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    高中英语必修一 河南省洛阳市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试 英语 Word版无答案
    高中英语必修一   河南省洛阳市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试  英语  Word版无答案01
    高中英语必修一   河南省洛阳市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试  英语  Word版无答案02
    高中英语必修一   河南省洛阳市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试  英语  Word版无答案03
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    高中英语必修一 河南省洛阳市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试 英语 Word版无答案

    这是一份高中英语必修一 河南省洛阳市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试 英语 Word版无答案,共11页。

    2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What’s the weather like?
    A. Fine.B. Rainy.C.Strmy.
    2. Which instrument des Jane play?
    A. The vilin.B. The pian.C.The guitar.
    3. When will planes take ff?
    A. At 10:00 am tday.B. At 10:00 pm tday.C. At 10:00 am tmrrw
    4. What can we knw abut thewman’s rmmate?
    A. She is pretty. B. She is implite.C.She is hard-wrking.
    5. What’s Jhn busy with?
    A. His new album. B. His paper cutting.C.His schl paper.
    6. Where are the speakers?
    At the airprt.B.Intheclassrm.C.Atthebusstatin.
    7.Hw lng has the man been waiting?
    A. Fr half an hur.B. Fr an hur. C. Fr an hur and half.
    8. Hw did the wman find the game?
    A. Very gd.B.Disappinting.C. Justs-s.
    9. With whm did the man skate?
    A. His daughter.B.His teammates.C. Hisfriends.
    10.Wh is the man speaker?
    A. Sara’s brther.B.Anna’s father. C. Sara’s father.
    11.What will the wman d this afternn?
    A. Play table tennis.B.Play ftball. C. Lk after her brther.
    12.What shuld Anna d?
    A. Return Sara’s bk.B.See a dctr. C. D sme shpping.
    13. What are they mainly talking abut?
    A. The plan fr this weekend. B. The plan fr the summer vacatin.
    C. Their dream cuntry t study in.
    14. Wh is Tm?
    A. An American.B.A Canadian. C. A sutherner.
    15. Why wuld they like t travel t Canada?
    A. Because f the peple.B.Because f the car.C.Because fthe weather.
    16. What’s the relatinshipbetween the speakers mst prbably?
    A. Friends. B. Teacher and student.C. Mther and sn.
    17. What natinality was Mre?
    A. British.B.French. C. American.
    18.In abut hw many films did Mre appear?
    A. 12. B.25. C. 100.
    19. Which is Mre’s mst successful mvie?
    A. Oliver Twist.B. Dangerus Years.C. Out f thePast.
    20. What did Mre mainly d in his late life?
    A. He directed prgrams n Bradway.
    B. He hsted prgrams n televisin.
    C. He taught and wrte bks n acting.
    At this selectin f five museums, mre French will be heard and visitrs might feel a sense f satisfactin when knwing they have arrived at a place that native Parisians als enjy when ging n a trip.
    Museum f Natural Histry
    Being a must-see place in the museum at present, the Grand Gallery f Evlutin dates back t the 1880s. Playing as a zlgy building in the past, it repened t the public in 1994. The entire museum exhibits mre than 9,000 preserved(保存)animals and insects.
    Museum f Music
    The museums cllectin cvers centuries f Eurpean classical music and instruments, with decrated pians and hundreds f hrns and string instruments. Live perfrmances take place in the galleries f the museum every day. The museum prvides tw versins (版本)f its English-language audi (声音的)guide, ne fr children and the ther fr adults.
    Fairgrund Art Museum
    At this museum, guides describe the histry f Eurpe’s traveling fairs and explain signs (符号)that identify the beginning f the cuntry with a carusel hrse (旋转木马).Bk yur tickets ahead f time n the museum’s website. Turs in French are ffered several days a week all year rund,and English -language turs are ffered in the summer mnths.
    Museum f Arts and Crafts
    It was funded during the French Revlutin t shw its advanced (先进的)science and technlgies and has since received several updates (更新).Early planes,including the first t crss the English Channel, hang frm the ceiling f ne building. The cllectin has different exhibitins, with ancient cars, early engines and elements (元素)used in the building f the Statue f Liberty.
    21. What d we knw abut the Grand Gallery f Evlutin?
    A. It was nce clsed t the public.
    B. It was first built 25 years ag.
    C. It studies all kinds f wildlife in nature.
    D. It shws several thusand kinds f animals.
    22. What suggestin is given t visitrs t the Fairgrund Art Museum?
    A. Chse a prper guide fr yur travel.
    B. Learn sme French befre yur travel.
    C. Knw the histry f France ahead f time.
    D. Bk tickets befrehand at prper time.
    23. What can we infer abut the Museum f Arts and Crafts?
    A. It keeps many ld cllectins.
    B. It still keeps its riginal lk.
    C. It's a museum abut art and culture.
    D. It nly prvides French-speaking guides.
    Earlier this year, artist Malik was abut t pst a selfie (自拍照)frm the Brklyn Bridge when he had the secnd thught. He wanted t share smething different with his friends and the wrld.
