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    Module 1 Wonders of the worldUnit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big 课件
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    Module 1 Wonders of the worldUnit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big 课件05
    Module 1 Wonders of the worldUnit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big 课件06
    Module 1 Wonders of the worldUnit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big 课件07
    Module 1 Wonders of the worldUnit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big 课件08
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    英语Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.课堂教学ppt课件

    这是一份英语Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.课堂教学ppt课件,共38页。PPT课件主要包含了huge,Para 5,Part 1,grey dark,Some rocks,Part 2,Part 3,Revision,arrived,got out等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    The Grand Canyn Clrad科罗拉多大峡谷
    Watch and read
    What des the writer think f the Grand Canyn?
    the greatest wnder f the natural wrld
    What I saw befre I gt t the Grand Canyn.What I saw when I was n the Grand Canyn.What I thught after I visited the Grand Canyn.
    Para. 1 and 2
    Para. 3 and 4
    Read quickly and chse the paragraph fr each title.
    Befre I gt the Grand Canyn.
    Hw was the weather? 2. What did the writer see?3. What did the writer think befre he saw the canyn.
    It was raining.
    Nthing t see.
    He wasn’t sure. He felt dubtful.
    When was n the Grand Canyn.
    1. Hw was the weather? 2. What did the writer see?
    Nearly 1 mile.
    15 miles, maybe mre.
    Mre than 400 miles.
    I lked dwn t the Clrad River, a silver stream nearly ne mile belw me...
    Then I lked acrss t the ther side f the canyn. It was abut fifteen miles away, maybe mre.
    Finally, I lked t my left and t my right, and bth sides the canyn went far away fr mre than 200 miles.
    I lked ver them, but it was silent and there was n sign f it.
    Read paragraph 4 and cmplete the table.
    The Grand Canyn is huge.
    Read para. 3-4 again and find ut the sentences the writer describes hw deep the Grand Canyn is.
    I lked dwn t the Clrad River, a silver stream nearly ne mile belw me.2. Far belw me, the grund fell away and dwn t a river.3. If yu put the tw tallest buildings in the wrld n tp f each ther at the bttm f the canyn, they still wuld nt reach the tp.
    After I visited the Grand Canyn.
    1. Why did the writer remain there?2. What is the writer’s answer t his wn questin?
    Where des the passage mst prbably cme frm? a) A magazine. b) A grammar bk. c) A dictinary. d) A strybk.
    2. Why was there nthing t see? a) Because there was nthing. b) Because it was t dark. c) Because it was raining. d) Because it was in the mrning.
    Read and chse the crrect answer.
    3. Which directin was the writer facing while he was lking ver the Grand Canyn? a) Suth. b) Nrth. c) East. d) West.
    4. What is the writer’s purpse in writing this passage? a) T give facts abut the natural wrld. b) T say hw he feels abut the natural wrld. c) T tell an interesting stry abut the Grand Canyn. d) T attract peple t visit the Grand Canyn.
    The sun rse behind me and shne n the rcks.
    When I _______, it was raining. I _____ ___ ____ the car, went _______ a gate and walked ______ a path. I knew it was there, but there was ______ ___ ____ because it was ______.After abut a mile, a stranger __________.He said I was ging ______ ______ _______ and I wuld get there five minutes _______.
    nthing t see
    the right way
    Retell the first part.
    Retell the rest part.
    Suddenly, the cluds ________ and the rain ________. I saw that the grund ___ _____ and _____ ____ a river. First, I _____ _______ t the Clrad River, it was abut ____ _____belw me. Then I ______ _____ t the ther side f the Canyn, it was abut ____ miles away. Finally, I ____ ____ my left and my right, it was ver 400 miles _____. I think the Grand Canyn is nt just big, but _______. It’s the ________ wnder in the _______ wrld.
    Suddenly, the rain stpped and the cluds cleared.
    … but it was silent and there was n sign f it.
    a. quiet b. next t c. stayed d. reflected light e. disappeared f. answered
    After abut a mile, a stranger appeared beside the path.
    shine shne shne
    Wrds guessing
    Which wrds can be used t change underlined nes?
