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    新教材北师大版选择性必修第二册 UNIT 4 Period 2 PPT课件+练习01
    新教材北师大版选择性必修第二册 UNIT 4 Period 2 PPT课件+练习02
    新教材北师大版选择性必修第二册 UNIT 4 Period 2 PPT课件+练习03
    新教材北师大版选择性必修第二册 UNIT 4 Period 2 PPT课件+练习04
    新教材北师大版选择性必修第二册 UNIT 4 Period 2 PPT课件+练习05
    新教材北师大版选择性必修第二册 UNIT 4 Period 2 PPT课件+练习06
    新教材北师大版选择性必修第二册 UNIT 4 Period 2 PPT课件+练习07
    新教材北师大版选择性必修第二册 UNIT 4 Period 2 PPT课件+练习08
    新教材北师大版选择性必修第二册 UNIT 4 Period 2 PPT课件+练习01
    新教材北师大版选择性必修第二册 UNIT 4 Period 2 PPT课件+练习02
    新教材北师大版选择性必修第二册 UNIT 4 Period 2 PPT课件+练习03
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    北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Lesson 1 What’s So Funny?课文内容课件ppt

    这是一份北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Lesson 1 What’s So Funny?课文内容课件ppt,文件包含UNIT4Period2pptx、UNIT4Period2DOC等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共60页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.saucer n.___________________2.drway n.___________________3.antique n.___________________adj.___________________4.casually adv.___________________5.inncently adv.___________________6.appetite n.___________________
    杯托 门口,出入口 古董 古时制造的 漫不经心地;非正式地 装作若无其事地;无辜地 胃口,食欲 
    7.faithful adj.___________________8.deduce vt.___________________9.astrnmy n.___________________10.galaxy n.___________________11.ptentially adv.___________________12.scientific adj.___________________13.measurement n.___________________14.atmsphere n.___________________________
    忠诚的 推论,推断 天文学 星系 可能地,潜在地 科学(上)的 测量,计量,衡量 大气(层);氛围,气氛,环境 
    15.frecast vt.___________________16.middle-aged adj.___________________17.surgery n.___________________18.bleed vi.___________________19.sneeze vi. &n.___________________20.scream vi.___________________n.___________________21.cnsultatin n.___________________
    预测,预报 中年的 诊所;外科手术 流血,出血 打喷嚏 尖声大叫 尖叫声 就诊;咨询 
    22.crisis n.___________________23.examine vt.___________________24.annunce vt.___________________25.afterwards adv.___________________26.circus n.___________________27.clwn n.___________________28.deserve vt.___________________
    危难时刻;危机 检查 宣布,宣告 随后,后来 马戏团 小丑 应得,应受到 
    ntice sb. ding sth. ffer t d sth. fr sale pay…fr… hand ver 
    6.到目前为止___________________7.等待___________________8.根据;按照___________________9.feel dwn___________________10.leave fr___________________11.feel depressed___________________
    s far wait fr accrding t 感到沮丧;情绪低落 动身去 感到沮丧 
    12.call in___________________13.turn t___________________14.high bld pressure___________________15.g n a trip___________________16.keep an eye n_____________________
    召集;招来 转向;求助于 高血压 旅行 照看;留意;密切注视 
    1.(P8)A famus art cllectr _________________________ (正在穿过城市突然) he nticed a dirty cat lapping milk frm a saucer in the drway f a stre. (be ding…when…)2.(P8)S far this week _______________________ (我已经卖了68只猫).(现在完成时)
    3.(P9)S, after he __________________________ (一直感觉沮丧) fr ver a mnth,he decided t g t the dctr. (过去完成进行时)【答案】1.was walking thrugh the city when2.I’ve sld 68 cats 3.had been feeling depressed
    一、阅读理解(  )1.Why did the famus art cllectr buy the cat?A.He liked the cat very much.B.He needed a hungry cat t catch mice.C.He wanted t get that ld saucer fr free.D.He thught that ld saucer was valuable and wanted t buy it at a lw price.
    (  )2.Stry B mainly tells us __________ .A.a jke made by Sherlck Hmes and Dctr WatsnB.a dialgue between Sherlck Hmes and Dctr WatsnC.a misunderstanding between Sherlck Hmes and Dctr WatsnD.a stry tld by tw famus detectives
    (  )3.When did the Stry B prbably happen?A.In the mrning.B.At nn.C.In the afternn.D.At night.