    Malik thught that the scial media (媒体)had becme impersnal and he wanted t cnnect with peple in a mre meaningful way. Therefre, the Reading Prject was brn. He began leaving piles f his bks in famus New Yrk City lcatins with a card cntaining simple instructins put inside each ne: take a bk, read it and share yur thughts with the artist by email.
    The piles f bks themselves can be seen as wrks f art, and s is the prcess (过程)f sharing. Unlike many f the things we share tday, he likes t keep the prject ff scial media. T keep the prject pure (纯的),he desn’t even turn arund as he walks away nce he has left a pile f bks. When he has left them behind, he prefers email t be the nly way that he learns what happens t them. The prject has nw taken him — and his bks — all ver the wrld, including Lndn.
    “I hpe peple pick them up and I als hpe they read them and let me knw their feelings n them. And even if they dn't let me knw, I just hpe they will read the bks,” Malik said.
    He has received thusands f messages frm peple in mre than 30 cuntries all ver the wrld. Fr Malik, kks are meaningless and lifeless if they gather dust(灰尘)n a shelf and are never read again. He intends t carry n with the prject fr sme time,with a plan t visit Brazil and then decides whether he will cntinue it r nt.
    Mst f all, lie lves the cnnectin the bks give him with strangers acrss the wrld, which is smething that ilier psts culd never achieve,
    24. What hit Malik when he intended t pst a selfie?
    A. His selfie being nt very attractive fr a lng time.
    B. That scial media made peple clse t each ther.
    C. His thughts that it shuld be shared with mre peple.
    D. That a new way culd be used t cnnect with the wrld,
    25. Why des Malik prefer thers t cnnect with him by email?
    A. He isn’t gd at talking with peple face t face.
    B. It is a quick way t knw what happens.C. He desn't want t be trubles by scial media.
    D. He thinks peple needn’t knw the prcess f sharing.
    26. What can we infer abut Malik's prject frm the text?
    A. It wn’t last lng fr a lack f bks.
    B. It was first started n Brklyn Bridge.
    C. It has imprved the relatin amng strangers.
    D. It has prved t be helpful t cnnect with thers.
    27. What is the best title fr this text?
    A. Read Bks Offered by Malik
    B. Cnnecting with Strangers by Sharing Bks
    C. Change the Relatinship with Strangers
    D. Make Meaningless Bks Meaningful
    The Cl Taxi is a Hackney Carriage that was changed int a freezer n wheels, using dry ice t keep the inside cl fr passengers. It has a number f features designed t keep riders cl, including a freezer filled with ice lllies (冰棍)and a state-f-the-art air cnditining system.
    A spkespersn fr Andrews Air Cnditining said,“Britain has becme a ht cuntry, and the British are feeling the heat. Fr cmmuters(通勤者)there is nthing wrse n a ht day than getting int a ht taxi, s we wanted t help t avid this experience with Cl Taxi.
    Cl Taxi driver Tny,wh has driven a taxi fr 11 years, said, “I have dne 10 Lndn summers in the taxi and I knw yu need sme gd air cnditining. It wuld be impssible t wrk withut it. Yu need t keep cl and stay hydrated (水分),and smetimes in a typical taxi this is difficult t keep. ”
    Elizabeth Ann Iliffe,wh was paying a visit t Lndn frm the Suth East,said,“It is amazing. It feels just like a scene(场境)frm Frzen. It’s nice t step injust fr a few minutes t have a break frm the heat and cl ff. ”
    The Cl Taxi in running fr a limited(有限的)lime at present time, Hwever,it has prved ppular with passengers and culd he cnsidered fr full-time peratin acrss the summer mnths in the future.
    28. What can we learn frm what Tny said?
    A. He finds it hard t keep the taxi well air-cnditined.
    B. He thinks it impssible t prvide gd air cnditining.
    C. He is used t driving taxis in ht summer fr a lng time.
    D. He will try his best t imprve the cnditins f the taxi.
    29. What des the underlined “It” in Paragraph 4 refer t?A. Having a break. B. Taking die cl taxi.
    C. A scene frm Frzen.D. Her jurney in Lndn.
    30. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The ppularity f Lndn’s taxis.
