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    第一部分 单项填空(共7小题;每小题1分,满分7分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    1.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Hi,Mike!Shall we have lunch together?
    ﹣﹣﹣Great.But I don't like the restaurant we went to last time.Let's go to one.(  )
    A.other B.the other C.another D.others
    2.(1分)As the world's pollution grows,the of environment becomes really important.(  )
    A.plan B.value C.sense D.fact
    3.(1分)﹣﹣﹣The new house is nice,but where can I put all my books?
    ﹣﹣﹣Oh,there is space by the window to the bookshelf.(  )
    A.push in B.turn on C.take up D.look for
    4.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Can you tell me you have been to Suzhou Museum West?
    ﹣﹣﹣Twice.It's worth visiting again.(  )
    A.how often B.how long
    C.how soon D.how many times
    5.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Lucy,why didn't you answer my phone just now?
    ﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I housework when you called.My hands were too dirty.(  )
    A.do B.did C.was doing D.have done
    6.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Can you give me some advice on improving my test scores?
    ﹣﹣﹣Well, you can't play games every night.(  )
    A.above all B.as a result
    C.in other words D.after all
    7.(1分)﹣﹣﹣How was the camping trip last weekend?
    ﹣﹣﹣ .We did nearly whatever we wanted on the warm and sunny days.(  )
    A.It's hard to say
    B.It doesn't matter
    C.It's my pleasure
    D.It couldn't be better
    第二部分 完形填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    8.(10分)My blind,94﹣year﹣old great﹣grandmother was sleeping soundly in the hospital bed.As I sat quietly with my family,I listened to the(1)    of the machines that kept her alive.Her face was pale and(2)   .It seemed that every day she got worse.
    I tried to think of a present to give to her.(3)   she was blind,I would have to get her a gift that she didn't have to see to(4)   ,but that she could feel with her hands.I remembered that when she lived with us she always wanted to touch and(5)   with my stuffed animals(填充动物玩具).I knew right then what to get.I would have a teddy bear made especially for her.
    The day came again to(6)   my great﹣grandmother.There was my great﹣grandmother,sitting in her bed.Her eyes were wide open.I thought she was sensing that we were coming.A smile grew on her face as we sat on her bed,close to her(7)   body hidden under the covers.I placed the bear in her gentle,thin(8)   .Once her hands touched it,her face was suddenly filled with joy.She smiled and hugged(拥抱) the bear the whole time we were there.Before we left,she(9)   me many times.
    From that day on,(10)   ,my great﹣grandmother started to become better.Several years later,my great﹣grandmother passed away peacefully in her sleep,still hugging the bear.

    第三部分 阅读理解(共4小题;每小题6分,满分30分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    9.(6分)When life takes you away from home,use technology to help guide you.Apps can help make your trip easier and more fun.

    TripIt is a helpful app to organize travel plans.After signing up for an account (账户),forward any email confirmations(确认)for your travels to plans@tripit.com.Send TripIt all confirmations for hotel,flight ,train,theater,and other bookings.TripIt will create a travel plan that will be shown in the TripIt app on your phone.

    OpenTable is a restaurant﹣booking app to help users discover and make bookings at restaurants.OpenTable includes 31,000 restaurants around the world.Check the app for restaurants' information and to make bookings within the app.

    Google Maps can be used even when there is no Internet connection around.Maps can be downloaded(下载) for times when you are away from the Internet.Create your own Google Maps that you can use offline.

    Hostel world is where you'll find more than 17,000 hotels in178 countries.The app is great for travelers looking to meet vacationers during their trip,including a Noticeboard that tells activities,and a translator that will help you communicate in up to43 languages.
    (1)Which app can help you plan a one﹣day trip in Nanjing?    
    C.Google Maps.
    (2)What special thing can you do with Google Maps?    
    A.Search for your own timetable.
    B.Draw your own map of an area.
    C.Use your maps with no network.
    D.Download the maps you bought.
    (3)What do the above apps have in common?    
    A.They are used by members.
    B.They can help book a room.
    C.They can make a trip easier.
    D.They have a translation tool.
    10.(8分)China is a country having the largest population in the world,with more than 1.4 billion people.However,it's shown that China's birth rate(率) is dropping.Although the government has tried to encourage people to have more children,China's birth rate in 2021 was the lowest it's been since 1949.
    According to the National Bureau of Statistics (国家统计局) of China,10.62 million babies were born in 2021,a birth rate of 7.52 per 1,000 people.This is down from a rate of 8.52 per 1,000 people in 2020.The 2021 birth rate is also almost equal to the year's death rate;10.14 million deaths were recorded,a rate of 7.18 per 1000.
    This means the natural growth rate of the population was just 0.34 per 1,000 people.It is the lowest since China's Great Famine (饥荒) from 1959 to 1961,which killed about 30 million people and caused a population decline.
    Ning Jizhe of the National Bureau of Statistics told state media some of the reasons for the decline in births are that people's opinions about having children have changed,birth rates are dropping,and young people are taking longer to get married.Also,the high cost of living in cities is discouraging couples from having more children.
    Another problem is that the population is aging faster than expected.China's working﹣age population is already dropping,which will put stress on the country's ability to pay and care for an increasingly elderly country.This suggests China's total population may have reached its peak(顶点)in 2021.It also shows China's population growth is likely slowing faster than expected.
    To increase birth rates,the Chinese government ended its "one child" rule in 2016.In 2021,couples would be allowed to have up to three children.

