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    高中英语上教版必修一 Unit1.同步资料含课文翻译(含答案)
    高中英语上教版必修一 Unit1.同步资料含课文翻译(含答案)01
    高中英语上教版必修一 Unit1.同步资料含课文翻译(含答案)02
    高中英语上教版必修一 Unit1.同步资料含课文翻译(含答案)03
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    高中英语上教版必修一 Unit1.同步资料含课文翻译(含答案)

    Unit 1 School Life

    In this unit, we are going to
    ·describe experiences and feelings at the beginning of senior high school life
    ·compare school life across cultures
    ·identify key messages from different texts
    ·skim for the main idea, show interest with proper expressions in ongoing conversations, and write a topic sentence

    Reading A
    At the beginning of a new term, Jim shares one of his experiences about English writing. Read the text and find out what happened to him.


    v Mrs. Peabody, the English teacher, gave the class a writing assignment. “Write something in something in some way related该处是过去分词做后置定语;修饰something. be related to… 是与…有关的意思。
    to summer vacation,” she said. “Be as creative as you can. But,” the teacher added, “make sure you use proper proper是高中词汇重点,主要有以下释义:
    Two out of five people lack a proper job.
    The Supreme Court will ensure that the proper procedures have been followed.
    In those days it was not thought entirely proper for a woman to be on the stage.

    spelling and grammar.”

    v The night 该处是典型的时间名词做时间状语。时间名词作状语时,前面的介词通常可以省略:
    This morning I met Mr. Lee at the school gate.
    We will have a class meeting today.
    Jim sat at his desk at home and started at a blank sheet of paper. He didn’t want to write about his summer vacation as usual. What could he write about, exceptexcept 表示除去,是用减法:
    There is no one else except we two in this room.

    There are two students in this classroom besides Mr. White.
    There is a girl beside Uncle Tom.汤姆叔叔旁边有一个女孩)

    except for 表示从整体中除去部分:
    This is a wonderful writing work except for some spelling mistakes.

    a dog, a water park, and two weeks of camp? Boring ... He’d actually been happy to get back to school.

    v So he wrote what he wanted. Not an essay at all butnot…but…不是…而是…
    注意和not only…but (also)…区分。
    a short story, science fiction. It was about a distant planet that didn’t have summer该处是一个定语从句;简单的定语从句初中也有接触,但是对一些语法名词比如先行词、关系代词、关系副词等可以先简单的讲解一下。
    —it was spring all the time. And it didn’t have vacation ,either. The aliens on the planet worked 24 hours a day. They wished they had vacations.

    v The next morning he handed in the story, but later that night he lay awake until 3 a.m., thinkingthinking是现在分词做伴随状语,表示和主句的谓语动词同时发生的动作。
    , “Why did I do that? Will Mrs. Peabody think I ignored the assignment?” English was his favorite class. Maybe he would begbeg sb. to do sth.
    Mrs. Peabody for a chance to write another one, the sort she wanted.

    v But when he got to class the following day, it turned out本句是由It做形式主语的一个主语从句;真正的主语是后面的that从句。it做形式主语的主语从句有四种形式:

    that Mrs. Peabody had already read and graded the essays.
    The teacher said, “I’m going to pass back your summer vacation writing in a minute. I’m afraid I’ve got some rather harsh wordsharsh words 刺耳的话
    to say. Almost everyone in class simply wrote an essay about his or her summer vacation ... Almost everyone.”

    v “This is bad,” Jim thought, “I’m getting an F,I know it.”
    “But,” the teacher continued, “one of you had the courage to be as imaginative有想象力的;Imagine的动词形式。
    as I asked you to be. Jim Martin was the only one who got an A on the assignment.”
    Jim couldn’t believe his ears.



    v 英语老师皮博迪夫人给全班布置了一项写作作业。她说:“写一些和暑假有关的东西。”“尽可能地发挥你的创造力。但是,”老师补充说,“一定要用正确的拼写和语法。”

    v 那天晚上,吉姆坐在家里的书桌前,开始看一张白纸。他不想像往常一样写他的暑假。除了一条狗、一个水上公园和两周的野营,他还能写些什么呢?无聊……他其实很高兴能回到学校。

    v 所以他想写什么就写什么。不是一篇文章,而是一篇短篇小说,科幻小说。它是关于一个遥远的星球,那里没有夏天——一直都是春天。而且也没有假期。那边的外星人一天工作24小时。他们希望自己有假期。

    v 第二天早上,他交了那篇作文。但当晚晚些时候,他躺在床上,一直躺到凌晨3点,心里想着:“我为什么要那样做?”皮博迪夫人会认为我不重视这次作业吗?英语是他最喜欢的课。也许他会请求皮博迪太太给他个机会再写一封,她想要的那种。

    v 但当他第二天去上课时,发现皮博迪太太已经读过并给作文评分了。

    v “这太糟糕了,”吉姆想,“我肯定得个不及格。”

    v “但是,”老师继续说,“你们中有一个人有勇气像我要求的那样富有想象力。吉姆·马丁是唯一一个在这项任务上得了A的人。”

