丝没有按时出现,我想打电话看看发生了什么,由此可知,贝丝也许忘记了时间,“might have done”表示“也许已经做了某事”,符合语境,“shouldn’t have done”表示“本不该做某事,而实际上做了”,“needn’t have done”表示“本不必做某事,而实际上做了”,“must have done”表示“必定做了某事(表示对过去的推测)”,均不符合语境。故选B项。
    第二节: 完形 填空(共 20 小题, 每小题 1.5 分 , 满分 3 0 分)
    阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从 31—50 题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
    Someone told me that if I want to learn about humanity, I should watch the television show, Undercover Boss. It’s a reality show where the____16____ of different businesses go undercover(暗中地)to____17____ what’s really going on at their company and how their employees really feel.
    The other day, the episode(一集)I____18____to watch did teach me something different and inspiring. The business owner____19____ to be broke and in desperate search of a new way out of his____20____ and emotional difficulties. He recited his____21____ story to one of his employees and was ____22____ by her response. She was quite encouraging and optimistic. Not only did she seem to____23____ him after a brief acquaintance, but she later revealed that she herself, who seemed to be full of sunshine and optimism, was____24____ homeless! The owner was hugely surprised. How could she maintain such high ____25____ in the face of such challenges? How could she even try to ____26____ him in the middle of her own battles? She taught the owner--- and the TV audience --- a ____27____ about true kindness.
    However, that’s not the ____28____ of the story. What____29____ me most is that the business owner didn’t plan to just sit and watch. ____30____, he was inspired to____31____. At the conclusion of the episode, he promoted this employee to assistant manager, with the accompanying____32____ in salary. And then the owner gave her a check for $250,000 to help her____33____ a house. While watching all these, I was in tears. It was a touching story because this employee was kind with absolutely no expectation of____34____. She was really kind despite her own bad____35____. Just as the saying goes, one good turn deserves another.
    16. A. employees B. bosses C. advertisers D. customers
    17. A. imagine B. predict C. consider D. discover
    18. A. happened B. tried C. wished D. decided
    19. A. expected B. failed C. pretended D. refused
    20. A. educational B. practical C. physical D. financial
    21. A. interesting B. false C. strange D. famous
    22. A. discouraged B. defeated C. moved D. puzzled
    23. A. teach B. admire C. look after D. believe in
    24. A. partly B. usually C. actually D. nearly
    25. A. positions B. spirits C. levels D. standards
    26. A. encourage B. love C. betray D. lead
    27. A. method B. chance C. rule D. lesson
    28. A. tone B. truth C. end D. development
    29. A. forced B. pushed C. impressed D. bothered
    30. A. Yet B. Meanwhile C. Therefore D. Instead
    31 A. give back B. get away C. watch out D. hold on
    32. A. appearance B. raise C. number D. plan
    33. A. rent B. repair C. decorate D. buy
    34. A. honor B. promotion C. reward D. comfort
    35. A. situation B. health C. idea D. performance
    【答案】16. B 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. D 21. B 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. A
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个真人秀节目,不同公司的老板都会去卧底,以了解他们公司的真实情况以及员工的真实感受。A. employees雇员;员工;B. bosses老板;C. advertisers广告商;D. customers顾客。结合下文“what’s really going on at their company and how their employees really feel”可知,此处指这个节目中的参与者为老板。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是一个真人秀节目,不同公司的老板都会去卧底,以了解他们公司的真实情况以及员工的真实感受。A. imagine想象;B. predict预测;C. consider考虑;D. discover了解到;查明。结合下文“what’s really going on at their company and how their employees really feel”可知,指老板们暗中来了解自己的员工的真实感受。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:前几天,我偶然看到的那一集确实教会了我一些不同的,鼓舞人心的东西。A. happened碰巧;偶然遇到;B. tried尝试;C. wished祝愿;D. decided决定。结合下文“did teach me something different and inspiring”可知,此处指作者碰巧看到的那一集。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:企业主假装破产,绝望地寻找一种新的方式摆脱他的经济和情感困境。A. expected期待;B. failed失败;C. pretended假装;D. refused拒绝。结合下文“At the conclusion of the episode, he promoted this employee to assistant manager”可知,节目中的这位老板是假装自己破产,遇到了困境。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:企业主假装破产,绝望地寻找一种新的方式摆脱他的经济和情感困境。A. educational教育的;B. practical实用的;实际的;C. physical物理的;身体的;D. financial财政的。结合上文“ to be broke and in desperate search of a new way out of his”可知,企业破产,老板应该是寻找摆脱经济窘境的方法。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他把自己虚假的故事讲述给一个雇员听,她的反应让他很感动。A. interesting有趣的;B. false假的;错误的;C. strange奇怪的;D. famous著名的。结合上文“The business owner 4   to be broke”可知,节目中老板假装自己破产,所以这里指他给自己编造了一个假的故事。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他把自己虚假的故事讲述给一个雇员听,她的反应让他很感动。A. discouraged灰心的;丧气的;B. defeated被打败的;C. moved感动的;D. puzzled困惑的。结合下文“How could she even try to  11   him in the middle of her own battles?”可知,这位女员工在自己身处困境中依然鼓励老板,所以让老板很感动。故选C。
