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    第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共95分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What will the wman have fr lunch?
    A. A pizza.B. A salad.C. A sandwich.
    2. What are the speakers ging t d?
    A. G t a class.B. Buy a new phne.C. Find a repair stre.
    3. Hw des the man sund?
    A. Sad.B. Prud.C. Cheerful.
    4. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In a theater.B. In a car park.C. In a city park.
    5. When will the discussin begin?
    A. At 15:20.B. At 15:30.C. At 15:40.
    6. What is wrng with the wman?
    A. Her cell phne is pwered ff.B. She can’t finish her hmewrk.C. She is unsatisfied with her manager.
    7. When des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the mrning.B. In the afternn.C. In the evening
    8. What is Game Brain?
    A. A game.B. A cmputer.C. A prgram.
    9. What is the man trying t d?
    A. Explain hw a cmputer prgram wrks.
    B. Ask the wman t play a new game with him.
    C. Persuade the wman t put mney int his idea.
    10. Wh is Gladys?
    A. The wman’s c-wrker.B. The wman’s ld neighbr.C. The wman’s painting teacher.
    11. What clr is Gladys’ hair nw?
    A. Red.B. Brwn.C. Black.
    12. What did Gladys nce d fr the speakers?
    A. She tk care f their cat.B. She taught them hw t paint.C. She helped with their shpping.
    13. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. An exam.B. A party.C. A present
    14. What will the speakers d n Oct. 26th?
    A. Hld a party.B. Take exams.C. Shp fr sme fd.
    15. Why des the wman think the schl cafeteria is the best chice?
    A. The fd there is clean.B. It prvides a lw price.C. Everybdy is familiar with it.
    16. What will the speakers buy fr Gary?
    A. A bag.B. A dictinary.C. A watch.
    17. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. Sptting a lst tiger.B. Feeding a hungry tiger.C. Lking after a sick tiger.
    18. Where did Max Kuss find the tiger?
    A. In a park.B. On the street.C. In a parking lt.
    19. What made the tiger be called Watermeln?
    A. His nature.B. His appearance.C. His lve fr the fruit.
    20. When was the tiger caught by the plice?
    A. At 1:00 a.m.B. At 4:45 a.m.C. At 5:30 a.m.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 (共10小题:每小题2.5分,满分25分)
    I grew up knwing 1 was different. and I hated it. I was brn with a misshapen lip, crked (弯曲的) nse and lpsided teeth. I culdn’t even blw up a balln withut hlding my nse, and when I bent t drink frm a funtain, the water spilled ut f my nse. When schlmates asked, “What happened t yur lip?” I’d tell them that I’d fallen as a baby and cut it n a piece f glass. It seemed mre acceptable t have suffered an accident than t have been brn different. By the age f seven I had been cnvinced that n ne utside my wn family culd ever lve me. Or even like me.
    And then I entered secnd grade, and Mrs. Lenard’s class. I never knew what her first name was — just Mrs. Lenard. She was rund and pretty and fragrant, with chubby arms and shining brwn hair and warm, dark eyes that smiled even n the rare ccasins when her muth didn’t. Everyne adred her. But n ne came t lve her mre than I did. And fr a special reasn.
    The time came fr the annual “hearing tests” given at ur schl. I was barely able t hear anything ut f ne ear, and was nt abut t shw yet anther prblem that wuld single me ut as different. S I cheated. Each child wuld g t the dr f the classrm, turn sideways, clse ne ear with a finger, and the teacher wuld whisper smething frm her desk, which the child wuld repeat. Then the same thing was dne fr the ther ear.
    I had discvered that nbdy checked t see hw tightly the untested ear was being cvered, s I merely pretended t blck mine. As usual, I was last. I turned my bad ear t her, blcking the ther slidly with my finger, then gently backed my finger ut enugh t be able t hear. I waited, and then came the wrds that Gd had surely put int her muth, seven wrds that changed my life frever.
    Mrs. Lenard, the pretty, fragrant teacher I adred, said sftly, “I wish yu were my little girl.”