    Digging in
    I. Choose the correct answers.
    1.Who are the main characters in the text?
    A.Jim and the aliens.
    B.Jim and Mrs Peabody.
    C.Mrs Peabody and the aliens.
    D.Jim,Mrs Peabody and the aliens.
    2.What is the text mainly about?
    A.Jim’s summer vacation in his English writing.
    B.A different writing assignment Jim was given.
    C.A writing assignment Jim did on his own imagination.
    D.Jim’s decision to write science fiction about his summer vacation.
    II.Complete the table with Jim’s feelings based on information from the text.An example is given.
    Jim’s feeling(s)
    Evidence from the text
    after Mrs Peabody gave the class a writing assignment on summer vacation
    Jim started at a blank sheet of paper because he didn’t want to write about his summer vacation as usual.
    after Jim handed in his writing

    when Mrs Peabody started to comment on the graded essays

    when Mrs Peabody praised Jim for his courage and imagination

    III.Answer the questions.
    1.Why didn’t Jim write an essay about his summer vacation?
    2.Do you think it was fair that Mrs Peabody gave Jim an A for his assignment?Why or why not?
    Vocabulary Focus
    I. Key Vocabulary
    Fill in each blank with the appropriate of a word from the text.The first letter is given.
    At the new school year began,Jim was quite happy.But the writing assignment troubled him because the English teacher,Mrs Peabody,asked the students to write something r to summer vacation.That night he s at a blank sheet of paper for quite a long time.He didn’t think his summer vacation was fun.So,he made up a science fiction story about life on a
    d planet.He also made s that he used proper spelling and grammar as Mrs Peabody required.Next day after handing in the story,Jim stayed awake that night.He feared that he had i Mrs Peabody’s requirements.He was worried that his writing would disappoint Mrs Peabody as most students might write an e about his or her summer vacation.However,it t out that Jim was the only student who got an A.Mrs Peabody thought he had been c .What a great surprise!

