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    这是一份2022-2023学年河南省洛阳市高一上学期期末考试英语试卷含答案,共6页。试卷主要包含了15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

    例:How much is the shirt?

    A. £19.15.     B. £9.18.   C. £9.15.


    1.  How will the woman go to her meeting?

    A. By car.      B. By bus.    C. By taxi.

    2.  When does Toms birthday party begin?

    A. At 230.     B. At 300.    C. At 330.

    3.  Where does the conversation probably take place?

    A. In a coffee shop.    B. In a shopping mall. C. At home.

    4.  What do the speakers think of Tina?

    A. She is loud.     B. She is easy-going.  C. She is quiet.

    5. What does the woman suggest?

    A. Making an advertisement.

    B. Signing up for a team.

    C. Starting a baseball club.




    6. How long does it take the woman to get to Guangzhou by train?

    A. Half a day.    B. One day.    C. Two days.

    7. Why does the woman want to get home before New Year’s Eve?

    A. It’s a tradition.

    B. It’s her parents’ order.

    C. She misses her family very much.


    8. What is the woman?

    A. A waitress.    B. A guest.     C. A salesgirl.

    6. What will the man get if he orders a large Coke?

    A. An extra sausage.    B. More free food.    C. Some free drinks.

    7. What can we say about the woman?

    A. She is generous.   B. She is capable.   C. She is curious.


    8. Where does the man want to go by renting a car?

    A. To a company.   B. To the hotel.    C. To the airport.

    9. What will be written on the sign held by the driver?

    A. Mr. Alfred.    B. Ms. Beth.     C. Time Travels.

    10. How does the man feel about the car rent?

    A. Too expensive.   B. Very cheap.    C. Acceptable.


    11. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

    A. Classmates.    B. Boss and assistant.   C. Teacher and student.

    12. What can the app do for the woman?

    A. Do her homework.   B. Make a call.    C. Make a study plan.

    13. What is the most useful thing about the app according to the woman?

    A. Giving advice on exercise.

    B. Reminding people to go to sleep.

    C. Sharing information among friends.

    14. What does the man want the app to do?

    A. Set up a study group. B. Help him do the exam.    C. Offer him learning tips.


    15. What is the first speech class about?

    A. Audience.    B. Students.     C. Friends.

    16. How can a student make the audience support a particular idea?

    A. By making connections with them.

    B. By repeating the idea to them.

    C. By being friendly to them.

    17. What happened to the students after the third class?

    A. They made fewer mistakes.

    B. They became more confident.

    C. They made more friends.





    The Best Books of This Year

    The Last Time I lied, by Riley Sager

    $ 16 at the bookshop

    Back when Emma was a kid at Camp Nightingale, three of her friends disappeared while playing the classic game of Two Truths and a Lie. Now, making waves in the art world, Emma’s invited back to camp to be the new painting instructor and she uses the position to find out what really happened to her friends all those years ago.

    Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants , by Ann Brashares

    $ 10 at the bookshop

    Long-time fans of the classic series won’t forget that in the first Sisterhood , many of Bridget’s chapters take place while she attends a soccer camp in BajaCalifornia. There she falls for dreamy coach Eric. Sisterhood is a classic for a reason thanks to the realistic, devoted friendships between the girls.

    Flamer, by Mike Curato

    $ 17 at the bookshop

    Illustration(插图)novel Flamer follows Aiden Navarro through the summer camp between middle school and high school where everything feels new and different, like his whole world is changing. As Aiden tries to avoid bullies(欺凌)and fights, he also bonds with Elias and starts questioning his belief.

    You Have a Match, by Emma Lord

    $ 18 at the bookshop

    Abby signs up for a DNA test only to learn that she actually has a secret sister, named Savvy. She has no idea why her parents gave Savvy up for adoption, so Abby finds herself at a summer camp with Savvy, and a whole bunch of questions she'd really like answers to. Sweet and full of exciting moments ,You Have a Match is as sweet as a candy.

