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    Unit 1 A new start
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.senior adj.(地位、水平或级别)高的,高级的
    2.curious adj.好奇的
    3.campus n.校园
    4.tradition n.传统
    5.facility n.设施
    6.moment n.某一时刻
    7.author n.作者,作家
    8.engine n.发动机,引擎
    9.insect n.昆虫
    10.nudge n.(通常用肘)轻推
    11.challenge n.挑战
    12.calm adj.镇静的,沉着的
    13.description n.描述,描写,叙述,形容
    14.confident adj.有信心的,自信的
    15.poster n.海报
    16.badminton n.羽毛球
    17.band n.乐队,乐团
    18.gym n.体育馆,健身房
    19.piano n.钢琴
    20.stage n.舞台
    21.topic n.话题,论题
    22.sharp adj.敏锐的,聪明的
    23.dinosaur n.恐龙
    24.dolphin n.海豚
    25.various adj.各种各样的,各种不同的
    26.volunteer n.志愿者,义务工作者,自愿参加者
    27.apply v.申请
    28.schedule n.计划表,进度表,日程表
    1.eagerness n.热切,渴望→eager adj.热切的,渴望的→eagerly adv.热切地,渴望地
    2.explore v.考察,探险→exploration n.考察,探险→explorer n.考察者,探险者
    3.impression n.印象,感想→impress v.给……留下深刻印象→impressive adj.给人深刻印象的
    4.collection n.收藏品→collect v.收藏→collector n.收藏家
    5.organise v.组织→organisation n.组织,机构→organiser n.组织者
    6.breathe v.呼吸→breath n.呼吸
    7.argue v.争论,争辩→argument n.争论,辩论
    8.intelligent adj.有智慧的,聪明的→intelligence n.智慧,聪明
    1.In our     (eager) to make a living, we often forget about our quality of life. 
    2.The painting comes from his private     (collect). 
    3.What was your first     (impress) of the new high school? 
    4.The air was so cold that we could hardly     (breath). 
    5.As a senior high student,you may face many     (challenge) in life. 
    6.The teacher encourages the children to be      (confidence) when asking questions they don't understand. 
    7.The beauty of the scenery of the West Lake is beyond      (describe). 
    8.His health broke down under the      (press) of work. 
    9.It's a      (tradition) custom in China to eat dumplings on the eve of the Spring Festival. 
    10.     (curious),we approached the door and listened to what they were saying. 
    答案:1.eagerness 2.collection 3.impression
    4.breathe 5.challenges 6.confident
    7.description 8.pressure 9.traditional
    1.His behaviour                  (留下了良好的第一印象) on the audience before he began his speech. 
    2.Office workers fled          (惊慌地) as the fire broke out. 
    3.The speaker explained these questions              (依次地). 
    4.I had been   (太紧张而 
    难以集中注意力) when he introduced himself!
    5.  (好的开始是成功的一半). 
    答案:1.made a good first impression 2.in panic 3.one by one 4.too nervous to pay attention 5.Well begun is half done

    同学们,高中生活已近两个月了,初中的学习生活(junior school life)也许还历历在目,但崭新的高中(senior school)生活更值得你有所憧憬、有所作为。假设你是李华,请你写一封信给你的初中英语老师Mr David,信中须包含以下要点:
    1.我由衷地感谢您,因为您在学习上给了我很大帮助。(help sb.with sth.)
    I want to say “Thank you very much” from the bottom of my heart,because you helped me greatly with my study. 
    2.很高兴在高中认识了更多的新同学和老师,并和大家相处愉快。(get along with)
    I also feel happy to know more new classmates and teachers in my new senior school.We get along pleasantly with each other.
    3.在新环境中,我的学习和日常生活都出现了一些问题。(come along with)
    In the new environment,some problems come along with my study and daily life.
    4.班里有很多优秀的同学,我害怕学习会落后。(fall behind)
    There are so many excellent students in our new class,and I am afraid I may fall behind others in my study.
    I miss my family very much.This makes me unable to concentrate on class.

    With so many excellent students in our new class,I am afraid I may fall behind others in my study.
    I miss my family very much,which even makes me unable to concentrate on class.

    Dear Mr David,
      How time flies!It's been almost two months since my senior school life began.
      First,I want to say “Thank you very much” from the bottom of my heart,because you helped me greatly with my study.
      Second,I also feel happy to know more new classmates and teachers in my new senior school.We get along pleasantly with each other.However,in the new environment,some problems come along with my study and daily life.With so many excellent students in our new class,I am afraid I may fall behind others in my study.What's worse,I miss my family very much,which even makes me unable to concentrate on class.So I hope you can answer my letter and give me some advice.
      I'm looking forward to seeing you again.I wish you happy and healthy all the time.
    Li Hua