    I remained by the canyn fr abut an hur, and …
    “Yes,” he replied, “yu’ll get there in five minutes.”
    Cmplete the passage with the wrds in the bx.
    belw mile remain reply sign silent sky stream thrugh
    In the dark, there is n (1) _______ f the Grand Canyn, and it is (2) _______. But if yu (3) _______ by the Grand Canyn as the (4) _______ gets brighter and lk dwn abut ne (5) _______, yu can see the Clrad River (6) ______ yu. It lks like a silver (7) _______ as it passes (8) _______ the rcks at the bttm f the canyn. If smene asks yu whether the Grand Canyn is the greatest wnder f the natural wrld, it may be easy t (9) ________.
    Reading fr summary
    Wrk in grups f six, make a travel guide f the Grand Canyn. Each student writes at least ne sentence. Use the wrds and expressins we learned tday and the infrmatin yu searched t help yu.
    wide, deep, high, tall; wnderful, huge, great; lk acrss, lk dwn, lk ver, lk t ne’s left/ right, …
    Useful Expressins
    A travel guide t _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    A travel guide t the Grand Canyn___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Time t visit:
    What t see:
    Be famus fr:
    Peple’s ideas:
    wide, deep, lng; wnderful, huge,great; lk acrss, lk dwn, lk ver, lk t ne’s left/ right, …
    A travel guide
    1. beside prep. 在……旁边;在……附近。 它相当于next t. 这是学校大楼,它在公园旁边。 This is the schl building. It is ______the park. besides prep. 除了…….之外(还有)。 除了唱英文歌曲外,还有很多有趣的方法来学习英语。
    ________ singing English sngs, there are many ther fun ways t learn English.
    2. answer 与 reply v. & n. 回答;答复;答案
    他没能回答我的问题。 He failed t _____ t my questin. 谁能回答我这个问题? Wh can ________ me this questin?做名词时,两者作名词时,都与t 搭配你能找到这个问题的答案吗? Can yu find ut ____________________ t this questin?
    the answer / reply
    做动词时:answer+ 名词/代词 reply + t +名词/ 代词…
    3. silent adj. 寂静的当天变黑时,万籁俱寂。When it gets dark, everything falls _____.a) silent adj. 沉默的。keep silent 保持沉默面对这样的事时我们不应该保持沉默。We shuldn’t ______________when we face such things.b) silence n. 沉默;安静他们一起回家,一路上谁也不说话。They went hme tgether in _______.
    keep silent
    4. Suddenly, the cluds cleared …
    clear v. (烟雾等)开始消失;放晴;使明确;清除The weather didn't clear until nn that day. 那天到了中午天气才放晴。The snw stpped falling and the sky cleared. 雪停止了, 天晴了。Please help me clear the table after dinner. 晚饭后请帮我清理一下桌子。
    5. I remained by the canyn fr abut half an hur, … 我在大峡谷边上停留了大约半个小时,…… remain v. 继续,保持;剩下,遗留我问了她一个问题,但她保持沉默。 I asked her a questin but she _________silent.
    树上还剩几朵花。 A few flwers still _________ n the tree.
    1. A great wnder f the natural wrld. 自然界的伟大奇观。arrive in + 大地方 at + 小地方 get t + 地点名词 reach + 地点名词
    He will ______________________Beijing tmrrw.
    arrive in / get t / reach
    arrive get + 地点 reach (副词)
    Language pints
    当未明确表示到达的地方时只能用arrive.当我们到达时,他们正在开会。When we _______, they were having ameeting.
    3. I get ut f the car, went thrugh a gate and walked alng a dark path. 我下了汽车,穿过大门并沿着一条昏暗的小路往前走。 1) get ut f the car 下车 get int the car 上车 get n the bus / train 上车 get ff the bus / train 下车
    acrss prep.是指在表面上掠过,穿过, 如: walk acrss the bridge, fly acrss the muntain, 还有对面的意思,如: run acrss the rad thrugh prep.多指从中穿过,通过,如:walk thrugh the frest, g thrugh the tunnel
    2) thrugh acrss
    6. I lked ver them, but it was silent and there was n sign f it. 我望着它们,但一 片寂静,看不见它。
    1)该句是并列句,由连词but连接,两句之间表转折关系。2)lk ver 查看,检查,调查。她正在查阅她的笔记。She is _______________her ntes.
