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    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit8 第4课时 Integrated Skills—Task(精品讲义)
    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit8 第4课时 Integrated Skills—Task(精品讲义)01
    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit8 第4课时 Integrated Skills—Task(精品讲义)02
    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit8 第4课时 Integrated Skills—Task(精品讲义)03
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    九年级上册lntegrated skills第4课时综合训练题

    这是一份九年级上册lntegrated skills第4课时综合训练题,共26页。

    第4 课时 Integrated Skills—Task


    1. n.绑架,劫持
    2. n.财富
    3.* n.监狱
    4.* 坐牢
    5.* vt.绑架,劫持
    6. n.安全,保险
    7. vt.锁
    8. vt.关上,封闭;合拢
    9. vt.守卫,保卫
    10. 防范,提防(某事)
    11.* n.项链
    12.* n.偷窃
    13. 与…·和睦相处
    14.* n.英[总称]珠宝
    15. vt.偷,窃取

    1.wealth(名)- (形)( (比较级), (最高级))
    2. safety(名)- (形)- (副)
    3. lock(动)- (过去式)- (过去分词)(locked也可作形容词)
    4. shut-shut(过去式)- (过去分词)- (ving)
    5. guard(动)- (过去式)- (过去分词)
    6.steal(过去式: 过去分词: ) 偷窃n.
    1. 坐牢(无冠词)
    2. 富人
    3. 在12月28日晚上7点与8点之间
    4. 在他姐姐的婚礼上
    5. 在回家的路上
    6. 在12月28日的上午
    7. 最好做(不做)
    8. 独自
    9. 防范我们周围任何可能的危险

    1. Can you think of any safety tips to ?
    2.We should when we leave home.
    3. at night either.我们也最好晚上不要独自一人出去。
    4. He for six months.他曾经做了六个月中。
    5. and and about 1.1 metres tall.
    6. . She is a family doctor and has known Cuan Dawei for almost two years. Sh knows the boy who was kidnapped.
    7.. Bruce打算第二天将项链送到警察局
    Bruce planned to the next day.
    8..除了住在他隔壁的那个男子, Bruce和所有的邻居都相处得很好。
    Bruce all of his neighbors except the man who lives next door.(get alongion with)
    (do sth. for a living=make a living by(doing) sth.)
    The man never speaks to anyone and no one knows .
    The policeman told him that some .
    A witness said that she from the jewellery shop into Bruce's building right after the theft.(see sb. do sth.看见全过程)

    一. Guan Fei is the son of Guan Dawei, a man of great wealth.
    【精讲】① wealth n. 财富 a man of great wealth = a very wealthy man一个非常富有的人
    Eg. Little wealth, little care. (谚语) 财富少, 烦恼也少。
    ② wealthy adj. 富有的 (wealthy-wealthier-wealthiest)
    ③ the+ adj. 表示一类人, 作主语时常用作复数。
    Eg. the strong; the weak; the married; the elderly; the sick; the wealthy / rich

    According to Forbes, Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos is now the _______ person in the world.
    A.wealthiest B.wealthier C.wealthy D.most wealth
    二. Can you think of any safety tips to protect yourselves against crime?
    【精讲】① safety n. 安全, 保险 Eg. For your own safety, please do not smoke inside the plane.
    take sb. to safety把某人带到安全地带
    ② safe adj. 安全的 (safe-safer-safest)
    Eg. I don't feel safe in the house on my own. 我一个人在家觉得不安全。
    ★safely adv. 安全地 arrive at the hotel safely安全到达旅馆
    ③ save vt.&vi. 救; 储存,节省.
    save sb. from... 从......中救出.....
    Eg. Everyone should save water. 人人都应节约用水。
    ④ protect oneself against / from.... 使......免于.......,保护......以免遭受......
    Eg. The doctors are trying their best to protect those children from SARS.

    is very important and we need to be careful to keep ourselves .
    A.Safe; safe B.Safety; safety
    C.Safety; safe D.Safe; safety
    三. We should remember to lock the door when we leave home.
    【精讲】① remember to do sth. 记得做某事(未做) Eg. remember to post the letter for me
    remember doing sth. 记得做某事(做过) Eg. remember seeing you at the party last month
    ② lock vt.&n. 锁 locked adj. 锁上的 Eg. lock all the doors / find all the doors locked
    the key to the door门的钥匙

    When you leave the room, make sure the door ________.
    A.is locking B.will be locked C.was locked D.is locked
    四.And we'd better shut all the windows too.
    【精讲】① had better do sth. / had better not do sth. / It's best to do sth.
    ② shut vt. 关上, 封闭; 合拢 (shut-shut-shut / shutting)
    Eg. I can't shut my suitcase—it' s too full. 我的手提箱合不上了—装太满了。

