小学英语新版-牛津上海版三年级上册Module2 my familymy friends and meunit 6 Me获奖教案设计
展开教学内容 | 6、Me. |
教学 目标
| 知识与技能: 1.掌握本单元的核心词汇。 2.能用I’m … My … is /are …介绍自己的五官等外貌特征。 3.能正确书写英文字母Kk和Ll。 4.能理解故事《小猫咪找妈妈》的内容,并能做角色扮演。 6.学会欣赏自己。 |
过程与方法: 通过情景表演,让学生在模仿、学习、表演的过程中学会介绍自己的五官等外貌特征。 | |
情感、态度与价值观: 通过模仿、游戏、听读等各种形式让学会介绍自己的五官等外貌特征。 | |
教学重点 | 1.字母Kk和Ll的正确书写和发音。 2.词汇hair,eye,ear,nose,mouth,face,big,long,look,small. 3.句型I’m … My … is /are … |
教学难点 | 在I’m … My … is /are的句型中正确运用名词单复数和形容词。 |
教学方法 | 听读法、情境表演法 |
教学准备 | 教学光盘、单词卡片。 |
教学过程设计 | |
教学过程 | 第一课时 一、Pre-task preparations 1.在黑板上画出或用多媒体呈现几组图片(一只老鼠和一头大象;Mr Li和Kitty,Ben等等)。然后教师针对每组图片提问引导学生回答问题,通过问答复习一些形容词和已学句型。 T:(show the picture of a mouse and an elephant)Big,big,big.What is big? S1: Big,big,big.The elephant is big? T:(show the picture of Mr Li and Kitty)Short,short,short.What is short? S2:Short,short,short.Kitty is short? 2.播放Sing a song的歌曲,让学生先听后跟唱,初步感知本单元将要学习的有关五官和头发的词汇。 二、While-task procedures 1.用挂图或多媒体呈现Look and learn女孩的头像,教师指着各个部位引出本单元新授单词,学生集体跟说单词。 T:(point to the girl’s face) Look,This is a girl.She is beautiful.Look here.This is her face.Face,face. Ss:Face,face. T:(point to an eye of the girl) This is her eye.Eye,eye. Ss: Eye,eye. T:(point to an ear of the girl) This is her ear.Ear,ear. Ss: Ear,ear. 2.借助玩偶帮助学生熟悉新授词汇。教师先示范,边描述边指出玩偶脸上相应的部位,随后教师可以让学生拿着玩偶描述其脸上的部位。可以根据学生实际适当拓展描述用语。 T:(point to different parts of a puppet girl) Face,face.this is her round face.Eye,eye,this is her big eye. Ear,ear,this is her ear.Nose,nose,this is her nose.Mouth,mouth,this is her mouth. Hair,hair,this is her long hair. S1: … 3.教师出示一面镜子,边照镜子边自编儿歌操练有关五官的词汇。然后让学生也照着镜子模仿操练。 T:(hold the mirror) Look in the mirror.What can I see? Two eyes,two ears, a nose,a mouth and a face. I can see me. Now take out your mirrors. Look in the mirror. What can you see? S1:(hold the mirror) Two eyes,two ears, a nose,a mouth and a face. I can see me.I can see me. …引出新句型I’m … My … is /are …,让学生听然后仿说。 T:(point to the face)My hair is long/short.My eyes are big/small. Ss: My hair is long/short.My eyes are big/small. 4.播放Listen and say的录音,学生看着课文图片逐句跟读,学习本单元的新授句型。然后让学生分为男生和女生两个大组,男生朗读Peter的描述,女生朗读Kitty的描述。 三、Post-task activities 1.将一些形容词的单词卡片贴在黑板上供学生参考,让他们练习把五官词汇结合起来使用。教师先示范,边说儿歌边指着相应的部位。然后请个别学生到台上说说自编的儿歌。 T:My eyes are big,big,big. My ears are big,big,big. My nose is small,small,small. My hair is short,short,short. Ss:My eyes are big,big,big. My ears are big,big,big. My nose is small,small,small. My hair is short,short,short. … 2.学生两人一组开展Quick response游戏。一个学生发指令,其同伴在自己身上指出相应的部位并说出相应的单词,第一个学生要判断同伴是否指对了部位。两人互换角色继续开展活动。教师可以先和个别学生示范游戏方法。 T:Point to your face. S1:(point to the face)Face. T:Right.Point to your nose. S1:(point to the nose)Nose. … S1:Point to your mouth. S2:(point to the mouth)Mouth. S1:Right.Point to your ear. S2:(point to the ear)Ear. S1:Right. … 四、Assignment 1、听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。 2、与同学练习对话,掌握本课句型,识记单词hair,eye,ear,nose,mouth,face,big,long,look,small.
