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    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)
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    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)01
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)02
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)03
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)04
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)05
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)06
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)07
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)08
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)01
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)02
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 The History and Traditions period 2 Reading and Thinking课件(送学案)03
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions获奖课件ppt

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions获奖课件ppt,文件包含Unit4TheHistoryandTraditionsperiod2ReadingandThinkingpptx、Unit4TheHistoryandTraditionsperiod2ReadingandThinking学案doc、Unit4ReadingandThinkingmp3等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共55页, 欢迎下载使用。

    完成句子。1. Paul ___________(在方面相似) appearance t his brther.2. Are yu fr real,r are yu just_____________(和我开玩笑)?3. __________(孔子)is cnsidered the greatest f the ancient Chinese sages.4. I spent tw nights in the _________(公馆).5. Each_________ (单独的,个别的)leaf n the tree is different.6. Many f them are ____________ (后裔)f the riginal settlers. 7. All these questins relate t___________(哲学).8. Feel yur calves tighten and relax as yu lwer yur _____(脚后跟). 9. His remains were interred in the _________(墓地).
    is similar in
    pulling my leg
    Which is the Natinal flag the UK?
    puzzle[ˈpʌzl] n.&vt.in a puzzle
    defence [dɪˈfens] n.in defence (f)
    legal [ˈliːɡl] adj.legal rightslegal dcuments
    lcatin[ləʊˈkeɪʃn] n.be lcated in... 位于
    battle[ˈbætl] n.fight win /lse battle accept the battle
    surrund[səˈraʊnd] vt.surrund sth/sb (with sth.)
    evidence [ˈevɪdəns] n.find evidence
    Key Phrases
    What d yu think when we talk abut Britain? Hw much have yu knw abut sme histry and culture f the UK?Let's learn mre abut Britain.
    Britain is a Western Eurpean island cuntry cmpsed f England, Wales and Sctland n the island f Great Britain, Nrthern Ireland in the nrtheast f the island f Ireland and a series f affiliated islands.The histry f England began with the Germans and Celts. In 1922, the Republic f Ireland became independent and Nrthern Ireland remained in Britain, which is nw Nrthern Ireland. The capital f England is Lndn.
    William Shakespeare, English Renaissance(英国文艺复兴时期)playwright and pet. His representative wrks include fur tragedies (Hamlet, Othell, King Lear, Macbeth) and fur cmedies (A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant f Venice, Twelfth Night,As yu like it) . On April 23rd, 1616, he died in his hmetwn. Shakespeare is the symbl and pride f the British culture. In the UK, yu can feel the strng atmsphere f Shakespeare in the British cultural circle anytime and anywhere. Shakespeare, like nutritin, has been integrated int the bld f British culture. He nt nly becme the pride f the British, but als became the symbl f British culture.
    April 23, 1564 - April 23, 1616
    What d yu think when we talk abut Britain? Hw much d yu knw abut the histry and culture f Britain? Let's learn mre abut Britain.
    Can yu name sme mst ppular icns f the UK?
    D yu knw any famus turist attractins in Britain?
    turist attractins
    Twer Bridge
    The British Museum
    What types f maps d yu knw?
    resurce maps
    administrative zning map
    What kinds f maps d yu knw?
    traffic maps
    weather map
    tpgraphic map
    1 Befre yu read, discuss the questins in pairs.Lk at the map belw. ①What des it shw? ②What is it used fr?
    Learn abut a cuntry thrugh its histry
    ①The map shws the British Isles, the islands which make up the Great Britain (England, Sctland, and Wales) and Ireland (Ireland and Nrthern Ireland ). ②It is used t shw the fur different cuntries that make up the UK and sme f the majr cities.
    1. What kind f map des the fllwing map belng t?2.What d the different symbls (e.g. , icns,circles,spts) and different clrs stand fr?
    It’s an administrative zning map
    The different clrs n the administrative map are mainly used t distinguish different neighbring cuntries r areas. The little red circle represents the capital, little black dt represents the city, and icns represent turist attractins.
    1 Befre yu read, Lk at the map belw.discuss the questins in pairs.
    Read a mapWhen yu lk at a map, think first abut what the map shws and what the symbls mean.
    Let’s Learn
    1 What are the fur cuntries f the United Kingdm?Which tw were the first t be jined tgether?2 Accrding t the text, what are tw chief advantages f studying the histry f a cuntry?