    (  )4.What happened t Sherlck Hmes and Dctr Watsn?A.Their tent was stlen by smene.B.They quarreled with each ther abut their tent.C.Their tent was blwn away by the strng wind.D.They quarreled with each ther abut different pinins f life.
    (  )5.Why did the middle-aged man in Stry C feel sad at last?A.His wife left him fr anther man.B.He had t see a dctr.C.He had high bld pressure.D.He was the clwn the dctr mentined and nbdy made him laugh.【答案】1-5 DBDAD
    二、判断正误(  )1.Many peple bught a cat because f that ld saucer.(  )2.The famus art cllectr bught the cat with 20 dllars finally.(  )3.Hlmes wke up at night and wanted t knw smething abut the sky.
    (  )4.The dctr in Stry C didn’t knw the amazing clwn Grck.(  )5.The middle-aged man felt gd after having an examinatin.(  )6.All the three stries are funny stries,whse purpse is t make peple laugh.【答案】1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.T
    三、匹配段落大意【答案】Stry A:C; Stry B:A; Stry C:B
    1.hand ver 移交(P8) The wner said “sld” and handed ver the cat.【翻译】主人说“卖了”,然后把猫交给了收藏家。
    Culd yu hand these bks ut,please?请把这些书分发出去好吗?The present leaders have t decide whether t hand ver t a yunger generatin.现任领导者们必须决定是否把工作移交给较年轻的一代负责。
    If yu rder yur lunch at the schl ding hall,please hand in yur rder befre 9:30.如果您在学校食堂点餐,请在9:30之前提交订餐。
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)It is certain that he will ____________ when he gets ld.当他年老时,他肯定会把生意移交给他的儿子。(2)This ring has been __________________ .这枚戒指是我家传下来的。【答案】(1)hand ver his business t his sn(2)handed dwn in my family
    2.faithful adj. 忠诚的(P8) Sme hurs later,Hlmes wke up and asked his faithful friend,“Watsn,lk up at the sky and tell me what yu see. ”【翻译】几个小时后,福尔摩斯醒来,问他忠实的朋友:“华生,抬头看看天空,告诉我你看到了什么。”
    【语言提升】be faithful t 忠实于;忠诚于The translatin shuld be faithful t the riginal bth in meaning and frm.译文在意义与形式上应忠实于原文。faith n.信任;信心;信念Art is influenced by the custms and faith f a peple.艺术是受一个民族的生活习俗和信仰影响的。
    have faith in 相信;信任Peple have t have faith in each ther’s ability t carry ut the task n time.人们必须相信彼此有能力按时完成任务。
    lse faith in 失去信心/丧失信心He wh lses faith lses all.失去信心的人,将会失去一切。faithfully adv. 忠实地;诚心诚意地His wife stuck faithfully t him thrugh thick and thin.他的妻子和他同甘共苦,对他坚贞不渝。
    【语境助记】She has faith in herself,is faithful t her friends and wrks faithfully.她相信自己,对朋友忠诚,并忠于职守。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)She had been __________ (faith) t her prmise t guard this secret.(2)After that,she began __________ (lse) faith in herself.
    (3)We are nt t rely n feelings,but t have faith _________ the facts.(4)Every year,we __________ (faith) g there t see him.【答案】(1)faithful (2)t lse (3)in (4)faithfully
    3.measurement n.测量,计量,衡量(P8)Accrding t the scientific measurement f time,I deduce that the time is prbably a quarter past three.【翻译】根据对时间的科学测量,我推断时间大概是三点一刻。
    【语言提升】It is s wet there that the trees are extremely tall,sme measuring ver 90 metres.那儿的湿度很大,所以树都长得特别高,一些高达90多米。
    measure…by…用……衡量……The length is measured by a prfessinal engineer.一个专业的工程师估计这个长度。be measured in/by…用(以)……来衡量The quality f an experience can nt be measured by its duratin r its end.体验的质量不能用它的持续时间或结束来衡量。
    make…t ne’s measure依照某人的尺寸做……But wait till yu see what we’ll make fr yu t yur wn measure.不过等着瞧吧,我们会按你自己的尺寸给你做什么。
    take measures/steps/actin t d sth. 采取措施做某事The number f them is less than 1,000,s I hpe yu can take sme effective measures t prtect them.它们的数量不到1000,所以我希望你能采取一些有效的措施来保护它们。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Educatin shuldn’t __________ (measure) nly by examinatin results.(2)The tailr made a new suit ________ my measure.
