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    2022年山东省潍坊市青州一中高考英语二模试卷 (含答案解析)
    2022年山东省潍坊市青州一中高考英语二模试卷 (含答案解析)01
    2022年山东省潍坊市青州一中高考英语二模试卷 (含答案解析)02
    2022年山东省潍坊市青州一中高考英语二模试卷 (含答案解析)03
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    2022年山东省潍坊市青州一中高考英语二模试卷 (含答案解析)

    这是一份2022年山东省潍坊市青州一中高考英语二模试卷 (含答案解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了050 meters,【答案】B、D、C,【答案】B、A、B、D,【答案】F、B、E、G、D等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    The Empire State Building is ne f the mst ppular attractins in New Yrk City,bth fr the tur and histry f the building.Our Empire State.Building facts include NYC Insider tips and the best ways t tur this wrld-famus icn,whether yu are shrt n time r budget.
    Empire State Building Hurs
    The main entrance t the Empire State Building is n Fifth Avenue between33rd& 34th Streets.All Visitrs must use this entrance and there is ften a wait just t get in the building.The Empire State Building Observatry is pen frm 8:00 2:00 a.m.7 days a week.Last elevatrs g up at 1:15 a.m.
    Empire State Building Tur Facts
    The ESB ffers tw bservatries.the 86th flr and the 102nd flr.
    86th Flr Observatry (indr and utdr)
    050 feet (320 meters),reached by high speed,autmatic elevatrs,it has a glass-enclsed area,which is heated in winter and cled in summer.High pwered binculars (双筒望远镜) are available fr the cnvenience f visitrs at a minimal cst.
    102nd Flr Observatry (indr nly)
    Tickets are nly sld upn arrival at the Empire State Building at a cst f 15.00 in additin t regular admissin tickets.
    Empire State Building Tickets
    Regular-﹩38 adult, ﹩32 ages 6-12,under.5 free.
    Express Pass-﹩65 all visitrs ages 6+
    Buying yur tickets befre yu g t New Yrk saves yu time.When buying tickets,yu can pt fr regular tickets r express tickets.Yu can als buy a discunt pass fr free entrance.If yu want t visit the 102nd flr yu can get tickets which include dinner at STATE Grill and Bare.
    (1)What can we learn frm the secnd paragraph? ______
    A. Yu can enter the building thrugh three entrances.
    B. A large number f visitrs are attracted by the building.
    C. Visitrs are nt allwed t take elevatrs after 1:00 a.m.
    D. The Empire State Building is clsed n weekends.
    What can we say abut the 86th Flr Observatry? ______
    A. It is lcated at a height f 1.050 meters.
    B. It is a bit clder utside than inside.
    C. The binculars can be used free f charge.
    D. Visitrs can enjy the view f NYC utdrs.
    Hw much shuld a cuple pay if they want t visit the building with shrter waiting? ______
    A. ﹩76.B. ﹩64.C. ﹩130.D. ﹩103.
    In the 1994 film Frrest Gump,there's a famus saying, "Life is like a bx f chclates;yu never knw what yu're gnna get." The surprise is part f the fun.Nw blind bx tys are bringing the magic f surprise t nline shpping.
    A blind bx ty is hidden inside unifrm packaging but invisible frm the utside.Yu dn't knw what will be inside,althugh the-tys typically cme frm pp culture,ranging frm mvies t cmics and cartns.
    Blind bxes have caught n since they were first intrduced frm Japan t China in 2014.Accrding t a 2019 Tmall reprt,the mini-series f Labubu blind bx,designed by Kasing Lung,was named Champin f Unit Sales with 55,000 sld in just 9 secnds during the Singles Day.shpping event.Mst custmers fr blind bxes are yung peple aged 18 t 35.
    Accrding t The Paper,blind bx tys are ppular in part because f their cute appearances.The typically cute cartn characters cme in small sizes,making them suitable fr display almst anywhere.
    Even if blind bxes are nt their tp chice fr decratins,the mystery and uncertainty f the prcess als attracts peple.It's the dminant reasn.why peple buy blind bxes ne after anther.
    "Fear f the unknwn is always a part f the bx-pening prcess," said Miss Ca,24,wh lives and wrks in Shenyang.Speaking t Sina News,she said,"Until yu pen all.the:bxes,yu cannt.knw what it is inside. "
    Opening a blind bx is a delightful little surprise fr ur bring.rutine lives,smething small but fun t wait fr each day,week r mnth.When peple pen this simple little bx,they may be disappinted,but the uncertainty is part f the fun.Peple will pen mre blind bxes and hpe fr a better utcme.