    B. The future f taxi industry in Lndn.
    C. Lndn’s Cl Taxi filled with dry ice.
    D. The management f the Cl Taxi in Lndn.
    31. We can infer frm the passage that the authr is abutthefuture f Cl Taxi.
    A. pessimisticB. ptimisticC. uncertain D. careful
    Wuld yu like t wrk at hme in the future? Wrking frm hme gets a bad rap (名声).Ggle the phrase 一 yu’ll see a cheat r lw-level jbs.
    But Stanfrd Graduate Schl f Business prfessr Nichlas Blm says requiring wrkers t be in the ffice is an utdated wrk traditin. It ignres(忽视)tday’s fine cmmunicatins methds and lng cmmutes(通勤)and actually hurts firms and wrkers.
    “Wrking frm hme is a future-lking technlgy, ” Blm tld an audience during a prgram TEDx-Stanfrd, “and I think it has a bright future. ” T test his idea, Blm, with c-researcher James, did research n a largest travel cmpany, Chip. They invited vlunteers t a study in which half wrked frm hme fr nine mnths, cming int the ffice ne day a week and half wrked nly frm the ffice. Blm tracked (跟踪)these tw grups fr abut tw years. The results? “We fund a 13% imprvement in perfrmance frm peple wrking at hme. ” Blm Rays. Tw reasns led t that uptick: First, peple wrking frm hme actually wrk all the time. As t peple wrking frm the ffice, they might be delayed by traffic r take a lng-time lunch with a wrkmate. They are less likely t be n the clck fr the full wrkday. Secnd, Blm says, peple at hme are able t cncentrate better. “The ffice is actually an amazingly nisy envirnment, ‘ There’s a cake in the break rm; Bb’s leaving, s cme and jin us fr dinner. ’”
    Als, his study fund that wrkers’ quitting jbs at the cmpany drpped by 50% when they were allwed t wrk frm hme.
    Blm hpes this example helps kill the negative (负面的)pinins n wrking frm brne. Fr wrkers they’re much mre prductive and happier. Fr managers, yu dn’t have t spend s much time hiring(雇佣)and training peple. Fr firms,yu make far mre prfit (利润).Fr sciety,there,s a huge saving f reducing traffic jams, driving times and,finally, pllutin.
    32. Accrding t Nichlas Blm, peple wrking frm the ffice usually .A. Get lw salaries.
    B. Have rich wrking resurces.
    C. Waste a lt f time n the way.
    D. Develp strng cmmunicatin skills.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “uptick” in Paragraph 4 mst prbably mean?
    A. Increase.B. Ppularity.C. Failure. D. Fall.
    34. What’s an advantage f wrking frm hme accrding t Nichlas Blm?
    A. It can reduce traffic jams and pllutin.
    B. It makes wrkers’ family life much happier.
    C. It can strengthen the ties f the whle cmpany.
    D. It builds up managers’ experience in training wrkers.
    35. We can infer frm the passage that .
    A. wrking frm hme will still have a bad rap
    B. wrking at the ffice is better than at hme
    C. fewer peple will quit jbs in the future
    D. wrking frm hme is a future-lking
    Sugar art is an art abut using sugar t create cmplex (复杂的)shapes, scenes (场面) and patterns. Artisans (手艺人)at the tp f their field even attend cmpetitins. 36 Exhibitins f sugar art appear especially during the winter hliday seasn. And the exhibits at these events can be exciting.
    37 Sugar art has been arund fr centuries, develping in different parts f the wrld. As nted in Harld McGee’s bk On Fd and Cking,sugar art likely dates as far back as 4,000 B. C,when islanders in Papua New Guinea cut sugarcane (甘蔗)fr its juice. He als nted that the first candy recipe (食谱)was fund in an Egyptian tmb and written arund 3,500 B.C.
    In rder t d sugar art, peple need training in wrking with sugar. Many skills can be used fr this art. All f these skills require skills and practice. Besides, sugar can be very difficult t wrk with and smetimes dangerus. 38
    A skilled sugar art artisan can create different shapes using sugar, including animals and flwers. But sugar creatins can g bad quickly. 39 Besides, many sugar creatins are easy t break. The easily ging-bad nature f sugar is ne f the things abut sugar which attract sme artisans, as the creatins are designed t be enjyed fr a shrt perid f time nly. Sme peple specialize in sugar creatins that can be eaten, such as decratins fr cakes. Others may use stabilizers (稳定剂)and they are nt safe t eat. 40 Sugar art schls smetimes hld an exhibitin f stabilized sugar creatins, with students wrking tgether t build a scene entirely ut f sugar.