    考查动词和动词短语词义辨析。句意:她不仅仅是在一次短暂的相识之后,似乎相信了他,而且她后来透露,她自己,这个看起来充满阳光和乐观的人,实际上是无家可归的!A. teach教;教导;B. admire钦佩;羡慕;C. look after照顾;D. believe in相信。根据空处前文“ She was quite encouraging and optimistic.”可知,这位女员工对老板的故事是相信的,鼓励了老板。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:她不仅仅是在一次短暂的相识之后,似乎相信了他,而且她后来透露,她自己,这个看起来充满阳光和乐观的人,实际上是无家可归的!A. partly部分地;B. usually通常;C. actually事实上;D. nearly几乎。根据下文“she later revealed that she herself”可知,实际上这位女员工是无家可归的。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:面对这样的挑战,她怎么能保持如此高昂的情绪呢?A. positions位置;B. spirits精神;C. levels水平;D. standards标准。结合上文“ she later revealed that she herself, who seemed to be full of sunshine and optimism”及下文“in the face of such challenges”可知,面对这么一个艰难的挑战,这位女士依然看起来充满阳光和乐观,所以她的精神是高昂的。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她怎么能在自己的战斗中鼓励他呢?A. encourage鼓励;B. love爱;C. betray背叛;D. lead带领。结合上文“She was quite encouraging ”可知,这里指这位女员工鼓励企业老板。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她教会了老板——还有电视观众——关于真正的善良的一课。A. method方法;B. chance机会;C. rule规则;D. lesson教训;启示。结合上文“teach me something different and inspiring”及“She taught the owner--- and the TV audience”可知,这位女士交给了观众和老板一个关于真正的善良的启示。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,故事还没有结束。A. tone 语调;B. truth真相;C. end结束;D. development发展。结合下文“At the conclusion of the episode, he promoted this employee to assistant manager, ”可知,这里并不是故事的结局。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:给我印象最深的是,这位企业主并没有打算坐视不管。A. forced强迫;B. pushed推动;C. impressed使印象深刻;D. bothered烦扰;打扰。结合上文“teach me something different and inspiring”可知,此处指这一集中给作者印象深刻的事情。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,他受到了鼓舞,想要回报社会。A. Yet然而;B. Meanwhile同时;C. Therefore因此;D. Instead相反;代替。结合空前“he business owner didn’t plan to just sit and watch”及空后“he was inspired”可知,这位老板并没有坐视不管,与此相反,他从中受到了启发。 故选D。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:相反,他受到了鼓舞,想要回报。A. give back归还;恢复;B. get away逃脱;离开;C. watch out小心;D. hold on坚持。结合下文“At the conclusion of the episode, he promoted this employee to assistant manager, with the accompanying  17  in salary. And then the owner gave her a check for $250,000 to help her 18 a house. ”可知,这位老板在受到鼓舞后,他决定要给予这位女士回报。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这期节目的结尾,他提拔这名员工为助理经理,同时加薪。A. appearance外观;B. raise加薪;C. number数字;D. plan计划。结合上文“he promoted this employee to assistant manager”可知,这位女员工升了职,薪水也增加了。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后老板给了她一张25万美元的支票帮她买房子。A. rent租用;B. repair修理;C. decorate装饰;D. buy买。由上文“she later revealed that she herself, who seemed to be full of sunshine and optimism, was 9   homeless!”可知,这位女士没有家,所以此处指老板给她支票帮助她买了一个房子。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个感人的故事,因为这个员工非常善良,完全没有期望得到报酬。A. honor 荣耀;B. promotion促销;C. reward报酬;D. comfort安慰。由上文得知,在老板把自己破产的故事讲给这位女员工后,女员工不但信任他,而且也给了老板鼓励。她对自己的这种行为并没有期待会有回报。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她真的很善良,尽管她自己情况很糟糕。A. situation情况;B. health健康;C. idea想法;D. performance表现。结合文章可知,这位女员工没有家,但她还是很乐观,在听了老板讲自己破产的故事后,她鼓励老板要乐观。所以此处指尽管她的情况糟糕,可她很善良。故选A。
    第三部分: 阅读理解(共20 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 50 分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
    Pre-College Summer Programs for High School Students
    Applications of Nanoscience (纳米科学) Summer Institute at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
    Over the course of two weeks, program participants will learn the basics of pursuing a scientific research project. They’ll attend lectures, take part in hands-on experiments, and work on a team project having to do with actual scientific research. By the end of the program, students will have a solid understanding of nanoscience and research projects.
    How Much: $3,666 (includes tuition and room & board; discount for students entering the UC system the following fall)
    Artificial Intelligence Laboratory’s Outreach Summer Program at Stanford University
    In an attempt to increase diversity in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University hosts this pre-college summer program for girls who are interested in A.I. and willing to choose it as a college major and future career. Over the course of three weeks, the young women in the program are exposed to Artificial Intelligence through lectures, industry field trips, hands-on projects, and even mentoring sessions (指导会议) with professors, researchers, and graduate students.
