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    2021湖北省重点高中智学联盟高二下学期5月联考英语含解析 试卷
    2021湖北省重点高中智学联盟高二下学期5月联考英语含解析 试卷01
    2021湖北省重点高中智学联盟高二下学期5月联考英语含解析 试卷02
    2021湖北省重点高中智学联盟高二下学期5月联考英语含解析 试卷03
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    这是一份2021湖北省重点高中智学联盟高二下学期5月联考英语含解析,共18页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,15 B, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: How much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15 B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
    1. Where is the woman's hometown?
    A. New York. B. Chicago. C. Phoenix.
    2. When did the official Olympic song appear?
    A. In 1896. B. In 1958. C. In 1985.
    3. What colour coat will the man most probably take?
    A. White. B. Black. C. Blue.
    4. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
    A. Interviewer and interviewee. B. Postman and customer. C. Manager and secretary.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. A phone call. B. A coincidence. C. An old friend.
    6. Why does the man make the phone call?
    A. To book a room. B. To confirm a reservation. C. To change rooms.
    7. Which room will the man choose?
    A. Room 13. B. Room 19. C. Room 26.
    8. What is the man satisfied with about the Saturday games?
    A. The time. B. The admission fee. C. The training ground.
    9. What will the speakers do next?
    A. Put up a notice. B. Hand out the ads. C. Meet the basketball guys.
    10. How does the man feel about the bill?
    A. Annoyed. B. Disappointed. C. Surprised.
    11. What does the woman promise to do?
    A. Look into the calls. B. Send a representative over. C. Check the bill instantly..
    12. How much was the man overcharged?
    A. $ 80. B. $ 270. C. $350.
    13. Who created the new product?
    A. Health box. B. UA Record. C. Under Armor.
    14. What does the woman think of the products?
    A. Common. B. Unique. C. Impressive.
    15. What is the best part of the products?
    A. The monitor can track heart rates.
    B. The scale can measure body fat and weight.
    C. People can set goals and measure the progress.
    16. What does the woman mean in the end?
    A. The wristband is expensive.
    B. She is willing to try the products.
    C. She wants the products in a lower price.
    17. How do the contestants win the race?
    A. Placing a plant at the top. B. Planting a flag at the top. C. Waving a flag at the top.
    18. Which part of the race tests teamwork?
    A. Crossing Lake Aqua. B. Walking through the forest. C. Climbing the mountain.
    19. What kind of clothes should contestants change into on the other side of the forest?
    A. Light clothes. B. Warm clothes. C. Protective suit.
    20. Where should the flag be seen?
    A. From the other side of the lake.
    B. From the other side of the mountain.
    C. From the bottom of the mountain.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    How to Get Started Listening to Podcasts for Free?
    Podcasts are an incredible medium that is completely changing how we engage with audio entertainment. What Netflix did for movies and TV, podcasts are doing for radio. If you are curious about podcasts but don't know where to start, check out this guide designed to get you listening to awesome shows in no time!
    What is a podcast?
    A podcast is like a blog for audio. Each podcast is hosted on a website, and new episodes show up in a feed(信息推送), with new shows at the top and older ones falling to the bottom.
    How do people listen to podcasts?
    Most podcasts allow you to listen right from the website, but the best option is to subscribe with a podcasting app. On desktop and laptop computers, the most popular method to subscribe and listen to podcasts is iTunes. Once installed on Mac or Windows, iTunes gives you access to the largest podcast directory. On iPhones, you can use iTunes to sync podcasts from your computer.
    Great podcasts for beginners
    Here are some great podcasts that you may want to subscribe to in your favorite podcast app. Best of all, they are all free!
    ·NPR-National Public Radio turns many of its shows into awesome podcasts.
    ·Gimlet Media-Gimlet was founded by Alex Bloomberg, a former NPR staffer who worked on This American Life.
    ·Planet Money-This show comes from NPR's radio show of the same name. 20-minute episodes are released a few times a week.
    ·Up First-A newer show from NPR, Up First is about 10 minutes long and goes over top news stories of the day.
    ·This American Life-From WBEZ Chicago and NPR comes This American Life, a long running radio show turned podcast from Ira Glass and his awesome team.
    21. Who is the text targeted at?
    A. Netflix fans. B. TV viewers. C. Podcasts beginners. D. Moviegoers.
    22. How can you listen to podcasts on an iPhone?
    A. From the website B. With iTunes C. In a feed D. On a blog
    23.Which of the following is, NOT a podcast from NPR?