    1.The Lis ______ their hometown for 6 years.
    A.has guarded B.have guarded C.guarded D.are guarding
    2.—It’s so cold! Why not close the window?
    —Sorry. It________. I’ll have it________.
    A.won’t be shut , repaired B.won’t shut , repairing
    C.haven’t shut , repairing D.isn’t shutting , repairing
    五. I think we need to guard against any possible danger around us.
    【精讲】① guard vt. 守卫, 保卫 Eg. guard our country保卫我们的国家
    ② guard against... 防范, 提防 guard against sth. / guard against doing sth.
    Eg. Exercise can guard against a number of illnesses运动可预防许多疾病。
    stand against... / play against... / fight against...
    Eg. Would you vote for or against me?你投票赞成我还是反对我?
    ③ possible adj. 可能的 (反义词impossible) less possible几乎不可能
    Eg. Nothing is impossible. 一切皆可能 / make it possible to do sth. / It's possible that...
    as... as possible = as...as sb. can / could 尽可能....... Eg. run as fast as possible
    possibly adv. 可能地 possibility n. 可能性(9BU4)

    1.When you visit a museum, some instructions should ________ and we’d better not ________ them.
    A.pay attention to; be against B.be paid attention; against
    C.be paid attention to; against D.be paid attention to; be against
    2.Millions of Chinese_______ Korean goods since Korean government allowed THAAD to be set
    in Korea.
    A.fought against B.fight against C.have fought against D.fighting against
    六. Bruce gets along with all of his neighbours except the man who lives next door.
    【精讲】① get along with... = get on with... 与......和睦相处
    get along / on well with... 与......相处非常融治(提问用how)
    get on / along with... 进展 Eg. He is getting on very well at school. 他在学校学得很好。
    ② except prep. 除了......以外 except sth. / sb. / doing sth.
    Eg. Everyone took part in the activity except me. 除了我,人人都参加了那项活动。
    ★注意:不要和expect混淆(expect vt.& vi. 期待,指望,预料)

    1.The man _______ great wealth is hard to ________.
    A.with; get on with him B.of; get along with
    C.with; get along D.of; get on with him
    2.Friends like you make it a lot easier ______ in a new place.
    A.to come along B.get along
    C.come along D.to get along
    七. The policemen told him that some valuable jewellery had been stolen.
    【精讲】steal vt. 偷,窃取 (steal-stole-stolen)
    Eg. The thieves stole jewellery worth 100,000 yuan (后置定语). 窃贼偷走价值100,000元的珠宝。
    被动结构sth be stolen
    Eg. My wallet was stolen. 我的钱包被偷了。= I had my wallet stolen. (have sth. done)

    1.The man was under arrest _____ some things _____the supermarket.
    A.to steal; in B.for stealing; with
    C.with stealing; in D.for stealing; from
    2.The suspect admitted _______________ the chemical in the lab before he killed his roommate.
    A.to steal B.stealing C.stole D.steal
    【精讲】① there be句型的主语是一系列事物或人物时,谓语应与最临近的主语保持一致。
    Eg. There are two pens and a pencil on the table.
    ② neither A nor B; either A or B; not only A but also B作主语时,谓语应与B保持一致。
    Eg. Neither Jim nor his parents have been abroad.
    ③A with / together with / but / except / like / as well as / along with B作主语时,谓语动词与A一致。(划线部分为介词或短语)
    Eg. Jim like his parents likes jogging very much.
    There is nothing wrong with the computer.
    Five years has passed since we began to work in this factory.
    ⑤ They / We / You + each作主语视作复数,但是each of us / you / them视作单数
    Eg. Each of us has a flower in the hand.
    ⑥集合名词people; police 作主语时,看作复数。
    Eg. The police are searching for the lost boy.
    ⑦ and连接并列主语时,看作复数,但是表示单一概念时(即同一人或同一物)时,看作单数。
    Eg. Reading and writing are very important.
    Bread and butter is my favourite breakfast.黄油面包是我最喜欢的早餐。
    rob 抢劫
    robbery 抢劫罪

    robbed, robbed
    burgle 入室盗窃
    burglary 入室盗窃罪
    burglar 入室盗贼

    burgled, burgled
    steal 偷窃
    stealing/theft 偷窃罪
    thief 小偷

    stole, stolen
    kidnap 绑架
    kidnapping 绑架罪
    kidnapper 绑匪

    kidnapped, kidnapped
    commit 犯罪
    crime 活动;罪行
    criminal 罪犯
    criminal 犯罪的
    committed, committed
    murder 谋杀
    murder 谋杀罪
    murderer 杀人犯

    【拓展】rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物 eg: He robbed my sister of his gold necklace.