    How Much: $6, 000 (includes tuition, room & board, field trips, and course materials)
    Engineering Pre-College Summer Program at Syracuse University
    This unique summer program is perfect for the high school students considering a career in engineering, as it combines college-level introductory courses with hands-on activities and field trips. The program offers two courses during two weeks — Civil & Environmental Engineering and Aerospace Engineering — and students can choose to participate in one or both.
    How Much: $3, 090 for boarding students; $2, 191 for commuting students (走读生)
    36. What can you attain from the Nanoscience program?
    A. Valuable research experience.
    B. Self-made nano-based product.
    C. Approaches to writing applications.
    D. Official admission to the UC system.
    37. Why does Stanford University start its A.I. program?
    A. To appeal to more A.I. projects.
    B. To attract more female students to explore A.I.
    C. To promote communication between A.I. researchers.
    D. To select qualified graduate students for the university.
    38. What can students do in Stanford University’s A.I. program?
    A. Go sightseeing in nearby colleges.
    B. Advertise for A.I. course materials.
    C. Give lectures on A.I. to fellow students.
    D. Communicate with A.I. experts for advice.
    39. If you apply for Syracuse University’s engineering program, you can ______.
    A. choose to live off campus
    B. take two courses for a month
    C. have a discount for your tuition
    D. get a part-time job in engineering
    40. What is the common feature of the three programs?
    A. They last less than two weeks.
    B. They focus on the field of technology.
    C. They aim at educators in high school.
    D. They are hosted by the same university.
    【答案】36. A 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. B
    细节理解题。根据Applications of Nanoscience Summer Institute at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)部分的“They’ll attend lectures, take part in hands-on experiments, and work on a team project having to do with actual scientific research.(他们将参加讲座,动手做实验,并参与与实际科学研究有关的团队项目。)”可知,你能从纳米科学项目中获得宝贵的研究经验。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据Artificial Intelligence Laboratory’s Outreach Summer Program at Stanford University部分的“In an attempt to increase diversity in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University hosts this pre-college summer program for girls who are interested in A.I. and willing to choose it as a college major and future career.(为了增加人工智能领域的多样性,斯坦福大学为那些对人工智能感兴趣并愿意选择它作为大学专业和未来职业的女孩举办了这个大学前暑期项目。)”可知,斯坦福大学启动人工智能项目是为了吸引更多的女学生探索人工智能,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Artificial Intelligence Laboratory’s Outreach Summer Program at Stanford University部分的“Over the course of three weeks, the young women in the program are exposed to Artificial Intelligence through lectures, industry field trips, hands-on projects, and even mentoring sessions(指导会议) with professors, researchers, and graduate students.(在为期三周的课程中,项目中的年轻女性通过讲座、行业实地考察、实践项目,甚至与教授、研究人员和研究生进行指导课程,接触到人工智能。)”可知,在斯坦福大学的人工智能项目中,学生可以与人工智能专家交流,寻求建议。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据Engineering Pre-College Summer Program at Syracuse University部分的“How Much: $3, 090 for boarding students; $2, 191 for commuting students(费用:寄宿学生3090美元;走读学生费用为2191美元)”可知,如果你申请Syracuse University的工程项目,你可以选择住在校外,故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Applications of Nanoscience (纳米科学) Summer Institute at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)部分的“Over the course of two weeks, program participants will learn the basics of pursuing a scientific research project.(在两周的课程中,项目参与者将学习从事科学研究项目的基本知识。)”,Artificial Intelligence Laboratory’s Outreach Summer Program at Stanford University部分的“In an attempt to increase diversity in the field of Artificial Intelligence(为了增加人工智能领域的多样性)”和Engineering Pre-College Summer Program at Syracuse University部分的“This unique summer program is perfect for the high school students considering a career in engineering, as it combines college-level introductory courses with hands-on activities and field trips.(这个独特的暑期项目非常适合考虑从事工程工作的高中生,因为它结合了大学水平的入门课程和实践活动和实地考察。)”可知,这三个项目都专注于技术领域。故选B。
    In 2015, the town of Carefree, in the USA was seeking a pumpkin carver to help their newly-planned Enchanted Pumpkin Garden Festival become an instant success. Luckily for them, the sculptor Ray Villafane fell in love with the four-acre Carefree Desert Gardens and agreed to carve pumpkins for the tourists. Then, the festival became a hit in 2015. Now the annual event, which took place from October 19-28, in 2008, includes many fun activities for both kids and adults. However, it is the pumpkin carvings that remain the star attraction.
    This year, Villafane and his team reached the garden in early October to carve the popular “pickled (腌制的) pumpkins”. Placed inside tanks resembling a kind of plants to fit in with the environment, the 3D pumpkin artworks were put in a special liquid that helped preserve them for a longer period of time.
    Throughout the festival, Villafane and his team also held several live demonstrations, adding to the impressive carved pumpkins on exhibition. They also volunteered to give many pumpkin-carving fans valuable tips.