    A. Gimlet Media B. Planet Money C. Up First D. This American Life
    Suddenly it hits Zinkoff: He's graduating!Now the principal walks slowly to the podium. He smiles down at the graduates in the front rows, saying "And now the moment we've all been waiting for."
    The graduates stand and head for the stage as the principal calls out the names. The superintendent of schools hands each graduate a rolled-up piece of paper with a blue ribbon around it. The diploma. Most of the graduates grab for the diploma, but the superintendent holds it back and makes them shake his hand before forking it over.
    The calling of each name triggers a reaction in the audience. People run crouching down the aisles to snap pictures. Family, relatives, friends cheer the graduate. Some cheers are modest: a little hand clapping, a "Yea, Sarah!", a "Go get 'em, Nicky!" Other families are more boisterous: leaping from their seats, arms waving, two-fingered whistles, moose calls, stomping the floor. You can't help thinking it must be nice to have somebody go bonkers over you, that is, assuming you have somebody there to begin with.
    It's hard not to make comparisons, hard not to notice who gets the loudest cheer, the longest, the most camera flashes. Still, Zinkoff tries not to look at it that way. He knows that some families are simply not as loud as others and that it doesn't mean they love their graduate any less. So it will be with his own family. His father is not a whistler nor his mother a stomper. He isn't assuming any more because he still hasn't located his parents out there.
    Because he's thinking these things and searching the field of faces, he fails to hear his own name called: "And last but not least, Donald Zinkoff."
    The principal waits. The superintendent waits. The principal looks around, as if Zinkoff might be up in the air somewhere. He says it again, this time with a question mark: "Donald Zinkoff?"
    24. Which is the correct order of the following events?
    ①The graduates walk to the podium.
    ②The principal announces the moment.
    ③The superintendent hands over the diploma.
    ④The superintendent shakes hands with the graduates.
    A.①②③④ B.②①③④ C.①②④③ D.②①④③
    25. The underlined word in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by " ".
    A. get thrilled B. become anxious C. get encouraged D. become spellbound
    26. The description of Paragraph 4 is focused on .
    A. a scene B. actions C. inner thoughts D. emotions
    27. According to the passage, what is most likely to happen next?
    A. Zinkoff's parents arrive. B. Zinkoff responds with a start.
    C. The audience explode with laughter. D. The principal raises the diploma high.
    Terrible working conditions have a long tradition. However, in a service-based economy, it makes sense that focusing on worker morale(士气)might be a much more fruitful approach.
    Proving the thesis is more difficult. But that is the aim of a new study which examines the relationship between happiness and productivity of workers. Three academics surveyed 1, 800 sales workers at 11 British call centres of British Telecom. All each employee had to do was click on a simple emoji each week to indicate their level of happiness. Those workers were charged with selling customers telephone and television deals. Altogether adequate responses were collected from 1, 161 people over six months.
    The results were striking. Workers made 13% more sales in weeks when they were happy than when unhappy. This was not because they were working longer hours; in happy weeks, they made more calls and were more efficient at converting those calls into sales. The tricky part, however, is determining the direction of causation(因果关系). Workers may be happier when they are selling more because they anticipate a bigger bonus, or because successful sales pitches(销售用语)are less stressful to make than unsuccessful ones.
    The academics tried a clever way to get round this problem by examining a very British issue-the weather. Workers turned out to be less happy when the weather in their local area was bad and this unhappiness converted into lower sales. Since they were making national calls, not local ones, it is unlikely that customer unhappiness with the weather was driving the sales numbers. So it was worker mood driving sales, not the other wav round.
    Even if this reasoning proves correct, businesses may not find it of comfort. They point out that "what we are not able to do is judge as to whether investing in schemes to enhance employee happiness makes good business sense". But in the least, it suggests that firms should consider the value of a contented workforce.
    28. What can we learn from the study?
    A. Happier workers make more sales. B. Workers selling more must be happier.
    C. Happier customers bring in successful sales. D. Workers working long hours make more sales.
    29. What does "this problem" in Paragraph 4 refer to?
    A. how to make more sales B. how to examine the weather
    C. how to convert happiness into sales D. how to decide the cause and effect
    30. Which word best describes the businesses' attitude to the result?
    A. Objective. B. Neutral. C. Sceptical. D. Favorable.
    31. Which of the flow chart below illustrates the development of the passage?

    Mars was once wet, with an ocean's worth of water on its surface. Today, most of Mars is as dry as a desert except for ice deposits in its polar regions. Where did the rest of the water go?