    When smene remakes Frrest Gump,dn't be surprised if he says,"Life is like a blind bx..."
    What is the purpse f the authr's mentining the famus saying in the film Frres Gum? ______
    A. T tell the stry abut Frrest Gump.
    B. T intrduce readers a new tpic.
    C. T give readers a surprise.
    D. T shw life is full f uncertainty.
    Hw are the blind bxes received in China? ______
    A. They are ppular with yung peple.
    B. They are rejected by the aged peple.
    C. 55,000 bxes' are sld in a single day.
    D. They are mainly used fr display.
    What can we infer frm the last three paragraphs? ______
    A. Blind bxes appeal t peple f all ages.
    B. Blind bxes add fun t peple's daily life.
    C. Blind bxes bring uncertainty t ur life.
    D. Blind bxes ffer us mre surprise than fear.
    What is the best title fr the passage? ______
    A. Life is like a bx f chclates
    B. The surprise t pen a bx
    C. Frrest Gump,a remade film
    D. Blind bx tys,new favrites t peple
    Living dwnstream frm a waste-treatment plant can leave fish tired,a new study finds,led by Graham Sctt,a bilgist in Canada. "Wastewater treatment plants are pretty gd at taking ut the waste and treating it befre it gets int ur waterways," he said. "But nt everything can be taken ut," he added.
    Fr example,sme plants beside the stream were nt designed t remve remains f drugs.S when sme medicines are left ver after peple use them,they can be released int the envirnment.These include the drugs used t treat depressin and high bld pressure.
    Life-sustaining chemical reactins in an animal's bdy(including urs) allw it t grw,mve and reprduce.These reactins,taken tgether,are knwn as the creature's metablism (新陈代谢).Sme studies have shwn that even just ne drug can change the metablism f fish,making their metablism slw dwn.Then that will their bdies.
    That creates a prblem fr the animals- using the extra energy t rid their bdies f.the pllutants which can damage their cells and tissues. "That's energy they burn just t stay alive," explained Sctt.That is als the energy n lnger available t avid predatrs(天敌),t find fd and t mate.
    And they reprt that fish expsed t a mix f chemicals can use up sme f their energy just t deal with thse pllutants.Therefre,they will have less energy t eat and avid being eaten,says Paul Craig,a bilgist in Ontari.
    "It is up t us t help reduce the types f pllutants in.wastewater," Craig says. "That includes nt thrwing leftver medicines dwn the tilet. " he recmmends.
    What d Sctt's wrds mean.in paragraph 1? ______
    A. There are still sme pllutants in the treated water.
    B. Wastewater treatment plants dn't wrk well.
    C. Things in waterways are difficult t deal with.
    D. Canadians tend t thrw waste dwn the tilet.
    What des the underlined wrd "impair" mean in paragraph 3? ______
    A. Frm.B. Harm.C. Benefit.D. Examine.
    What will happen if fish are expsed t a mix f chemicals? ______
    A. They will stp grwing.
    B. They will avid their mates.
    C. They will have t rid their bdies f the plluted cells.
    D. They will cnsume extra energy t.survive.
    What is the authr's purpse in writing the passage? ______
    A. T explain hw pllutants affect animals.
    B. T shw ways f fighting against pllutin.
    C. T advise peple t stp buying plluted fish.
    D. T urge peple t reduce pllutants in wastewater.
    The latest in cat research reveals that the lvely animal seems t have a basic grasp n bth the laws f physics and the ins and uts f cause and effect.
    Accrding t a newly published study,cats seem t be able t predict the lcatin f hiding prey(猎物)using bth their ears and an inbrn (天生的) understanding f hw the physical wrld wrks.
    In a recent experiment,Japanese researchers taped 30 dmestic cats reacting t a cntainer that a team member shk.Sme cntainers rattled (发出响声);thers did nt.When the cntainer was tipped ver,smetimes an bject fell ut and smetimes it didn't.
    It turns ut that the cats were remarkably smart abut what wuld happen when a cntainer was tipped ver.When an bject did nt drp ut f the bttm f a rattling cntainer,they lked at it fr a lnger time than they did,when the cntainer behaved as expected.
    "Cats use a causal-lgical understanding f nise r sunds t predict the appearance f invisible bjects," lead researcher Sah Takagi says in a press release.The researchers cnclude that cats' hunting style may have develped based n their cmmn-sense abilities t infer where prey is,using their hearing.