    1. When we drive, ______ (safe) must come first.
    2. We found the door was ______ (lock)when we arrived.
    3. The young woman has no ______ (crime) record.
    4. The girl ______ (kidnap) last night.
    1. A ______ (绑架) happened in our town last night.
    2.His brother was in ______ (监狱) two years ago.
    3. All the windows should be ______(关上) when you leave the classroom.
    4. We must g______ against thefts.
    5. Bill Gates is a businessman of great w______.
    1. Were the _______ (项链) bought for you by your parents?
    2. The _______ (钻石) is shining in the sun.
    3. He was in prison for _______ (偷窃).
    4. The piece of _______ (珠宝) was beyond price.
    5. We work every day e_______ Sunday. So you can visit me on Sundays.
    1. We should buy a map without ______ we may get lost.
    2. I will never forget the help ______ you have offered me.
    3. Japan is the second foreign country ______ I have visited this year.
    4. He ______ does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.
    1. 老师告诉了我们一些安全要点。
    The teacher told us some ____________.
    2. 我认为那个30岁的男子没有罪。
    I ________________________ man __________________.
    3. 他无法证明案发时他在另外一个地方。
    He __________________ that he was ________________________ the crime.
    4. 我认识他有些时间了。
    I __________________ him __________________.
    5. 这位医生必须总是提防把疾病传染给他的家人。
    The doctor must always ________________________passing on disease to his family.
    6. 他在成为医生前坐了两年牢。
    He ________________________ for 2 years before he became a doctor.
    7. 离开时记住锁门。
    _________________ the door when you leave.
    8. 李明有犯罪前科吗?
    Did Li Ming have __________________?
    9. 你认识那个被绑架的女孩吗?
    Do you know the girl __________________?

    It does not always come easy to discover oneself. From a young age, I had already got a strong sense of who I would like to become. 1 an accident made me redefine(重审) myself.
    To me, skating was the most important. There was 2 in this world that filled my heart with such joy. I spent twenty-four hours a week practising my 3 . My devotion brought me first place medals in nearly every competition
    Unfortunately, in one show, I fell down and hurt myself 4 . After several X-rays and MRI(磁共振)scans, the 5 told me that I couldn't return to my sport any more. The pain in my back was so hard to stand that even the basic daily tasks became difficult.
    As my passion(激情)was 6 , I had little sense of who I was to become. However, after eight months of suffering, something had to 7 . Instead of wasting my days sitting around painfully, I began to put my energy into local public service projects. By volunteering 8 a swimming teacher and summer reading teacher for kids, I got an idea of who I wanted to become. After a few months, I put all my heart into developing my interest in the arts. Little by little, I 9 out of the shadow(阴影)and rebuilt my confidence.
    Sometimes, some 10 rocks get in our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over. My accident was a rock that failed to stop me from reaching success. Today I'm a very confident and positive(积极的)person.
    1.A.And B.But C.Or D.So
    2.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything
    3.A.skills B.behaviors C.thoughts D.habits
    4.A.quickly B.softly C.badly D.slowly
    5.A.waiter B.doctor C.teacher D.policeman
    6.A.found out B.brought back C.waken up D.taken away
    7.A.change B.remain C.heave D.arrive
    8.A.with B.for C.as D.to
    9.A.ran B.jumped C.stood D.went
    10.A.small B.large C.ugly D.round
    The police find most criminals because somebody tells them who the criminals are.They find other criminals by using science and their computers.When there is a bank robbery, the police first look t 1 their computers for the names of the bank robbers that they know about.Then they go and talk to any of these robbers who are not in p 2 .They ask them where they were when the robbery happened.If any of these people cannot give a good a 3 , the police will often use science to find out if one of them is the robber.
        Many criminals leave something of themselves at the places of the c 4 like a fingerprint or a hair.Or they take something away on their s 5 or clothes, like dirt or animal hair.If they leave behind some of their b 6 or their hair or a piece of skin, it will have their DNA inside it.
    Everyone’s DNA is different and their f 7 are also different.So, if a criminal cuts himself during a robbery or leaves his hair, or e 8 a small piece of skin, scientists can find out what his DNA is.The police can then ask the s 9 to give them his hair or some blood and see w 10 it has the same DNA.Many criminals are in prison today because of this kind of evidences .

    第4 课时 Integrated Skills—Task


    2. n.绑架,劫持
    2. n.财富
    3.* n.监狱
    4.* 坐牢
    5.* vt.绑架,劫持
    6. n.安全,保险
    7. vt.锁
    8. vt.关上,封闭;合拢
    9. vt.守卫,保卫
    10. 防范,提防(某事)
    11.* n.项链
    12.* n.偷窃
    13. 与…·和睦相处
    14.* n.英[总称]珠宝
    15. vt.偷,窃取

    1.wealth(名)- (形)( (比较级), (最高级))
    2. safety(名)- (形)- (副)
    3. lock(动)- (过去式)- (过去分词)(locked也可作形容词)
    4. shut-shut(过去式)- (过去分词)- (ving)
    5. guard(动)- (过去式)- (过去分词)
    6.steal(过去式: 过去分词: ) 偷窃n.
    1. 坐牢(无冠词)
    2. 富人
    3. 在12月28日晚上7点与8点之间
    4. 在他姐姐的婚礼上
    5. 在回家的路上
    6. 在12月28日的上午
    7. 最好做(不做)
    8. 独自
    9. 防范我们周围任何可能的危险