    21. What can we learn abut the authr?
    A. She was brn different with a disability.
    B. She culd drink frm a funtain by hlding her nse.
    C. She culdn’t blw up a balln hwever hard she tried.
    D. She’d fallen as a baby and cut her lip n a piece f glass.
    22. Why did the authr cheat in the hearing test?
    A. She was barely able t hear anything.
    B. She culd hide her disability by pretending nrmal.
    C. Excellent hearing perfrmance wuld single her ut.
    D. Mst children wuld pretend t blck the untested ear as she did.
    23. What did the authr think f Mrs. Lenard?
    A. Humrus.B. Dishnest.C. Caring.D. Respnsible.
    24. What’s the best title fr the text?
    A. My Tugh Life with Disability.B. A Successful Cheat during a Test.
    C. Kind Actin f a Pretty Teacher.D. Seven Sweet Wrds that Changed My Life.
    Traditinal car-centered transprt planning has nt nly increased greenhuse gas emissins, but als harmfully impacted air quality, rad injuries and deaths, and traffic jams. As the wrld faces the climate crisis, as well as grwing risks in rad safety, a shift t sustainable transprt is needed. Attaining and sustaining high rates f walking and cycling — als knwn as active mbility — are amng the mst pwerful changes cmmunities can make. It des bring numerus ecnmic, envirnment, health and scial benefits t the cmmunity.
    First, high rates f active mbility lead t greater cnnectivity, reduced traffic and parking jam, mre reliable travel times and increased public transit ridership. Cities in Sutheast Asia lse 2% t 5% f their annual GDP t traffic jam, with Manila in the Philippines suffering the wrst lss at $67 millin per day. Imprving walking and cycling systems can help t lessen the financial lss assciated with it.
    Secnd, active travel can help reduce emissins t achieve glbal targets. Cities cntribute 70% f the wrld’s greenhuse gas emissins and 21% f these cme frm urban transprt alne. Shifting t walking and cycling is the quickest and mst efficient way t minimize the carbn ftprint f transprt.
    Third, psitive effects n public health are als abundant with safe walking and cycling systems. Fr example, the Wrld Health Organizatin fund that enhancing sustainable mbility in Accra, Ghana, culd save up t 5,500 deaths and an additinal 33,000 lives frm increased physical activity ver a 35-year perid — and a saving f $15 billin in health care csts.
    Finally, traveling by ft r bike even imprves justice and scial unity. After Istanbul, Turkey, pedestrianized (步行化) its city, a survey shwed that 68% f pedestrians interviewed felt mre cmfrtable in the area. Many lw-incme ppulatins als live with little transprt access r unsafe and incnvenient rutes t their destinatins. Cnstructing safe active travel netwrks can imprve access t pprtunities and services fr these disadvantaged grups.
    In cnclusin, peple’s physical, mental, scial and ecnmic health benefit frm the ability t walk r bike in safe envirnments.
    25. What can we learn abut the car-centered transprt?
    A. It is knwn as active mbility.
    B. It can have a harmful impact n air quality.
    C. It can bring numerus scial benefits t the cmmunity.
    D. It is amng the mst pwerful changes cmmunities can make.
    26. Which is a benefit f active mbility?
    A. Aviding the heath care csts.B. Slving sme traffic prblems.
    C. Increasing the greenhuse gas emissins.D. Imprving access fr the advantaged grups.
    27. What’s the authr’s purpse in writing the passage?
    A. T intrduce the benefits f walking and cycling.
    B. T urge peple t walk and cycle as much as pssible.
    C. T shw ways f develping the habit f walking and cycling.
    D. T explain the cnsequences f traditinal car-centered transprt.
    Sme evidence that certain memry exercises make peple smarter has stimulated the rise f nline brain-training prgrams such as Lumsity. But at least ne type f brain training may nt wrk as advertised, a new study finds.
    As expected, practicing imprved vlunteers’ perfrmance n tests f memry and the ability t lcate items quickly in busy scenes, say psychlgist Thmas Redick f Indiana University Purdue University Clumbus and his clleagues. That imprvement did nt, hwever, translate int higher scres n tests f intelligence and multitasking, the researchers reprt in the May Jurnal f Experimental Psychlgy General.
    Redick’s investigatin is part f a grwing scientific debate abut brain training, which is prmted by sme cmpanies as having a variety f mental benefits. Sme researchers say that extensive instructin and training n memry tasks can indeed frtify reasning and prblem slving. Others are dubtful that active memry sessins may bst their wrking memry, the ability t keep in mind and cmpare several pieces f infrmatin.
    Redick’s team studied 73 yung adults, aged 18 t 30, divided int three grups. One grup cmpleted 20 training sessins ver abut six weeks n a task aimed at bsting wrking memry, the ability t keep in mind and cmpare several pieces f infrmatin.