    (1)What was China's birth rate in 2020?    
    A.7.52 per 1000 people.
    B.8.52 per 1000 people.
    C.7.18 per 1000 people.
    D.0.34 per 1000 people.
    (2)What does the underlined word "decline" in paragraph 3 probably mean?    
    (3)Which may be a reason for China's dropping birth rate according to Ning Jizhe?    
    A.The cost of living in cities is high.
    B.Young people no longer get married.
    C.Having children changes people's ideas.
    D.There are too many old people to care for.
    (4)Which of the following can solve the problem with birth rate?    
    A.Keep carrying out the "one﹣child" rule.
    B.Slow down the population aging process.
    C.Encourage couples to have more children.
    D.Increase China's working﹣age population.
    11.(8分)One pipe (烟斗) in Mr.Dow's store caught Joey's eye.He imagined some day he would be a grown man and could smoke a pipe,just like this one.He looked around.Nobody was looking.He put the pipe in his hand.He just wanted to get the feel of it.
    Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him.He turned around quickly.It was Mr.Dow,the store owner. "Hello,Joey," Mr.Dow said.Joey struggled(挣扎)to answer but only smiled weakly as Mr.Dow walked away.Did Mr.Dow see the pipe in his hand?Joey's thoughts became unclear.He watched his feet begin to move and take him out of the store.
    Wandering(徘徊) in the street,he felt something against his stomach.He knew it was the pipe.He had walked out of the store with it.He pulled the pipe out of his pocket.Joey wondered if Mr.Dow had called the police.Perhaps the police were waiting for him at home.He could say he did not take the pipe.No one had seen him do it.Still he himself would know that he did.
    Then,it was time to go home.His mother would look at him and she would know.She always knew.A hot tear ran down his cheek.He remembered the way she said, "You are a little man now,Joey." Thinking of it made him sad. "She trusted me," he kept saying to himself.The pipe and his dreams of growing up meant nothing.
    He knew what he had to do.And he was in a hurry to get it done.When he reached the store,Mr.Dow was just inside the door.The big man smiled.Joey's feet felt heavy.Suddenly,he held out the pipe.
    "Mr.Dow," he said, "I didn't mean to take it."
    "Thanks,Joey."Mr.Dow said gently.
    "How about staying around and helping me close up shop?"
    Joey felt Mr.Dow's big hand on his shoulder. And Joey felt his shoulders had become a little adder and stronger.

    (1)What can we know about Joey?    
    A.He lived alone.
    B.He smoked a lot.
    C.He always lied.
    D.He stole the pipe.
    (2)What made Joey go back to the store?    
    A.His mother's trust in him.
    B.Mr.Dow's warm smile.
    C.The fear of being arrested.
    D.The pain in his stomach.
    (3)What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?    
    A.The size of Joey's shoulder became larger.
    B.Mr.Dow made Joey think of his father.
    C.Joey wished to grow stronger quickly.
    D.The experience made him grow up.
    (4)Which can best describe Joey?    
    A.Creative and loyal.
    B.Caring but forgetful.
    C.Honest and brave.
    D.Careless but modest.
    12.(8分)On 3 June 2017,Alex Honnold did something that many people thought was impossible.He climbed more than 900 metres up a rock face in Yosemite National Park,in the US,using only his hands and feet.He had no ropes or safety protections for the climb,which took three hours and 56 minutes.
    Honnold's ropeless climbing up the rock face known as EI Capitan was record﹣breaking.One of Honnold's friends and also a climber,Tommy Caldwell,described the achievement as "the Moon .ding of ropeless climbing".
    "It was great.It's cool when you're up there," Honnold told The Week Junior. "Yosemite is one of :most beautiful places on Earth."
    Yosemite is where the best climbers take on some of the world's most difficult climbs.But for Honnold,who is 33 years old,it is a very special place.He grew up in Sacramento,near Yosemite,and used to go camping there as a child.When he was around 10 years old,Honnold started climbing at an floor gym (体育馆).He loved climbing up trees and playing on the monkey bars,although he wasn't try good at either.In his late teens,he began breaking speed climbing records.Then in 2015,he diced it was time to try the world﹣famous EI Capitan. "I spent two years remembering every hand and foot placement," he says. "I could tell you right now all the moves."
    For many people,it might seem too risky to climb without ropes,but not Honnold. "If you fall off,u will die.But the chances of you falling off depend on how prepared you are."
    Honnold's impressive achievement can be seen in the new award﹣winning documentary,Free Solo,which is on the National Geographic channel (9pm,Sunday 3 March).

    (1)What did Caldwell mean by saying "the Moon landing of ropeless climbing" in paragraph 2?    
    A.Honnold's success was fantastic.
    B.Landing on the Moon was easier.
    C.No other climbers would be better.
    D.Honnold could climb on the Moon.
    (2)What can we know about Honnold in paragraph 4?    
    A.He broke climbing records at 10.
    B.He practised climbing very hard.
    C.He was always good at climbing.
    D.He used to stay indoors as a child.
    (3)Which of the following can be the most important thing for ropeless climbing?    
    A.Starting climbing young.
    B.Bcing close to nature.
    C.Having a good memory.
    D.Getting fully prepared.
    (4)What is the best title for the text?    .
    A.Try ropeless climbing
    B.On top of the world
    C.The greatest world record
    D.A new rock climber
    第四部分 信息还原(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    13.(5分)Getting enough sleep is important for your health.Not having enough sleep can increase a person's risk of developing serious diseases.So when life gets so busy that you can't get enough sleep,being able to take a nap (小睡) can work wonders for your health.However,after a nap people often feel sleepy and more tired than they did before. (1)   
    Find nap length(长度)
    Every person has a different perfect nap length.For most people it's between 10 and 20 minutes long.Anything longer than that increases your chances of waking up during a deep﹣sleep cycle.(2)   So try out naps of different lengths up to 20 minutes long,and find out what works best for you.
    Set an alarm(闹钟)
    (3)   Setting an alarm can avoid the worry of accidentally oversleeping,which can often keep people awake.Also,make sure you have a dark,comfortable,quiet place to take your nap.
    If you know you are unable to get a good night's sleep because of a coming night﹣shift(夜班)or party,it's important to nap in the afternoon beforehand. (5)   But avoid naps in the late afternoon or evening.