    Besides the wonderful carvings, guests had the chance to go into a pumpkin world, complete with tales. The tales featured pumpkin dead bodies running through the grass, and a group of helpless pumpkins attempting to free their peers imprisoned by a scary-looking figure with only bones. Then, there were the hard-working rats who were sewing a pumpkin.
    The highlight of the festival came on October 27, when Villafane transformed a huge pumpkin into a dinosaur. The festival also featured activities including pie-eating matches, story-telling, face painting, and pumpkin-carving matches.
    Villafane’s skill first came to light in 1993 after he sculpted a pumpkin for his students during Halloween. In 2004 while still teaching, he decided to use his skills to create action figures for Marvel Comics. Over the next two years, the artist created numerous popular characters. In 2006, Villafane accepted a full-time position about carving toys at DC Comics. In 2010, he finally decided to go after his true love—pumpkin carving. Since he first began carving, the expert has sculpted 2,576 pieces of outstanding works in 102 cities around the world.
    The expert using basic carving tools for his most complex creations stands out in the festival.
    41. What can we learn about the annual Enchanted Pumpkin Garden festival?
    A. It has been held three times so far.
    B. It was organized by Ray Villafane.
    C. It aims at teenagers interested in arts.
    D. It has gained Ray Villafane’s support.
    42. Why did Villafane have his carved pumpkins put in a liquid?
    A. To prevent them from going bad quickly.
    B. To make them fit in with the environment.
    C. To make them much more delicious.
    D. To make them appear more beautiful.
    43. What can we infer about the tales of pumpkins?
    A. They were created by Ray Villafane.
    B. They were centered on the theme of friendship.
    C. They were all full of imagination and terror.
    D. They were probably most attractive to those fond of magic.
    44. What’s Paragraph 6 mainly about?
    A. The popularity of Ray Villafane’s works.
    B. The gradual improvement of Villafane’s skills.
    C. The interest of Ray Villafane in pumpkin carving.
    D. The introduction of Ray Villafane’s career of carving.
    45. Which of the following can best describe Ray Villafane?
    A. Reliable and brave.
    B. Confident and modest.
    C. Talented and helpful.
    D. Enthusiastic and cautious.
    【答案】41. D 42. A 43. C 44. D 45. C
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了美国的Enchanted Pumpkin Garden Festival和南瓜雕塑家雷·维拉法恩。
    细节理解题。根据第一段关键句“Luckily for them, the sculptor Ray Villafane fell in love with the four-acre Carefree Desert Gardens and agreed to carve pumpkins for the tourists.”(对他们来说幸运的是,雕塑家雷·维拉法恩爱上了占地四英亩的Carefree Desert Gardens,并同意为游客雕刻南瓜。)可知,雕塑家雷·维拉法恩同意为游客雕刻南瓜,由此可知,一年一度的Enchanted Pumpkin Garden Festival得到了雷·维拉法恩的支持。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段关键句“Placed inside tanks resembling a kind of plants to fit in with the environment, the 3D pumpkin artworks were put in a special liquid that helped preserve them for a longer period of time.”(3D南瓜艺术品被放置在类似于一种植物的容器中,以适应环境,它们被放在一种特殊的液体中,有助于保存更长时间。)可知,把3D南瓜艺术品放在一种特殊的液体中,有助于保存更长时间,由此可知,维拉法恩把他雕刻的南瓜放在液体中是为了防止它们很快变坏。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段关键句“The tales featured pumpkin dead bodies running through the grass, and a group of helpless pumpkins attempting to free their peers imprisoned by a scary-looking figure with only bones.”(故事讲述了南瓜尸体在草地上奔跑,一群无助的南瓜试图解救被一个只有骨头的可怕人物囚禁的同伴。)可知,故事中把南瓜拟人化了,由此可知,故事是充满想象力的,故事中有一个只有骨头的可怕人物,由此可知,故事也是恐怖的,综上所述,南瓜的故事都充满了想象力和恐怖。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据第六段关键句“Villafane’s skill first came to light in 1993 after he sculpted a pumpkin for his students during Halloween.”(1993年,维拉法恩在万圣节期间为他的学生雕刻了一个南瓜,之后他的技能首次被人们所知。)和“In 2010, he finally decided to go after his true love—pumpkin carving.”(2010年,他终于决定追求自己的真爱——南瓜雕刻。)可知,文章按照时间顺序,介绍了维拉法恩的雕刻生涯,例如文章中出现的“in 1993”、“In 2004”和“In 2010”等,由此可知,第六段的主要介绍了雷·维拉法恩的雕刻生涯。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段关键句“Luckily for them, the sculptor Ray Villafane fell in love with the four-acre Carefree Desert Gardens and agreed to carve pumpkins for the tourists.”(对他们来说幸运的是,雕塑家雷·维拉法恩爱上了占地四英亩的Carefree Desert Gardens,并同意为游客雕刻南瓜。)可知,雕塑家雷·维拉法恩同意为游客雕刻南瓜,由此可知,他是个乐于助人的人;根据第六段关键句“Over the next two years, the artist created numerous popular characters.”(在接下来的两年里,这位艺术家创作了许多受欢迎的角色。)和最后一段“The expert using basic carving tools for his most complex creations stands out in the festival.(这位专家使用最基本的雕刻工具进行最复杂的创作,在节日中脱颖而出。)”可知,雷·维拉法恩用最基本的雕刻工具进行复杂的创作,并且他的雕刻受到欢迎,由此可知,他是一个才华横溢的人,综上所述,雷·维拉法恩是一个才华横溢和乐于助人的人。故选C项。

    Old trains are very attractive and mysterious, whether it’s because of their history and their function or simply because they look so fierce and huge. Many old derailed trains have been transformed into anything like homes, art galleries and even amusement parks. As part of a recovery program to restore a failed railway, Ecuadorian design firm Al Borde transformed a tired, old train into a mobile cultural center, which they call “Wagon of Knowledge” (Vagon del Saber).