    II.Word Formation:Suffixes
    1.Read the text and find at least five words with suffixes.
    2.Read the passage and identify the verb or noun form of each underlined word.
    A suffix is a letter or a group of letter added at the end of a word to make a new word.
    Noun suffixes:-age,-er/-or,-once/-ence,-ation/-ion,-ment,-ness,-ship,-ty,etc.
    Adjective suffixes:-al,-ful,-able/-ible,-ont/-ent,-ous,-ive/-ative,-less,-ly,-y,etc.
    Adverb suffixes:-ly,-ward(s),-wise,etc.
    Verb suffixes:-en,-ise/-ize,-ify,etc.
    For Confucius,China’s greatest teacher,learning was a powerful joint effort between teacher and student.He had a lot of interesting and meaningful discussion with his students.
    Once Zilu asked, “When learning something,should I put it right into practice?” The Master replied, “Your father and elder brothers are still alive;how would you dare to act immediately after learning something?” Ran You then asked the same question.The Master replied, “Yes.Upon learning something,put it right into action.”
    In fact,the two students had different characters.Ran You was shy and slow,so Confucius encouraged him to go forward;Zilu was active and courageous,so he kept Zilu back.
    3.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words in brackets.
    I am now going to start my new life in a senior high school.
    I remember at the beginning of my junior high school life,I wanted everyone to like me and be (friend) to me.I had a lot of (difficult) catching up with my classmates.The following year was (definite) a problem year.I tired hard to build
    (friend) but didn’t always succeed.Some subjects were (real) hard for me,especially physics.Every time I did experiments,I felt worried and (nerve).Both internal and external factors influenced my feelings.
    The third year was a year of harvest for me.I became more (confidence) as I made great progress in physics.I got on well with my classmates.Many of them have now become my good friends.
    Nothing is ever as bad as it seemed.The most (value) thing I have learned is that life will go on and efforts will pay off.
    Grammar in Use
    Tenses (review+future in the past)
    I.Read the passage and tell what tenses are used and why.
    On the first day of September,Anne came home in high spirits. “I think I’m going to like school here,” she announced, “I don’t think much of the master,though.He’s curling his moustache all the time ...” Anne Shirley,don’t let me hear you talking about your teacher in that way again,” said Marilla sharply. “That is something I won’t tolerate.I’m sure he can teach YOU something,and it’s your business to learn.”
    Simple present
    am/is/are do
    For actions that happen regularly,or for permanent situations.
    There are a lot of nearly-dressed nice girls in school.
    Simple past
    was/were do
    For an action that happen in a definite time in the past.
    Ruby gave me an apple and Sophia lent me a lovely pink pen.
    Simple future
    am/is/are going to do
    will/shall do
    For an intention or a plan,a prediction,or an action in the future.
    But I like Diana best and always will.
    Present continuous
    am/is/are doing
    For something that is happening at the moment of speaking or for a limited time in the present.
    I am writing this letter because oat the moment I am too excited to fall asleep.
    Past continuous
    was/were doing
    For an action that was happening,but not completed,at a particular time in the past.
    I was thinking of my new school life at this time yesterday evening.
    Present perfect
    have/has done
    For an action that happened in the recent indefinite past,an action or state that began in the past and continued to the present time,or for a past event with results in the present time.
    It is the first time I have shared a dorm with three other girls.
    Future in the past
    would/should do
    For talking about hopes,expectations and intentions we had in the past.
    Maybe he would beg Mrs Peabody for a chance to write another one,the short she wanted.
    was/were going to do
    For talking about a past intention,and it works well as an example of an excuse.
    I was going to send you a message,but the smart phone ran out of power.
    II.Work in pairs.Talk about your expectations about senior high school life when you were a junior high school student.
    e.g. A:What did you expect about senior high school when you were in junior high school?
    B:I hoped that I would be able to join a school drama club and perform on the stage.
    III.Send an email to your friend Jim about your school life based on the above discussion.The following three questions can be used as your guide.
    A:What did you expect about the senior high school?
    B:Is your life now the same as you expected?
    C:What are you going to do in the days to come?
    Hi Jim,
    How’s your life in new school?I hope you have adopted well and enjoy the life there.
    Up till now,I have been here for days.I still remember in junior high school,I hoped that .Now
    All the best

    Listening and Viewing
    How to Have a Great First Year (School guide)
    I. Look at the pictures and say what they are about.
    II.Some senior students are giving suggestions to first-year students.Listen and choose the answers to the question.
    Which tips are given to the first-year students?
    A.To meet new friends.
    B.To take part in social activities.
    C.To make a learning plan.
    D.To try something new.
    III. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

    Ways to follow tips
    Tip 1
    To .
    I first met my best friend at Year 7 camp.
    Tip 2
    To use a .
    To start a regular study plan.
    You are excepted to be more .
    To set up at home.
    You can concentrate on work.
    To for homework and tick them off as you finish each task.
    Know when you need to hand in your assignments and plan what you have to get done.
    To ask teachers for help with if you need it.