    A.Plan early
    B.Form a habit
    C.Nap length is important,so is setting an alarm.
    D.This is the reason why you feel tired after a nap.
    E.So here are a few simple tips to have better naps.
    F.Failing to get enough sleep over time leads to a shorter life.
    G.Trying to make up for lost sleep the following day is useless.
    第五部分 词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。
    14.(1分)The story of the Olympic Games began    (世纪)ago in ancient Greece.
    15.(1分)How    (令人激动)our life will be in the future with so many wonderful inventions!
    16.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Whose glasses are these?
    ﹣﹣﹣Oh,I think they should be our    (客人的).I saw he wore a pair of glasses.
    17.(1分)This kind of bird is found in the    (北方)part of the country.
    18.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Lily,haven't seen you for a long time.You look a little bigger.
    ﹣﹣﹣Yes.I    (重) less than 50 kilos before the lockdown(封锁).Now I've gained 10 kilos.
    19.(1分)Bruce is so smart that he can always remember e    what he reads.
    20.(1分)The buildings of the city show the styles from different p    of history.
    21.(1分)The job r    good computer skills,so I feel it suits me.
    22.(1分)﹣﹣﹣﹣Will you decorate your house in a t     way during the Spring Festival?
    ﹣﹣﹣﹣Yes.I usually decorate the doors and windows with red paper cuts.
    23.(1分)We never know the love of the parents until we become parents o   .
    第六部分 短文填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    24.(10分)The program "China Year in Russia" has ended,but the cultural relationship between the two countries grow stronger. "Chinese fever(中国热)"continues in Russia.
    Fifty﹣year﹣old Wei Dehan(1)   (study) Chinese culture for thirty years.He was one of the first Russians to open(2)   Chinese teahouse in Moscow.That was in 1995.Now he also(3)   (teach) Chinese.During "China Year in Russia," he set up a magazine(4)   (introduce) Chinese culture.It is popular(5)   local readers.
    In Russia,young people who can speak Chinese(6)   (be)welcome everywhere.Young people who are able to speak Chinese language find jobs(7)   (easy).Some 15,000 people attend Chinese language classes in Russia.The Confucius Institute(孔子学院),the worldwide Chinese language and culture education center,has been set up in thirteen of Russia's(8)   (university).
    Also,Chinese way of life is commonly seen in the daily lives of Russian people.Green tea,Chinese food(9)    Tai Chi are becoming more and more popular.
    Russian newspapers and magazines praised "China Year in Russia" as a great event.(10)   (them) said that the program deepened understanding between the people of the two countries.It also opens the way for future culture exchanges.
    第七部分 阅读表达(共1小题;每小题8分,满分8分)请认真阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题,并将答案写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。
    25.(8分)Not saying a word,14﹣year﹣old Ann walks towards the door,with her backpack in hand.Her mom looks at her and asks, "Where are you going?"
    Ann answers, "It's none of your business."
    "You promised to put away your clothes first,but the clothes are still in the basket.Please finish that task before you leave."
    Ann throws her backpack on the floor and shouts, "They are my clothes.I should be able to do what I want with them.You are damaging (破坏) my life.I hate you!" She runs into her bedroom,closing the door.
    "That's it!You're forbidden (禁止) to go out today,young lady," her mom shouts back.Her mom is left alone,not knowing if she's done the right thing.
    Does it sound familiar?This scene happens in different homes every day.Teenagers,just like adults,get angry generally when they don't get their way.So how do parents deal with their teenager's anger?
    Parents should deal with their own anger properly in front of their children.What are some good ways to do that?They should tell themselves, "I'm getting angry.I'm going to take a break" or "I can't talk to you right now.I'm really upset so I'm going to wait until I'm calm" and then talk to their children later.

    (1)What does Ann want to do at the beginning?    
    (2)Why does Ann shout to her mom?    
    (3)How do you think her mom feels when Ann closes the door?Why?    
    (4)What do you think teenagers can do to improve the relationship with their parents?    
    第八部分 书面表达(共1题;满分20分)
    26.(20分)疫情期间,刘畊宏的健身直播引发一股运动风潮。Teens英文报刊现组织以"Sports in my eyes"为题的征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文投稿。

    Sports in my eyes
    There are many kinds of sports that I've tried before.Among them,I like_________

