2021学年Unit 5 Music教案
展开Unit 5 MusicReading and Thinking: The Virtual Choir 教案文本简析 本单元阅读文本的话题是美国音乐制作人埃里克·惠塔克(Eric Whitacre)创作的一种合唱形式——虚拟合唱团,旨在让读者不仅对其组织形式、制作方式和产生的原因等有所了解,还对这种形式给人们歌唱方式和整个世界带来的积极影响有所认识。 该文本采用了说明性文体,共四段:第一段介绍了虚拟合唱团的组织形式、制作方式,以及所产生的积极影响;第二、三两段介绍了虚拟合唱团创始人埃里克·惠塔克在音乐方面的经历,重点介绍了他于2009年创办首个虚拟合唱团“金色光芒(Lux Aurumque)”的前因后果和2014年为联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)创办的“虚拟青年合唱团(Virtual Youth Choir)”;第四段是作者对虚拟合唱团的形式和影响的感悟。 阅读策略上,学生可快速浏览文本,利用标题和图片等信息了解文本框架,把握文本大意,判断文本体裁,理解作者态度,并融入自己的思考,训练学生的批判性思维。第1课时一、教学内容 本节课的重点为处理文本信息,在了解何为虚拟合唱团及其创始人主要信息的基础上,进一步理解为什么会出现虚拟合唱团以及它的出现对人们和社会又产生了什么样的影响。二、课时目标 1. 通过整体阅读活动,获取虚拟合唱团及其创始人的基本信息,并梳理虚拟合唱团的发展历程及其给人类社会带来的正面影响。 2. 通过寻读、细读等阅读活动,总结虚拟合唱团的成因,并深入理解作者要传递的深层含义。 3. 通过梳理文本介绍虚拟合唱团的篇章布局,了解写作特点,为第二课时的仿写做好铺垫。三、教学过程 Activity 1:Activating background knowledge of the virtual choir 本活动为实现课时目标1做铺垫。 1. Talk about what a choir is. Q1: What did you see in the video? Q2: What is a choir? 2. Talk about whether people can sing together with hundreds of people while they are alone at home. Q: Could you imagine singing together with hundreds of people while you were at home alone? 【设计意图】通过课前播放One Voice Children’s Choir的视频,创设情境,引出主题;引导学生根据自身经验给合唱团下定义;通过提问,激活学生背景知识,提升其阅读兴趣。 Activity 2:Reading the whole passage to get the main idea 本活动旨在落实课时目标1。 Q1: What is a virtual choir? Q2: How was the virtual choir created? 【设计意图】学生带着问题进行持续无干扰的整体阅读,让学生较为完整地认识文本内容,为下一步的分段解读做好准备。 Activity 3:Reading paragraph 1 to define a virtual choir and understand its advantages 本活动旨在落实课时目标1。 Q1: Can you define a virtual choir in your own words according to paragraph 1? Q2: What are the advantages of a virtual choir? 【设计意图】引导学生通过提取与问题相关的有效信息,明确虚拟合唱团的概念及产生的积极影响。 Activity 4: Reading paragraphs 2 & 3 to learn about the creator and creation of the virtual choir 本活动旨在落实课时目标1。 Q1: Who was the creator of virtual choir? (Finish Exercise 4 on Page 53) Q2: What did he fall in love with when he was at university? Q3: After he gained his master’s degree, what happened during the next ten years? Q5: How was he inspired to create the first virtual choir? 【设计意图】引导学生以略读、寻读等技巧,快速定位时间、地点、数量等相关信息;通过完成练习题,了解虚拟合唱团创始人的基本信息和发展历程。 Activity 5: Concluding what factors made the virtual choir possible 本活动旨在落实课时目标2。 Q: What factors made the virtual choir possible? T: Eric Whitacre’s professional background, his passion for classical music, and the popularity of his original compositions, as well as the development of technology. 【设计意图】通过列举的方式,引导学生再次梳理虚拟合唱团的成因。 Activity 6: Concluding the structure of the passage by focusing on the last paragraph 本活动旨在落实课时目标3。 Q1: Why can the virtual choir make the world a better place? Q2: What is the difference between the information in the last paragraph and the first paragraph? Q3: How is the passage organized? 【设计意图】通过引导学生关注首尾段的对应关系,梳理文本的篇章结构和重要信息,为第二课时的说明文写作微技能指导奠定基础。 Activity 7: Reflecting on what has been learnt in class 本活动旨在落实课时目标1、2、3。 Q: What have we learnt today? 【设计意图】通过反思自身学习成果的方法,总结归纳本课的教学重点,进一步巩固阅读成果。 Assignment 1. Read the passage aloud. 2. Summarize paragraph 1 within 60 words, using your own words. 3. Underline the useful expressions, patterns, and sentences in the reading passage. 【设计意图】通过熟读课文、画出重点词汇句式等方式,使学生进一步熟悉文本;通过概括首段内容的方式,完成所学主题内容、语言知识、篇章结构的创新。 The teacher’s version for Assignment 2: Members of a virtual choir record their singing alone at home, and then their videos get combined into one video through the use of technology. Using the Internet allows the choir to connect ordinary people from all over the world. It creates a global community and positively affects people’s lives. (50 words)第2课时一、教学内容 本课时围绕阅读文本介绍一个新事物的谋篇布局特点,让学生通过小组讨论的方式,探讨作者运用的说明文写作技巧及其在介绍虚拟合唱团时发挥的作用,在实践中进行模仿运用,介绍中国的无声合唱团,发展学生的综合语言能力。二、课时目标 1. 通过复习文本主要信息,激活学生原有认知; 2. 通过判断作者选用的写作手法,概括该技巧所达成的写作效果,构建手段与目的之间的逻辑联系。 3. 根据教师所提供信息创设的情境,模仿The Virtual Choir文本,借鉴其部分语言和写作手法进行仿写。三、教学过程 Activity 1:Reviewing what has been learnt and introducing the new lesson 本活动为实现课时目标1做铺垫。 Q1: What did you see in the video? Q2: What is a virtual choir? How do we get the information? Q3: Do you still remember how the passage was organized? Q4: Can you read your summary of the first paragraph? 