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    这是一份2022年河南省南阳市镇平县中考一模英语试题,共9页。试卷主要包含了 4等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    一. 听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)
    ( )1. Hw lng des the man spend watching news every day?
    A. Tw hurs. B. An hur. C. Half an hur.
    ( )2. What will the girl give Betty fr her birthday?
    A. A cake. B. A card. C. A skirt.
    ( )3. Whse English-Chinese dictinary is lst?
    A. Mike’s. B. Lucy’s. C. Tina’s.
    ( )4. What was wrng with the wman’s daughter?
    A. She had a cld. B. She had a fever. C. She had a headache.
    ( )5. Why des Bb lk s happy?
    A. Because he gt gd grades in the exams.
    B. Because their ftball team wn the match.
    C. Because he became a member f the schl ftball team.
    第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    ( )6. Hw many languages can the man speak?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur.
    ( )7. What des the girl think f French?
    A. It is imprtant. B. It is interesting. C. It is difficult.
    ( )8. Hw lng has Jack learned English?
    A. Fr five years. B. Fr six years. C. Fr seven years.
    ( )9. Hw ften des Jack g t the English Cmer?
    A. Every day. B. Every ther day.C. Twice a week.
    听下面一段独白, 回答第10至第12三个小题。
    ( )10. Hw many students dn’t think mbile phnes shuld be used at schl?
    A. 15 students. B. 35 students. C. 50 students.
    ( )11. Hw many mbile’s advantages at schl are mentined?
    A. One. B. Tw. C. Three.
    ( )12. Why des the writer think it’s nt a gd idea t use mbile phnes at schl?
    A. Because it csts mney. B. Because it can imprve ur study.
    C. Because it has a bad influence n imprving ur study.
    ( )13. When did Tina g t Taiwan?
    A. Last year. B. Last mnth. C. A few days ag.
    ( )14. Hw d sme peple in Taiwan g t wrk?
    A. By mtrbike. B. By bus. C. By subway.
    ( )15. What des Tina think f the peple in Taiwan?
    A. Plite. B. Outging. C. Hard-wrking.
    第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
    16. ______ 17. ______18. ______ 19. ______ 20. ______
    二. 阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)
    阅读下面四篇语言材料, 然后按文后要求做题。
    ( )21. Where is Santa Mnica Beach?
    A. In France. B. In England. C. In Germany. D. In America.
    ( )22. Hw much will Jane pay if she ges t the beach with her five friends by van?
    A. $15. B. $21. C. $30. D. $66.
    ( )23. Santa Mnica Beach desn’t require peple t pay fr its ______.
    A. mealsB. bikesC. beach chairsD. beach umbrellas
    ( )24. Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut Sunset Swims?
    A. Everyne can jin in it. B. It is held in Main Street.
    C. It happens in the evening. D. There is a music shw in it.
    ( )25. In which part f a newspaper can yu prbably see this text?
    A. Summer Fun. B. Science Study. C. Schl Time. D. Stry Land.
    When Vani Sharma was five, her elder sister, Anitha was ill and had t stay in the hspital fr a mnth. Vani and her parents ften stayed clse by, and a Rnald McDnald Huse prgram near the hspital served them sme meals. This rganizatin ffers fd and a hmelike place t stay s that families f hspitalized children can be tgether as much as pssible. Vani remembers eating pasta(意大利面食)meals prepared there by kind and welcming vlunteers.
    Her family was thankful fr the supprt they received. After Anitha recvered(痊愈), they all decided t vlunteer. Seven years later, they and their friends cntinue helping ut there by preparing a meal fr 50 t 70 guests nce a mnth.
    Over the years, Vani has taken n mre respnsibility during her family’s visits. She nw helps plan the menu and prepare the fd. She als tries t make guests feel welcmed in many ther ways. These include handing ut encuraging cards, creating welcme bags, and putting up a “Happiness Wall” f cheerful messages. As guests eat, Vani and Anitha ften play music n the clarinet(单簧管)and flute(长笛).
    The Sharmas enjy bringing happiness t thers during a difficult time. As Vani says, a wnderful chance t give back t the cmmunity and t make them feel just like we did when we were at the Rnald McDnald Huse. ”
    ( )26. Hw did Rnald McDnald Huse prgram help hspitalized children?
    A. By serving pasta meals fr them freely.
    B. By ffering fd and places fr their families.
    C. By visiting them and giving them perfrmances.
    D. By helping them make friends with ther children.
    ( )27. Why did Vani Sharma’s family decide t vlunteer?
    A. Because they wanted t get mre scial experience.
    B. Because they hped t be mre happy by helping thers.
    C. Because they wanted t pass n the kindness they received.
    D. Because her parents wanted them t be warm-hearted peple.
    ( )28. Accrding t the text, which f the fllwing is TRUE?