    第一部分 单项填空(共7小题;每小题1分,满分7分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    1.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Hi,Mike!Shall we have lunch together?
    ﹣﹣﹣Great.But I don't like the restaurant we went to last time.Let's go to one.(  )
    A.other B.the other C.another D.others
    【解答】根据后面的one,排除D选项,other是其余的意思,the other 和another都有另一个的意思,但the other 一般指两者中的另一个,故根据句意,用another。故选:C。
    2.(1分)As the world's pollution grows,the of environment becomes really important.(  )
    A.plan B.value C.sense D.fact
    3.(1分)﹣﹣﹣The new house is nice,but where can I put all my books?
    ﹣﹣﹣Oh,there is space by the window to the bookshelf.(  )
    A.push in B.turn on C.take up D.look for
    【解答】push in挤进;turn on打开;take up占据;look for寻找;根据句意,窗户旁有空间可以把书架____,可知此处用push in,表示"挤进"。
    4.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Can you tell me you have been to Suzhou Museum West?
    ﹣﹣﹣Twice.It's worth visiting again.(  )
    A.how often B.how long
    C.how soon D.how many times
    【解答】句意:——你能告诉我你去过苏州博物馆几次吗?——两次。值得再去看看。根据下文的答语Twice,可知此处应是问去过苏州博物馆几次,how often多久一次,是对动作发生频率的提问;how long多长,是对长度或一段时间的提问;how soon多久、多快,用来提问解决问题的速度,一般用in+一段时间作答;how many times多少次,是对次数进行的提问。根据答语Twice,可知上文是问去过苏州博物馆几次,因此D选项符合题意。故选:D。
    5.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Lucy,why didn't you answer my phone just now?
    ﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I housework when you called.My hands were too dirty.(  )
    A.do B.did C.was doing D.have done
    6.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Can you give me some advice on improving my test scores?
    ﹣﹣﹣Well, you can't play games every night.(  )
    A.above all B.as a result
    C.in other words D.after all
    【解答】above all最重要的是,尤其是;as a result结果是;in other words换句话说;after all毕竟。根据后文"you can't play games every night"(你不能每天晚上玩游戏)可知,给出建议,首先第一点或最重要的是"你不能每天晚上玩游戏",因此above all符合语境。
    7.(1分)﹣﹣﹣How was the camping trip last weekend?
    ﹣﹣﹣ .We did nearly whatever we wanted on the warm and sunny days.(  )
    A.It's hard to say
    B.It doesn't matter
    C.It's my pleasure
    D.It couldn't be better
    第二部分 完形填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    8.(10分)My blind,94﹣year﹣old great﹣grandmother was sleeping soundly in the hospital bed.As I sat quietly with my family,I listened to the(1) B  of the machines that kept her alive.Her face was pale and(2) A .It seemed that every day she got worse.
    I tried to think of a present to give to her.(3) C she was blind,I would have to get her a gift that she didn't have to see to(4) A ,but that she could feel with her hands.I remembered that when she lived with us she always wanted to touch and(5) D with my stuffed animals(填充动物玩具).I knew right then what to get.I would have a teddy bear made especially for her.
    The day came again to(6) B my great﹣grandmother.There was my great﹣grandmother,sitting in her bed.Her eyes were wide open.I thought she was sensing that we were coming.A smile grew on her face as we sat on her bed,close to her(7) D body hidden under the covers.I placed the bear in her gentle,thin(8) C .Once her hands touched it,her face was suddenly filled with joy.She smiled and hugged(拥抱) the bear the whole time we were there.Before we left,she(9) B me many times.
    From that day on,(10) D ,my great﹣grandmother started to become better.Several years later,my great﹣grandmother passed away peacefully in her sleep,still hugging the bear.

    【解答】(1)考查名词。A嗓音,主要指人的说话声和歌唱声,B声音,普通用词,泛指耳朵能听到的任何声响,C音乐,D语言,根据the machines that kept her alive(让她活着的机器)可知是机器的声音,故选B。
    (2)考查形容词。A空的,B生气的,C善良的,D长的,根据Her face was pale (她的脸色苍白)及and并列,可知应该也很空虚,故选A。
    (5)考查动词。A工作,B帮助,C处理,D玩,根据with my stuffed animals(填充动物玩具)可知是喜欢和填充动物玩具玩,故选D。
    (6)考查动词。A相信,B拜访,C款待,D治愈,根据The day came again (这一天又来了)可知是看望曾祖母的日子又到了,故选B。
    (7)考查形容词。A大的,B重的,C损坏的,D弱的,根据It seemed that every day she got worse.(她似乎一天比一天差。)可知身体很虚弱,故选D。
    (8)考查名词。A眼睛,B嘴,C手,D身体,根据Once her hands touched it(一旦她的手碰到它)可知是放到她手里,故选C。
    (9)考查动词。A相信,B感谢,C钦佩,D欢迎,根据She smiled and hugged(拥抱) the bear the whole time we were there.(我们在那里的整个过程中,她都微笑着拥抱着熊。)可知很喜欢这个礼物,所以是感谢我很多次,故选B。
    (10)考查副词。A乐意地,B突然,C完全地,D另人惊讶地,根据上文It seemed that every day she got worse.(她似乎一天比一天差。)及my great﹣grandmother started to become better.(我的曾祖母开始好转。)可知是另人惊讶地,故选D。
    第三部分 阅读理解(共4小题;每小题6分,满分30分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    9.(6分)When life takes you away from home,use technology to help guide you.Apps can help make your trip easier and more fun.

    TripIt is a helpful app to organize travel plans.After signing up for an account (账户),forward any email confirmations(确认)for your travels to plans@tripit.com.Send TripIt all confirmations for hotel,flight ,train,theater,and other bookings.TripIt will create a travel plan that will be shown in the TripIt app on your phone.

    OpenTable is a restaurant﹣booking app to help users discover and make bookings at restaurants.OpenTable includes 31,000 restaurants around the world.Check the app for restaurants' information and to make bookings within the app.

    Google Maps can be used even when there is no Internet connection around.Maps can be downloaded(下载) for times when you are away from the Internet.Create your own Google Maps that you can use offline.

