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    这是一份精品解析:山东省泰安市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(不含听力),文件包含山东省泰安市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题解析版docx、山东省泰安市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。




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    1. How might the weather be this afternoon?

    A Sunny.      B. Windy.      C. Stormy.

    2. What does the woman recycle?

    A. Plastic.      B. Glass.      C. Paper.

    3. What is probably the man?

    A. A doctor.      B. A professor.      C. A hairdresser.

    4. What does the woman ask the man to do?

    A. Do some cleaning.      B. Have a beach party.      C. Look for part-time work.

    5. Where does the conversation take place?

    A. At Pepi's Pizza.      B. On the phone.      C. At home.




    6. Where are the speakers?

    A. At a hotel.      B. At home.      C. In a lab.

    7. What does the man ask the woman to do?

    A. Go to sleep early.      B. Turn off the lights.      C. Find another hotel.


    8. What does the man want to do?

    A. Color his hair.      B. Reserve a room.      C. Shorten his pants.

    9. How will the man go home?

    A. By car.      B. By plane.      C. By train.


    10. What is wrong with the woman?

    A. She has a cough.      B. She can't feel her legs.      C. She has a breathing problem.

    11. What day is it today?

    A. Monday.      B. Tuesday.      C. Sunday.

    12. Who is the man?

    A. The woman's uncle.      B. The woman's friend.      C. The woman's doctor.


    13. What happened to the man last time he ate Chinese food?

    A. He had a headache.      B. He had a stomachache.      C. He had a toothache.

    14. According to the womanwhat is most Chinese food like?

    A. Spicy.      B. Tasteless.      C. Delicious.

    15 What does the man want to eat?

    A. Soup.      B. Fish and chips.      C. Noodles.

    16. Where will the speakers probably eat today?

    A. At a British restaurant.      B. At a Chinese restaurant.      C. At a French restaurant.


    17. What is the talk mainly about?

    A. How children spend their free time.

    B. How Australians enjoy themselves.

    C. What old people like in Australia.

    18. What do most children do after school?

    A. Read books.      B. Read newspapers.      C. Go out to play games.

    19. When do old people stay at home and watch TV?

    A. In the evening.      B. In the afternoon.      C. In the morning.

    20. How do young people probably feel when they go home on Sundays?

    A. Nervous.      B. Anxious.      C. Relaxed.





    Paris offers the largest concentration of tourist attractions in France, and possibly in Europe. For the traveller spending just a few days in Paris, this list offers more than enough choice to fill the time.


    It is built on a hill opposite the Eiffel Tower and provides excellent views over the city. It was laid out for the World Fair in 1878. This open space provides one of the best photo chances on the tour with wonderful views of the Eifel Tower.

    Notre Dame Paris

    It started to build in 1163 and took 185 years to finish. It remains one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in Europe. This is the official center of Paris; the point from which all distances in France are measured.

    The Eiffel Tower

    It was Gustav Eifel who planned this huge, iron-work tower in 1887, with observation decks (露台) that provided a bird's eye of the city. It's original licence was for 20 years at which time it was due to be destroyed. But destruction of the national symbol was unthinkable.

    L' Hotel des Invalides

    It was used as homes and hospital for aged and injured soldiers. Completed in 1709. L' Hotel des Invalides now holds museums relating to France's military history, but some of the buildings continue to be used as a home and hospital for those who used to serve in the army especially during the wars.

    The Louvre

    It is the world's largest and most visited museum. It is famously home to Leonardo Da Vinei's Mona Lisa. It used to be a Royal Palace with its history dating back to the 1100's.

    1. What will you visit if you want to see remains of wars?

    A. Notre Dame Paris. B. Trocadero. C. L' Hotel des Invalides. D. The Eifel Tower.

    2. Which building has the longest history?

    A. Notre Dame Paris. B. The Louvre. C. Eiffel Tower. D. Trocadero.

    3. Where can you see Paris from above?

    A. Trocadero and The Eiffel Tower. B. Notre Dame Paris and The Eiffel Tower.

    C. The Eifel Tower and L. ' Hotel des Invalides. D. L' Hotel des Invalides and The Louvre.


    People have always been attracted to rock-climbing and plenty of accidents have resulted from this hobby. Seventeen-year-old Wendy Sherlock has fallen three times without any injury while rock-climbing, but after her latest accident last Saturday, she is lucky to be alive.

    Wendy has been in hospital for two days after an eight-metre fall from a rocky cliff in the Sanderson National Park. She doesn't remember much about the accident, and it's not surprising considering her injuries.

    “I've got quite a bad head injury — that's the worst thing." Wendy explained. “But I've also broken my arm and a couple of my ribs (肋骨) and there's a problem with my left shoulder." She doesn't know how long she will have to stay in hospital, as the doctors haven't told her yet. However, she is realistic about her recovery. "I'll be in here for a while, and I need time to recover because I hit my head when I fell on the ground. That's why I can't remember anything about the accident.”