    A. Antitha als tries t make guests feel welcmed in many ther ways.
    B. Vani did a lt t help hspitalized children in Rnald McDnald Huse.
    C. Vani’s family wasn’t thankful fr the supprt they received frm the hspital.
    D. Anitha and Vani prepare the meal fr Rnald McDnald Huse’s guests twice a mnth.
    ( )29. Which f the fllwing is the crrect rder?
    a. Vani hands ut encuraging cards t ther peple.
    b. Vani received pasta frm a Rnald McDnald Huse.
    c. Vani’s sister had t stay in the hspital because f illness.
    d. Vani and her friends prepared a meal fr 50 t 70 guests nce a mnth.
    A. abedB. cdbaC. debaD. cbda
    ( )30. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T call n mre peple t jin in the charity.
    B. T encurage us t try new things t help thers.
    C. T let us knw the imprtance f learning sme skills.
    D. T tell us t be grateful fr the gd we received and pass them n.
    What’s the bdy’s biggest rgan(器官)? Yu might be surprised t find ut it’s the skin, which yu might nt think f as an rgan. It cvers and prtects everything inside yur bdy. Withut skin, peple’s muscles, bnes, and ther rgans wuld be hanging ut all ver the place. Skin hlds everything tgether. It als prtects ur bdies, helps keep ur bdies at just the right temperature and allws us t have the sense f tuch.
    Yur skin can help if yu’re feeling t ht r t cld. Yur bld vessels(血管), hair, and sweat glands(汗腺)wrk tgether t keep yur bdy at just the right temperature. If yu were t run arund in the heat, yu culd get verheated. If yu play utside when it’s cld, yur inner temperature culd drp. Either way, yur skin can help.
    If yu’ve been running arund n a ht day, yur bld vessels get the signal t release(释放)sme f yur bdy heat. They d this by bringing warm bld clser t the surface f yur skin. That’s why yu smetimes get a red face when yu run arund.
    T cl yu dwn, sweat glands als try t wrk by making lts f sweat t release bdy heat int the air. The htter yu are, the mre sweat yur glands make! Once the sweat hits the air, it evaprates ff yur skin, and yu cl dwn.
    What abut when yu’re ice-skating r sledding? When yu’re cld, yur bld vessels keep yur bdy frm lsing heat by narrwing as much as pssible and keeping warm bld away frm the skin surface. Yu might ntice tiny bumps(凸块)n yur skin, and we usually call these gse bumps.
    ( )31. What des the underlined wrd “It” refer t in the first paragraph?
    A. The bdy. B. The muscle. C. The skin. D. The bne.
    ( )32. The skin des all f these EXCEPT ______.
    A. making the sense f tuch pssible
    B. prtecting everything inside ur bdies
    C. keeping muscles and bnes strng
    D. keeping ur bdies at just the right temperature
    ( )33. What d bld vessels d if yu stay utside in winter?
    a. Narrw as much as they can.
    b. Let sme f yur bdy heat ut.
    c. Keep warm bld away frm the skin surface.
    d. Bring warm bld clser t the surface f yur skin.
    A. a, dB. b, dC. b, cD. a, c
    ( )34. What will happen when smething “evaprates”?
    A. It will change frm a liquid(液体)t a gas(气体).
    B. It will change frm a gas t a liquid.
    C. It will change frm a liquid t a slid(固体).
    D. It will change frm a slid t a liquid.
    ( )35. What’s the best title fr the text?
    A. What are gse bumps?B. Hw des skin help?
    C. Where des ur sweat g?D. Why d yu get a red face?
    Walking n the streets f Chngqing, Alex White was happy and excited. He felt s familliar(熟悉的)with the city, thugh it was just the secnd time he came here.
    In 2019, the Canadian and his wife decided t spend their Christmas hliday in Chngqing.
    36 When Alex researched Chngqing nline, he didn’t find t much infrmatin, and ne picture even shwed that Chngqing was highly plluted. Hwever, when they were actually there, the city gave the cuple a far better impressin impressin(印象).
