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    初中英语牛津版 (深圳&广州)九年级下册(2014秋审查)Unit1 Great explorations学案

    这是一份初中英语牛津版 (深圳&广州)九年级下册(2014秋审查)Unit1 Great explorations学案,共11页。

    at last _______________ cunt ____________________
    fix…n _______________ hld ut ____________________
    (be) accused f ______________________
    under the name( f )_____________________
    lk fr _________________ instead f ____________________
    be tired f __________________ pass by _____________________
    be prud f _________________ hear abut ___________________
    in return _____________________ be gd with sb. ___________________
    If yu can’t hear smebdy clearly, yu can ask fr ___________(repeat).
    America is the strngest __________(America) cuntry.
    Clumbus’s ___________ (discver) f America pened up the New Wrld t Eurpe.
    The Chinese gvernment is always trying t _________(develpment) the relatin between China and ther cuntries.
    Athletes frm _________(African) usually win in the running race.
    Health is mre imprtant than _________ (wealthy).
    The gvernment _________ (ffice) shuld serve the peple heart and sul.
    The rapid ________(develp) f China surprised the wrld.
    He traveled lt. It seemed that __________ (everywhere) was t far him t visit.
    We try t maintain gd _________(relate) with ur custmer.
    Learn t ask fr repetitin
    repeat v. 重复 (smething that happens again, especially smething bad)
    repetitin n.
    Srry, culd yu repeat that?
    Mike patiently repeated that he had t wrk that day.
    The best way t learn English is thrugh repetitin.
    2. This was nearly a century befre Christpher Clumbus first set sail n his jurney f discvery t America.
    discver v. -发现; 找到- discvery n.
    The bdy was discvered in a field.
    His friends were shcked t discver hw ill he was.
    make a discvery 发现 (C)
    the discvery f il in Alaska 在阿拉斯加发现石油 (U)
    nearly adv. 几乎,差不多
    辨析:nearly 与 almst
    ①nearly 与almst 在大多数情况下可换用。但almst 所表达的程度比nearly 更接近一些。
    He is almst/nearly as tall as her. 他差不多与她一样高。
    ②nearly可以和nt 连用,但不能与其他否定词连用. almst 可与n, nne,never,nthing,nbdy等连用。
    That film is nt nearly as interesting as this ne.
    Her parents almst never g t the z.
    3. His task was t develp relatins and set up trade rutes with freign cuntries.
    develp v. 发展; 研发; 增强; (使)成长/发展 --develpment n.
    develping 发展中的 develped 发达的
    The students develped their reading skills further during this term.
    They have develped an interest in internatinal affairs.
    China is a _______________ cuntry while America is a _________________ cuntry.
    a curse n the develpment f the Greek thught 关于希腊思想发展的课程
    freign adj. 外国的 -- _____________ n. 外国人
    Can yu speak any freign languages?
    I thught she sunded freign. 我觉得她说话像外国人。
    Many freigners came t Shenzhen during the Universiade in 2011.
    freign trade 对外贸易

    4. He rse t becme a trusted fficial f the Yngle Emperr f the Ming Dynasty.
    rise v. 变得更加成功(或重要, 强大); 升高; 上升; – 过去式 __________ -- 过去分词 _________
    He rse t becme chairman f the cmpany. 他升为公司的董事长。
    Smke rse frm the chimney. 烟从烟囱中升起。
    Our teachers tld us that he sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