    Scientists have explred this idea with ther lvely creatures;babies.Like cats,babies appear t engage in what's called "preferential lking" - lking lnger at things that are interesting r unusual than things they perceive as nrmal.
    When babies' expectatins are disturbed in experiments like the nes perfrmed with the cats,they react much like their animal friends.Psychlgists have shwn that babies apparently expect their wrld t be cnsistent with the laws f physics and cause and effect as early as tw mnths f age.
    Des the study mean that cats will sn grasp the ins and uts f cause and effect?Maybe.Okay,s cats may nt be the next physics faculty members at America's mst imprtant research universities.But by demnstrating their cmmn sense,they've shwn that the divide between cats and humans may nt be that great after all.
    What d we learn frm a newly published study abut cats? ______
    A. They can be trained t understand the physical wrld.
    B. They knw what kind f prey might be easier t hunt.
    C. They have a natural ability t lcate animals they hunt.
    D. They are capable f telling which way their prey flees.
    What may accunt fr the cats respnse t the nise frm the cntainers? ______
    A. Their inbrn sensitivity t nise.
    B. Their unusual sense f directin.
    C. Their special ability t perceive.
    D. Their mastery f cause and effect.
    In what way d babies behave like cats? ______
    A. They fcus n what appears dd.
    B. They view the wrld as nrmal.
    C. They d what they prefer t d.
    D. They are curius abut everything.
    What can we cnclude abut cats frm the passage? ______
    A. They have higher intelligence than many ther animals.
    B. They interact with the physical wrld much like humans.
    C. They display extrardinarily high intelligence in hunting.
    D. They can aid physics prfessrs in their research wrk.
    Yu may say that rain cmes frm cluds,but yu can als say that rain is cluds. (1) ,yu shuld knw the mechanism thrugh which water mves frm the Earth t the atmsphere and back again.
    Dew pint is the temperature at which water vapr begins t cndense(凝结) and becmes water drplets that can fall as rain.Dew pint can vary anywhere frm the 80s (Fahrenheit)t,n rare ccasins,the 80s.
    (2) .Once the air has cled past the "dew pint",it cndenses arund a nucleus,which are usually tiny particles f dust,smke r even salt that are flating in he air.Then tiny water drplets are frmed. (3) .If yu pay clse attentin t cluds in the sky,yu'll see that they' re cnstantly shrinking and grwing.
    Water vapr that has frmed cluds is n its way t becming rain,but it's nt there set.Fr nw,the water drplets are s tiny that the air currents keep them in the air,just is swirling particles f dust can stay in the air. (4) .
    When water drplets cmbine with ne anther,they becme heavier than the uplift f the air arund them.Eventually they fall dwn thrugh the clud as rain.Besides, (5) .They attract mre water vapr t themselves and grw quickly until they're heavy enugh t fall as snw.
    A.Rain clud is frmed when there is enugh water in the air
    B.As warm air rises with the water vapr it cntains,it cls
    C.If yu are curius abut what kind f clud will becme rain
    D.Smetimes the drplets rise high enugh t freeze int ice crystals
    E.The tiny water drplets that initially frm are what yu see as cluds
    F.If yu want a better understanding f why rain cmes dwn frm cluds
    G.As thse drplets cntinue t rise,they have tw ways t cme back t Earth
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    We've all been there befre:Yu're driving dwn the rad when suddenly a pthle (凹坑)seems t appear ut f nwhere and sends the (21) jumping.Mst peple think pthles are (22),but artist Jim Bachr sees them as a canvas (画布) fr his artwrk.
    Bachr uses the (23) art frm f msaic (马赛克) t create eye-catching,clrful images f famus artists like Aretha Franklin r simple everyday(24) like fd.He even makes less-appealing visuals f insects.
    Bachr was a graphic designer fr 20 years befre he began his(25) in msaic.He regards an incidental trip t Eurpe as his mtivatin t change careers.While(26) in Italy,Bachr fell in lve with Pmpeii,the preserved ancient Rman city.A tur guide pinted ut a msaic,made f mainly glass and marble,and tld Bachr,"Glass and marble dn't (27).S,this lks essentially the way the artist intended. " Bachr says, "That kind f staying pwer just(28) me s much. "
    A year later Bachr returned t attend a msaic class in Ravenna,Italy,t learn the prper way t(29) the ancient technique.Years after that,he mastered the technique.He(30) that msaics can be just as significant tday as the art frm ver 1,000 years ag. "I just saw that there was a(n)(31) t bring it int the new age as a cntemprary subject, " he says.