    37 The COVID-19 pandemic, hwever, gt in his way. Being in China in persn became almst impssible during that perid. T let mre peple like him knw abut Chngqing, Alex began t use material nline and make vides t intrduce the city. He made ne vide every week and shared it n YuTube. The vides sn wn pepled hearts arund the wrld. 38
    Last September, Alex finally gt the chance t visit Chngqing. The minute he stepped ff the plane, he culdn’t wait t begin recrding his life there. “I dn’t want t miss a part f my quarantine(隔离)prcess. I want t share it with the wrld. 39 ” he said “When the plane landed, the quarantine wrk began. Technlgy als helps a lt, like the cntact, a health QR cde(接触者追踪、健康码)and the test result shwn n yur phne. ”
    40 He wants the wrld t see its beauty.
    36. _______ 37. ______ 38. ______ 39. _______ 40. ______
    三. 完形填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
    Time fr family
    When I was a by, my parents and I traveled frm New Yrk City t the cuntryside fr a weeklng vacatin. We 41 in a guesthuse n a farm, jining in the daily rutines(日常事务)and eating meals with the 42 and his family.
    We gt up early 43 we culd see the cw as they were milked. I even tried my hand at milking ne, then jined the farmer as he released the cws int the field afterward.
    Decades(几十年)later I 44 have vivid(清晰的)memries f that trip and f experiencing a lifestyle 45 my wn. It made me 46 the value f seeing new things. I still cnsider that family trip when I plan my apprach t taking time ff. As a bank manager, I 47 much f my wrkday encuraging my custmers t save their mney. One f the reasns I give 48 that we shuld all have enugh fr a 49 vacatin every year.
    Fr my family, ur vacatins start when we begin planning the trips. We 50 destinatins and ur budget(预算)ahead f time.
    Invlving the kids in planning the vacatin makes sure that they have a great vacatin t. While I 51 visit histrical sites and museums, they lve t fish and swim. I plan the vacatin s that it wrks fr, 52 .
    Each year, setting aside vacatin time t spend tgether is 53 t us. A relaxing envirnment 54 the drs t all kinds f cnversatins.
    This is the ne week a year when I dn’t care 55 my kids cleaned their rm r did the dishes. What matters that week is that everyne is having a great time.
    ( )41. A. staysB. stayingC. stayedD. stay
    ( )42. A. farmerB. wrkerC. writerD. dctr
    ( )43. A. sB. ifC. butD. thugh
    ( )44. A. perhapsB. stillC. almstD. hardly
    ( )45. A. the same as B. similar tC. different t D. different frm
    ( )46. A. refuseB. regardC. realizeD. lse
    ( )47. A. cstB. spendC. paidD. tk
    ( )48. A. areB. beC. isD. am
    ( )49. A. familyB. friendC. childD. parents
    ( )50. A. talk tB. talk frC. talk withD. talk abut
    ( )51. A. prefer tB. preferC. stp tD. have t
    ( )52. A. smebdy B. everybdy C. nthingD. everything
    ( )53. A. impssibleB. immediateC. imprtantD. implite
    ( )54. A. makesB. clsesC. shutsD. pens
    ( )55. A. ifB. whetherC. weatherD. and
    四. 语篇填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
    第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
    he easy time light never histry abut traditin teach use
    D yu knw ilpaper umbrellas? They have a 56 f ver 1, 000 years in China. Liu Weixue is a master at making ilpaper umbrellas.
    In 2015, Liu gave up a well-paid jb as a designer(设计师). He decided t learn the 57 art f making Yuhang ilpaper umbrellas frm his grandfather. “I want t bring the art t life,” Liu said. “When it rains, smene 58 the umbrella - that’s what I want t see.”
    Liu has imprved the umbrellas t win the hearts f yung peple. As the paper used in ancient times was 59 brken, he started t use thicker paper. In a test, his umbrellas were pened and clsed fr 1, 000 60 withut breaking. He used a 61 bamb than befre t make the umbrellas weigh less.
    In 2017, Liu pened an nline shp t sell umbrellas. Nw 62 shp has mre than 80, 000 fllwers. Liu has 63 thught abut hw t sell mre umbrellas. What he cares 64 is hw t make high-quality(高质量的)ilpaper umbrellas. His wrkshp makes nly 1, 000 umbrellas each year.
    Liu hpes the art f making ilpaper umbrellas can be passed n. He ften ges t sme lcal schls t 65 students. He als ges t events in different places t prmte(推广)the art.
    56. ______ 57. ______ 58. ______ 59. ______ 60. ______
    61. ______ 62. ______ 63. ______ 64. ______65. ______
    第二节 阅读短文, 根据语篇要求填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
    In the Warring States Perid, there was a musician named Gngming Yi wh 66 gd at playing the guqin. One day he went t the cuntryside and nticed that 67 was a cw eating grass nearby. He gt clser t the cw and played a beautiful piece f music t attract(吸引)it, 68 the cw seemed t have n interest.
    After a while, he had an idea. He played randmly(随意地)and the music sunded 69 the nise f flying msquites(蚊子). T his surprise, the cw seemed t understand it. The cw was clearly mre familiar with the sund f msquites than pleasant music. It is really 70 waste f time t play the guqin fr the cw.