    A High School Starter (TV programme)
    I.Do a survey in class with the following questions.You may add more questions.
    What is your biggest concern almost senior high school life?
    ()School rules
    ()School facilities
    ()School activities
    How did you feel on the first day of senior high school?
    II.Look at the picture on the right and guess Lizzie’s feelings about the senior high school life.Watch the video and check your guess.
    III.Watch the video again and choose the best answer.
    1.What experiences did Lizzie’s father have in his first week in senior high school?
    A.He was published by his teacher.
    B.He had no locker to himself.
    C.He made fun of Lizzie’s mother.
    D.He was thrown into the dustbin.
    2.Which of the following was Lizzie’s experience before the entered senior high school?
    A.Being class president.
    B.Doing well in gymnastics.
    C.Protecting the environment.
    D.Getting praise in her first job.
    3.Lizzie’s father advised that she should if she meets difficulties of failures in senior high school.
    A.try again
    B.learn to grow up
    C.turn to her friends
    D.ask him for help
    IV.Do you think the conversation between Lizzie and her father would hep her in senior high school?Why or why not?
    Moving Forward
    Describing Your First Week
    I.Speaking:Interviewing newcomers
    the school English newspaper No.1 Senior High School Weekly is conducting an interview about students’ experiences and feelings during their first week in No.1 Senior High School.
    1.Work in groups of four.Brainstorm the interview topic.The topic can be school activities,school facilities,people you meet at school or school subjects and so on.Each group chooses one topic.
    2.Conduct the interview.One student is the reporter,one is the note-taker,and the other two are the interviewees.Try to show interest while listening and taking.
    Li Mei:Hi,I’m Li Mei from No.1 Senior High School Weekly.Anything exciting about your new school life?
    Zhang Yan:The school library is great!
    Zhao Shan:Yes.I loved the place when I visited it for the first time.
    Li Mei:Wow!What makes it so attractive?
    Zhang Yan:The environment is quiet and comfortable.
    Zhao Shan:There’s a large collection of magazines and books.It also has modern facilities.
    Li Mei:Amazing!Could you tell me more about your experiences at the library?
    Zhao Shan:Sure.It only took me five minutes to borrow Selected Stories of O.Henry.The computer helped me to quickly find the book because the self-service borrowing system was very convenient.
    Zhang Yan:The library is decorated with plants,lovely desks and chairs,so I felt totally relaxed while studying or reading there.
    Li Mei:Yeah,a good place to go.
    3.Take turns to act out the interview in class.
    Speaking Strategy (Showing Internet with proper expressions)
    When we are interested in what other people say,we use actions and expressions to participate actively.Action include smiling,nodding and the like.Expressions are as follows:
    Response:Uh-huh./Oh,I see./Yeah,that’s true./You are right.
    Stronger response:Really?/Hmm,that’s an excellent point!/Wow!That’s amazing!
    /That’s wonderful!/You must be joking!
    II.Writing:Describing the first experiences
    Write a paragraph in 60-80 words based on the interview conducted by the school English newspaper.
    1.Sort out the notes you have taken in the interview.
    Zhang:The school library is great.
    Zhao:I loved the place when I visited it for the first time.
    Zhang:The environment is quiet and comfortable.
    2.Come up with a topic sentence for your selected notes.
    Which statement might be the proper topic sentence of the interview notes?
    A.The school library is a great place to visit.
    B.Zhang Yan and Zhao Shan loved the school library for several reasons.
    C.The environment of the school library is attractive to Zhang Yan and Zhao Shan.
    Writing Strategy (Writing a topic sentence)
    A topic sentence gives readers an overview of what they are about to read.It usually appears at the beginning or the end of a paragraph.
    3.Combine the topic sentence and the selected notes into a paragraph.Add your paragraph to the sample paragraph below.
    New Friends,New Voices
    This year our school has 300 new students.They felt happy to share their experiences and feelings about their first week at school.

    Zhang Yan said the library is decorated with plants,lovely desks and chairs and she felt totally relaxed while studying or reading there.Zhao Shan remembered he borrowed Selected Stories of O.Henry within five minutes.The computer helped him quickly find the book because the self-service borrowing system was very convenient.

    Reading B
    Dear Daughter,
    I know注意英文书信的格式:题目正中间;开头称呼顶格,称呼后不用冒号用逗号;正文空一格或一个单词的位置。
    perhaps you will be surprised to read this: I remember well what it was like to be a teenager.what引导的宾语从句;what充当like的宾语。
    As as是高中词汇里可以独立成章的语法词,用法很多:

    一)as作副词,表示程度,意为“同样地”。在“as...as...”,“not as...as...”结构中的第一个as是副词,作“和/与...(不)一样”解。eg:Jack is as tall as his father.杰克和他的父亲一样高。He doesn't speak English as/so fluently as you.他的英语说得不如你流利。

    1.作“如,像”解。eg:They got united as one man.他们团结得像一个人一样。
    2.作“充当,作为”解。eg:As a writer,he was famous.作为作家,他是很有名的。

    eg:He shouted aloud as her ran along.他一边往前跑,一边高声地呼喊。I was startled as he opened the door.他一开门,我吓了一跳。

    eg;As a little boy (When he was a little boy)he began to learn to play piano.

    eg;I must stop writing now,as I have rather a lot of work to do.我必须停笔了,因为我还有许多工作要做。

    eg:As in your country,we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south.正如(像)你们国家一样,我们在北方种小麦,在南方种大米。(方式状语从句)When at Rome,do as Romans do.入乡随俗。(方式状语从句)

    eg;Strange as it may seem,it is true.尽管这事看上去很奇怪,但却是真的。
    Try as he might,Tom could not get out of the difficulties.不管怎样努力,汤姆还是摆脱不了困境。

    1.引导限制性定语从句,用在“such...as”,“the same...as”,“as...as”等结构中,常译作“像...一样的人(或物)”,“凡是...的人(或物)”。
    eg:He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was.他曾希望做一个像雷锋那样的人。My hometown is no longer the same as it was.我的家乡再也不像过去一样了。
    eg:As is well known,oceans cover more than 70% of the earth.我们知道,海洋占地球面积的百分之七十以上。
    I watch you prepare for your first day of senior high school, there are a few things I want you to know.