    (n.) The wrkers were ffered a 3% pay rise. (提升; 增加)
    a sudden rise in sea level
    5. Besides develping trade, the vyages als encuraged the exchange f cultures and technlgies.
    trade v./n. 贸易; 以物易物; 互相交换 -- ___________ n. 商人; 买卖人
    Trade in ivry has been banned since 1990. 象牙交易从1990开始就禁止了。
    A lt f pubs (小酒馆) nwadays d mst f their trade during lunchtimes.
    T the surprise f many Wall Street traders, the dllar rse yesterday.
    besides prep. 除了…之外, 还…
    (区分)besides/except/except fr
    Besides 除…之外(还) 有附加的含义
    Except 除…之外 含有拍它的含义
    Except fr 除…之外,只是 表示对主要部分的肯定和对部分的否定
    He gets up very early every day except Sunday. 他每天早起,除了星期天。
    The cmpetitin was gd except fr a few spelling mistakes.这篇作文写的很 好,除了几处拼写错误。
    He had ther peple t take care f besides me. 除我之外,他还要照顾别人。
    6. Peple still remember him as a pineer in pening up cultural cntacts between different peples arund the wrld.
    peple n. 名族; 人;
    人; 人们 (plural)
    Hw many peple were there at the meeting?
    I dn’t care what peple think.
    名族; 人民; 种族
    He said that he wuld never lie t the American peple.
    the peples f Eurpe 欧洲各国
    7. T lk fr mre wealth.
    wealth n. 财富 (a large amunt f mney)
    -- _____________ adj. 富有的 rich
    the ____________ = peple wh have a lt f mney, pssessins
    Lts f explrers were sent by the emperr t lk fr wealth.
    He was brn in a wealthy family.
    (类似单词) health; luck; nise; 天气的名词+y – 形容词

    拓展 lk 的其他相关短语
    Lk arund 四周环顾 lk at 看着 lk back 回头看,回顾
    Lk dwn n 轻视 lk after 照顾,照料 lk frward t 盼望,期待
    Lk like 看上去像 lk ut 小心,留神 lk thrugh浏览
    Lk up查询,抬头看
    (1)结果状语从句由s…that, such…that, s that引导。例如:
    He is s pr that he can’t buy a bike fr his sn.
    She is such a gd teacher that everybdy likes her.
    My pencil fell under the desk, s that I culdn’t see it.
    在由引导的结果状语从句中,s是副词,与形容词连用。其结构是: “ + 形容词(副词)+ that + 从句”。例如:
    He was s glad that he culdn’t say a wrd.
    The hall is s big that it can hld 2,000 peple.
    Mther lives s far away that we hardly ever(几乎不,从来不) see her.
    It was such a ht day that nbdy wanted t d anything.
    He had such lng arms that he culd almst tuch the ceiling.(天花板)
    He made such rapid prgress that he did very well in the mid-term.
    It was such a wnderful film that all f us wanted t see it again.
    =The film was s wnderful that all f us wanted t see it again.
    It is such an imprtant match that nbdy wants t miss it.
    =The match is s imprtant that nbdy wants t miss it.
    (3)如果名词前由many, much, little, few等词修饰时,只能用s, 不用such。例如:
    Sn there were s many deer that they ate up all the wild rses.
    He has s little time that he can’t g t the cinema(去看电影) with yu.
    1. 结果状语从句
    s + adj./adv. + that …
    such a/an + adj. + n. + that …
    such a/an + adj. + n. = s + adj. + a/an + n.
    注意: s many/few + 可数名词复数 +that
    s much/little + 不可数名词 +that
    2. t … (fr sb.) t d …
    3. adj./adv. + enugh (fr sb.) t d …
    enugh + n. t d …
    Zheng He’s v__________ are very imprtant in histry.
    Educatin _____________(发展)is imprtant in a cuntry.
    The girl can speak three f_____________ languages.
    Sun Yat-sen was ne f the revlutin _______________(先驱).
    Knwledge is w__________. Knwledge is pwer.
    She is ne f the mst famus ____________(teach) in Shandng prvince.
    The ld man didn’t knw hw ___________(g) t the supermarket.
    They asked us sme ______________(infrmatin) abut ur schl.
    She was a husewife f _____________(experience).
    Lu Xun was _____________(knw) as a great writer.
    ---Hw d yu like the ppular dcumentary “A Bite f China”(舌尖上的中国)?
    ---Excellent! Yu wn’t realize hw wnderful ur Chinese fd is ______ yu watch it.
    when B.as C. after D. until
    Linda is ne f _______students in ur class.
    gd B. better C. best D. the best
    Li Ke _________ runs in the mrning, fr he wants t be healthy.
    never B. ften C. hardly D. seldm
    ---Have yu heard the sng Stay Here Frever?
    ---Yes. It sunds __________.
    well B. ludly C. sweet D. beautiful
    My parents always tell me ________ mre vegetables and fruit.
    eat B. eating C. eats D.t eat
    We are all ________ in the _______ mvie.
    interesting; interesting B. interesting; interested
    C. interested; interesting D. interested; interested
    We shuld pay attentin t __________ ur classrm clean.
    keep B. keeps C. kept D. keeping
    ---I hear there’s a gd French restaurant nearby. Why nt ________ there fr lunch?
    ---Yeah, let’s g.
    g B. ging C.t g D. went
    ---Have yu seen the film Cming Hme directed by Zhang Yimu?
    ---Nt yet. I’m _______ seeing it. It’s said the film is great!
    lking dwn n B. lking ut fr
    C. lking up t D. lking frward t
    ---Is Jack gd at basketball?
    ---Yes. __________ basketball, he is als gd at table tennis.
    A. Except B. Besides C. Except fr D. Beside

