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    呼和浩特市二中 2022-2023 学年第一学期
    第二部分 阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)
    Amazing Kids’ Magazine is proud to announce that we will be hosting a Wild Jungle Writing Contest this fall! Send us your best jungle-themed stories using this starter: “I had no idea why they were standing there.”
    This contest is open to grades K-12, with three groups of K-3, 4-8, and 9-12. Three winners from each age group will be chosen to win Amazing Kids’ prizes, along with an official certificate confirm their winning entry. All participants will receive a certificate of participation in the contest.
    Submit (提交) all entries by September 30 to be considered! Email editor@amazing-kids.org for more questions about rules and specifications.
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Q: How should I format my entry?
    A: Stories should be written in English, with submissions of less than 1,200 words. Please submit your entry as a Microsoft Word document.
    Q: How do I submit my entry?
    A: E-mail your submission to editor@amazing-kids.org. Each e-mail submission will receive a return message confirming that the essay was received.
    Q: Is there just one prize?
    A: No. Nine separate prizes will be given out, with a cash value of $20 for first place, $15 for second place, and $10 for third place in each age group. Certificates of participation will also be awarded to each participant in the contest.
    1. Which of the following stories suits the contest most?
    A. A couple lost their way in the forest.
    B. Two brothers met a bear while searching the forest.
    C. A teenager caught a thief in a cave.
    D. A soldier saved a drowning boy.
    2. A champion will receive_________.
    A. a cash value of $15 B. a thank-you letter
    C. a prize and a certificate D. only an official certificate
    3. What type of writing is the passage?
    A. Announcement. B. Summary.
    C. News. D. Guide.
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“ Send us your best jungle-themed stories using this starter(发送给我们你最好的丛林主题故事使用以下开头)”可知,作品的主题是关于丛林主题的故事。B项是关于在丛林中,两兄弟寻找木材时遇见一只熊的故事。B项符合题意。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Three winners from each age group will be chosen to win Amazing Kids’ prizes, along with an official certificate confirm their winning entry. All participants will receive a certificate of participation in the contest.(每一年龄组的三名获奖者将被选出,以赢Amazing Kids奖,并附上一份官方证书,确认他们的获奖资格。所有参赛者将获得参加比赛的证书)”可知,获奖者会收到奖品和证书。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Amazing Kids’ Magazine is proud to announce that we will be hosting a Wild Jungle Writing Contest this fall!( mazing Kids杂志很荣幸地宣布,今年秋天我们将举办一场野生丛林写作比赛!)”可知,本篇文章应是一篇通知。故选A项。
    Timothy is a 5-year-old boy with autism(自闭症). In October of 2018, doctors told his parents that he suffered brain tumor(肿瘤).
    Two thieves who specialized in stealing packages from people’s front gates had no idea that one of those packages contained a WWE wrestling belt belonging to Timothy. At the time, the belt was on the front gate of Sergio Moriers’s house, whose job was decorating stuff. “Timothy’s father doesn’t make a lot of money. But he wanted to give his son an amazing gift, and I told him I would do everything for free. I said, ‘Just ship it over and I’ll do everything you want on the belt, and he’ll have the belt of a lifetime.’” He said.
    When the belt was taken, Sergio was extremely disturbed, “I want them to know they took hope from a 5-year-old boy who is looking forward to that item coming back to him… You stole that from him. You broke a child’s heart.” Timothy’s father shared what that belt meant to his son, “Timothy would not go anywhere without that belt… Most kids have balls, while he had a belt.” All hope was lost.
    Then something unexpected happened. “I saw two women appeared at the gate. They put down the bag there. My guard went over and I realized what was happening. That bag contained the stolen wrestling belt,” Sergio said. The two women apologized to Sergio. They said that they were thrown out of a friend’s apartment after the friend saw the news report of the theft on TV. In fact, they were trying to kick a drug habit. They cried with guilt and shame.
    Seeing the returned belt, Timothy’s father said, “It’s one of those things you always hear about, those crazy stories about people, but you never think it’ll happen to yourself. I’m still taken aback, to be honest.”