    You may be putting yourself under pressure toput oneself under pressure/danger/embarrassment是英语中的习惯表达,表示将自己置于某种境况之下。
    make sure that everything is perfect for that first day, but I want you to know that there’s no such thing as perfect. I’ve said it before, but it bearsbear意思比较多,在该句中表示值得,经得起,承受得起。
    repeating. There is noting perfect. There is only good enough, but what is most importantwhat引到的主语从句;what在从句中充当主语。
    is believing you’re good enough—just as you are.

    Also ,remember that you’re not in this boat alone .You’re not the only one facing a new schoolfacing短语做后置定语。
    face常用的搭配是face sth.或者是be faced with sth.
    , new classmates, new teachers, new expectations and new pressures. At some point在某种意义上;在某种程度上
    , everyone else is—or was—where you are right now. I hope you find comfort in that.

    There might be some people who will not always be so friendly to you .You will find such people not only in senior high school, butnot only…but (also)…不仅…而且…作为一个并列连词,不仅引导并列句子成分,还可以引导一个句子。

    另外需要注意的是,not only 本身带有否定意义,当它位于句首引导一个句子时,not only后面的句子要用半倒装结构,后面的but also用正常语序即可。
    Not only was he capable but also he could be trusted.

    throughout your adult life .When you are reflecting onreflect 做及物动词时,有反射,反映的意思;
    a nasty comment someone made on you or an unfriendly glance that came your way, I hope you’ll remember that these behaviours always say more about the giver than the receiver and there will never be a shortage of kind people and genuine smiles in your life. Remember that, too, when you are temptedtempted /ˈtɛmptɪd/ 
    被引诱 (而想做) 的 
    I'm very tempted to sell my house.

    to be nasty to someone else.

    As you go forward into this new chapter in your life, I hope you’ll realize early that we are most often held back by the limitations we put on ourselves—by the stories we tell ourselves about who and what we are. Whenever you’re tempted to say, “I can’t ...” or “I’m not ...” about something you really want to achieve, I hope you’ll change that story—because you can and you are.







    Comprehension Plus
    I. Complete the table based on the letter.
    Daughter’s possible problems
    Mother’s advice
    Trying to make everything perfect for the first day at school.
    Believe you are good enough.

    II.Answer the questions.
    1.What qualities does the mother wish her daughter to have?
    2.How might the daughter feel after reading the letter?
    Critical Thinking (Identifying key messages from different texts)
    I.What suggestions for senior high school students have you learned from this unit?Identify the key messages and put them in the corresponding boxes.
    Suggestions for senior high school students
    Teacher’s advice:
    Senior’s tips:
    Mother’s advice:
    Father’s advice:
    Other suggestions:
    II.What other suggestions for school life have you been given before?Write them in the blanks above.How do you feel about these suggestions?What suggestions would you like to give high school starters based on your experiences?

    Further Exploration
    Describing an ideal school life
    Work in groups.Share what you know about school life and describe your ideal school life.
    Step 1:Share something interesting,meaningful or unique about your school life in the past or at present.Search for Information related to school life in different countries.Put the information you have shared and collected in the table.

    School 1
    School 2


    School life 1:Courses

    School life 2:Activities


    Step 2:Sort out the Information you have collected.Hold a discussion and select the part of school life you like.Work out an ideal school life by putting together your favourite parts.
    Step 3:Decide whether to present it as a report,a short play,a talk show or an interview.Prepare two questions for the audience to answer.
    Step 4:Take turns to give presentations and raise questions.The audience should take notes while listening and be prepared to answer the questions.

    Look at the expected learning outcomes of this unit and answer the questions.
    A.Figuring out feelings of senior high school starters
    B.Talking about experiences and feelings about senior high school life
    C.Describing ideal school life in a certain culture
    D.Identifying tips about school life from different sources
    E.Reading a text quickly to get the main idea
    F.Using proper expressions to show interest in a discussion
    G.Writing a topic sentence for a paragraph
    Which of the above have you done well?Why and how?
    Which of the above do you still find difficult?Why?
    What do you plan to do if you find something difficult?






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