    I (Meng Hao) woke up early and rushed to my new school.While exploring the campus,I saw a white-haired man who was my new English teacher.During the English class,I was nervous about introducing myself.The teacher advised us to keep calm and be prepared.I thought it was a good beginning to my new school life.
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.award n.奖,奖赏
    2.opportunity n.机会,时机
    3.view n.(一次)观看
    4.former adj.从前的
    5.sight n.看到,看见
    6.figure v.认为,以为
    7.rainbow n.彩虹
    8.neat adj.好的,令人愉快的
    9.specific adj.具体的,特定的
    10.refer v.提到,谈到
    11.journal n.日记,日志
    12.junior adj.低年级的
    13.struggle v.奋斗,拼搏
    14.memorise v.记住,熟记
    15.forward adv.向前
    16.committee n.委员会
    17.improve v.改善,改进
    18.rate v.对……作评估,评价
    19.exchange v.意见、信息等交流
    1.graduate v.毕业→graduate n.毕业生→graduation n.毕业
    2.frightened adj.受惊的,害怕的→frighten v.使惊吓,害怕→fright n.惊吓,害怕→frightening adj.令人受惊的
    3.select v.挑选;选择→selection n.挑选;选择
    4.particular adj.特定的,特指的→particularly adv.尤其,特别
    5.performance n.(工作或活动中的)表现→perform v.表演→performer n.表演者
    1.My whole family came to my     (graduate). 
    2.Now many      (opportunity) are for you to choose from and you must pay attention! 
    3.Tom      (figure) that John was drunk and didn't allow him to drive. 
    4.The doctor is so serious, and I'm too     (frighten) to ask him now. 
    5.In this famous restaurant, there's always a wide     (select) of delicious meals to choose from. 
    6.This morning,Jenny was praised by our English teacher because of her good       (perform) in the English competition. 
    7.The library contains a large number of foreign language       (refer) books. 
    8.Traffic is bad,      (particular) in the city centre. 
    9.It's impossible for little Tom       (memory) all the new words within twenty minutes. 
    10.His best movie,which won several       (award),was popular around all of the world. 
    答案:1.graduation 2.opportunities 3.figured
    4.frightened 5.selection 6.performance
    7.reference 8.particularly 9.to memorise 10.awards
    1.He has worked as a surgeon since he         (毕业) the medical school. 
    2.Now that he is in trouble, we should         (全力以赴) to help him. 
    3.         (一看见) the picture in the museum, I thought of my childhood. 
    4.Do you want to say anything   (特别) for all the guests?
    答案:1.graduated from 2.go all out 3.At the sight of 4.in particular 5.Be a rainbow in somebody else's cloud

    The new school leaves a deep impression on me.
    The campus is large and beautiful,and there are a lot of trees all around.
    My classmates are all hard-working and this puts me under pressure.
    4.我决定对学习全力以赴,勇敢面对挑战。(go all out,challenge)
    I decide to go all out for my study and face the challenges bravely.
    5.我觉得我要充分利用高中生活。(make the most of)
    I think I'll make the most of my time at senior high.

    The campus is large and beautiful,with a lot of trees all around.
    My classmates are all hard-working,putting me under pressure.

    It is a week since I entered the senior high.The new school leaves a deep impression on me.The campus is large and beautiful with a lot of trees all around.There are all kinds of after-school activities.My classmates are all hard-working,putting me under pressure.However,I decide to go all out for my study and face the challenges bravely.
      All in all,I think that my first week at senior high is a very good experience.I'll make the most of my time at senior high.



      In the interview,Lisa shared some suggestions for high school.She thought Orientation Day was helpful as an opportunity to know the school and the other students.She suggested working hard to find a way to be part of something she loved to deal with challenges and disappointment.She thought the most important advice is to “Be a rainbow in somebody else's cloud”.
    Unit 2 Exploring English
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.title n.题目,标题
    2.seasick adj.晕船的
    3.airsick adj.晕机的
    4.homesick adj.想家的
    5.opposing adj.(观点、意见等)相反的,相对立的
    6.unique adj.独一无二的,独特的
    7.alarm n.警报器;闹钟
    8.visible adj.看得见的,可见的
    9.type n.类型,种类
    10.unfamiliar adj.不熟悉的,不了解的
    11.contact v.联系,联络
    12.organization n.组织,团体,机构
    13.likely adj.可能的,可能发生的
    14.subway n.地铁
    15.highway n.公路
    16.motorway n.高速公路
    17.gas∕petrol n.汽油
    18.apartment∕flat n.一套住房,公寓套房
    19.elevator n.电梯,升降机
    20.context n.上下文,语境
    1.behavior n.举止,行为→behave v.表现;表现得体,有礼貌
    2.confusing adj.令人困惑的→confusion n.困惑→confuse v.使困惑,混淆→confused adj.困惑的;混乱的
    3.reflect v.显示,反映→reflection n.显示,反映;思考→reflective adj.沉思的;反
    4.creativity n.创造性,创造力→create v.创造→creative adj.创造(性)的
    5.addition n.增加物,添加物→add v.增加;加→additional adj.附加的,额外的→additionally adv.此外,另外
    1.I don't like your      (behave) to your parents.It's rude of you! 
    2.His image seemed to be     (reflect) many times in the mirror. 
    3.She was faced with a new job, in     (familiar) surroundings with strange people. 
    4.There are many international     (organize) in the world to protect biological diversity. 
    5.I admire him for his great      (create). 
    6.The instructions on the box are so      (confuse) that I have to check them on the Internet. 
    7.My friend has the      (oppose) view and thinks that the title is improper. 
    8.As is known to us all,smoking is extremely      (harm) to our health. 
    9.The rooms were all fitted with smoke      (alarm). 
    10.Yesterday the mountains were      (visible) because of the thick fog. 
    答案:1.behavior 2.reflected 3.unfamiliar 4.organizations 5.creativity 6.confusing 7.opposing 8.harmful 9.alarms 10.invisible
    1.She          (偶然遇到) one of her old friends on her way to school yesterday. 
    2.I waited for him until he          (结束) his homework. 
    3.The station          (烧毁) when it re-entered the earth's atmosphere. 
    4.When we         (向外看) the window and see rain or snow,we can say “It's raining” or “It's snowing”. 
    5.         (提起,说起) travelling,are you going anywhere exciting this year? 
    答案:1.came across 2.wound up 3.burnt up 4.look out of 5.Speaking of

    I am glad to know that you are likely to come to China for further study.
    It's not easy for you to learn unfamiliar Chinese well within a short time.So I would like to offer some suggestions to you.
    Chinese movies and songs reflect the variety and charm of Chinese and can make your learning process much more interesting.
    You need to understand the meanings of the same sentence in different contexts.They may be even the opposing meanings.
    In addition,keeping in contact with a native Chinese speaker is very helpful.
    In the long run,you will find that the effect of learning Chinese in these ways is visible.