    18. Which book is suitable for picture book lovers?

    A. Flamer.        B. You Have a Match.

    C. The Last Time I Lied.     D. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.

    19. Which author’s book is the most expensive?

    A. Riley Sager.       B. Mike Curato.

    C. Emma Lord.       D. Ann Brashares.

    20. What do these four books have in common?

    A. They're all about science.

    B. They all cover family life.

    C. They all talk about friendship.

    D. They have something to do with camps.


    I live in London now. In 2015, I decided to take a break and do some traveling. During my travel, I saw a lot of plastic waste in the ocean, and started wondering what I could do about it. I reused my bamboo bike, which I’d made at the Bamboo Bicycle Club in Hackney, to float on the Thames and collect plastic on the river.

    On September 18, I started my journey at the source of the Thames in Lechlade. Every day was different and the first was the worst. It was raining hard and when I tried to put the bamboo bike in the water, the weight of it turned the whole thing over. I thoughtThis is it —the project is over! But after a good hour I managed to get it out.

    I had two fishing nets that I filled up every day with plastic, and I couldn't even collect everything because some bits were hidden under a forest of seagrass. I also took pictures and geotagged them, to map which parts of the river were the most polluted. Oxford was particularly bad, with a lot of takeaway boxes, bottles, DVDs and even some chicken breasts still in the plastic bags.

    My journey taught me the hard way that cleaning up the river is not going to solve the problem. We need to target the root causethe buying of plastic. I’m thinking of running some activities in London and trying to make them spread quickly, like filling up a London bus with plastic bottles to represent how much plastic waste is produced every minute in London.

    I want to show people how plastic is affecting ushow some of it even comes back into our bodies via microplastics(塑料微粒)in fish or salt. 1 know you can’t totally cut out the use of plastic, just like that, but I'd like people to think twice before buying their next bottle of water. Every step helps.

    21. Why does the author make use of the bamboo bike again?

    A. It’s comfortable to ride.    B. It can float on the water.

    C. It can be used for exercise.    D. It won’t pollute the river.

    22. How did the author feel when the bamboo bike turned over?

    A. The project failed.      B. The bike was gone.

    C. Everything would turn better.   D. All the work was finished.

    23. Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “geotagged” in paragraph 3?

    A. Revised.   B. Cleared.   C. Marked.   D. Collected.

    24. What does the author think is more important to do with plastic pollution?

    A. Closing plastic factories.    B. Reusing plastic items.

    C. Collecting plastic waste.    D. Buying fewer plastic products.


    Everyone loves watching the leaves change in autumn and observing the variety of colors. This seasonal change has inspired many artists to create amazing poetry, such as Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost or Song for Autumn by Mary Oliver. But have you ever wondered the scientific reason as to how trees get their special autumn colors?

    In the spring and summertree leaves produce a chemical called chlorophyll(叶绿素),which is responsible for the green color. Chlorophyll is in charge of using the sunlight’s energy to create sugars that the tree needs to survive. There are actually two main types of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll A is present in every tree, but Chlorophyll B is present only in trees that do not get as much sunlight, so Chlorophyll B assists Chlorophyll A to produce enough food for the trees to survive. Chlorophyll A gives leaves a bright green color, while Chlorophyll B produces a darker green color.

    As the seasons begin to change, daylight becomes shorter and temperatures go down, causing the trees to stop producing the sugars that they need to live. As a result, the chlorophyll and its green pigment(色素)begin to disappearshowing the bright autumn colors that so many trees are loved for. Aside from chlorophyll, there are some other chemicals that bring red or yellow pigments to tree leaves.

    Autumn is a magical season that has the ability to attract us each and every year with its bright change of colors in trees. Sometimes it can seem so supernatural in all of its beauty that we forget to consider the scientific process that is truly at work. Walking through the rows of trees in the forest this time of year is inspiring—nature's artistry and science on full display!

    25. Why does the author mention Robert Frost in paragraph 1?

    A. To admire his poems,     B. To explain autumn scientifically.

    C. To stress the inspiration of autumn.   D. To compare science with literature.

    26. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

    A. How tree leaves grow better.   B. How tree leaves get their colors.

    C. How sunlight’s energy is used.   D. How trees get through summer.

    27. What directly causes tree leaves to show bright autumn colors?

    A. Daylight becoming longer.

    B. A great change in temperatures.

    C. Not enough food for the trees.

    D. The disappearance of chlorophyll and pigment.

    28. What may be the best title for this text? 

    A. How Trees Change Colors in Autumn  B. Why People Study the Colors of Trees

    C. What Causes the Change in Chlorophyll  D. When Nature Is the Most Attractive


    Researchers have discovered many recent Marsquakes on the Red Planet. Those shakes are likely signs that magma(岩浆move deep under the Martian surface.