    Some of it disappeared into space. Water molecules, beaten by particles of solar wind, broke apart into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and those, especially the lighter hydrogen atoms, sped out of the atmosphere, lost to outer space.
    But most of the water, a new study concludes, went down, sucked into the red planet's rocks. And there it remains, trapped within minerals and salts. Indeed, as much as 99% of the water that once flowed on Mars could still be there, the researchers estimated in a paper published this week in the journal Science. Bethany Ehlmann, a professor of planetary science at the California Institute of Technology and one of the authors of the paper, said that as the rocks are altered by liquid water, water molecules become incorporated (并入)into minerals like clays.
    The data and simulations indicated that the water on Mars was almost all gone by 3 billion years ago, around the tune on Earth when life consisted of single-cell microbes in the oceans. Without a time machine, there is no way to observe directly how much water was on a younger Mars more than 3 billion years ago. But the hydrogen atoms floating today in the atmosphere of Mars preserve a ghostly hint of the ancient ocean.
    On Earth, about 1 in 5, 000 hydrogen atoms is a version known as deuterium(重氢;氢的同位素)that is twice as heavy because its nucleus contains both a neutron and a proton. But on Mars, the concentration of deuterium is markedly higher, about 1 in 700. Scientists at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center who reported this finding in 2015 said this could be used to calculate the amount of water Mars once had.
    32. Why can't water be found on Mars now except for ice deposits in polar regions?
    A. Because it was transformed into deuterium.
    B. Because it was beaten into particles by solar wind.
    C. Because most of it was integrated and some disappeared.
    D. Because it broke down into hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
    33. What is implied about deuterium in the last paragraph?
    A. It is twice the weight of hydrogen.
    B. Its nucleus contains a neutron and a proton.
    C. Its concentration on Earth is markedly higher than on Mars
    D. It enlightens scientists on the measurement of water on Mars.
    34. In which section of a newspaper may this article appear?
    A. Science. B. Travel. C. Entertainment. D. Education.
    35. What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A. Mars: Once Wet, Now Dry B. Atoms: Hydrogen or Deuterium?
    C. Microbes: Single-cell or Multi-cell? D. Water Vanished: This Might Be Where It Went
    My backyard used to be a junkyard. Social distancing, however, has changed my perspective. While it's impossible for me (or you) to grow everything, it's not a bad time to get started on something. 36 Below arc four tips to get started.
    1. Create a vision based on your space.
    Before you make your garden plans, take at look at mode like yours. 37 Also, talk to neighbors about what grows well in your zone. These zones, based on the average annual minimun winter temperature, go from 1 (the coldest) to 13 (the hottest). The USDA has a map; you can just plug in your ZIP code to see your zone and figure out what plants grow.
    2. 38
    Once you create the conditions conducive for life to grow, it grows. Healthy soil is full of billions of bacteria, fungi and other microbes. Soil texture depends on how much clay, sand and silt is in the ground. Any soil is a combination of those three things.
    3. Plant seeds or, if that's too hard, get transplants.
    Chives, parsley and cilantro are not fussy(过分挑剔的), so I'll plant them as seeds. But basil and tomato-those need more attention. 39
    4. Understand how much sunlight your plants need.
    Not every plant needs a ton of sun. If you pick off the fruit of the plant, then it needs more sun. If you're just eating the leaves, then you need less sun. So tomatoes, squash and cucumbers need sun to ripen. 40 You may not have the sunlight needed to grow a beefsteak tomato, but you may turn to sun gold tomatoes, which can be as small as half an inch in diameter…and really delicious!
    A. Leafy greens, not so much.
    B. Feel free to build your own garden.
    C. Make the conditions favorable to plants.
    D. Make sure you're working with healthy soil.
    E. So I'm going another route: seedlings or transplants.
    F. Now would be a great time to build yourself a garden.
    G. Don't Google "Hawaii dream garden" if you're in Minnesota.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Seerat Nazmi is finding a way to give back to everyone she meets, including delivery drivers.
    Nazmi said, "These people are working 41 to make sure that we're getting things 42 when we need it. This is the 43 that I can do and it can have a domino 44 when we do that, we inspire others."
    Nazmi decided to set up a snack station at her doorstep to give back to those who have helped her bring 45 during COVID-19. She hopes that this small act of paying it forward will 46 a chain reaction of others giving back. Since setting up this creative station with water and 47 at her doorstep, Nazmi's received some praises from 48 delivery drivers.
    Nazmi 49 the importance of giving back early in life.
    "Any time something good happens to me or 50 my way, I have to do something to give back. That's what my parents taught me. "Nazmi said. "That's the 51 . If you get, then you must give. I've done that all my life, and I've found nothing but 52 ."