    Chinese movies and songs reflect the variety and charm of Chinese,which can make your learning process much more interesting.
    In addition,it is very helpful to keep in contact with a native Chinese speaker.

    Dear Mary,
      I am glad to know that you are likely to come to China for further study.
    It's not easy for you to learn unfamiliar Chinese well within a short time.So I would like to offer some suggestions to you.
      First of all,you should have passion to learn Chinese.Besides,Chinese movies and songs reflect the variety and charm of Chinese,which can make your learning process much more interesting.Then,you need to understand the meanings of the same sentence in different contexts.They may be even the opposing meanings. In addition,it is very helpful to keep in contact with a native Chinese speaker.
      In the long run, you will find that the effect of learning Chinese in these ways is visible.
    Li Hua



    English can be a crazy language to learn.There are many words to show that English can be confusing.Even the smallest words can be confusing.You also have to wonder at the unique madness of a language.English was invented by people,and it reflects the creativity of the human race.
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.forum n.(因特网上的)论坛,讨论区
    2.resource n.资料,(教学)资源
    3.misadventure n.事故,灾难
    4.rather adv.相当,颇
    5.frog n.蛙,青蛙
    6.throat n.喉咙,咽喉
    7.downtown adj.在城镇中心区的,在闹市区的
    8.boot n.靴子
    9.entrance n.大门(口),入口(处)
    10.section n.区域
    11.exit n.出口
    12.downstairs adv.在楼下
    13.wicked adj.缺德的,邪恶的;很棒的,极好的
    14.odd adj.奇特的,古怪的
    15.error n.错误,谬误
    16.negative adj.消极的,负面的
    17.informal adj.(书写或言谈)非正式的
    18.base v.以……为基础
    1.remind v.提醒,使……想起→reminder n.提醒人的事物;通知单
    2.comment n.评论→comment v.评论,表达意见→commentary n.现场解说;解释,评论
    3.actually adv.事实上,实际上→actual adj.实际的,真实的
    4.aware adj.意识到的,明白的→awareness n.知道,认识,意识
    5.recognise v.认识,辨认出→recognition n.认出;承认;赏识→recognisable adj.容易认出的
    6.intend v.计划,打算→intention n.计划,意图,目的→intentional adj.故意的,存心的→intentionally adv.故意地,有意地
    1.The people she talked about just now      (remind) me of the workmates who used to work with me. 
    2.She made helpful      (comment) on my work. 
    3.The money is      (intend) for the development of the tourist industry. 
    4.There are lots of people there who can      (actual) help you. 
    5.They told me      (informal) that I had got the job. 
    6.He told me that their holiday had been ruined by a whole series of      (misadventure). 
    7.     (actual) the team didn't get any previous warning of the rules. 
    8.It is said that the film is on the      (base) of a novel by a young writer. 
    9.We should raise people's      (aware) of saving water. 
    10.The new park is an important      (add) to the amenities of the town. 
    答案:1.reminded 2.comments 3.intended 4.actually 5.informally 6.misadventures 7.Actually 8.basis 9.awareness 10.addition
    1.Tom couldn't make a speech today because he         [(尤因喉咙痛)说话困难]. 
    2.I don't think people are really          (意识到) just how much it costs. 
    3.They held a party last night and everything was            (混乱的) when the guests left. 
    4.Experienced gardeners have         (高超的园艺技能)and their plants grow well. 
    5.The bus might be early, so we'd better        (保险起见) and set off now. 
    答案:1.had a frog in his throat 2.aware of 3.at sixes and sevens 4.green fingers 5.play safe

    为弘扬中华传统文化,学生会将举行诗歌朗诵比赛(Poetry Recitation Contest),邀请学校国际部学生参加。请你根据提示写一则通知,要点如下:
    1.为使学生们了解中国传统文化的魅力,学生会将举办诗歌朗诵比赛。(be aware of)
    The Students' Union is to hold a Poetry Recitation Contest.It aims to make our students be aware of the charm of traditional Chinese culture.
    As scheduled,the contest is intended to launch on 6 June in the school lecture hall.
    Additionally,it is recommended that you should prepare Tang and Song poetry.
    The contest can cultivate the habit of reading classic works and arouse the interest in traditional Chinese literature.
    You will come into contact with the fascinating world of poetry and benefit a lot.

    Aiming to make our students be aware of the charm of traditional Chinese culture,the Students' Union is to hold a Poetry Recitation Contest.
    2.使用not only...but also...来连接上文第4题的前半句与后半句,将not only放在句首进行倒装,体现词语运用的灵活性和语言表现力。
    Not only can the contest cultivate the habit of reading classic works but also arouse the interest in traditional Chinese literature.

      Aiming to make our students be aware of the charm of traditional Chinese culture,the Students' Union is to hold a Poetry Recitation Contest.
      There is no doubt that reading poetry reflects the appreciation of invisible beauty in ancient literature.As scheduled,the contest is intended to launch on June 6th in the school lecture hall.Students from all departments are expected to take part in.Additionally,it is recommended that you should prepare Tang and Song poetry.Not only can the contest cultivate the habit of reading classic works but also arouse the interest in traditional Chinese literature.
      Hopefully,you will come into contact with the fascinating world of poetry and benefit a lot.Your participation will surely make a difference.
    The Students' Union