    4. What was Sergio’s original intention?
    A. To buy the boy a wonderful gift.
    B. To beautify the boy’s belt for free.
    C. To help the boy win a competition.
    D. To earn money from decorating the belt.
    5. What can be known about the thieves?
    A. They were addicted to drug.
    B. They were caught by the police.
    C. Their friend reported them on TV.
    D. They were punished by the guard.
    6. What did Timothy’s father mean at the end of the story?
    A. He was annoyed about crazy stories.
    B. He felt he was cheated by the thieves.
    C. He was astonished at the returned belt.
    D. He couldn’t believe his stuff was stolen.
    7. What is the best title for the text?
    A. A Sick Boy Wins a Wrestling Belt
    B. Caring People Show Love for a Kid
    C. An Immoral Act of Theft Is Revealed
    D. Thieves Return Wrestling Belt to the Sick Boy
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的“whose job was decorating stuff(他的工作是装饰东西)”以及四、五句的“I told him I would do everything for free. Just ship it over and I’ll do everything you want on the belt(我告诉他我什么都可以免费做。只要把它运过来,我会按照你的要求在腰带上做任何事情)”可知,Sergio当初是想免费为男孩装饰腰带。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段倒数第二句“In fact, they were trying to kick a drug habit.(事实上,他们是想戒掉毒瘾。)”可知,她们说她们想要戒毒,所以她们是吸毒人员。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Seeing the returned belt, Timothy’s father said, “It’s one of those things you always hear about, those crazy stories about people, but you never think it’ll happen to yourself. I’m still taken aback, to be honest.”(看到归还的腰带,蒂莫西的父亲说:“这是你经常听到的那种事情,那些关于人们的疯狂故事,但你从来没有想过它会发生在你自己身上。说实话,我还是很吃惊。”)”可推知,他对发生在自己身上的失而复得的故事感到惊讶。be taken aback表示“大吃一惊”。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段第一句“Seeing the returned belt, Timothy’s father said, “It’s one of those things you always hear about, those crazy stories about people, but you never think it’ll happen to yourself.”(看到归还的腰带,蒂莫西的父亲说:“这是你经常听到的那种事情,那些关于人们的疯狂故事,但你从来没有想过它会发生在你自己身上。”)结合全文可知,文章讲述生病的小男孩的珍贵礼物被偷走,后来又被归还的故事,所以D项“Thieves Return Wrestling Belt to the Sick Boy(小偷把摔跤腰带还给生病的男孩)”作为标题最合适。故选D项。
    Young adults have strong positive memories of the music their parents loved when they were the same age, a study finds.
    Participants in a study on musical memory said they remembered and loved the music that was popular in the early 1980s, when their parents were young. They also relished the music of the 1960s, which their grandparents may have been playing while changing their mom’s diapers (尿布). “They would hear this music and say, ‘Oh yeah, that’s my parents’ music,’ with obvious fondness,” says Carol Lynne Krumhansl, the psychology professor at Cornell University who led the study.
    The scientists had been testing musical memory in an earlier study, and were surprised to find that college age participants could recognize older pop and rock songs just as quickly as the new stuff. Even more surprisingly, they liked the older stuff more. Therefore, the researchers decided to find out what was happening, using clips (片段) from hits on Billboard lists between 1955 and 2009. More than 60 student volunteers (average age 20) listened to short clips of the top two pop and rock songs of each year. The researchers quizzed them about which songs they recognized, how much they liked them and their emotional responses. They were also asked if they had memories associated with the songs and whether those memories were from listening with parents, alone, or with others.
    “We didn’t have any idea that young adults had the strongest personal memories of the music of the early 1980s”, Krumhansl said. She and her colleague, Justin Adam Zupnick of the University of California, were even more surprised to see the second “reminiscence bump (回忆高峰)” in emotion and memory for top hits was from 1965 to 1969.
    The connection to parents’ music isn’t entirely surprising. Music plays a central role in bringing up a child. Songs are taught at home and school and heard more informally as part of the home environment. The songs parents choose to listen to reflect their taste, their values, and their era. Besides, music is a powerful cue (提示) for calling up strong personal memories — when you made a new friend at the summer camp or the blue dress you wore to a party. And the human brain remembers music in great detail, unlike spoken words, in which people remember just the general meaning.
    The 1960s music may evoke strong memories in people in their twenties because of the quality, Krumhansl guesses. She thinks the students might have memories of the 1960s music because it lives on as classics. Technology may also be a factor. The introduction of cassette tapes in the 1960s made music more ubiquitous (普遍存在的), and the same tapes were played long after that decade ended.
    Next, Krumhansl wants to find out if other generations have the same experiences with music, and try to trace influences back through multiple generations.