    S,Bachr decided t make a special piece f(32) fr that pthle.He has(33) msaic pthle art arund Chicag,Detrit,New Yrk City and even in Finland.
    While he may nt be getting(34) frm drivers r passengers,Bachr's art is(35) a pleasant surprise t discver.
    A. bdyB. rckC. carD. sand
    A. challengingB. interestingC. discuragingD. annying
    A. mdernB. ancientC. elegantD. mysterius
    A. bjectsB. ideasC. rutinesD. prjects
    A. dutyB. careerC. beliefD. instructin
    A. travelingB. livingC. wrkingD. studying
    A. lastB. cnnectC. fadeD. reslve.
    A. remindedB. cnfusedC. trubledD. impressed
    A. intrduceB. perfrmC. prmteD. describe
    A. arguedB. imaginedC. rememberedD. realized
    A. linkB. timeC. pprtunityD. vice
    A. artwrkB. machinery-wrk
    C. cdeD. literature
    A. discveredB. createdC. imprvedD. taught
    A. helpB. invitatinC. mneyD. praise
    A. nearlyB. merelyC. certainlyD. persnally
    The buildings in the Old Twn f Dali (1) ( create) at the end f the 14th century. (2) ( cver) an area f abut three square kilmeters,it is surrunded by mats and wails.The Bai peple (3) ( frm) their unique tea culture n ffering tea t guests till nw.It is knwn (4) the "Three-Curse Tea".That means the tea cmes in three styles.In the first rund,the Bai peple place an empty teapt n the fire until its surface is ht.Then they put a handful f tea leaves inside the teapt,and shake it (5) ( make) sure the tea leaves are cmpletely baked.Finally,the hst will ffer a half cup f tea t guests (6) ( expect) t drink at ne time.In the secnd rund,the Bai peple make the tea (7) same way,but they add sme brwn sugar,cheese slices (a lcal prduct),and cinnamn t sweeten the (8) ( mix).In the third rund,the Bai peple still make the tea in this way, (9) they add hney,puffed sticky rice,dry Sichuan pepper,and grund walnuts,s the tea has varieties f flavrs,including sweet,sur,bitter,and spicy,and rich aftertastes.The Three-Curse Tea als reflects the philsphy (10) life is bth bitter and sweet,but every mment is cherished when lked back n.
    注意:1.词数100左右 2.适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.
    Mei Mei frwned as she helped her mther and father set ut the cking supplies in the shiny steel kitchen.Her family had just mved here frm San Francisc having bught a small restaurant,which was set t pen in the next few days.
    "Mving here was a stupid idea.I have lst all my friends in San Francisc.What shuld I d nw?" Mei Mei grumbled,mstly t herself.
    "What's that?" Her mther asked,pening a bx and lifting ut several pts and a wrk.
    "Nthing," Mei Mei mumbled.The girl had been cmplaining abut the mve,but her parents had made the decisin and were nw t busy getting ready fr the grand pening t listen t her cmplaints.
    The first few days at her new schl hadn't been easy,either.She fund it hard t talk t peple she didn't knw,and it seemed like the students hadn't even nticed her.Mei Mei sighed and gt back t washing dishes.
    On the day f the grand pening,Mei Mei's parents were all smiles.welcming custmers int the restaurant,brightly decrated in gld and red.Even Mei Mei was in a gd md as she rushed arund,seating guests,handing ut menus,and puring tall glasses f water.This was a big day fr her family.
    At ne f the tables sat a family with tw daughters wh were abut Mei Mei's age.As she filled their glasses,MeiMei realized the twins were in her class.Mei Mei ducked her head dwn s her lng hair cvered her face,and she turned away frm the table.