      There are many misadventures in English.Yancy's English teacher Maggie had a frog in her throat,but Yancy wondered why she tried to eat such a big frog.Sophie wanted to go to the shoe section on the ground floor but was told on the first floor.Julien found it strange that his penfriend used a negative word about his nice grandfather.Zheng Xu wanted a positive comment on his English paper but got “Not Bad”.
    Unit 3 Family matters
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.character n.(书、剧本、电影等中的)人物,角色
    2.approach v.走近,靠近
    3.chat n.闲谈,聊天
    4.focus v.(把……)集中(于)
    5.career n.职业,事业
    6.studio n.(音乐)录音室
    7.court n.法院,法庭
    8.option n.选择,可选择的东西
    9.generation n.一代(人)
    10.gap n.差距,差别
    11.responsible adj.(对事故、错误、罪行等)负有责任的,应承担责任的
    12.memory n.记忆,回忆
    13.nowadays adv.现今,现时
    14.jogging n.慢跑锻炼
    15.slim adj.苗条的,修长的
    16.nation n.国家
    17.issue n.(尤指社会或政治方面的)议题;争论的问题
    18.theme n.主题
    19.observe v.庆祝、过(节日、生日等)
    20.range n.一系列
    21.event n.活动(指演出、体育比赛、聚会等)
    22.stress n.重音,重读
    23.impact n.作用,影响
    24.strength n.强烈程度
    1.assume v.假定,假设,认为→assumed adj.假定的;假设的→assumption n. 假定,假设;(责任的)承担,担任
    2.respect v.尊敬,敬重→respectful adj.恭敬的,有礼貌的→respectfully adv.恭敬地
    3.ignore v.忽视,不理→ignorance n.无知→ignorant adj.无知的,愚昧的
    4.professional adj.职业的,专业的→profession n.职业
    5.talent n.天赋,才能→talented adj.有天分的
    6.currently adv.现时,当前→current adj.当前的,现在的
    7.regularly adv.经常→regular adj.经常的
    8.apologise v.道歉→apology n.道歉→apologetic adj.道歉的,谢罪的
    1.We heard the sound of an     (approach) car. 
    2.She     (ignore)him and carried on with her work. 
    3.This matter is     (current) being discussed. 
    4.The onlookers stood at a     (respect)distance. 
    5.We should     (apology) for the delay. 
    6.His     (assume) that he would win was proved wrong. 
    7.Don't wear those clothes to work; try to look more      (profession). 
    8.The boy sat there with his eyes     (focus) on the wall. 
    9.He had been a     (talent) musician in his youth. 
    10.     (current),over 500 students are enrolled on the course. 
    答案:1.approaching 2.ignored 3.currently
    4.respectful 5.apologise 6.assumption 7.professional 8.focused 9.talented 10.Currently
    1.Their talks are expected to         (聚焦于) arms control. 
    2.She got nine passes and he          (以……为骄傲) her. 
    3.At the beginning of the speech,I felt nervous but soon I          (镇静下来). 
    4.         (最后),they had to settle for a draw. 
    5.Think carefully before               (全身心投入). 
    答案:1.focus on 2.was proud of 3.calmed down 4.In the end 5.jumping in with both feet

    Currently,some things upset me.I'm writing to ask you for some suggestions to solve them.
    As a senior high school student,I have to focus myself on lessons every day.
    3.父母不顾我的意见,上周给我报名参加了钢琴班和舞蹈班。这导致了我们之间的争吵。(ignore,result in)
    My parents ignored my opinion and signed me up for the piano and dance classes last week.This resulted in an argument between us.
    I respect them and try to find an opportunity to apologise.
    But I don't know how to chat with them.

    With some things upsetting me currently,I'm writing to ask you for some suggestions to solve them.
    Ignoring my opinion,my parents signed me up for the piano and dance classes last week,which resulted in an argument between us.

    Dear Chris,
    How are you doing?With some things upsetting me currently,I'm writing to ask you for some suggestions to solve them.
    As a senior high school student,I have to focus myself on lessons every day.However,ignoring my opinion,my parents signed me up for the piano and dance classes last week,which resulted in an argument between us.I respect them and try to find an opportunity to apologise.But I don't know how to chat with them.What should I do? I'd appreciate it if you could give me some advice.
    Looking forward to your early reply.
    Li Hua




      The son took his grandfather's advice.However,even though his college experiences were excellent,he had no interest in any field of law,let alone having a long-term career as a lawyer.Working as a lawyer for several months at the insistence of his father,he made up his mind to do what he loved.He began his new career and after hard work,finally his music dream came true.His father no longer forced him to work as a lawyer.His happiness is the key to his success.If you love what you are doing,you will succeed.
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.judge v.认为,判断
    2.series n.系列比赛
    3.settle v.和解,结束(争论)
    4.feature n.(报纸或杂志的)特写
    5.extra adj.额外的,另外的
    6.detail n.细节,细微之处
    7.contain v.包含,含有
    8.summary n.总结,概要
    9.track n.跑道
    10.media n.新闻媒体,传媒
    11.despite prep.尽管,虽然
    12.throughout prep.在整个期间,自始至终
    13.medal n.奖牌,勋章
    14.somehow adv.用某种方法,不知怎的
    15.indeed adv.当然,确实(用于强调陈述或回答)
    1.admire v.钦佩,赞美,羡慕→admiration n.钦佩,赞赏→admirable adj.可钦佩的,值得赞赏的
    2.typically adv.一般,通常→typical adj.(一般含褒义)一贯的,平常的;典型的
    3.individual adj.独特的,与众不同的(一般含褒义)→individually adv.单独地,分别地
    4.powerful adj.强有力的,有影响(感染)力的→power n.能力,影响力→(反义)powerless adj.无影响力的,无权的
    5.obviously adv.明显地,显而易见地→obvious adj.明显的
    6.entire adj.全部的,整个的→entirely adv.全部地,整个地
    7.enormously adv.非常,极其→enormous adj.巨大的,极大的
    8.positive adj.好的,积极的→positively adv.积极地,正面地