    完成句子(3)The gvernment has prmised ______________________ the unemplyed.=The gvernment has prmised ________________________ the unemplyed.政府已经答应采取措施来帮助失业者。【答案】(1)be measured (2)t(3)t take measures t help; t take steps/actin t help
    4.bleed vi. 流血,出血(P9)The bleeding man next t him was lking at his watch nervusly; a wman was cughing and sneezing badly; and a baby was screaming.【翻译】他旁边流血的男人紧张地看了看表;一个女人咳得很厉害,还不停地打喷嚏;一个婴儿在尖叫。
    【语言提升】Yur arm is bleeding. Yu’d better put a bandage n it.你的手臂在流血。你最好用绷带包扎一下。Dctrs used t bleed peple when they were ill.医生过去常常为生病的人放血。
    bleed fr…为……流血They bled fr their cuntry.他们为国流血/牺牲。bleed t death 流血不止而死去He is hurt badly. We must stp his bleeding,r he will bleed t death.他伤得很重。我们必须给他止血,否则他会失血过多而死。
    bld n.血,血液;血统,血缘;血气,性情bld bank 血库bld relatin 血亲bld type 血型bld test 验血bldy adj. 出血的;血染的;伤亡惨重的
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)If yu cut yur finger,it ______________ (bleed).(2)She was fund lying in a pl f ________ (bleed).(3)Send him t hspital at nce,r he will bleed ________ death.(4)The sldiers bled ________ the cause.【答案】(1)will bleed (2)bld (3)t (4)fr
    5.call in 召集,招来,找来(P9) Finally,after he had been waiting fr abut half an hur,he was called in fr his cnsultatin.【翻译】终于,在他等了大约半个小时后,他才被叫去接受咨询。
    I’ll call yu up when I need yur help.当我需要你的帮助时,我会打电话给你。Yur mther is very ill. Call in a dctr at nce.你母亲病得很重。马上请医生来。I’ll take a walk and then call n sme friends.我先去散散步,然后去拜访几个朋友。
    Smetimes situatins call fr us t act bravely.有时候要求我们表现得勇敢。We will call ff the meeting because f the bad weather.由于天气不好,我们将取消会议。
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)She wants yu t _________ as sn as yu are hme.她要你一到家就给她回个电话。(2)The Ministry f Educatin __________________ fr an hur every day.教育部号召学生每天锻炼一小时。
    (3)This picture ___________________ f ur class trip.这张照片唤起了我们班级旅行的回忆。(4)We ______________ and accused the bys f stealing.我们找来了警察,指控那些男孩偷窃。【答案】(1)call her back  (2)calls n students t exercise(3)called up memries (4)called in the plice
    6.turn t 向……求助;转向;翻到(P9)She then turned t the man.【翻译】然后她转向那个男人。
    I want everybdy t turn a reprt in.我希望每个人都上交一份报告。Franklin did nt turn up until well after midnight.富兰克林直到午夜过后很久才出现。Suppsing I turn dwn yur ffer,wuld yu feel disappinted?假如我拒绝你的提议,你会感到失望吗?
    【针对练习】写出下列句子中turn t的含义(1)Where’s yur bk? Take it ut and turn t Page 4. ______________(2)Abut this issue,the citizens turned t the gvernment fr help. ___________________(3)G dwn the street and then turn t the left in the end. ___________________
    单句语法填空(4)T my surprise,he turned _____ my invitatin t the party.(5)The rad cnditins there turned ________ t be very gd,which was mre than we culd expect.(6)Culd yu please turn ________ the heat? I feel freezing cld.【答案】(1)翻到 (2)向……求助 (3)转向(4)dwn (5)ut (6)up
    7.annunce vt. 宣布,宣告(P9)“Well,everything is wrking OK,” she annunced afterwards.【翻译】“嗯,一切都很顺利,”她后来宣布。
    【语言提升】It is annunced that… 据称;据宣布……It was annunced that new speed restrictins wuld be intrduced.据宣布,将有新的限速规定出台。annunce t sb. sth. /that…向某人宣布……She was planning t annunce t Peter her engage-ment.她正计划宣布她和彼得订婚一事。
    make an annuncement 下通知;宣布Obama is expected t make an fficial annuncement tday at Camp Lejeune.今天奥巴马将会在勒琼兵营正式宣布官方消息。
    【特别提醒】annunce后不跟双宾语,即不能说annunce sb. sth. ,可以说annunce t sb. sth. 。类似不接双宾语的动词还有:explain,say,reprt,describe,suggest,mentin,express等。
    I declared my plan at the meeting.我在会议上宣布了我的计划。It was annunced that they passed the exam.据宣告他们通过了考试。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1) _______ was annunced that nly when the terrible disease was under cntrl wuld the residents decide t return t their hmes.(2)The prime minister is making an imprtant __________ (annunce) at the mment.(3)The news was annunced ________ (be) true.(4)Sn Germany declared war ________ France.