    8. Far belw me, the grund fell away and dwn t a river. 在我脚下很远的地方,大 地倾斜至深谷中的河里。
    belw prep. 在……下方 abve prep. 在……上方她在三楼的上一层还是下一层?Is she ______ r ________ the third flr?under 在……正下方ver 在…… 正上方只有猫在桌子下面。 There is a cat _______the table.
    fall away and dwn t …降到……/ 落到…...山那边地势向河边陡然倾斜。Beynd the hill, the land __________sharply and ________the river.
    falls away
    9. I lked dwn t the Clrad River, a silver stream nearly ne mile belw me.
    a) lk dwn 俯视 lk up and dwn 上下打量 lk dwn n / upn sb. / sth. 鄙视或瞧不起 某人/某物 当我在街上遇见我的朋友时,他上下打量我。 My friend _________________________ when he met me in the street. 我看不起那些只爱钱的人。 I ________________ peple wh nly lve mney.
    lk dwn n / upn
    lked me up and dwn
    10. If yu put the tw tallest buildings in the wrld n tp f each ther at the bttm f the canyn, they still wuld nt reach the tp. 即使你把世界上两座最高的建筑物叠在一起放在谷底,它们仍然不能到达峡谷的顶端。
    本句是一个含有由If 引导的虚拟条件状语从句的复合句,表示对不可能发生或不太可能发生的现在情况的假设。
    主句谓语结构为:wuld / shuld / culd + 动词原形。 从句的结构为:If + 主语 + 动词过去时。 如果我是你的话,我会接收他的道歉。 ____ I ______yu, I ______ accept his aplgy. 如果我是一只鸟,我将飞到你那里。 ____ I ______ a bird, I ______ fly t yu.
    at the bttm f … 在……的底部
    Stick dwn yur address _______________the frm.
    at the bttm f
    5. Cmplete the table with facts abut a natural r man-made wnder f the wrld.
    Interesting facts
    the Great Wall
    in the nrth f China
    a lng histry,
    unique architectural style
    surpass10,000 miles
    Say when yu visited it.
    I just visited the Great Wall last mnth.
    Say where it is.
    It is in the nrth f China..
    Describe its size.
    It is surpass 10,000 miles.
    6. Imagine yu have just visited ne f the natural r man-made wnders. Write sentences and describe hw yu felt when yu visited the wnder.
    Say what interesting facts yu knw.Say what happened when yu visited it.Say hw yu felt.
    It is famus fr its unique architectural style, a lng histry and surpass 10,000 miles.
    It was raining when we were walking up the Great Wall, but we didn’t stp. Finally, we reached the tp f it.
    I felt very excited,  . The Great Wall is s majestic, f great mmentum .

    初中英语外研版 (新标准)九年级上册Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.教学演示ppt课件: 这是一份初中英语外研版 (新标准)九年级上册Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.教学演示ppt课件,共48页。PPT课件主要包含了Warm-up,Revision,Learn,Video Time,Observe,Practice,辨析 ,lift,raise,rise等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    初中英语外研版 (新标准)九年级上册Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.多媒体教学ppt课件: 这是一份初中英语外研版 (新标准)九年级上册Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.多媒体教学ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Lead in,Free talk,sky n 天空,Reading,sign,silent,remain,sky ,mile,below等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (新标准)九年级上册Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.教学演示ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (新标准)九年级上册Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.教学演示ppt课件,共32页。PPT课件主要包含了美国科罗拉多大峡谷,中国珠穆朗玛峰,俄罗斯贝加尔湖 ,美国黄石公园 ,科罗拉多河,shine 照耀,sign 标志迹象,silent 安静的,silver 银色的,sky 天空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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