    vyage n.航行 American adj.美洲的
    cntinent n.大陆 discvery n.发现
    rise v.变得更加成功(或重要、强大等)develp v.增强,加强
    relatin n.关系,交往 trade n.贸易 v.以物换物,互相交换
    freign adj.外国的 Africa n.非洲
    nwhere adv.无处,哪里都不 silk n.丝织物,丝绸
    besides prep.除之外(还) develpment n.发展,壮大
    pineer n.先锋,先驱 peple n.民族,种族
    wealth n.财富 spread v.传播
    pen up 开辟 2.trade tutes 贸易路线
    set ff 出发 4.g n a trip 去旅行
    set up 建立,设立 6.set sail 起航
    7.At that time 在那时 8.(be) knwn as 被称为
    9.As well as 也,还 太而不能
    11.Grw up 长大 12.pay attentin t 注意
    13.Hand in 上交 14.lk fr 寻找
    15.Arund the wrld 世界各地 16.such as 例如
    17.At the end f 在末端 18.quantities f 大量的
    19.Nt 直到才 20.Because f 因为,由于
    把与对比 22.between 在和之间
    hw t d sth. 如何做某事
    rder sb. t d sth. 命令某人做某事
    It seems that... 似乎
    allw sb. t d sth. 允许某人做某事
    want t d sth. 想要做某事
    keep ding sth. 一直做某事
    ne f the +形容词的最高级+可数名词复数,最之一
    need t d sth. 需要做某事
    tell sb. t d sth. 告诉某人做某事
    wuld like t d sth, 想要做某事
    Why dn’t we/yu d sth.? 我们/你们为什么不做某事呢?
    形容词/副词+enugh t d sth. 足够能做某事
    1. I want t knw ___ she is ging t see a film.
    A. if B. that C. what D. which
    2. Yu are sure t pass the exam ___ yu study hard.
    A. if B. thugh C. that D. since
    3. I'll g t see the film with yu ___I have time this evening.
    A. Whether B. S C. If D. when
    4. ___ yu study harder, yu'll never pass the final exam.
    A. If B. Until C. Unless D. Except
    5. Althugh it was raining, ___ still wrked in the fields.
    A. but they B. and they C. they D. and yet they
    6,___ there were nly five sldiers left at the frnt, ___ they went n fighting.
    A. Because; s B. If; and C. Thugh; but D. Thugh; /
    7, ___ she is very ld, ___ she can still wrk eight hurs a day.
    A. Because; s B. Thugh; but C. As; yet D. Thugh; yet
    8,. Please answer the questin in a lud enugh vice ___ all the class may hear.
    A. s that B. r C. in rder that D. and
    9,. Lift it up ___I may see it.
    A. thugh B. s that C. as D. than
    10. I hurried ___ I wuldn't be late fr class.
    A. s B. s that C. if D. unless
    April 27th is a special day in Britain. It's called "Take Our Daughters t Wrk Day". It was 21 t Britain in 1994 frm America. On that day thusands f girls take a day 22 schl and g with ne f their parents t their wrk places. By ding this, it can 23 girls mre abut the sciety where they live.
    Nw the girls can have a clse lk at 24 their parents are ding. This may help them t be calmer when they have t chse a 25 . Mary experienced a day f wrk at her mther's ffice. This helped her 26 her mther's wrk better. She said that this made her feel mre cnfident abut her future.
    Schls and many cmpanies 27 the activity, t. Sme schls 28 make the day a necessary part f schl life. Experts think that girls with mre self-cnfidence are mre likely t be 29 than cmmn girls. 30 parents can set gd examples bth at wrk and at hme fr them, they will d better than thers. Take Our Daughters t Wrk Day is surely a step in the right directin.