    1.The factory     (typical) produces 500 chairs a week. 
    2.The audience were almost     (entire)female. 
    3.We must take     (positively) steps to deal with the problem. 
    4.Diet and exercise are     (obvious)important. 
    5.This book was     (enormous) influential. 
    6.Deeply moved by her performance,the whole audience gasped with      (admire). 
    7.     (judge) from her last letter,they are having a wonderful time. 
    8.With the problem     (settle),he went home happily. 
    9.The medicine is a     (power) cure for the rare disease. 
    10.They didn't give any     (detail) about the game. 
    答案:1.typically 2.entirely 3.positive 4.obviously 5.enormously 6.admiration
    7.Judging 8.settled 9.powerful 10.details
    1.He is always ready to help those people who are        (陷入困境). 
    2.The little girl works hard so that she couldn't be          (落下) by others. 
    3.Huawei is         (领先) in the area of 5G wireless technology. 
    4.          (不时,偶尔) they heard the roar of a heavy truck. 
    5.Never          (勉强接受)the answers if you still want to know. 
    答案:1.in trouble 2.left behind 3.in the lead 4.Now and then 5.settle for

    You're very busy with work every day and easily ignore your health.
    I've been worried about it all the time.I'd like to give you some suggestions.
    Your companies are not far from home,so walking suits you fine.
    You'd better take exercise regularly,at least once a week.Jogging is a nice option.
    Obviously,it's also necessary to have healthy food.
    Try not to stay up late.Having enough sleep has a positive effect on your brain.

    You're so busy with work every day that you easily ignore your health.

    Dear Mum and Dad,
    You're so busy with work every day that you easily ignore your health.I've been worried about it all the time.I'd like to give you some suggestions.Your companies are not far from home,so walking suits you fine.You'd better take exercise regularly,at least once a week.Jogging is a nice option.What's more,obviously,it's also necessary to have healthy food.Try not to stay up too late.Having enough sleep has a positive effect on your brain.
    Mum and Dad,please accept my advice.I really wish you healthy!
    Your loving son,
    Li Hua



    In the final part of the 2016 World Triathlon Series in Mexico,Alistair saw his younger brother was about to fall down.He decided to help his younger brother.The Brownlee brothers have been encouraging each other as much as possible while training.Faced with people's different opinions and the result of the race,Alistair was no longer an athlete but a brother.

    Unit 4 Friends forever
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.forever adv.永远
    2.familiar adj.熟悉的
    3.adventure n.历险(经历),奇遇
    4.prefer v.更喜欢
    5.deliver v.递送,传送
    6.click v.点击(鼠标)
    7.maintain v.保持,维持
    8.digital adj.数字的,数码的
    9.site n.网站
    10.update n.最新消息
    11.acquire v.获得,得到
    12.goods n.商品
    13.prove v.证明,证实
    14.illustrate v.(举例)说明,阐明
    15.diagram n.图解,示意图
    16.quality n.素质,品德
    17.distance v.使与……保持距离,撇清和……的关系
    18.postpone v.使(事件、行动等)延期,推迟
    1.advance n.进步,进展→advanced adj.先进的;高级的
    2.significantly adv.重大地,显著地→significant adj.重大的→significance n.重要性;含义
    3.enable v.使可能,使发生→able adj.有能力的→ability n.能力;才能
    4.unusual adj.异常的,不平常的→usual adj.平常的,通常的→unusually adv.异常地,不平常地
    5.anxious adj.焦虑的,不安的→anxiety n.焦虑,不安→anxiously adv.焦急地
    6.patience n.耐心→patient adj.有耐心的→patiently adv.耐心地;憨厚地
    7.inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的,启发灵感的→inspire v.启发,鼓舞→inspiration n.灵感→inspired adj.受启发的;能力卓越的
    8.tend v.易于做某事,往往会发生某事→tendency n.倾向;性情;趋势→tender adj.和善的;温柔的
    1.I became a teacher because I      (prefer) books and people to politics. 
    2.Music seemed to quiet her      (anxious) and loneliness. 
    3.We would like to thank them for their      (patient) and understanding. 
    4.Among young adults,living arrangements differ     (significant)by gender. 
    5.Dreams can be a rich source of      (inspiring) for an artist. 
    6.You need to be     (enable)to handle pressure in this job. 
    7.There is an increasing     (tend)for women to have children later in life. 
    8.Goods are      (deliver)not later than noon on the day after pickup. 
    9.The statistics are a clear      (illustrate)of the point I am trying to make. 
    10.The course is suitable for beginners and      (advance)students. 
    答案:1.preferred 2.anxiety 3.patience 4.significantly 5.inspiration 6.able 7.tendency 8.delivered 9.illustration 10.advanced
    1.He's          (不了解……的情况) her since they left school. 
    2.Reunions are a great time to          (与……保持联系) people in your past. 
    3.        (多亏) the good weather,we can go fishing this afternoon. 
    4.It is not easy to          (记住) what you have told me. 
    5.Don't             (不分良莠一起抛弃). 
    答案:1.lost track of 2.stay in touch with
    3.Thanks to 4.keep in mind 5.throw the baby out with the bathwater

    1.你在不了解你的一位同学的情况下说错了话,结果你们吵架了,这使你很苦恼。(lose track of)
    You said something wrong because you lost track of one of your classmates and quarreled with him.It made you upset.
    2.你最好设身处地为他着想。那样,你就会更了解他的感受。(be familiar with)
    You'd better put yourself in his shoes.In that way,you will be familiar with his feelings better.
    We are all ordinary teenagers;heart-to-heart communication tends to remove misunderstandings.
    Remember to maintain patience and generosity and make appropriate concessions.
    You may feel ashamed but it is more significant to win the friendship back.

    You said something wrong because you lost track of one of your classmates and quarreled with him,making you upset.
    You'd better put yourself in his shoes,in which you will be familiar with his feelings better.