    These 53 acts of kindness can start on a small 54 and sparkle a real trend. It can be small, but if we can do our 55 , we can give not only to others, but ourselves, too.
    41. A. instantly B. unconsciously C. temporarily D. diligently
    42. A. dismissed B. transformed C. delivered D. reflected
    43. A. least B. best C. most D. easiest
    44. A. impact B. consequence C. concept D. effect
    45. A. packages B. necessities C. substitutes D. grains
    46. A. setoff B. take off C. give off D. turn off
    47. A. masks B. snacks C. brochures D. tissues
    48. A. cautious B. sensitive C. controversial D. grateful
    49. A. acknowledged B. preserved C. learned D. indicated
    50. A. comes B. forces C. finds D. elbows
    51. A. distinction B. authority C. welfare D. balance
    52. A. credit B. reputation C. happiness D. sympathy
    53. A. deliberate B. random C. considerable D. abundant
    54. A. spot B. range C. scale D. frequency
    55. A. part B. favor C. responsibility D. occupation
    Chinese archaeologists announced Saturday that some new major discoveries have been made at the legendary Sanxingdui Ruins site, 56 (locate) in the city of Guanghan, about 60 km from Chengdu, helping cast light 57 the cultural origins of the Chinese nation.
    The new pits sit next to two sacrificial pits discovered in 1986. Together they form an area 58 people of the ancient Shu civilization offered sacrifices to heaven, earth and 59 (them) ancestors, and prayed for prosperity and peace, according to Tang Fei, 60 expert of the Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute.
    The pits are rectangular, with areas 61 (range) between 3.5 square meters and 19 square meters. So far, various cultural items 62 (uncover)from four of the pits, including pieces of gold masks, gold foil, bronze masks, ivory and jade. The rest of the newly discovered pits are still under excavation.
    The discoveries nave shown the distinctiveness of the Shu civilization and the 63 (diverse) of the Chinese civilization, said Ran Honglin, head of the excavation team at Sanxingdui.
    Covering 12 square km, the Sanxingdui Ruins site, 64 (origin) discovered by a farmer in the 1920s, is believed 65 (be) the remains of the Shu Kingdom, dating back some 4, 800 years and lasting over 2, 000 years.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,得知你的美国笔友Norman被哈佛大学(Harvard University)录取,请你给他写封邮件。内容包括:
    Dear Norman,

    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Fiona Famous was a very popular girl at school. She was clever and fun, and got on well with everyone. It was no accident that Fiona was so popular. From an early age she had made an effort to be kind and friendly to everyone. She invited the whole class to her birthday party, and from time to time she would give presents to everybody. She was such a busy girl, with so many friends, that she hardly got a chance to spend time with individual friends. However, she felt very lucky; no other girl had so many friends at school and in the neighborhood.
    But everything changed on National Friendship Day. That day in class everyone had to make three presents to give to their three best friends. Fiona enjoyed the task of choosing three from amongst all the dozens of her friends.
    However, when all the presents had been made and shared out among classmates, Fiona was the only one who had not received a present! She felt terrible, and spent hours crying. How could it be possible? So much effort to make so many friends, and in the end no one saw her as their best friend? Everyone came and tried to comfort her for a while. But each one only stayed for a short time before leaving.
    This was exactly what Fiona had done so many times to others. She realized that she was a good companion and acquaintance, but she had not been a true friend to anyone. She had tried not to argue with anyone, she had tried to pay attention to everyone, but now she had found out that that was not enough to create true friendship.
    When she got home that night, Fiona asked her mother where she could find true friends. "Fiona, my dear," answered her mother, "you cannot buy friends with a smile or a few good words. If you really want true friends, you will have to give them real time and affection. For a true friend you must always be available, in good times and bad".
    Paragraph 1:
    "But I want to be everybody's friend! I need to share my time among everyone!", Fiona cried out.

    Paragraph 2:
    Thinking twice, Fiona decided to change her ways so that she could finally have some true friends.


    2023湖北省重点高中智学联盟高二上学期期末联考试题英语含解析(含听力): 这是一份2023湖北省重点高中智学联盟高二上学期期末联考试题英语含解析(含听力),文件包含湖北省重点高中智学联盟2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷docx、湖北省重点高中智学联盟2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语答案和解析pdf、湖北省重点高中智学联盟2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    2022-2023学年湖北省重点高中智学联盟高二上学期期末英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年湖北省重点高中智学联盟高二上学期期末英语试卷(含解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了5分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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