    ( )21. A. sent B.given C. brught
    ( )22. A. away B. at C. ff
    ( )23. A. talk B. keep C. teach
    ( )24. A. which B. what C. that
    ( )25. A. place B. schl C. jb
    ( )26. A. thank B. understand C. praise
    ( )27. A. hld B. refuse C. chse
    ( )28. A. just B. never C. even
    ( )29. A. successful B. plite C. friendly
    ( )30. A. Because B. If C. While
    Hw "Kangar" Became an Animal's Name
    Early in the 18th century, Captain Ck, a famus explrer (探险家) f Australia, unexpectedly caught sight f an unusual animal during his first visit t Australia. The animal had a large muth-like head and jumped alng n its large legs. T his great surprise, the unusual animal carried its yung in a special pcket f flesh.
    Captain Ck pinted t the animal which was eating grass in the distance and asked his native guide what the animal was referred t. The guide seemed nt t knw what he was pinting at and finally said Kangar, which Ck carefully wrte dwn as the animal's name in his wrd bk. The Eurpeans wh later gt t Australia were anxius t see the unusual animal "Kangar", but their requests were met with puzzled lks f the native peple. Befre lng they gt t discver that the native guide wh made the answer t Ck's questin really meant, "I dn't knw what yu are pinting at." Funny enugh, the name "Kangar" stuck and it is still in use tday.
    31. Which f the fllwing sentences best expresses the main idea?
    A. Captain Ck's guide had a sense f humr.
    B. Native Australians culd speak English in Ck's time.
    C. Sme wrds have rather funny rigins (起源, 由来).
    D. Captain Ck was a lver f wild animals.
    32. The main use fr the animal's flesh pcket is t _____.
    A. keep fd
    B. carry its babies
    C. jump a lng distance
    D. stre fd and water
    33. When the native guide said "Kangar", he really meant _____.
    A. "Ah, it is a special kind f animal."
    B. "I wnder what yu have said."
    C. "I have n idea f what yu are pinting at."
    D. "What d yu mean by pinting at that animal?"
    34. The writer indirectly expresses that early in the 18th century _____.
    A. the native Australians and the Eurpean explrers were nt friendly t each ther
    B. a cmmn language was needed by the Eurpeans t cmmunicate with the native in Australia
    C. a great many Eurpeans shwed great interest in Australia
    D. a war against the Eurpean invaders (侵略者) was t break ut
    35. This passage hints (暗示) _____.
    A. we shuld learn many different languages
    B. Captain Ck made a mistake in understanding
    C. Captain Ck was a flish explrer
    D. the imprtance f a language in cmmn
    vyage 2.develpment 3.freign 4. Pineer 5. Wealth 6.teacher 7.t g 8.infrmatin 9.experience 10.knwn
    11-15 DDBDA 16-20 CAADB
    1-5 ADCCC 6-10 DDABB
    21-25 CCCBC 26-30 CBACA 31-35 CBCCD

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