    1. Can you think of any safety tips to ?
    2.We should when we leave home.
    3. at night either.我们也最好晚上不要独自一人出去。
    4. He for six months.他曾经做了六个月中。
    5. and and about 1.1 metres tall.
    6. . She is a family doctor and has known Cuan Dawei for almost two years. Sh knows the boy who was kidnapped.
    7.. Bruce打算第二天将项链送到警察局
    Bruce planned to the next day.
    8..除了住在他隔壁的那个男子, Bruce和所有的邻居都相处得很好。
    Bruce all of his neighbors except the man who lives next door.(get alongion with)
    (do sth. for a living=make a living by(doing) sth.)
    The man never speaks to anyone and no one knows .
    The policeman told him that some .
    A witness said that she from the jewellery shop into Bruce's building right after the theft.(see sb. do sth.看见全过程)
    【答案】一.1.kidnapping 2.wealth 3.*prison 4.*in prison5.*kidnap 6.safety 7.lock 8.shut 9.guard 10.guard against sth11.*necklace 12.*theft 13.get along/on with14.*jewellery 15.steal
    1. wealth(名)-wealthy(形)(wealthier, wealthiest) 2. safety(名)-safe(形)-safely(副)
    3. lock(动)-locked-locked(locked也可作形容词) 4. shut-shut-shut-shutting
    5. guard(动)-guarded-guarded
    6.steal(过去式:stole过去分词:stolen) 偷窃n. theft
    1.(be) in prison 坐牢(无冠词)
    2.a man of great wealth 富人
    3. between 7p.mand8p.m. on 28 December在12月28日晚上7点与8点之间
    4. at his sister's wedding在他姐姐的婚礼上
    5. on the way home 在回家的路上
    6. on the morning of 28 December在12月28日的上午
    7. had better(not) do sth.最好做(不做)
    8. go out alone=by oneself=on one's own
    9. guard against any possible danger around us防范我们周围任何可能的危险
    find a gold necklace outside his door/drop the necklace
    11.下班回家/来到Bruce的家 come home from home/come to Bruce’s home
    12.报警 call the police
    13.因谋杀而被捕 be under arrest for murder=be arrested for murder
    14.检查这些物品提取指纹 check these for fingerprints
    15.被指控偷窃 be charged with theft
    1. Can you think of any safety tips to protect yourselves against came?
    2.We should remember to lock the door when we leave home.
    3. We'd better not go out alone at night either.我们也最好晚上不要独自一人出去。
    4. He was once in prison for six months.他曾经做了六个月中。
    5. The victim is four years old and and about 1.1 metres tall.
    6.The other suspect has no communicate cord. She is a family doctor and has known Cuan Dawei for almost two years. Sh knows the boy who was kidnapped.
    7.. Bruce打算第二天将项链送到警察局
    Bruce planned to take the necklace to the police station the next day.
    8..除了住在他隔壁的那个男子, Bruce和所有的邻居都相处得很好。
    Bruce gets along/on with all of his neighbors except the man who lives next door.(get alongion with)
    (do sth. for a living=make a living by(doing) sth.)
    The man never speaks to anyone and no one knows what he does for a living.
    The policeman told him that some valuable jewellery had been green.
    A witness said that she had seen someone run from the jewellery shop into Bruce's building right after the theft.(see sb. do sth.看见全过程)

    一. Guan Fei is the son of Guan Dawei, a man of great wealth.
    【精讲】① wealth n. 财富 a man of great wealth = a very wealthy man一个非常富有的人
    Eg. Little wealth, little care. (谚语) 财富少, 烦恼也少。
    ② wealthy adj. 富有的 (wealthy-wealthier-wealthiest)
    ③ the+ adj. 表示一类人, 作主语时常用作复数。
    Eg. the strong; the weak; the married; the elderly; the sick; the wealthy / rich

    According to Forbes, Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos is now the _______ person in the world.
    A.wealthiest B.wealthier C.wealthy D.most wealth
    【解析】句意:据《福布斯》报道,亚马逊首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯现在是世界上最富有的人。本题考查形容词最高级。题干提示:in the world在世界上。依据此处,可知填入形容词最高级,前后意思是:…..是世界上最富有的人。选项分析:wealthy富有的;充分的;丰裕的。是形容词,最高级形式为wealthiest;wealth是名词,表示财富;大量;富有。综合题意及选项,可知此处正确答案为:A。
    二. Can you think of any safety tips to protect yourselves against crime?
    【精讲】① safety n. 安全, 保险 Eg. For your own safety, please do not smoke inside the plane.
    take sb. to safety把某人带到安全地带
    ② safe adj. 安全的 (safe-safer-safest)
    Eg. I don't feel safe in the house on my own. 我一个人在家觉得不安全。
    ★safely adv. 安全地 arrive at the hotel safely安全到达旅馆
    ③ save vt.&vi. 救; 储存,节省.
    save sb. from... 从......中救出.....
    Eg. Everyone should save water. 人人都应节约用水。
    ④ protect oneself against / from.... 使......免于.......,保护......以免遭受......
    Eg. The doctors are trying their best to protect those children from SARS.