    A. Sugar arthas a lng histry.
    B. Sugar artis different frm ther art frms.
    C. S sugar art beginners had better receive training.
    D. But they can make mre lng-lasting sugar creatins.
    E. They want t test skills in cmpetitinsagainstthers.
    F. Sugar artusually uses a cmbinatin fthefllwingskills.
    G. In high temperatures, the shapes f the sugar creatins will change.
    Last Saturday,I decided t visit my cusin in Ithaca. It was a 9-hur jurney by bus t my 41.
    The first 42 f the jurney spanned (跨越)abut six hurs. Then, I had t 43 t anther bus, which spanned abut three hurs. 44,my first bus gt delayed (延误)by tw hurs. 45,I missed my secnd bus and had t wait fr a 46 f hurs until I culd take the next bus. It was 6: 00 pm when I waited fr the bus. I called my cusin t tell him abut the delay and 47 that it might be midnight when I reached hme.
    While I was n 48 ,I did nt realize that there was a lady standing clse by,listening t my 49 I als culdn’t have 50 that what was abut t fllw wuld have a deep 51 n me.
    When I 52,the ladycame clse t me and we gt int a cnversatin. She asked me abut my jurney.When she learned that it had already been a lng and 53 day fr me, she tk ut sme snacks and54them t me. This was akind act and I felt thankful; hwever, that was nt all that I wuld 55 that evening.
    As I 56 my cnversatin with her, I learned that she was frm a 57 backgrund. This made my heart sink (下沉)nt ut f sadness 58 ut f humbleness(谦卑).I realized hw true and kind an act f giving is when ne 59 away what anther needs. As I std beside this 60 lady, I fund myself feeling a lt. The strngest feelings were gratitude (感激)and the need t give up my wn selfishness.
    41. A. hmetwn B. statin C. apartmentD. destinatin
    42. A. mile B. scenery C. leg D. sight
    43.A.refer B. switch C. mve D. skip
    44.A.UnfrtunatelyB. Rapidly C. ObviuslyD. Unmercifully
    45.A.At times B. In ther wrdsC. As a resultD. In cnclusin
    46.A.set B. pair C. cuple D. series
    47.A.discvered B. emphasized C. expressedD. added
    48.A.duty B. trip C. hliday D. call
    49.A.cnversatinB. discussin C. perfrmanceD. suggestin
    50.A. infrmed B. imagined C. nticed D. planned
    51.A.impressin B. understanding C. wish D. belief
    52.A.hung up B. hung n C. picked up D. picked ut
    53.A.valuable B. realistic C. tiring D. meaningful
    54.A.lent B. rdered C. packed D. ffered
    55.A.relate B. feel C. transfrm D. entertain
    56.A.rejected B. cntinued C. arranged D. finished
    57.A.freign B. pr C. rich D. gd
    58.A.r B. and C. s D. but
    59.A.takes B. puts C. gives D. keeps
    60.A.generus B. creative C. ppular D. elegant
    Our science teacher asked us t tell ur ideas fr scientific experiments we wuld like t d in space 61 Mnday. T ur surprise, hundreds f us sent in brilliant ideas. Yesterday, ur teacher invited tw students, Wang Wei and Li Ta, t explain their space 62 (experiment) t us.
    Wang Wei was interested in carrying ut a small experiment abut ants in space. Hw interesting! Yu knw, ants like 63 (dig) hles. But he culdn't really think f 64 gd reasn fr ding that. Maybe he culd learn abut gravity. And that’s what he thught. But then Li Ta had a better idea. He likes silkwrms very much. One day, 65 he was feeding them and watching them eat, he 66 (sudden) wndered what wuld happen if they 67(live) in space. Hw lng wuld they live? Culd they still make silk? What kind f silk wuld they make? He thught that was a great idea t, s he decided t d that.
    Silkwrms are f high 68(valuable) in China. We think it is very meaningful tfind utmre abut them. Maybe theywill prduce 69(gd) silk in space.
    After we had heard 70(they) ideas, we all culdn’t wait t share ur ideas fr space experiments.
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    I didn’t always study in my present schl. A year ag I study in a cuntry schl, where lies in the nrth f the city. Althugh very busy with my study, but I went back t my ld schl last weekend. I saw s wnderful changes there that I was great surprised. It is nt what I described in past at all. There is a big ftball playgrund amng tw new teaching building. And beside the playgrund, there is a little lake with much green plants arund it. There is als a nice library next t the lake. If yu are interested, ging t visit it.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    假定你是李华,上周六你参加了在市歌剧院举办的“京剧演唱会”。你的外教Miss Smart是京剧爱好者。请给她写封信,介绍演唱会的情况。内容包括:
    参考词汇:草剧Beijing Opera

    Li Hua

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