    Dear Peter,
      I'm sorry to hear that you said something wrong because you lost track of one of your classmates and quarreled with him,making you upset.I'd like to offer you some possible solutions. 
      Firstly,you'd better put yourself in his shoes,in which you will be familiar with his feelings better.Secondly,we are all ordinary teenagers;heart-to-heart communication tends to remove misunderstandings.Additionally,remember to maintain patience and generosity and make appropriate concessions.You may feel ashamed but it is more significant to win the friendship back.
      I hope my suggestions will be helpful to you.
    Li Hua



    Advances in technology have changed how we make friends and communicate with them.All you need is a wi-fi connection.The digital age also enables us to make friends easily.But online friends always tend to post only positive aspects;what we see on social media is often not the whole truth about a person.However,the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same.
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.ordinary adj.普通的,平常的
    2.correspond v. 通信
    3.partner n.伙伴,搭档
    4.scene n.场景
    5.ashamed adj.感到不好意思的,难为情的
    6.surroundings n.周围的事物,环境
    7.personality n.个性,性格
    8.atmosphere n.气氛,氛围,环境
    1.appointed adj.约定的,指定的→appoint v.约定;任命→appointment n.约定,约会
    2.bitterly adv.痛苦地,愤恨地→bitter adj.令人不快的,使人悲痛的→bitterness n.苦味;痛苦
    3.unfold v.(卷着的东西)展开,打开→fold v.折叠
    4.location n.地点,位置→locate v.找出……的准确位置→located adj.位于,坐落在
    1.The children all have very different      (personality). 
    2.We are the best      (partner). 
    3.Rescue planes are trying to      (location) the missing sailors. 
    4.We are      (bitter) upset at what has happened. 
    5.Everyone was waiting at the     (appoint) place. 
    6.She was ashamed     (ask)such a simple question. 
    7.She felt uneasy in the unfamiliar     (surrounding). 
    8.You ought     (have)been more careful. 
    9.He quickly     (fold) the blankets and spread them on the bed. 
    10.    (ordinary) it should be snowing at this time of the year. 
    答案:1.personalities 2.partners 3.locate 4.bitterly 5.appointed 6.to ask 7.surroundings 8.to have 9.unfolded
    1.He dreamed of              (发财) by selling clothes. 
    2.We are always pleased to       (收到某人来信) our customers. 
    3.They finally          (出现) at the end of the party. 
    4.We must          (制定出) a way to have a cheap holiday. 
    答案:1.making his fortune 2.hear from 3.turned up 4.work out

    In fact,your classmates are also facing the same problem,so you needn't be anxious about it.
    2.与老朋友分开是平常事,但仍要与老朋友保持联系。这对保持友谊是有意义的。(stay in touch with,maintain)
    It's ordinary to separate from old friends,but still stay in touch with them.It is meaningful to maintain friendship.
    Take part in after-school activities with your classmates.This enables you to understand each other better.
    4.当同学遇到麻烦时,要给予帮助。(ought to)
    You ought to help your classmates when they are in trouble.
    5.随着时间的推移,你可以和他们相处得很好,并成为很好的伙伴。(get on with,partner)
    As time goes on,you can get on well with them and become good partners.

    It's ordinary to separate from old friends,but still stay in touch with them,which is meaningful to maintain friendship.
    Taking part in after-school activities with your classmates enables you to understand each other better.

    Dear Jenny,
    I am really sorry to hear that you feel bad after entering the high school.I'd like to talk about it with you.
    In fact,your classmates are also facing the same problem,so you needn't be anxious about it.You can do something to change this situation.First,it's ordinary to separate from old friends,but still stay in touch with them,which is meaningful to maintain friendship.Then,taking part in after-school activities with your classmates enables you to understand each other better.And what's more,you ought to help your classmates when they are in trouble.
    As time goes on,you can get on well with them and become good partners.
    Best wishes!
    Yours Sincerely,
    Li Hua

      1.     a cold,dark night,in New York,a policeman 2.    (find) a man with a scar on his face outside a shop.They have a chat and the man starts to tell his story about he and his friend,Jimmy Wells. 
    Twenty years ago tonight,after the two friends 3.     (dine)here at “Big Joe” Brady's,they made an agreement that they 4.     (meet)here again exactly twenty years from that date and time,whatever their 5.     (condition)might be or from what 6.     (distant)they might have to come.They heard 7.     each other for a time since the man left,but after a year or two they 8.    (lose)track of each other.However,he knows Jimmy will meet him here,for Jimmy was the truest,9.    (staunch)old chap in the world.The man came a thousand miles to stand in this door tonight,and it's worth it 10.     his old partner turns up. 
    答案:1.On 2.finds 3.dined 4.would meet 5.conditions 6.distance 7.from 8.lost 9.staunchest 10.if
    Unit 5 Into the wild
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.charity n.慈善机构,慈善团体
    2.Atlantic adj.大西洋的
    3.whale n.鲸
    4.annual adj.一年一度的,每年的
    5.seek v.寻找,寻求
    6.measure v.量,测量
    7.position n.位置
    8.eventually adv.终于,最终
    9.crash v.暴跌
    10.effect n.影响,结果
    11.accommodation n.住处,工作场所
    12.authority n.当权,权力
    13.source n.来源,出处
    14.found v.创立,创建
    1.determine v.测定,确定→determination n.测定;决心→determined adj.坚定的,坚决的
    2.solution n.解决,解决方法→solve v.解决
    3.amazing adj.惊人的,了不起的→amaze v.使吃惊→amazement n.惊异,惊愕
    4.destroy v.破坏,毁掉→destruction n.毁掉,捣毁→destructive adj.破坏性的,毁灭性的
    5.survive v.活下来,幸存→survivor n.幸存者→survival n.幸存
    1.Firm      (determine) moves mountains. 
    2.Reading the novel,we entered into an      (amaze) new world. 
    3.The flight     (eventual) got away six hours late. 
    4.There's no simple      (solve) to this problem. 
    5.The business is still in crisis but it has     (survive) the worst of the recession. 
    6.A formal contract is signed which is renewable      (annual). 
    7.Strict      (measure) should be taken to protect the river around our city. 
    8.They      (seek) to find some place for shelter against the cold. 
    9.Seeing the house      (destroy)in the fire,the woman began to cry. 
    10.We should take      (effect) measures to protect the environment. 
    答案:1.determination 2.amazing 3.eventually
    4.solution 5.survived 6.annually 7.measures 8.sought 9.destroyed 10.effective
    1.          (……的解决方法) the problem lies in persuasion rather than coercion. 
    2.He who          (砍倒) any trees here is to be punished. 
    3.They were lost in the original forest and hardly          (找到……的路) out of it. 
    4.Unless it              (下倾盆大雨),I keep practicing in the morning every day. 
    5.Sometimes we can               (一举两得).That is,we can complete two goals with only one effort or action. 
    答案:1.The solution to 2.cuts down 3.found their way 4.rains cats and dogs 5.kill two birds with one stone