    Since touching down on Mars four years agoNASA’s InSight lander has found more than 1,000 Marsquakes. One of its tools records quake waves. Those waves show information about a quake’s size and location.

    Earlier this year, scientists showed that several Marsquakes came from a particular part of Mars. It’s known as Cerberus Fossae. Those quakes were a type pretty familiar to quake experts, states Anna Mittelholz, a planetary scientist at Harvard University. Their low-frequency waves “look much more like what we see for an earthquake,” she says.

    Mittelholz was part of a team that has studied many more Marsquakes. These include more than 1000 high-frequency small quakes. The signals(信号)are fairly weak. To find out their origins, her team added the signals together. These quakes, too, seemed to come from the direction of Cerberus Fossae.

    Scientists were surprised to find that different types of quakes all came from the same region on Mars. Previous research had suggested Marsquakes might be caused by the slow cooling and shrinking(收缩)of the planet’s surface. That processwhich also occurs on the moonshould produce quakes spread equally across the planet. As such, Mitteiholz says, “The expectation was that Marsquakes would come from all over the place.”

    Her team also compared the weak waves that InSight measured with those produced on Earth. Marsquakes looked like earthquakes that came from volcanic regionsthe researchers found. That means Mars’ shakes are probably produced by magma flowing tens of kilometers below the planet’s surface.

    Rather than being a geologically dead planet, as some have suggested, Mars might be surprisingly active, the researchers conclude(下结论).There’s still so much more to learn about Marssays Mitteiholz. “We’re only touching the surface.”             

    29. Why are the quake waves on Mars familiar to scientists?

    A. They are like the waves on Earth.

    B. They are sent from the same place.

    C. They are weak enough to be sensed.

    D. They are full of all kinds of information.

    30. Why is the moon mentioned in paragraph 5?

    A. To show quakes on the moon are common.

    B. To give an easy explanation of earthquakes.

    C. To show the similarity between the moon and Earth.

    D. TQ prove Marsquakes may have little to do with temperatures.

    31. What do the scientists conclude about Mars?

    A. Mars is a secret to them.    B. Mars is a relatively dead planet.

    C. Mars might be still volcanically active.  D. Mars has more quakes than Earth.

    32. What is the text? t

    A. A short story.       B. A science report.

    C. A space diary.       D. A book review.


    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。

    Many people give up desserts because they want to adopt a healthier lifestyle.  36  The secret lies in the amount of dessert you eat. So don’t give up dessert. Go ahead and have a bit of chocolate cake as you like.

    37  .A pie or salad out of blueberries or strawberries is good for your heart. The fiber(纤维素)in fruit is also good for your digestion. So make a fruit salador add berries or other fresh fruit to low-fat Greek yogurt for a dessert, which will help you eat more fruit.

    If you love chocolate, don't worry, it loves you back.  38  .And the darker it is, the more benefits it contains. Just a few bites of chocolate may reduce your risk of heart disease. That's because the antioxidants(抗氧化物)in dark chocolate could reduce your blood pressure.

    Always in the mood for something sweet?  39  Having a bite of ice cream after a meal will keep you energetic for a long time. Saying no to dessert is actually a mistake that people who are on a diet commonly make. Sweets can be a part of healthy eating, as long as it is eaten in the right amount.

    Have you ever eaten a piece of cake that made you feel happy? It’s true. You get that feeling because foods help your body produce a chemical that contributes to your feelings of happiness. So, go ahead and eat your aunt’s apple pie or your grandma's cookies.  40

    A. Chocolate is quite good for you.

    B. It really will put a smile on your face.

    C. Desserts are a big part of the holiday season.

    D. But eating a small dessert will be good for you.

    E. Satisfy your sweet tooth with a small dessert serving.

    F. Desserts offer an easy way to add more fruit to your diet.

    G. There’s a reason why you long for desserts and it5s not just about taste.




    The year was 1966. I bit my lip(嘴唇) trying with all the strength a six-year-old could gather not to  41 .

    When I was in first grade, class parties were held at schools. I was to  42 toys with Paul. I 43  to buy Paul a one-dollar Matchbox car popular with boys. It was              really a(n)  44              as my pocket money was only 20 cents a week. However, I  45  it.