    Selected by the Ecuadorian(厄瓜多尔)Ministry of Culture and Heritage, the community oriented project is to reactivate settlements along its route. After more than a decade of absence, these areas not only recover a means of communication but are enhanced economically, as the cultural promoters use the train car as an activator of public space and a meeting point for the locals. The multifunctional nature of the carriage — it is without a strictly defined architectural program and can therefore be designed flexibly — allows for musical performances, theater shows, training programs and celebrations.
    The train was renovated(修复)to achieve the greatest number of uses with the minimum number of elements.
    A public square and a theater with a capacity of 60-80 people, as well as work spaces for 20 users were incorporated by attaching three extensions to the train: a roof with several deployment( 部 署 )options, retractable furniture and two storage spaces — simple systems operated by the cultural romoters turn the cart into their desired requirements. Set to travel around the route, the cultural unit will begin to accumulate and facilitate new stories.
    Intended to move from place to place without a strict set of limitations to define its use it becomes something flexible that adapts to the needs of the moment, so that it “carries neither goods nor tourists, but culture and public space”. As we can see here, there are a lot of possibilities, thanks to various interchangeable components that can allow the train to shift from conference space to a performance venue in a snap.
    It’s a creative way to give new life to a historically important train that was once even derailed, and to ensure that it can keep on serving the public. One more thing, people don’t have to go to this public space; it will travel to come to them.
    46. Why did the design firm Al Borde carry out the project?
    A. To boost the local tourism.
    B. To sharpen rural people’s communication skills.
    C. To bring communities along the railroad line to life.
    D. To provide recreation for the community residents.
    47. What makes the multipurpose train possible?
    A. Advanced architectural design techniques.
    B. The railway systems that are easy to operate.
    C. Flexible construction features of the train car.
    D. The financial assistance provided by cultural promoters.
    48. How does the old train meet different requirements?
    A. By extending the length of the carriage.
    B. By adding three components to the train.
    C. By freely changing the position of the roof.
    D. By expanding the seating capacity of the train.
    49. What can we know about “Wagon of Knowledge” from the passage?
    A. It used to be the meeting point for the locals.
    B. It can perform different working functions.
    C. It was used to carry goods and tourists.
    D. It will stay in one place to entertain locals
    50. What does the author think about the project?
    A. It is meaningful.
    B. It is large-scale.
    C. It is pioneering.
    D. It is impressive.
    【答案】46. C 47. C 48. B 49. B 50. A
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了厄瓜多尔设计公司 Al Borde 的一项复苏项目,他们将一列老旧的火车改造成了一个移动文化中心。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“As part of a recovery program to restore a failed railway, Ecuadorian design firm Al Borde transformed a tired, old train into a mobile cultural center, which they call “Wagon of Knowledge” (Vagon del Saber).”(厄瓜多尔设计公司 Al Borde ,把要修复一条故障铁路作为复苏项目的一部分,将一列老旧的火车改造成了一个移动文化中心,他们称之为“知识之车”(Vagon del Saber);第二段中“the community oriented project is to reactivate settlements along its route. After more than a decade of absence, these areas not only recover a means of communication but are enhanced economically, as the cultural promoters use the train car as an activator of public space and a meeting point for the locals. ”(面向社区的项目的目的是重新启动沿线的定居点。在消失了十多年之后,这些地区不仅恢复了一种交流手段,而且在经济上得到了加强,因为文化促进者利用火车车厢作为公共空间的激活器和当地人的聚会点)可知,厄瓜多尔设计公司 Al Borde 的这个项目是为了把老旧的火车沿线的历史能够恢复其原来的面貌。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“The multifunctional nature of the carriage --- it is without a strictly defined architectural program and can therefore be designed flexibly --- allows for musical performances, theater shows, training programs and celebrations.”(车厢的多功能性——它没有严格定义的建筑程序,因此可以灵活设计——允许音乐表演、戏剧表演、培训项目和庆祝活动)可知,由于车厢的灵活设计使得其可能实现多功能性。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“A public square and a theater with a capacity of 60-80 people, as well as work spaces for 20 users were incorporated by attaching three extensions to the train: a roof with several deployment( 部 署 )options, retractable furniture and two storage spaces --- simple systems operated by the cultural romoters turn the cart into their desired requirements.”(一个可容纳60-80人的公共广场和一个剧院,以及可容纳20名使用者的工作空间,通过在火车上附加三个扩展部分来整合:一个有多个部署选项的屋顶,可伸缩的家具和两个存储空间——由文化转轮操作的简单系统将车变成他们想要的需求)可知,通过在火车上附加三个扩展部分来整合,可以实现不同的需求。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“The multifunctional nature of the carriage --- it is without a strictly defined architectural program and can therefore be designed flexibly --- allows for musical performances, theater shows, training programs and celebrations.”(车厢的多功能性——它没有严格定义的建筑程序,因此可以灵活设计——允许音乐表演、戏剧表演、培训项目和庆祝活动)可知,车厢的灵活设计使得其可以实现多功能性。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“It’s a creative way to give new life to a historically important train that was once even derailed, and to ensure that it can keep on serving the public. ”(这是一种创造性的方式,给一列曾经出轨的历史性重要列车注入新的活力,并确保它能够继续为公众服务)可知,对于这个列出的恢复计划,作者认为是有意义的。故选A。
    The benefits of reading at home are many and lifelong. Falling levels of enjoyment are cause for worry.