    The fur cuntries f the United Kingdm are England,Wales, Sctland, and Nrthern Ireland. England and Wales were the first tw t be jined tgether.
    2 Read the text and answer the questins.
    The tw chief advantages f studying the histry f a cuntry are t help understand mre abut the cuntry and its traditins and t make visiting it mre enjyable.
    The United Kingdm, Great Britain, Britain,England, many peple are cnfused by what these different names mean. S what is the difference between them, if any? Getting t knw a little bit abut British histry will help yu slve this puzzle.
    tip:Getting t knw a little bit abut British histry will help yu slve the puzzle.
    1. What's In a Name?
    The United Kingdm f Great Britain and Nrthern Ireland.
    2. What is the difference between the United Kingdm,Great Britain and Nrthern Ireland?
    Paragraph 1
    In the 16th century, the nearby cuntry f Wales was jined t the Kingdm f England. Later, in the 18th century, the cuntry Sctland was jined t create the Kingdm f Great Britain.In the 19th century, the Kingdm f Ireland was added t create the United Kingdm f Great Britain and Ireland. Finally in the 20th century, the suthern part f Ireland brke away frm the UK, which resulted in the full name we have tday: the United Kingdm f Great Britain and Nrthern Ireland. Mst peple just use the shrtened name: "the United Kingdm"r "the UK". Peple frm the UK are called "British", which means the UK is als ften referred t as Britain r Great Britain.
    一、阅读文章第一段和第二段,判断正误。①Many peple are cnfused by what these different names mean. ②Getting t knw a little bit abut British histry wn't be helpful. ③In the 16th century, the cuntry Sctland was jined t create the Kingdm f Great Britain. ④in the 18th century, the cuntry Sctland was jined t create the Kingdm f Great Britain.⑤In the 20th century, the nrthern part f Ireland brke away frm the uK, which resulted in the full name we have tday.
    Reading Task
    Paragraph 2
    The United Kingdm is made f 4 cuntries:
    Nrthern Ireland
    If we put these fur parts tgether, finally, we have the full name: United Kingdm f Great Britain and Nrthern Ireland.
    What are the parts f the UK? What's their English names?
    Great Britain
    The nearby cuntry f Wales was jined t the Kingdm f England.
    In the 16th century
    The cuntry Sctland was jined t create the Kingdm f Great Britain.
    In the 18th century
    The Kingdm f Ireland was added t create the United Kingdm f Great Britain and Ireland.
    In the 19th century
    The suthern part f Ireland brke away frm the UK.
    In the 20th century
    Hw t cuntry’s name came int being step by step
    The fur cuntries that belng t the United Kingdm wrk tgether in sme areas. They use the same flag. knwn as the Unin Jack, as well as share the same currency and military defence. Hwever, they als have sme differences. Fr example, England, Wales, Sctland, and Nrthern Ireland all have different educatin systems and legal systems.They als have their wn traditins, like their wn natinal days and natinal dishes. And they even have their wn ftball teams fr cmpetitins like the Wrld Cup!
    What are the same pints and different pints between the fur cuntries?
    same pints
    same currency
    military defence
    different pints
    educatin systems
    legal systems
    their wn traditins
    ftball teams
    The fur cuntries wrk tgether
    The fur cuntries sme differences
    Paragraph 3
    The United Kingdm has a lng and interesting histry t explre, which can help yu understand much mre abut the cuntry and its traditins. Almst everywhere yu g in the UK, yu will be surrunded by evidence f fur different grups f peple wh tk ver at different times thrughut histry. The first grup, the Rmans, came in the first century. Sme f their great achievements included building twns and rads. Next, the Angl-Saxns arrived in the fifth century.
    They intrduced the beginnings f the English language, and changed the way peple built huses. The Vikings came in the eighth century, Left behind lts f new vcabulary, and als the names f many lcatins acrss the UK. The last grup were the Nrmans. They cnquered England after the well-knwn Battlef Hastings in the 11th century. They had castles built all arund England,and made changes t the legal system. The Nrmans were French, s many French wrds slwly entered int the English language.
    Paragraph 4
    sme f their great achievements: building twns and rads
    In the 1st century —Rmans came.
    intrduced the beginnings f the English language and changed the way peple built huses
    In the 5th century —The Angl-Saxns arrived.
    lts f new vcabulary and the name f many lcatins
    In the 8th century—The Vikings came.