第二课时 一、Pre-task preparations 1.通过儿歌复习有关五官的单词。教师先示范编儿歌,学生再仿说。特别提醒学生注意eye,ear的复数形式以及和在句中的不同用法。 T:(touch the face) Face,face,face.This is my face. (point to one eye) Eye,eye,eye.This is my eye. (point to one eye first,then two eyes) One eye,two eyes.These are my eyes. S1:(touch the mouth) Mouth,mouth,mouth.This is my mouth. (point to the ear) Ear,ear,ear.This is my ear. (point to one ear first,then two ears) One ear,two ears.These are my ears. … 然后播放Sing a Song的录音,让学生跟唱,提示他们边唱边指脸上相应的部位。 2.各学生玩Simon says游戏。老师发指令,如果指令前面不加Simon says,则学生不能做任何反应,任何反应都算犯规。如果指令前面加上Simon says,则学生听指令后作动作并说相应的句子,看哪位学生又快又准地做到所有要求。 T: Simon says,“Touch your face.” S1:(touch the face)Face,face,face.My face is big. T:Open your mouth. S1:(do mot open the mouth) T:Simon says:“Point to your nose.” S1:(point to the nose)Nose,nose nose,My nose is small. T:Touch your ears. S1:(do mot touch the ears) T:Simon says,“Close your eyes.” S1:(close the eyes)Eyes,eyes,eyes.My eyes are big. T:Very good! … 二、While-task procedures 1.用多媒体逐一呈现班级中一个长发、圆脸女孩和一个短发、长脸男孩的照片,教师就两人脸型和头发长短的不同提问,引导学生说话。让学生通过真实的人物问答活动既复习Unit 5学习的句型,又操练本单元新授句型和词汇。 T:(show the picture of a girl with a round face) Who is she? Ss:She’s … T: She is so lovely. Look at her face. It is round. (draw a circle in the air) Round,round. Ss:(draw a circle in the air) Round,round. T: Round,round,round,what is round? (point to the face on the screen) Her face is round. Ss:Round,round,round … T:(show the picture of a boy with a long face) Who is he? Ss:He’s … T: He is so cute. Look at his face. Is his face round? Ss: No. T: Right.His face isn’t round. It is long. (draw a oval in the air) Long,long. Ss:(draw a voal in the air) Long,long. T: Long,long,long,what is long? (point to the face of the boy on the screen) His face is long. Ss: Long,long,long,his face is long. … T:(point to the girl’s hair on the screen) Long,long,long,her hair is long. Ss: Long,long,long,her hair is long. T:(point to the boy’s hair on the screen) Short,short,short,his hair is short. Ss: Short,short,short,his hair is short. T:Well done,everyone! 2.Point and say Joe S1: Hello,I’m … (name) I’m … and … My hair is … My face is … My ears are … My eyes are … My mouth is … … 3.把挂图贴在黑板上,播放Enjoy a story栏目的录音,让学生边听录音,边打钩完成下面的表格(教师事先准备好表格发给学生)。完成后集体核对答案。 4.播放Enjoy a story的录音并依次呈现四个画面,学生逐句跟读。注意呈现第一个画面并播放录音时,可让学生根据画面理解tail的意思。然后同桌之间分角色朗读这个故事,一个学生扮演找妈妈的小猫,另一个学生则要用不同的说话声音分别扮演母兔、母狗、老鼠和猫妈妈。鼓励学生补充图3、图4中老鼠和猫妈妈的语言。 Mouse:No! My eyes are small.My tail is thin. Cat: Yes! My ears are small. My tail is long. I’m your Mum! 三、Post-task activities 1.事先让学生准备好动物面具(如在Project1做的兔子面具),要求学生戴上面具作自我介绍。教师可先示范。 T:Hello,I’m Mr Rabbit. I’m fat. My ears are long. My eyes are red. My tail is short. … 2.让学生扮演一个小动物找爸爸或妈妈。教师可以先示范扮演多个角色,然后让学生四人一组排练后上台表演。可根据学生的实际情况适当拓展一些语言。 S1:(hold a toy puppy)Dad,where are you?(to S2)Are you my dad? S2:(hold a toy cat)No,My ears are small. My mouth is small. S1:(to S3)Good morning. Are you my dad? S3:(hold a toy mouse)No. My eyes are small. My tail is long. S1:(to S4)Good afternoon. Are you my dad? S4:(hold a toy dog) Yes, I am. 四、Assignment 1、听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。 2、与同学练习对话,掌握本课句型,识记单词hair,eye,ear,nose,mouth,face,big,long,look,small.