    If there was one good thing to come out of lockdowns, it was improved book sales and rates of reading, especially among children. A survey of 70.000 children and young people by the National Literacy Trust, however, has found this gain is now gone: figures are now equal just before the pandemic, when the trust recorded the lowest levels of reading enjoyment(just under 50%) since it first asked the question 17 years ago. A concurrent(同时进行的)study of 8.000 five to eight-year-olds found that nearly one in five did not have a book at home.
    These questions are not about basic literacy but about the habit of reading: the children surveyed spoke of books giving them subjects to talk about; of entertainment and information; of reading helping them to understand people unlike themselves; of finding in books a place of escape and a mitigation( 缓 解 )of loneliness; of aid in coping with difficulty. “It helps me in learning about what I am feeling. That is because I have a hard time expressing my emotions and would rather not bother anyone.” as one child put it.
    Children who read at home are six times more likely to be able to read above expected levels, while one study of 160,000 adults from 31 countries found children whose homes held at least 80 books, but whose schooling ended at 13 or 14, were “as literate, numerate and technologically wise in adulthood as university graduates who grew up with only a few books”. Another found these children also went on to earn more.
    It is not that most parents and carers don’t understand this. A reason often cited for the lack of books at home is the cost of living. Almost a fifth of Britain’s public libraries have closed in 10 years while one in eight primary schools in England, rising to one in four in disadvantaged communities, do not have a library or designated reading space. Furthermore, the Department for Education, with its insistence on systematic synthetic phonics(自然拼读法)would do well to heed( 留 心 )the number of children who told the National Literacy Trust that teaching in primary schools had put them off reading. Compared with other problems this country faces, providing varied reading material is relatively straightforward to fix. We owe it to children to do so.