    Hostel world is where you'll find more than 17,000 hotels in178 countries.The app is great for travelers looking to meet vacationers during their trip,including a Noticeboard that tells activities,and a translator that will help you communicate in up to43 languages.
    (1)Which app can help you plan a one﹣day trip in Nanjing?  A 
    C.Google Maps.
    (2)What special thing can you do with Google Maps?  D 
    A.Search for your own timetable.
    B.Draw your own map of an area.
    C.Use your maps with no network.
    D.Download the maps you bought.
    (3)What do the above apps have in common?  C 
    A.They are used by members.
    B.They can help book a room.
    C.They can make a trip easier.
    D.They have a translation tool.
    【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据 TripIt is a helpful app to organize travel plans.After signing up for an account (账户),forward any email confirmations(确认)for your travels to plans@tripit.com.(TripIt是一款有助于组织旅行计划的应用程序。注册帐户后(账户),转发任何电子邮件plans@tripit.com确认您的旅行。)可知TripIt可以帮助计划南京一日游。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Maps can be downloaded(下载) for times when you are away from the Internet.Create your own Google Maps that you can use offline. (当你远离互联网的时候可以下载地图。创建您自己的谷歌地图,您可以脱机使用。)可知,你可以使用无网络的地图。故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据When life takes you away from home,use technology to help guide you.Apps can help make your trip easier and more fun.(当生活把你带离了家,用科技来帮助你。应用程序可以帮助您的旅行更轻松、更有趣。)可知,这些应用程序都可以让旅行更轻松。故选C。
    10.(8分)China is a country having the largest population in the world,with more than 1.4 billion people.However,it's shown that China's birth rate(率) is dropping.Although the government has tried to encourage people to have more children,China's birth rate in 2021 was the lowest it's been since 1949.
    According to the National Bureau of Statistics (国家统计局) of China,10.62 million babies were born in 2021,a birth rate of 7.52 per 1,000 people.This is down from a rate of 8.52 per 1,000 people in 2020.The 2021 birth rate is also almost equal to the year's death rate;10.14 million deaths were recorded,a rate of 7.18 per 1000.
    This means the natural growth rate of the population was just 0.34 per 1,000 people.It is the lowest since China's Great Famine (饥荒) from 1959 to 1961,which killed about 30 million people and caused a population decline.
    Ning Jizhe of the National Bureau of Statistics told state media some of the reasons for the decline in births are that people's opinions about having children have changed,birth rates are dropping,and young people are taking longer to get married.Also,the high cost of living in cities is discouraging couples from having more children.
    Another problem is that the population is aging faster than expected.China's working﹣age population is already dropping,which will put stress on the country's ability to pay and care for an increasingly elderly country.This suggests China's total population may have reached its peak(顶点)in 2021.It also shows China's population growth is likely slowing faster than expected.
    To increase birth rates,the Chinese government ended its "one child" rule in 2016.In 2021,couples would be allowed to have up to three children.

    (1)What was China's birth rate in 2020?  B 
    A.7.52 per 1000 people.
    B.8.52 per 1000 people.
    C.7.18 per 1000 people.
    D.0.34 per 1000 people.
    (2)What does the underlined word "decline" in paragraph 3 probably mean?  B 
    (3)Which may be a reason for China's dropping birth rate according to Ning Jizhe?  A 
    A.The cost of living in cities is high.
    B.Young people no longer get married.
    C.Having children changes people's ideas.
    D.There are too many old people to care for.
    (4)Which of the following can solve the problem with birth rate?  C 
    A.Keep carrying out the "one﹣child" rule.
    B.Slow down the population aging process.
    C.Encourage couples to have more children.
    D.Increase China's working﹣age population.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据This is down from a rate of 8.52 per 1,000 people in 2020.(这比2020年每1000人中的8.52人有所下降。)可知2020年中国的出生率是每1000人8.52人。故选B。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据It is the lowest since China's Great Famine (饥荒) from 1959 to 1961,which killed about 30 million people and caused a population decline.(这是中国从1959年到1961年大饥荒以来的最低水平 ,约有3000万人因此丧生,并导致人口_____。)以及结合选项可知,此处decline意为"下降",与Fall意义相同。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据Also,the high cost of living in cities is discouraging couples from having more children.(此外,城市的高生活成本也阻碍了夫妻生育更多的孩子。)可知城市生活成本很高能是中国出生率下降的原因。故选A。
    (4)细节理解题。根据 To increase birth rates,the Chinese government ended its "one child" rule in 2016.In 2021,couples would be allowed to have up to three children.(为了提高出生率,中国政府于2016年终止了"独生子女"规定。2021,夫妻最多可以生育三个孩子。)可知,鼓励夫妻多生孩子可以解决出生率问题。故选C。
    11.(8分)One pipe (烟斗) in Mr.Dow's store caught Joey's eye.He imagined some day he would be a grown man and could smoke a pipe,just like this one.He looked around.Nobody was looking.He put the pipe in his hand.He just wanted to get the feel of it.
    Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him.He turned around quickly.It was Mr.Dow,the store owner. "Hello,Joey," Mr.Dow said.Joey struggled(挣扎)to answer but only smiled weakly as Mr.Dow walked away.Did Mr.Dow see the pipe in his hand?Joey's thoughts became unclear.He watched his feet begin to move and take him out of the store.
    Wandering(徘徊) in the street,he felt something against his stomach.He knew it was the pipe.He had walked out of the store with it.He pulled the pipe out of his pocket.Joey wondered if Mr.Dow had called the police.Perhaps the police were waiting for him at home.He could say he did not take the pipe.No one had seen him do it.Still he himself would know that he did.
    Then,it was time to go home.His mother would look at him and she would know.She always knew.A hot tear ran down his cheek.He remembered the way she said, "You are a little man now,Joey." Thinking of it made him sad. "She trusted me," he kept saying to himself.The pipe and his dreams of growing up meant nothing.
    He knew what he had to do.And he was in a hurry to get it done.When he reached the store,Mr.Dow was just inside the door.The big man smiled.Joey's feet felt heavy.Suddenly,he held out the pipe.
    "Mr.Dow," he said, "I didn't mean to take it."
    "Thanks,Joey."Mr.Dow said gently.
    "How about staying around and helping me close up shop?"
    Joey felt Mr.Dow's big hand on his shoulder. And Joey felt his shoulders had become a little adder and stronger.