    Wendy's doctors are certain that there's no long-lasting damage, but they've advised her to give up her dangerous sport. However, Wendy is undeterred. "Since I was a child, I've always loved climbing and I decided to continue doing it," she said. "I think this accident is simply a reminder to take a little more care. I've started to feel better already, and I can't wait to start climbing again."

    4. What can we know from the first paragraph?

    A. Wendy is experienced in mountain climbing. B. Wendy never had accidents while rock-climbing.

    C. Wendy got seriously injured while rock-climbing. D. No difficulty can stop Wendy from rock-climbing.

    5. Why can't Wendy remember much about the accident?

    A. She has fallen three times. B. She has a bad head injury.

    C. She has to stay in hospital for a long time. D. She can't wait to start rock-climbing again.

    6. What does the underlined word “undeterred” mean in the last paragraph?

    A. Not confused. B. Not determined. C. Not satisfied. D. Not discouraged.

    7. Which of the following can be the best title?

    A. Cool Sports. B. A Lesson for Wendy. C. Sports and Fitness. D. A Climbing Accident.


    The good news about Britain's National Health Service (NHS) is that it gives free medical help to everyone who needs it. Sick people don't have to pay to see the doctor, or to stay in hospital, and they only pay part of the cost of their medicines. The NHS has been enjoyed by British people since 1946 when it started. The idea then was to look after people of all ages.

    Slowly, problems have grown up. Governments are finding that the bills are getting bigger and bigger. In 1982, £14,000 million was spent on health. One reason for this is that there are many more old people now than there were in 1946. Forty percent of NHS money goes to looking after the old. Some people say that the NHS is a luxury (奢侈品)Britain can not afford. Free medicine should be given only to the poor. Other people, including many doctors, disagree. Everyone, they say, has the right to the same medical help. In a two-part system, the rich would always get the best. This would not be fair. People also disagree about how NHS money should be spent. Should £15,000 be spent on each heart transplant operation, when there are not enough beds for thousands of old people in pain? Should abortions (流产) be paid for by the NHS? Should more money be spent on the mentally ill? Shouldn't doctors and nurses be better paid?

    The questions go on and on — but so does the NHS. And millions of British people are thankful that it's there.

    8. What do sick people have to pay in Britain?

    A. Seeing a doctor. B. Staying in a hospital. C. Getting some medicine. D. Having an operation.

    9. Why is more money spent on health than before in Britain?

    A. More young people get ill. B. There are many more old people.

    C. Medicines become more expensive. D. Doctors and nurses are better paid.

    10. What is the biggest problem the NHS is facing?

    A. Shortage of money. B. Disagreement from people.

    C. Arguments about its function. D. Pressure from the government.

    11. What do people's ideas differ in about the NHS?

    A. Whether it's necessary to provide beds for old people in pain.

    B. Whether there should be free medical care for the physically ill.

    C. Whether people should ever be cared for from birth to death.

    D. Whether money should be spent on some serious diseases.


    A Pakistani Wildlife team, which runs a breeding(繁育)programme, has been taking care of green turtle(海龟)babies during this breeding season. When a female turtle walked across the Karachi beach late one night, workers from the Sindh Wildlife group in Pakistan watched and waited patiently. The female turtle buried a hundred or more eggs in the sand before heading back out into the sea.

    The COVID-19 pandemic(流行病)has led to emptier coastal areas around the world. Sea turtles have used the chance to return to their birthplaces in large numbers, reclaiming the less-polluted, quieter beaches to lay their eggs during the main September-November breeding season.

    “The turtles have still had enough egg-laying chances during this period. In this season, we have had a large number of turtles coming here. The result is that we have helped 6,000 eggs so far,” said Ashfaq Ali Memon, who leads Sindh Wildlife's Sea Turtle Unit.

    As soon as the mother turtle leaves, workers hurry to dig out the eggs. They move them to a one-meter-deep hole in a hatchery(孵化处)until the babies come out of the eggs, about 40 to 45 days later. The new turtles are taken to the beach immediately and set free into the sea.

    The Sindh turtle unit has set free 860,000 turtle babies in to the sea since being set up in 1970. Memon said 900 have been set free so far this season.

    Experts say that in the past, sea turtle populations were endangered by demand for their fat, meat and eggs, but in recent years loss of habitat from pollution and land reclamation have also threatened the animals.

    12. How many baby turtles have been set free to the sea so far in this season?

    A. 900. B. 5100. C. 6,000. D. 860,000.

    13. Which of the following best describes the breeding programme?

    A. Costly. B. Ineffective. C. Successful. D. Considerable.

    14. What caused the decrease of sea turtle populations?

    A. The loss of their food. B. The loss of their habitat.

    C. The effect of COVID-19. D. The demand for their shell.

    15. What does the passage mainly focus on?

    A. The reason why green turtles are endangered.

    B. The way the team protects green turtle babies.

    C. The reason why the team takes care of green turtle babies.

    D. A Pakistani Wildlife team takes care of green turtle babies.



    Even when natural disasters happen far away, we feel for the people who are going through them. It can be more stressful if they happen close to home or affect people you know. ___16___ It's also good to find a way to help. When you turn your feelings into action, you can do something that matters.