    A secnd grup in the new study received 20 training sessins aimed at imprving the ability t pick ut nvel shapes frm large arrays (阵列) f similar-lking shapes. This grup prvided a cmparisn t see whether the effects f memry training differed frm training n a different mental skill. A third grup received n training.
    In the tw training grups, vlunteers imprved with practice n the task they were learning but shwed n increases in tests f intelligence and f the ttal amunt f infrmatin that culd be held in mind.
    Participants in the new study didn’t receive enugh instructin and practice befre memry sessins t benefit frm the interventin (介入), Jaeggi says. Redick’s grup als gave vlunteers limited time t cmplete a series f shrtened versins f standard intelligence tests, which prbably limited any ptential fr scring increases, she asserts.
    But until larger studies with lnger fllw-ups are cmpleted, Redick cautins against assuming that memry training smartens peple up.
    28. What can we learn abut the study?
    A. 73 yung adults received memry training.
    B. The secnd grup was aimed at testing memry skill.
    C. Vlunteers shwed n imprvements in tests f intelligence.
    D. Further studies have been cmpleted t supprt Redick’s findings.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “frtify” mean?
    A. increase.B. dminate.C. restre.D. bst.
    30. Where is the text mst likely frm?
    A. A persnal diary.B. A bilgy textbk.C. A science magazine.D. A finance reprt.
    第二节 (共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)
    Dealing with schl stress is a must fr students during the curse f their educatin. T deal with schl stress, try t emply the fllwing strategies.
    Create an rganized wrkspace. 31 If yu’re wrking n a cmputer, cnsider turning ff yur internet brwser, r setting limits n yurself s that yu dn’t end up spending yur study time n ther nline activities.
    32 If yu have an assignment that feels verwhelming, divide it int several small nes that yu knw hw t d. If yu have a lng paper, yu might start by writing an utline. Then write 5-8 pages n each tpic listed in yur utline. Cmbine these shrt papers t make yur lng paper.
    Dn’t wait until the last minute. If yu are the kind f persn wh waits until the night befre it is due, yu knw hw stressful that can be. 33 Hwever, the best studying relies n infrmatin learned in the weeks befrehand.
    34 It’s great t be invlved in a variety f activities, but if yu dn’t have enugh time t d them all, yu’ll end up stressed. Remember that saying n isn’t always selfish, and saying yes isn’t always healthy.
    Ask fr help. Anther persn can take a fresh lk at yur wrkspace. 35 Cnsulting a prfessinal rganizer might als be an effective way t get a new system in place.
    A. Learn t say n.
    B. Set attainable shrt-term gals.
    C. Break large assignments int smaller parts.
    D. Find a wrkspace that’s free frm varius distractins.
    E. Participating in clrful activities is highly recmmended.
    F. Yu might ask a teacher r a peer fr help, if yu’re at schl.
    G. A burst f intense studying at the last minute can get yu thrugh exams.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完型填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    The beautiful gleaming sewing-machine sitting in the crner was ne f my mst 36 pssessins. Every time I dust it, it 37 me f the lessn I learned frm my grandpa and my dad.
    The first time I saw it, I was 38 in hme ecnmics (家政学) at cllege and 39 my very wn sewing machine. The lcal Sewing Machine center wuld sell thse with flaws (瑕疵) fr fifty cents t the first custmer n a certain day f the mnth. The machines were 40 t wrk and it was a real 41 . One day, Grandpa called, s prud, saying he d gtten ne and it was grgeus. When grandpa 42 the driveway, I 43 ut t greet him, fllwed by my dad. 44 , I watched as Grandpa pened the back f his wagn. My heart 45 . The machine was dirty and marked with cracks n the surface. My dad grandpa kept admiring its beauty, saying what a steal it was. Thinking they were 46 , I still plitely and thanked my grandpa, 47 my disappintment.
    Weeks later, my dad said he had smething special fr me. I 48 him t the garage, and there sat the mst stunning sewing machine I had 49 seen! The wd was a dark, rich walnut, smth and shining. It lked 50 . Dad had cleaned and plished that ld machine. Dad and Grandpa weren’t crazy at all. They had seen beynd the dirt and 51 . Frm the very 52 , they knew what the machine culd lk like.
    I can still see the 53 in my mind like it was yesterday — the day I learned even when life lks hpeless we must lk 54 the negative, and see the ptential 55 side.