    (1)What can we know about Joey?  D 
    A.He lived alone.
    B.He smoked a lot.
    C.He always lied.
    D.He stole the pipe.
    (2)What made Joey go back to the store?  A 
    A.His mother's trust in him.
    B.Mr.Dow's warm smile.
    C.The fear of being arrested.
    D.The pain in his stomach.
    (3)What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?  D 
    A.The size of Joey's shoulder became larger.
    B.Mr.Dow made Joey think of his father.
    C.Joey wished to grow stronger quickly.
    D.The experience made him grow up.
    (4)Which can best describe Joey?  C 
    A.Creative and loyal.
    B.Caring but forgetful.
    C.Honest and brave.
    D.Careless but modest.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据Did Mr.Dow see the pipe in his hand?Joey's thoughts became unclear.He watched his feet begin to move and take him out of the store.(道先生看到他手中的烟斗了吗?乔伊的想法变得模糊不清。他看着自己的脚开始移动,把他带出了商店。)可推理出,乔伊偷了烟斗。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据He remembered the way she said, "You are a little man now,Joey." Thinking of it made him sad. "She trusted me," he kept saying to himself.(他记得她说:"乔伊,你现在是个小男人了。"想到这件事,他很难过。"她信任我,"他不停地自言自语。)可推理出,他妈妈对他的信任让乔伊回到了商店。故选A。
    (3)词句猜测题。根据"How about staying around and helping me close up shop?"Joey felt Mr.Dow's big hand on his shoulder.And Joey felt his shoulders had become a little adder and stronger. ("留下来帮我把店关起来怎么样?"乔伊感觉到道先生的大手放在他的肩膀上。……)可猜测出,下划线句子的意思应是:这次经历使他长大了。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。通读全文,尤其根据He knew what he had to do.And he was in a hurry to get it done.When he reached the store,Mr.Dow was just inside the door.The big man smiled.Joey's feet felt heavy.(他知道自己必须做什么。他急于完成这件事。当他到达商店时,道先生就在门口。大个子笑了。乔伊的脚感到沉重。)可推理出,诚实勇敢最能描述乔伊。故选C。
    12.(8分)On 3 June 2017,Alex Honnold did something that many people thought was impossible.He climbed more than 900 metres up a rock face in Yosemite National Park,in the US,using only his hands and feet.He had no ropes or safety protections for the climb,which took three hours and 56 minutes.
    Honnold's ropeless climbing up the rock face known as EI Capitan was record﹣breaking.One of Honnold's friends and also a climber,Tommy Caldwell,described the achievement as "the Moon .ding of ropeless climbing".
    "It was great.It's cool when you're up there," Honnold told The Week Junior. "Yosemite is one of :most beautiful places on Earth."
    Yosemite is where the best climbers take on some of the world's most difficult climbs.But for Honnold,who is 33 years old,it is a very special place.He grew up in Sacramento,near Yosemite,and used to go camping there as a child.When he was around 10 years old,Honnold started climbing at an floor gym (体育馆).He loved climbing up trees and playing on the monkey bars,although he wasn't try good at either.In his late teens,he began breaking speed climbing records.Then in 2015,he diced it was time to try the world﹣famous EI Capitan. "I spent two years remembering every hand and foot placement," he says. "I could tell you right now all the moves."
    For many people,it might seem too risky to climb without ropes,but not Honnold. "If you fall off,u will die.But the chances of you falling off depend on how prepared you are."
    Honnold's impressive achievement can be seen in the new award﹣winning documentary,Free Solo,which is on the National Geographic channel (9pm,Sunday 3 March).

    (1)What did Caldwell mean by saying "the Moon landing of ropeless climbing" in paragraph 2?  A 
    A.Honnold's success was fantastic.
    B.Landing on the Moon was easier.
    C.No other climbers would be better.
    D.Honnold could climb on the Moon.
    (2)What can we know about Honnold in paragraph 4?  B 
    A.He broke climbing records at 10.
    B.He practised climbing very hard.
    C.He was always good at climbing.
    D.He used to stay indoors as a child.
    (3)Which of the following can be the most important thing for ropeless climbing?  D 
    A.Starting climbing young.
    B.Bcing close to nature.
    C.Having a good memory.
    D.Getting fully prepared.
    (4)What is the best title for the text?  B .
    A.Try ropeless climbing
    B.On top of the world
    C.The greatest world record
    D.A new rock climber
    【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据Honnold's ropeless climbing up the rock face known as EI Capitan was record﹣breaking.(Honnold的无绳攀登是破纪录的。)可推断出Caldwell在第二段中所说的"无绳攀登登月"意思是Honnold的成功太棒了。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据"I spent two years remembering every hand and foot placement," he says. "I could tell you right now all the moves."("我花了两年时间记住每一个手和脚的位置,"他说。"我现在就可以告诉你所有的动作。")可推断出Honnold练习爬山很刻苦。故选B。
    (4)最佳标题题。通读全文,根据He climbed more than 900 metres up a rock face in Yosemite National Park,in the US,using only his hands and feet.(他只用手和脚爬上了美国约塞米蒂国家公园900多米的岩石表面。)可知文章主要介绍了勇敢的AlexHonnold徒手攀爬美国约塞米蒂国家公园的一块900多米高的岩石的故事。故最佳标题应为:在世界之巅。故选B。
    第四部分 信息还原(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    13.(5分)Getting enough sleep is important for your health.Not having enough sleep can increase a person's risk of developing serious diseases.So when life gets so busy that you can't get enough sleep,being able to take a nap (小睡) can work wonders for your health.However,after a nap people often feel sleepy and more tired than they did before. (1) E 
    Find nap length(长度)
    Every person has a different perfect nap length.For most people it's between 10 and 20 minutes long.Anything longer than that increases your chances of waking up during a deep﹣sleep cycle.(2) B So try out naps of different lengths up to 20 minutes long,and find out what works best for you.
    Set an alarm(闹钟)
    (3) C Setting an alarm can avoid the worry of accidentally oversleeping,which can often keep people awake.Also,make sure you have a dark,comfortable,quiet place to take your nap.
    (4) A 
    If you know you are unable to get a good night's sleep because of a coming night﹣shift(夜班)or party,it's important to nap in the afternoon beforehand. (5) F But avoid naps in the late afternoon or evening.