    is very important and we need to be careful to keep ourselves .
    A.Safe; safe B.Safety; safety
    C.Safety; safe D.Safe; safety
    【解析】句意“安全很重要,我们需要小心来保持安全”。safety名词,安全;safe形容词,安全的。第一空位于主语的位置,要用名词,排除A和D。根据“keep sb adj”可知,第二空处用形容词,故选C。
    三. We should remember to lock the door when we leave home.
    【精讲】① remember to do sth. 记得做某事(未做) Eg. remember to post the letter for me
    remember doing sth. 记得做某事(做过) Eg. remember seeing you at the party last month
    ② lock vt.&n. 锁 locked adj. 锁上的 Eg. lock all the doors / find all the doors locked
    the key to the door门的钥匙

    When you leave the room, make sure the door ________.
    A.is locking B.will be locked C.was locked D.is locked
    【解析】句意:当你离开房间时,确保门被关上。考查动词的时态。根据“make sure”可知这是祈使句,用一般现在时,主语“the door”,是单数,和动词是被动关系,谓语动词用is locked。故选D。
    四.And we'd better shut all the windows too.
    【精讲】① had better do sth. / had better not do sth. / It's best to do sth.
    ② shut vt. 关上, 封闭; 合拢 (shut-shut-shut / shutting)
    Eg. I can't shut my suitcase—it' s too full. 我的手提箱合不上了—装太满了。

    1.The Lis ______ their hometown for 6 years.
    A.has guarded B.have guarded C.guarded D.are guarding
    【解析】句意:李家人已经保卫他们的家乡6年了。考查现在完成时。根据“for 6 years”可知,此处强调时间的延续,应使用现在完成时,“The Lis”指李家一家人,表复数含义,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。故选B。
    2.—It’s so cold! Why not close the window?
    —Sorry. It________. I’ll have it________.
    A.won’t be shut , repaired B.won’t shut , repairing
    C.haven’t shut , repairing D.isn’t shutting , repairing
    【解析】句意:——太冷了,为什么不关窗子?——抱歉,窗子老是关不上,我要请人把它修一下。考查动词的时态和语态以及过去分词。 will当情态动词讲,有"惯于,老是,总是"的意思,表示主语的习惯性,倾向性,经常性,此处it指的是the window,和动词“关”之间是被动关系,第一空用won’t be shut被动形式表示“窗子老是不能关上”。have后面的it指的是the window,和修理之间是被动关系,第二空用have sth. done表示“让某物被……”;此处用repaired表示“被修理”。故选A。
    五. I think we need to guard against any possible danger around us.
    【精讲】① guard vt. 守卫, 保卫 Eg. guard our country保卫我们的国家
    ② guard against... 防范, 提防 guard against sth. / guard against doing sth.
    Eg. Exercise can guard against a number of illnesses运动可预防许多疾病。
    stand against... / play against... / fight against...
    Eg. Would you vote for or against me?你投票赞成我还是反对我?
    ③ possible adj. 可能的 (反义词impossible) less possible几乎不可能
    Eg. Nothing is impossible. 一切皆可能 / make it possible to do sth. / It's possible that...
    as... as possible = as...as sb. can / could 尽可能....... Eg. run as fast as possible
    possibly adv. 可能地 possibility n. 可能性(9BU4)

    1.When you visit a museum, some instructions should ________ and we’d better not ________ them.
    A.pay attention to; be against B.be paid attention; against
    C.be paid attention to; against D.be paid attention to; be against
    句意:当你参观博物馆时,应该注意一些说明,我们最好不违反它们。考查含情态动词的被动语态和情态动词跟动词原形。“some instructions”和“pay attention to”属于被动关系,所以第一个空用“should be paid attention to”结构,所以排除A、B;had better not do/be意为“最好不做某事”;against“反对”,介词,所以第二个空用动词短语be against “反对”。故选D。
    2.Millions of Chinese_______ Korean goods since Korean government allowed THAAD to be set
    in Korea.
    A.fought against B.fight against C.have fought against D.fighting against
    句意:自从韩国政府允许萨德系统落户韩国,数以百万计的中国人反对韩国商品。since+从句 (一般过去时态),表示的是截止到目前的时间段,主句用现在完成时态,表示做某事已经存在多长时间了,故答案为C。
    六. Bruce gets along with all of his neighbours except the man who lives next door.
    【精讲】① get along with... = get on with... 与......和睦相处
    get along / on well with... 与......相处非常融治(提问用how)
    get on / along with... 进展 Eg. He is getting on very well at school. 他在学校学得很好。
    ② except prep. 除了......以外 except sth. / sb. / doing sth.
    Eg. Everyone took part in the activity except me. 除了我,人人都参加了那项活动。
    ★注意:不要和expect混淆(expect vt.& vi. 期待,指望,预料)