    They had castles built all arund England made changes t the legal system French wrds slwly entered int the English language
    In the 11th century—The Nrmans cnquered England.
    Changes that fur grups f peple brught t the United Kingdm.
    There is s much mre t learn abut the interesting histry and culture f the United Kingdm. Studying the histry f the cuntry will make yur visit much mre enjyable. The capital city Lndn is a great place t start, as it is an ancient prt city that has a histry dating all the way back t Rman times. There are cuntless histric sites t explre, and lts f museums with ancient relics frm all ver the UK. The UK is a fascinating mix f histry and mdern culture, with bth new and ld traditins. If yu keep yur eyes pen, yu will be surprised t find that yu can see bth its past and its present.
    What’s ina name?
    Part 1(Paras.1—2):The rigin f the name f the UK.
    Hw was the name the UK frmed?
    Part 2(Paras. 3):The fur cuntries wrk tgether in sme areas.
    Part 3(Paras.4—5):Brief intrductin f Lndn.The histry and culture f the UK and the influences f grups f peple.
    二、阅读文章第三段到第五段,判断正误。① Sme f the achievements f the Rmans included building twns and rads. ②The Angl-Saxns changed the way peple built huses.③The Vikings intrduced the beginnings f the English language.④The Nrmans built castles and made changes t the legal system. ⑤The capital Lndn dated back t Rman times. ⑥When yu visit the UK, yu can see its fascinating past.
    ( )1. Hw many cuntries des the UK cnsist f ?A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur. D. Five.( )2. Which invaders influenced Lndn's language mst?A. Angl-Saxns. B. Rmans. C. The Nrmans. D. Vikings.( )3. Frm the passage, we knw that___________.A. all the fur cuntries share the same educatin systemsB. the Rmans came t England befre the Angl-SaxnsC. it was easy fr Nrthern Ireland t jin England, Sctland and WalesD. in the 19th century, the suthern part f Ireland brke away frm the UK( )4. What shuld yu d if yu want t make yur trip t the UK mre enjyable?A. Knw the lcatin. B. Find a cmpany.C. Find a gd guide. D. Study the histry f the cuntry ahead f time.
    阅读理解, 根据课文内容选择正确答案
    3 Read again and srt ut the infrmatin accrding t the timeline.
    1st century
    5th century
    8th century
    Nrmans cnquered England after the Battle f Hastings
    Wales was jined t Kingdm f England
    twns and rads
    language and way huses were built
    vcabulary and names f lcatins acrss the UK
    castles built , legal system changed, and new wrds frm the French intrduced
    Sctland was jined t England and Wales
    Ireland was added
    the suthern part f Ireland brke away
    “Kingdm f Great Britain” frmed / created
    “United Kingdm f Great Britain and Ireland” frmed /created
    name changed t “United Kingdm f Great Britain and Nrthern Ireland”
    Time and dynastic cmparisn table between China and the West
    A:I can never remember what the UK means! There's England, Britain,___________Great Britain!B: Well, it helps if yu remember that there are fur cuntries that__________the UK.That's why it's called the United Kingdm.A: Fur cuntries? I must have been asleep in that part f ur histry class! S the first cuntry was England, and the thers were________that?B: Yes, right. First England, then Wales, then Sctland. The last cuntry was Ireland, but later the suthern half didn't want t be__________the United Kingdm.A: Oh, I remember nw! The suthern part___________ frm Nrthern Ireland, right?B: Yes, yu gt it well remembered! But__________________in histry class next time!
    4 Cmplete the cnversatin abut the UK using the phrases in their crrect frms.
    as well as belng t add t jin t break away keep yur eyes pen
    keep yur eyes pen
    1 Why is it imprtant t study the histry and culture f a cuntry befre visiting it?2 What imprtant things shuld visitrs knw abut befre they cme t China?
    5 Discuss the questins in grups.
    Visitrs t China shuld knw smething abut the histry f the cuntry and abut the cultural traditins f the area being visited, such as the fd eaten, r festivals celebrated there.
    Studying a cuntry's histry and culture befre visiting it is imprtant because it will help yu understand the place better and have a mre enjyable experience. Yu will be able t interact better with the peple and their culture and have a richer experience.