    8. The underlined word “relished” in Paragraph 2 probably means________.
    A. played B. heard C. understood D. enjoyed
    9. We can learn from the study that young adults________.
    A. can only recognize the top two pop and rock songs on Billboard lists
    B. showed no emotional response to music of the 1950s
    C. had the second strongest memories of the music of the late 1960s
    D. like listening to the old songs with their parents
    10. The last but one paragraph serves to________.
    A. draw a conclusion B. make a comparison
    C. give an example D. provide an explanation
    11. What’s the main idea of the passage?
    A Music of parents’ era still appeals to young adults of today.
    B. Music can narrow the generation gap between parents and kids.
    C. Music matters a lot in the growth of young people.
    D. Music of quality can have a lasting influence.
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. D 11. A
    词义猜测题。根据画线单词上句“Participants in a study on musical memory said they remembered and loved the music that was popular in the early 1980s, when their parents were young.”(一项关于音乐记忆的研究的参与者表示,他们记得并喜欢上世纪80年代初流行的音乐,当时他们的父母还很年轻。)可知,参与者表示他们喜欢上世纪80年代初流行的音乐,结合句中“loved”和画线单词句中“also”可知,句中指参与者不仅喜欢上世纪80年代初流行的音乐,也喜欢上世纪60年代的音乐,“enjoyed”意为“喜爱”,能够表达画线单词在句中所要表达的意思。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段关键句“She and her colleague, Justin Adam Zupnick of the University of California, were even more surprised to see the second “reminiscence bump (回忆高峰)” in emotion and memory for top hits was from 1965 to 1969.”(她和她的同事、加州大学的Justin Adam Zupnick更惊讶地发现,第二次在情感和记忆上出现了“回忆高峰”的热门歌曲是在1965年至1969年间。)可知,第二次在情感和记忆上出现了“回忆高峰”的是1965年至1969年间的热门歌曲,由此可知,年轻人对20世纪60年代末的音乐有着第二强烈的记忆。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段关键句“The 1960s music may evoke strong memories in people in their twenties because of the quality, Krumhansl guesses. She thinks the students might have memories of the 1960s music because it lives on as classics. Technology may also be a factor.”(Krumhansl猜测,20世纪60年代的音乐可能会在20多岁的人中唤起强烈的回忆,因为它的质量。她认为学生们可能会对20世纪60年代的音乐有记忆,因为它一直是经典音乐。技术也可能是一个因素。)可知,倒数第二段内容解释了为什么人们会对20世纪60年代的音乐有强烈的回忆,因为那段时期的音乐一直是经典音乐,由此可知,倒数第二段是为了提供解释。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第一段内容“Young adults have strong positive memories of the music their parents loved when they were the same age, a study finds.”(一项研究发现,年轻人对父母与他们同龄时喜欢的音乐有着强烈的积极记忆。)可知,本文主要介绍了一项研究发现,今天的年轻人同样喜欢父母那个时代的音乐,他们对那时的音乐有着强烈的积极记忆,由此可知,本文主要讲述了父母时代的音乐仍然吸引着今天的年轻人。故选A项。
    Research has shown that disrupting one's natural “morning lark” (早起鸟) or “night owl” (夜猫子) tendency can result in immoral behavior at work.
    Who doesn't love a flexible work schedule? Being able to make your own hours, come in when you're ready and leave when you're done, step out to attend a child's presentation at school, have a midday appointment, or even squeeze in a quick workout or nap as a guaranteed pick-me-up — flexibility greatly improves one's quality of life.
    The benefits don't stop there, however. Research has shown that having flexible work hours actually makes one a better person. How so? It's been found that disrupted sleep patterns —in the form of having to act outside of your normal inclination to be a morning “lark” or a night “owl” — can result in strange, unethical, and out-of-line behavior.
    Science journalist Linda Geddes said, “If you don't get enough sleep, research suggests you are more likely to have unethical behavior, such as being mean, bullying your fellow employees or falsifying receipts. But it's not just owls: the larks tend to behave more unethically in the evening, and owls in the morning. So ideally, you want to introduce flexible working."
    Employers would be wise to allow their employees to start whenever they feel ready — whether it's at the crack of dawn or at 11 a.m., and to allow breaks or pauses in the day as needed — because that would mean better productivity, performance, and behavior.
