
外研版·英语·六年级上册第一课时第二课时Module 4Unit 2 Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival.Foreign Festivals April Fool's DayFlag Day Thanksgiving DayChristmasTalk about your favourite foreign festivals. 三角四楞长,珍珠里面藏,想尝珍珠味,解带剥衣裳。 (打一食物)What festival do we eat zongzi?The Dragon Boat Festival.(龙舟节\端午节。) 端午节为每年农历五月初五,又称端阳节、午日节、五月节、龙舟节、浴兰节等,是流行于中国以及汉字文化圈诸国的传统文化节日,与春节、清明节、中秋节并称为中国四大传统节日。端午节起源于中国, 最初为祛病防疫的节日,吴越之地春秋之前有在农历五月初五以龙舟竞渡形式举行部落图腾祭祀的习俗,后因诗人屈原抱石自投汨罗江身死,又成为华人纪念屈原的传统节日。端午节自古便有食粽、饮雄黄酒的习俗。平日不思,中秋想你,有方有圆,甜甜蜜蜜。 (打一食物)What festival do we eat moon cakes ?The Mid-Autumn Festival.(中秋节。) 中秋节,又称祭月节、仲秋节、月亮节、团圆节等,是中国民间的传统节日。中秋节自古便有祭月、赏月、吃月饼、玩花灯、赏桂花、饮桂花酒等民俗,流传至今,经久不息。 中秋节以月之圆兆人之团圆,为寄托思念故乡,思念亲人之情,祈盼丰收、幸福,成为丰富多彩、弥足珍贵的文化遗产。 中秋节与春节、清明节、端午节并称为中国四大传统节日。2006年5月20日,国务院列入首批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。自2008年起中秋节被列为国家法定节假日。1. What do we eat at the Mid-Autumn Festival?We eat moon cakes.2. What do we eat at the Dragon Boat Festival?We eat zongzi.Daming: We eat moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.Simon: Do you eat dragon cakes at the Dragon Boat Festival?Daming: No, we eat zongzi.Do you know more about traditional Chinese festivals?the Lantern Festivalthe Dragon Boat Festivalthe Spring Festivalthe Mid-Autumn FestivalWhat do you do on these festivals?We say happy new year to each other. At the Spring FestivalWe have a special family dinner.We eat dumplings. We watch the Spring Festival Gala.At the Mid-Autumn FestivalWe eat moon cakes.We see the moon.月饼At the Lantern FestivalWe hang lanterns.We eat yuanxiao.We can see dragon dances.灯笼悬挂,吊At the Dragon Boat FestivalWe can see the dragon boat race.We eat zongzi.比赛,竞赛a1. I love this festival. We all go to see the _____ _____ ____. We eat ______. It’s very delicious.2. My mother loves this festival. She makes delicious _____ _____. My father likes this festival too. He sings _______ about the ______.He sings very well.dragon boat race zongzi moon cakes moonsongs3. This is my family.Our favourite festival is the _____ ______. We have a _____ _______dinner. And we eat _______.4. My favourite festival is the ______ ________. It is after the Spring Festival. People eat ________, hang ______ and do _______ _______. Spring Festival special familydumplings Lantern Festivaldragon dancesyuanxiaolanternsSummaryTraditional Chinese festivals: the Spring Festivalthe Lantern Festivalthe Dragon Boat Festivalthe Mid-Autumn Festival农历正月农历正月十五农历五月初五农历八月十五Match the sentences:we have a big family dinner the Spring Festival we go to see dragon dancesthe Mid-Autumn Festival we see the dragon boat racethe Lantern Festival we eat moon cakes and see a big and round moon the Dragon Boat Festival 1.朗读并背诵第四模块第二单元的单词。2.朗读第四模块第二单元活动一、二的句型。HomeworkTalk about your favourite foreign/Chinese festivals. 1. What do we see at the Dragon Boat Festival?We see the dragon boat race.2. What do we eat at the Dragon Boat Festival?We eat zongzi.1. Who loves the Mid-Autumn Festival?My mother loves this festival.2. What does she do?She makes delicious moon cakes.3. What does my father do at the Mid-Autumn Festival?He sings songs about the moon.1. What is my family’s favourite festival?Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival.2. What does we do?We have a special family dinner.3. What do we eat?We eat dumplings.1. When is the Lantern Festival?It is after the Spring Festival.2. What do people do at the Lantern Festival?People eat yuanxiao, hang lanterns and do dragon dances.The Dragon Boat FestivalI love this festival. We all go to see the dragon boat race. We eat zongzi. It's very delicious.The Mid-Autumn FestivalMy mother loves this festival. She makes delicious moon cakes. My father likes this festival too. He sings songs about the moon. He sings very well.The Spring FestivalThis is my family. Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival. We have a special family dinner. And we eat dumplings.The Lantern FestivalMy favourite festival is the Lantern Festival. It is after the Spring Festival. People eat yuanxiao, hang lanterns and do dragon dances.活动指导:1.看第一幅图,补充其他可能的对话,比如爸爸和男孩的对话。2.看第二、三幅图, 分析节日场景和人物活动,注意抓住图中的关键信息。3.5-6人一组,分角色扮演,编对话并表演。Let’s eat some yuanxiao.Oh, I like yuanxiao.Act and say.语音指导:1. 听音频,感受单词的重音和句子的重读。2. 逐句跟读,体会句子中黑体词与非黑体词、黑体词中画线部分与非画线部分的语音差异,感知单词的重音和句子的重读。Can you tell me more about American festivals, Simon?Well, Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.We always have a special meal. It’s a big family dinner.We say “thank you” for our food, family and friends.I am me (clap, clap)and you are you. (clap, clap)I am me and you are you.Now let's see what we can do.We can jump (clap, clap)and we can run. (clap, clap)We can jump and we can run.We're having lots of fun.We look at them. (clap, clap)They look at us. (clap, clap)We look at them. They look at us.We're all looking for the school bus.活动指导 1. 看图朗读对话,理解活动要求。2.两人一组,仿照示例展开练习,注意抓住节日的主要活动或日期等编对话。Is it in winter?No, it isn’t.Is it in autumn?Yes, it is.Is it the Mid-Autumn Festival?Yes, it is.Can you tell me more about the Mid-Autumn Festival?Yes,...Write about your favourite festival and talk about it.The Dragon Boat Festival is a special day for Chinese people. On this day we...My Favourite Festival My favourite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. On this day, we go to see the dragon boat race. We eat zongzi. It’s very delicious. I love the Dragon Boat Festival.人称代词的格 heme mymineusouroursherherhershimhishisyouyour yoursthem theirtheirsititsitsSummary My favourite 1. is the Mid-Autumn Festival. My mother 2. it too. My father likes eating 3. very much. 4. favourite festival is the Lantern Festival. My mother often makes yuanxiao for 5. . My grandpa and grandma like the Spring Festival. It's 6. favourite festival.选词填空,补全短文His him their likes festival yuanxiaofestivallikes yuanxiaoHishimtheir1.朗读并背诵第四模块第二单元学习的单词。2.朗读并背诵活动二的课文。3.写一写自己喜欢的节日,不少于五句话Homework