    Language pint
    puzzle n.谜;智力游戏;疑问vt.迷惑;使困惑in a puzzle 感到困惑;不解之谜 ; 疑问 例句:He wre a puzzled lk n his face. 他脸上流露出迷惑不解的神情。例句:My sister puzzles me and makes me anxius. 我妹妹总让我捉摸不透,弄得我焦虑不安。
    Getting t knw a little bit abut British histry will help yu slve this puzzle.了解一点英国历史将有助于你解决这个难题。
    单句语法填空1.The fireman were___________(感到困惑) abut the cause f the t deal with the prblem________(使困惑)us.
    in a puzzle
    把和连接或联结起来例句:Every individual r grup is Jined t the wrld by the Internet. 每一个人或团体都通过互联网与世界相连。词语积累:jin in参加;加入jin sb. in ding sth和某人一起做某事
    In the 16th century, the nearby cuntry f Wales was jined t the Kingdm f England. 十六世纪,邻国威尔士人英格兰王国。
    单句语法填空1. The island is jined____( 把和连接或联结起来)the mainland by a bridge.2. I think I'll_______(参加)参加n the bat cmpetitins.
    break away (frm sb. /sth.)脱离;背叛;逃脱The teenager brke away frm the vlunteer and ran away.这名少年从志愿者手中挣脱逃跑了。
    the suthern part f Ireland brke away frm the UK,which resulted in the full name we have 爱尔兰南部脱离了联合王国,形成了今天的英国全称
    该主从复合句中,which引导非限制性定语从句,which指代一整句话的意思。该定语从句中,we have tday同样是定语从句,修饰先行词name。
    词语积累break ff 中断;折断 break thrugh突破break ut突然发生,爆发 break up破碎;分解;解散;(关系)破裂break in破门而入;打断,插嘴 break int破门而入;实..来break dwn (机器等)出故障,坏掉;分散:失败
    根据中文含义填空。1. Anna tried t ___________(挣脱) but he held her tight.2. The suthern states wanted t________________(脱离)the unin s a war brke ut.
    break away frm
    refer t... as... 把称为(1) refer t提到,谈到;涉及,关于;参考,查阅He referred t a recent trip t Canada in his lecture.他在讲话中提到了前不久的加拿大之行。
    UK is als ften referred t as Britain r Great Britain...联合王国也经常被称为英国或大不列颠。
    词语积累“把看作称为”的表达方式还有 think lk
    单句语法填空1. The terrible accident resulted ____careless driving.2. Wh d yu think the teacher is referring____?
    (2) 把提交,把归功于;把称作 peple refer all the trubles t bad luck instead f lack f ability.有些人把自己所有的苦恼都归咎于运气不佳,而不认为是缺乏能力。
    belng t(1)属于(某人)例句:The prperty shuld belng t me f right.按照法律这笔财产应当属于我。
    The fur cuntries that belng t the Unit Kingdm wrk tgether in sme areas.同属于联合王国的这四个国家在某些领域紧密合作。
    (2)是(俱乐部、组织等)的成员例句:We belng t the new club. 我们是这个新俱乐部的成员。
    (3)是(某族类或纲目)的一部分, 属于例句:Lins belng t the cat family. 狮属于猫科。
    完成句子1. Prfessr Williams keeps telling his students that the future__________(属于) the well-educated.2.他们参加同一个象棋俱乐部。______________________________________________
    They belng t the same chess class.
    They use the same flag,knwn as the Unin Jack, as well as share the same currency and military defence.像拥有同样的货币和国防一样,它们也使用同面国旗。
    defence n.防御;保卫in defence (f)保护;为了保卫; (为辩护)词语搭配:in ne's defence为某人辩护 cme t ne's defence出来保护某人
    例句:Attack is said t be the best frm f defence. 据说进攻是防御的最好方式。
    单句语法填空1. The tw walls were built as a defence_______enemy attacks.2. Tw rescues wrkers came t his ________(defend) when the accident happened.
    legal adj.法律的,合法的 legal rights 合法权利legal dcuments法律文件 the legal prfessin/system法律专业/体系ver the legal limit超过法律允许范围 a legal adviser法律顾问词语积累illegal adj.非法的,违法的
    have different educatin systems and legal systems...实行不同的教育和法律制度。
    根据中文意思填空。1. We'll lk at the prblem frm a strictly______(法律的)pint f view.2. He explained the___________ (合法权利) f the peple at length.