    完成句子(5) _____________________ the sprts meeting wuld be put ff till the next Mnday.据宣布,运动会将被推迟到下周一。(6)Everybdy stpped talking and became quiet,fr the ftsteps _______________________ .每个人都停止说话,一下安静了下来,因为脚步声预示着老板的归来。
    【答案】(1)It (2)annuncement (3)t be (4)n(5)It was annunced that(6)annunced the return f the bss
    8.deserve vt. 应得,应受到(P11)I really dn’t think I deserve a zer.【翻译】我真的认为我不应该得零分。
    【语言提升】deserve ding/t be dne值得被……It is thse wh are willing t give rather than receive that deserve respecting/t be respected.只有那些愿意付出而不愿意接受的人才值得尊重。
    deserve t d sth. (某人)应该做某事He des nt deserve t win any respect frm anybdy just because he des nt knw hw t respect thers.他不值得赢得任何人的尊重,仅仅因为他不知道如何尊重别人。
    deserve cnsideratin/attentin 值得考虑/注意With many wild animals gradually dying ut,the present situatin deserves attentin.随着许多野生动物逐渐灭绝,目前的情况值得关注。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)I d hpe that the drunken driver gets ________ he deserves!(2)It’s true that she made a mistake but she hardly deserves ________ (lse) her jb.
    完成句子(3)If yu d wrng,yu ______________________ .如果做错事,你就应当受罚。【答案】(1)what (2)t lse(3)deserve t be punished
    1.(P8)A famus art cllectr was walking thrugh the city when he nticed a dirty cat lapping milk frm a saucer in the drway f a stre.【翻译】一个著名的艺术品收藏家在穿过城市时看见一只脏猫在一家商店门口舔饮浅碟中的牛奶。
    【句式剖析】be ding…when…意为“正在做……这时/突然……”。when为并列连词,表示“这时;突然”,相当于and at this/that time。
    【句式提升】be ding…when… 正在……这时/突然……My father was watching TV when I came back hme last night.当昨天晚上我回家的时候,父亲正在看电视。Jhn was studying in his rm when he heard screaming.约翰正在房间里学习,突然听到一声尖叫。
    be abut t d…when… 正打算做……这时/突然……I am abut t d my hmewrk when my father cmes in.我正要做作业时,爸爸进来了。be just ging t d…when… 正要……这时/突然……I was just ging t g ut when smene kncked at the dr.我刚想出门,这时有人敲门。
    be n the pint f ding…when… 正要……这时/突然……The thief was n the pint f putting his hand int the lady’s handbag when the bus suddenly stpped.小偷正要把手伸进那位女士的手提袋中,这时公共汽车突然停了。
    had just dne sth. when… 刚做完某事就……She had just finished her hmewrk when her mther asked her t practice playing the pian yesterday.昨天她刚完成作业,她妈妈就让她练习钢琴。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)He had just fallen asleep __________ the telephne rang.(2)We were abut t g fr a picnic __________ it began t rain.(3)The last time I went t Sctland was in May,__________ the weather was beautiful.