    51. What does “this gain” in Para. 1 most probably refer to?
    A. More young readers.
    B. Better reading material.
    C. More books sold online.
    D. Better reading environment.
    52. Which of the following is NOT cited as a reason why the habit of reading matters?
    A. Reading broadens children’s horizons.
    B. Reading offers children spiritual shelters.
    C. Reading improves children’s basic literacy.
    D. Reading helps children deal with emotions.
    53. Children reading more often at home are found ________ .
    A. to be pushed by expected levels of reading
    B. to end schooling earlier than average readers
    C. to be willing to learn more when they grow up
    D. to possess greater reading and technological abilities
    54. Which of the following statements is not true according to the last paragraph?
    A. Poor communities do not have sufficient libraries or appointed reading spaces.
    B. Disadvantaged families can’t understand the problem with the lack of books at home.
    C. Primary schools haven’t so far done a great job in encouraging children to read more.
    D. The country should take immediate action to offer children more varied reading material.
    55. What does the author mean by saying “We owe it to children to do so”?
    A. We can offer any assistance to children to realize their dreams.
    B. We must create conditions and supply various books to children.
    C. We can buy enough books for the children who want to read more.
    D. We should help children read books at home rather than in libraries.
    【答案】51. D 52. C 53. D 54. B 55. B
    词句猜测题。根据第二段中“figures are now equal just before the pandemic, when the trust recorded the lowest levels of reading enjoyment(just under 50%) since it first asked the question 17 years ago. ”(现在的数据与大流行之前持平,当时该信托记录了自17年前首次提出这个问题以来阅读享受的最低水平(略低于50%)。)可推知,划线词所在句指的是这种“阅读享受”现在已经不再有了。所以划线词此处指“阅读享受”,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“These questions are not about basic literacy but about the habit of reading: the children surveyed spoke of books giving them subjects to talk about; of entertainment and information; of reading helping them to understand people unlike themselves; of finding in books a place of escape and a mitigation( 缓 解 )of loneliness; of aid in coping with difficulty. ”It helps me in learning about what I am feeling. That is because I have a hard time expressing my emotions and would rather not bother anyone.“ as one child put it.”(这些问题不是关于基本的读写能力,而是关于阅读的习惯:接受调查的孩子谈到书籍给他们谈论的主题;娱乐和信息;阅读帮助他们了解不同于他们自己的人;在书中找到一个逃避和减轻孤独的地方;帮助他们应对困难。”它帮助我了解自己的感受。这是因为我很难表达自己的情绪,我宁愿不去打扰任何人。正如一个孩子所说。)可知,阅读习惯很重要,在于其可以给孩子们谈论的主题,即扩大孩子的视野;阅读帮助他们了解不同于他们自己的人,即阅读可以帮助孩子解决他们自己的情绪问题;他们在书中能找到一个逃避和减轻孤独的地方,即阅读可以给孩子们提供精神寄托;以上都是阅读习惯的重要性,并没有提及阅读习惯会改善孩子们的基本的读写能力,所以选项C不符合文意,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Children who read at home are six times more likely to be able to read above expected levels, while one study of 160,000 adults from 31 countries found children whose homes held at least 80 books, but whose schooling ended at 13 or 14, were ”as literate, numerate and technologically wise in adulthood as university graduates who grew up with only a few books“. Another found these children also went on to earn more.”(在家阅读的儿童阅读能力超过预期水平的可能性是普通儿童的六倍,而一项对来自31个国家的16万名成年人的研究发现,那些家里至少有80本书,但其学校教育在13或14岁结束的儿童,“在成年时与只有几本书的大学毕业生一样,具有文化、数学和技术方面的智慧”。另一项研究发现,这些孩子的收入也更高。)在家里常阅读的孩子的阅读能力超过预期水平的可能性是普通儿童的六倍,同时他们也具有更好的文化、数学和技术方面的智慧,收入也更高。可推知,这些孩子的拥有更强的阅读和技术能力。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“It is not that most parents and carers don’t understand this. A reason often cited for the lack of books at home is the cost of living. Almost a fifth of Britain’s public libraries have closed in 10 years while one in eight primary schools in England, rising to one in four in disadvantaged communities, do not have a library or designated reading space. Furthermore, the Department for Education, with its insistence on systematic synthetic phonics(自然拼读法)would do well to heed( 留 心 )the number of children who told the National Literacy Trust that teaching in primary schools had put them off reading. Compared with other problems this country faces, providing varied reading material is relatively straightforward to fix. We owe it to children to do so.”(这并不是说大多数父母和照顾者不理解这一点。人们经常提到的家里缺书的一个原因是生活成本。英国近五分之一的公共图书馆在10年内关闭,而英国八分之一的小学(在贫困社区,这一比例上升到四分之一)没有图书馆或指定阅读空间。此外,英国教育部坚持自然拼读法,因此最好留意一下有多少孩子告诉国家扫盲信托基金,小学教学使他们放弃阅读。与国家面临的其他问题相比,提供多样化的阅读材料相对容易解决。我们这样做是为了孩子们。)可知,贫穷的社区没有图书馆或指定阅读空间,同时小学在鼓励孩子多读书方面并没有做得很好。作为国家,应为儿童提供更多样化的阅读材料。选项B与文意不符,故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据最后一段最后两句“Compared with other problems this country faces, providing varied reading material is relatively straightforward to fix. We owe it to children to do so.”(与国家面临的其他问题相比,提供多样化的阅读材料相对容易解决。我们这样做是为了孩子们。)可知,“to do so”指的是我们能给孩子们提供多样化的阅读材料,这个问题比其他的问题容易解决。故选B。
    第II 卷 主观题(共 35 分)
    第一节: 阅读表达(共 5 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 10 分)
    阅读短文, 按照题目要求用英语回答问题。
    The gymnasium smelled of delicious food and was filled with people. The place was more lively when kids in each class of kindergarten came in and sat in chattering rows. This was the big day --- the kickoff to the St. Baldrick’s event. And the kids knew what was coming. A fourth-grade teacher was about to have his head shaved.
    The St. Baldrick’s Foundation provides funds for children’s cancer research. Their money comes from participants offering to publicly shave their heads in exchange for donations to the fund. When the fourth-grade teacher Mr. Leckron offered to shave his blond hair for the good of the cause, many kids signed up to be shaved as well. Many community members and parents stepped forward to donate money to support the events.
    This event took place on a May afternoon. In the beginning of the after-school community shaving event, our principal stepped to the microphone and introduced the honorable guest, our town’s mayor(市长).Our mayor said the students were worth his respect because they were so sympathetic(同 情的)to those unfortunate.
    After the mayor’s speech, a mother stepped to the microphone and shared the story of her son’s childhood cancer. The mother said the cancer was terrible to his son, but the St Baldrick’s funded research made him triumph over the challenge in the end. His story showed how the program was making a difference to real people.
    Next the barber stepped forward and gestured Mr. Leckron to the stage. But Mr. Leckron shook his head and pretended to be afraid. Everyone cheered as Mr. Leckron walked forward and took his seat. When the barber shaved a path right down the center of Mr. Leckron’s head, everyone laughed. My heart pounded. I was excited at the joy that filled the gymnasium.