    legal rights
    surrund v.围绕;包围 用包围搭配be surrunded by/with...被包围/环绕surrund neself with 在一起;与为伍
    will be surrunded by evidence f fur different grups f peple... 你都会被四个不同群体的遗迹所包围
    语法填空1. They have ___________(surrund)the flat with the plice.2. The small island with beautiful sight is__________________(被包围/环绕) the sea.
    surrunded by/with
    evidence n.证据,证明搭配: There is evidence that...有证据表明 evidence ( 出庭)作证clear/strng evidence明显的/充分的证据medical/scientific evidence医学/科学证据
    单句语法填空1.Enugh ________(evident) shws that a balanced diet helps t avid being yu have evidence_____this treatment wrks?
    achievement n.成就:成绩:功绩; 达到,完成词语搭配:make an achievement取得成就a sense f achievement成就感词语积累:achieve n.实现;取得,达到achieve ne’s gal/dream达到目标/实现梦想achieve success/victry/standard获得成功获得胜利/达到标准
    Sme f their great achievements included building twns and rads.罗马人的伟大成就在于他们建立了城镇、修建了道路。
    完成句子In the past few years,China_________________________(取得巨大成就) in envirnmental prtectin.
    has made great achievements
    lcatin n.地方;地点;位置the exact/precise lcatin确切位置词语积累(1) lcate v. 坐落于;位于; 的位置(2) lcated adj.处于;位于;坐落在be lcated in... 位于
    behind lts f new vcabulary, and als the names f many lcatins acrss the UK. 留下了诸多新的词汇,并给英国境内的许多地方命名。
    根据中文意思填空。1. It has taken until nw t pin dwn its exact_________(位置). 2.The cuntry is __________(位于)the nrthern part f Eurpe.
    battle(1)n. 战役;搏斗a lng lengthy battle旷日持久的斗争 fight 打的仗win /lse battle打赢/输掉一场仗 accept the battle应战(2)以正以搏斗;奋斗battle against/with 战斗搭配battle fr为而战,为而奋斗
    They cnquered England after the well-knwn Battle f Hastings in the 11th century.十世纪著名的黑斯廷斯战役之后,诺曼人征服了英格兰。
    根据中文意思填空。1. This ______(斗争)is between yu and me.2. We've gt t win this ______(打赢一场仗 ) in the mind field.
    句式分析该句中if any是省略句,其完整形式为if there is any difference.if any 如果有的话
    S what is the difference between them, if any?那么,如果这些名称有区别的话,区别何在?
    根据中文意思填空1. Please let me knw hw many are cming, ______(如果有的话)?2. What ne quality, ______(如果有的话;假如有的话) , d yu like the mst abut yur partner?
    句式分析there is s much mre t learn... 是there be...结构。There be+主语+非谓语动词.There are many cases lying in the crner f the rm.房间的角落里有许多箱子。
    There is s much mre t learn abut the interesting histry and culture f the United Kingdm.英国的历史文化引人入胜,可学之处比比皆是。
    归纳拓展There be+主语+t d. (表示动作尚未发生)There be+主语+ding. (表示主动和进行)There be+主语+ dne. (表示被动或完成)
    单句语法填空1.There are still millins f peple ________(suffer) frm hunger nwadays.2. There will be sme vlunteer _______(help) in remte areas.
    1. puzzle n.迷;智力游戏;疑问 vt.使困惑2. surrund vt. 围绕;包围3. battle n.战役;搏斗 vi.&vt.搏斗;奋斗4. defence n.防御;保卫→defend v.防卫;保卫5. legal adj.法律的;合法的→illegal adj.非法的;不合法的6. evidence n.证据;证明→evident adj.有证据的7. achievement n. 成就;成绩;达到→achieve vt.达到
    1. 把连接或联结起来2. break away (frm sb./sth.)脱离;背叛;逃脱3. be referred t as被称作4. belng t 属于(某人)
    1.Review the key wrds and ff the wrkbk exercises.

    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions图文ppt课件: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions图文ppt课件,共33页。PPT课件主要包含了London,Lead-in,PUZZLE ,Prediction,Para1 , A puzzle,Summary,If so,If not,If any等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    英语必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions一等奖课件ppt: 这是一份英语必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions一等奖课件ppt,文件包含Unit4TheHistoryandTraditionsperiod5ListeningandTalkingAYPProjectpptx、Unit4TheHistoryandTraditionsperiod5ListeningandTalkingAYPProject学案doc、Unit4listeningandtalking1mp3、Unit4listeningandtalking2mp3、听力mp3等5份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

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