    This shift is already happening, with the New York Times recently reporting that 27 percent of US employers now offer the flexibility to work outside normal business hours, up from 22 percent in 2014; and 68 percent allow telecommuting as needed (up from 54 percent in 2014). With the national unemployment rate at its lowest in 50 years, employers are having to become more competitive in what they offer workers, and flex-hours seem like a no-brainer, highly beneficial to all.
    12. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2?
    A. Ways to improve life quality.
    B. People's activities in their free time.
    C. Methods to get a flexible work schedule.
    D. The advantages of flexibility in work time.
    13. What does the underlined word “inclination” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A. Judgment. B. Tendency. C. Reaction. D. Choice.
    14. What is the effect to change people's sleep pattern according to Geddes?
    A. They will show their nature more easily.
    B. They tend to suffer from sleep problems.
    C. They tend to behave immorally in their work.
    D. They will get more flexibility in working time.
    15. What do the figures in the last paragraph indicate?
    A. The unemployment rate is increasing.
    B. Employers are getting more free time.
    C. Flexible working has been creating more jobs.
    D More employers adopt a flexible work schedule.
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D
    主旨大意题。根据第二段内容以及第三段首句“The benefits don't stop there, however.(然而,好处还不止于此。)”可知,第二段主要讨论了灵活的工作时间能够带来的好处。故选D。
    词义猜测题。文章第一段“Research has shown that disrupting one's natural “morning lark” (早起鸟) or “night owl” (夜猫子) tendency can result in immoral behavior at work.(研究表明,打乱一个人天生的“早起鸟”或“夜猫子”的习惯,可能会导致工作中的不道德行为。)”和第三段划线词后句“can result in strange, unethical, and out-of-line behavior.(会导致奇怪的、不道德的和越轨的行为。)”可知,同样是指扰乱人们的睡眠模式或者睡眠倾向。所以inclination为“趋势,倾向”之意。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据首段以及第四段“Science journalist Linda Geddes said, “If you don't get enough sleep, research suggests you are more likely to have unethical behavior, such as being mean, bullying your fellow employees or falsifying receipts.(科学记者琳达·格迪斯说:“研究表明,如果你睡眠不足,你更有可能做出不道德的行为,比如变得刻薄、欺负同事或伪造收据。”)”可知,打乱人们的睡眠模式,人们得不到充足的睡眠,会在工作中表现出不道德的行为。故选C。
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
    The hot summer months come with unbearable heat. We always want to turn on the air conditioner to cool down. ___16___. But there are simple ways to cool down your home without using the air conditioner. Meanwhile, you can save money on your electric bill.
    Block out the heat of the sun with your curtains
    While this may seem to be almost too simple and too straightforward a method to keep your home nice and cool, it really does work. ____17____. Therefore, blocking your windows with heavy shades or curtains will not only help you cut your indoor temperature down but it will also help you save upwards of 7% on your energy bills as well.
    Make sure that your doors are as air-tight as possible so that you can prevent cool air from escaping and hot air from entering your home at the same time. Also, make sure to keep the doors that face directions to the south and west closed during the day so you can prevent the hottest temperatures from the sun passing through to the rest of your house.
    Keep your body cool
    ____19____. Drink ice cold water, keep cold packs pressed to your neck or your wrists, and do anything else you can do to keep your core body temperature down. That way, you won’t feel as worn out by the extreme heat during the summer months.
    Consider a different type of air conditioner
    When all else fails, a top rated window air conditioner unit can be the perfect budget solution. These inexpensive air conditioners work amazingly well to cool down one room of your home. ____20____.