    36. A. unlessB. wrthlessC. pricelessD. pintless
    37. A. remindsB. infrmsC. warnsD. cnvinces
    38. A. seedingB. majringC. fittingD. participating
    39. A. desperate frB. skeptical abutC. tired fD. fnd f
    40. A. frcedB. guaranteedC. designedD. meant
    41. A. dealB. bargainC. advantageD. prduct
    42. A. gt ut fB. bargainC. advantageD. prduct
    42. A. gt ut fB. walked upC. std inD. pulled int
    43. A. steppedB. strmedC. mvedD. rushed
    44. A. AngrilyB. CautiuslyC. EagerlyD. Patiently
    45. A. sankB. jumpedC. achedD. bled
    46. A. inncentB. rightC. crazyD. clever
    47. A. stimulatingB. vicingC. shwingD. hiding
    48. A. fllwedB. accmpaniedC. led.D. tk
    49. A. evenB. everC. neverD. yet
    50. A. ld-fashinedB. ut-f-dateC. man-madeD. brand-new
    51. A. wdB. machinesC. cracksD. furniture
    52. A. beginningB. bjectC. mvementD. sense
    53. A. lessnB. machineC. sceneD. idea
    54. A. intB. beyndC. withutD. ver
    55. A. crazyB. pessimisticC. newD. psitive
    第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共55分)
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Trees, plants and flwers are all arund us and we enjy their beauty every day. In fact, we are 56 used t them that we may even take them fr granted withut realizing hw much inspiratin they have given us.
    S far, nature 57 (inspire) many f the mst fascinating designs arund us, 58 (include) thse in architecture. Frm Barcelna’s frest-like Sagrada Familia t the mdern style f Beijing’s Water Cube, nature is presented in varius architectural 59 (design). Tday, architects cntinue t explre ways 60 (capture) the beauty f natural frms, t mimic the way nature wrks r even t make natural rganisms part f a building. 61 (shape) like a ltus flwer, Singapre’s Art Science Museum appears t flat abve the water that surrunds it. Visitrs are ften 62 (amaze) t find themselves in an urban building that s truly captures the beauty f natural frms.
    Creating buildings such as these enables us t live in 63 (clse) harmny with ur envirnment than befre. T meet the needs f tday while prtecting the wrld f tmrrw may be 64 challenge, but even the simplest rganisms can help teach us 65 t achieve this.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    1. 表示关心;
    2. 分析原因;
    3. 表达建议。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    As muntains g, 1,642-ft Squaw Peak isn’t particularly impressive. But its inviting views f western Massachusetts have tricked hikers int becming pleased amng its steep, slippery cliffs, resulting in cuntless injuries and even deaths.
    Henry Grant, aged 18, a freshman at Ithaca Cllege, respected Squaw Peak’s recrd. As such, he stayed a gd ten feet frm the edge while waiting fr his mther t catch up t him ne day in August 2019. He watched 15 r s ther hikers enjy the views; ne hiker, arund 60 and dressed in pink, was peeking (瞥见) ver the lip f the cliff with her husband.
    When Grant’s mther rejined him, the tw turned t cntinue n their way. Suddenly, he heard a “tumbling, a thump, and anther thump,” he tld the Crnell Daily Sun. Then he heard smething chilling: “Paula! Paula!” a man yelled desperately. Grant wheeled arund. The wman in pink was nwhere t be seen. She’d fallen ff the side f the muntain.
    Several hikers immediately started lking fr her, but their view was blcked by trees. Grant tld his mther, “I hate t say this, but they’re prbably ging t find a bdy.”
    Uncertain they culd help, Grant and his mther headed dwn the trail (小道). But when he saw hikers still searching, he decided t lend a hand. “My yung brain was like, ‘I can d it,’” he says. After assuring his mther that he wuld be safe, he fllwed the trail alne, hping he wasn’t t late.
    After 15 minutes f climbing ver rcks, pushing past stinging brush, and slipping dwn pieces f lse dirt, Grant sptted a figure abut 25 feet abve him. She was dressed in pink and crumpled (摺皱的) in a kneeling psitin n a small rcky utcrpping (露出地面的岩层). The wman had fallen abut 75 feet. Unbelievably she was alive.
    “Paula!” Grant shuted. “Paula. Is that yu?” Barely respnded, she was clearly hurt.