    1.The man _______ great wealth is hard to ________.
    A.with; get on with him B.of; get along with
    C.with; get along D.of; get on with him
    【解析】句意:这个非常富有的男人很难相处。根据句意,结合固定搭配:of +抽象名词=形容词;get on/along well with sb与某人和睦相处。根据语法知识:be + adj + to do 不定式,此时动词不定式和主语为动宾关系,因此get on with不需要加上宾语him。故答案为:B.
    2.Friends like you make it a lot easier ______ in a new place.
    A.to come along B.get along
    C.come along D.to get along
    【解析】句意: 像你这样的朋友在一个新地方容易相处好。Make it+形容词+to do sth.,it在句中做形式宾语,不定式做真正的宾语,排除B和C。come along一起来,get along相处好;结合题意故选D。
    七. The policemen told him that some valuable jewellery had been stolen.
    【精讲】steal vt. 偷,窃取 (steal-stole-stolen)
    Eg. The thieves stole jewellery worth 100,000 yuan (后置定语). 窃贼偷走价值100,000元的珠宝。
    被动结构sth be stolen
    Eg. My wallet was stolen. 我的钱包被偷了。= I had my wallet stolen. (have sth. done)

    1.The man was under arrest _____ some things _____the supermarket.
    A.to steal; in B.for stealing; with
    C.with stealing; in D.for stealing; from
    【解析】句意:那个人因为偷了超市里的一些东西而被逮捕了。考查介词短语和介词辨析题。for因为,表原因,后接动名词;from来自……(表示来源);with和……表伴随;in采用(某种方式)。be under arrest for由于……而被逮捕;第二个空表示“来自超市的一些东西”,故选D。
    2.The suspect admitted _______________ the chemical in the lab before he killed his roommate.
    A.to steal B.stealing C.stole D.steal
    【解析】句意:嫌疑犯承认他杀死室友前偷了化验室的化学药品。steal偷,admit doing承认做某事,故选C。
    【精讲】① there be句型的主语是一系列事物或人物时,谓语应与最临近的主语保持一致。
    Eg. There are two pens and a pencil on the table.
    ② neither A nor B; either A or B; not only A but also B作主语时,谓语应与B保持一致。
    Eg. Neither Jim nor his parents have been abroad.
    ③A with / together with / but / except / like / as well as / along with B作主语时,谓语动词与A一致。(划线部分为介词或短语)
    Eg. Jim like his parents likes jogging very much.
    There is nothing wrong with the computer.
    Five years has passed since we began to work in this factory.
    ⑤ They / We / You + each作主语视作复数,但是each of us / you / them视作单数
    Eg. Each of us has a flower in the hand.
    ⑥集合名词people; police 作主语时,看作复数。
    Eg. The police are searching for the lost boy.
    ⑦ and连接并列主语时,看作复数,但是表示单一概念时(即同一人或同一物)时,看作单数。
    Eg. Reading and writing are very important.
    Bread and butter is my favourite breakfast.黄油面包是我最喜欢的早餐。
    rob 抢劫
    robbery 抢劫罪

    robbed, robbed
    burgle 入室盗窃
    burglary 入室盗窃罪
    burglar 入室盗贼

    burgled, burgled
    steal 偷窃
    stealing/theft 偷窃罪
    thief 小偷

    stole, stolen
    kidnap 绑架
    kidnapping 绑架罪
    kidnapper 绑匪

    kidnapped, kidnapped
    commit 犯罪
    crime 活动;罪行
    criminal 罪犯
    criminal 犯罪的
    committed, committed
    murder 谋杀
    murder 谋杀罪
    murderer 杀人犯

    【拓展】rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物 eg: He robbed my sister of his gold necklace.