    A. That means high energy bills
    B. Draw the hot air out of your home
    C. Keep a better control of your entrance
    D. Nearly 30% of all unwanted heat comes through your windows
    E. You can take advantage of these lower degrees to cool down your house
    F. Cooling yourself from the inside can affect how you feel on the outside
    G. You can expect to pay only about $20 per month to use them 8 hours per day
    【答案】16. A 17. D 18. C 19. F 20. G
    根据空前“We always want to turn on the air conditioner to cool down.(我们总是打开空调来降温,)”可知,我们打开空调降温,这会很费电,A项“That means high energy bills(这意味着高昂的能源账单。)”符合语境,是对上文的结果说明。故选A项。
    根据上文“While this may seem to be almost too simple and too straightforward a method to keep your home nice and cool, it really does work.(虽然这似乎是一个让你的家保持凉爽的方法太简单太直接了,但它真的很有效。)”可知,用窗帘遮挡阳光是有效果的。而D项“Nearly 30% of all unwanted heat comes through your windows(近30%的多余热量都是从窗户进来的。)”给出一个论据支持这个做法,由此再引出下文的结果。故选D项。
    此处是本段小标题,根据空后“Make sure that your doors are as air-tight as possible so that you can prevent cool air from escaping and hot air from entering your home at the same time. (确保你的门尽可能密封,这样你就可以防止冷空气和热空气同时进入你的家。)”可知,本段主要是在介绍方法之一,即控制门的密封性,空处为本段的主题句,所以C项“Keep a better control of your entrance(更好地控制你的入口)”符合题意。C项中的entrance即下文的doors。故选C项。
    根据本段小标题Keep your body cool(保持身体凉爽)可知,此处与人的自身有关。根据下文“Drink ice cold water, keep cold packs pressed to your neck or your wrists, and do anything else you can do to keep your core body temperature down. (喝冰水,把冷袋压在脖子或手腕上,做任何你能做的事情来降低你的核心体温。)”可知,这里介绍的是让自身从内到外凉快下来的方法。由此可知,F项“Cooling yourself from the inside can affect how you feel on the outside(从内部降温会影响你在外部的感觉)”符合题意。故选F项。
    根据上文“These inexpensive air conditioners work amazingly well to cool down one room of your home. (这些便宜的空调能让你家里的一个房间凉快下来。)”可知,G项“You can expect to pay only about $20 per month to use them 8 hours per day(预计你每天使用这种空调8小时只需支付20美元)”具体给出了使用这种空调的好处,且G项中的them指代的是前一句的“These inexpensive air conditioners.”。故选G项。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)
    第一节 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项。
    I met a man yesterday but I didn’t get his name. I’m____21____ that I’ll probably never see him again. But that’s OK. The ____22____ of our meeting was fulfilled in 10 minutes.
    He was an elderly man. I didn’t see him at first. I had to____23____ for him, the owner of a very worn and old wooden walking stick, which was____24____ and was half hanging outside of a shopping cart.
    After some____25____, I finally found the man, who seemed to lose something and was walking very____26____. I knew it was his and called out to him. He returned slowly to get it and thanked me. I was in a friendly mood and we chatted with each other. That’s when this man____27____ me with his story and he was not a stranger any more.
    I stood outside the ____28____ with him for 10 minutes, just listening. And that’s all he ____29____. I stood there, listening to this man share his ______30______ after losing his wife during childbirth to his only son. And then later he shared his joy of______31______ this son on his own. We talked freely, just like______32______.
    At the end of our______33______ this elderly man clasped (紧握) both of my hands, raised them up to his heart, looked ______34______ my eyes and thanked me so______35______. He thanked me for listening and ______36______ him to share his story. And then he turned around and ______37______.
    He was out of my sight and I thought this dear man had just provided me with such a(n) ______38______ gift-trust. Strangers are never strangers if you open your ______39______. Often they are angels in disguise (伪装的). ______40______ with others. Listen. Share. These are what we are all here for.