    A.Plan early
    B.Form a habit
    C.Nap length is important,so is setting an alarm.
    D.This is the reason why you feel tired after a nap.
    E.So here are a few simple tips to have better naps.
    F.Failing to get enough sleep over time leads to a shorter life.
    G.Trying to make up for lost sleep the following day is useless.
    (1)根据前句However,after a nap people often feel sleepy and more tired than they did before. (然而,小睡后,人们通常会感到困倦,比以前更累。)可知说的是小睡,结合选项,应说因此,这里有一些简单的小贴士可以让你更好地打盹。故选E。
    (2)根据后句So try out naps of different lengths up to 20 minutes long,and find out what works best for you.(因此,尝试不同长度的小睡,最长可达20分钟,并找出最适合你的方式。)可知说的是养成习惯,结合选项,应说养成习惯。故选B。
    (3)根据前句Set an alarm(闹钟)(设置闹钟)可知说的是设置闹钟,结合选项,应说午睡时间很重要,设置闹钟也很重要。故选C。
    (4)根据后句If you know you are unable to get a good night's sleep because of a coming night﹣shift(夜班)or party,it's important to nap in the afternoon beforehand. (如果你知道自己因为要上夜班或参加派对而无法睡个好觉,那么在下午之前打个盹是很重要的。)可知说的是计划,结合选项,应说提前计划。故选A。
    (5)根据后句But avoid naps in the late afternoon or evening.(但要避免在下午或晚上小睡。)可知说的是需要注意的,结合选项,应说长期睡眠不足会导致寿命缩短。故选F。
    第五部分 词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。
    14.(1分)The story of the Olympic Games began  centuries (世纪)ago in ancient Greece.
    15.(1分)How  exciting (令人激动)our life will be in the future with so many wonderful inventions!
    16.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Whose glasses are these?
    ﹣﹣﹣Oh,I think they should be our  guest's (客人的).I saw he wore a pair of glasses.
    17.(1分)This kind of bird is found in the  northern (北方)part of the country.
    18.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Lily,haven't seen you for a long time.You look a little bigger.
    ﹣﹣﹣Yes.I  weighed (重) less than 50 kilos before the lockdown(封锁).Now I've gained 10 kilos.
    【解答】重,英语表达是:weigh。动词。由before the lockdown可知时态是一般过去时。
    19.(1分)Bruce is so smart that he can always remember e  xactly what he reads.
    【解答】根据Bruce is so smart that he can always remember...what he reads."布鲁斯很聪明,他总能......记住他读的东西。"及首字母提示可知,应该是"准确地",这里修饰动词,用副词exactly。
    20.(1分)The buildings of the city show the styles from different p  eriods of history.
    【解答】句意:这个城市的建筑展示了不同历史时期的风格。根据different以及of history,结合首字母提示p,可知此处表示的是"不同历史时期",英文表达是different periods of history。故答案为:periods。
    21.(1分)The job r  equires good computer skills,so I feel it suits me.
    【解答】句意:这份工作需要良好的计算机技能,所以我觉得它适合我。根据题干可知,设空处缺少谓语动词,结合语境及首字母提示r,可推出此处表达的是"需要",英文表达是require,再由后面的feel和suits可知句子时态用一般现在时,主语The job是第三人称单数,因此谓语动词也要用第三人称单数形式requires。
    22.(1分)﹣﹣﹣﹣Will you decorate your house in a t  raditional  way during the Spring Festival?
    ﹣﹣﹣﹣Yes.I usually decorate the doors and windows with red paper cuts.
    【解答】句意:——春节期间你会用传统的方式装饰你的房子吗?——是的。我通常用红色的剪纸装饰门窗。设空处修饰后面的名词way,可知此处应填入一个形容词,结合下文"Yes.I usually decorate the doors and windows with red paper cuts."以及首字母提示t,可推知此处表示"传统的",英文表达是traditional。故答案为:traditional。
    23.(1分)We never know the love of the parents until we become parents o urselves .
    【解答】句意:直到我们自己成为了父母,才知道父母的爱。根据We never know the love of the parents until we become parents,结合首字母o,可推知此处表示"我们自己",英文表达是ourselves,反身代词。
    第六部分 短文填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    24.(10分)The program "China Year in Russia" has ended,but the cultural relationship between the two countries grow stronger. "Chinese fever(中国热)"continues in Russia.
    Fifty﹣year﹣old Wei Dehan(1) has studied (study) Chinese culture for thirty years.He was one of the first Russians to open(2) a Chinese teahouse in Moscow.That was in 1995.Now he also(3) teaches (teach) Chinese.During "China Year in Russia," he set up a magazine(4) to introduce (introduce) Chinese culture.It is popular(5) with local readers.
    In Russia,young people who can speak Chinese(6) are (be)welcome everywhere.Young people who are able to speak Chinese language find jobs(7) easily (easy).Some 15,000 people attend Chinese language classes in Russia.The Confucius Institute(孔子学院),the worldwide Chinese language and culture education center,has been set up in thirteen of Russia's(8) universities (university).
    Also,Chinese way of life is commonly seen in the daily lives of Russian people.Green tea,Chinese food(9) and  Tai Chi are becoming more and more popular.
    Russian newspapers and magazines praised "China Year in Russia" as a great event.(10) They (them) said that the program deepened understanding between the people of the two countries.It also opens the way for future culture exchanges.
    【解答】(1)考查动词。根据句意,50岁的魏德汉研究中国文化已有30年。结合时间状语for thirty years,可知要用现在完成时,结构为:have/has+done,主语为Wei Dehan,所以用has。故答案为:has studied。
    (4)考查不定式。根据句意,在俄罗斯"中国年"期间,他创办了一本介绍中国文化的杂志。不定式作目的状语。故答案为:to introduce。
    (5)考查介词。根据句意,它很受当地读者的欢迎。be popular with sb.受某人欢迎。故答案为:with。
    (6)考查动词。根据句意,在俄罗斯,会说汉语的年轻人到处受欢迎。本句主语为young people,复数,本句描述常态的事情,要用一般现在时,所以be动词用are。故答案为:are。
    (10)考查代词。根据句意,他们说,该项目加深了两国人民之间的了解。这里用They指代上文提到的Russian newspapers and magazines(俄罗斯报纸和杂志),注意句首大写。故答案为:They。
    第七部分 阅读表达(共1小题;每小题8分,满分8分)请认真阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题,并将答案写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。
    25.(8分)Not saying a word,14﹣year﹣old Ann walks towards the door,with her backpack in hand.Her mom looks at her and asks, "Where are you going?"
    Ann answers, "It's none of your business."
    "You promised to put away your clothes first,but the clothes are still in the basket.Please finish that task before you leave."
    Ann throws her backpack on the floor and shouts, "They are my clothes.I should be able to do what I want with them.You are damaging (破坏) my life.I hate you!" She runs into her bedroom,closing the door.
    "That's it!You're forbidden (禁止) to go out today,young lady," her mom shouts back.Her mom is left alone,not knowing if she's done the right thing.
    Does it sound familiar?This scene happens in different homes every day.Teenagers,just like adults,get angry generally when they don't get their way.So how do parents deal with their teenager's anger?
    Parents should deal with their own anger properly in front of their children.What are some good ways to do that?They should tell themselves, "I'm getting angry.I'm going to take a break" or "I can't talk to you right now.I'm really upset so I'm going to wait until I'm calm" and then talk to their children later.