    注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    She kept trying t mve, and every time she mved, she slipped a little mre. _____________________________
    Sn first hikers arrived n the tp f the muntain and a helicpter came. ______________________________
    1-5 CCABA6-10 ACCCB11-15 BABAC16-20 BABCB
    21-24 ABCD25-27 BBA28-30 CDC31-35 DCGAF
    36-40 CABAB41-45 BDDCA46-50 CDABD51-55 CACBD
    56. s57. has inspired58. including59. designs60. t capture
    61. Shaped62. amazed63. clser64. a65. hw
    Dear Chris,
    Srry t hear that yu are feeling sleepy and dizzy and lacking passin, and I’d like t give yu sme tips as fllws.
    Unbalanced diet, inapprpriate leisure schedule and lack f exercise are mainly t blame. As the saying ges, “Change the wrld by changing yurself.” Yu can eat mre vegetables and fruits instead f t much sugar t keep yu dynamic and energetic. If stressed ut, yu can spare time t chat with yur friends rather than play cmputer games. Regular exercise can surely get yu refreshed and stimulate yur passin.
    Hpe my suggestins are beneficial t yu!
    Li Hua
    She kept trying t mve, and every time she mved, she slipped a little mre. Paula’s head, arms, and legs were bleeding. Grant immediately called 911 t reprt their lcatin. He mved n all furs up a tight, narrw trail, gaining the frce by digging int the dirt with his fingers and feet until he reached Paula. Afraid that she might be ut f cnsciusness, Grant secured himself against a tree, gently put her hand in his and tried t keep her mind ff the pain by asking her with questins: “Where are yu frm? What d yu d fr a living? D yu have kids?”
    Sn first hikers arrived n the tp f the muntain and a helicpter came. The hikers attached lines and wheels t reach them. Eventually, Paula and her husband were flwn by helicpter t a hspital. Five hurs after Paula had fallen, Grant was back n tp f Squaw Peak. Paula, wh has fully recvered said she met a yung man wh, as she stated, was her new her. “At 18,” she said, “Grant has already participated in building the rest f my life.”
    Text 1
    W: I’m just ging t the shp t buy a sandwich after wrk. (1) D yu want me t get yu a salad fr lunch?
    M: N, thanks. I’ve brught lunch frm hme tday. We rdered pizzas frm ur favrite restaurant last night. There were leftvers.
    Text 2
    W: Oh, n! My phne’s brken. What shuld we d with it?
    M: Since we have arrived at the cllege, we may be able t find a stre t repair it. Let’s ask the girl ver there. (2)
    Text 3
    M: I had wrked fr that cmpany fr eight years. I always thught my wrk was valued.
    W: Srry t hear that, but it’s nt the end f the wrld. With yur experience, I’m sure many cmpanies wuld be very glad t have yu. (3)
    Text 4
    W: Let’s park ur car here. But it will take us 10 minutes t walk t the theater.
    M: Why d we have t park s far away?
    W: Because this car park has a charging statin fr ur electric car. There aren’t many in the city center. (4)
    Text 5
    W: Can yu stay after class t discuss the schl trip?
    M: Will it take lng? My bus is at 3:40 p.m. If I miss it, there isn’t anther fr an hur.
    W: Dn’t wrry. I nly need 10 minutes. The discussin will be finished at 3:30 p.m. (5)
    Text 6
    W: Oh, n! My phne battery is dead, (6) and I prmised my mm I’d let her knw as sn as I finished wrk. (7)
    M: Oh, dear. Well, feel free t use mine. I’ve been charging it all afternn.
    W: Thanks. It just drives her crazy if I dn’t let her knw when t expect me hme.
    M: That’s fair enugh.
    W: She never supprts me in wrking in the evenings. Especially it’s getting dark s early nw. (7)
    M: I can understand that. Yu shuld talk t ur manager. Maybe yu’ll be able t wrk in the mrnings.
    W: That’s a gd idea.
    Text 7 (第9题为推断题)
    M: In this presentatin I want t shw yu why my idea is ging t make millins f dllars and why yu shuld put mney in it tday.
    W: OK, well, befre I take ut my mney, tell me a little bit abut it.
    M: I’ve develped a prgram called Game Brain. (8) It can be easily dwnladed nt yur phne r cmputer.
    W: What des Game Brain d?
    M: It has the ability t wrk ut any cmputer game. It can help the user t beat any bad guy, get thrugh any level, and basically win any game.