    完成句子(4)Jack __________ in the lab when the pwer cut ccurred.停电时,杰克正在实验室工作。(5)They were _____________________ when the captain encuraged them fiercely t save the ship=They were _______________________ when the captain encuraged them fiercely t save the ship.就在他们快要放弃努力时,船长极力地鼓励他们挽救船。
    【答案】(1)when (2)when (3)when(4)was wrking (5)abut t give up;n the pint f giving up
    2.(P9)“Well,I’ ve_been_having a bit f a crisis,yu knw,lts f prblems,” replied the man.【翻译】“嗯,我最近遇到了点麻烦,你知道,有很多问题。”男人回答说。【句式剖析】本句中have been ding为现在完成进行时,指发生在过去,一直持续在现在,现在还在进行。
    【句式提升】现在完成进行时是现在完成时的强调形式,表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,可能还要继续下去,通常与表示一段时间的状语连用,如:fr hurs,since this mrning等,其构成是“have/has+been+现在分词”。
    We have been wrking n this prject fr ver a mnth nw.到目前为止,我们一直在处理那个项目,已经花了一个多月的时间了。I have been wrking in an advertisement cmpany in the last tw years.在过去两年里,我一直在一家广告公司工作。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Marty ______________ (wrk) really hard n his bk and thinks he’ll have finished it by Friday.【答案】(1)has been wrking
    完成句子(2)Her father ________ in 1990 and her husband ___________ fr mre than five years.她的父亲在1990年去世了,她的丈夫也死了5年多了。(3)The dllar _____________________ steadily all the week.整个星期美元一直在稳步攀升。【答案】(2)died; has been dead(3)has been climbing
    一、 根据课文完成表格,每空不多于三个单词
    【答案】1.cllectr 2.in the drway 3.saucer4.give away 5.68 cats 6.a camping trip7.his faithful friend 8.rdinary 9.funny 10.man11.dwn 12.laughter 13.perfrmances 14.wh 15.but
    二、课文语法填空A famus art cllectr was walking thrugh the city 1.____________ he saw a dirty cat lapping milk frm a saucer,he realized the saucer was 2.____________ antique and very valuable. 3.____________ (get) the saucer,he bught the cat with 200 dllars. But the wner didn’t give away the ld saucer.
    Sherlck Hlmes and Dctr Watsn 4.___________ (g) n a camping trip. After a gd dinner and a bttle f wine,they went t sleep. Sme hurs later,Sherlck Hlmes fund their tent 5.____________ (steal).Instead f telling his faithful friend 6.____________ (direct),he tld him 7.________ a funny way.
    A middle-aged man wh was feeling dwn decided t g t the dctr. After 8.____________ (examine) the man,the dctr thught he was OK,and said, “I think what yu need is a gd 9.__________ (laughter).”The dctr suggested that the middle-aged man shuld watch sme 10.____________ (perfrmance) f a circus. But he culdn’t make it because he was the ne wh the dctr referred t.
    【答案】1.when 2.an 3.T get 4.went 5.was stlen 6.directly 7.in 8.examining 9.laugh 10.perfrmances
    三、读后续写根据Stry A和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整的短文。注意:1.续写的词数应为150左右:2.请按如下格式在相应的位置作答。
    After the art cllectr was refused,he left the stre,feeling disappinted. _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    One pssible versin:After the art cllectr was refused,he left the stre,feeling disappinted. When he came int his hme,he began t feed the cat. Althugh he didn’t need a cat,he treated the cat well. Three mnths later,the cat became strnger and fatter. One day,the art cllectr carrying the cat walked past the stre. The wner f the stre was surprised what he saw. Obviusly,the art cllectr treated the cat better than him. He was mved by the art cllectr.
    S he walked twards the art cllectr,saying hell t him._________________________________________________
    One pssible versin:S he walked twards the art cllectr,saying hell t him. Frm then n,they became clse friends. The mre he gt alng with his new friend,the mre he admired his friend fr his quality. He felt the art cllectr was a great man by understanding what he was ding all the time.
    His new friend earned much mney by selling sme antiques and dnated the mney t the pr. The wner was tuched by his kindness. At last he gave his new friend the ld saucer willingly.
    【例句观察】1.Tm lks tired because he has been cleaning the huse since 9 a.m.2.Yu have been saying yu can succeed fr five years.
    3.—Can I call yu back at tw ’clck this afternn?—I’m srry,but by then I will be flying t Beijing. Hw abut five?4.When Alice came t life, she did nt knw hw lng she had been lying there.5.Jane can’t attend the imprtant meeting at 3 ’clck this afternn because she will be teaching a class at that time.