第三课时 一、Pre-task preparations 1.用歌唱比赛引导学生入课。让学生分组演唱Sing a song的歌曲,然后评选出表演得最好的一组。鼓励他们边唱边配上夸张的手势或其他肢体语言。
2.让学生开展“猜猜我是谁”活动。请一位学生上台并戴上眼罩,然后根据一位学生的自我描述,猜出这个学生是谁。 S1:Hello,I’m a girl.My hair is long.My eyes are big. My ears are big too. My nose is small and my face is round. Who am I? S2:Are you …? S1:Yes./No,I’m … 二、While-task procedures 1.老师先带领学生按照字母表的顺序将已经尝过的字母Aa至Jj背诵一遍。然后,教师出示其中某个字母卡片,要求学生以最快的念出相应的字母。 T: (show the flashcard of letter Ff) Ss: Ff. T:Good!(show another flashcard) … 然后帮助学生和书写新授字母Kk和Ll. T: (show the flashcard of letter Kk) Kk,Kk,Kk. Ss: Kk,Kk,Kk. T: Kk,Kk,Kite. Ss;Kk,Kk,Kite. T: (show the flashcard of letter Ll) Ll,Ll,Ll. Ss: Ll,Ll,Ll. T: Ll,Ll,lion. Ss: Ll,Ll,lion. 最后,呈现Learn the letters栏目的儿歌内容,让学生跟着录音诵读儿歌。 2.找字母比赛。让学生分别在Listen and say和Enjoy a story中找出含有新授字母Kk和Ll的词,乍谁找得又快又多。 3.呈现不同的卡通人物(如Garfield,Snoopy, Mickey Mouse),让每位学生选择并扮演一个自己喜欢的卡通形象作自我介绍。老师先示范,可用多媒体呈现Enjoy a story第一幅图的画面作为引子。 T:(point to the rabbit’s tail in “Enjoy a story” )How is the rabbit’s tail,long or short? Ss: Short. T:Yes.(point to the cat’s tail in “Enjoy a story”) How is the cat’s tail,long or short? Ss:Long. T:Right.(show the picture of Garfield) I’m Garfield. My tail is long. S1: I’m Snoopy. My tail is short. S2: I’m Mickey Mouse. My tail is long. 4.让学生五人一组,分别戴上小猫咪、兔子、狗、老鼠和猫妈妈的头饰表演Enjoy a story里的故事。让全班评选出表演得最好的一组。 三、Post-task activities 1.让每位学生为自己喜欢的动物编一个谜语,先与同桌互相交流,再上台说给大家猜。教师先示范编谜语: 2.让学生在《练习册》的Task的第一部分框中贴上自己的照片,四人一组在小组中轮流介绍自己。 T:Hello,I’m big,very big. My ears are big and my nose is long. My eyes are small and my mouth is big. What am I …? S1: Are you ? T: Yes./No. … 接着让学生阅读Task第二部分的句子,并根据自己的理解在画框中画一画,然后为所画的人取一个名字,向同桌介绍。 2.让学生扮演一个小动物找爸爸或妈妈。教师可以先示范扮演多个角色,然后让学生四人一组排练后上台表演。可根据学生的实际情况适当拓展一些语言。 S1:His/Her name is … His/Her face is … His/Her eyes are … 四、Assignment 1、听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。 2、与同学练习对话,掌握本课句型,识记单词hair,eye,ear,nose,mouth,face,big,long. |
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