    You can find out what kind of help people need on the Internet. Check the website of groups like the Red Cross.  ___17___ You can join in to support their efforts.

     ___18___ More people-power means more help for those who need it. You could decide to do something as a family. Or you could do something at school, or with people in a community you belong to.

    Plan what you'll do, and make it happen. For example, if you plan to collect supplies, you need to post a list of what to bring and when and where to drop it off. After the event, you'll need to decide how to group the things and send them to the charity (慈善机构). ___19___

    No matter which way you choose, your action helps others. ___20___ Giving is good for you, too. Maybe you find a new interest in helping or service. Think about what it meant to you. You'll notice how good it feels to be part of something that matters and to know you can make a difference in someone's life.

    A. Work out all the steps.

    B. It's good to plan a fundraiser event.

    C. You can also get others to join you.

    D. It's good to talk about what's going on.

    E. You can also talk about your plan with others.

    F. Even small acts of kindness and giving have an effect.

    G. They know what people need most and the best ways to help.




    Growing up in the USA, I always wanted to experience another culture. The ___21___ came when I was 15. After a few months of planning and ___22___ , I was ready to spend the second semester of my first high school year ___23___ an exchange student in Australia.

    ___24___ in Perth was one of the most exciting moments of my life. I realized then that there was no turning back. The family I would live with was waiting for me, and it would only be five days ___25___ the new school year. The school I attended was ___26___ my school back in the States. I was quite ___27___ at first, especially never having been to a new school even in the US. Everything went without ___28___, though. The teachers were welcoming and the students were friendly.

    The most ___29___ time was travelling with other exchange students around Australia during our semester break. The few weeks we ___30___ together were full of amazing activities.

    At the end of our ___31___ in Australia, we had three weeks to share our stories and help each other deal with leaving. It was only ___32___ that our last day together was filled with tears. We packed our camp, ___33___ e-mail addresses and gathered together for a final good-bye.

    Upon coming home, an open mind was again important. Resettling home took time and ___34___, but at last I made it. All the while, I was thoughtful to letting my family and friends know how happy I was to be home and how much I had missed them though the experience is still ___35___ with me. So, if you have the opportunity to study abroad you most certainly should.

    21. A. task B. dream C. chance D. vacation

    22. A. packing B. convincing C. performing D. preparing

    23. A. as B. on C. for D. with

    24. A. Flying B. Landing C. Working D. Studying

    25. A. since B. until C. after D. before

    26. A. similar to B. different from C. as good as D. the same as

    27. A. excited B. annoyed C. worried D. confused

    28. A. hope B. doubt C. difficulties D. argument

    29. A. valuable B. acceptable C. comfortable D. unforgettable

    30. A. spent B. lived C. studied D. worked

    31. A. stay B. visit C. trip D. holidays

    32. A. funny B. natural C. strange D. simple

    33. A. made B. wrote C. shared D. exchanged

    34. A. effort B. money C. ability D. wisdom

    35. A. sadly B. clearly C. lively D. amazingly



    In recent years,  ___36___ increasing number of people start to learn Chinese. "There's a nice Chinese saying: sprouting(生长)up like bamboo shoots after the spring rain, and that's ___37___ (real)what it is like," says a Professor of Asian Studies.

    Maya Lance, 14, from Huston in America,  ___38___ (learn)Chinese at the school for more than 3 years. Her mother says, "I hope it can help them in some way in the future, like employment. We all know China is the second ___39___ (big)economy now and is on its way to number one.”

    The Confucius Institute may also have played a role ___40___ the rapid development of Chinese languages. Established in 2004 by China ___41___ (promote)Chinese language and culture around the world, there are now more than 500 Confucius Institutes at colleges and universities all over the world ___42___ (offer)language classes and cultural tours to students and the public.

    Students could also be ___43___ (draw)to Chinese because as the official language of China and one of the four official languages of Singapore, it is the most popular language in the world. This is one of the ___44___ (reason)that Agata decided to learn Chinese, “I thought if I learn Chinese, I could communicate with a billion more people  ___45___ speak it," she says.



    46. The girl who spoke fluent English made a good i____________ on the interviewer. (根据首字母单词拼写)

    47. If you park____________(不合法地), you will be likely to be fined. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

    48. In the film The Battle at lake Changin, Qianli Wu s____________ the war fortunately, but many of his friends died of hunger and coldness. (根据首字母单词拼写)

    49. The minors were____________(困于) underground after the earthquake. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

    50. In my o____________, it is our duty to make our country to become stronger. (根据首字母单词拼写)


    精品解析:湖南省湖湘名校联盟2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(不含听力): 这是一份精品解析:湖南省湖湘名校联盟2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(不含听力),文件包含湖南省湖湘名校联盟2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题解析版docx、湖南省湖湘名校联盟2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    精品解析:福建省厦门市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(不含听力): 这是一份精品解析:福建省厦门市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(不含听力),文件包含福建省厦门市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题解析版docx、福建省厦门市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

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