    Keys:1.现在完成进行时;has/have been ding2.将来进行时;will be ding3.过去完成进行时;had been ding
    一、将来进行时的构成肯定形式:will/shall be+ding(will用于各种人称;shall多用于第一人称)否定形式:will/shall nt be+ding
    二、将来进行时的用法1.表示将来某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作,常与at this time tmrrw,at 4 ’clck tmrrw afternn,this time next week等时间状语连用。I will be having my lessns in ur classrm at 9 tmrrw mrning.明天上午9点我将在教室里上课。
    2.表示预料中要发生的动作。If yu plant watermeln seeds in the spring,yu will be eating fresh watermeln in the summer.如果你春天种下西瓜籽,夏天就会吃到新鲜的西瓜。
    Mary’s family will be enjying their hliday in Huangshan Muntain this time next week.玛丽一家下周的这个时候将在黄山度假。The gld medal will be awarded t whever wins the first place in the bicycle race.金牌将会被颁发给在自行车比赛中获得第一名的选手。
    一、现在完成进行时的用法1.表示开始于过去某个时间、一直持续到现在而且会继续进行下去的动作。He has been lying in bed fr tw weeks.他已经在床上两周了。
    2.表示到目前为止的一段时间里一直反复进行的动作。I have been calling him several times this mrning,but there is n answer.我今天上午给他打了好几次电话,但没人接。
    二、现在完成时的用法1.表示过去的动作对现在的影响或结果,常用recently,lately,ever,never,nce,befre,yet,just等作时间状语。He hasn’t heard any news frm his sn lately.他最近没有收到他儿子的信息。
    2.表示开始于过去某一时刻,一直持续到现在而且还有可能继续下去的动作,常用s far,up till nw,since,fr a lng time,in the past/last few years,these days等作时间状语。He has learned 5 000 English wrds since he went t cllege.自从上大学,他已经学了5 000个英语单词。
    3.“This/It is+the+序数词+time+that…”句式中,that后的从句用现在完成时。This is the secnd time that I have visited the university.这是第二次我参观这所大学。
    I have been writing a letter.我一直在写一封信。(还在写)I have written a letter.我已经写了一封信。(已写完)I have watered the flwers.我已经给花浇过水了。(已完成:不必浇了)I have been watering the flwers.我一直在给花浇水。(未完成:一直在浇)
    They had been wrking n the prgram fr almst ne week befre I jined them,and nw we are still wrking n it as n gd results have cme ut s far.在我加入他们之前,他们已经为这个项目工作了将近一个星期,现在我们还在继续工作,因为到目前为止还没有什么好的结果。
    二、过去完成进行时结构主语+had+been+ding (have/has随人称的变化而变化,而had没有人称变化)It was midnight and he was tired because he had been wrking since dawn.已经是午夜了,他很累,因为他从天亮就一直在工作。
    I had been lking fr it fr days befre I fund it.这东西我找了好多天才找着的。They had nly been waiting fr the bus fr a few mments when it came.他们只等了一会儿车就来了。
    2.表示反复的动作。He had been mentining yur name t me.他过去多次向我提到过你的名字。Yu had been giving me everything.你对我真是有求必应。
    3.过去完成进行时还可用在said,suppsed等引起的间接引语中,代替现在完成进行时。He said,“I have been speaking t Jhn. ”(直接引语)=He said that he had been speaking t Jhn. (间接引语)He thught,“She was watching me when I passed. ”(直接引语)=He thught that she had been watching him when he had passed. (间接引语)
    4.过去完成进行时之后也可接具有“突然”之意的when分句。I had nly been reading a few minutes when he came in.我刚看了几分钟他就进来了。She’d nly been reviewing her lessns fr a shrt while when her little sister interrupted her.她温习功课才一会儿,她妹妹就打断她了。
    一、单句语法填空1.Tm ______________ (wrk) in the library every night ver the last three mnths.2.In rder t find the missing child,villagers __________ (d) all they can ver the past five hurs.3.What d yu think the bys ______________ (d) when we get hme?
    4.Dn’t phne Tm at tw ’clck this afternn when he ______________ (attend) a meeting.5.I ______________ (sleep) when my friend telephned me.6.The by was delighted with his new strybk which he ______________ (want) fr a lng time.7.After yu take the medicine,yu ______________ (feel) much better.
    8.His brther was gd at playing table tennis. He ______________ (play) it since he was ten.9.The girl has a great interest in sprt and ___________ (take) badmintn classes twice a week ver the last three years.10.During the last three decades,the number f peple participating in physical fitness prgrams __________ (increase ) sharply.