    W: And hw much mney are yu asking fr tday?
    M: One thusand dllars t prmte it n scial media, then a further ten thusand dllars t cver develpment csts.
    W: I understand. Well, thank yu fr cming in tday. We’ll be in tuch.
    Text 8
    M: I’m sure I knw that wman ver there.
    W: Wh? The wman with black glasses?
    M: N, the wman beside her.
    W: Yes. Nw that yu mentin it, she des lk familiar!
    M: Did yu use t wrk with her perhaps?
    W: N, I dn’t think s. She lks a little bit like the wman wh taught me painting a few years ag, but I’m sure my teacher was quite a bit taller.
    M: Hmm…wait! I knw wh it is!
    W: Wh?
    M: Gladys! (10) (11) (12)
    W: The wman wh lived in the apartment ppsite us years ag? (10)
    M: Yes! I’m sure it is! (10)
    W: She’s just changed her hair.
    M: Yes, it used t be bright red, didn’t it? Nw, her hair is brwn. (11)
    W: Right! Well, we shuld say hell.
    M: D yu think she’ll remember us?
    W: I expect s. We were quite friendly nce. Yu used t help her with her shpping all the time. And she fed ur cat when we were n hliday. Remember? (12)
    M: Yeah, f curse. (12)
    Text 9 (第13题为总结题)
    M: Mrning, Judy. Thanks fr cming. We’re busy preparing Gary’s farewell(欢送) party. (16) We need yur help.
    W: Yeah, sure. Have yu started wrking ut the details?
    M: Nt really. We’ve been t busy t plan anything. Any gd suggestins?
    W: Well, the first thing we need t d is decide the best time t hld the party. (14)
    M: Well, tday is Oct. 21st, (14) and he leaves n the 28th.
    W: We all have exams n the 25th, and sme peple may need time t prepare fr them. Hw abut the 26th? (14)
    M: That’s perfect. (14) It means everyne can enjy themselves withut having t wrry abut exams.
    W: OK. Great! Then where t hld it? In the schl cafeteria r sme restaurant?
    M: I was thinking the schl cafeteria. (15) The fd there is delicius and the price is reasnable.
    W: Mst imprtantly, it’s a place that is familiar t all. I think it’s the best chice. (15)
    M: Nw that we’ve gt a date and lcatin, we shuld think abut invitatins.
    W: I dn’t mind writing the invitatins.
    M: That’s really kind f yu. Have yu gt any ideas fr presents? (16)
    W: I dn’t knw. A watch? A bag?
    M: What abut a dictinary? I nce heard him say he needed a gd ne. (16) We culd suggest each f ur classmates ffer 5 dllars.
    W: Great idea. (16)
    Text 10 (第17题为总结题)
    Last night, the peple f Berlin, Germany, culdn’t have a peaceful sleep as a fully-grwn male tiger escaped frm the z. At arund 1:00 a.m., the alarm was raised after ne persn sptted the large cat walking alng the street. Max Kuss, n his way hme frm wrk, (18) said that he thught his eyes were playing tricks n him as he watched the tiger smelling bins and parked cars. “At first I thught it was smebdy dressed up. Then I fund it was a real tiger,” he explained t lcal reprters. The animal was next seen by Anne Heinz, a bus driver. “It came ut f nwhere,” she said. “It calmly walked acrss the rad, gave me a quick lk, and then jumped int a park. It was a big cat!” The tiger, whse name is Watermeln after his lve fr the large fruit, (19) is ne f the friendliest animals in Berlin Z, accrding t his keeper, Hans Fritz. “He’s likeable,” Mr. Fritz explained. “Watermeln lves being petted and even wuldn’t hurt a fly.” At 4:45 a.m., the plice crnered the animal in the park. (20) By 5:30 a.m., Watermeln was safely asleep in his cage back at Berlin Z. Nbdy knws hw the tiger managed t escape and the z authrities are lking int the incident.
    1. It can be easily dwnladed nt yur phne r cmputer. [Text 7]
    2. We’re busy preparing Gary’s farewell party. 我们正忙着准备加里的欢送派对。[Text 9]
    3. Have yu started wrking ut the details? 你们开始计划细节了吗?[Text 9]
    4. Nw that we’ve gt a date and lcatin, we shuld think abut invitatins. [Text 9]
    5. At 4:45 a.m., the plice crnered the animal in the park. [Text 10]

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