    21. A. delighted B. confident C. doubtful D. embarrassed
    22. A. task B. process C. hope D. purpose
    23. A. search B. wait C. care D. pay
    24. A. sold out B. given up C. left behind D. broken down
    25. A. measures B. researches C. experiences D. efforts
    26. A. anxiously B. powerfully C. regretfully D. horribly
    27. A. amused B. treated C. impressed D. comforted
    28. A. cart B. hospital C. restaurant D. supermarket
    29. A. shared B. desired C. ordered D. believed
    30. A. sense B. attitude C. anger D. pain
    31. A. picking up B. bringing up C. keeping up D. taking up
    32. A. elders B. parents C. friends D. children
    33. A. discussion B. conversation C. debate D. argument
    34. A. into B. through C. upon D. over
    35. A. awkwardly B. peacefully C. cheerfully D. sincerely
    36. A. expecting B. inviting C. allowing D. persuading
    37. A. returned B. disappeared C. slipped D. shouted
    38. A. ordinary B. expensive C. precious D. original
    39. A. body B. heart C. memory D. imagination
    40. A. Compete B. Cope C. Compare D. Communicate
    【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. C 37. B 38. C 39. B 40. D
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我确信我可能再也见不到他了。A. delighted高兴的;B. confident有信心的;坚信的;确信的;C. doubtful怀疑的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据前文“I met a man yesterday but I didn’t get his name.”可知,作者不知道对方的名字,很确信(confident)以后再也不会见到他了。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:不到10分钟我俩又见面了。A. task任务;B. process过程;C. hope希望;D. purpose目的;切题;相关。根据下文“of our meeting was fulfilled in 10 minutes.”和“Listen. Share. These are what we are all here for.”可知,作者本以为不会再见到老人,但是随后相关会面发生了。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不得不去找他,他有一根很旧很旧的木制手杖,它被遗弃在那里,一半挂在一辆购物车外面。A. search搜寻;B. wait等待;C. care关心;D. pay付款。根据前文“I didn’t see him at first. ”可知,汽车没有看到那位老人,作者不得不寻找(search for)他。故选A项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我不得不去找他,他有一根很旧很旧的木制手杖,它被遗弃在那里,一半挂在一辆购物车外面。A. sold out售光;B. given up放弃;C. left behind留下;遗留;D. broken down出故障,抛锚。根据下文“and was half hanging outside of a shopping cart”可知,他的手杖落下了(left behind)。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过一番努力,我终于找到了那个人,他似乎丢了什么东西,非常焦急地走着。A. measures措施;B. researches研究;C. experiences经历;D. efforts努力。根据下文“I finally found the man”可知,作者费了好大的劲(efforts)才发现了老人。故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:经过一番努力,我终于找到了那个人,他似乎丢了什么东西,非常焦急地走着。A. anxiously焦急地;B. powerfully强大地;C. regretfully后悔地;D. horribly害怕地。根据常识及前文who seemed to lose something and was walking very可知,老人丢了什么东西,肯定很焦急,所以此处说老人在非常焦急地(anxiously)走着。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,这个男人的故事给我留下了深刻的印象,他不再是一个陌生人了。A. amused逗乐,逗笑;B. treated对待;C. impressed留下印象;D. comforted安慰。根据下文me with his story and he was not a stranger any more可知,老人的故事给作者留下了深刻的印象。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和他在超市外面站了10分钟,只是倾听。A. cart马车;B. hospital医院;C. restaurant餐馆;D. supermarket超市。根据前文“a shopping cart”可知,事情应该是发生在超市(supermarket),此处指老人和作者在超市外面站了十分钟。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这就是他想要的。A. shared分享;B. desired希望;C. ordered下单;D. believed相信。根据前文“just listening. And that’s all he”可知,倾听正是老人所渴望(desired)的。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我站在那里,听这个男人诉说他在生独子时失去妻子的痛苦。A. sense感受;B. attitude态度;C. anger生气;D. pain疼痛;痛苦。根据下文“after losing his wife during childbirth to his only son”可知,能感受到他失去妻子的痛苦(pain)。故选D项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:后来,他分享了自己抚养儿子的快乐。A. picking up捡起;B. bringing up抚养;C. turning up出现;D. taking up占据。根据本空后的“this son on his own”可知,妻子死后,他独自抚养(bringing up)孩子成人。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们畅所欲言,就像朋友一样。A. elders长者,长辈;B. parents父亲;C. friends朋友;D. children孩子。根据前文“We talked freely, just like 12 .”可知,他们就像朋友(friends)一样轻松自在地交谈。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:谈话结束时,这位老人紧紧握住我的双手,举到胸前,看着我的眼睛,非常真诚地向我道谢。A. discussion讨论;B. conversation对话;C. debate讨论;D. argument争议。根据前文“We talked freely”可知,在作者和那位老人谈话(conversation)的最后,老人感谢了作者。故选B项。