    I think they must be protected well,or they will not survive.
    The number of some rare wild animals is decreasing at an amazing rate.
    Some people kill them to earn money,and this causes a bad effect.
    More trees have been cut down,so their habitat was destroyed.
    It is time for us to take some measures to protect them.

    Some people kill them to earn money,which causes a bad effect.
    More trees have been cut down,destroying their habitat.

    Dear Mayor,
    I've just learnt the news online about killing wild animals and I am so angry.I think they must be protected well,or they will not survive.
    The number of some rare wild animals is decreasing at an amazing rate.I think there are two main reasons for this.First,some people kill them to earn money,which has a bad effect.Second,more trees have been cut down,destroying their habitat.
    It is time for us to take some measures to protect them.I hope that the government pass laws to protect them and punish the killers.We should work together to make a harmonious home for both human beings and animals.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua



    The North American monarch butterfly is one of the most wonderful migrations in nature.No one knew how the monarch migrated until scientists found that it uses its eyes to determine the way to go.However,the monarch is in trouble now mainly because of human activity.People have to do much more to keep its place in the natural world.
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.button n.按钮
    2.element n.基本部分,要素
    3.the elements 天气(尤指坏天气)
    4.per prep.每
    5.path n.小径,小道
    6.image n.图像,影像
    7.reaction n.(对某一情形或事件的)反应
    8.file n.档案,文件
    1.recover v.(从糟糕经历中)恢复→recovery n.复原,恢复
    2.shock n.吃惊,震惊→shock v.使吃惊,使震惊→shocking adj.令人震惊的→shocked adj.震惊的
    3.variety n.多样化,变化→vary v.变化,使多样性→various adj.多种多样的
    4.concentrate v.专注,专心→concentration n.专注
    1.What was his      (react) to the news? 
    2.Tiredness(疲劳) affects your powers of      (concentrate). 
    3.So scientists have come up with a     (shock) idea. 
    4.My father has made a full      (recover) from the operation. 
    5.     (variety) setbacks and problems delayed production. 
    6.The highland landscape is     (breathtaking) beautiful at any time of year. 
    7.Are we going to brave the     (element) and go for a walk? 
    8.He called attention to the fact that many     (file) were missing. 
    9.It was so cold that the stream had     (freeze) solid. 
    10.She sat for hours just     (stare) into space. 
    答案:1.reaction 2.concentration 3.shocking 4.recovery 5.Various 6.breathtakingly 7.elements 8.files  9.frozen 10.staring
    1.They took a long time to          (从……恢复) this shock. 
    2.It's hard for me to         (专心于) reading with so many people talking. 
    3.We've just about run out of food.I'll        (冒着风雨) and walk to the store. 
    4.        (毕竟),15 minutes of exercise is better than nothing. 
    5.We         (尊重……) local customs and culture as well as ours. 
    答案:1.recover from 2.concentrate on 3.brave the elements 4.After all 5.show respect to

    At present,the global forest coverage rate is decreasing annually.This has led many ecological experts to call for solutions.
    Forest is an important ecological and environmental resource with various uses.
    It not only can store water and adjust the climate,but also can provide creatures with accommodations enabling them to survive.
    In the face of forest destruction,the government needs to strengthen legislation,and every one of us should raise awareness of protecting forests.
    Only in this way can we found a healthy and sustainable biological chain.

    At present,the global forest coverage rate is decreasing annually,which has led many ecological experts to call for solutions.
    With the forest being destroyed,the government needs to strengthen legislation,and every one of us should raise awareness of protecting forests.

    At present,the global forest coverage rate is decreasing annually,which has led many ecological experts to call for solutions.
    Forest is an important ecological and environmental resource with various uses,known as the “lung of the earth”.It not only can store water and adjust the climate,but also can provide creatures with accommodations enabling them to survive. 
    With the forest being destroyed,the government needs to strengthen legislation,and every one of us should raise awareness of protecting forests.Only in this way can we found a healthy and sustainable biological chain.



    As a natural photographer,I can observe animals in their natural environment.My favourite place to take photos is Yellowstone National Park,which is famous for its bears.Last spring in Yellowstone,I had a close encounter with a bear and took a photo of it with great shock.The photo reminded me to show respect to all animals.
    Unit 6 At one with nature
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.sheet n.(冰或水等的)一大片
    2.region n.地区,区域
    3.therefore adv.因此,由此
    4.shallow adj.浅的
    5.harmony n.融洽相处,和谐
    6.replace v.以……替换,更换
    7.material n.材料
    8.consumer n.消费者
    9.priority n.优先处理的事,当务之急
    10.beauty n.美,美丽
    11.living adj.活的,活着的
    12.narrow adj.狭窄的,不宽的
    13.desert n.沙漠,荒漠
    14.climate n.气候
    15.inside adv.在(建筑物、房间)内
    1.prevent v.阻挡,防止→prevention n.阻挡,防止
    2.design v.设计→designer n.设计师
    3.agriculture n.农业→agricultural adj.农业的
    1.There are extreme arid      (region) where only the fittest survive. 
    2.She introduces herself to Maria,a fashion      (design). 
    3.Teachers will never     (replace) by computers in the classroom. 
    4.Large amounts of money will be spent on      (agriculture) development. 
    5.    (prevent) the spread of weeds is an important part of weed management. 
    6.It is said that the old town used to be an     (attract) place. 
    7.Drinking too much is      (harm) to your health. 
    8.We are trying to form a      (harmony) society to meet people's need. 
    9.Health-conscious     (consume) want more information about the food they buy. 
    10.The     (beautiful) of the city consists in its magnificent buildings. 
    答案:1.regions 2.designer 3.be replaced
    4.agricultural 5.Preventing 
    6.attractive 7.harmful 8.harmonious
    9.consumers 10.beauty
    1.The sea stretched on all sides          (一望无际). 
    2.The skill has been          (传下去) over four generations. 
    3.It was the film that          (把他变成) an action star. 
    4.Great pandas mainly          (以……为食) bamboos. 
    5.We must ensure that tourism develops       (与……相协调) the environment. 
    答案:1.as far as the eye can see 2.passed down 3.turned him into 4.feed on 5.in harmony with