    Mei Mei's mther fund her sn after,in the kitchen lading the dishwasher. "Hney,what are yu ding back here?We need yu ut frnt with the custmers. "
    Para 1
    "Mm,I dn't want t be ut there!" _______________________
    Para 2
    Mei Mei put a handful f ckies int a small plate and left the kitchen._____________________
    【解析】(1)B.推理判断题。根据文章第二段All Visitrs must use this entrance and there is ften a wait just t get in the building.所有的游客都必须从这个入口进入,通常要等很长时间才能进去。可知,到这里参观的游客必须等待,其主要原因可能是游客数量很多。因此从第二段我们可以知道很多游客被这个建筑物吸引,故选B。
    (2)D.细节理解题。根据文章86th Flr Observatry(indr and utdr)介绍内容1,050 feet (320 meters),reached by high speed,autmatic elevatrs,it has a glass-enclsed area,which is heated in winter and cled in summer.High pwered binculars (双筒望远镜) are available fr the cnvenience f visitrs at a minimal cst.1050 英尺(320米),通过高速自动电梯到达,它有一个玻璃封闭区域,冬天取暖,夏天降温。大功率双筒望远镜以最低成本为游客提供方便。可知,该看台可以让游客在室内外观景,可以看到纽约市的景色,故选D。
    (3)C.数字计算题。根据文中的Express Pass-$65,all visitrs ages 6+ 特快通行证--所有年龄6岁以上的人收费都是65美元。可知,如果想立刻参观帝国大厦,需要购买直通票以避免排队等候,每个人的费用是65美元,两个为65×2=130美元,故选C。
    【解析】(1)B.推理判断题。由第一段"In the 1994 film Frrest Gump,there's a famus saying, "Life is like a bx f chclates;yu never knw what yu're gnna get." The surprise is part f the fun.Nw blind bx tys are bringing the magic f surprise t nline shpping. (在1994年的电影《阿甘正传》中,有句名言:"生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。"惊喜是乐趣的一部分。现在,盲盒玩具给网上购物带来了惊喜的魔力)"可知,《阿甘正传》中的名言表明生活中充满了惊喜,作者引用电影台词是为了引出给人带来惊喜的盲盒玩具这一话题。故选B项。
    (2)A.推理判断题。由第三段中的"Accrding t a 2019 Tmall reprt,the mini-series f Labubu blind bx,designed by Kasing Lung,was named Champin f Unit Sales with 55,000 sld in just 9 secnds during the Singles Day shpping event.Mst custmers fr blind bxes are yung peple aged 18 t 35. (根据2019年天猫的一份报告,由Kasing Lung设计的迷你系列Labubu盲盒在光棍节购物活动期间仅9秒钟内售出5.5万个,被评为销量冠军。盲盒的大多数顾客是18至35岁的年轻人)"可知,光棍节购物活动期间仅9秒钟内就售出5.5万个盲盒,说明盲盒很受年轻人的欢迎。故选A项。
    (3)B.推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的"Opening a blind bx is a delightful little surprise fr ur bring rutine lives,smething small but fun t wait fr each day,week r mnth. (对于我们枯燥的日常生活来说,打开一个盲盒是一个令人愉快的小惊喜,每天、每周或每月都可以等待一些小而有趣的事情)"可得出,盲盒为人们的日常生活增添了乐趣。故选B项。
    (4)D.标题归纳题。由第三段中的"Blind bxes have caught n since they were first intrduced frm Japan t China in 2014. (自2014年从日本首次引入中国以来,盲盒就开始流行起来)"和其它段落可知,文章主要讲述了网上购物中风靡一时的盲盒,讲明了其来源以及流行的原因,D项"盲盒玩具,人们的新宠"符合文意。故选D项。
    【解析】(1)A.推理判断题。由第一段中的"‘Wastewater treatment plants are pretty gd at taking ut the waste and treating it befre it gets int ur waterways,' he said. ‘But nt everything can be taken ut,' he added. (他说:‘废水处理厂非常擅长在废水进入我们的水道之前将废水排出并进行处理。'‘但并不是所有废水都能处理干净,'他补充道)"可知,废水处理厂并不能把所有废水都处理干净,会有残留,可得出处理后的水中仍有一些污染物。故选A项。
    (2)B.词句猜测题。由第三段中的"Sme studies have shwn that even just ne drug can change the metablism f fish,making their metablism slw dwn.Then that will their bdies. (一些研究表明,即使只有一种药物也能改变鱼类的新陈代谢,使其新陈代谢减慢。那会 它们的身体)"和第四段中的"That creates a prblem fr the animals—using the extra energy t rid their bdies f the pllutants which can damage their cells and tissues. (这给动物带来了一个问题——利用额外的能量来清除体内的污染物,这些污染物会损害它们的细胞和组织)"可知,药物使鱼类的新陈代谢减慢,给鱼类带来不好的问题,说明这会损害它们的身体,impair在此处意为"损害(Harm)"。A.Frm表格;B.Harm损害;C.Benefit好处;D.Examine考试。故选B项。