    I  46  a Mustang for Paul , since that is exactly what I would have wanted for myself. Paul did not reciprocate(互换)with a Mustang or any other Matchbox—the gift I  47  was a plastic Santa Claus less than 10 cents.  48              I exchanged a shiny Mustang for a piece of rubbish!

    As some boys excitedly  49  their new Matchbox cars across desktops, I held back hot tears and tried not to sniffle(吸鼻子) 50              , Despite selfishly feeling  51  for myselfI started racing my skiing Santa alongside the Matchbox cars. I simply did not want to feel left out.

    After class, Mrs. Bauer came and said to me, Im 52  of you, dear. You didn’t show your  53 with that toy. You gave Paul a very nice toy that made him happy, and you should be happy about that.”

    Mrs. Bauer’s  54 ,which I did not fully understand at the lime» was that it truly is  55  to give than to receive.

    41. A. cheat  B. cry  C. rush  D. doubt

    42. A.  exchange B. deliver C. operate D. create

    43. A. afforded  B. decided C. continued D. pretended

    44. A. honour  B. shock C. challenge D. pleasure

    45. A. made . B. hit   C. caught   D. chanced

    46. A. picked out B. took down C. applied for  D. showed off

    47. A, selected  B. received  C. updated   D. maintained

    48. A. As a result B. In particular C. In other words  D. For example

    49. A. threw  B. placed  C. passed   D. raced

    50. A. entirely  B. unfortunately C. noticeably  D. regularly

    51. A. frank  B. sorry   C. amazed   D. anxious

    52. A. aware  B. fond   C. confident   D. proud

    53. A. expectation B. stress   C. disappointment D. inspiration

    54. A. message  B. position  C. impression  D. announcement

    55. A. easier  B. better   C. braver   D. quicker



    Appearing in several lists of world wondersthe Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)is not only one of the largest tourist  56  (attraction) in India, it is also the most well-known example of Mughal architecture. Sometimes described as “  57  most famous tomb in the world”it reflects the pride and identity of Indian people as an example of the achievements of that age in India's  58  (culture) history.

    The tombwhich is  59  (tall) than a modern 20-story building, took more than twenty years 60               (complete). It was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife  61  died in childbirth in 1631. The Taj Mahal’s design includes features of Islamic, Turkish, Persian  62 Indian architecture. The white marble(大理石)of the structure takes on different colors at different times of the day.  63               (pollute), however, has been yellowing the white marble and the Indian government has enforced (加强) a 4,000-square-mile area around the structure with strict environment standards. Lying in the city of Agra, on the banks  64  the Yamuna River in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, the Taj Mahal  65              (become) a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.







    注意: 1.词数80左右;




    There's a saying in the West that when things get tough, you have to be brave and never give up. In Wyoming, the history of cowboys braving the bad environment to protect their farms during sub-zero weather, and fixing things on their own in the tough situation, is stuck in peopled minds. They are as independent as they are loyal. Hardened physically by their labors, they still have hearts as big as the Wyoming sky.

    In PowellWyomingyou’ll find a tight group of college wrestlers(摔跤手).After practice one autumn morningfour of them went out into the wilderness(荒漠)to have a hike. The group divided into pairs to try different routes.

    Five miles into the wilderness, Brady Lowry was attacked by a bear. The huge bear knocked him off a small hill, breaking his arm in the attack. It happened so fast he didn’t have time to get out of the way.

    Teammate Kendell Cummings, who was a short distance away, shouted and rushed toward the bear, trying to frighten him away. “I caught and pulled him hard by the ear,” Cummings said. The bear turned from Lowry, jumped up and attacked Cummings, quickly knocking him to the ground. could hear when his teeth would hit my head. I could feel when he’d bite down on my bones,”

    The bear finally left, and Cummings stood up, blood pouring from open wounds on his face and arms. He called to his teammate. “I think the bear heard me. It kind of circled around and got me again.” Cummings recalled. He lay still, bleeding, until the bear left again.

    After several minutes, he got up and found Lowry, and the two bloodied young men began the difficult journey down the mountain. At firsts they didn’t feel so much pain. But hiking down the rocky slope(斜坡)soon became unbearable. Lowry used his cellphone to call their other two teammates, Orrin Jackson and August Harrison, who met them on the way.


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