    Last weekend,I took a trip with my family to Shangri-La.It has a pleasant climate.
    As soon as we arrived there,we were attracted by the natural beauty:sheets of terrace,and living flowers and grass.
    The narrow path winds its way along the shallow stream.And birds sing all the way.
    4.那里的村民与自然和谐相处。(in harmony with)
    The villagers there live in harmony with nature.
    5.我相信只要我们人类与大自然相处融洽,我们就会从中受益匪浅。(benefit from)
    I believe as long as we humans live peacefully with nature,we will benefit from it.

    Last weekend,I took a trip with my family to Shangri-La which has a pleasant climate.
    Hardly had we arrived there when we were attracted by the natural beauty:sheets of terraces,and living flowers and grass.
    The narrow path winds its way along the shallow stream with birds singing all the way.

    Dear Chris,
    How are you doing?Last weekend,I took a trip with my family to Shangri-La which has a pleasant climate.
    Hardly had we arrived there when we were attracted by the natural beauty:sheets of terraces,and living flowers and grass.The narrow path winds its way along the shallow stream with birds singing all the way.The villagers there live in harmony with nature.In addition,I believe as long as we humans live peacefully with nature,we will benefit from it.
    Best wishes!
    Li Hua



    The scenery of the Longji Rice Terraces is beautiful.These terraces with a long history were built by the local Zhuang and Yao people who took trouble to turn mountains into terraces to increase the area of growing rice and prevent soil being washed away.The way they have worked in harmony with nature to make terraces and grow rice is admired by visitors and the knowledge of maintaining the terraces is passed down.
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.publish v.出版
    2.expert adj.内行的,专家的
    3.branch n.树枝
    4.rent v.租用,租借
    5.pleasant adj.令人愉快的
    1.limited adj.有限的→limit v./n. 限制,限定,界限
    2.benefit n.好处,益处→beneficial adj.有利的,有用的
    3.energy n.力量,活力→energetic adj.精力充沛的
    4.system n.系统→systematic adj.系统的,有条理的→systematically adv.有系统地,有组织地
    1.On hearing that the new novel      (publish),he rushed at once to the bookshop for a copy. 
    2.Angelina hasn't      (limit) her career to acting. 
    3.He is an      (energy) man who likes running. 
    4.It was     (recognise) that this solution could only be temporary. 
    5.The boy has won the speaking     (compete). 
    6.It can be     (benefit) to share your feelings with someone you trust. 
    7.He was an expert at finding his way,even in strange     (surrounding). 
    8.Her     (partner) have a strong desire to win the match. 
    9.They went about their business in a     (system) way. 
    10.They cut away all the dead     (branch) from the tree. 
    答案:1.was published 2.limited 3.energetic 4.recognised 5.competition 6.beneficial
    7.surroundings 8.partners 9.systematic
    1.Many middle school students  
    (参加) a variety of training and competitions,hoping to get good marks.
    2.The deserted lands in the past           (已经变成) into beautiful wetland parks. 
    3.We disagree on most things,but on this question we are         (与……成为一体) each other. 
    答案:1.enter into 2.have been turned 3.at one with

    Welcome to Dali,a famous city with a long and splendid history.
    You will enjoy a pleasant journey.You will benefit a lot.
    With agreeable climate,Dali is the home of a large variety of plants.
    This afternoon we will have a tour to discover the beauty of Dali.
    You will experience the charming scenery and taste the special flavour in the days to come.

    You will enjoy a pleasant journey,from which you will benefit a lot.

    Hello,everyone! Welcome to Dali,a famous city with a long and splendid history.You will enjoy a pleasant journey,from which you will benefit a lot.
    With agreeable climate,Dali is the home of a large variety of plants.For its superior natural condition,Dali earns such fame as “Orient Swiss”. 
    Our journey covers most of the famous spots.This afternoon we will have a tour to discover the beauty of Dali.You will experience the charming scenery and taste the special flavor in the days to come.
    Thank you for your attention.

    “If you look the right way,you can see that the whole world is a garden.”These words come from the author of the book The Secret Garden,first 1.    (publish) in 1911.Very soon after this,homes with gardens 2. (begin) to be built.Today,millions of Brits have “green 3.    (finger)”,with around half the population 4.     (spend) their free time gardening.Children grow sunflowers.Expert gardeners grow perfect vegetables to enter into competitions.And while many Brits are happy just to sit 5.     enjoy the beauty of the world around them,those without outside space can rent small pieces of land 6.    (grow) things.One recent idea 7. (be) to turn rooftops and walls into private gardens,8.     have helped make the cities 9. (green) and improve air quality.These free-time activity allows you to be 10.     one with nature and create more beautiful living things. 
    答案:1.published 2.began 3.fingers 4.spending 5.and 6.to grow 7.has been 8.which 9.greener 10.at
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