    It stated that our little school raised over 10,000 dollars in the end. When I learned the good news of the result of the event, my eyes welled and I took great pride in my community that supported it.
    56. Why did Mr. Leckron and the students sign up to have their heads shaved? (no more than 10 words)
    57. Why did the mayor show respect to the students? (no more than 10 words)
    58. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 mean? (no more than 15 words)
    59. How did the author feel when learning the news of the event’s result? (no more than 10 words)
    60. What do you learn from this story? (no more than 20 words)
    【答案】56. In exchange for donations to the children’s cancer research fund.
    57. Due to their sympathy to those unfortunate people.
    58. The fund supported helped her son recover from the disease.
    59. Moved and proud.
    60. Small acts of kindness can bring great benefits.

    考查细节理解。根据第二段中“The St. Baldrick’s Foundation provides funds for children’s cancer research. Their money comes from participants offering to publicly shave their heads in exchange for donations to the fund. When the fourth-grade teacher Mr. Leckron offered to shave his blond hair for the good of the cause, many kids signed up to be shaved as well. ”(圣鲍德里克基金会为儿童癌症研究提供资金。他们的钱来自于愿意公开剃光头以换取为基金捐款的参与者。当四年级老师Leckron先生提出为了慈善事业剃掉他的金发时,许多孩子也报名参加了剃头活动。)可知,Leckron和许多孩子报名参加了剃头是为了换取儿童癌症研究的捐款。故答案为: In exchange for donations to the children’s cancer research fund.
    考查细节理解。根据第三段最后一句“Our mayor said the students were worth his respect because they were so sympathetic(同 情的)to those unfortunate.”(我们的市长说那些学生值得他尊敬因为他们如此同情那些不幸的人。)可知,市长对孩子们表示尊敬是因为孩子们对不幸的人们表现了同情心。故答案为:Due to their sympathy to those unfortunate people.
    考查词句猜测。结合划线句前文“After the mayor’s speech, a mother stepped to the microphone and shared the story of her son’s childhood cancer. The mother said the cancer was terrible to his son, ”(市长演讲结束后,一位母亲走向麦克风,讲述了她儿子患儿童癌症的故事。母亲说癌症对他儿子来说很可怕)后文“His story showed how the program was making a difference to real people.”(他的故事展示了这个项目是如何对现实生活中的人产生影响的。)可知,这个项目换取得捐款对癌症病人是有很大的帮助的,因而划线句的含义为:圣鲍德里克基金会提供的钱帮助了她的儿子战胜了病魔。故答案为:The fund supported helped her son recover from the disease.
    考查推理判断。根据最后一段“It stated that our little school raised over 10,000 dollars in the end. When I learned the good news of the result of the event, my eyes welled and I took great pride in my community that supported it.”(报道说我们的小学校最终筹集到了一万多美元。当我得知活动结果的好消息时,我的眼睛都红了,我为支持它的社区感到非常自豪。)可知,当作者听到这次活动的好的结果时,作者是感动的,同时对支持它的社区感到非常自豪。故答案为:Moved and proud.
    开放题,言之有理即可。通读文章可知,本文主要讲述了为了能够换取给儿童癌症研究提供资金,作者所在的学校中举办了“公开剃发换捐款”的活动,最终该活动筹集了一万多美元。通过故事让我作者领会到小的善意会汇集成大的好处。即:Small acts of kindness can bring great benefits. 故参考答案为:Small acts of kindness can bring great benefits.
    第二节: 书面表达(满分25 分)
    61. 假设你是晨光中学的李津。你的英国朋友Chris得知你在毕业年级,学习压力大,他来信询问你是如何保持身体健康的,请你根据以下要点给他写一封电子邮件。内容包括:
    1. 简单介绍学习近况;
    2. 你保持健康的做法(从运动,饮食,睡眠方面);
    3. 希望Chris分享更好的方法。
    1. 词数不少于100;
    2. 可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯。
    Dear Chris,
    Li Jin
    【答案】Dear Chris,
    I am glad to hear from you and thank you for your concern about my school life. Recently, I have been preparing for the approaching college entrance examination, which is of great importance for me.
    In your letter you asked me how to keep healthy. Firstly, I eat plenty of nutritious foods, such as fish, beans, fresh fruit and vegetables. Also, I take physical exercise regularly instead of studying all the time. What’s more, having enough sleep is very important. So I have at least eight hours of sleep every day.
    I hope you can give me more suggestions. Looking forward to your reply.
    Li Jin
    收到某人的来信:hear from sb.→get a letter from sb.
    此外:what’s more→besides
    原句:Also, I take physical exercise regularly instead of studying all the time.
    拓展句:Also, I take physical exercise regularly instead of studying all the time, which is good for health.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Recently, I have been preparing for the approaching college entrance examination, which is of great importance for me.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】I hope you can give me more suggestions.(运用了that引导的宾语从句,省略了that)


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