    考查介词词义辨析。句意:谈话结束时,这位老人紧紧握住我的双手,举到胸前,看着我的眼睛,非常真诚地向我道谢。A. into进入;B. through通过;C. upon在……之上;D. over在……上方。根据后文“my eyes and thanked me”可知,老人直视着作者的眼睛,向作者道谢。look into one’s eyes为固定搭配,表示“直视某人”,符合语境。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:谈话结束时,这位老人紧紧握住我的双手,举到胸前,看着我的眼睛,非常真诚地向我道谢。A. awkwardly笨拙地;B. peacefully和平地;C. cheerfully高兴地;D. sincerely真诚地。根据前文“this elderly man clasped (紧握) both of my hands, raised them up to his heart”可知,他握住作者的手,真诚地(sincerely)感谢作者。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他感谢我倾听并允许他分享他的故事。A. expecting期待;B. inviting邀请;C. allowing允许;D. persuading说服。根据本句“He thanked me for listening and 16 him to share his story”可知,老人感谢作者的倾听,并允许(allowing)他分享他的故事。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后他转身就消失了。A. returned归还;B. disappeared消失;C. slipped滑动;D. shouted大叫。根据前文“And then he turned around”及下文“He was out of my sight”可知,老人转身离去并消失(disappeared)在人群里。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他离开了我的视线,我认为这位亲爱的人刚刚给了我一份如此珍贵的礼物——信任。A. ordinary普通的;B. expensive昂贵的;C. precious宝贵的;D. original原先的,起初的。根据下文“gift-trust”可知,在作者眼中,人与人之间这种信任是最宝贵的(precious)礼物。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你敞开心扉,陌生人就不再是陌生人。A. body身体;B. heart心;C. memory记忆;D. imagination想象。根据前文“Strangers are never strangers if you open your 19 ”可知,陌生人之间若能敞开心扉(heart),则彼此之间就不再陌生。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:心与人同在。A. Compete竞争;B. Cope解决;C. Compare比较;D. Communicate交流。根据前文及下文“with others. Listen. Share. These are what we are all here for.”可知,彼此交流(Communicate)分享,这是我们之所以存在的原因。故选D项。
    第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    The TV series, A Li felong Journey, ____41____ (earn) widespread applause, becoming the most-watched TV series on State broadcaster China Media Group in the past five years.
    A Li felong Journey, ____42____ (consist) of 58 episodes, is adapted from famous writer Liang Xiaosheng’s novel of the same name which won the 10th Mao Dun Literature Prize, one of the country’s top honors for local writers. Starting in ____43____ late 1960s, the story follows the ups and downs of three children in a working-class family in northeastern China, striking a chord (和弦) with viewers for its details ____44____ (vivid) bringing them back to old times. First ____45____ (publish) in December 2017, the novel shows a wide range of Chinese people from different ____46____ (walk) of life, from constructors to start-up founders, to examine the huge influence brought by the changes of Chinese society.
    Tie Ning, chairwoman of the China Writers’ Association, said the great ____47____ (popular) of the TV series, A Li felong Journey, illustrates the “close bond” ____48____ literature and television. “While taking a look at history, we could see the mutual (相互的) influence of literature, film and television to boost and inspire each other, ____49____ has connected writers and filmmakers closely,” she added. With popular TV series or movies, the stories that have inspired such screen works will see their influence grow even _____50_____ (far).
    【答案】41. has earned
    42. consisting
    43. the 44. vividly
    45. published
    46. walks 47. popularity
    48. between
    49. which 50. further
    考查时态。句意:电视剧《人世间》赢得了广泛的掌声,成为中国国家广播公司中国传媒集团在过去五年中收视率最高的电视剧。根据in the past five years可知,谓语动词为现在完成时态;主语是The TV series,谓语动词应与其保持主谓一致,用单数。故填has earned。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:《人世间》共58集,改编自著名作家梁晓声的同名小说,该小说获得了第十届茅盾文学奖,这是中国本土作家的最高荣誉之一。分析句子可知,句子已有谓语动词is adapted,所以空处应填非谓语动词,且consist是不及物动词,无被动语态,所以空处表示与其逻辑主语A Lifelong Journey之间的主动关系,应填现在分词形式consisting。其中consist of表示“由……组成”。故填consisting。
    考查冠词。句意:故事始于20世纪60年代末,讲述了中国东北一个工人阶级家庭的三个孩子的起起落落,其细节生动地将观众带回了过去,使之与观众引起了共鸣。20世纪60年代的表达法是:in the 1960s,故填the。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:该小说于2017年12月首次出版,展示了来自不同阶层的中国人,从建设者到创业者,以审视中国社会变化带来的巨大影响。分析句子可知,句子已有谓语动shows,所以空处应填非谓语动词,又因其与逻辑主语the novel之间为被动关系,所以应填过去分词published。故填published。
    第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 35 分)
    第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文. 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处. 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分.