    (3)D.推理判断题。由第四段中的"‘That's energy they burn just t stay alive,' explained Sctt.That is als the energy n lnger available t avid predatrs (天敌),t find fd and t mate. (斯科特解释说:‘这就是它们为了生存而燃烧的能量。‘这也是不再能用来躲避捕食者、寻找食物和交配的能量)"和倒数第二段"And they reprt that fish expsed t a mix f chemicals can use up sme f their energy just t deal with thse pllutants.Therefre,they will have less energy t eat and avid being eaten,says Paul Craig,a bilgist in Ontari. (他们报告说,暴露在混合化学物质中的鱼类可能会消耗一些能量来处理这些污染物。因此,安大略省的生物学家保罗•克雷格说,它们吃东西的能量会减少,避免被吃掉)"可知,鱼要消耗掉很多能量处理污染物,所以用来躲避捕食者、寻找食物和交配的能量减少,由此可判断为了活下来,必须要有更多的能量才可以,即鱼会消耗额外的能量来生存。故选D项。
    (4)D.推理判断题。由第一段得知研究发现是有些未处理完全的污染物会使得鱼类消耗更多的能量和最后一段中的"‘It is up t us t help reduce the types f pllutants in.wastewater, ' Craig says. ‘That includes nt thrwing leftver medicines dwn the tilet. ' he recmmends. (克雷格说:‘我们有责任帮助减少废水中污染物的种类。'‘这包括不要把剩下的药品扔进马桶。'他建议)"得知研究者建议我们要减少扔污染物,通过首尾段的理解,我们得知作者分析了污染的问题,最后提出建议,作者写这篇文章的目的是希望我们能减少废水中的污染物。故选D项。
    【解析】(1)C.推理判断题。由第二段"Accrding t a newly published study,cats seem t be able t predict the lcatin f hiding prey(猎物) using bth their ears and an inbrn(天生的) understanding f hw the physical wrld wrks. (根据一项最新发表的研究,猫似乎能够通过双耳预测隐藏猎物的位置,并与生俱来地理解物理世界是如何运作的)"可知,猫天生就有能力定位到它们捕猎的动物。故选C项。
    (2)D.细节理解题。由第四段中的"It turns ut that the cats were remarkably smart abut what wuld happen when a cntainer was tipped ver. (事实证明,猫非常聪明地知道当容器被翻倒时会发生什么)"和第五段中的"Cats use a causal-lgical understanding f nise r sunds t predict the appearance f invisible bjects (猫利用对噪音或声音的因果逻辑理解来预测看不见的物体的外观)"可知,正是猫对噪音或声音的因果逻辑关系的掌握才导致了猫对集装箱噪音的反应,让猫知道当容器被翻倒时会发生什么。故选D项。
    (3)A.细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的"Like cats,babies appear t engage in what's called "preferential lking" — lking lnger at things that are interesting r unusual than things they perceive as nrmal. (和猫一样,婴儿似乎也在进行所谓的"优先观看"---看有趣或不寻常的事情的时间比他们看正常的事情要长)"可知,和猫一样,婴儿喜欢专注于看似奇怪的(不寻常的)事情。故选A项。
    (4)B.推理判断题。由第五段中的"Cats use a causal-lgical understanding f nise r sunds t predict the appearance f invisible bjects (猫利用对噪音或声音的因果逻辑理解来预测看不见的物体的外观)"和倒数第二段中的"When babies' expectatins are disturbed in experiments like the nes perfrmed with the cats,they react much like their animal friends.Psychlgists have shwn that babies apparently expect their wrld t be cnsistent with the laws f physics and cause and effect as early as tw mnths f age. (当婴儿的期望在类似猫的实验中被违背时,婴儿的反应就像他们的动物朋友一样。心理学家已经证明,婴儿显然早在两个月大的时候就期望他们的世界符合物理定律和因果关系)"可知,在类似猫的实验中,(期望他们的世界符合物理定律和因果关系的)婴儿的反应就像猫一样,说明猫与物理世界的互动非常像人类。故选B项。
    【解析】(1)F.推理判断题。根据第一段的Yu may say that rain cmes frm cluds,but yu can als say that rain is cluds.(你可能会说雨来自云,但你也可以说雨是云)可知,本文主要介绍雨云是怎么形成的,F项If yu want a better understanding f why rain cmes dwn frm cluds (如果你想更好地理解为什么雨从云上落下)围绕这个主题,且承接下文。故选F。