【设计意图】课前播放虚拟合唱团的首次表演视频,激活学生相关知识;口头复习上一节课学习的主要内容,以及该文本的篇章结构,为下一环节的指导做好铺垫。 Activity 2:Learning about the function and the structure of an expository passage 本活动旨在落实课时目标1。 Q1: What kind of writing is the passage? Q2: What is the purpose of an expository passage? Q3: How is an expository passage organized? Q4: What factual information does the author convey in the passage The Virtual Choir? 【设计意图】结合说明文特征,了解该文体的主要功能(to convey factual information)和基本结构,并以信息卡(左上表)的方式对该文本主要信息进行简单梳理,使学生较为形象地认知该文体的特点。 Activity 3:Clarifying and concluding the writing techniques used in the passage 本活动旨在落实课时目标2。 Q1: What writing techniques does the author use in his or her writing? (In groups of four, read and discuss, using the handout given by the teacher.) Q2: Who’d like to share their opinions? Q3: What functions do these techniques have? 【设计意图】以四人小组讨论的形式,鼓励学生根据教师提供的讲义“Something you are supposed to know about expository writing”,辨别并总结作者在文本中所使用的写作技巧及其效果,为后面的仿写做好铺垫。 Activity 4:Getting factual information about the Silence Choir 本活动为实现课时目标3做铺垫。 Q1: Do you know of any Chinese choirs? Q2: What are they called? T: Today I’d like to introduce a special choir to you. Q3: Can you guess why the choir is called the Silence Choir? T: You can find the answer in the video. Q4: What information do you get from the video? Q5: What other information do you find from the news in the video? Let’s fill in the information card. 【设计意图】本环节依托中国的无声合唱团创设情境,根据教师提供的相关信息,以信息卡(右上表)的形式,帮助学生梳理与主题相关的主要信息,为下一环节介绍无声合唱团提供信息支撑。 Activity 5: Writing an expository passage to introduce China’s Silence Choir 本活动旨在落实课时目标3。 In groups of four, write an expository passage to introduce China’s Silence Choir using at least 2 writing techniques. Your writing should be: ? topic-focused; ? clearly organized; ? logically and concisely written. Q: Which group can share with us their opening sentence? 【设计意图】本环节旨在鼓励学生学以致用,将本课提炼出来的文本结构和写作技巧运用到写作当中。 Activity 6: Reflecting on what has been learnt in class 本活动旨在落实课时目标1、2、3。 Q: What have we learnt today? 【设计意图】引导学生通过反思、总结说明文篇章结构及写作技巧等教学重点,进一步巩固学习成果。 Assignment Finish writing the passage with the help of the information card after class, and try to polish your writing with the help of your group. 【设计意图】通过写的任务巩固所学的内容,完成基于说明文文本特征的篇章结构、写作技巧的创新。 The teacher’s version: Could you imagine a group of deaf mute children singing together on a stage? It may sound impossible, but a team of artists has created a special choir called the Silence Choir, made up of fourteen disabled children from Guangxi who cannot hear or utter a word. Together, they create the most beautiful voice in the world, which recently shocked an audience at the Beijing Concert Hall and moved them into tears. The Silence Choir, founded in November 2013, was the idea of Zhang Yong, a musician from Xiamen, and Li Bo, an artist from Beijing. Inspired by a sound made by a deaf mute they happened to hear on the street, the two decided to try something different and add the beautiful voice to their music. They went to a special school for deaf mute children in a small village, but they were disappointed by the fact that the children were unwilling to make a sound. They were about to give up, when Yang Weiwei, then only 4 years old, ran up to them and made the sound of “ah”. Zhang and Li then became determined to help the children build up their confidence by forming a choir. They spent five years training the children to make vocal sounds and then taught them to “sing”a chorus. The Beijing Concert Hall was the third stop on their national performance tour. The Silence Choir helps children become more confident, and it connects them with the community through music. Li Bo believes that the value of the Silence Choir is not to find a way out for the children, but to show them a bigger world and offer more choices in the future. Li Bo said, “It is not the minutes on stage that matter, but the fact that they can live better with more dignity when they return to the village.”
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