    66. ______ 67. ______ 68. ______ 69. ______ 70. ______
    五. 补全对话(5个句子,每句2分,共10分)
    A: Hell, Linda. Lng time n see. 71. ______?
    B: Everything is ging very well.
    A: 72. ______?
    B: I’m busy preparing fr the English speech cntest held by ur schl these days.
    A: Ww! 73. ______?
    B: The tpic I’m ging t talk abut is that I have a dream. I like this tpic very much.
    A: Sunds great. Have yu prepared well fr it?
    B: Nt yet. 74. ______?
    A: Of curse. Yu can watch vides abut hw t be a gd speaker and learn sme skills. I believe yu can d it well.
    B: OK, thanks fr yur advice. I will have a try.
    A: 75. ______?
    B: At 6 ’clck, n Friday afternn.
    A: Gd luck t yu.
    B: Thank yu very much.
    六. 书面表达(20分)
    每个人的生活中都会有许多新的体验,比如第一次做饭,第一次画画,第一次参加比赛等等。请以“My first experience f”为题,并根据要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的一次新体验。
    1. 要点:1)你体验了什么事情;2)你是如何完成这件事情的;3)你的感受是什么。
    2. 要求:1)先把题目补充完整;2)文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;
    My first experience f ______
    一.1—5 CBBAB 6—10 BCBCB11—15CCCAA 16—20CEDAB
    三.41—45CAABD 46—50CBCAD 51—55ABCDB
    四.(一)56.histry 57.traditinal58.uses 59.easily 60.times
    61.lighter 62.his 63.neve 64.abut 65.teach
    (二)66.was 67.there 68.but 69.like 70.a
    五.71.Hw is everything ging (with yu)∕Hw is it ging
    ∕Hw are things ging with yu∕……
    72.What are yu busy with these days∕ What are yu ding these days∕……
    73.What’s yur tpic∕What are yu ging t talk abut∕……
    74.Can yu give me sme advice∕suggestins∕……
    75.When is yur shw time∕When is the English speech cntest∕……
    Santa Mnica Beach is a perfect place fr yur summer hliday. It’s nly 8 miles frm LA Internatinal Airprt, the US. There are clear water, sft white sands, nice fd and lw prices!
    Here yu can enjy many wnderful activities like beach vlleyball, swimming, fishing, bike-riding, shpping and drinking.
    10-15 minutes’ taxi ride, $15(a TAXI nt a persn) fr a car at mst 4 peple r $21 fr 5 peple.
    There are als vans (面包车)t hld at mst 8 peple and it csts abut $30 (a VAN nt a persn).
    Price (*pp = each persn)
    Beach chair: $2 pp
    Beach umbrella: free
    Meals frm ur restaurant: $20 pp
    Bike fr 3 hurs: $10 pp
    Summer Events and Festivals
    *Summer Party: Live music shws all day lng in Main Street.
    *Ocean Sprts & Beach Festival: Enjy live music, Plynesian dancing, fd, Rum & Beer Garden, and a surf & skate histry museum at Santa Mnica Pier 360.
    *4th f July Parade(巡游): A lk int lcal life, a wnderful cmmunity celebratin in Main Street.
    *Sunset Swims: Enjy summer evenings at Annenberg Beach Huse. Only fr 18-year-ld and abve.
    *Jazz n the Lawn: This free, family-friendly Jazz music night happens n Sunday evenings in Gandara Park.
    Discver fun things t d in Santa Mnica, Califrnia! 2427 Main Street, Santa Mnica, CA 90405, 1 (800) 544-5319
    A. At that time, they knew little abut the city.
    B. In this Canadian’s heart, Chngqing is als his city.
    C. And they have changed many peple’s ideas abut the city.
    D. Interested in Chngqing, Alex decided t pay anther visit t the city later.
    E. China did an excellent jb at epidemic preventin and cntrl(疫情防控).

    2023年河南省南阳市镇平县六校联考中考二模英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2023年河南省南阳市镇平县六校联考中考二模英语试题(含解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了阅读单选,阅读还原5选5,完形填空,短文选词填空,短文语境提示填空,填写适当的句子补全对话,材料作文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023年河南省南阳市镇平县六校联考中考英语二模试卷(含答案): 这是一份2023年河南省南阳市镇平县六校联考中考英语二模试卷(含答案),共30页。试卷主要包含了听力理解第一节 听下面5段对话,补全对话,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023年河南省南阳市镇平县六校联考中考英语二模试卷: 这是一份2023年河南省南阳市镇平县六校联考中考英语二模试卷,共25页。试卷主要包含了听力理解第一节 听下面5段对话,补全对话,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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