    (2)B.段落大意题。通读本段及空后的Once the air has cled past the"dew pint",it cndenses arund a nucleus,which are usually tiny particles f dust,smke r even salt that are flating in the air. (一旦空气冷却过了"凝结点",它就会在原子核周围凝结,而原子核通常是漂浮在空气中的灰尘、烟雾甚至盐的微粒)可知,本段主要讲述雨云的形成原因,B项叙述的是雨云形成的最初状况,选项中的it cls和has cled相呼应,且语义As warm air rises with the water vapr it cntains,it cls (当热空气与它所含的水蒸气一起上升时,它就变冷了)顺承下文。故选B。
    (3)E.推理判断题。根据上句Then tiny water drplets are frmed.(然后形成微小的水滴)中关键信息词frm可知,此处就初步形成的水珠展开叙述。选项中的drplets和上句相吻合,且语义The tiny water drplets that initially frm are what yu see as cluds(最初形成的小水滴就是你看到的云)承上启下。故选E。
    (4)G.推理判断题。根据下文Eventually they fall dwn thrugh the clud as rain.(最终它们以雨的形式穿过云层落下)及They attract mre water vapr t themselves and grw quickly until they're heavy enugh t fall as snw. (它们吸引了更多的水蒸气,并迅速成长,直到它们重到可以像雪一样落下)可知,此处讲述了两种降水形式。故G项As thse drplets cntinue t rise,they have tw ways t cme back t Earth (随着这些水滴继续上升,它们有两种方式返回地球)符合语境。故选G。
    (5)D.推理判断题。根据下文They attract mre water vapr t themselves and grw quickly until they're heavy enugh t fall as snw. (它们吸引了更多的水蒸气,并迅速成长,直到它们重到可以像雪一样落下)可知,D项Smetimes the drplets rise high enugh t freeze int ice crystals. (有时水滴上升到足以冻结成冰晶)紧接其义,语义顺承。故选D。
    七选五阅读是完成性阅读,和完形填空很类似,不同的是一个选词,一个选句子。解题时,要注意上下文语境,充分考虑信息词(选项中和空格前后句子中相同或相近的词),选出最符合语境的句子。单词复现法是七选五常用的大题技巧之一,即选项和原文中的某些词相同或互为词根词缀的形式相呼应。比如第3题,E选项中的drplets和上句Then tiny water drplets are frmed.(然后形成微小的水滴)中的drplets相呼应。
    【解析】(1)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.bdy身体;B.rck岩石;C.car汽车;D.sand沙。让车跳起来。根据前面Yu're driving dwn the rad 可知是开车。故选C。
    (3)B.考查形容词及语境理解。A.mdern 现代的;B.ancient古代的;C.elegant优雅的;D.mysterius神秘的。古代的马赛克艺术形式。根据下文t learn the prper way t perfrm the ancient technique. 可知是古老的。故选B。
    (6)A.考查动词及语境理解。A.traveling旅行;B.living生活;C.wrking工作;D.studying学习。在意大利旅行时,巴赫尔爱上了庞贝城。根据前面He regards an incidental trip t Eurpe 可知是旅行。故选A。
    (7)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.last持续;B.cnnect连接;C.fade褪色;D.reslve决心。玻璃和石头不会褪色。根据下文That kind f staying pwer 可知是褪色。故选C。
    (8)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.reminded提醒;B.cnfused使困惑;C.trubled使麻烦;D.impressed使印象深刻。根据前文That kind f staying pwer ,这让我印象深刻。故选D。
    (9)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.intrduce介绍;B.perfrm做,执行;C.prmte提升;D.describe描述。根据前文t learn the prper way ,一年后,巴赫尔回到意大利拉文纳参加一个马赛克班,学习如何正确地实施古老的技巧。故选B。
    (12)A.考查名词及语境理解。A.artwrk艺术品;B.machinery-wrk机械工程;C.cde代码;D.literature文学。所以,巴赫尔决定为那些坑做一件特别的艺术品。根据第一段but artist Jim Bachr sees them as a canvas fr his artwrk. 可知是艺术品。故选A。
    文章讲述了艺术家Jim Bachr 在马路的坑洞上做艺术品的故事,把古代的马赛克艺术应用到现代物品上。
    36.【答案】【小题1】were created
    【小题3】have frmed
    【小题5】t make
    【解析】(1)were created.考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:大理古城的建筑建于14世纪末。此处缺乏谓语,结合时间状语at the end f the 14th century,主语The buildings和谓语动词create是被动关系,用一般过去时的被动语态,主语The buildings复数,谓语复数形式。故填were created。
    (2)Cvering.考查现在分词。句意:它占地约三平方公里,周围有护城河和护城河。本句已有谓语is surrunded by且无连词,动词cver用非谓语形式,逻辑主语it (Old Twn f Dali)与动词cver是主谓关系,用现在分词(ding)表主动,作状语,首字母大写。故填Cvering。