    Last Friday's afternoon witnessed the annual English Speech Contest at school, which was such great that many students thought highly of it. Over twenty students took the part in the competition. As the competition began, participants gave speech and answered a few questions for judges. In the last hour, three participants in the final competed fiercely, offer excellent performances. The results came out soon and the winners awarded.
    The competition is really meaning and inspirational. Actually, it is not just a simple competition and an important platform where students can express them in English and build up their confidence in English learning.

    【详解】1.考查名词所有格。句意:上周五的下午见证了一年一度的英语演讲比赛。分析句子可知,表示上周五下午,直接使用last Friday's afternoon,不能使用星期的所有格形式。故将Friday's改为Friday。
    3.考查固定搭配。句意:超过20名学生参加了比赛。分析句子可知,take part in是固定搭配意为“参加”,在这里作谓语。故将the去掉。
    6.考查固定搭配。句意:在最后一小时,决赛中的三名参与者进行了激烈的比赛,表现出色。分析句子可知,句中存在谓语动词competed,此处使用非谓语动词形式,且逻辑主语three participants与offer之间为主动关系,因此使用现在分词作伴随状语。故将offer改为offering。
    9.考查连词。句意:事实上这不仅是简单的比赛,而且是学生可以用英语表达他们并建立他们对英语学习信心的重要平台。分析句子并翻译语境可知,这里表示“不仅......而且”,使用固定搭配not just(only)......but(also可省略)......。符合此处语境。故将and改为but。
    10.考查反身代词。句意:事实上这不仅是简单比赛,而且是学生可以用英语表达他们并建立他们对英语学习信心的重要平台。express oneself“表达自己”,主语students是复数,故将them改为themselves。
    第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)
    52. 生活中除了金钱、房子、车子等财富,也有如知识、健康、经历等隐性财富。作为高中生,你所理解的财富是什么?请以“My Treasures”为题用英语写一篇短文,内容包括以下要点:
    至少两点,比如友谊、理想 ……
    1. 拥有它们对学习、生活的作用
    2. 失去它们对学习、生活的影响
    1. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。
    2. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。
    My Treasures
    In our life, we have treasures like money, houses and cars, etc. However, we have a lot more hidden treasures, such as knowledge, health and experiences. As a senior student, I think the most important treasures in our life are
    【答案】My Treasures
    In our life, we have treasures like money, houses and cars, etc. However, we have a lot more hidden treasures, such as knowledge, health and experiences. As a senior student, I think the most important treasures in our life are friendship and ideals.
    Friendship means a lot to me. I always share sorrows and joys with my friends. Often we offer help each other. Without friends, we would feel lonely and our life would be colorless. Besides friendship, ideals also play an important role in our life. Ideals act as lights in darkness, guiding us forward. Inspired by ideals, we’ll keep moving on. I think a person without ideals is one without hope.
    However, how can we win true friendship? In my opinion, we should first learn to communicate. Also, it’s important to be generous and kind to others. Learn to give rather than take. As to ideals, ask ourselves what our strengths and weaknesses are and where our interests lie so as to make it clear what we want to be when we grow up. In this way, we can set up ideals, which we will live up to.
    【分析】本篇书面表达是提纲类作文,要求以“My Treasures”为题用英语写一篇短文。
    【详解】第1步:根据提示可知,本文是提纲类作文:生活中除了金钱、房子、车子等财富,也有如知识、健康、经历等隐性财富。作为高中生,你所理解的财富是什么?请以“My Treasures”为题用英语写一篇短文,内容包括以下要点:1. 我眼中的财富(至少两点,比如友谊、理想);2. 拥有它们的意义(对学习、生活的作用和影响);3. 获取它们的途径(根据自己的经历或感想,提出至少两种做法)。时态应为一般现在时。
    【点睛】范文语言地道,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级词汇和句式,高级词汇有share…with…(与某人分享),set up(树立),play an important role in (在……中扮演重要角色),act as(充当),move on(前进),rather than(而不是),so as to(以致)以及live up to(不辜负),而且还使用了非限定性定语从句“In this way, we can set up ideals, which we will live up to.”,宾语从句“As to ideals, ask ourselves what our strengths and weaknesses are and where our interests lie so as to make it clear what we want to be when we grow up.”,非谓语动词“Ideals act as lights in darkness, guiding us forward.”及“Inspired by ideals, we’ll keep moving on.”,形式主语“Also, it’s important to be generous and kind to others.”,全文没有语法错误,上下句转换自然流畅。


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