    【答案】1.has been wrking 2.have been ding 3.will be ding 4.will be attending 5.had been sleeping6.had been wanting 7.will feel 8.had been playing9.has been taking 10.has increased
    二、完成句子1.At this time next mnth we ___________ in Eurpe.下个月这个时候我们将正在欧洲度假。2.Prfessr Wang _________________ n this subject at the same time next week.王教授下周相同时间将就这个问题再做一次报告。3.When she gets hme,her sn __________________ .当她到家时,她儿子可能正在做作业。
    4.I believe China ________________ ne f the richest cuntries in the wrld.我相信中国将成为世界上最富裕的国家之一。5.Since the recent river pllutin in Shanxi Prvince,peple __________________ t the water quality.自从山西省近年来的河流污染问题出现以来,人们对水质越来越关注。
    6.Since the time humankind started gardening,we __________________ mre beautiful.自从人类开始做园艺工作,我们一直在努力使我们的环境更美丽。7.There __________________ fr nearly tw mnths.这里已经近两个月没下雨了。
    8.The telephne _____________ befre it was answered.电话铃响了三分钟才有人接。9.The man _________________ fr a lng time and gt his face burnt.那个人在太阳下站了很长时间,脸都晒伤了。10.I _______________ befre the harsh reality beat me.在残酷的现实打击我之前,我一直在想象着美好的未来。
    【答案】1.will be enjying ur hlidays 2.will be giving anther talk 3.will be ding his hmewrk 4.will becme 5.have been paying mre and mre attentin 6.have been trying t make ur envirnment 7.has been n rain here 8.had been ringing fr three minutes 9.had been standing in the sun 10.had been imagining the bright future
    一、单词拼写1.With this extra evidence Jhn Snw was able t _______ (宣布) with certainty that plluted water carried the virus.2.The belief that the wrld is flat is nt _______ (科学的).3.These patients __________ (值得)a chance at a nrmal,happy future and they rely n the kindness f strangers t make that happen.
    4.We’ll have supper in a Chinese restaurant and return t the htel __________ (后来).5.The tp leaders f the tw cuntries are hlding talks in a friendly __________ (氛围).6.I caught Chrissie’s eye,but she nly smiled back at me __________ (无辜地) .
    7.He __________ (检查) the bys in grammar when he gave them the class.8.All that walking has given me an __________ (胃口,食欲) fr dinner.9.I think he is a __________ (忠诚的) and hnest friend.10.Mathematics and __________ (天文学) are tw related sciences.
    【答案】1.annunce 2.scientific 3.deserve4.afterwards 5.atmsphere 6.inncently7.examined 8.appetite 9.faithful 10.astrnmy
    二、单句语法填空1.We tk lts f __________ (measurement) when we did the research.2.I’m a __________ (scientific) wh studies animals such as apes and mnkeys.3.He had an appetite __________ reading when he was small.
    4.Jhn was dismissed last week because f his _______ (casually) attitude twards his jb.5.Lying in a pl f __________ (bleed),Kruger felt himself ging int shck.6.In the past 30 years,the ecnmy f China has develped significantly,which is f great ___________ (significant) t the wrld ecnmy.
    7.—I’d like t call yu at ten ’clck next Friday mrning if it is cnvenient.—I’m afraid I __________ (attend) an imprtant lecture.8.I __________ (read) the absrbing bk when a ball hit my head.9.I had been wrking fr sme time __________ he called.10.Air pllutin __________ (take) the lives f many peple.
    【答案】1.measurements 2.scientist 3.fr 4.casual 5.bld 6.significance 7.will be attending 8.had been reading 9.when 10.has taken
    三、完成句子1.Nt until then did peple knw that he ___________ __________ military infrmatin t the enemy fr a lng time.直到那时,人们才知道他长期以来一直在向敌人出售重要的军事情报。
    2.I hpe _________________ ne day,s never give up when meeting with difficulties.我希望你有一天会找到一份好工作,所以遇到困难时不要放弃。
    3.What cmes first is t keep an pen mind,because everyne’s ideas _______________ .首先要保持开放的心态,因为每个人的想法都值得考虑。
    4.I was ______________ the phne rang.我正要上床睡觉,这时电话响了。5.It is the third time ___________ t pay attentin t my handwriting.这是他第三次叫我注意我的书写了。【答案】1.had been selling imprtant 2.yu will find a gd jb 3.deserve cnsideratin/cnsidering 4.abut t g t bed when 5.he has tld me

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