    (3)have frmed.考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:至今日,白族人在饮茶上形成了自己独特的茶文化。此处缺乏谓语,结合时间状语till nw,时态用现在完成时,主语The Bai peple (白族人民)复数,谓语复数形式。故填have frmed。
    (4)as.考查固定搭配。句意:它被称为"三道茶"。固定搭配be knwn as…(被称为……)。故填as。
    (5)t make.考查动词不定式。句意:然后他们把一把茶叶放进茶壶里,摇动它,确保茶叶完全烤好。make用动词不定式做目的状语,摇晃它的目的是确保茶叶完全被烘烤。故填t make。
    (6)expected.考查过去分词。句意:最后,主人会给客人提供半杯茶,希望他们一次喝一杯。本句已有谓语will ffer且无连词,动词expect用非谓语形式,逻辑主语guests与动词expect是动宾关系,expect用过去分词表被动作后置定语,修饰名词guests。故填expected。
    (7)the.考查固定搭配。句意:在第二轮中,白族人用同样的方法泡茶,但他们添加了一些红糖、奶酪片(当地产品)和肉桂来使混合物变甜。固定搭配the same (同样的)。故填the。
    (10)f.考查介词。句意:这三道茶也反映了人生的哲学,既苦又甜,但回首往事,每时每刻都很珍惜。此处是f (……的)名词所有格,the philsphy f life (人生的哲学)。故填f。
    37.【答案】Dear Jim,
    Learning that yur schl is ging t rganize a trip t China, I am mre than delighted t ffer yu sme suggestins.(高分句型一)【愿意提供建议】
    As far as I am cncerned, the best chice is visiting Muntain Tai. Here are the reasns. First yu can either g sightseeing by cable r climb the muntain and enjy the nature at the same time. Besides, yu can gain a sense f achievement when admiring the breathtaking scenery at the tp f the muntain. Last but nt least, there are many sacred temples, which ffer yu the pprtunity t be expsed t Chinese culture in persn at the ft f muntain.(高分句型二)【建议选择的路线及理由】
    Wish my advice turn t be useful and hpe yu have a nice trip in China. Best wishes t yu and yur classmates !【表达祝愿】
    Li Hua
    高分句型一:Learning that yur schl is ging t rganize a trip t China, I am mre than delighted t ffer yu sme suggestins.得知贵校将组织一次中国之行,我很高兴能给您一些建议.本句中learning是现在分词在句中做状语.
    高分句型二:Last but nt least, there are many sacred temples, which ffer yu the pprtunity t be expsed t Chinese culture in persn at the ft f muntain.最后但并非最不重要,有许多神庙,提供您在山脚亲自接触中国文化的机会.本句中which引导的是非限制性定语从句,先行词是temple,在从句中做主语.
    38.【答案】【小题1】Paragraph 1:
    "Mm,I dn't want t be ut there!"Mei Mei whispered,as if pleading with her mther nt t let herself face the awkward situatin.【高分句型一】"Why?"her mther asks."They are my classmates and I dn't want t greet them in this situatin.""Yu shuldn't be afraid.Maybe this is yur chance t meet them.G ahead and get them these ckies,t."Mei Mei hesitated and accepted her mther's suggestin.(妈妈开导梅梅主动去和同学打招呼)
    Paragraph 2:
    Mei Mei put a handful f ckies int a small plate and left the kitchen.She served them the ckies,and the twins recgnized Mei Mei.They greeted her warmly.And they talked a lt abut Mei Mei's family.It was the first time since she had been here that she had talked t anyne ther than her family.Mei Mei fund that she was accepted.【高分句型二】Frm then n,the twins ften came t the restaurant fr dinner,and Mei Mei became gd friends with them. (梅梅将饼干端给双胞胎,以及他们的反应)
    高分句型一:Mei Mei whispered,as if pleading with her mther nt t let herself face the awkward situatin.
    分析:这句话使用as if引导省略的方式状语从句。
    高分句型二:Mei Mei fund that she was accepted.

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