    1. When we drive, ______ (safe) must come first.
    2. We found the door was ______ (lock)when we arrived.
    3. The young woman has no ______ (crime) record.
    4. The girl ______ (kidnap) last night.
    【答案】1. safety 2. locked 3. criminal 4. was kidnapped
    1. A ______ (绑架) happened in our town last night.
    2.His brother was in ______ (监狱) two years ago.
    3. All the windows should be ______(关上) when you leave the classroom.
    4. We must g______ against thefts.
    5. Bill Gates is a businessman of great w______.
    【答案】1. kidnapping 2. prison 3. shut 4. guard 5. wealth
    1. Were the _______ (项链) bought for you by your parents?
    2. The _______ (钻石) is shining in the sun.
    3. He was in prison for _______ (偷窃).
    4. The piece of _______ (珠宝) was beyond price.
    5. We work every day e_______ Sunday. So you can visit me on Sundays.
    【答案】1. necklaces 2. diamond 3. theft 4. jewellery 5. except
    1. We should buy a map without ______ we may get lost.
    2. I will never forget the help ______ you have offered me.
    3. Japan is the second foreign country ______ I have visited this year.
    4. He ______ does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.
    【答案】1. which 2. that/which 3. that 4. who/that
    1. 老师告诉了我们一些安全要点。
    The teacher told us some ____________.
    2. 我认为那个30岁的男子没有罪。
    I ________________________ man __________________.
    3. 他无法证明案发时他在另外一个地方。
    He __________________ that he was ________________________ the crime.
    4. 我认识他有些时间了。
    I __________________ him __________________.
    5. 这位医生必须总是提防把疾病传染给他的家人。
    The doctor must always ________________________passing on disease to his family.
    6. 他在成为医生前坐了两年牢。
    He ________________________ for 2 years before he became a doctor.
    7. 离开时记住锁门。
    _________________ the door when you leave.
    8. 李明有犯罪前科吗?
    Did Li Ming have __________________?
    9. 你认识那个被绑架的女孩吗?
    Do you know the girl __________________?
    【答案】1. safety tips
    2. don’t think the 30-year-old; is guilty
    3. can’t prove; at another place at the time of
    4. have known; for some time
    5. guard against
    6. had been in prison
    7. Remember to lock
    8. a criminal record
    9. who was kidnapped