    (1)What does Ann want to do at the beginning?  She wants to go out. 
    (2)Why does Ann shout to her mom?  Because she thinks her mother damaged her life. 
    (3)How do you think her mom feels when Ann closes the door?Why?  I think her mother might feel bad.Because her mom is left alone,not knowing if she's done the right thing. 
    (4)What do you think teenagers can do to improve the relationship with their parents?  Wait until they are calm and then talk to their parents later. 
    (1)根据Not saying a word,14﹣year﹣old Ann walks towards the door,with her backpack in hand.(14岁的安一言不发,手里拿着背包朝门口走去。)可知,安一开始想做什么出去。故答案为She wants to go out.
    (2)根据You are damaging my life.I hate you!(你在破坏我的生活。我讨厌你! )可知,安对她妈妈大喊是因为她觉得她妈妈毁了她的生活。故答案为Because she thinks her mother damaged her life.
    (3)根据Her mom is left alone,not knowing if she's done the right thing.(她妈妈独自一人,不知道她做的对不对。)可知,当安关上房门时,我觉得觉得她妈妈可能感到难过。因为她妈妈独自一人,不知道她做的对不对。故答案为I think her mother might feel bad.Because her mom is left alone,not knowing if she's done the right thing.
    (4)根据I'm really upset so I'm going to wait until I'm calm" and then talk to their children later.(我真的很难过,所以我要等到我平静下来",然后再和他们的孩子谈谈。)可知这是父母如何和孩子交流。同样,孩子也应该冷静下来,然后和父母谈谈。故答案为Wait until they are calm and then talk to their parents later.
    第八部分 书面表达(共1题;满分20分)
    26.(20分)疫情期间,刘畊宏的健身直播引发一股运动风潮。Teens英文报刊现组织以"Sports in my eyes"为题的征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文投稿。

    Sports in my eyes
    There are many kinds of sports that I've tried before.Among them,I like_________
    As for me,I run at least 30 minutes in the school playground every day,because my home is next to the school.至于我,我每天在学校操场上至少跑30分钟,因为我家就在学校旁边。
    I think playing football is also good.我认为踢足球也很好。
    I think +宾语从句,我认为……。

    Sports in my eyes

    There are many kinds of sports that I've tried before.Among them,I like running best.(我喜爱的运动)
    Running is an easy and interesting sport,which can be done at any time and place as you like.What's more,we don't need to prepare any tools for running.We can become healthier and stronger as long as we keep running.And we can relax ourselves from much pressure by running.(喜爱的原因)As for me,I run at least 30 minutes in the school playground every day,because my home is next to the school. 【高分句型一】Sometimes I run slowly,but sometimes I run fast.Running gives me a lot of fun.(在运动中的获益)I think playing football is also good. 【高分句型二】If I have a chance,I'd like to try playing football.(如果有机会,你想尝试的运动项目)
    I hope I can keep the habit of running and keep healthy.


    Running is an easy and interesting sport,which can be done at any time and place as you like.What's more,we don't need to prepare any tools for running.We can become healthier and stronger as long as we keep running.And we can relax ourselves from much pressure by running.(喜爱的原因)


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