    It does not always come easy to discover oneself. From a young age, I had already got a strong sense of who I would like to become. 1 an accident made me redefine(重审) myself.
    To me, skating was the most important. There was 2 in this world that filled my heart with such joy. I spent twenty-four hours a week practising my 3 . My devotion brought me first place medals in nearly every competition
    Unfortunately, in one show, I fell down and hurt myself 4 . After several X-rays and MRI(磁共振)scans, the 5 told me that I couldn't return to my sport any more. The pain in my back was so hard to stand that even the basic daily tasks became difficult.
    As my passion(激情)was 6 , I had little sense of who I was to become. However, after eight months of suffering, something had to 7 . Instead of wasting my days sitting around painfully, I began to put my energy into local public service projects. By volunteering 8 a swimming teacher and summer reading teacher for kids, I got an idea of who I wanted to become. After a few months, I put all my heart into developing my interest in the arts. Little by little, I 9 out of the shadow(阴影)and rebuilt my confidence.
    Sometimes, some 10 rocks get in our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over. My accident was a rock that failed to stop me from reaching success. Today I'm a very confident and positive(积极的)person.
    1.A.And B.But C.Or D.So
    2.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything
    3.A.skills B.behaviors C.thoughts D.habits
    4.A.quickly B.softly C.badly D.slowly
    5.A.waiter B.doctor C.teacher D.policeman
    6.A.found out B.brought back C.waken up D.taken away
    7.A.change B.remain C.heave D.arrive
    8.A.with B.for C.as D.to
    9.A.ran B.jumped C.stood D.went
    10.A.small B.large C.ugly D.round
    【答案】1-5 BCACB 6-10 DACDB
    【解析】1.本题考查:连词辨析。选项分析:A. And和,表连接或承接关系。B. But但是,表转折。C. Or或者,表选择。D. So所以,表因果。依据前文It does not always come easy to discover oneself.发现自己并不总是那么容易。From a young age, I had already got a strong sense of who I would like to become.从很小的时候,我就对自己想成为什么样的人有了强烈的想法。综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处选But最恰当,表示下文意思转折了。完整句意为:But an accident made me redefine(重审) myself.但是一次事故让我重审自我。正确答案为:B
    2.本题考查:语境及代词用法。选项分析:A. everything 每一件事。B. something一些事。 C. nothing 没什么。D. anything任何事。依据前文To me, skating was the most important.对我来说,滑冰是最重要的。综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处选nothing最恰当,进一步强调作者酷爱滑冰,以至于没有什么能使作者获得比滑冰更多的快乐。完整句意为: There was nothing in this world that filled my heart with such joy.在这个世界上,没有什么能使我的心充满这样的喜悦。正确答案为:C
    3.本题考查:名词辨析。选项分析:A. skills 技能;技巧(skill的复数形式)。B. behaviors行为;举止(behavior的复数)。C. thoughts 思想;想法(thought的复数)。D. habits习惯(habit的复数)。依据后文My devotion brought me first place medals in nearly every competition我的投入使我在几乎每一场比赛中都获得了第一名的奖牌。综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处选skills最恰当,完整句意为:I spent twenty-four hours a week practising my skills .我每周花24小时练习我的技能。正确答案为:A
    4.本题考查:副词辨析。选项分析:A. quickly 迅速地;很快地。B. softly 温柔地;柔和地。C. badly 严重地。D. slowly缓慢地,慢慢地。依据前面的Unfortunately不幸地,后文After several X-rays and MRI(磁共振)scans经过几次x射线和磁共振扫描。综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处选badly最恰当,完整句意为:I fell down and hurt myself badly .我摔倒了,伤得很重。正确答案为:C
    5.本题考查:语境及名词辨析。选项分析: A. waiter服务员. B. doctor医生。 C. teacher老师。 D. policeman警察。依据前文After several X-rays and MRI(磁共振)scans经过几次x射线和磁共振扫描。后文:The pain in my back was so hard to stand that even the basic daily tasks became difficult.我的背痛得难以忍受,连日常的基本工作也变得困难起来。综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处选doctor最恰当,完整句意为:the doctor told me that I couldn't return to my sport any more.医生告诉我,我不能再从事我的运动了。正确答案为:B
    6.本题考查:动词短语及被动语态。选项分析: A. found out 找出。B. brought back 拿回来;使…恢复。 C. waken up 醒来。D. taken away拿走,带走。依据前文The pain in my back was so hard to stand that even the basic daily tasks became difficult.我的背痛得难以忍受,连日常的基本工作也变得困难起来。后文:I had little sense of who I was to become.我几乎不知道我将成为什么样的人。综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处选taken away最恰当,完整句意为:As my passion(激情)was taken away我的激情也被带走了。正确答案为:D
    7.本题考查:动词辨析。选项分析: A. change改变。 B. remain 保持。 C. heave举起,投掷。D. arrive 到达。依据前文However, after eight months of suffering然而,在八个月的痛苦之后。后文:Instead of wasting my days sitting around painfully, I began to put my energy into local public service projects.我开始把我的精力投入到当地的公共服务项目中去,而不是痛苦地虚度光阴。综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处选change最恰当,8个月前后的两种状态已经形成鲜明的对比,所以此处是改变。完整句意为:something had to change .发生了一些改变。正确答案为:A
    8.本题考查:介词辨析。选项分析: A. with 和...一起。B. for 为了,因为。 C. as作为......D. to到。依据前文By volunteering通过做....的志愿者。后文:a swimming teacher and summer reading teacher for kids, I got an idea of who I wanted to become.作为一名游泳老师和暑期阅读老师,我对自己想成为什么样的人有了一个想法。综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处选as最恰当,表示作为游泳老师和儿童暑期阅读老师的志愿者。完整句意为:I began to put my energy into local public service projects. By volunteering as a swimming teacher and summer reading teacher for kids我开始把我的精力投入到当地的公共服务项目中。志愿担任游泳老师和儿童暑期阅读老师。正确答案为:C
    9.本题考查:动词短语的搭配用法。go out of 从.....中走出来。选项分析:A. ran跑。 B. jumped 跳。 C. stood站。 D. went走。依据前文After a few months, I put all my heart into developing my interest in the arts.几个月后,我全身心地投入到培养我对艺术的兴趣中。综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处选went最恰当,完整句意为:Little by little, I went out of the shadow(阴影)and rebuilt my confidence.渐渐地,我走出阴影,重建信心。正确答案为:D
    10.本题考查:形容词辨析。选项分析:A. small小的。B. large 大的。C. ugly 丑的。D. round圆的。依据后文My accident was a rock that failed to stop me from reaching success.我的意外是一块石头,没能阻止我取得成功。通读全文,综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处选large 最恰当,这次挫折对作者而言,确实是块大石头。完整句意为:Sometimes, some large rocks get in our way.有时,一些大石头挡住了我们的路。正确答案为:B
    The police find most criminals because somebody tells them who the criminals are.They find other criminals by using science and their computers.When there is a bank robbery, the police first look t 1 their computers for the names of the bank robbers that they know about.Then they go and talk to any of these robbers who are not in p 2 .They ask them where they were when the robbery happened.If any of these people cannot give a good a 3 , the police will often use science to find out if one of them is the robber.
        Many criminals leave something of themselves at the places of the c 4 like a fingerprint or a hair.Or they take something away on their s 5 or clothes, like dirt or animal hair.If they leave behind some of their b 6 or their hair or a piece of skin, it will have their DNA inside it.
    Everyone’s DNA is different and their f 7 are also different.So, if a criminal cuts himself during a robbery or leaves his hair, or e 8 a small piece of skin, scientists can find out what his DNA is.The police can then ask the s 9 to give them his hair or some blood and see w 10 it has the same DNA.Many criminals are in prison today because of this kind of evidences .
    【答案】1.through 2. prison 3. answer 4. crime 5.shoes
    6. blood 7. fingerprints 8. even 9. suspect 10. whether


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